blob: 07a1cde187ab715835f2527974b7fd8729bcf5f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import android.content.Context;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.webrtc.Logging.Severity;
* Java wrapper for a C++ PeerConnectionFactoryInterface. Main entry point to
* the PeerConnection API for clients.
public class PeerConnectionFactory {
public static final String TRIAL_ENABLED = "Enabled";
@Deprecated public static final String VIDEO_FRAME_EMIT_TRIAL = "VideoFrameEmit";
private static final String TAG = "PeerConnectionFactory";
private static final String VIDEO_CAPTURER_THREAD_NAME = "VideoCapturerThread";
private final long nativeFactory;
private static volatile boolean internalTracerInitialized = false;
@Nullable private static Thread networkThread;
@Nullable private static Thread workerThread;
@Nullable private static Thread signalingThread;
private EglBase localEglbase;
private EglBase remoteEglbase;
public static class InitializationOptions {
final Context applicationContext;
final String fieldTrials;
final boolean enableInternalTracer;
final boolean enableVideoHwAcceleration;
final NativeLibraryLoader nativeLibraryLoader;
final String nativeLibraryName;
@Nullable Loggable loggable;
@Nullable Severity loggableSeverity;
private InitializationOptions(Context applicationContext, String fieldTrials,
boolean enableInternalTracer, boolean enableVideoHwAcceleration,
NativeLibraryLoader nativeLibraryLoader, String nativeLibraryName,
@Nullable Loggable loggable, @Nullable Severity loggableSeverity) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
this.fieldTrials = fieldTrials;
this.enableInternalTracer = enableInternalTracer;
this.enableVideoHwAcceleration = enableVideoHwAcceleration;
this.nativeLibraryLoader = nativeLibraryLoader;
this.nativeLibraryName = nativeLibraryName;
this.loggable = loggable;
this.loggableSeverity = loggableSeverity;
public static Builder builder(Context applicationContext) {
return new Builder(applicationContext);
public static class Builder {
private final Context applicationContext;
private String fieldTrials = "";
private boolean enableInternalTracer = false;
private boolean enableVideoHwAcceleration = true;
private NativeLibraryLoader nativeLibraryLoader = new NativeLibrary.DefaultLoader();
private String nativeLibraryName = "jingle_peerconnection_so";
@Nullable private Loggable loggable = null;
@Nullable private Severity loggableSeverity = null;
Builder(Context applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public Builder setFieldTrials(String fieldTrials) {
this.fieldTrials = fieldTrials;
return this;
public Builder setEnableInternalTracer(boolean enableInternalTracer) {
this.enableInternalTracer = enableInternalTracer;
return this;
public Builder setEnableVideoHwAcceleration(boolean enableVideoHwAcceleration) {
this.enableVideoHwAcceleration = enableVideoHwAcceleration;
return this;
public Builder setNativeLibraryLoader(NativeLibraryLoader nativeLibraryLoader) {
this.nativeLibraryLoader = nativeLibraryLoader;
return this;
public Builder setNativeLibraryName(String nativeLibraryName) {
this.nativeLibraryName = nativeLibraryName;
return this;
public Builder setInjectableLogger(Loggable loggable, Severity severity) {
this.loggable = loggable;
this.loggableSeverity = severity;
return this;
public PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions createInitializationOptions() {
return new PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions(applicationContext, fieldTrials,
enableInternalTracer, enableVideoHwAcceleration, nativeLibraryLoader, nativeLibraryName,
loggable, loggableSeverity);
public static class Options {
// Keep in sync with webrtc/rtc_base/network.h!
// These bit fields are defined for |networkIgnoreMask| below.
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_ETHERNET = 1 << 0;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI = 1 << 1;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR = 1 << 2;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_VPN = 1 << 3;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_LOOPBACK = 1 << 4;
static final int ADAPTER_TYPE_ANY = 1 << 5;
public int networkIgnoreMask;
public boolean disableEncryption;
public boolean disableNetworkMonitor;
public boolean enableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher;
int getNetworkIgnoreMask() {
return networkIgnoreMask;
boolean getDisableEncryption() {
return disableEncryption;
boolean getDisableNetworkMonitor() {
return disableNetworkMonitor;
boolean getEnableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher() {
return enableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher;
public static class Builder {
private @Nullable Options options;
private @Nullable AudioDeviceModule audioDeviceModule = new LegacyAudioDeviceModule();
private @Nullable VideoEncoderFactory encoderFactory;
private @Nullable VideoDecoderFactory decoderFactory;
private @Nullable AudioProcessingFactory audioProcessingFactory;
private @Nullable FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface fecControllerFactoryFactory;
private Builder() {}
public Builder setOptions(Options options) {
this.options = options;
return this;
public Builder setAudioDeviceModule(AudioDeviceModule audioDeviceModule) {
this.audioDeviceModule = audioDeviceModule;
return this;
public Builder setVideoEncoderFactory(VideoEncoderFactory encoderFactory) {
this.encoderFactory = encoderFactory;
return this;
public Builder setVideoDecoderFactory(VideoDecoderFactory decoderFactory) {
this.decoderFactory = decoderFactory;
return this;
public Builder setAudioProcessingFactory(AudioProcessingFactory audioProcessingFactory) {
if (audioProcessingFactory == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"PeerConnectionFactory builder does not accept a null AudioProcessingFactory.");
this.audioProcessingFactory = audioProcessingFactory;
return this;
public Builder setFecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface(
FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface fecControllerFactoryFactory) {
this.fecControllerFactoryFactory = fecControllerFactoryFactory;
return this;
public PeerConnectionFactory createPeerConnectionFactory() {
return new PeerConnectionFactory(options, audioDeviceModule, encoderFactory, decoderFactory,
audioProcessingFactory, fecControllerFactoryFactory);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Loads and initializes WebRTC. This must be called at least once before creating a
* PeerConnectionFactory. Replaces all the old initialization methods. Must not be called while
* a PeerConnectionFactory is alive.
public static void initialize(InitializationOptions options) {
NativeLibrary.initialize(options.nativeLibraryLoader, options.nativeLibraryName);
if (options.enableInternalTracer && !internalTracerInitialized) {
if (options.loggable != null) {
Logging.injectLoggable(options.loggable, options.loggableSeverity);
nativeInjectLoggable(new JNILogging(options.loggable), options.loggableSeverity.ordinal());
} else {
"PeerConnectionFactory was initialized without an injected Loggable. "
+ "Any existing Loggable will be deleted.");
private void checkInitializeHasBeenCalled() {
if (!NativeLibrary.isLoaded() || ContextUtils.getApplicationContext() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"PeerConnectionFactory.initialize was not called before creating a "
+ "PeerConnectionFactory.");
private static void initializeInternalTracer() {
internalTracerInitialized = true;
public static void shutdownInternalTracer() {
internalTracerInitialized = false;
// Field trial initialization. Must be called before PeerConnectionFactory
// is created.
// Deprecated, use PeerConnectionFactory.initialize instead.
public static void initializeFieldTrials(String fieldTrialsInitString) {
// Wrapper of webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName. Develop the feature with default behaviour off.
// Example usage:
// if (PeerConnectionFactory.fieldTrialsFindFullName("WebRTCExperiment").equals("Enabled")) {
// method1();
// } else {
// method2();
// }
public static String fieldTrialsFindFullName(String name) {
return NativeLibrary.isLoaded() ? nativeFindFieldTrialsFullName(name) : "";
// Start/stop internal capturing of internal tracing.
public static boolean startInternalTracingCapture(String tracingFilename) {
return nativeStartInternalTracingCapture(tracingFilename);
public static void stopInternalTracingCapture() {
private PeerConnectionFactory(Options options, @Nullable AudioDeviceModule audioDeviceModule,
@Nullable VideoEncoderFactory encoderFactory, @Nullable VideoDecoderFactory decoderFactory,
@Nullable AudioProcessingFactory audioProcessingFactory,
@Nullable FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface fecControllerFactoryFactory) {
nativeFactory = nativeCreatePeerConnectionFactory(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), options,
audioDeviceModule == null ? 0 : audioDeviceModule.getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer(),
encoderFactory, decoderFactory,
audioProcessingFactory == null ? 0 : audioProcessingFactory.createNative(),
fecControllerFactoryFactory == null ? 0 : fecControllerFactoryFactory.createNative());
if (nativeFactory == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize PeerConnectionFactory!");
PeerConnectionFactory(long nativeFactory) {
if (nativeFactory == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize PeerConnectionFactory!");
this.nativeFactory = nativeFactory;
* Deprecated. PeerConnection constraints are deprecated. Supply values in rtcConfig struct
* instead and use the method without constraints in the signature.
public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig,
MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
long nativeObserver = PeerConnection.createNativePeerConnectionObserver(observer);
if (nativeObserver == 0) {
return null;
long nativePeerConnection =
nativeCreatePeerConnection(nativeFactory, rtcConfig, constraints, nativeObserver);
if (nativePeerConnection == 0) {
return null;
return new PeerConnection(nativePeerConnection);
* Deprecated. PeerConnection constraints are deprecated. Supply values in rtcConfig struct
* instead and use the method without constraints in the signature.
public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers,
MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig = new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(iceServers);
return createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, constraints, observer);
public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(
List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig = new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(iceServers);
return createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, observer);
public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, PeerConnection.Observer observer) {
return createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, null /* constraints */, observer);
public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, PeerConnectionDependencies dependencies) {
return createPeerConnection(rtcConfig, null /* constraints */, dependencies.getObserver());
public MediaStream createLocalMediaStream(String label) {
return new MediaStream(nativeCreateLocalMediaStream(nativeFactory, label));
public VideoSource createVideoSource(boolean isScreencast) {
return new VideoSource(nativeCreateVideoSource(nativeFactory, isScreencast));
public VideoSource createVideoSource(VideoCapturer capturer) {
final EglBase.Context eglContext =
localEglbase == null ? null : localEglbase.getEglBaseContext();
final SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper =
SurfaceTextureHelper.create(VIDEO_CAPTURER_THREAD_NAME, eglContext);
final VideoSource videoSource = new VideoSource(
nativeCreateVideoSource(nativeFactory, capturer.isScreencast()), surfaceTextureHelper);
capturer.initialize(surfaceTextureHelper, ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(),
return videoSource;
public VideoTrack createVideoTrack(String id, VideoSource source) {
return new VideoTrack(nativeCreateVideoTrack(nativeFactory, id, source.nativeSource));
public AudioSource createAudioSource(MediaConstraints constraints) {
return new AudioSource(nativeCreateAudioSource(nativeFactory, constraints));
public AudioTrack createAudioTrack(String id, AudioSource source) {
return new AudioTrack(nativeCreateAudioTrack(nativeFactory, id, source.nativeSource));
// Starts recording an AEC dump. Ownership of the file is transfered to the
// native code. If an AEC dump is already in progress, it will be stopped and
// a new one will start using the provided file.
public boolean startAecDump(int file_descriptor, int filesize_limit_bytes) {
return nativeStartAecDump(nativeFactory, file_descriptor, filesize_limit_bytes);
// Stops recording an AEC dump. If no AEC dump is currently being recorded,
// this call will have no effect.
public void stopAecDump() {
/** Set the EGL context used by HW Video encoding and decoding.
* @param localEglContext Must be the same as used by VideoCapturerAndroid and any local video
* renderer.
* @param remoteEglContext Must be the same as used by any remote video renderer.
public void setVideoHwAccelerationOptions(
EglBase.Context localEglContext, EglBase.Context remoteEglContext) {
if (localEglbase != null) {
Logging.w(TAG, "Egl context already set.");
if (remoteEglbase != null) {
Logging.w(TAG, "Egl context already set.");
localEglbase = EglBase.create(localEglContext);
remoteEglbase = EglBase.create(remoteEglContext);
nativeFactory, localEglbase.getEglBaseContext(), remoteEglbase.getEglBaseContext());
public void dispose() {
networkThread = null;
workerThread = null;
signalingThread = null;
if (localEglbase != null)
if (remoteEglbase != null)
public void threadsCallbacks() {
/** Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface. */
public long getNativePeerConnectionFactory() {
return nativeGetNativePeerConnectionFactory(nativeFactory);
/** Returns a pointer to the native OwnedFactoryAndThreads object */
public long getNativeOwnedFactoryAndThreads() {
return nativeFactory;
private static void printStackTrace(@Nullable Thread thread, String threadName) {
if (thread != null) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraces = thread.getStackTrace();
if (stackTraces.length > 0) {
Logging.d(TAG, threadName + " stacks trace:");
for (StackTraceElement stackTrace : stackTraces) {
Logging.d(TAG, stackTrace.toString());
public static void printStackTraces() {
printStackTrace(networkThread, "Network thread");
printStackTrace(workerThread, "Worker thread");
printStackTrace(signalingThread, "Signaling thread");
private static void onNetworkThreadReady() {
networkThread = Thread.currentThread();
Logging.d(TAG, "onNetworkThreadReady");
private static void onWorkerThreadReady() {
workerThread = Thread.currentThread();
Logging.d(TAG, "onWorkerThreadReady");
private static void onSignalingThreadReady() {
signalingThread = Thread.currentThread();
Logging.d(TAG, "onSignalingThreadReady");
// Must be called at least once before creating a PeerConnectionFactory
// (for example, at application startup time).
private static native void nativeInitializeAndroidGlobals(boolean videoHwAcceleration);
private static native void nativeInitializeFieldTrials(String fieldTrialsInitString);
private static native String nativeFindFieldTrialsFullName(String name);
private static native void nativeInitializeInternalTracer();
// Internal tracing shutdown, called to prevent resource leaks. Must be called after
// PeerConnectionFactory is gone to prevent races with code performing tracing.
private static native void nativeShutdownInternalTracer();
private static native boolean nativeStartInternalTracingCapture(String tracingFilename);
private static native void nativeStopInternalTracingCapture();
private static native long nativeCreatePeerConnectionFactory(Context context, Options options,
long nativeAudioDeviceModule, VideoEncoderFactory encoderFactory,
VideoDecoderFactory decoderFactory, long nativeAudioProcessor,
long nativeFecControllerFactory);
private static native long nativeCreatePeerConnection(long factory,
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, MediaConstraints constraints, long nativeObserver);
private static native long nativeCreateLocalMediaStream(long factory, String label);
private static native long nativeCreateVideoSource(long factory, boolean is_screencast);
private static native long nativeCreateVideoTrack(
long factory, String id, long nativeVideoSource);
private static native long nativeCreateAudioSource(long factory, MediaConstraints constraints);
private static native long nativeCreateAudioTrack(long factory, String id, long nativeSource);
private static native boolean nativeStartAecDump(
long factory, int file_descriptor, int filesize_limit_bytes);
private static native void nativeStopAecDump(long factory);
private static native void nativeSetVideoHwAccelerationOptions(
long factory, Object localEGLContext, Object remoteEGLContext);
private static native void nativeInvokeThreadsCallbacks(long factory);
private static native void nativeFreeFactory(long factory);
private static native long nativeGetNativePeerConnectionFactory(long factory);
private static native void nativeInjectLoggable(JNILogging jniLogging, int severity);
private static native void nativeDeleteLoggable();