blob: b1e697edc22eae7b21bfbc306d5e550c54bceebe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_capture/video_capture_impl.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "webrtc/base/refcount.h"
#include "webrtc/base/trace_event.h"
#include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_capture/video_capture_config.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace videocapturemodule {
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureModule> VideoCaptureImpl::Create(
const int32_t id,
VideoCaptureExternal*& externalCapture) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureImpl> implementation(
new rtc::RefCountedObject<VideoCaptureImpl>(id));
externalCapture = implementation.get();
return implementation;
const char* VideoCaptureImpl::CurrentDeviceName() const
return _deviceUniqueId;
// static
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::RotationFromDegrees(int degrees,
VideoRotation* rotation) {
switch (degrees) {
case 0:
*rotation = kVideoRotation_0;
return 0;
case 90:
*rotation = kVideoRotation_90;
return 0;
case 180:
*rotation = kVideoRotation_180;
return 0;
case 270:
*rotation = kVideoRotation_270;
return 0;
return -1;;
// static
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::RotationInDegrees(VideoRotation rotation,
int* degrees) {
switch (rotation) {
case kVideoRotation_0:
*degrees = 0;
return 0;
case kVideoRotation_90:
*degrees = 90;
return 0;
case kVideoRotation_180:
*degrees = 180;
return 0;
case kVideoRotation_270:
*degrees = 270;
return 0;
return -1;
// returns the number of milliseconds until the module want a worker thread to call Process
int64_t VideoCaptureImpl::TimeUntilNextProcess()
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_callBackCs);
const int64_t kProcessIntervalMs = 300;
return kProcessIntervalMs -
(TickTime::Now() - _lastProcessTime).Milliseconds();
// Process any pending tasks such as timeouts
void VideoCaptureImpl::Process()
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_callBackCs);
const TickTime now = TickTime::Now();
_lastProcessTime = TickTime::Now();
// Handle No picture alarm
if (_lastProcessFrameCount.Ticks() == _incomingFrameTimes[0].Ticks() &&
_captureAlarm != Raised)
if (_noPictureAlarmCallBack && _captureCallBack)
_captureAlarm = Raised;
_captureCallBack->OnNoPictureAlarm(_id, _captureAlarm);
else if (_lastProcessFrameCount.Ticks() != _incomingFrameTimes[0].Ticks() &&
_captureAlarm != Cleared)
if (_noPictureAlarmCallBack && _captureCallBack)
_captureAlarm = Cleared;
_captureCallBack->OnNoPictureAlarm(_id, _captureAlarm);
// Handle frame rate callback
if ((now - _lastFrameRateCallbackTime).Milliseconds()
> kFrameRateCallbackInterval)
if (_frameRateCallBack && _captureCallBack)
const uint32_t frameRate = CalculateFrameRate(now);
_captureCallBack->OnCaptureFrameRate(_id, frameRate);
_lastFrameRateCallbackTime = now; // Can be set by EnableFrameRateCallback
_lastProcessFrameCount = _incomingFrameTimes[0];
VideoCaptureImpl::VideoCaptureImpl(const int32_t id)
: _id(id),
apply_rotation_(false) {
_requestedCapability.width = kDefaultWidth;
_requestedCapability.height = kDefaultHeight;
_requestedCapability.maxFPS = 30;
_requestedCapability.rawType = kVideoI420;
_requestedCapability.codecType = kVideoCodecUnknown;
memset(_incomingFrameTimes, 0, sizeof(_incomingFrameTimes));
delete &_callBackCs;
delete &_apiCs;
if (_deviceUniqueId)
delete[] _deviceUniqueId;
void VideoCaptureImpl::RegisterCaptureDataCallback(
VideoCaptureDataCallback& dataCallBack) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_dataCallBack = &dataCallBack;
void VideoCaptureImpl::DeRegisterCaptureDataCallback() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_dataCallBack = NULL;
void VideoCaptureImpl::RegisterCaptureCallback(VideoCaptureFeedBack& callBack) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_captureCallBack = &callBack;
void VideoCaptureImpl::DeRegisterCaptureCallback() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_captureCallBack = NULL;
void VideoCaptureImpl::SetCaptureDelay(int32_t delayMS) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
_captureDelay = delayMS;
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::CaptureDelay()
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
return _setCaptureDelay;
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::DeliverCapturedFrame(VideoFrame& captureFrame) {
UpdateFrameCount(); // frame count used for local frame rate callback.
const bool callOnCaptureDelayChanged = _setCaptureDelay != _captureDelay;
// Capture delay changed
if (_setCaptureDelay != _captureDelay) {
_setCaptureDelay = _captureDelay;
if (_dataCallBack) {
if (callOnCaptureDelayChanged) {
_dataCallBack->OnCaptureDelayChanged(_id, _captureDelay);
_dataCallBack->OnIncomingCapturedFrame(_id, captureFrame);
return 0;
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::IncomingFrame(
uint8_t* videoFrame,
size_t videoFrameLength,
const VideoCaptureCapability& frameInfo,
int64_t captureTime/*=0*/)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
const int32_t width = frameInfo.width;
const int32_t height = frameInfo.height;
TRACE_EVENT1("webrtc", "VC::IncomingFrame", "capture_time", captureTime);
if (frameInfo.codecType == kVideoCodecUnknown)
// Not encoded, convert to I420.
const VideoType commonVideoType =
if (frameInfo.rawType != kVideoMJPEG &&
CalcBufferSize(commonVideoType, width,
abs(height)) != videoFrameLength)
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Wrong incoming frame length.";
return -1;
int stride_y = width;
int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
int target_width = width;
int target_height = height;
// SetApplyRotation doesn't take any lock. Make a local copy here.
bool apply_rotation = apply_rotation_;
if (apply_rotation) {
// Rotating resolution when for 90/270 degree rotations.
if (_rotateFrame == kVideoRotation_90 ||
_rotateFrame == kVideoRotation_270) {
target_width = abs(height);
target_height = width;
// TODO(mikhal): Update correct aligned stride values.
//Calc16ByteAlignedStride(target_width, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
// Setting absolute height (in case it was negative).
// In Windows, the image starts bottom left, instead of top left.
// Setting a negative source height, inverts the image (within LibYuv).
stride_uv, stride_uv);
const int conversionResult = ConvertToI420(
commonVideoType, videoFrame, 0, 0, // No cropping
width, height, videoFrameLength,
apply_rotation ? _rotateFrame : kVideoRotation_0, &_captureFrame);
if (conversionResult < 0)
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to convert capture frame from type "
<< frameInfo.rawType << "to I420.";
return -1;
if (!apply_rotation) {
} else {
else // Encoded format
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t VideoCaptureImpl::SetCaptureRotation(VideoRotation rotation) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_rotateFrame = rotation;
return 0;
void VideoCaptureImpl::EnableFrameRateCallback(const bool enable) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_frameRateCallBack = enable;
if (enable)
_lastFrameRateCallbackTime = TickTime::Now();
bool VideoCaptureImpl::SetApplyRotation(bool enable) {
// We can't take any lock here as it'll cause deadlock with IncomingFrame.
// The effect of this is the last caller wins.
apply_rotation_ = enable;
return true;
void VideoCaptureImpl::EnableNoPictureAlarm(const bool enable) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_apiCs);
CriticalSectionScoped cs2(&_callBackCs);
_noPictureAlarmCallBack = enable;
void VideoCaptureImpl::UpdateFrameCount()
if (_incomingFrameTimes[0].MicrosecondTimestamp() == 0)
// first no shift
// shift
for (int i = (kFrameRateCountHistorySize - 2); i >= 0; i--)
_incomingFrameTimes[i + 1] = _incomingFrameTimes[i];
_incomingFrameTimes[0] = TickTime::Now();
uint32_t VideoCaptureImpl::CalculateFrameRate(const TickTime& now)
int32_t num = 0;
int32_t nrOfFrames = 0;
for (num = 1; num < (kFrameRateCountHistorySize - 1); num++)
if (_incomingFrameTimes[num].Ticks() <= 0
|| (now - _incomingFrameTimes[num]).Milliseconds() > kFrameRateHistoryWindowMs) // don't use data older than 2sec
if (num > 1)
int64_t diff = (now - _incomingFrameTimes[num - 1]).Milliseconds();
if (diff > 0)
return uint32_t((nrOfFrames * 1000.0f / diff) + 0.5f);
return nrOfFrames;
} // namespace videocapturemodule
} // namespace webrtc