blob: 25b0f3e35576de792aa4b23cb17752d7afa067e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "video/partial_frame_assembler.h"
#include "api/video/i420_buffer.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame.h"
#include "test/gmock.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
constexpr uint8_t kCol1 = 100;
constexpr uint8_t kCol2 = 200;
constexpr int kWidth = 640;
constexpr int kHeight = 480;
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> CreatePicture(int width,
int height,
uint8_t data) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> buf = I420Buffer::Create(width, height);
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
int pos_y = row * buf->StrideY() + col;
int pos_u = row / 2 * buf->StrideU() + col / 2;
int pos_v = row / 2 * buf->StrideV() + col / 2;
buf->MutableDataY()[pos_y] = data;
buf->MutableDataU()[pos_u] = data;
buf->MutableDataV()[pos_v] = data;
return buf;
VideoFrame CreateFrame(rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> buf) {
VideoFrame frame = VideoFrame(buf, VideoRotation::kVideoRotation_0, 0);
return frame;
bool TestPictureWithOneRect(rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> buf,
int offset_x,
int offset_y,
int rect_width,
int rect_height,
uint8_t in_rect_data,
uint8_t out_rect_data) {
for (int row = 0; row < buf->height(); ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < buf->width(); ++col) {
int pos_y = row * buf->StrideY() + col;
int pos_u = row / 2 * buf->StrideU() + col / 2;
int pos_v = row / 2 * buf->StrideV() + col / 2;
uint8_t y = buf->DataY()[pos_y];
uint8_t u = buf->DataU()[pos_u];
uint8_t v = buf->DataV()[pos_v];
bool in_rect = col >= offset_x && col < offset_x + rect_width &&
row >= offset_y && row < offset_y + rect_height;
uint8_t expected_data = in_rect ? in_rect_data : out_rect_data;
if (y != expected_data || u != expected_data || v != expected_data)
return false;
return true;
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, FullPictureUpdates) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Full pic.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol2);
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
EXPECT_TRUE(TestPictureWithOneRect(frame1.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), 0,
0, -1, -1, kCol1, kCol1));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, nullptr));
EXPECT_TRUE(TestPictureWithOneRect(frame2.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), 0,
0, -1, -1, kCol2, kCol2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateFirstFails) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Partial update.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(20, 20, kCol1);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc1{0, 0};
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, &desc1));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdate) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(10, 20, kCol2);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{30, 40};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
EXPECT_TRUE(TestPictureWithOneRect(frame1.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), 0,
0, -1, -1, kCol1, kCol1));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
EXPECT_TRUE(TestPictureWithOneRect(frame2.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), 30,
40, 10, 20, kCol2, kCol1));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, ProcessesUnchangedUpdate) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(10, 20, kCol2);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{30, 40};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
// Empty update.
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc3{0, 0};
VideoFrame frame3 = CreateFrame(nullptr);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
EXPECT_TRUE(decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(nullptr, &frame3, &desc3));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateFailsForOddXOffset) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(10, 20, kCol2);
// Offset is odd.
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{31, 40};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateFailsForOddYOffset) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(10, 20, kCol2);
// Offset is odd.
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{30, 41};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateFailsForOddWidth) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update. Odd width.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(11, 20, kCol2);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{30, 40};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateWorksForOddWidthAtTheEnd) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic. Odd resolution.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth + 1, kHeight + 1, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update. Odd width.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(11, 11, kCol2);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{kWidth + 1 - 11, kHeight + 1 - 11};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, PartialUpdateFailsForOddNotAtEnd) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic. Odd resolution.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth + 1, kHeight + 1, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Partial pic update. Odd width.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(11, 11, kCol2);
VideoFrame::PartialFrameDescription desc2{kWidth + 1 - 11, kHeight + 1 - 20};
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, &desc2));
TEST(PartialFrameAssembler, FullPictureUpdatesCanChangeResolution) {
PartialFrameAssembler decompressor;
// Full pic.
auto full_pic1 = CreatePicture(kWidth, kHeight, kCol1);
VideoFrame frame1 = CreateFrame(full_pic1);
// Full pic.
auto full_pic2 = CreatePicture(kWidth + 100, kHeight + 100, kCol2);
VideoFrame frame2 = CreateFrame(full_pic2);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic1.get(), &frame1, nullptr));
EXPECT_TRUE(TestPictureWithOneRect(frame1.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), 0,
0, -1, -1, kCol1, kCol1));
EXPECT_EQ(frame1.video_frame_buffer()->width(), kWidth);
EXPECT_EQ(frame1.video_frame_buffer()->height(), kHeight);
decompressor.ApplyPartialUpdate(full_pic2.get(), &frame2, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(frame2.video_frame_buffer()->width(), kWidth + 100);
EXPECT_EQ(frame2.video_frame_buffer()->height(), kHeight + 100);
} // namespace
} // namespace webrtc