blob: c5c1621036b9efff731b1ac6a1370b32098284b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/array_view.h"
#include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
#include "webrtc/call/rsid_resolution_observer.h"
namespace webrtc {
class RtcpPacketSinkInterface;
// This class represents the RTCP demuxing, for a single RTP session (i.e., one
// SSRC space, see RFC 7656). It isn't thread aware, leaving responsibility of
// multithreading issues to the user of this class.
class RtcpDemuxer : public RsidResolutionObserver {
~RtcpDemuxer() override;
// Registers a sink. The sink will be notified of incoming RTCP packets with
// that sender-SSRC. The same sink can be registered for multiple SSRCs, and
// the same SSRC can have multiple sinks. Null pointer is not allowed.
// Sinks may be associated with both an SSRC and an RSID.
// Sinks may be registered as SSRC/RSID-specific or broadcast, but not both.
void AddSink(uint32_t sender_ssrc, RtcpPacketSinkInterface* sink);
// Registers a sink. Once the RSID is resolved to an SSRC, the sink will be
// notified of all RTCP packets with that sender-SSRC.
// The same sink can be registered for multiple RSIDs, and
// the same RSID can have multiple sinks. Null pointer is not allowed.
// Sinks may be associated with both an SSRC and an RSID.
// Sinks may be registered as SSRC/RSID-specific or broadcast, but not both.
void AddSink(const std::string& rsid, RtcpPacketSinkInterface* sink);
// Registers a sink. The sink will be notified of any incoming RTCP packet.
// Null pointer is not allowed.
// Sinks may be registered as SSRC/RSID-specific or broadcast, but not both.
void AddBroadcastSink(RtcpPacketSinkInterface* sink);
// Undo previous AddSink() calls with the given sink.
void RemoveSink(const RtcpPacketSinkInterface* sink);
// Undo AddBroadcastSink().
void RemoveBroadcastSink(const RtcpPacketSinkInterface* sink);
// Process a new RTCP packet and forward it to the appropriate sinks.
void OnRtcpPacket(rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> packet);
// Implement RsidResolutionObserver - become notified whenever RSIDs resolve
// to an SSRC.
void OnRsidResolved(const std::string& rsid, uint32_t ssrc) override;
// TODO(eladalon): Add the ability to resolve RSIDs and inform observers,
// like in the RtpDemuxer case, once the relevant standard is finalized.
// Records the association SSRCs to sinks.
std::multimap<uint32_t, RtcpPacketSinkInterface*> ssrc_sinks_;
// Records the association RSIDs to sinks.
std::multimap<std::string, RtcpPacketSinkInterface*> rsid_sinks_;
// Sinks which will receive notifications of all incoming RTCP packets.
// Additional/removal of sinks is expected to be significantly less frequent
// than RTCP message reception; container chosen for iteration performance.
std::vector<RtcpPacketSinkInterface*> broadcast_sinks_;
} // namespace webrtc