blob: b57f89e73f157f4d2b1081371c9a08242aaea90d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/rate_statistics.h"
#include "webrtc/call/audio_receive_stream.h"
#include "webrtc/call/audio_send_stream.h"
#include "webrtc/call/call.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/bitrate_controller/include/bitrate_controller.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/include/congestion_controller.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/common_header.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/transport_feedback.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_header_extensions.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
#include "webrtc/video_receive_stream.h"
#include "webrtc/video_send_stream.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace plotting {
namespace {
std::string SsrcToString(uint32_t ssrc) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "SSRC " << ssrc;
return ss.str();
// Checks whether an SSRC is contained in the list of desired SSRCs.
// Note that an empty SSRC list matches every SSRC.
bool MatchingSsrc(uint32_t ssrc, const std::vector<uint32_t>& desired_ssrc) {
if (desired_ssrc.size() == 0)
return true;
return std::find(desired_ssrc.begin(), desired_ssrc.end(), ssrc) !=
double AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(int64_t abs_send_time) {
// The timestamp is a fixed point representation with 6 bits for seconds
// and 18 bits for fractions of a second. Thus, we divide by 2^18 to get the
// time in seconds and then multiply by 1000000 to convert to microseconds.
static constexpr double kTimestampToMicroSec =
1000000.0 / static_cast<double>(1ul << 18);
return abs_send_time * kTimestampToMicroSec;
// Computes the difference |later| - |earlier| where |later| and |earlier|
// are counters that wrap at |modulus|. The difference is chosen to have the
// least absolute value. For example if |modulus| is 8, then the difference will
// be chosen in the range [-3, 4]. If |modulus| is 9, then the difference will
// be in [-4, 4].
int64_t WrappingDifference(uint32_t later, uint32_t earlier, int64_t modulus) {
RTC_DCHECK_LE(1, modulus);
RTC_DCHECK_LT(later, modulus);
RTC_DCHECK_LT(earlier, modulus);
int64_t difference =
static_cast<int64_t>(later) - static_cast<int64_t>(earlier);
int64_t max_difference = modulus / 2;
int64_t min_difference = max_difference - modulus + 1;
if (difference > max_difference) {
difference -= modulus;
if (difference < min_difference) {
difference += modulus;
if (difference > max_difference / 2 || difference < min_difference / 2) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Difference between" << later << " and " << earlier
<< " expected to be in the range (" << min_difference / 2
<< "," << max_difference / 2 << ") but is " << difference
<< ". Correct unwrapping is uncertain.";
return difference;
// Return default values for header extensions, to use on streams without stored
// mapping data. Currently this only applies to audio streams, since the mapping
// is not stored in the event log.
// TODO(ivoc): Remove this once this mapping is stored in the event log for
// audio streams. Tracking bug: webrtc:6399
webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap GetDefaultHeaderExtensionMap() {
webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap default_map;
return default_map;
constexpr float kLeftMargin = 0.01f;
constexpr float kRightMargin = 0.02f;
constexpr float kBottomMargin = 0.02f;
constexpr float kTopMargin = 0.05f;
class PacketSizeBytes {
using DataType = LoggedRtpPacket;
using ResultType = size_t;
size_t operator()(const LoggedRtpPacket& packet) {
return packet.total_length;
class SequenceNumberDiff {
using DataType = LoggedRtpPacket;
using ResultType = int64_t;
int64_t operator()(const LoggedRtpPacket& old_packet,
const LoggedRtpPacket& new_packet) {
return WrappingDifference(new_packet.header.sequenceNumber,
old_packet.header.sequenceNumber, 1ul << 16);
class NetworkDelayDiff {
class AbsSendTime {
using DataType = LoggedRtpPacket;
using ResultType = double;
double operator()(const LoggedRtpPacket& old_packet,
const LoggedRtpPacket& new_packet) {
if (old_packet.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime &&
new_packet.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
int64_t send_time_diff = WrappingDifference(
old_packet.header.extension.absoluteSendTime, 1ul << 24);
int64_t recv_time_diff = new_packet.timestamp - old_packet.timestamp;
return static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff -
AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff)) /
} else {
return 0;
class CaptureTime {
using DataType = LoggedRtpPacket;
using ResultType = double;
double operator()(const LoggedRtpPacket& old_packet,
const LoggedRtpPacket& new_packet) {
int64_t send_time_diff = WrappingDifference(
new_packet.header.timestamp, old_packet.header.timestamp, 1ull << 32);
int64_t recv_time_diff = new_packet.timestamp - old_packet.timestamp;
const double kVideoSampleRate = 90000;
// TODO(terelius): We treat all streams as video for now, even though
// audio might be sampled at e.g. 16kHz, because it is really difficult to
// figure out the true sampling rate of a stream. The effect is that the
// delay will be scaled incorrectly for non-video streams.
double delay_change =
static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff) / 1000 -
static_cast<double>(send_time_diff) / kVideoSampleRate * 1000;
if (delay_change < -10000 || 10000 < delay_change) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Very large delay change. Timestamps correct?";
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Old capture time " << old_packet.header.timestamp
<< ", received time " << old_packet.timestamp;
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "New capture time " << new_packet.header.timestamp
<< ", received time " << new_packet.timestamp;
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Receive time difference " << recv_time_diff << " = "
<< static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff) / 1000000 << "s";
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Send time difference " << send_time_diff << " = "
<< static_cast<double>(send_time_diff) /
<< "s";
return delay_change;
template <typename Extractor>
class Accumulated {
using DataType = typename Extractor::DataType;
using ResultType = typename Extractor::ResultType;
ResultType operator()(const DataType& old_packet,
const DataType& new_packet) {
sum += extract(old_packet, new_packet);
return sum;
Extractor extract;
ResultType sum = 0;
// For each element in data, use |Extractor| to extract a y-coordinate and
// store the result in a TimeSeries.
template <typename Extractor>
void Pointwise(const std::vector<typename Extractor::DataType>& data,
uint64_t begin_time,
TimeSeries* result) {
Extractor extract;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
float x = static_cast<float>(data[i].timestamp - begin_time) / 1000000;
float y = extract(data[i]);
result->points.emplace_back(x, y);
// For each pair of adjacent elements in |data|, use |Extractor| to extract a
// y-coordinate and store the result in a TimeSeries. Note that the x-coordinate
// will be the time of the second element in the pair.
template <typename Extractor>
void Pairwise(const std::vector<typename Extractor::DataType>& data,
uint64_t begin_time,
TimeSeries* result) {
Extractor extract;
for (size_t i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) {
float x = static_cast<float>(data[i].timestamp - begin_time) / 1000000;
float y = extract(data[i - 1], data[i]);
result->points.emplace_back(x, y);
// Calculates a moving average of |data| and stores the result in a TimeSeries.
// A data point is generated every |step| microseconds from |begin_time|
// to |end_time|. The value of each data point is the average of the data
// during the preceeding |window_duration_us| microseconds.
template <typename Extractor>
void MovingAverage(const std::vector<typename Extractor::DataType>& data,
uint64_t begin_time,
uint64_t end_time,
uint64_t window_duration_us,
uint64_t step,
float y_scaling,
webrtc::plotting::TimeSeries* result) {
size_t window_index_begin = 0;
size_t window_index_end = 0;
typename Extractor::ResultType sum_in_window = 0;
Extractor extract;
for (uint64_t t = begin_time; t < end_time + step; t += step) {
while (window_index_end < data.size() &&
data[window_index_end].timestamp < t) {
sum_in_window += extract(data[window_index_end]);
while (window_index_begin < data.size() &&
data[window_index_begin].timestamp < t - window_duration_us) {
sum_in_window -= extract(data[window_index_begin]);
float window_duration_s = static_cast<float>(window_duration_us) / 1000000;
float x = static_cast<float>(t - begin_time) / 1000000;
float y = sum_in_window / window_duration_s * y_scaling;
result->points.emplace_back(x, y);
} // namespace
EventLogAnalyzer::EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog& log)
: parsed_log_(log), window_duration_(250000), step_(10000) {
uint64_t first_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
uint64_t last_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min();
// Maps a stream identifier consisting of ssrc and direction
// to the header extensions used by that stream,
std::map<StreamId, RtpHeaderExtensionMap> extension_maps;
PacketDirection direction;
uint8_t header[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
size_t header_length;
size_t total_length;
// Make a default extension map for streams without configuration information.
// TODO(ivoc): Once configuration of audio streams is stored in the event log,
// this can be removed. Tracking bug: webrtc:6399
RtpHeaderExtensionMap default_extension_map = GetDefaultHeaderExtensionMap();
for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
if (event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_START &&
event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_END) {
uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
first_timestamp = std::min(first_timestamp, timestamp);
last_timestamp = std::max(last_timestamp, timestamp);
switch (parsed_log_.GetEventType(i)) {
VideoReceiveStream::Config config(nullptr);
parsed_log_.GetVideoReceiveConfig(i, &config);
StreamId stream(config.rtp.remote_ssrc, kIncomingPacket);
extension_maps[stream] = RtpHeaderExtensionMap(config.rtp.extensions);
for (auto kv : config.rtp.rtx) {
StreamId rtx_stream(kv.second.ssrc, kIncomingPacket);
extension_maps[rtx_stream] =
case ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
VideoSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
parsed_log_.GetVideoSendConfig(i, &config);
for (auto ssrc : config.rtp.ssrcs) {
StreamId stream(ssrc, kOutgoingPacket);
extension_maps[stream] = RtpHeaderExtensionMap(config.rtp.extensions);
for (auto ssrc : config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs) {
StreamId rtx_stream(ssrc, kOutgoingPacket);
extension_maps[rtx_stream] =
AudioReceiveStream::Config config;
parsed_log_.GetAudioReceiveConfig(i, &config);
StreamId stream(config.rtp.remote_ssrc, kIncomingPacket);
extension_maps[stream] = RtpHeaderExtensionMap(config.rtp.extensions);
case ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
AudioSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
parsed_log_.GetAudioSendConfig(i, &config);
StreamId stream(config.rtp.ssrc, kOutgoingPacket);
extension_maps[stream] = RtpHeaderExtensionMap(config.rtp.extensions);
case ParsedRtcEventLog::RTP_EVENT: {
MediaType media_type;
parsed_log_.GetRtpHeader(i, &direction, &media_type, header,
&header_length, &total_length);
// Parse header to get SSRC.
RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(header, header_length);
RTPHeader parsed_header;
StreamId stream(parsed_header.ssrc, direction);
// Look up the extension_map and parse it again to get the extensions.
if (extension_maps.count(stream) == 1) {
RtpHeaderExtensionMap* extension_map = &extension_maps[stream];
rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header, extension_map);
} else {
// Use the default extension map.
// TODO(ivoc): Once configuration of audio streams is stored in the
// event log, this can be removed.
// Tracking bug: webrtc:6399
rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header, &default_extension_map);
uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
LoggedRtpPacket(timestamp, parsed_header, total_length));
case ParsedRtcEventLog::RTCP_EVENT: {
uint8_t packet[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
MediaType media_type;
parsed_log_.GetRtcpPacket(i, &direction, &media_type, packet,
// Currently feedback is logged twice, both for audio and video.
// Only act on one of them.
if (media_type == MediaType::VIDEO) {
rtcp::CommonHeader header;
const uint8_t* packet_end = packet + total_length;
for (const uint8_t* block = packet; block < packet_end;
block = header.NextPacket()) {
RTC_CHECK(header.Parse(block, packet_end - block));
if (header.type() == rtcp::TransportFeedback::kPacketType &&
header.fmt() == rtcp::TransportFeedback::kFeedbackMessageType) {
std::unique_ptr<rtcp::TransportFeedback> rtcp_packet(
new rtcp::TransportFeedback());
if (rtcp_packet->Parse(header)) {
uint32_t ssrc = rtcp_packet->sender_ssrc();
StreamId stream(ssrc, direction);
uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
timestamp, kRtcpTransportFeedback, std::move(rtcp_packet)));
case ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_START: {
case ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_END: {
case ParsedRtcEventLog::BWE_PACKET_LOSS_EVENT: {
BwePacketLossEvent bwe_update;
bwe_update.timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
parsed_log_.GetBwePacketLossEvent(i, &bwe_update.new_bitrate,
case ParsedRtcEventLog::BWE_PACKET_DELAY_EVENT: {
case ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_PLAYOUT_EVENT: {
case ParsedRtcEventLog::UNKNOWN_EVENT: {
if (last_timestamp < first_timestamp) {
// No useful events in the log.
first_timestamp = last_timestamp = 0;
begin_time_ = first_timestamp;
end_time_ = last_timestamp;
call_duration_s_ = static_cast<float>(end_time_ - begin_time_) / 1000000;
class BitrateObserver : public CongestionController::Observer,
public RemoteBitrateObserver {
BitrateObserver() : last_bitrate_bps_(0), bitrate_updated_(false) {}
// TODO(minyue): remove this when old OnNetworkChanged is deprecated. See
using CongestionController::Observer::OnNetworkChanged;
void OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t bitrate_bps,
uint8_t fraction_loss,
int64_t rtt_ms,
int64_t probing_interval_ms) override {
last_bitrate_bps_ = bitrate_bps;
bitrate_updated_ = true;
void OnReceiveBitrateChanged(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs,
uint32_t bitrate) override {}
uint32_t last_bitrate_bps() const { return last_bitrate_bps_; }
bool GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() {
bool bitrate_updated = bitrate_updated_;
bitrate_updated_ = false;
return bitrate_updated;
uint32_t last_bitrate_bps_;
bool bitrate_updated_;
bool EventLogAnalyzer::IsRtxSsrc(StreamId stream_id) const {
return rtx_ssrcs_.count(stream_id) == 1;
bool EventLogAnalyzer::IsVideoSsrc(StreamId stream_id) const {
return video_ssrcs_.count(stream_id) == 1;
bool EventLogAnalyzer::IsAudioSsrc(StreamId stream_id) const {
return audio_ssrcs_.count(stream_id) == 1;
std::string EventLogAnalyzer::GetStreamName(StreamId stream_id) const {
std::stringstream name;
if (IsAudioSsrc(stream_id)) {
name << "Audio ";
} else if (IsVideoSsrc(stream_id)) {
name << "Video ";
} else {
name << "Unknown ";
if (IsRtxSsrc(stream_id))
name << "RTX ";
if (stream_id.GetDirection() == kIncomingPacket) {
name << "(In) ";
} else {
name << "(Out) ";
name << SsrcToString(stream_id.GetSsrc());
return name.str();
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePacketGraph(PacketDirection desired_direction,
Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != desired_direction ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = GetStreamName(stream_id); = BAR_GRAPH;
Pointwise<PacketSizeBytes>(packet_stream, begin_time_, &time_series);
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Packet size (bytes)", kBottomMargin,
if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Incoming RTP packets");
} else if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Outgoing RTP packets");
template <typename T>
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(
PacketDirection desired_direction,
Plot* plot,
const std::map<StreamId, std::vector<T>>& packets,
const std::string& label_prefix) {
for (auto& kv : packets) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<T>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != desired_direction ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = label_prefix + " " + GetStreamName(stream_id); = LINE_GRAPH;
for (size_t i = 0; i < packet_stream.size(); i++) {
float x = static_cast<float>(packet_stream[i].timestamp - begin_time_) /
time_series.points.emplace_back(x, i);
time_series.points.emplace_back(x, i + 1);
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedPacketsGraph(
PacketDirection desired_direction,
Plot* plot) {
CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(desired_direction, plot, rtp_packets_,
CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(desired_direction, plot, rtcp_packets_,
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Received Packets", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Accumulated Incoming RTP/RTCP packets");
} else if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Accumulated Outgoing RTP/RTCP packets");
// For each SSRC, plot the time between the consecutive playouts.
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePlayoutGraph(Plot* plot) {
std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series;
std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t> last_playout;
uint32_t ssrc;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_PLAYOUT_EVENT) {
parsed_log_.GetAudioPlayout(i, &ssrc);
uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
if (MatchingSsrc(ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
float x = static_cast<float>(timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
float y = static_cast<float>(timestamp - last_playout[ssrc]) / 1000;
if (time_series[ssrc].points.size() == 0) {
// There were no previusly logged playout for this SSRC.
// Generate a point, but place it on the x-axis.
y = 0;
time_series[ssrc].points.push_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
last_playout[ssrc] = timestamp;
// Set labels and put in graph.
for (auto& kv : time_series) {
kv.second.label = SsrcToString(kv.first); = BAR_GRAPH;
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Time since last playout (ms)", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Audio playout");
// For audio SSRCs, plot the audio level.
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAudioLevelGraph(Plot* plot) {
std::map<StreamId, TimeSeries> time_series;
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// TODO(ivoc): When audio send/receive configs are stored in the event
// log, a check should be added here to only process audio
// streams. Tracking bug: webrtc:6399
for (auto& packet : packet_stream) {
if (packet.header.extension.hasAudioLevel) {
float x = static_cast<float>(packet.timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
// The audio level is stored in -dBov (so e.g. -10 dBov is stored as 10)
// Here we convert it to dBov.
float y = static_cast<float>(-packet.header.extension.audioLevel);
time_series[stream_id].points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
for (auto& series : time_series) {
series.second.label = GetStreamName(series.first); = LINE_GRAPH;
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetYAxis(-127, 0, "Audio level (dBov)", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Audio level");
// For each SSRC, plot the time between the consecutive playouts.
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateSequenceNumberGraph(Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = GetStreamName(stream_id); = BAR_GRAPH;
Pairwise<SequenceNumberDiff>(packet_stream, begin_time_, &time_series);
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Difference since last packet", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Sequence number");
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateIncomingPacketLossGraph(Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = GetStreamName(stream_id); = LINE_DOT_GRAPH;
const uint64_t kWindowUs = 1000000;
const LoggedRtpPacket* first_in_window = &packet_stream.front();
const LoggedRtpPacket* last_in_window = &packet_stream.front();
int packets_in_window = 0;
for (const LoggedRtpPacket& packet : packet_stream) {
if (packet.timestamp > first_in_window->timestamp + kWindowUs) {
uint16_t expected_num_packets = last_in_window->header.sequenceNumber -
first_in_window->header.sequenceNumber + 1;
float fraction_lost = (expected_num_packets - packets_in_window) /
float y = fraction_lost * 100;
float x =
static_cast<float>(last_in_window->timestamp - begin_time_) /
time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
first_in_window = &packet;
last_in_window = &packet;
packets_in_window = 1;
last_in_window = &packet;
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Estimated loss rate (%)", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Estimated incoming loss rate");
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateDelayChangeGraph(Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_) ||
IsAudioSsrc(stream_id) || !IsVideoSsrc(stream_id) ||
IsRtxSsrc(stream_id)) {
TimeSeries capture_time_data;
capture_time_data.label = GetStreamName(stream_id) + " capture-time"; = BAR_GRAPH;
Pairwise<NetworkDelayDiff::CaptureTime>(packet_stream, begin_time_,
TimeSeries send_time_data;
send_time_data.label = GetStreamName(stream_id) + " abs-send-time"; = BAR_GRAPH;
Pairwise<NetworkDelayDiff::AbsSendTime>(packet_stream, begin_time_,
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Latency change (ms)", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Network latency change between consecutive packets");
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedDelayChangeGraph(Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_) ||
IsAudioSsrc(stream_id) || !IsVideoSsrc(stream_id) ||
IsRtxSsrc(stream_id)) {
TimeSeries capture_time_data;
capture_time_data.label = GetStreamName(stream_id) + " capture-time"; = LINE_GRAPH;
packet_stream, begin_time_, &capture_time_data);
TimeSeries send_time_data;
send_time_data.label = GetStreamName(stream_id) + " abs-send-time"; = LINE_GRAPH;
packet_stream, begin_time_, &send_time_data);
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Latency change (ms)", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Accumulated network latency change");
// Plot the fraction of packets lost (as perceived by the loss-based BWE).
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateFractionLossGraph(Plot* plot) {
for (auto& bwe_update : bwe_loss_updates_) {
float x = static_cast<float>(bwe_update.timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
float y = static_cast<float>(bwe_update.fraction_loss) / 255 * 100;
plot->series_list_.back().points.emplace_back(x, y);
plot->series_list_.back().label = "Fraction lost";
plot->series_list_.back().style = LINE_DOT_GRAPH;
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Percent lost packets", kBottomMargin,
plot->SetTitle("Reported packet loss");
// Plot the total bandwidth used by all RTP streams.
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateTotalBitrateGraph(
PacketDirection desired_direction,
Plot* plot) {
struct TimestampSize {
TimestampSize(uint64_t t, size_t s) : timestamp(t), size(s) {}
uint64_t timestamp;
size_t size;
std::vector<TimestampSize> packets;
PacketDirection direction;
size_t total_length;
// Extract timestamps and sizes for the relevant packets.
for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::RTP_EVENT) {
parsed_log_.GetRtpHeader(i, &direction, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
if (direction == desired_direction) {
uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
packets.push_back(TimestampSize(timestamp, total_length));
size_t window_index_begin = 0;
size_t window_index_end = 0;
size_t bytes_in_window = 0;
// Calculate a moving average of the bitrate and store in a TimeSeries.
for (uint64_t time = begin_time_; time < end_time_ + step_; time += step_) {
while (window_index_end < packets.size() &&
packets[window_index_end].timestamp < time) {
bytes_in_window += packets[window_index_end].size;
while (window_index_begin < packets.size() &&
packets[window_index_begin].timestamp < time - window_duration_) {
RTC_DCHECK_LE(packets[window_index_begin].size, bytes_in_window);
bytes_in_window -= packets[window_index_begin].size;
float window_duration_in_seconds =
static_cast<float>(window_duration_) / 1000000;
float x = static_cast<float>(time - begin_time_) / 1000000;
float y = bytes_in_window * 8 / window_duration_in_seconds / 1000;
plot->series_list_.back().points.push_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
// Set labels.
if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
plot->series_list_.back().label = "Incoming bitrate";
} else if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
plot->series_list_.back().label = "Outgoing bitrate";
plot->series_list_.back().style = LINE_GRAPH;
// Overlay the send-side bandwidth estimate over the outgoing bitrate.
if (desired_direction == kOutgoingPacket) {
for (auto& bwe_update : bwe_loss_updates_) {
float x =
static_cast<float>(bwe_update.timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
float y = static_cast<float>(bwe_update.new_bitrate) / 1000;
plot->series_list_.back().points.emplace_back(x, y);
plot->series_list_.back().label = "Loss-based estimate";
plot->series_list_.back().style = LINE_GRAPH;
plot->series_list_.back().style = LINE_GRAPH;
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Incoming RTP bitrate");
} else if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Outgoing RTP bitrate");
// For each SSRC, plot the bandwidth used by that stream.
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateStreamBitrateGraph(
PacketDirection desired_direction,
Plot* plot) {
for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
// Filter on direction and SSRC.
if (stream_id.GetDirection() != desired_direction ||
!MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = GetStreamName(stream_id); = LINE_GRAPH;
double bytes_to_kilobits = 8.0 / 1000;
MovingAverage<PacketSizeBytes>(packet_stream, begin_time_, end_time_,
window_duration_, step_, bytes_to_kilobits,
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Incoming bitrate per stream");
} else if (desired_direction == webrtc::PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
plot->SetTitle("Outgoing bitrate per stream");
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateBweSimulationGraph(Plot* plot) {
std::map<uint64_t, const LoggedRtpPacket*> outgoing_rtp;
std::map<uint64_t, const LoggedRtcpPacket*> incoming_rtcp;
for (const auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
if (kv.first.GetDirection() == PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
for (const LoggedRtpPacket& rtp_packet : kv.second)
outgoing_rtp.insert(std::make_pair(rtp_packet.timestamp, &rtp_packet));
for (const auto& kv : rtcp_packets_) {
if (kv.first.GetDirection() == PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
for (const LoggedRtcpPacket& rtcp_packet : kv.second)
std::make_pair(rtcp_packet.timestamp, &rtcp_packet));
SimulatedClock clock(0);
BitrateObserver observer;
RtcEventLogNullImpl null_event_log;
PacketRouter packet_router;
CongestionController cc(&clock, &observer, &observer, &null_event_log,
// TODO(holmer): Log the call config and use that here instead.
static const uint32_t kDefaultStartBitrateBps = 300000;
cc.SetBweBitrates(0, kDefaultStartBitrateBps, -1);
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = "Delay-based estimate"; = LINE_DOT_GRAPH;
TimeSeries acked_time_series;
acked_time_series.label = "Acked bitrate"; = LINE_DOT_GRAPH;
auto rtp_iterator = outgoing_rtp.begin();
auto rtcp_iterator = incoming_rtcp.begin();
auto NextRtpTime = [&]() {
if (rtp_iterator != outgoing_rtp.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(rtp_iterator->first);
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
auto NextRtcpTime = [&]() {
if (rtcp_iterator != incoming_rtcp.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(rtcp_iterator->first);
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
auto NextProcessTime = [&]() {
if (rtcp_iterator != incoming_rtcp.end() ||
rtp_iterator != outgoing_rtp.end()) {
return clock.TimeInMicroseconds() +
std::max<int64_t>(cc.TimeUntilNextProcess() * 1000, 0);
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
RateStatistics acked_bitrate(250, 8000);
int64_t time_us = std::min(NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime());
int64_t last_update_us = 0;
while (time_us != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
clock.AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(time_us - clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtcpTime()) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtcpTime());
const LoggedRtcpPacket& rtcp = *rtcp_iterator->second;
if (rtcp.type == kRtcpTransportFeedback) {
TransportFeedbackObserver* observer = cc.GetTransportFeedbackObserver();
std::vector<PacketInfo> feedback =
rtc::Optional<uint32_t> bitrate_bps;
if (!feedback.empty()) {
for (const PacketInfo& packet : feedback)
acked_bitrate.Update(packet.payload_size, packet.arrival_time_ms);
bitrate_bps = acked_bitrate.Rate(feedback.back().arrival_time_ms);
uint32_t y = 0;
if (bitrate_bps)
y = *bitrate_bps / 1000;
float x = static_cast<float>(clock.TimeInMicroseconds() - begin_time_) /
acked_time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtpTime()) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtpTime());
const LoggedRtpPacket& rtp = *rtp_iterator->second;
if (rtp.header.extension.hasTransportSequenceNumber) {
rtp.header.extension.transportSequenceNumber, rtp.total_length,
rtc::SentPacket sent_packet(
rtp.header.extension.transportSequenceNumber, rtp.timestamp / 1000);
if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextProcessTime()) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextProcessTime());
if (observer.GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() ||
time_us - last_update_us >= 1e6) {
uint32_t y = observer.last_bitrate_bps() / 1000;
float x = static_cast<float>(clock.TimeInMicroseconds() - begin_time_) /
time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
last_update_us = time_us;
time_us = std::min({NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime(), NextProcessTime()});
// Add the data set to the plot.
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
plot->SetTitle("Simulated BWE behavior");
// TODO(holmer): Remove once TransportFeedbackAdapter no longer needs a
// BitrateController.
class NullBitrateController : public BitrateController {
~NullBitrateController() override {}
RtcpBandwidthObserver* CreateRtcpBandwidthObserver() override {
return nullptr;
void SetStartBitrate(int start_bitrate_bps) override {}
void SetMinMaxBitrate(int min_bitrate_bps, int max_bitrate_bps) override {}
void SetBitrates(int start_bitrate_bps,
int min_bitrate_bps,
int max_bitrate_bps) override {}
void ResetBitrates(int bitrate_bps,
int min_bitrate_bps,
int max_bitrate_bps) override {}
void OnDelayBasedBweResult(const DelayBasedBwe::Result& result) override {}
bool AvailableBandwidth(uint32_t* bandwidth) const override { return false; }
void SetReservedBitrate(uint32_t reserved_bitrate_bps) override {}
bool GetNetworkParameters(uint32_t* bitrate,
uint8_t* fraction_loss,
int64_t* rtt) override {
return false;
int64_t TimeUntilNextProcess() override { return 0; }
void Process() override {}
void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateNetworkDelayFeedbackGraph(Plot* plot) {
std::map<uint64_t, const LoggedRtpPacket*> outgoing_rtp;
std::map<uint64_t, const LoggedRtcpPacket*> incoming_rtcp;
for (const auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
if (kv.first.GetDirection() == PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket) {
for (const LoggedRtpPacket& rtp_packet : kv.second)
outgoing_rtp.insert(std::make_pair(rtp_packet.timestamp, &rtp_packet));
for (const auto& kv : rtcp_packets_) {
if (kv.first.GetDirection() == PacketDirection::kIncomingPacket) {
for (const LoggedRtcpPacket& rtcp_packet : kv.second)
std::make_pair(rtcp_packet.timestamp, &rtcp_packet));
SimulatedClock clock(0);
NullBitrateController null_controller;
TransportFeedbackAdapter feedback_adapter(&clock, &null_controller);
TimeSeries time_series;
time_series.label = "Network Delay Change"; = LINE_DOT_GRAPH;
int64_t estimated_base_delay_ms = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
auto rtp_iterator = outgoing_rtp.begin();
auto rtcp_iterator = incoming_rtcp.begin();
auto NextRtpTime = [&]() {
if (rtp_iterator != outgoing_rtp.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(rtp_iterator->first);
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
auto NextRtcpTime = [&]() {
if (rtcp_iterator != incoming_rtcp.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(rtcp_iterator->first);
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t time_us = std::min(NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime());
while (time_us != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
clock.AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(time_us - clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtcpTime()) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtcpTime());
const LoggedRtcpPacket& rtcp = *rtcp_iterator->second;
if (rtcp.type == kRtcpTransportFeedback) {
std::vector<PacketInfo> feedback =
for (const PacketInfo& packet : feedback) {
int64_t y = packet.arrival_time_ms - packet.send_time_ms;
float x =
static_cast<float>(clock.TimeInMicroseconds() - begin_time_) /
estimated_base_delay_ms = std::min(y, estimated_base_delay_ms);
time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtpTime()) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtpTime());
const LoggedRtpPacket& rtp = *rtp_iterator->second;
if (rtp.header.extension.hasTransportSequenceNumber) {
rtp.total_length, PacketInfo::kNotAProbe);
rtp.header.extension.transportSequenceNumber, rtp.timestamp / 1000);
time_us = std::min(NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime());
// We assume that the base network delay (w/o queues) is the min delay
// observed during the call.
for (TimeSeriesPoint& point : time_series.points)
point.y -= estimated_base_delay_ms;
// Add the data set to the plot.
plot->SetXAxis(0, call_duration_s_, "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Delay (ms)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
plot->SetTitle("Network Delay Change.");
} // namespace plotting
} // namespace webrtc