blob: 9879106f54ad69924b45e0e7c95fb83d0ae97cfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "test/fuzzers/audio_processing_fuzzer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
#include "modules/include/module_common_types.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
size_t ByteToNativeRate(uint8_t data) {
using Rate = AudioProcessing::NativeRate;
switch (data % 4) {
case 0:
return static_cast<size_t>(Rate::kSampleRate8kHz);
case 1:
return static_cast<size_t>(Rate::kSampleRate16kHz);
case 2:
return static_cast<size_t>(Rate::kSampleRate32kHz);
return static_cast<size_t>(Rate::kSampleRate48kHz);
template <class T>
bool ParseSequence(size_t size,
const uint8_t** data,
size_t* remaining_size,
T* result_data) {
const size_t data_size_bytes = sizeof(T) * size;
if (data_size_bytes > *remaining_size) {
return false;
std::copy(*data, *data + data_size_bytes,
*data += data_size_bytes;
*remaining_size -= data_size_bytes;
return true;
void FuzzAudioProcessing(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size,
bool is_float,
AudioProcessing* apm) {
AudioFrame fixed_frame;
std::array<float, 480> float_frame{};
float* const first_channel = &float_frame[0];
while (size > 0) {
// Decide input/output rate for this iteration.
const auto input_rate_byte = ParseByte(&data, &size);
const auto output_rate_byte = ParseByte(&data, &size);
if (!input_rate_byte || !output_rate_byte) {
const auto input_rate_hz = ByteToNativeRate(*input_rate_byte);
const auto output_rate_hz = ByteToNativeRate(*output_rate_byte);
const size_t samples_per_input_channel =
rtc::CheckedDivExact(input_rate_hz, 100ul);
fixed_frame.samples_per_channel_ = samples_per_input_channel;
fixed_frame.sample_rate_hz_ = input_rate_hz;
// Two channels breaks AEC3.
fixed_frame.num_channels_ = 1;
// Fill the arrays with audio samples from the data.
if (is_float) {
if (!ParseSequence(samples_per_input_channel, &data, &size,
&float_frame[0])) {
} else if (!ParseSequence(samples_per_input_channel, &data, &size,
fixed_frame.mutable_data())) {
// Filter obviously wrong values like inf/nan and values that will
// lead to inf/nan in calculations. 1e6 leads to DCHECKS failing.
for (auto& x : float_frame) {
if (!std::isnormal(x) || std::abs(x) > 1e5) {
x = 0;
// Make the APM call depending on capture/render mode and float /
// fix interface.
const auto is_capture = ParseBool(&data, &size);
if (!is_capture) {
if (*is_capture) {
auto apm_return_code =
is_float ? (apm->ProcessStream(
&first_channel, StreamConfig(input_rate_hz, 1),
StreamConfig(output_rate_hz, 1), &first_channel))
: (apm->ProcessStream(&fixed_frame));
RTC_DCHECK_NE(apm_return_code, AudioProcessing::kBadDataLengthError);
} else {
auto apm_return_code =
is_float ? (apm->ProcessReverseStream(
&first_channel, StreamConfig(input_rate_hz, 1),
StreamConfig(output_rate_hz, 1), &first_channel))
: (apm->ProcessReverseStream(&fixed_frame));
RTC_DCHECK_NE(apm_return_code, AudioProcessing::kBadDataLengthError);
} // namespace
rtc::Optional<bool> ParseBool(const uint8_t** data, size_t* remaining_size) {
if (1 > *remaining_size) {
return rtc::Optional<bool>();
auto res = rtc::Optional<bool>((**data) % 2);
*data += 1;
*remaining_size -= 1;
return res;
rtc::Optional<uint8_t> ParseByte(const uint8_t** data, size_t* remaining_size) {
if (1 > *remaining_size) {
return rtc::Optional<uint8_t>();
auto res = rtc::Optional<uint8_t>((**data));
*data += 1;
*remaining_size -= 1;
return res;
void FuzzAudioProcessing(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size,
std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm) {
const auto is_float = ParseBool(&data, &size);
if (!is_float) {
FuzzAudioProcessing(data, size, *is_float, apm.get());
} // namespace webrtc