blob: fc76921ba3cea674f9a49c0e9a74082723e536d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#import "WebRTC/RTCVideoCodec.h"
#import "RTCVideoCodec+Private.h"
#include "rtc_base/safe_conversions.h"
@implementation RTCEncodedImage
@synthesize buffer = _buffer;
@synthesize encodedWidth = _encodedWidth;
@synthesize encodedHeight = _encodedHeight;
@synthesize timeStamp = _timeStamp;
@synthesize captureTimeMs = _captureTimeMs;
@synthesize ntpTimeMs = _ntpTimeMs;
@synthesize flags = _flags;
@synthesize encodeStartMs = _encodeStartMs;
@synthesize encodeFinishMs = _encodeFinishMs;
@synthesize frameType = _frameType;
@synthesize rotation = _rotation;
@synthesize completeFrame = _completeFrame;
@synthesize qp = _qp;
@synthesize contentType = _contentType;
- (instancetype)initWithNativeEncodedImage:(webrtc::EncodedImage)encodedImage {
if (self = [super init]) {
// Wrap the buffer in NSData without copying, do not take ownership.
_buffer = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:encodedImage._buffer
_encodedWidth = rtc::dchecked_cast<int32_t>(encodedImage._encodedWidth);
_encodedHeight = rtc::dchecked_cast<int32_t>(encodedImage._encodedHeight);
_timeStamp = encodedImage._timeStamp;
_captureTimeMs = encodedImage.capture_time_ms_;
_ntpTimeMs = encodedImage.ntp_time_ms_;
_flags = encodedImage.timing_.flags;
_encodeStartMs = encodedImage.timing_.encode_start_ms;
_encodeFinishMs = encodedImage.timing_.encode_finish_ms;
_frameType = static_cast<RTCFrameType>(encodedImage._frameType);
_rotation = static_cast<RTCVideoRotation>(encodedImage.rotation_);
_completeFrame = encodedImage._completeFrame;
_qp = encodedImage.qp_ == -1 ? nil : @(encodedImage.qp_);
_contentType = (encodedImage.content_type_ == webrtc::VideoContentType::SCREENSHARE) ?
RTCVideoContentTypeScreenshare :
return self;
- (webrtc::EncodedImage)nativeEncodedImage {
// Return the pointer without copying.
webrtc::EncodedImage encodedImage(
(uint8_t *)_buffer.bytes, (size_t)_buffer.length, (size_t)_buffer.length);
encodedImage._encodedWidth = rtc::dchecked_cast<uint32_t>(_encodedWidth);
encodedImage._encodedHeight = rtc::dchecked_cast<uint32_t>(_encodedHeight);
encodedImage._timeStamp = _timeStamp;
encodedImage.capture_time_ms_ = _captureTimeMs;
encodedImage.ntp_time_ms_ = _ntpTimeMs;
encodedImage.timing_.flags = _flags;
encodedImage.timing_.encode_start_ms = _encodeStartMs;
encodedImage.timing_.encode_finish_ms = _encodeFinishMs;
encodedImage._frameType = webrtc::FrameType(_frameType);
encodedImage.rotation_ = webrtc::VideoRotation(_rotation);
encodedImage._completeFrame = _completeFrame;
encodedImage.qp_ = _qp ? _qp.intValue : -1;
encodedImage.content_type_ = (_contentType == RTCVideoContentTypeScreenshare) ?
webrtc::VideoContentType::SCREENSHARE :
return encodedImage;