Rewrite PeerConnection integration tests using better testing practices.
Also renames "peerconnection_unittests" to "peerconnection_integrationtests",
and moves the ICE URL parsing code to separate files.
The main problem previously was that the test assertions
occurred in various places in the main test class, and this shared test
code was overly complex and stateful. As a result, it was difficult to
tell what a test even does, let alone what assertions it's meant to be
making. And writing a new test that does what you want can be a
frustrating ordeal.
The new code still uses helper methods, but they have intuitive names
and a smaller role; all of the important parts of the test's logic are
in the test case itself.
We're planning on merging PeerConnection and WebRtcSession at some point
soon, so it seemed valuable to do this, so that the WebRtcSession tests
can be rewritten as PeerConnection tests using better patterns.
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#17458}
diff --git a/webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h b/webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h
index b346783..e965457 100644
--- a/webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h
+++ b/webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h
@@ -648,12 +648,14 @@
const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints) {}
// Sets the local session description.
- // JsepInterface takes the ownership of |desc| even if it fails.
+ // The PeerConnection takes the ownership of |desc| even if it fails.
// The |observer| callback will be called when done.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Change |desc| to be a unique_ptr, to make it clear
+ // that this method always takes ownership of it.
virtual void SetLocalDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) = 0;
// Sets the remote session description.
- // JsepInterface takes the ownership of |desc| even if it fails.
+ // The PeerConnection takes the ownership of |desc| even if it fails.
// The |observer| callback will be called when done.
virtual void SetRemoteDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) = 0;
diff --git a/webrtc/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h b/webrtc/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h
index 7255c05..3d2cc67 100644
--- a/webrtc/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h
+++ b/webrtc/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
// tolerance on Y values. Some unit tests produce Y values close
// to 16 rather than close to zero, for supposedly black frames.
// Largest value observed is 34, e.g., running
- // P2PTestConductor.LocalP2PTest16To9 (peerconnection_unittests).
+ // PeerConnectionIntegrationTest.SendAndReceive16To9AspectRatio.
black_frame_ = CheckFrameColorYuv(0, 48, 128, 128, 128, 128, &frame);
// Treat unexpected frame size as error.
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
index 5e38c6b..75a644c 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
+ "",
+ "iceserverparsing.h",
@@ -278,11 +280,12 @@
+ "",
- "",
+ "",
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5769cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h"
+#include <cctype> // For std::isdigit.
+#include <string>
+#include "webrtc/base/arraysize.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// The min number of tokens must present in Turn host uri.
+// e.g.
+static const size_t kTurnHostTokensNum = 2;
+// Number of tokens must be preset when TURN uri has transport param.
+static const size_t kTurnTransportTokensNum = 2;
+// The default stun port.
+static const int kDefaultStunPort = 3478;
+static const int kDefaultStunTlsPort = 5349;
+static const char kTransport[] = "transport";
+// NOTE: Must be in the same order as the ServiceType enum.
+static const char* kValidIceServiceTypes[] = {"stun", "stuns", "turn", "turns"};
+// NOTE: A loop below assumes that the first value of this enum is 0 and all
+// other values are incremental.
+enum ServiceType {
+ STUN = 0, // Indicates a STUN server.
+ STUNS, // Indicates a STUN server used with a TLS session.
+ TURN, // Indicates a TURN server
+ TURNS, // Indicates a TURN server used with a TLS session.
+ INVALID, // Unknown.
+static_assert(INVALID == arraysize(kValidIceServiceTypes),
+ "kValidIceServiceTypes must have as many strings as ServiceType "
+ "has values.");
+// |in_str| should be of format
+// stunURI = scheme ":" stun-host [ ":" stun-port ]
+// scheme = "stun" / "stuns"
+// stun-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+// stun-port = *DIGIT
+// draft-petithuguenin-behave-turn-uris-01
+// turnURI = scheme ":" turn-host [ ":" turn-port ]
+// turn-host = username@IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+static bool GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri(const std::string& in_str,
+ ServiceType* service_type,
+ std::string* hostname) {
+ const std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':');
+ if (colonpos == std::string::npos) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Missing ':' in ICE URI: " << in_str;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((colonpos + 1) == in_str.length()) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Empty hostname in ICE URI: " << in_str;
+ return false;
+ }
+ *service_type = INVALID;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kValidIceServiceTypes); ++i) {
+ if (, colonpos, kValidIceServiceTypes[i]) == 0) {
+ *service_type = static_cast<ServiceType>(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*service_type == INVALID) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *hostname = in_str.substr(colonpos + 1, std::string::npos);
+ return true;
+static bool ParsePort(const std::string& in_str, int* port) {
+ // Make sure port only contains digits. FromString doesn't check this.
+ for (const char& c : in_str) {
+ if (!std::isdigit(c)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return rtc::FromString(in_str, port);
+// This method parses IPv6 and IPv4 literal strings, along with hostnames in
+// standard hostname:port format.
+// Consider following formats as correct.
+// |hostname:port|, |[IPV6 address]:port|, |IPv4 address|:port,
+// |hostname|, |[IPv6 address]|, |IPv4 address|.
+static bool ParseHostnameAndPortFromString(const std::string& in_str,
+ std::string* host,
+ int* port) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(host->empty());
+ if ( == '[') {
+ std::string::size_type closebracket = in_str.rfind(']');
+ if (closebracket != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':', closebracket);
+ if (std::string::npos != colonpos) {
+ if (!ParsePort(in_str.substr(closebracket + 2, std::string::npos),
+ port)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ *host = in_str.substr(1, closebracket - 1);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':');
+ if (std::string::npos != colonpos) {
+ if (!ParsePort(in_str.substr(colonpos + 1, std::string::npos), port)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *host = in_str.substr(0, colonpos);
+ } else {
+ *host = in_str;
+ }
+ }
+ return !host->empty();
+// Adds a STUN or TURN server to the appropriate list,
+// by parsing |url| and using the username/password in |server|.
+static RTCErrorType ParseIceServerUrl(
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer& server,
+ const std::string& url,
+ cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
+ std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers) {
+ // draft-nandakumar-rtcweb-stun-uri-01
+ // stunURI = scheme ":" stun-host [ ":" stun-port ]
+ // scheme = "stun" / "stuns"
+ // stun-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+ // stun-port = *DIGIT
+ // draft-petithuguenin-behave-turn-uris-01
+ // turnURI = scheme ":" turn-host [ ":" turn-port ]
+ // [ "?transport=" transport ]
+ // scheme = "turn" / "turns"
+ // transport = "udp" / "tcp" / transport-ext
+ // transport-ext = 1*unreserved
+ // turn-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+ // turn-port = *DIGIT
+ RTC_DCHECK(stun_servers != nullptr);
+ RTC_DCHECK(turn_servers != nullptr);
+ std::vector<std::string> tokens;
+ cricket::ProtocolType turn_transport_type = cricket::PROTO_UDP;
+ RTC_DCHECK(!url.empty());
+ rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(url, '?', &tokens);
+ std::string uri_without_transport = tokens[0];
+ // Let's look into transport= param, if it exists.
+ if (tokens.size() == kTurnTransportTokensNum) { // ?transport= is present.
+ std::string uri_transport_param = tokens[1];
+ rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(uri_transport_param, '=', &tokens);
+ if (tokens[0] != kTransport) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid transport parameter key.";
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (tokens.size() < 2) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Transport parameter missing value.";
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (!cricket::StringToProto(tokens[1].c_str(), &turn_transport_type) ||
+ (turn_transport_type != cricket::PROTO_UDP &&
+ turn_transport_type != cricket::PROTO_TCP)) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Transport parameter should always be udp or tcp.";
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string hoststring;
+ ServiceType service_type;
+ if (!GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri(uri_without_transport, &service_type,
+ &hoststring)) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid transport parameter in ICE URI: " << url;
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ // GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri should never give an empty hoststring
+ RTC_DCHECK(!hoststring.empty());
+ // Let's break hostname.
+ tokens.clear();
+ rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(hoststring, '@', &tokens);
+ std::string username(server.username);
+ if (tokens.size() > kTurnHostTokensNum) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid user@hostname format: " << hoststring;
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (tokens.size() == kTurnHostTokensNum) {
+ if (tokens[0].empty() || tokens[1].empty()) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid user@hostname format: " << hoststring;
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ username.assign(rtc::s_url_decode(tokens[0]));
+ hoststring = tokens[1];
+ } else {
+ hoststring = tokens[0];
+ }
+ int port = kDefaultStunPort;
+ if (service_type == TURNS) {
+ port = kDefaultStunTlsPort;
+ turn_transport_type = cricket::PROTO_TLS;
+ }
+ std::string address;
+ if (!ParseHostnameAndPortFromString(hoststring, &address, &port)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid hostname format: " << uri_without_transport;
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (port <= 0 || port > 0xffff) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid port: " << port;
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ switch (service_type) {
+ case STUN:
+ case STUNS:
+ stun_servers->insert(rtc::SocketAddress(address, port));
+ break;
+ case TURN:
+ case TURNS: {
+ if (username.empty() || server.password.empty()) {
+ // The WebRTC spec requires throwing an InvalidAccessError when username
+ // or credential are ommitted; this is the native equivalent.
+ }
+ cricket::RelayServerConfig config = cricket::RelayServerConfig(
+ address, port, username, server.password, turn_transport_type);
+ if (server.tls_cert_policy ==
+ PeerConnectionInterface::kTlsCertPolicyInsecureNoCheck) {
+ config.tls_cert_policy =
+ }
+ turn_servers->push_back(config);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // We shouldn't get to this point with an invalid service_type, we should
+ // have returned an error already.
+ RTC_NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected service type";
+ return RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return RTCErrorType::NONE;
+RTCErrorType ParseIceServers(
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers& servers,
+ cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
+ std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers) {
+ for (const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer& server : servers) {
+ if (!server.urls.empty()) {
+ for (const std::string& url : server.urls) {
+ if (url.empty()) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Empty uri.";
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ RTCErrorType err =
+ ParseIceServerUrl(server, url, stun_servers, turn_servers);
+ if (err != RTCErrorType::NONE) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!server.uri.empty()) {
+ // Fallback to old .uri if new .urls isn't present.
+ RTCErrorType err =
+ ParseIceServerUrl(server, server.uri, stun_servers, turn_servers);
+ if (err != RTCErrorType::NONE) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Empty uri.";
+ return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ // Candidates must have unique priorities, so that connectivity checks
+ // are performed in a well-defined order.
+ int priority = static_cast<int>(turn_servers->size() - 1);
+ for (cricket::RelayServerConfig& turn_server : *turn_servers) {
+ // First in the list gets highest priority.
+ turn_server.priority = priority--;
+ }
+ return RTCErrorType::NONE;
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h b/webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8feefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
+#include "webrtc/api/rtcerror.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// Parses the URLs for each server in |servers| to build |stun_servers| and
+// |turn_servers|. Can return SYNTAX_ERROR if the URL is malformed, or
+// INVALID_PARAMETER if a TURN server is missing |username| or |password|.
+// Intended to be used to convert/validate the servers passed into a
+// PeerConnection through RTCConfiguration.
+RTCErrorType ParseIceServers(
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers& servers,
+ cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
+ std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers);
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0450189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class IceServerParsingTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ // Convenience functions for parsing a single URL. Result is stored in
+ // |stun_servers_| and |turn_servers_|.
+ bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url) {
+ return ParseUrl(url, std::string(), std::string());
+ }
+ bool ParseTurnUrl(const std::string& url) {
+ return ParseUrl(url, "username", "password");
+ }
+ bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url,
+ const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& password) {
+ return ParseUrl(
+ url, username, password,
+ PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy::kTlsCertPolicySecure);
+ }
+ bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url,
+ const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& password,
+ PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy tls_certificate_policy) {
+ stun_servers_.clear();
+ turn_servers_.clear();
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
+ server.urls.push_back(url);
+ server.username = username;
+ server.password = password;
+ server.tls_cert_policy = tls_certificate_policy;
+ servers.push_back(server);
+ return webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_) ==
+ webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE;
+ }
+ protected:
+ cricket::ServerAddresses stun_servers_;
+ std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig> turn_servers_;
+// Make sure all STUN/TURN prefixes are parsed correctly.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseStunPrefixes) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stuns:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turns:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(turn_servers_[0].tls_cert_policy ==
+ cricket::TlsCertPolicy::TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE);
+ "turns:hostname", "username", "password",
+ PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy::kTlsCertPolicyInsecureNoCheck));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(turn_servers_[0].tls_cert_policy ==
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ // invalid prefixes
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stunn:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(":hostname"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(":"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(""));
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, VerifyDefaults) {
+ // TURNS defaults
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turns:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5349, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].address.port());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ // TURN defaults
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3478, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].address.port());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ // STUN defaults
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+// Check that the 6 combinations of IPv4/IPv6/hostname and with/without port
+// can be parsed correctly.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseHostnameAndPort) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1234, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]:4321"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4321, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:9999"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("hostname", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(9999, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("hostname", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
+ // Try some invalid hostname:port strings.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:99a99"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:-1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:port:more"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:port more"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]junk:1000"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun::5555"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
+// Test parsing the "?transport=xxx" part of the URL.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseTransport) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname:1234?transport=tcp"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TCP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport=udp"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport=invalid"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport="));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?="));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("?"));
+// Test parsing ICE username contained in URL.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseUsername) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:user@hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("user", turn_servers_[0].credentials.username);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:@hostname"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:username@"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:@"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:user@name@hostname"));
+// Test that username and password from IceServer is copied into the resulting
+// RelayServerConfig.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, CopyUsernameAndPasswordFromIceServer) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("turn:hostname", "username", "password"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("username", turn_servers_[0].credentials.username);
+ EXPECT_EQ("password", turn_servers_[0].credentials.password);
+// Ensure that if a server has multiple URLs, each one is parsed.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseMultipleUrls) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
+ server.urls.push_back("stun:hostname");
+ server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname");
+ server.username = "foo";
+ server.password = "bar";
+ servers.push_back(server);
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE,
+ webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
+// Ensure that TURN servers are given unique priorities,
+// so that their resulting candidates have unique priorities.
+TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, TurnServerPrioritiesUnique) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
+ PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
+ server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname");
+ server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname2");
+ server.username = "foo";
+ server.password = "bar";
+ servers.push_back(server);
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE,
+ webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, turn_servers_.size());
+ EXPECT_NE(turn_servers_[0].priority, turn_servers_[1].priority);
+} // namespace webrtc
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index 7abbb44..a398103 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h"
#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype> // for isdigit
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@
#include "webrtc/api/mediaconstraintsinterface.h"
#include "webrtc/api/mediastreamproxy.h"
#include "webrtc/api/mediastreamtrackproxy.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/arraysize.h"
#include "webrtc/base/bind.h"
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
@@ -62,35 +60,9 @@
static const char kDefaultAudioTrackLabel[] = "defaulta0";
static const char kDefaultVideoTrackLabel[] = "defaultv0";
-// The min number of tokens must present in Turn host uri.
-// e.g.
-static const size_t kTurnHostTokensNum = 2;
-// Number of tokens must be preset when TURN uri has transport param.
-static const size_t kTurnTransportTokensNum = 2;
-// The default stun port.
-static const int kDefaultStunPort = 3478;
-static const int kDefaultStunTlsPort = 5349;
-static const char kTransport[] = "transport";
-// NOTE: Must be in the same order as the ServiceType enum.
-static const char* kValidIceServiceTypes[] = {"stun", "stuns", "turn", "turns"};
// The length of RTCP CNAMEs.
static const int kRtcpCnameLength = 16;
-// NOTE: A loop below assumes that the first value of this enum is 0 and all
-// other values are incremental.
-enum ServiceType {
- STUN = 0, // Indicates a STUN server.
- STUNS, // Indicates a STUN server used with a TLS session.
- TURN, // Indicates a TURN server
- TURNS, // Indicates a TURN server used with a TLS session.
- INVALID, // Unknown.
-static_assert(INVALID == arraysize(kValidIceServiceTypes),
- "kValidIceServiceTypes must have as many strings as ServiceType "
- "has values.");
enum {
@@ -127,216 +99,6 @@
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface> track;
-// |in_str| should be of format
-// stunURI = scheme ":" stun-host [ ":" stun-port ]
-// scheme = "stun" / "stuns"
-// stun-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
-// stun-port = *DIGIT
-// draft-petithuguenin-behave-turn-uris-01
-// turnURI = scheme ":" turn-host [ ":" turn-port ]
-// turn-host = username@IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
-bool GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri(const std::string& in_str,
- ServiceType* service_type,
- std::string* hostname) {
- const std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':');
- if (colonpos == std::string::npos) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Missing ':' in ICE URI: " << in_str;
- return false;
- }
- if ((colonpos + 1) == in_str.length()) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Empty hostname in ICE URI: " << in_str;
- return false;
- }
- *service_type = INVALID;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kValidIceServiceTypes); ++i) {
- if (, colonpos, kValidIceServiceTypes[i]) == 0) {
- *service_type = static_cast<ServiceType>(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (*service_type == INVALID) {
- return false;
- }
- *hostname = in_str.substr(colonpos + 1, std::string::npos);
- return true;
-bool ParsePort(const std::string& in_str, int* port) {
- // Make sure port only contains digits. FromString doesn't check this.
- for (const char& c : in_str) {
- if (!std::isdigit(c)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return rtc::FromString(in_str, port);
-// This method parses IPv6 and IPv4 literal strings, along with hostnames in
-// standard hostname:port format.
-// Consider following formats as correct.
-// |hostname:port|, |[IPV6 address]:port|, |IPv4 address|:port,
-// |hostname|, |[IPv6 address]|, |IPv4 address|.
-bool ParseHostnameAndPortFromString(const std::string& in_str,
- std::string* host,
- int* port) {
- RTC_DCHECK(host->empty());
- if ( == '[') {
- std::string::size_type closebracket = in_str.rfind(']');
- if (closebracket != std::string::npos) {
- std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':', closebracket);
- if (std::string::npos != colonpos) {
- if (!ParsePort(in_str.substr(closebracket + 2, std::string::npos),
- port)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- *host = in_str.substr(1, closebracket - 1);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- std::string::size_type colonpos = in_str.find(':');
- if (std::string::npos != colonpos) {
- if (!ParsePort(in_str.substr(colonpos + 1, std::string::npos), port)) {
- return false;
- }
- *host = in_str.substr(0, colonpos);
- } else {
- *host = in_str;
- }
- }
- return !host->empty();
-// Adds a STUN or TURN server to the appropriate list,
-// by parsing |url| and using the username/password in |server|.
-RTCErrorType ParseIceServerUrl(
- const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer& server,
- const std::string& url,
- cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
- std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers) {
- // draft-nandakumar-rtcweb-stun-uri-01
- // stunURI = scheme ":" stun-host [ ":" stun-port ]
- // scheme = "stun" / "stuns"
- // stun-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
- // stun-port = *DIGIT
- // draft-petithuguenin-behave-turn-uris-01
- // turnURI = scheme ":" turn-host [ ":" turn-port ]
- // [ "?transport=" transport ]
- // scheme = "turn" / "turns"
- // transport = "udp" / "tcp" / transport-ext
- // transport-ext = 1*unreserved
- // turn-host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
- // turn-port = *DIGIT
- RTC_DCHECK(stun_servers != nullptr);
- RTC_DCHECK(turn_servers != nullptr);
- std::vector<std::string> tokens;
- cricket::ProtocolType turn_transport_type = cricket::PROTO_UDP;
- RTC_DCHECK(!url.empty());
- rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(url, '?', &tokens);
- std::string uri_without_transport = tokens[0];
- // Let's look into transport= param, if it exists.
- if (tokens.size() == kTurnTransportTokensNum) { // ?transport= is present.
- std::string uri_transport_param = tokens[1];
- rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(uri_transport_param, '=', &tokens);
- if (tokens[0] != kTransport) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid transport parameter key.";
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- if (tokens.size() < 2) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Transport parameter missing value.";
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- if (!cricket::StringToProto(tokens[1].c_str(), &turn_transport_type) ||
- (turn_transport_type != cricket::PROTO_UDP &&
- turn_transport_type != cricket::PROTO_TCP)) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Transport parameter should always be udp or tcp.";
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- std::string hoststring;
- ServiceType service_type;
- if (!GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri(uri_without_transport,
- &service_type,
- &hoststring)) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid transport parameter in ICE URI: " << url;
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- // GetServiceTypeAndHostnameFromUri should never give an empty hoststring
- RTC_DCHECK(!hoststring.empty());
- // Let's break hostname.
- tokens.clear();
- rtc::tokenize_with_empty_tokens(hoststring, '@', &tokens);
- std::string username(server.username);
- if (tokens.size() > kTurnHostTokensNum) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid user@hostname format: " << hoststring;
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- if (tokens.size() == kTurnHostTokensNum) {
- if (tokens[0].empty() || tokens[1].empty()) {
- LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid user@hostname format: " << hoststring;
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- username.assign(rtc::s_url_decode(tokens[0]));
- hoststring = tokens[1];
- } else {
- hoststring = tokens[0];
- }
- int port = kDefaultStunPort;
- if (service_type == TURNS) {
- port = kDefaultStunTlsPort;
- turn_transport_type = cricket::PROTO_TLS;
- }
- std::string address;
- if (!ParseHostnameAndPortFromString(hoststring, &address, &port)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid hostname format: " << uri_without_transport;
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- if (port <= 0 || port > 0xffff) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid port: " << port;
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- switch (service_type) {
- case STUN:
- case STUNS:
- stun_servers->insert(rtc::SocketAddress(address, port));
- break;
- case TURN:
- case TURNS: {
- if (username.empty() || server.password.empty()) {
- // The WebRTC spec requires throwing an InvalidAccessError when username
- // or credential are ommitted; this is the native equivalent.
- }
- cricket::RelayServerConfig config = cricket::RelayServerConfig(
- address, port, username, server.password, turn_transport_type);
- if (server.tls_cert_policy ==
- PeerConnectionInterface::kTlsCertPolicyInsecureNoCheck) {
- config.tls_cert_policy =
- }
- turn_servers->push_back(config);
- break;
- }
- default:
- // We shouldn't get to this point with an invalid service_type, we should
- // have returned an error already.
- RTC_NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected service type";
- return RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR;
- }
- return RTCErrorType::NONE;
// Check if we can send |new_stream| on a PeerConnection.
bool CanAddLocalMediaStream(webrtc::StreamCollectionInterface* current_streams,
webrtc::MediaStreamInterface* new_stream) {
@@ -629,45 +391,6 @@
return mandatory_constraints_satisfied == constraints->GetMandatory().size();
-RTCErrorType ParseIceServers(
- const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers& servers,
- cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
- std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers) {
- for (const webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer& server : servers) {
- if (!server.urls.empty()) {
- for (const std::string& url : server.urls) {
- if (url.empty()) {
- LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Empty uri.";
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- RTCErrorType err =
- ParseIceServerUrl(server, url, stun_servers, turn_servers);
- if (err != RTCErrorType::NONE) {
- return err;
- }
- }
- } else if (!server.uri.empty()) {
- // Fallback to old .uri if new .urls isn't present.
- RTCErrorType err =
- ParseIceServerUrl(server, server.uri, stun_servers, turn_servers);
- if (err != RTCErrorType::NONE) {
- return err;
- }
- } else {
- LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Empty uri.";
- return RTCErrorType::SYNTAX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- // Candidates must have unique priorities, so that connectivity checks
- // are performed in a well-defined order.
- int priority = static_cast<int>(turn_servers->size() - 1);
- for (cricket::RelayServerConfig& turn_server : *turn_servers) {
- // First in the list gets highest priority.
- turn_server.priority = priority--;
- }
- return RTCErrorType::NONE;
PeerConnection::PeerConnection(PeerConnectionFactory* factory)
: factory_(factory),
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h b/webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h
index 2aa634c..02f56f6 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h
+++ b/webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/iceserverparsing.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnectionfactory.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/rtcstatscollector.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/rtpreceiver.h"
@@ -53,14 +54,6 @@
bool ParseConstraintsForAnswer(const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
cricket::MediaSessionOptions* session_options);
-// Parses the URLs for each server in |servers| to build |stun_servers| and
-// |turn_servers|. Can return SYNTAX_ERROR if the URL is malformed, or
-// INVALID_PARAMETER if a TURN server is missing |username| or |password|.
-RTCErrorType ParseIceServers(
- const PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers& servers,
- cricket::ServerAddresses* stun_servers,
- std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>* turn_servers);
// PeerConnection implements the PeerConnectionInterface interface.
// It uses WebRtcSession to implement the PeerConnection functionality.
class PeerConnection : public PeerConnectionInterface,
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4df9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -0,0 +1,2706 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+// Disable for TSan v2, see
+// for details.
+#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "webrtc/api/fakemetricsobserver.h"
+#include "webrtc/api/mediastreaminterface.h"
+#include "webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
+#include "webrtc/api/test/fakeconstraints.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/asyncinvoker.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/fakenetwork.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/ssladapter.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/sslstreamadapter.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/virtualsocketserver.h"
+#include "webrtc/media/engine/fakewebrtcvideoengine.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/p2pconstants.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portinterface.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/sessiondescription.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/testturnserver.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/client/basicportallocator.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/dtmfsender.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/localaudiosource.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/mediasession.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnectionfactory.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakeaudiocapturemodule.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakeperiodicvideocapturer.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakertccertificategenerator.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakevideotrackrenderer.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h"
+using cricket::ContentInfo;
+using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder;
+using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory;
+using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoEncoder;
+using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory;
+using cricket::MediaContentDescription;
+using webrtc::DataBuffer;
+using webrtc::DataChannelInterface;
+using webrtc::DtmfSender;
+using webrtc::DtmfSenderInterface;
+using webrtc::DtmfSenderObserverInterface;
+using webrtc::FakeConstraints;
+using webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface;
+using webrtc::MediaStreamInterface;
+using webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface;
+using webrtc::MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver;
+using webrtc::MockDataChannelObserver;
+using webrtc::MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver;
+using webrtc::MockStatsObserver;
+using webrtc::ObserverInterface;
+using webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface;
+using webrtc::PeerConnectionFactory;
+using webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface;
+using webrtc::StreamCollectionInterface;
+namespace {
+static const int kDefaultTimeout = 10000;
+static const int kMaxWaitForStatsMs = 3000;
+static const int kMaxWaitForActivationMs = 5000;
+static const int kMaxWaitForFramesMs = 10000;
+// Default number of audio/video frames to wait for before considering a test
+// successful.
+static const int kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount = 3;
+static const int kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount = 3;
+static const char kDefaultStreamLabel[] = "stream_label";
+static const char kDefaultVideoTrackId[] = "video_track";
+static const char kDefaultAudioTrackId[] = "audio_track";
+static const char kDataChannelLabel[] = "data_channel";
+// SRTP cipher name negotiated by the tests. This must be updated if the
+// default changes.
+static const int kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite = rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32;
+static const int kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuiteGcm = rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM;
+// Helper function for constructing offer/answer options to initiate an ICE
+// restart.
+PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions IceRestartOfferAnswerOptions() {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.ice_restart = true;
+ return options;
+class SignalingMessageReceiver {
+ public:
+ virtual void ReceiveSdpMessage(const std::string& type,
+ const std::string& msg) = 0;
+ virtual void ReceiveIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
+ int sdp_mline_index,
+ const std::string& msg) = 0;
+ protected:
+ SignalingMessageReceiver() {}
+ virtual ~SignalingMessageReceiver() {}
+class MockRtpReceiverObserver : public webrtc::RtpReceiverObserverInterface {
+ public:
+ explicit MockRtpReceiverObserver(cricket::MediaType media_type)
+ : expected_media_type_(media_type) {}
+ void OnFirstPacketReceived(cricket::MediaType media_type) override {
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected_media_type_, media_type);
+ first_packet_received_ = true;
+ }
+ bool first_packet_received() const { return first_packet_received_; }
+ virtual ~MockRtpReceiverObserver() {}
+ private:
+ bool first_packet_received_ = false;
+ cricket::MediaType expected_media_type_;
+// Helper class that wraps a peer connection, observes it, and can accept
+// signaling messages from another wrapper.
+// Uses a fake network, fake A/V capture, and optionally fake
+// encoders/decoders, though they aren't used by default since they don't
+// advertise support of any codecs.
+class PeerConnectionWrapper : public webrtc::PeerConnectionObserver,
+ public SignalingMessageReceiver,
+ public ObserverInterface {
+ public:
+ // Different factory methods for convenience.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Could use the pattern of:
+ //
+ // PeerConnectionWrapper =
+ // WrapperBuilder.WithConfig(...).WithOptions(...).build();
+ //
+ // To reduce some code duplication.
+ static PeerConnectionWrapper* CreateWithDtlsIdentityStore(
+ const std::string& debug_name,
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* client(new PeerConnectionWrapper(debug_name));
+ if (!client->Init(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, std::move(cert_generator),
+ network_thread, worker_thread)) {
+ delete client;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return client;
+ }
+ static PeerConnectionWrapper* CreateWithConfig(
+ const std::string& debug_name,
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& config,
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
+ std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
+ new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* client(new PeerConnectionWrapper(debug_name));
+ if (!client->Init(nullptr, nullptr, &config, std::move(cert_generator),
+ network_thread, worker_thread)) {
+ delete client;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return client;
+ }
+ static PeerConnectionWrapper* CreateWithOptions(
+ const std::string& debug_name,
+ const PeerConnectionFactory::Options& options,
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
+ std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
+ new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* client(new PeerConnectionWrapper(debug_name));
+ if (!client->Init(nullptr, &options, nullptr, std::move(cert_generator),
+ network_thread, worker_thread)) {
+ delete client;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return client;
+ }
+ static PeerConnectionWrapper* CreateWithConstraints(
+ const std::string& debug_name,
+ const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
+ std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
+ new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* client(new PeerConnectionWrapper(debug_name));
+ if (!client->Init(constraints, nullptr, nullptr, std::move(cert_generator),
+ network_thread, worker_thread)) {
+ delete client;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return client;
+ }
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface* pc() const { return peer_connection_.get(); }
+ // If a signaling message receiver is set (via ConnectFakeSignaling), this
+ // will set the whole offer/answer exchange in motion. Just need to wait for
+ // the signaling state to reach "stable".
+ void CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer() {
+ auto offer = CreateOffer();
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, offer);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SetLocalDescriptionAndSendSdpMessage(std::move(offer)));
+ }
+ // Sets the options to be used when CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer is called, or
+ // when a remote offer is received (via fake signaling) and an answer is
+ // generated. By default, uses default options.
+ void SetOfferAnswerOptions(
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) {
+ offer_answer_options_ = options;
+ }
+ // Set a callback to be invoked when SDP is received via the fake signaling
+ // channel, which provides an opportunity to munge (modify) the SDP. This is
+ // used to test SDP being applied that a PeerConnection would normally not
+ // generate, but a non-JSEP endpoint might.
+ void SetReceivedSdpMunger(
+ std::function<void(cricket::SessionDescription*)> munger) {
+ received_sdp_munger_ = munger;
+ }
+ // Siimlar to the above, but this is run on SDP immediately after it's
+ // generated.
+ void SetGeneratedSdpMunger(
+ std::function<void(cricket::SessionDescription*)> munger) {
+ generated_sdp_munger_ = munger;
+ }
+ // Number of times the gathering state has transitioned to "gathering".
+ // Useful for telling if an ICE restart occurred as expected.
+ int transitions_to_gathering_state() const {
+ return transitions_to_gathering_state_;
+ }
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Switch the majority of these tests to use AddTrack instead
+ // of AddStream since AddStream is deprecated.
+ void AddAudioVideoMediaStream() {
+ AddMediaStreamFromTracks(CreateLocalAudioTrack(), CreateLocalVideoTrack());
+ }
+ void AddAudioOnlyMediaStream() {
+ AddMediaStreamFromTracks(CreateLocalAudioTrack(), nullptr);
+ }
+ void AddVideoOnlyMediaStream() {
+ AddMediaStreamFromTracks(nullptr, CreateLocalVideoTrack());
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> CreateLocalAudioTrack() {
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ // Disable highpass filter so that we can get all the test audio frames.
+ constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kHighpassFilter, false);
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioSourceInterface> source =
+ peer_connection_factory_->CreateAudioSource(&constraints);
+ // TODO(perkj): Test audio source when it is implemented. Currently audio
+ // always use the default input.
+ return peer_connection_factory_->CreateAudioTrack(kDefaultAudioTrackId,
+ source);
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> CreateLocalVideoTrack() {
+ return CreateLocalVideoTrackInternal(
+ kDefaultVideoTrackId, FakeConstraints(), webrtc::kVideoRotation_0);
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface>
+ CreateLocalVideoTrackWithConstraints(const FakeConstraints& constraints) {
+ return CreateLocalVideoTrackInternal(kDefaultVideoTrackId, constraints,
+ webrtc::kVideoRotation_0);
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface>
+ CreateLocalVideoTrackWithRotation(webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
+ return CreateLocalVideoTrackInternal(kDefaultVideoTrackId,
+ FakeConstraints(), rotation);
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> CreateLocalVideoTrackWithId(
+ const std::string& id) {
+ return CreateLocalVideoTrackInternal(id, FakeConstraints(),
+ webrtc::kVideoRotation_0);
+ }
+ void AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> audio,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> video) {
+ AddMediaStreamFromTracksWithLabel(audio, video, kDefaultStreamLabel);
+ }
+ void AddMediaStreamFromTracksWithLabel(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> audio,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> video,
+ const std::string& stream_label) {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> stream =
+ peer_connection_factory_->CreateLocalMediaStream(stream_label);
+ if (audio) {
+ stream->AddTrack(audio);
+ }
+ if (video) {
+ stream->AddTrack(video);
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pc()->AddStream(stream));
+ }
+ bool SignalingStateStable() {
+ return pc()->signaling_state() == webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kStable;
+ }
+ void CreateDataChannel() { CreateDataChannel(nullptr); }
+ void CreateDataChannel(const webrtc::DataChannelInit* init) {
+ data_channel_ = pc()->CreateDataChannel(kDataChannelLabel, init);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(data_channel_.get() != nullptr);
+ data_observer_.reset(new MockDataChannelObserver(data_channel_));
+ }
+ DataChannelInterface* data_channel() { return data_channel_; }
+ const MockDataChannelObserver* data_observer() const {
+ return data_observer_.get();
+ }
+ int audio_frames_received() const {
+ return fake_audio_capture_module_->frames_received();
+ }
+ // Takes minimum of video frames received for each track.
+ //
+ // Can be used like:
+ // EXPECT_GE(expected_frames, min_video_frames_received_per_track());
+ //
+ // To ensure that all video tracks received at least a certain number of
+ // frames.
+ int min_video_frames_received_per_track() const {
+ int min_frames = INT_MAX;
+ if (video_decoder_factory_enabled_) {
+ const std::vector<FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder*>& decoders =
+ fake_video_decoder_factory_->decoders();
+ if (decoders.empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder* decoder : decoders) {
+ min_frames = std::min(min_frames, decoder->GetNumFramesReceived());
+ }
+ return min_frames;
+ } else {
+ if (fake_video_renderers_.empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : fake_video_renderers_) {
+ min_frames = std::min(min_frames, pair.second->num_rendered_frames());
+ }
+ return min_frames;
+ }
+ }
+ // In contrast to the above, sums the video frames received for all tracks.
+ // Can be used to verify that no video frames were received, or that the
+ // counts didn't increase.
+ int total_video_frames_received() const {
+ int total = 0;
+ if (video_decoder_factory_enabled_) {
+ const std::vector<FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder*>& decoders =
+ fake_video_decoder_factory_->decoders();
+ for (const FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder* decoder : decoders) {
+ total += decoder->GetNumFramesReceived();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (const auto& pair : fake_video_renderers_) {
+ total += pair.second->num_rendered_frames();
+ }
+ for (const auto& renderer : removed_fake_video_renderers_) {
+ total += renderer->num_rendered_frames();
+ }
+ }
+ return total;
+ }
+ // Returns a MockStatsObserver in a state after stats gathering finished,
+ // which can be used to access the gathered stats.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver> GetStatsForTrack(
+ webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver> observer(
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
+ observer, nullptr, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ return observer;
+ }
+ // Version that doesn't take a track "filter", and gathers all stats.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver> GetStats() {
+ return GetStatsForTrack(nullptr);
+ }
+ int rendered_width() {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
+ return fake_video_renderers_.empty()
+ ? 0
+ : fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->width();
+ }
+ int rendered_height() {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
+ return fake_video_renderers_.empty()
+ ? 0
+ : fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->height();
+ }
+ double rendered_aspect_ratio() {
+ if (rendered_height() == 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<double>(rendered_width()) / rendered_height();
+ }
+ webrtc::VideoRotation rendered_rotation() {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
+ return fake_video_renderers_.empty()
+ ? webrtc::kVideoRotation_0
+ : fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->rotation();
+ }
+ int local_rendered_width() {
+ return local_video_renderer_ ? local_video_renderer_->width() : 0;
+ }
+ int local_rendered_height() {
+ return local_video_renderer_ ? local_video_renderer_->height() : 0;
+ }
+ double local_rendered_aspect_ratio() {
+ if (local_rendered_height() == 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ return static_cast<double>(local_rendered_width()) /
+ local_rendered_height();
+ }
+ size_t number_of_remote_streams() {
+ if (!pc()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pc()->remote_streams()->count();
+ }
+ StreamCollectionInterface* remote_streams() const {
+ if (!pc()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pc()->remote_streams();
+ }
+ StreamCollectionInterface* local_streams() {
+ if (!pc()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pc()->local_streams();
+ }
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState signaling_state() {
+ return pc()->signaling_state();
+ }
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState ice_connection_state() {
+ return pc()->ice_connection_state();
+ }
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state() {
+ return pc()->ice_gathering_state();
+ }
+ // Returns a MockRtpReceiverObserver for each RtpReceiver returned by
+ // GetReceivers. They're updated automatically when a remote offer/answer
+ // from the fake signaling channel is applied, or when
+ // ResetRtpReceiverObservers below is called.
+ const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>>&
+ rtp_receiver_observers() {
+ return rtp_receiver_observers_;
+ }
+ void ResetRtpReceiverObservers() {
+ rtp_receiver_observers_.clear();
+ for (auto receiver : pc()->GetReceivers()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver> observer(
+ new MockRtpReceiverObserver(receiver->media_type()));
+ receiver->SetObserver(observer.get());
+ rtp_receiver_observers_.push_back(std::move(observer));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit PeerConnectionWrapper(const std::string& debug_name)
+ : debug_name_(debug_name) {}
+ bool Init(
+ const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
+ const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+ rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
+ // There's an error in this test code if Init ends up being called twice.
+ RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_factory_);
+ fake_network_manager_.reset(new rtc::FakeNetworkManager());
+ fake_network_manager_->AddInterface(rtc::SocketAddress("", 0));
+ std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator(
+ new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(fake_network_manager_.get()));
+ fake_audio_capture_module_ = FakeAudioCaptureModule::Create();
+ if (!fake_audio_capture_module_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Note that these factories don't end up getting used unless supported
+ // codecs are added to them.
+ fake_video_decoder_factory_ = new FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory();
+ fake_video_encoder_factory_ = new FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory();
+ rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread = rtc::Thread::Current();
+ peer_connection_factory_ = webrtc::CreatePeerConnectionFactory(
+ network_thread, worker_thread, signaling_thread,
+ fake_audio_capture_module_, fake_video_encoder_factory_,
+ fake_video_decoder_factory_);
+ if (!peer_connection_factory_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (options) {
+ peer_connection_factory_->SetOptions(*options);
+ }
+ peer_connection_ =
+ CreatePeerConnection(std::move(port_allocator), constraints, config,
+ std::move(cert_generator));
+ return peer_connection_.get() != nullptr;
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface> CreatePeerConnection(
+ std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator,
+ const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration modified_config;
+ // If |config| is null, this will result in a default configuration being
+ // used.
+ if (config) {
+ modified_config = *config;
+ }
+ // Disable resolution adaptation; we don't want it interfering with the
+ // test results.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Do something more robust. Since we're testing for aspect
+ // ratios and not specific resolutions, is this even necessary?
+ modified_config.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
+ return peer_connection_factory_->CreatePeerConnection(
+ modified_config, constraints, std::move(port_allocator),
+ std::move(cert_generator), this);
+ }
+ void set_signaling_message_receiver(
+ SignalingMessageReceiver* signaling_message_receiver) {
+ signaling_message_receiver_ = signaling_message_receiver;
+ }
+ void set_signaling_delay_ms(int delay_ms) { signaling_delay_ms_ = delay_ms; }
+ void EnableVideoDecoderFactory() {
+ video_decoder_factory_enabled_ = true;
+ fake_video_decoder_factory_->AddSupportedVideoCodecType(
+ webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
+ }
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> CreateLocalVideoTrackInternal(
+ const std::string& track_id,
+ const FakeConstraints& constraints,
+ webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
+ // Set max frame rate to 10fps to reduce the risk of test flakiness.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Do something more robust.
+ FakeConstraints source_constraints = constraints;
+ source_constraints.SetMandatoryMaxFrameRate(10);
+ cricket::FakeVideoCapturer* fake_capturer =
+ new webrtc::FakePeriodicVideoCapturer();
+ fake_capturer->SetRotation(rotation);
+ video_capturers_.push_back(fake_capturer);
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface> source =
+ peer_connection_factory_->CreateVideoSource(fake_capturer,
+ &source_constraints);
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> track(
+ peer_connection_factory_->CreateVideoTrack(track_id, source));
+ if (!local_video_renderer_) {
+ local_video_renderer_.reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(track));
+ }
+ return track;
+ }
+ void HandleIncomingOffer(const std::string& msg) {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": HandleIncomingOffer";
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc(
+ webrtc::CreateSessionDescription("offer", msg, nullptr));
+ if (received_sdp_munger_) {
+ received_sdp_munger_(desc->description());
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SetRemoteDescription(std::move(desc)));
+ // Setting a remote description may have changed the number of receivers,
+ // so reset the receiver observers.
+ ResetRtpReceiverObservers();
+ auto answer = CreateAnswer();
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, answer);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SetLocalDescriptionAndSendSdpMessage(std::move(answer)));
+ }
+ void HandleIncomingAnswer(const std::string& msg) {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": HandleIncomingAnswer";
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc(
+ webrtc::CreateSessionDescription("answer", msg, nullptr));
+ if (received_sdp_munger_) {
+ received_sdp_munger_(desc->description());
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SetRemoteDescription(std::move(desc)));
+ // Set the RtpReceiverObserver after receivers are created.
+ ResetRtpReceiverObservers();
+ }
+ // Returns null on failure.
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> CreateOffer() {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer(
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>());
+ pc()->CreateOffer(observer, offer_answer_options_);
+ return WaitForDescriptionFromObserver(observer);
+ }
+ // Returns null on failure.
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> CreateAnswer() {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer(
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>());
+ pc()->CreateAnswer(observer, offer_answer_options_);
+ return WaitForDescriptionFromObserver(observer);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> WaitForDescriptionFromObserver(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer) {
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(true, observer->called(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ if (!observer->result()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto description = observer->MoveDescription();
+ if (generated_sdp_munger_) {
+ generated_sdp_munger_(description->description());
+ }
+ return description;
+ }
+ // Setting the local description and sending the SDP message over the fake
+ // signaling channel are combined into the same method because the SDP
+ // message needs to be sent as soon as SetLocalDescription finishes, without
+ // waiting for the observer to be called. This ensures that ICE candidates
+ // don't outrace the description.
+ bool SetLocalDescriptionAndSendSdpMessage(
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc) {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver> observer(
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>());
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": SetLocalDescriptionAndSendSdpMessage";
+ std::string type = desc->type();
+ std::string sdp;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(desc->ToString(&sdp));
+ pc()->SetLocalDescription(observer, desc.release());
+ // As mentioned above, we need to send the message immediately after
+ // SetLocalDescription.
+ SendSdpMessage(type, sdp);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool SetRemoteDescription(std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc) {
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver> observer(
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>());
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": SetRemoteDescription";
+ pc()->SetRemoteDescription(observer, desc.release());
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ return observer->result();
+ }
+ // Simulate sending a blob of SDP with delay |signaling_delay_ms_| (0 by
+ // default).
+ void SendSdpMessage(const std::string& type, const std::string& msg) {
+ if (signaling_delay_ms_ == 0) {
+ RelaySdpMessageIfReceiverExists(type, msg);
+ } else {
+ invoker_.AsyncInvokeDelayed<void>(
+ RTC_FROM_HERE, rtc::Thread::Current(),
+ rtc::Bind(&PeerConnectionWrapper::RelaySdpMessageIfReceiverExists,
+ this, type, msg),
+ signaling_delay_ms_);
+ }
+ }
+ void RelaySdpMessageIfReceiverExists(const std::string& type,
+ const std::string& msg) {
+ if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
+ signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveSdpMessage(type, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ // Simulate trickling an ICE candidate with delay |signaling_delay_ms_| (0 by
+ // default).
+ void SendIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
+ int sdp_mline_index,
+ const std::string& msg) {
+ if (signaling_delay_ms_ == 0) {
+ RelayIceMessageIfReceiverExists(sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index, msg);
+ } else {
+ invoker_.AsyncInvokeDelayed<void>(
+ RTC_FROM_HERE, rtc::Thread::Current(),
+ rtc::Bind(&PeerConnectionWrapper::RelayIceMessageIfReceiverExists,
+ this, sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index, msg),
+ signaling_delay_ms_);
+ }
+ }
+ void RelayIceMessageIfReceiverExists(const std::string& sdp_mid,
+ int sdp_mline_index,
+ const std::string& msg) {
+ if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
+ signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveIceMessage(sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index,
+ msg);
+ }
+ }
+ // SignalingMessageReceiver callbacks.
+ void ReceiveSdpMessage(const std::string& type,
+ const std::string& msg) override {
+ if (type == webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface::kOffer) {
+ HandleIncomingOffer(msg);
+ } else {
+ HandleIncomingAnswer(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ void ReceiveIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
+ int sdp_mline_index,
+ const std::string& msg) override {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": ReceiveIceMessage";
+ std::unique_ptr<webrtc::IceCandidateInterface> candidate(
+ webrtc::CreateIceCandidate(sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index, msg, nullptr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pc()->AddIceCandidate(candidate.get()));
+ }
+ // PeerConnectionObserver callbacks.
+ void OnSignalingChange(
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState new_state) override {
+ EXPECT_EQ(pc()->signaling_state(), new_state);
+ }
+ void OnAddStream(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> media_stream) override {
+ media_stream->RegisterObserver(this);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < media_stream->GetVideoTracks().size(); ++i) {
+ const std::string id = media_stream->GetVideoTracks()[i]->id();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fake_video_renderers_.find(id) ==
+ fake_video_renderers_.end());
+ fake_video_renderers_[id].reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(
+ media_stream->GetVideoTracks()[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ void OnRemoveStream(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> media_stream) override {}
+ void OnRenegotiationNeeded() override {}
+ void OnIceConnectionChange(
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state) override {
+ EXPECT_EQ(pc()->ice_connection_state(), new_state);
+ }
+ void OnIceGatheringChange(
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState new_state) override {
+ if (new_state == PeerConnectionInterface::kIceGatheringGathering) {
+ ++transitions_to_gathering_state_;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(pc()->ice_gathering_state(), new_state);
+ }
+ void OnIceCandidate(const webrtc::IceCandidateInterface* candidate) override {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": OnIceCandidate";
+ std::string ice_sdp;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(candidate->ToString(&ice_sdp));
+ if (signaling_message_receiver_ == nullptr) {
+ // Remote party may be deleted.
+ return;
+ }
+ SendIceMessage(candidate->sdp_mid(), candidate->sdp_mline_index(), ice_sdp);
+ }
+ void OnDataChannel(
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> data_channel) override {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << debug_name_ << ": OnDataChannel";
+ data_channel_ = data_channel;
+ data_observer_.reset(new MockDataChannelObserver(data_channel));
+ }
+ // MediaStreamInterface callback
+ void OnChanged() override {
+ // Track added or removed from MediaStream, so update our renderers.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> remote_streams =
+ pc()->remote_streams();
+ // Remove renderers for tracks that were removed.
+ for (auto it = fake_video_renderers_.begin();
+ it != fake_video_renderers_.end();) {
+ if (remote_streams->FindVideoTrack(it->first) == nullptr) {
+ auto to_remove = it++;
+ removed_fake_video_renderers_.push_back(std::move(to_remove->second));
+ fake_video_renderers_.erase(to_remove);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create renderers for new video tracks.
+ for (size_t stream_index = 0; stream_index < remote_streams->count();
+ ++stream_index) {
+ MediaStreamInterface* remote_stream = remote_streams->at(stream_index);
+ for (size_t track_index = 0;
+ track_index < remote_stream->GetVideoTracks().size();
+ ++track_index) {
+ const std::string id =
+ remote_stream->GetVideoTracks()[track_index]->id();
+ if (fake_video_renderers_.find(id) != fake_video_renderers_.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ fake_video_renderers_[id].reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(
+ remote_stream->GetVideoTracks()[track_index]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string debug_name_;
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::FakeNetworkManager> fake_network_manager_;
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface> peer_connection_;
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface>
+ peer_connection_factory_;
+ // Needed to keep track of number of frames sent.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<FakeAudioCaptureModule> fake_audio_capture_module_;
+ // Needed to keep track of number of frames received.
+ std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer>>
+ fake_video_renderers_;
+ // Needed to ensure frames aren't received for removed tracks.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer>>
+ removed_fake_video_renderers_;
+ // Needed to keep track of number of frames received when external decoder
+ // used.
+ FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory* fake_video_decoder_factory_ = nullptr;
+ FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory* fake_video_encoder_factory_ = nullptr;
+ bool video_decoder_factory_enabled_ = false;
+ // For remote peer communication.
+ SignalingMessageReceiver* signaling_message_receiver_ = nullptr;
+ int signaling_delay_ms_ = 0;
+ // Store references to the video capturers we've created, so that we can stop
+ // them, if required.
+ std::vector<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer*> video_capturers_;
+ // |local_video_renderer_| attached to the first created local video track.
+ std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer> local_video_renderer_;
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions offer_answer_options_;
+ std::function<void(cricket::SessionDescription*)> received_sdp_munger_;
+ std::function<void(cricket::SessionDescription*)> generated_sdp_munger_;
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> data_channel_;
+ std::unique_ptr<MockDataChannelObserver> data_observer_;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>> rtp_receiver_observers_;
+ int transitions_to_gathering_state_ = 0;
+ rtc::AsyncInvoker invoker_;
+ friend class PeerConnectionIntegrationTest;
+// Tests two PeerConnections connecting to each other end-to-end, using a
+// virtual network, fake A/V capture and fake encoder/decoders. The
+// PeerConnections share the threads/socket servers, but use separate versions
+// of everything else (including "PeerConnectionFactory"s).
+class PeerConnectionIntegrationTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ PeerConnectionIntegrationTest()
+ : pss_(new rtc::PhysicalSocketServer),
+ ss_(new rtc::VirtualSocketServer(pss_.get())),
+ network_thread_(new rtc::Thread(ss_.get())),
+ worker_thread_(rtc::Thread::Create()) {
+ RTC_CHECK(network_thread_->Start());
+ RTC_CHECK(worker_thread_->Start());
+ }
+ ~PeerConnectionIntegrationTest() {
+ if (caller_) {
+ caller_->set_signaling_message_receiver(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (callee_) {
+ callee_->set_signaling_message_receiver(nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ bool SignalingStateStable() {
+ return caller_->SignalingStateStable() && callee_->SignalingStateStable();
+ }
+ bool CreatePeerConnectionWrappers() {
+ return CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConfig(
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration(),
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration());
+ }
+ bool CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(
+ MediaConstraintsInterface* caller_constraints,
+ MediaConstraintsInterface* callee_constraints) {
+ caller_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithConstraints(
+ "Caller", caller_constraints, network_thread_.get(),
+ worker_thread_.get()));
+ callee_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithConstraints(
+ "Callee", callee_constraints, network_thread_.get(),
+ worker_thread_.get()));
+ return caller_ && callee_;
+ }
+ bool CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConfig(
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& caller_config,
+ const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& callee_config) {
+ caller_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithConfig(
+ "Caller", caller_config, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
+ callee_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithConfig(
+ "Callee", callee_config, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
+ return caller_ && callee_;
+ }
+ bool CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(
+ const PeerConnectionFactory::Options& caller_options,
+ const PeerConnectionFactory::Options& callee_options) {
+ caller_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithOptions(
+ "Caller", caller_options, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
+ callee_.reset(PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithOptions(
+ "Callee", callee_options, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
+ return caller_ && callee_;
+ }
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* CreatePeerConnectionWrapperWithAlternateKey() {
+ std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
+ new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
+ cert_generator->use_alternate_key();
+ // Make sure the new client is using a different certificate.
+ return PeerConnectionWrapper::CreateWithDtlsIdentityStore(
+ "New Peer", std::move(cert_generator), network_thread_.get(),
+ worker_thread_.get());
+ }
+ // Once called, SDP blobs and ICE candidates will be automatically signaled
+ // between PeerConnections.
+ void ConnectFakeSignaling() {
+ caller_->set_signaling_message_receiver(callee_.get());
+ callee_->set_signaling_message_receiver(caller_.get());
+ }
+ void SetSignalingDelayMs(int delay_ms) {
+ caller_->set_signaling_delay_ms(delay_ms);
+ callee_->set_signaling_delay_ms(delay_ms);
+ }
+ void EnableVideoDecoderFactory() {
+ caller_->EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
+ callee_->EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
+ }
+ // Messages may get lost on the unreliable DataChannel, so we send multiple
+ // times to avoid test flakiness.
+ void SendRtpDataWithRetries(webrtc::DataChannelInterface* dc,
+ const std::string& data,
+ int retries) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < retries; ++i) {
+ dc->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ }
+ }
+ rtc::Thread* network_thread() { return network_thread_.get(); }
+ rtc::VirtualSocketServer* virtual_socket_server() { return ss_.get(); }
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* caller() { return caller_.get(); }
+ // Set the |caller_| to the |wrapper| passed in and return the
+ // original |caller_|.
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* SetCallerPcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* wrapper) {
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* old = caller_.release();
+ caller_.reset(wrapper);
+ return old;
+ }
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* callee() { return callee_.get(); }
+ // Set the |callee_| to the |wrapper| passed in and return the
+ // original |callee_|.
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* SetCalleePcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* wrapper) {
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* old = callee_.release();
+ callee_.reset(wrapper);
+ return old;
+ }
+ // Expects the provided number of new frames to be received within |wait_ms|.
+ // "New frames" meaning that it waits for the current frame counts to
+ // *increase* by the provided values. For video, uses
+ // RecievedVideoFramesForEachTrack for the case of multiple video tracks
+ // being received.
+ void ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ int expected_caller_received_audio_frames,
+ int expected_caller_received_video_frames,
+ int expected_callee_received_audio_frames,
+ int expected_callee_received_video_frames,
+ int wait_ms) {
+ // Add current frame counts to the provided values, in order to wait for
+ // the frame count to increase.
+ expected_caller_received_audio_frames += caller()->audio_frames_received();
+ expected_caller_received_video_frames +=
+ caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track();
+ expected_callee_received_audio_frames += callee()->audio_frames_received();
+ expected_callee_received_video_frames +=
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track();
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->audio_frames_received() >=
+ expected_caller_received_audio_frames &&
+ caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() >=
+ expected_caller_received_video_frames &&
+ callee()->audio_frames_received() >=
+ expected_callee_received_audio_frames &&
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() >=
+ expected_callee_received_video_frames,
+ wait_ms);
+ // After the combined wait, do an "expect" for each individual count, to
+ // print out a more detailed message upon failure.
+ EXPECT_GE(caller()->audio_frames_received(),
+ expected_caller_received_audio_frames);
+ EXPECT_GE(caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track(),
+ expected_caller_received_video_frames);
+ EXPECT_GE(callee()->audio_frames_received(),
+ expected_callee_received_audio_frames);
+ EXPECT_GE(callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track(),
+ expected_callee_received_video_frames);
+ }
+ void TestGcmNegotiationUsesCipherSuite(bool local_gcm_enabled,
+ bool remote_gcm_enabled,
+ int expected_cipher_suite) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options caller_options;
+ caller_options.crypto_options.enable_gcm_crypto_suites = local_gcm_enabled;
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options callee_options;
+ callee_options.crypto_options.enable_gcm_crypto_suites = remote_gcm_enabled;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(caller_options,
+ callee_options));
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver> caller_observer =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
+ caller()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(caller_observer);
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(expected_cipher_suite),
+ caller()->GetStats()->SrtpCipher(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ 1, caller_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
+ expected_cipher_suite));
+ caller()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(nullptr);
+ }
+ private:
+ // |ss_| is used by |network_thread_| so it must be destroyed later.
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::PhysicalSocketServer> pss_;
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> ss_;
+ // |network_thread_| and |worker_thread_| are used by both
+ // |caller_| and |callee_| so they must be destroyed
+ // later.
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::Thread> network_thread_;
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::Thread> worker_thread_;
+ std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionWrapper> caller_;
+ std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionWrapper> callee_;
+// Test the OnFirstPacketReceived callback from audio/video RtpReceivers. This
+// includes testing that the callback is invoked if an observer is connected
+// after the first packet has already been received.
+ RtpReceiverObserverOnFirstPacketReceived) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Start offer/answer exchange and wait for it to complete.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Should be one receiver each for audio/video.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().size());
+ // Wait for all "first packet received" callbacks to be fired.
+ std::all_of(caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().begin(),
+ caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().end(),
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>& o) {
+ return o->first_packet_received();
+ }),
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ std::all_of(callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().begin(),
+ callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().end(),
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>& o) {
+ return o->first_packet_received();
+ }),
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // If new observers are set after the first packet was already received, the
+ // callback should still be invoked.
+ caller()->ResetRtpReceiverObservers();
+ callee()->ResetRtpReceiverObservers();
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().size());
+ std::all_of(caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().begin(),
+ caller()->rtp_receiver_observers().end(),
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>& o) {
+ return o->first_packet_received();
+ }));
+ std::all_of(callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().begin(),
+ callee()->rtp_receiver_observers().end(),
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>& o) {
+ return o->first_packet_received();
+ }));
+class DummyDtmfObserver : public DtmfSenderObserverInterface {
+ public:
+ DummyDtmfObserver() : completed_(false) {}
+ // Implements DtmfSenderObserverInterface.
+ void OnToneChange(const std::string& tone) override {
+ tones_.push_back(tone);
+ if (tone.empty()) {
+ completed_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const std::vector<std::string>& tones() const { return tones_; }
+ bool completed() const { return completed_; }
+ private:
+ bool completed_;
+ std::vector<std::string> tones_;
+// Assumes |sender| already has an audio track added and the offer/answer
+// exchange is done.
+void TestDtmfFromSenderToReceiver(PeerConnectionWrapper* sender,
+ PeerConnectionWrapper* receiver) {
+ DummyDtmfObserver observer;
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<DtmfSenderInterface> dtmf_sender;
+ // We should be able to create a DTMF sender from a local track.
+ webrtc::AudioTrackInterface* localtrack =
+ sender->local_streams()->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
+ dtmf_sender = sender->pc()->CreateDtmfSender(localtrack);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, dtmf_sender.get());
+ dtmf_sender->RegisterObserver(&observer);
+ // Test the DtmfSender object just created.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dtmf_sender->CanInsertDtmf());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dtmf_sender->InsertDtmf("1a", 100, 50));
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer.completed(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ std::vector<std::string> tones = {"1", "a", ""};
+ EXPECT_EQ(tones, observer.tones());
+ dtmf_sender->UnregisterObserver();
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Verify the tones were actually received end-to-end.
+// Verifies the DtmfSenderObserver callbacks for a DtmfSender (one in each
+// direction).
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, DtmfSenderObserver) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Only need audio for DTMF.
+ caller()->AddAudioOnlyMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioOnlyMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ TestDtmfFromSenderToReceiver(caller(), callee());
+ TestDtmfFromSenderToReceiver(callee(), caller());
+// Basic end-to-end test, verifying media can be encoded/transmitted/decoded
+// between two connections, using DTLS-SRTP.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithDtls) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Uses SDES instead of DTLS for key agreement.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithSdes) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration sdes_config;
+ sdes_config.enable_dtls_srtp.emplace(false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConfig(sdes_config, sdes_config));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties (using DTLS) and tests that we
+// can get a video aspect ratio of 16:9.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, SendAndReceive16To9AspectRatio) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Add video tracks with 16:9 constraint.
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ double requested_ratio = 16.0 / 9;
+ constraints.SetMandatoryMinAspectRatio(requested_ratio);
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr, caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithConstraints(constraints));
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr, callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithConstraints(constraints));
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for at least one frame to be received in
+ // each direction.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0 &&
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Check rendered aspect ratio.
+ EXPECT_EQ(requested_ratio, caller()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(requested_ratio, caller()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(requested_ratio, callee()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(requested_ratio, callee()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with a source resolution of
+// 1280x720 and verifies that a 16:9 aspect ratio is received.
+ Send1280By720ResolutionAndReceive16To9AspectRatio) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Similar to above test, but uses MandatoryMin[Width/Height] constraint
+ // instead of aspect ratio constraint.
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ constraints.SetMandatoryMinWidth(1280);
+ constraints.SetMandatoryMinHeight(720);
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr, caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithConstraints(constraints));
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr, callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithConstraints(constraints));
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for at least one frame to be received in
+ // each direction.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0 &&
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Check rendered aspect ratio.
+ EXPECT_EQ(16.0 / 9, caller()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(16.0 / 9, caller()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(16.0 / 9, callee()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(16.0 / 9, callee()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+// This test sets up an one-way call, with media only from caller to
+// callee.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, OneWayMediaCall) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ int caller_received_frames = 0;
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ caller_received_frames, caller_received_frames,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a audio call initially, with the callee rejecting video
+// initially. Then later the callee decides to upgrade to audio/video, and
+// initiates a new offer/answer exchange.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AudioToVideoUpgrade) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Initially, offer an audio/video stream from the caller, but refuse to
+ // send/receive video on the callee side.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(callee()->CreateLocalAudioTrack(),
+ nullptr);
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 0;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ // Do offer/answer and make sure audio is still received end-to-end.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Sanity check that the callee's description has a rejected video section.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->pc()->local_description());
+ const ContentInfo* callee_video_content =
+ GetFirstVideoContent(callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee_video_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_video_content->rejected);
+ // Now negotiate with video and ensure negotiation succeeds, with video
+ // frames and additional audio frames being received.
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracksWithLabel(
+ nullptr, callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrack(), "video_only_stream");
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 1;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ callee()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Expect additional audio frames to be received after the upgrade.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a call that's transferred to a new caller with a different
+// DTLS fingerprint.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CallTransferredForCallee) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Keep the original peer around which will still send packets to the
+ // receiving client. These SRTP packets will be dropped.
+ std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionWrapper> original_peer(
+ SetCallerPcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrapperWithAlternateKey()));
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Why do we call Close here? That goes against the comment
+ // directly above.
+ original_peer->pc()->Close();
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Wait for some additional frames to be transmitted end-to-end.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a call that's transferred to a new callee with a different
+// DTLS fingerprint.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CallTransferredForCaller) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Keep the original peer around which will still send packets to the
+ // receiving client. These SRTP packets will be dropped.
+ std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionWrapper> original_peer(
+ SetCalleePcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrapperWithAlternateKey()));
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Why do we call Close here? That goes against the comment
+ // directly above.
+ original_peer->pc()->Close();
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(IceRestartOfferAnswerOptions());
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Wait for some additional frames to be transmitted end-to-end.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a non-bundled call and negotiates bundling at the same
+// time as starting an ICE restart. When bundling is in effect in the restart,
+// the DTLS-SRTP context should be successfully reset.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, BundlingEnabledWhileIceRestartOccurs) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Remove the bundle group from the SDP received by the callee.
+ callee()->SetReceivedSdpMunger([](cricket::SessionDescription* desc) {
+ desc->RemoveGroupByName("BUNDLE");
+ });
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Now stop removing the BUNDLE group, and trigger an ICE restart.
+ callee()->SetReceivedSdpMunger(nullptr);
+ caller()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(IceRestartOfferAnswerOptions());
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Expect additional frames to be received after the ICE restart.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test CVO (Coordination of Video Orientation). If a video source is rotated
+// and both peers support the CVO RTP header extension, the actual video frames
+// don't need to be encoded in different resolutions, since the rotation is
+// communicated through the RTP header extension.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, RotatedVideoWithCVOExtension) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Add rotated video tracks.
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr,
+ caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_90));
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr,
+ callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_270));
+ // Wait for video frames to be received by both sides.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0 &&
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Ensure that the aspect ratio is unmodified.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Where does 4:3 come from? Should be explicit in the test,
+ // not just assumed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(4.0 / 3, caller()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4.0 / 3, caller()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4.0 / 3, callee()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4.0 / 3, callee()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ // Ensure that the CVO bits were surfaced to the renderer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVideoRotation_270, caller()->rendered_rotation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVideoRotation_90, callee()->rendered_rotation());
+// Test that when the CVO extension isn't supported, video is rotated the
+// old-fashioned way, by encoding rotated frames.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, RotatedVideoWithoutCVOExtension) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Add rotated video tracks.
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr,
+ caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_90));
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(
+ nullptr,
+ callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_270));
+ // Remove the CVO extension from the offered SDP.
+ callee()->SetReceivedSdpMunger([](cricket::SessionDescription* desc) {
+ cricket::VideoContentDescription* video =
+ GetFirstVideoContentDescription(desc);
+ video->ClearRtpHeaderExtensions();
+ });
+ // Wait for video frames to be received by both sides.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0 &&
+ callee()->min_video_frames_received_per_track() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Expect that the aspect ratio is inversed to account for the 90/270 degree
+ // rotation.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Where does 4:3 come from? Should be explicit in the test,
+ // not just assumed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3.0 / 4, caller()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3.0 / 4, caller()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3.0 / 4, callee()->local_rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3.0 / 4, callee()->rendered_aspect_ratio());
+ // Expect that each endpoint is unaware of the rotation of the other endpoint.
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0, caller()->rendered_rotation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0, callee()->rendered_rotation());
+// TODO(deadbeef): The tests below rely on RTCOfferAnswerOptions to reject an
+// m= section. When we implement Unified Plan SDP, the right way to do this
+// would be by stopping an RtpTransceiver.
+// Test that if the answerer rejects the audio m= section, no audio is sent or
+// received, but video still can be.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AnswererRejectsAudioSection) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Only add video track for callee, and set offer_to_receive_audio to 0, so
+ // it will reject the audio m= section completely.
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_audio = 0;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(nullptr,
+ callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrack());
+ // Do offer/answer and wait for successful end-to-end video frames.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(0, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount, 0,
+ kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Shouldn't have received audio frames at any point.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, caller()->audio_frames_received());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, callee()->audio_frames_received());
+ // Sanity check that the callee's description has a rejected audio section.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->pc()->local_description());
+ const ContentInfo* callee_audio_content =
+ GetFirstAudioContent(callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee_audio_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_audio_content->rejected);
+// Test that if the answerer rejects the video m= section, no video is sent or
+// received, but audio still can be.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AnswererRejectsVideoSection) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Only add audio track for callee, and set offer_to_receive_video to 0, so
+ // it will reject the video m= section completely.
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 0;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ callee()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(callee()->CreateLocalAudioTrack(),
+ nullptr);
+ // Do offer/answer and wait for successful end-to-end audio frames.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Shouldn't have received video frames at any point.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, caller()->total_video_frames_received());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, callee()->total_video_frames_received());
+ // Sanity check that the callee's description has a rejected video section.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->pc()->local_description());
+ const ContentInfo* callee_video_content =
+ GetFirstVideoContent(callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee_video_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_video_content->rejected);
+// Test that if the answerer rejects both audio and video m= sections, nothing
+// bad happens.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Test that a data channel still works. Currently this doesn't
+// test anything but the fact that negotiation succeeds, which doesn't mean
+// much.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AnswererRejectsAudioAndVideoSections) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Don't give the callee any tracks, and set offer_to_receive_X to 0, so it
+ // will reject both audio and video m= sections.
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_audio = 0;
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 0;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ // Do offer/answer and wait for stable signaling state.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Sanity check that the callee's description has rejected m= sections.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->pc()->local_description());
+ const ContentInfo* callee_audio_content =
+ GetFirstAudioContent(callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee_audio_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_audio_content->rejected);
+ const ContentInfo* callee_video_content =
+ GetFirstVideoContent(callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee_video_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_video_content->rejected);
+// This test sets up an audio and video call between two parties. After the
+// call runs for a while, the caller sends an updated offer with video being
+// rejected. Once the re-negotiation is done, the video flow should stop and
+// the audio flow should continue.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, VideoRejectedInSubsequentOffer) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Renegotiate, rejecting the video m= section.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): When an RtpTransceiver API is available, use that to
+ // reject the video m= section.
+ caller()->SetGeneratedSdpMunger([](cricket::SessionDescription* description) {
+ for (cricket::ContentInfo& content : description->contents()) {
+ if (cricket::IsVideoContent(&content)) {
+ content.rejected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
+ // Sanity check that the caller's description has a rejected video section.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->pc()->local_description());
+ const ContentInfo* caller_video_content =
+ GetFirstVideoContent(caller()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller_video_content);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(caller_video_content->rejected);
+ int caller_video_received = caller()->total_video_frames_received();
+ int callee_video_received = callee()->total_video_frames_received();
+ // Wait for some additional audio frames to be received.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // During this time, we shouldn't have received any additional video frames
+ // for the rejected video tracks.
+ EXPECT_EQ(caller_video_received, caller()->total_video_frames_received());
+ EXPECT_EQ(callee_video_received, callee()->total_video_frames_received());
+// Basic end-to-end test, but without SSRC/MSID signaling. This functionality
+// is needed to support legacy endpoints.
+// TODO(deadbeef): When we support the MID extension and demuxing on MID, also
+// add a test for an end-to-end test without MID signaling either (basically,
+// the minimum acceptable SDP).
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithoutSsrcOrMsidSignaling) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Add audio and video, testing that packets can be demuxed on payload type.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Remove all stream information (SSRCs, track IDs, etc.) and "msid-semantic"
+ // attribute from received SDP, simulating a legacy endpoint.
+ callee()->SetReceivedSdpMunger([](cricket::SessionDescription* desc) {
+ for (ContentInfo& content : desc->contents()) {
+ MediaContentDescription* media_desc =
+ static_cast<MediaContentDescription*>(content.description);
+ media_desc->mutable_streams().clear();
+ }
+ desc->set_msid_supported(false);
+ });
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that if two video tracks are sent (from caller to callee, in this test),
+// they're transmitted correctly end-to-end.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithTwoVideoTracks) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Add one audio/video stream, and one video-only stream.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracksWithLabel(
+ nullptr, caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrackWithId("extra_track"),
+ "extra_stream");
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, callee()->number_of_remote_streams());
+ int expected_callee_received_frames = kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount;
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(0, 0, 0, expected_callee_received_frames,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+static void MakeSpecCompliantMaxBundleOffer(cricket::SessionDescription* desc) {
+ bool first = true;
+ for (cricket::ContentInfo& content : desc->contents()) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ content.bundle_only = true;
+ }
+ first = true;
+ for (cricket::TransportInfo& transport : desc->transport_infos()) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ transport.description.ice_ufrag.clear();
+ transport.description.ice_pwd.clear();
+ transport.description.connection_role = cricket::CONNECTIONROLE_NONE;
+ transport.description.identity_fingerprint.reset(nullptr);
+ }
+// Test that if applying a true "max bundle" offer, which uses ports of 0,
+// "a=bundle-only", omitting "a=fingerprint", "a=setup", "a=ice-ufrag" and
+// "a=ice-pwd" for all but the audio "m=" section, negotiation still completes
+// successfully and media flows.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Update this test to also omit "a=rtcp-mux", once that works.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Won't need this test once we start generating actual
+// standards-compliant SDP.
+ EndToEndCallWithSpecCompliantMaxBundleOffer) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Do the equivalent of setting the port to 0, adding a=bundle-only, and
+ // removing a=ice-ufrag, a=ice-pwd, a=fingerprint and a=setup from all
+ // but the first m= section.
+ callee()->SetReceivedSdpMunger(MakeSpecCompliantMaxBundleOffer);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that we can receive the audio output level from a remote audio track.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Use a fake audio source and verify that the output level is
+// exactly what the source on the other side was configured with.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, GetAudioOutputLevelStats) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Just add an audio track.
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(caller()->CreateLocalAudioTrack(),
+ nullptr);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Get the audio output level stats. Note that the level is not available
+ // until an RTCP packet has been received.
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->GetStats()->AudioOutputLevel() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that an audio input level is reported.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Use a fake audio source and verify that the input level is
+// exactly what the source was configured with.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, GetAudioInputLevelStats) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Just add an audio track.
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(caller()->CreateLocalAudioTrack(),
+ nullptr);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Get the audio input level stats. The level should be available very
+ // soon after the test starts.
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->GetStats()->AudioInputLevel() > 0,
+ kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
+// Test that we can get incoming byte counts from both audio and video tracks.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, GetBytesReceivedStats) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ // Do offer/answer, wait for the callee to receive some frames.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ int expected_caller_received_frames = 0;
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ expected_caller_received_frames, expected_caller_received_frames,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Get a handle to the remote tracks created, so they can be used as GetStats
+ // filters.
+ StreamCollectionInterface* remote_streams = callee()->remote_streams();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, remote_streams->count());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, remote_streams->at(0)->GetVideoTracks().size());
+ MediaStreamTrackInterface* remote_audio_track =
+ remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
+ MediaStreamTrackInterface* remote_video_track =
+ remote_streams->at(0)->GetVideoTracks()[0];
+ // We received frames, so we definitely should have nonzero "received bytes"
+ // stats at this point.
+ EXPECT_GT(callee()->GetStatsForTrack(remote_audio_track)->BytesReceived(), 0);
+ EXPECT_GT(callee()->GetStatsForTrack(remote_video_track)->BytesReceived(), 0);
+// Test that we can get outgoing byte counts from both audio and video tracks.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, GetBytesSentStats) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ auto audio_track = caller()->CreateLocalAudioTrack();
+ auto video_track = caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrack();
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(audio_track, video_track);
+ // Do offer/answer, wait for the callee to receive some frames.
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ int expected_caller_received_frames = 0;
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ expected_caller_received_frames, expected_caller_received_frames,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // The callee received frames, so we definitely should have nonzero "sent
+ // bytes" stats at this point.
+ EXPECT_GT(caller()->GetStatsForTrack(audio_track)->BytesSent(), 0);
+ EXPECT_GT(caller()->GetStatsForTrack(video_track)->BytesSent(), 0);
+// Test that DTLS 1.0 is used if both sides only support DTLS 1.0.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithDtls10) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options dtls_10_options;
+ dtls_10_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(dtls_10_options,
+ dtls_10_options));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test getting cipher stats and UMA metrics when DTLS 1.0 is negotiated.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, Dtls10CipherStatsAndUmaMetrics) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options dtls_10_options;
+ dtls_10_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(dtls_10_options,
+ dtls_10_options));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Register UMA observer before signaling begins.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver> caller_observer =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
+ caller()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(caller_observer);
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
+ caller()->GetStats()->DtlsCipher(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
+ caller()->GetStats()->SrtpCipher(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ caller_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
+ kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
+// Test getting cipher stats and UMA metrics when DTLS 1.2 is negotiated.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, Dtls12CipherStatsAndUmaMetrics) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options dtls_12_options;
+ dtls_12_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(dtls_12_options,
+ dtls_12_options));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Register UMA observer before signaling begins.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver> caller_observer =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
+ caller()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(caller_observer);
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
+ caller()->GetStats()->DtlsCipher(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
+ caller()->GetStats()->SrtpCipher(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ caller_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
+ kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
+// Test that DTLS 1.0 can be used if the caller supports DTLS 1.2 and the
+// callee only supports 1.0.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CallerDtls12ToCalleeDtls10) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options caller_options;
+ caller_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options callee_options;
+ callee_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(caller_options, callee_options));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that DTLS 1.0 can be used if the caller only supports DTLS 1.0 and the
+// callee supports 1.2.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CallerDtls10ToCalleeDtls12) {
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options caller_options;
+ caller_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
+ PeerConnectionFactory::Options callee_options;
+ callee_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithOptions(caller_options, callee_options));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that a non-GCM cipher is used if both sides only support non-GCM.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, NonGcmCipherUsedWhenGcmNotSupported) {
+ bool local_gcm_enabled = false;
+ bool remote_gcm_enabled = false;
+ int expected_cipher_suite = kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite;
+ TestGcmNegotiationUsesCipherSuite(local_gcm_enabled, remote_gcm_enabled,
+ expected_cipher_suite);
+// Test that a GCM cipher is used if both ends support it.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, GcmCipherUsedWhenGcmSupported) {
+ bool local_gcm_enabled = true;
+ bool remote_gcm_enabled = true;
+ int expected_cipher_suite = kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuiteGcm;
+ TestGcmNegotiationUsesCipherSuite(local_gcm_enabled, remote_gcm_enabled,
+ expected_cipher_suite);
+// Test that GCM isn't used if only the offerer supports it.
+ NonGcmCipherUsedWhenOnlyCallerSupportsGcm) {
+ bool local_gcm_enabled = true;
+ bool remote_gcm_enabled = false;
+ int expected_cipher_suite = kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite;
+ TestGcmNegotiationUsesCipherSuite(local_gcm_enabled, remote_gcm_enabled,
+ expected_cipher_suite);
+// Test that GCM isn't used if only the answerer supports it.
+ NonGcmCipherUsedWhenOnlyCalleeSupportsGcm) {
+ bool local_gcm_enabled = false;
+ bool remote_gcm_enabled = true;
+ int expected_cipher_suite = kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite;
+ TestGcmNegotiationUsesCipherSuite(local_gcm_enabled, remote_gcm_enabled,
+ expected_cipher_suite);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and an RTP
+// data channel.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithRtpDataChannel) {
+ FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
+ setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(&setup_constraints,
+ &setup_constraints));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Expect that data channel created on caller side will show up for callee as
+ // well.
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure the existence of the RTP data channel didn't impede audio/video.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->data_channel());
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure data can be sent in both directions.
+ std::string data = "hello world";
+ SendRtpDataWithRetries(caller()->data_channel(), data, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, callee()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ SendRtpDataWithRetries(callee()->data_channel(), data, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, caller()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+// Ensure that an RTP data channel is signaled as closed for the caller when
+// the callee rejects it in a subsequent offer.
+ RtpDataChannelSignaledClosedInCalleeOffer) {
+ // Same procedure as above test.
+ FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
+ setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(&setup_constraints,
+ &setup_constraints));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Close the data channel on the callee, and do an updated offer/answer.
+ callee()->data_channel()->Close();
+ callee()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
+// Tests that data is buffered in an RTP data channel until an observer is
+// registered for it.
+// NOTE: RTP data channels can receive data before the underlying
+// transport has detected that a channel is writable and thus data can be
+// received before the data channel state changes to open. That is hard to test
+// but the same buffering is expected to be used in that case.
+ DataBufferedUntilRtpDataChannelObserverRegistered) {
+ // Use fake clock and simulated network delay so that we predictably can wait
+ // until an SCTP message has been delivered without "sleep()"ing.
+ rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
+ // Some things use a time of "0" as a special value, so we need to start out
+ // the fake clock at a nonzero time.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Fix this.
+ fake_clock.AdvanceTime(rtc::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
+ virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(5); // 5 ms per hop.
+ virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(&constraints, &constraints));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(caller()->data_channel() != nullptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(callee()->data_channel() != nullptr,
+ kDefaultTimeout, fake_clock);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_SIMULATED_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
+ kDefaultTimeout, fake_clock);
+ ASSERT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(DataChannelInterface::kOpen,
+ callee()->data_channel()->state(), kDefaultTimeout,
+ fake_clock);
+ // Unregister the observer which is normally automatically registered.
+ callee()->data_channel()->UnregisterObserver();
+ // Send data and advance fake clock until it should have been received.
+ std::string data = "hello world";
+ caller()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ SIMULATED_WAIT(false, 50, fake_clock);
+ // Attach data channel and expect data to be received immediately. Note that
+ // EXPECT_EQ_WAIT is used, such that the simulated clock is not advanced any
+ // further, but data can be received even if the callback is asynchronous.
+ MockDataChannelObserver new_observer(callee()->data_channel());
+ EXPECT_EQ_SIMULATED_WAIT(data, new_observer.last_message(), kDefaultTimeout,
+ fake_clock);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and but only
+// the caller client supports RTP data channels.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, RtpDataChannelsRejectedByCallee) {
+ FakeConstraints setup_constraints_1;
+ setup_constraints_1.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
+ // Must disable DTLS to make negotiation succeed.
+ setup_constraints_1.SetMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
+ false);
+ FakeConstraints setup_constraints_2;
+ setup_constraints_2.SetMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
+ false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(
+ &setup_constraints_1, &setup_constraints_2));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // The caller should still have a data channel, but it should be closed, and
+ // one should ever have been created for the callee.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(caller()->data_channel() != nullptr);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, callee()->data_channel());
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, and video. When
+// audio and video is setup and flowing, an RTP data channel is negotiated.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AddRtpDataChannelInSubsequentOffer) {
+ FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
+ setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConstraints(&setup_constraints,
+ &setup_constraints));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do initial offer/answer with audio/video.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Create data channel and do new offer and answer.
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, callee()->data_channel());
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure data can be sent in both directions.
+ std::string data = "hello world";
+ SendRtpDataWithRetries(caller()->data_channel(), data, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, callee()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ SendRtpDataWithRetries(callee()->data_channel(), data, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, caller()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and an SCTP
+// data channel.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithSctpDataChannel) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Expect that data channel created on caller side will show up for callee as
+ // well.
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure the existence of the SCTP data channel didn't impede audio/video.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Caller data channel should already exist (it created one). Callee data
+ // channel may not exist yet, since negotiation happens in-band, not in SDP.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_channel() != nullptr, kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure data can be sent in both directions.
+ std::string data = "hello world";
+ caller()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, callee()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ callee()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, caller()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+// Ensure that when the callee closes an SCTP data channel, the closing
+// procedure results in the data channel being closed for the caller as well.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CalleeClosesSctpDataChannel) {
+ // Same procedure as above test.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_channel() != nullptr, kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Close the data channel on the callee side, and wait for it to reach the
+ // "closed" state on both sides.
+ callee()->data_channel()->Close();
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+// Test usrsctp's ability to process unordered data stream, where data actually
+// arrives out of order using simulated delays. Previously there have been some
+// bugs in this area.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, StressTestUnorderedSctpDataChannel) {
+ // Introduce random network delays.
+ // Otherwise it's not a true "unordered" test.
+ virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(20);
+ virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_stddev(5);
+ virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
+ // Normal procedure, but with unordered data channel config.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ webrtc::DataChannelInit init;
+ init.ordered = false;
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel(&init);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_channel() != nullptr, kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ static constexpr int kNumMessages = 100;
+ // Deliberately chosen to be larger than the MTU so messages get fragmented.
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSize = 4096;
+ // Create and send random messages.
+ std::vector<std::string> sent_messages;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumMessages; ++i) {
+ size_t length =
+ (rand() % kMaxMessageSize) + 1; // NOLINT (rand_r instead of rand)
+ std::string message;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(rtc::CreateRandomString(length, &message));
+ caller()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(message));
+ callee()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(message));
+ sent_messages.push_back(message);
+ }
+ // Wait for all messages to be received.
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(kNumMessages,
+ caller()->data_observer()->received_message_count(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(kNumMessages,
+ callee()->data_observer()->received_message_count(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Sort and compare to make sure none of the messages were corrupted.
+ std::vector<std::string> caller_received_messages =
+ caller()->data_observer()->messages();
+ std::vector<std::string> callee_received_messages =
+ callee()->data_observer()->messages();
+ std::sort(sent_messages.begin(), sent_messages.end());
+ std::sort(caller_received_messages.begin(), caller_received_messages.end());
+ std::sort(callee_received_messages.begin(), callee_received_messages.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(sent_messages, caller_received_messages);
+ EXPECT_EQ(sent_messages, callee_received_messages);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, and video. When
+// audio and video are setup and flowing, an SCTP data channel is negotiated.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, AddSctpDataChannelInSubsequentOffer) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do initial offer/answer with audio/video.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Create data channel and do new offer and answer.
+ caller()->CreateDataChannel();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Caller data channel should already exist (it created one). Callee data
+ // channel may not exist yet, since negotiation happens in-band, not in SDP.
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, caller()->data_channel());
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_channel() != nullptr, kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(caller()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(callee()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Ensure data can be sent in both directions.
+ std::string data = "hello world";
+ caller()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, callee()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+ callee()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, caller()->data_observer()->last_message(),
+ kDefaultTimeout);
+#endif // HAVE_SCTP
+// Test that the ICE connection and gathering states eventually reach
+// "complete".
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, IceStatesReachCompletion) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceGatheringComplete,
+ caller()->ice_gathering_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceGatheringComplete,
+ callee()->ice_gathering_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // After the best candidate pair is selected and all candidates are signaled,
+ // the ICE connection state should reach "complete".
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Currently, the ICE "controlled" agent (the
+ // answerer/"callee" by default) only reaches "connected". When this is
+ // fixed, this test should be updated.
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
+ caller()->ice_connection_state(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
+ callee()->ice_connection_state(), kDefaultTimeout);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio and video.
+// During the call, the caller restarts ICE and the test verifies that
+// new ICE candidates are generated and audio and video still can flow, and the
+// ICE state reaches completed again.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, MediaContinuesFlowingAfterIceRestart) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for ICE to complete.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
+ caller()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
+ callee()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // To verify that the ICE restart actually occurs, get
+ // ufrag/password/candidates before and after restart.
+ // Create an SDP string of the first audio candidate for both clients.
+ const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_caller =
+ caller()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
+ const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_callee =
+ callee()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
+ ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_caller->count(), 0u);
+ ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_callee->count(), 0u);
+ std::string caller_candidate_pre_restart;
+ audio_candidates_caller->at(0)->ToString(&caller_candidate_pre_restart));
+ std::string callee_candidate_pre_restart;
+ audio_candidates_callee->at(0)->ToString(&callee_candidate_pre_restart));
+ const cricket::SessionDescription* desc =
+ caller()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ std::string caller_ufrag_pre_restart =
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.ice_ufrag;
+ desc = callee()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ std::string callee_ufrag_pre_restart =
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.ice_ufrag;
+ // Have the caller initiate an ICE restart.
+ caller()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(IceRestartOfferAnswerOptions());
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
+ caller()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
+ callee()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Grab the ufrags/candidates again.
+ audio_candidates_caller = caller()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
+ audio_candidates_callee = callee()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
+ ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_caller->count(), 0u);
+ ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_callee->count(), 0u);
+ std::string caller_candidate_post_restart;
+ audio_candidates_caller->at(0)->ToString(&caller_candidate_post_restart));
+ std::string callee_candidate_post_restart;
+ audio_candidates_callee->at(0)->ToString(&callee_candidate_post_restart));
+ desc = caller()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ std::string caller_ufrag_post_restart =
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.ice_ufrag;
+ desc = callee()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ std::string callee_ufrag_post_restart =
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.ice_ufrag;
+ // Sanity check that an ICE restart was actually negotiated in SDP.
+ ASSERT_NE(caller_candidate_pre_restart, caller_candidate_post_restart);
+ ASSERT_NE(callee_candidate_pre_restart, callee_candidate_post_restart);
+ ASSERT_NE(caller_ufrag_pre_restart, caller_ufrag_post_restart);
+ ASSERT_NE(callee_ufrag_pre_restart, callee_ufrag_post_restart);
+ // Ensure that additional frames are received after the ICE restart.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Verify that audio/video can be received end-to-end when ICE renomination is
+// enabled.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndCallWithIceRenomination) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
+ config.enable_ice_renomination = true;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConfig(config, config));
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do normal offer/answer and wait for some frames to be received in each
+ // direction.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Sanity check that ICE renomination was actually negotiated.
+ const cricket::SessionDescription* desc =
+ caller()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ for (const cricket::TransportInfo& info : desc->transport_infos()) {
+ ASSERT_NE(info.description.transport_options.end(),
+ std::find(info.description.transport_options.begin(),
+ info.description.transport_options.end(),
+ }
+ desc = callee()->pc()->local_description()->description();
+ for (const cricket::TransportInfo& info : desc->transport_infos()) {
+ ASSERT_NE(info.description.transport_options.end(),
+ std::find(info.description.transport_options.begin(),
+ info.description.transport_options.end(),
+ }
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio and video. It then
+// renegotiates setting the video m-line to "port 0", then later renegotiates
+// again, enabling video.
+ VideoFlowsAfterMediaSectionIsRejectedAndRecycled) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Do initial negotiation, only sending media from the caller. Will result in
+ // video and audio recvonly "m=" sections.
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Negotiate again, disabling the video "m=" section (the callee will set the
+ // port to 0 due to offer_to_receive_video = 0).
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 0;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Sanity check that video "m=" section was actually rejected.
+ const ContentInfo* answer_video_content = cricket::GetFirstVideoContent(
+ callee()->pc()->local_description()->description());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, answer_video_content);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(answer_video_content->rejected);
+ // Enable video and do negotiation again, making sure video is received
+ // end-to-end, also adding media stream to callee.
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 1;
+ callee()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ // Verify the caller receives frames from the newly added stream, and the
+ // callee receives additional frames from the re-enabled video m= section.
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties with external
+// VideoDecoderFactory.
+// TODO(holmer): Disabled due to sometimes crashing on buildbots.
+// See issue webrtc/2378.
+ DISABLED_EndToEndCallWithVideoDecoderFactory) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ caller()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ callee()->AddAudioVideoMediaStream();
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kDefaultTimeout);
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This tests that if we negotiate after calling CreateSender but before we
+// have a track, then set a track later, frames from the newly-set track are
+// received end-to-end.
+// TODO(deadbeef): Change this test to use AddTransceiver, once that's
+// implemented.
+ MediaFlowsAfterEarlyWarmupWithCreateSender) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ auto caller_audio_sender =
+ caller()->pc()->CreateSender("audio", "caller_stream");
+ auto caller_video_sender =
+ caller()->pc()->CreateSender("video", "caller_stream");
+ auto callee_audio_sender =
+ callee()->pc()->CreateSender("audio", "callee_stream");
+ auto callee_video_sender =
+ callee()->pc()->CreateSender("video", "callee_stream");
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
+ // Wait for ICE to complete, without any tracks being set.
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
+ caller()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
+ callee()->ice_connection_state(), kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+ // Now set the tracks, and expect frames to immediately start flowing.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(caller_audio_sender->SetTrack(caller()->CreateLocalAudioTrack()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(caller_video_sender->SetTrack(caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrack()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_audio_sender->SetTrack(callee()->CreateLocalAudioTrack()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callee_video_sender->SetTrack(callee()->CreateLocalVideoTrack()));
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kDefaultExpectedAudioFrameCount, kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount,
+ kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// This test verifies that a remote video track can be added via AddStream,
+// and sent end-to-end. For this particular test, it's simply echoed back
+// from the caller to the callee, rather than being forwarded to a third
+// PeerConnection.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, CanSendRemoteVideoTrack) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CreatePeerConnectionWrappers());
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ // Just send a video track from the caller.
+ caller()->AddMediaStreamFromTracks(nullptr,
+ caller()->CreateLocalVideoTrack());
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, callee()->remote_streams()->count());
+ // Echo the stream back, and do a new offer/anwer (initiated by callee this
+ // time).
+ callee()->pc()->AddStream(callee()->remote_streams()->at(0));
+ callee()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SignalingStateStable(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
+ int expected_caller_received_video_frames = kDefaultExpectedVideoFrameCount;
+ ExpectNewFramesReceivedWithWait(0, expected_caller_received_video_frames, 0,
+ 0, kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
+// Test that we achieve the expected end-to-end connection time, using a
+// fake clock and simulated latency on the media and signaling paths.
+// We use a TURN<->TURN connection because this is usually the quickest to
+// set up initially, especially when we're confident the connection will work
+// and can start sending media before we get a STUN response.
+// With various optimizations enabled, here are the network delays we expect to
+// be on the critical path:
+// 1. 2 signaling trips: Signaling offer and offerer's TURN candidate, then
+// signaling answer (with DTLS fingerprint).
+// 2. 9 media hops: Rest of the DTLS handshake. 3 hops in each direction when
+// using TURN<->TURN pair, and DTLS exchange is 4 packets,
+// the first of which should have arrived before the answer.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionIntegrationTest, EndToEndConnectionTimeWithTurnTurnPair) {
+ rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
+ // Some things use a time of "0" as a special value, so we need to start out
+ // the fake clock at a nonzero time.
+ // TODO(deadbeef): Fix this.
+ fake_clock.AdvanceTime(rtc::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
+ static constexpr int media_hop_delay_ms = 50;
+ static constexpr int signaling_trip_delay_ms = 500;
+ // For explanation of these values, see comment above.
+ static constexpr int required_media_hops = 9;
+ static constexpr int required_signaling_trips = 2;
+ // For internal delays (such as posting an event asychronously).
+ static constexpr int allowed_internal_delay_ms = 20;
+ static constexpr int total_connection_time_ms =
+ media_hop_delay_ms * required_media_hops +
+ signaling_trip_delay_ms * required_signaling_trips +
+ allowed_internal_delay_ms;
+ static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_1_internal_address{"",
+ 3478};
+ static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_1_external_address{"",
+ 0};
+ static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_2_internal_address{"",
+ 3478};
+ static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_2_external_address{"",
+ 0};
+ cricket::TestTurnServer turn_server_1(network_thread(),
+ turn_server_1_internal_address,
+ turn_server_1_external_address);
+ cricket::TestTurnServer turn_server_2(network_thread(),
+ turn_server_2_internal_address,
+ turn_server_2_external_address);
+ // Bypass permission check on received packets so media can be sent before
+ // the candidate is signaled.
+ turn_server_1.set_enable_permission_checks(false);
+ turn_server_2.set_enable_permission_checks(false);
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration client_1_config;
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer ice_server_1;
+ ice_server_1.urls.push_back("turn:");
+ ice_server_1.username = "test";
+ ice_server_1.password = "test";
+ client_1_config.servers.push_back(ice_server_1);
+ client_1_config.type = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kRelay;
+ client_1_config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration client_2_config;
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer ice_server_2;
+ ice_server_2.urls.push_back("turn:");
+ ice_server_2.username = "test";
+ ice_server_2.password = "test";
+ client_2_config.servers.push_back(ice_server_2);
+ client_2_config.type = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kRelay;
+ client_2_config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
+ CreatePeerConnectionWrappersWithConfig(client_1_config, client_2_config));
+ // Set up the simulated delays.
+ SetSignalingDelayMs(signaling_trip_delay_ms);
+ ConnectFakeSignaling();
+ virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(media_hop_delay_ms);
+ virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
+ // Set "offer to receive audio/video" without adding any tracks, so we just
+ // set up ICE/DTLS with no media.
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options;
+ options.offer_to_receive_audio = 1;
+ options.offer_to_receive_video = 1;
+ caller()->SetOfferAnswerOptions(options);
+ caller()->CreateAndSetAndSignalOffer();
+ // TODO(deadbeef): kIceConnectionConnected currently means both ICE and DTLS
+ // are connected. This is an important distinction. Once we have separate ICE
+ // and DTLS state, this check needs to use the DTLS state.
+ (callee()->ice_connection_state() ==
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected ||
+ callee()->ice_connection_state() ==
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted) &&
+ (caller()->ice_connection_state() ==
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected ||
+ caller()->ice_connection_state() ==
+ webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted),
+ total_connection_time_ms, fake_clock);
+ // Need to free the clients here since they're using things we created on
+ // the stack.
+ delete SetCallerPcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(nullptr);
+ delete SetCalleePcWrapperAndReturnCurrent(nullptr);
+} // namespace
+#endif // if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e310e..0000000
--- a/webrtc/pc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2869 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "webrtc/api/fakemetricsobserver.h"
-#include "webrtc/api/mediastreaminterface.h"
-#include "webrtc/api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
-#include "webrtc/api/test/fakeconstraints.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/fakenetwork.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/helpers.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/ssladapter.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/sslstreamadapter.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/virtualsocketserver.h"
-#include "webrtc/media/engine/fakewebrtcvideoengine.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/base/p2pconstants.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portinterface.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/base/sessiondescription.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/base/testturnserver.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/client/basicportallocator.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/dtmfsender.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/localaudiosource.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/mediasession.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnection.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/peerconnectionfactory.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakeaudiocapturemodule.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakeperiodicvideocapturer.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakertccertificategenerator.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/test/fakevideotrackrenderer.h"
-#include "webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h"
-using cricket::ContentInfo;
-using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder;
-using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory;
-using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoEncoder;
-using cricket::FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory;
-using cricket::MediaContentDescription;
-using webrtc::DataBuffer;
-using webrtc::DataChannelInterface;
-using webrtc::DtmfSender;
-using webrtc::DtmfSenderInterface;
-using webrtc::DtmfSenderObserverInterface;
-using webrtc::FakeConstraints;
-using webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface;
-using webrtc::MediaStreamInterface;
-using webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface;
-using webrtc::MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver;
-using webrtc::MockDataChannelObserver;
-using webrtc::MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver;
-using webrtc::MockStatsObserver;
-using webrtc::ObserverInterface;
-using webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface;
-using webrtc::PeerConnectionFactory;
-using webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface;
-using webrtc::StreamCollectionInterface;
-namespace {
-static const int kMaxWaitMs = 10000;
-// Disable for TSan v2, see
-// for details.
-// This declaration is also #ifdef'd as it causes uninitialized-variable
-// warnings.
-#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-static const int kMaxWaitForStatsMs = 3000;
-static const int kMaxWaitForActivationMs = 5000;
-static const int kMaxWaitForFramesMs = 10000;
-static const int kEndAudioFrameCount = 3;
-static const int kEndVideoFrameCount = 3;
-static const char kStreamLabelBase[] = "stream_label";
-static const char kVideoTrackLabelBase[] = "video_track";
-static const char kAudioTrackLabelBase[] = "audio_track";
-static const char kDataChannelLabel[] = "data_channel";
-// Disable for TSan v2, see
-// for details.
-// This declaration is also #ifdef'd as it causes unused-variable errors.
-#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-// SRTP cipher name negotiated by the tests. This must be updated if the
-// default changes.
-static const int kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite = rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32;
-static const int kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuiteGcm = rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM;
-// Used to simulate signaling ICE/SDP between two PeerConnections.
-struct SdpMessage {
- std::string type;
- std::string msg;
-struct IceMessage {
- std::string sdp_mid;
- int sdp_mline_index;
- std::string msg;
-static void RemoveLinesFromSdp(const std::string& line_start,
- std::string* sdp) {
- const char kSdpLineEnd[] = "\r\n";
- size_t ssrc_pos = 0;
- while ((ssrc_pos = sdp->find(line_start, ssrc_pos)) !=
- std::string::npos) {
- size_t end_ssrc = sdp->find(kSdpLineEnd, ssrc_pos);
- sdp->erase(ssrc_pos, end_ssrc - ssrc_pos + strlen(kSdpLineEnd));
- }
-bool StreamsHaveAudioTrack(StreamCollectionInterface* streams) {
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < streams->count(); idx++) {
- auto stream = streams->at(idx);
- if (stream->GetAudioTracks().size() > 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool StreamsHaveVideoTrack(StreamCollectionInterface* streams) {
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < streams->count(); idx++) {
- auto stream = streams->at(idx);
- if (stream->GetVideoTracks().size() > 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-class SignalingMessageReceiver {
- public:
- virtual void ReceiveSdpMessage(const std::string& type,
- std::string& msg) = 0;
- virtual void ReceiveIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
- int sdp_mline_index,
- const std::string& msg) = 0;
- protected:
- SignalingMessageReceiver() {}
- virtual ~SignalingMessageReceiver() {}
-class MockRtpReceiverObserver : public webrtc::RtpReceiverObserverInterface {
- public:
- MockRtpReceiverObserver(cricket::MediaType media_type)
- : expected_media_type_(media_type) {}
- void OnFirstPacketReceived(cricket::MediaType media_type) override {
- ASSERT_EQ(expected_media_type_, media_type);
- first_packet_received_ = true;
- }
- bool first_packet_received() { return first_packet_received_; }
- virtual ~MockRtpReceiverObserver() {}
- private:
- bool first_packet_received_ = false;
- cricket::MediaType expected_media_type_;
-class PeerConnectionTestClient : public webrtc::PeerConnectionObserver,
- public SignalingMessageReceiver,
- public ObserverInterface,
- public rtc::MessageHandler {
- public:
- // If |config| is not provided, uses a default constructed RTCConfiguration.
- static PeerConnectionTestClient* CreateClientWithDtlsIdentityStore(
- const std::string& id,
- const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
- const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
- bool prefer_constraint_apis,
- rtc::Thread* network_thread,
- rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
- PeerConnectionTestClient* client(new PeerConnectionTestClient(id));
- if (!client->Init(constraints, options, config, std::move(cert_generator),
- prefer_constraint_apis, network_thread, worker_thread)) {
- delete client;
- return nullptr;
- }
- return client;
- }
- static PeerConnectionTestClient* CreateClient(
- const std::string& id,
- const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
- const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
- rtc::Thread* network_thread,
- rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
- std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
- new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
- return CreateClientWithDtlsIdentityStore(id, constraints, options, config,
- std::move(cert_generator), true,
- network_thread, worker_thread);
- }
- static PeerConnectionTestClient* CreateClientPreferNoConstraints(
- const std::string& id,
- const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
- rtc::Thread* network_thread,
- rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
- std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
- new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
- return CreateClientWithDtlsIdentityStore(id, nullptr, options, nullptr,
- std::move(cert_generator), false,
- network_thread, worker_thread);
- }
- ~PeerConnectionTestClient() {
- }
- void Negotiate() { Negotiate(true, true); }
- void Negotiate(bool audio, bool video) {
- std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
- ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer));
- if (offer->description()->GetContentByName("audio")) {
- offer->description()->GetContentByName("audio")->rejected = !audio;
- }
- if (offer->description()->GetContentByName("video")) {
- offer->description()->GetContentByName("video")->rejected = !video;
- }
- std::string sdp;
- EXPECT_TRUE(offer->ToString(&sdp));
- EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetLocalDescription(offer.release()));
- SendSdpMessage(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface::kOffer, sdp);
- }
- void SendSdpMessage(const std::string& type, std::string& msg) {
- if (signaling_delay_ms_ == 0) {
- if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
- signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveSdpMessage(type, msg);
- }
- } else {
- rtc::Thread::Current()->PostDelayed(
- RTC_FROM_HERE, signaling_delay_ms_, this, MSG_SDP_MESSAGE,
- new rtc::TypedMessageData<SdpMessage>({type, msg}));
- }
- }
- void SendIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
- int sdp_mline_index,
- const std::string& msg) {
- if (signaling_delay_ms_ == 0) {
- if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
- signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveIceMessage(sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index,
- msg);
- }
- } else {
- rtc::Thread::Current()->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, signaling_delay_ms_,
- new rtc::TypedMessageData<IceMessage>(
- {sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index, msg}));
- }
- }
- // MessageHandler callback.
- void OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) override {
- switch (msg->message_id) {
- auto sdp_message =
- static_cast<rtc::TypedMessageData<SdpMessage>*>(msg->pdata);
- if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
- signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveSdpMessage(
- sdp_message->data().type, sdp_message->data().msg);
- }
- delete sdp_message;
- break;
- }
- auto ice_message =
- static_cast<rtc::TypedMessageData<IceMessage>*>(msg->pdata);
- if (signaling_message_receiver_) {
- signaling_message_receiver_->ReceiveIceMessage(
- ice_message->data().sdp_mid, ice_message->data().sdp_mline_index,
- ice_message->data().msg);
- }
- delete ice_message;
- break;
- }
- default:
- RTC_CHECK(false);
- }
- }
- // SignalingMessageReceiver callback.
- void ReceiveSdpMessage(const std::string& type, std::string& msg) override {
- FilterIncomingSdpMessage(&msg);
- if (type == webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface::kOffer) {
- HandleIncomingOffer(msg);
- } else {
- HandleIncomingAnswer(msg);
- }
- }
- // SignalingMessageReceiver callback.
- void ReceiveIceMessage(const std::string& sdp_mid,
- int sdp_mline_index,
- const std::string& msg) override {
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "ReceiveIceMessage";
- std::unique_ptr<webrtc::IceCandidateInterface> candidate(
- webrtc::CreateIceCandidate(sdp_mid, sdp_mline_index, msg, nullptr));
- EXPECT_TRUE(pc()->AddIceCandidate(candidate.get()));
- }
- // PeerConnectionObserver callbacks.
- void OnSignalingChange(
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState new_state) override {
- EXPECT_EQ(pc()->signaling_state(), new_state);
- }
- void OnAddStream(
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> media_stream) override {
- media_stream->RegisterObserver(this);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < media_stream->GetVideoTracks().size(); ++i) {
- const std::string id = media_stream->GetVideoTracks()[i]->id();
- ASSERT_TRUE(fake_video_renderers_.find(id) ==
- fake_video_renderers_.end());
- fake_video_renderers_[id].reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(
- media_stream->GetVideoTracks()[i]));
- }
- }
- void OnRemoveStream(
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> media_stream) override {}
- void OnRenegotiationNeeded() override {}
- void OnIceConnectionChange(
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state) override {
- EXPECT_EQ(pc()->ice_connection_state(), new_state);
- }
- void OnIceGatheringChange(
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState new_state) override {
- EXPECT_EQ(pc()->ice_gathering_state(), new_state);
- }
- void OnIceCandidate(const webrtc::IceCandidateInterface* candidate) override {
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "OnIceCandidate";
- std::string ice_sdp;
- EXPECT_TRUE(candidate->ToString(&ice_sdp));
- if (signaling_message_receiver_ == nullptr) {
- // Remote party may be deleted.
- return;
- }
- SendIceMessage(candidate->sdp_mid(), candidate->sdp_mline_index(), ice_sdp);
- }
- // MediaStreamInterface callback
- void OnChanged() override {
- // Track added or removed from MediaStream, so update our renderers.
- rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> remote_streams =
- pc()->remote_streams();
- // Remove renderers for tracks that were removed.
- for (auto it = fake_video_renderers_.begin();
- it != fake_video_renderers_.end();) {
- if (remote_streams->FindVideoTrack(it->first) == nullptr) {
- auto to_remove = it++;
- removed_fake_video_renderers_.push_back(std::move(to_remove->second));
- fake_video_renderers_.erase(to_remove);
- } else {
- ++it;
- }
- }
- // Create renderers for new video tracks.
- for (size_t stream_index = 0; stream_index < remote_streams->count();
- ++stream_index) {
- MediaStreamInterface* remote_stream = remote_streams->at(stream_index);
- for (size_t track_index = 0;
- track_index < remote_stream->GetVideoTracks().size();
- ++track_index) {
- const std::string id =
- remote_stream->GetVideoTracks()[track_index]->id();
- if (fake_video_renderers_.find(id) != fake_video_renderers_.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- fake_video_renderers_[id].reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(
- remote_stream->GetVideoTracks()[track_index]));
- }
- }
- }
- void SetVideoConstraints(const webrtc::FakeConstraints& video_constraint) {
- video_constraints_ = video_constraint;
- }
- void AddMediaStream(bool audio, bool video) {
- std::string stream_label =
- kStreamLabelBase +
- rtc::ToString<int>(static_cast<int>(pc()->local_streams()->count()));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> stream =
- peer_connection_factory_->CreateLocalMediaStream(stream_label);
- if (audio && can_receive_audio()) {
- stream->AddTrack(CreateLocalAudioTrack(stream_label));
- }
- if (video && can_receive_video()) {
- stream->AddTrack(CreateLocalVideoTrack(stream_label));
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(pc()->AddStream(stream));
- }
- size_t NumberOfLocalMediaStreams() { return pc()->local_streams()->count(); }
- bool SessionActive() {
- return pc()->signaling_state() == webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kStable;
- }
- // Automatically add a stream when receiving an offer, if we don't have one.
- // Defaults to true.
- void set_auto_add_stream(bool auto_add_stream) {
- auto_add_stream_ = auto_add_stream;
- }
- void set_signaling_message_receiver(
- SignalingMessageReceiver* signaling_message_receiver) {
- signaling_message_receiver_ = signaling_message_receiver;
- }
- void set_signaling_delay_ms(int delay_ms) { signaling_delay_ms_ = delay_ms; }
- void EnableVideoDecoderFactory() {
- video_decoder_factory_enabled_ = true;
- fake_video_decoder_factory_->AddSupportedVideoCodecType(
- webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
- }
- void IceRestart() {
- offer_answer_constraints_.SetMandatoryIceRestart(true);
- offer_answer_options_.ice_restart = true;
- SetExpectIceRestart(true);
- }
- void SetExpectIceRestart(bool expect_restart) {
- expect_ice_restart_ = expect_restart;
- }
- bool ExpectIceRestart() const { return expect_ice_restart_; }
- void SetExpectIceRenomination(bool expect_renomination) {
- expect_ice_renomination_ = expect_renomination;
- }
- void SetExpectRemoteIceRenomination(bool expect_renomination) {
- expect_remote_ice_renomination_ = expect_renomination;
- }
- bool ExpectIceRenomination() { return expect_ice_renomination_; }
- bool ExpectRemoteIceRenomination() { return expect_remote_ice_renomination_; }
- // The below 3 methods assume streams will be offered.
- // Thus they'll only set the "offer to receive" flag to true if it's
- // currently false, not if it's just unset.
- void SetReceiveAudioVideo(bool audio, bool video) {
- SetReceiveAudio(audio);
- SetReceiveVideo(video);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio, can_receive_audio());
- ASSERT_EQ(video, can_receive_video());
- }
- void SetReceiveAudio(bool audio) {
- if (audio && can_receive_audio()) {
- return;
- }
- offer_answer_constraints_.SetMandatoryReceiveAudio(audio);
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_audio = audio ? 1 : 0;
- }
- void SetReceiveVideo(bool video) {
- if (video && can_receive_video()) {
- return;
- }
- offer_answer_constraints_.SetMandatoryReceiveVideo(video);
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_video = video ? 1 : 0;
- }
- void SetOfferToReceiveAudioVideo(bool audio, bool video) {
- offer_answer_constraints_.SetMandatoryReceiveAudio(audio);
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_audio = audio ? 1 : 0;
- offer_answer_constraints_.SetMandatoryReceiveVideo(video);
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_video = video ? 1 : 0;
- }
- void RemoveMsidFromReceivedSdp(bool remove) { remove_msid_ = remove; }
- void RemoveSdesCryptoFromReceivedSdp(bool remove) { remove_sdes_ = remove; }
- void RemoveBundleFromReceivedSdp(bool remove) { remove_bundle_ = remove; }
- void RemoveCvoFromReceivedSdp(bool remove) { remove_cvo_ = remove; }
- void MakeSpecCompliantMaxBundleOfferFromReceivedSdp(bool real) {
- make_spec_compliant_max_bundle_offer_ = real;
- }
- bool can_receive_audio() {
- bool value;
- if (prefer_constraint_apis_) {
- if (webrtc::FindConstraint(
- &offer_answer_constraints_,
- MediaConstraintsInterface::kOfferToReceiveAudio, &value,
- nullptr)) {
- return value;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_audio > 0 ||
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_audio ==
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions::kUndefined;
- }
- bool can_receive_video() {
- bool value;
- if (prefer_constraint_apis_) {
- if (webrtc::FindConstraint(
- &offer_answer_constraints_,
- MediaConstraintsInterface::kOfferToReceiveVideo, &value,
- nullptr)) {
- return value;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_video > 0 ||
- offer_answer_options_.offer_to_receive_video ==
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions::kUndefined;
- }
- void OnDataChannel(
- rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> data_channel) override {
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "OnDataChannel";
- data_channel_ = data_channel;
- data_observer_.reset(new MockDataChannelObserver(data_channel));
- }
- void CreateDataChannel() { CreateDataChannel(nullptr); }
- void CreateDataChannel(const webrtc::DataChannelInit* init) {
- data_channel_ = pc()->CreateDataChannel(kDataChannelLabel, init);
- ASSERT_TRUE(data_channel_.get() != nullptr);
- data_observer_.reset(new MockDataChannelObserver(data_channel_));
- }
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> CreateLocalAudioTrack(
- const std::string& stream_label) {
- FakeConstraints constraints;
- // Disable highpass filter so that we can get all the test audio frames.
- constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kHighpassFilter, false);
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioSourceInterface> source =
- peer_connection_factory_->CreateAudioSource(&constraints);
- // TODO(perkj): Test audio source when it is implemented. Currently audio
- // always use the default input.
- std::string label = stream_label + kAudioTrackLabelBase;
- return peer_connection_factory_->CreateAudioTrack(label, source);
- }
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> CreateLocalVideoTrack(
- const std::string& stream_label) {
- // Set max frame rate to 10fps to reduce the risk of the tests to be flaky.
- FakeConstraints source_constraints = video_constraints_;
- source_constraints.SetMandatoryMaxFrameRate(10);
- cricket::FakeVideoCapturer* fake_capturer =
- new webrtc::FakePeriodicVideoCapturer();
- fake_capturer->SetRotation(capture_rotation_);
- video_capturers_.push_back(fake_capturer);
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface> source =
- peer_connection_factory_->CreateVideoSource(
- std::unique_ptr<cricket::VideoCapturer>(fake_capturer),
- &source_constraints);
- std::string label = stream_label + kVideoTrackLabelBase;
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackInterface> track(
- peer_connection_factory_->CreateVideoTrack(label, source));
- if (!local_video_renderer_) {
- local_video_renderer_.reset(new webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer(track));
- }
- return track;
- }
- DataChannelInterface* data_channel() { return data_channel_; }
- const MockDataChannelObserver* data_observer() const {
- return data_observer_.get();
- }
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface* pc() const { return peer_connection_.get(); }
- void StopVideoCapturers() {
- for (auto* capturer : video_capturers_) {
- capturer->Stop();
- }
- }
- void SetCaptureRotation(webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(video_capturers_.empty());
- capture_rotation_ = rotation;
- }
- bool AudioFramesReceivedCheck(int number_of_frames) const {
- return number_of_frames <= fake_audio_capture_module_->frames_received();
- }
- int audio_frames_received() const {
- return fake_audio_capture_module_->frames_received();
- }
- bool VideoFramesReceivedCheck(int number_of_frames) {
- if (video_decoder_factory_enabled_) {
- const std::vector<FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder*>& decoders
- = fake_video_decoder_factory_->decoders();
- if (decoders.empty()) {
- return number_of_frames <= 0;
- }
- // Note - this checks that EACH decoder has the requisite number
- // of frames. The video_frames_received() function sums them.
- for (FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder* decoder : decoders) {
- if (number_of_frames > decoder->GetNumFramesReceived()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- if (fake_video_renderers_.empty()) {
- return number_of_frames <= 0;
- }
- for (const auto& pair : fake_video_renderers_) {
- if (number_of_frames > pair.second->num_rendered_frames()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- int video_frames_received() const {
- int total = 0;
- if (video_decoder_factory_enabled_) {
- const std::vector<FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder*>& decoders =
- fake_video_decoder_factory_->decoders();
- for (const FakeWebRtcVideoDecoder* decoder : decoders) {
- total += decoder->GetNumFramesReceived();
- }
- } else {
- for (const auto& pair : fake_video_renderers_) {
- total += pair.second->num_rendered_frames();
- }
- for (const auto& renderer : removed_fake_video_renderers_) {
- total += renderer->num_rendered_frames();
- }
- }
- return total;
- }
- // Verify the CreateDtmfSender interface
- void VerifyDtmf() {
- std::unique_ptr<DummyDtmfObserver> observer(new DummyDtmfObserver());
- rtc::scoped_refptr<DtmfSenderInterface> dtmf_sender;
- // We can't create a DTMF sender with an invalid audio track or a non local
- // track.
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->CreateDtmfSender(nullptr) == nullptr);
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> non_localtrack(
- peer_connection_factory_->CreateAudioTrack("dummy_track", nullptr));
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->CreateDtmfSender(non_localtrack) == nullptr);
- // We should be able to create a DTMF sender from a local track.
- webrtc::AudioTrackInterface* localtrack =
- peer_connection_->local_streams()->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
- dtmf_sender = peer_connection_->CreateDtmfSender(localtrack);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dtmf_sender.get() != nullptr);
- dtmf_sender->RegisterObserver(observer.get());
- // Test the DtmfSender object just created.
- EXPECT_TRUE(dtmf_sender->CanInsertDtmf());
- EXPECT_TRUE(dtmf_sender->InsertDtmf("1a", 100, 50));
- // We don't need to verify that the DTMF tones are actually sent out because
- // that is already covered by the tests of the lower level components.
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->completed(), kMaxWaitMs);
- std::vector<std::string> tones;
- tones.push_back("1");
- tones.push_back("a");
- tones.push_back("");
- observer->Verify(tones);
- dtmf_sender->UnregisterObserver();
- }
- // Verifies that the SessionDescription have rejected the appropriate media
- // content.
- void VerifyRejectedMediaInSessionDescription() {
- ASSERT_TRUE(peer_connection_->remote_description() != nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(peer_connection_->local_description() != nullptr);
- const cricket::SessionDescription* remote_desc =
- peer_connection_->remote_description()->description();
- const cricket::SessionDescription* local_desc =
- peer_connection_->local_description()->description();
- const ContentInfo* remote_audio_content = GetFirstAudioContent(remote_desc);
- if (remote_audio_content) {
- const ContentInfo* audio_content =
- GetFirstAudioContent(local_desc);
- EXPECT_EQ(can_receive_audio(), !audio_content->rejected);
- }
- const ContentInfo* remote_video_content = GetFirstVideoContent(remote_desc);
- if (remote_video_content) {
- const ContentInfo* video_content =
- GetFirstVideoContent(local_desc);
- EXPECT_EQ(can_receive_video(), !video_content->rejected);
- }
- }
- void VerifyLocalIceUfragAndPassword() {
- ASSERT_TRUE(peer_connection_->local_description() != nullptr);
- const cricket::SessionDescription* desc =
- peer_connection_->local_description()->description();
- const cricket::ContentInfos& contents = desc->contents();
- for (size_t index = 0; index < contents.size(); ++index) {
- if (contents[index].rejected)
- continue;
- const cricket::TransportDescription* transport_desc =
- desc->GetTransportDescriptionByName(contents[index].name);
- std::map<int, IceUfragPwdPair>::const_iterator ufragpair_it =
- ice_ufrag_pwd_.find(static_cast<int>(index));
- if (ufragpair_it == ice_ufrag_pwd_.end()) {
- ASSERT_FALSE(ExpectIceRestart());
- ice_ufrag_pwd_[static_cast<int>(index)] =
- IceUfragPwdPair(transport_desc->ice_ufrag, transport_desc->ice_pwd);
- } else if (ExpectIceRestart()) {
- const IceUfragPwdPair& ufrag_pwd = ufragpair_it->second;
- EXPECT_NE(ufrag_pwd.first, transport_desc->ice_ufrag);
- EXPECT_NE(ufrag_pwd.second, transport_desc->ice_pwd);
- } else {
- const IceUfragPwdPair& ufrag_pwd = ufragpair_it->second;
- EXPECT_EQ(ufrag_pwd.first, transport_desc->ice_ufrag);
- EXPECT_EQ(ufrag_pwd.second, transport_desc->ice_pwd);
- }
- }
- }
- void VerifyLocalIceRenomination() {
- ASSERT_TRUE(peer_connection_->local_description() != nullptr);
- const cricket::SessionDescription* desc =
- peer_connection_->local_description()->description();
- const cricket::ContentInfos& contents = desc->contents();
- for (auto content : contents) {
- if (content.rejected)
- continue;
- const cricket::TransportDescription* transport_desc =
- desc->GetTransportDescriptionByName(;
- const auto& options = transport_desc->transport_options;
- auto iter = std::find(options.begin(), options.end(),
- EXPECT_EQ(ExpectIceRenomination(), iter != options.end());
- }
- }
- void VerifyRemoteIceRenomination() {
- ASSERT_TRUE(peer_connection_->remote_description() != nullptr);
- const cricket::SessionDescription* desc =
- peer_connection_->remote_description()->description();
- const cricket::ContentInfos& contents = desc->contents();
- for (auto content : contents) {
- if (content.rejected)
- continue;
- const cricket::TransportDescription* transport_desc =
- desc->GetTransportDescriptionByName(;
- const auto& options = transport_desc->transport_options;
- auto iter = std::find(options.begin(), options.end(),
- EXPECT_EQ(ExpectRemoteIceRenomination(), iter != options.end());
- }
- }
- int GetAudioOutputLevelStats(webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, track, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->AudioOutputLevel();
- }
- int GetAudioInputLevelStats() {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, nullptr, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->AudioInputLevel();
- }
- int GetBytesReceivedStats(webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, track, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->BytesReceived();
- }
- int GetBytesSentStats(webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, track, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->BytesSent();
- }
- int GetAvailableReceivedBandwidthStats() {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, nullptr, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- int bw = observer->AvailableReceiveBandwidth();
- return bw;
- }
- std::string GetDtlsCipherStats() {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, nullptr, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->DtlsCipher();
- }
- std::string GetSrtpCipherStats() {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockStatsObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<MockStatsObserver>());
- EXPECT_TRUE(peer_connection_->GetStats(
- observer, nullptr, PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_NE(0, observer->timestamp());
- return observer->SrtpCipher();
- }
- int rendered_width() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
- return fake_video_renderers_.empty() ? 1 :
- fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->width();
- }
- int rendered_height() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
- return fake_video_renderers_.empty() ? 1 :
- fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->height();
- }
- webrtc::VideoRotation rendered_rotation() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(fake_video_renderers_.empty());
- return fake_video_renderers_.empty()
- ? webrtc::kVideoRotation_0
- : fake_video_renderers_.begin()->second->rotation();
- }
- int local_rendered_width() {
- return local_video_renderer_ ? local_video_renderer_->width() : 1;
- }
- int local_rendered_height() {
- return local_video_renderer_ ? local_video_renderer_->height() : 1;
- }
- size_t number_of_remote_streams() {
- if (!pc())
- return 0;
- return pc()->remote_streams()->count();
- }
- StreamCollectionInterface* remote_streams() const {
- if (!pc()) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pc()->remote_streams();
- }
- StreamCollectionInterface* local_streams() {
- if (!pc()) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return pc()->local_streams();
- }
- bool HasLocalAudioTrack() { return StreamsHaveAudioTrack(local_streams()); }
- bool HasLocalVideoTrack() { return StreamsHaveVideoTrack(local_streams()); }
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState signaling_state() {
- return pc()->signaling_state();
- }
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState ice_connection_state() {
- return pc()->ice_connection_state();
- }
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state() {
- return pc()->ice_gathering_state();
- }
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>> const&
- rtp_receiver_observers() {
- return rtp_receiver_observers_;
- }
- void SetRtpReceiverObservers() {
- rtp_receiver_observers_.clear();
- for (auto receiver : pc()->GetReceivers()) {
- std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver> observer(
- new MockRtpReceiverObserver(receiver->media_type()));
- receiver->SetObserver(observer.get());
- rtp_receiver_observers_.push_back(std::move(observer));
- }
- }
- private:
- class DummyDtmfObserver : public DtmfSenderObserverInterface {
- public:
- DummyDtmfObserver() : completed_(false) {}
- // Implements DtmfSenderObserverInterface.
- void OnToneChange(const std::string& tone) override {
- tones_.push_back(tone);
- if (tone.empty()) {
- completed_ = true;
- }
- }
- void Verify(const std::vector<std::string>& tones) const {
- ASSERT_TRUE(tones_.size() == tones.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(tones.begin(), tones.end(), tones_.begin()));
- }
- bool completed() const { return completed_; }
- private:
- bool completed_;
- std::vector<std::string> tones_;
- };
- explicit PeerConnectionTestClient(const std::string& id) : id_(id) {}
- bool Init(
- const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
- const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
- bool prefer_constraint_apis,
- rtc::Thread* network_thread,
- rtc::Thread* worker_thread) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(!peer_connection_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!peer_connection_factory_);
- if (!prefer_constraint_apis) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(!constraints);
- }
- prefer_constraint_apis_ = prefer_constraint_apis;
- fake_network_manager_.reset(new rtc::FakeNetworkManager());
- fake_network_manager_->AddInterface(rtc::SocketAddress("", 0));
- std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator(
- new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(fake_network_manager_.get()));
- fake_audio_capture_module_ = FakeAudioCaptureModule::Create();
- if (fake_audio_capture_module_ == nullptr) {
- return false;
- }
- fake_video_decoder_factory_ = new FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory();
- fake_video_encoder_factory_ = new FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory();
- rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread = rtc::Thread::Current();
- peer_connection_factory_ = webrtc::CreatePeerConnectionFactory(
- network_thread, worker_thread, signaling_thread,
- fake_audio_capture_module_, fake_video_encoder_factory_,
- fake_video_decoder_factory_);
- if (!peer_connection_factory_) {
- return false;
- }
- if (options) {
- peer_connection_factory_->SetOptions(*options);
- }
- peer_connection_ =
- CreatePeerConnection(std::move(port_allocator), constraints, config,
- std::move(cert_generator));
- return peer_connection_.get() != nullptr;
- }
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface> CreatePeerConnection(
- std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator,
- const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator) {
- // CreatePeerConnection with RTCConfiguration.
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration default_config;
- if (!config) {
- config = &default_config;
- }
- return peer_connection_factory_->CreatePeerConnection(
- *config, constraints, std::move(port_allocator),
- std::move(cert_generator), this);
- }
- void HandleIncomingOffer(const std::string& msg) {
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "HandleIncomingOffer ";
- if (NumberOfLocalMediaStreams() == 0 && auto_add_stream_) {
- // If we are not sending any streams ourselves it is time to add some.
- AddMediaStream(true, true);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc(
- webrtc::CreateSessionDescription("offer", msg, nullptr));
- // Do the equivalent of setting the port to 0, adding a=bundle-only, and
- // removing a=ice-ufrag, a=ice-pwd, a=fingerprint and a=setup from all but
- // the first m= section.
- if (make_spec_compliant_max_bundle_offer_) {
- bool first = true;
- for (cricket::ContentInfo& content : desc->description()->contents()) {
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- continue;
- }
- content.bundle_only = true;
- }
- first = true;
- for (cricket::TransportInfo& transport :
- desc->description()->transport_infos()) {
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- continue;
- }
- transport.description.ice_ufrag.clear();
- transport.description.ice_pwd.clear();
- transport.description.connection_role = cricket::CONNECTIONROLE_NONE;
- transport.description.identity_fingerprint.reset(nullptr);
- }
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetRemoteDescription(desc.release()));
- // Set the RtpReceiverObserver after receivers are created.
- SetRtpReceiverObservers();
- std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> answer;
- EXPECT_TRUE(DoCreateAnswer(&answer));
- std::string sdp;
- EXPECT_TRUE(answer->ToString(&sdp));
- EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetLocalDescription(answer.release()));
- SendSdpMessage(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface::kAnswer, sdp);
- }
- void HandleIncomingAnswer(const std::string& msg) {
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "HandleIncomingAnswer";
- std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc(
- webrtc::CreateSessionDescription("answer", msg, nullptr));
- EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetRemoteDescription(desc.release()));
- // Set the RtpReceiverObserver after receivers are created.
- SetRtpReceiverObservers();
- }
- bool DoCreateOfferAnswer(std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface>* desc,
- bool offer) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<
- MockCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>());
- if (prefer_constraint_apis_) {
- if (offer) {
- pc()->CreateOffer(observer, &offer_answer_constraints_);
- } else {
- pc()->CreateAnswer(observer, &offer_answer_constraints_);
- }
- } else {
- if (offer) {
- pc()->CreateOffer(observer, offer_answer_options_);
- } else {
- pc()->CreateAnswer(observer, offer_answer_options_);
- }
- }
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(true, observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- desc->reset(observer->release_desc());
- if (observer->result() && ExpectIceRestart()) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, (*desc)->candidates(0)->count());
- }
- return observer->result();
- }
- bool DoCreateOffer(std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface>* desc) {
- return DoCreateOfferAnswer(desc, true);
- }
- bool DoCreateAnswer(std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface>* desc) {
- return DoCreateOfferAnswer(desc, false);
- }
- bool DoSetLocalDescription(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<
- MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>());
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "SetLocalDescription ";
- pc()->SetLocalDescription(observer, desc);
- // Ignore the observer result. If we wait for the result with
- // EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT, local ice candidates might be sent to the remote peer
- // before the offer which is an error.
- // The reason is that EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT uses
- // rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(1);
- // ProcessMessages waits at least 1ms but processes all messages before
- // returning. Since this test is synchronous and send messages to the remote
- // peer whenever a callback is invoked, this can lead to messages being
- // sent to the remote peer in the wrong order.
- // TODO(perkj): Find a way to check the result without risking that the
- // order of sent messages are changed. Ex- by posting all messages that are
- // sent to the remote peer.
- return true;
- }
- bool DoSetRemoteDescription(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>
- observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject<
- MockSetSessionDescriptionObserver>());
- LOG(INFO) << id_ << "SetRemoteDescription ";
- pc()->SetRemoteDescription(observer, desc);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(observer->called(), kMaxWaitMs);
- return observer->result();
- }
- // This modifies all received SDP messages before they are processed.
- void FilterIncomingSdpMessage(std::string* sdp) {
- if (remove_msid_) {
- const char kSdpSsrcAttribute[] = "a=ssrc:";
- RemoveLinesFromSdp(kSdpSsrcAttribute, sdp);
- const char kSdpMsidSupportedAttribute[] = "a=msid-semantic:";
- RemoveLinesFromSdp(kSdpMsidSupportedAttribute, sdp);
- }
- if (remove_bundle_) {
- const char kSdpBundleAttribute[] = "a=group:BUNDLE";
- RemoveLinesFromSdp(kSdpBundleAttribute, sdp);
- }
- if (remove_sdes_) {
- const char kSdpSdesCryptoAttribute[] = "a=crypto";
- RemoveLinesFromSdp(kSdpSdesCryptoAttribute, sdp);
- }
- if (remove_cvo_) {
- const char kSdpCvoExtenstion[] = "urn:3gpp:video-orientation";
- RemoveLinesFromSdp(kSdpCvoExtenstion, sdp);
- }
- }
- std::string id_;
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::FakeNetworkManager> fake_network_manager_;
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface> peer_connection_;
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface>
- peer_connection_factory_;
- bool prefer_constraint_apis_ = true;
- bool auto_add_stream_ = true;
- typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> IceUfragPwdPair;
- std::map<int, IceUfragPwdPair> ice_ufrag_pwd_;
- bool expect_ice_restart_ = false;
- bool expect_ice_renomination_ = false;
- bool expect_remote_ice_renomination_ = false;
- // Needed to keep track of number of frames sent.
- rtc::scoped_refptr<FakeAudioCaptureModule> fake_audio_capture_module_;
- // Needed to keep track of number of frames received.
- std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer>>
- fake_video_renderers_;
- // Needed to ensure frames aren't received for removed tracks.
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer>>
- removed_fake_video_renderers_;
- // Needed to keep track of number of frames received when external decoder
- // used.
- FakeWebRtcVideoDecoderFactory* fake_video_decoder_factory_ = nullptr;
- FakeWebRtcVideoEncoderFactory* fake_video_encoder_factory_ = nullptr;
- bool video_decoder_factory_enabled_ = false;
- webrtc::FakeConstraints video_constraints_;
- // For remote peer communication.
- SignalingMessageReceiver* signaling_message_receiver_ = nullptr;
- int signaling_delay_ms_ = 0;
- // Store references to the video capturers we've created, so that we can stop
- // them, if required.
- std::vector<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer*> video_capturers_;
- webrtc::VideoRotation capture_rotation_ = webrtc::kVideoRotation_0;
- // |local_video_renderer_| attached to the first created local video track.
- std::unique_ptr<webrtc::FakeVideoTrackRenderer> local_video_renderer_;
- webrtc::FakeConstraints offer_answer_constraints_;
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions offer_answer_options_;
- bool remove_msid_ = false; // True if MSID should be removed in received SDP.
- bool remove_bundle_ =
- false; // True if bundle should be removed in received SDP.
- bool remove_sdes_ =
- false; // True if a=crypto should be removed in received SDP.
- // |remove_cvo_| is true if extension urn:3gpp:video-orientation should be
- // removed in the received SDP.
- bool remove_cvo_ = false;
- // See LocalP2PTestWithSpecCompliantMaxBundleOffer.
- bool make_spec_compliant_max_bundle_offer_ = false;
- rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> data_channel_;
- std::unique_ptr<MockDataChannelObserver> data_observer_;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>> rtp_receiver_observers_;
-class P2PTestConductor : public testing::Test {
- public:
- P2PTestConductor()
- : pss_(new rtc::PhysicalSocketServer),
- ss_(new rtc::VirtualSocketServer(pss_.get())),
- network_thread_(new rtc::Thread(ss_.get())),
- worker_thread_(rtc::Thread::Create()) {
- RTC_CHECK(network_thread_->Start());
- RTC_CHECK(worker_thread_->Start());
- }
- bool SessionActive() {
- return initiating_client_->SessionActive() &&
- receiving_client_->SessionActive();
- }
- // Return true if the number of frames provided have been received
- // on the video and audio tracks provided.
- bool FramesHaveArrived(int audio_frames_to_receive,
- int video_frames_to_receive) {
- bool all_good = true;
- if (initiating_client_->HasLocalAudioTrack() &&
- receiving_client_->can_receive_audio()) {
- all_good &=
- receiving_client_->AudioFramesReceivedCheck(audio_frames_to_receive);
- }
- if (initiating_client_->HasLocalVideoTrack() &&
- receiving_client_->can_receive_video()) {
- all_good &=
- receiving_client_->VideoFramesReceivedCheck(video_frames_to_receive);
- }
- if (receiving_client_->HasLocalAudioTrack() &&
- initiating_client_->can_receive_audio()) {
- all_good &=
- initiating_client_->AudioFramesReceivedCheck(audio_frames_to_receive);
- }
- if (receiving_client_->HasLocalVideoTrack() &&
- initiating_client_->can_receive_video()) {
- all_good &=
- initiating_client_->VideoFramesReceivedCheck(video_frames_to_receive);
- }
- return all_good;
- }
- void VerifyDtmf() {
- initiating_client_->VerifyDtmf();
- receiving_client_->VerifyDtmf();
- }
- void TestUpdateOfferWithRejectedContent() {
- // Renegotiate, rejecting the video m-line.
- initiating_client_->Negotiate(true, false);
- ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SessionActive(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
- int pc1_audio_received = initiating_client_->audio_frames_received();
- int pc1_video_received = initiating_client_->video_frames_received();
- int pc2_audio_received = receiving_client_->audio_frames_received();
- int pc2_video_received = receiving_client_->video_frames_received();
- // Wait for some additional audio frames to be received.
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initiating_client_->AudioFramesReceivedCheck(
- pc1_audio_received + kEndAudioFrameCount) &&
- receiving_client_->AudioFramesReceivedCheck(
- pc2_audio_received + kEndAudioFrameCount),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- // During this time, we shouldn't have received any additional video frames
- // for the rejected video tracks.
- EXPECT_EQ(pc1_video_received, initiating_client_->video_frames_received());
- EXPECT_EQ(pc2_video_received, receiving_client_->video_frames_received());
- }
- void VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(int width, int height) {
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(width, height, webrtc::kVideoRotation_0);
- }
- void VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(int width,
- int height,
- webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
- double expected_aspect_ratio = static_cast<double>(width) / height;
- double receiving_client_rendered_aspect_ratio =
- static_cast<double>(receiving_client()->rendered_width()) /
- receiving_client()->rendered_height();
- double initializing_client_rendered_aspect_ratio =
- static_cast<double>(initializing_client()->rendered_width()) /
- initializing_client()->rendered_height();
- double initializing_client_local_rendered_aspect_ratio =
- static_cast<double>(initializing_client()->local_rendered_width()) /
- initializing_client()->local_rendered_height();
- // Verify end-to-end rendered aspect ratio.
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_aspect_ratio, receiving_client_rendered_aspect_ratio);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_aspect_ratio, initializing_client_rendered_aspect_ratio);
- // Verify aspect ratio of the local preview.
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_aspect_ratio,
- initializing_client_local_rendered_aspect_ratio);
- // Verify rotation.
- EXPECT_EQ(rotation, receiving_client()->rendered_rotation());
- EXPECT_EQ(rotation, initializing_client()->rendered_rotation());
- }
- void VerifySessionDescriptions() {
- initiating_client_->VerifyRejectedMediaInSessionDescription();
- receiving_client_->VerifyRejectedMediaInSessionDescription();
- initiating_client_->VerifyLocalIceUfragAndPassword();
- receiving_client_->VerifyLocalIceUfragAndPassword();
- }
- ~P2PTestConductor() {
- if (initiating_client_) {
- initiating_client_->set_signaling_message_receiver(nullptr);
- }
- if (receiving_client_) {
- receiving_client_->set_signaling_message_receiver(nullptr);
- }
- }
- bool CreateTestClients() { return CreateTestClients(nullptr, nullptr); }
- bool CreateTestClients(MediaConstraintsInterface* init_constraints,
- MediaConstraintsInterface* recv_constraints) {
- return CreateTestClients(init_constraints, nullptr, nullptr,
- recv_constraints, nullptr, nullptr);
- }
- bool CreateTestClients(
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& init_config,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& recv_config) {
- return CreateTestClients(nullptr, nullptr, &init_config, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_config);
- }
- bool CreateTestClientsThatPreferNoConstraints() {
- initiating_client_.reset(
- PeerConnectionTestClient::CreateClientPreferNoConstraints(
- "Caller: ", nullptr, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
- receiving_client_.reset(
- PeerConnectionTestClient::CreateClientPreferNoConstraints(
- "Callee: ", nullptr, network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
- if (!initiating_client_ || !receiving_client_) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remember the choice for possible later resets of the clients.
- prefer_constraint_apis_ = false;
- SetSignalingReceivers();
- return true;
- }
- bool CreateTestClients(
- MediaConstraintsInterface* init_constraints,
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options* init_options,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* init_config,
- MediaConstraintsInterface* recv_constraints,
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options* recv_options,
- const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* recv_config) {
- initiating_client_.reset(PeerConnectionTestClient::CreateClient(
- "Caller: ", init_constraints, init_options, init_config,
- network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
- receiving_client_.reset(PeerConnectionTestClient::CreateClient(
- "Callee: ", recv_constraints, recv_options, recv_config,
- network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get()));
- if (!initiating_client_ || !receiving_client_) {
- return false;
- }
- SetSignalingReceivers();
- return true;
- }
- void SetSignalingReceivers() {
- initiating_client_->set_signaling_message_receiver(receiving_client_.get());
- receiving_client_->set_signaling_message_receiver(initiating_client_.get());
- }
- void SetSignalingDelayMs(int delay_ms) {
- initiating_client_->set_signaling_delay_ms(delay_ms);
- receiving_client_->set_signaling_delay_ms(delay_ms);
- }
- void SetVideoConstraints(const webrtc::FakeConstraints& init_constraints,
- const webrtc::FakeConstraints& recv_constraints) {
- initiating_client_->SetVideoConstraints(init_constraints);
- receiving_client_->SetVideoConstraints(recv_constraints);
- }
- void SetCaptureRotation(webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
- initiating_client_->SetCaptureRotation(rotation);
- receiving_client_->SetCaptureRotation(rotation);
- }
- void EnableVideoDecoderFactory() {
- initiating_client_->EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
- receiving_client_->EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
- }
- // This test sets up a call between two parties. Both parties send static
- // frames to each other. Once the test is finished the number of sent frames
- // is compared to the number of received frames.
- void LocalP2PTest() {
- if (initiating_client_->NumberOfLocalMediaStreams() == 0) {
- initiating_client_->AddMediaStream(true, true);
- }
- initiating_client_->Negotiate();
- // Assert true is used here since next tests are guaranteed to fail and
- // would eat up 5 seconds.
- ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SessionActive(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
- VerifySessionDescriptions();
- int audio_frame_count = kEndAudioFrameCount;
- int video_frame_count = kEndVideoFrameCount;
- // TODO(ronghuawu): Add test to cover the case of sendonly and recvonly.
- if ((!initiating_client_->can_receive_audio() &&
- !initiating_client_->can_receive_video()) ||
- (!receiving_client_->can_receive_audio() &&
- !receiving_client_->can_receive_video())) {
- // Neither audio nor video will flow, so connections won't be
- // established. There's nothing more to check.
- // TODO(hta): Check connection if there's a data channel.
- return;
- }
- // Audio or video is expected to flow, so both clients should reach the
- // Connected state, and the offerer (ICE controller) should proceed to
- // Completed.
- // Note: These tests have been observed to fail under heavy load at
- // shorter timeouts, so they may be flaky.
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
- initiating_client_->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
- receiving_client_->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- // The ICE gathering state should end up in kIceGatheringComplete,
- // but there's a bug that prevents this at the moment, and the state
- // machine is being updated by the WEBRTC WG.
- // TODO(hta): Update this check when spec revisions finish.
- EXPECT_NE(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceGatheringNew,
- initiating_client_->ice_gathering_state());
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceGatheringComplete,
- receiving_client_->ice_gathering_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- // Check that the expected number of frames have arrived.
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(FramesHaveArrived(audio_frame_count, video_frame_count),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- }
- void SetupAndVerifyDtlsCall() {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
- true);
- // Disable resolution adaptation, we don't want it interfering with the
- // test results.
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration rtc_config;
- rtc_config.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, nullptr, &rtc_config,
- &setup_constraints, nullptr, &rtc_config));
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
- }
- PeerConnectionTestClient* CreateDtlsClientWithAlternateKey() {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
- true);
- // Disable resolution adaptation, we don't want it interfering with the
- // test results.
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration rtc_config;
- rtc_config.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- std::unique_ptr<FakeRTCCertificateGenerator> cert_generator(
- new FakeRTCCertificateGenerator());
- cert_generator->use_alternate_key();
- // Make sure the new client is using a different certificate.
- return PeerConnectionTestClient::CreateClientWithDtlsIdentityStore(
- "New Peer: ", &setup_constraints, nullptr, &rtc_config,
- std::move(cert_generator), prefer_constraint_apis_,
- network_thread_.get(), worker_thread_.get());
- }
- void SendRtpData(webrtc::DataChannelInterface* dc, const std::string& data) {
- // Messages may get lost on the unreliable DataChannel, so we send multiple
- // times to avoid test flakiness.
- static const size_t kSendAttempts = 5;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kSendAttempts; ++i) {
- dc->Send(DataBuffer(data));
- }
- }
- rtc::Thread* network_thread() { return network_thread_.get(); }
- rtc::VirtualSocketServer* virtual_socket_server() { return ss_.get(); }
- PeerConnectionTestClient* initializing_client() {
- return initiating_client_.get();
- }
- // Set the |initiating_client_| to the |client| passed in and return the
- // original |initiating_client_|.
- PeerConnectionTestClient* set_initializing_client(
- PeerConnectionTestClient* client) {
- PeerConnectionTestClient* old = initiating_client_.release();
- initiating_client_.reset(client);
- return old;
- }
- PeerConnectionTestClient* receiving_client() {
- return receiving_client_.get();
- }
- // Set the |receiving_client_| to the |client| passed in and return the
- // original |receiving_client_|.
- PeerConnectionTestClient* set_receiving_client(
- PeerConnectionTestClient* client) {
- PeerConnectionTestClient* old = receiving_client_.release();
- receiving_client_.reset(client);
- return old;
- }
- bool AllObserversReceived(
- const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MockRtpReceiverObserver>>& observers) {
- for (auto& observer : observers) {
- if (!observer->first_packet_received()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- void TestGcmNegotiation(bool local_gcm_enabled, bool remote_gcm_enabled,
- int expected_cipher_suite) {
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options init_options;
- init_options.crypto_options.enable_gcm_crypto_suites = local_gcm_enabled;
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options recv_options;
- recv_options.crypto_options.enable_gcm_crypto_suites = remote_gcm_enabled;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(nullptr, &init_options, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_options, nullptr));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>
- init_observer =
- new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
- initializing_client()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(init_observer);
- LocalP2PTest();
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(expected_cipher_suite),
- initializing_client()->GetSrtpCipherStats(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- init_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
- expected_cipher_suite));
- }
- private:
- // |ss_| is used by |network_thread_| so it must be destroyed later.
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::PhysicalSocketServer> pss_;
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> ss_;
- // |network_thread_| and |worker_thread_| are used by both
- // |initiating_client_| and |receiving_client_| so they must be destroyed
- // later.
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::Thread> network_thread_;
- std::unique_ptr<rtc::Thread> worker_thread_;
- std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionTestClient> initiating_client_;
- std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionTestClient> receiving_client_;
- bool prefer_constraint_apis_ = true;
-// Disable for TSan v2, see
-// for details.
-#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, TestRtpReceiverObserverCallbackFunction) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- AllObserversReceived(initializing_client()->rtp_receiver_observers()),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- AllObserversReceived(receiving_client()->rtp_receiver_observers()),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
-// The observers are expected to fire the signal even if they are set after the
-// first packet is received.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, TestSetRtpReceiverObserverAfterFirstPacketIsReceived) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- // Reset the RtpReceiverObservers.
- initializing_client()->SetRtpReceiverObservers();
- receiving_client()->SetRtpReceiverObservers();
- AllObserversReceived(initializing_client()->rtp_receiver_observers()),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- AllObserversReceived(receiving_client()->rtp_receiver_observers()),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties and test Dtmf.
-// TODO(holmer): Disabled due to sometimes crashing on buildbots.
-// See issue webrtc/2378.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, DISABLED_LocalP2PTestDtmf) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyDtmf();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties and test that we can get a
-// video aspect ratio of 16:9.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTest16To9) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- FakeConstraints constraint;
- double requested_ratio = 640.0/360;
- constraint.SetMandatoryMinAspectRatio(requested_ratio);
- SetVideoConstraints(constraint, constraint);
- LocalP2PTest();
- ASSERT_LE(0, initializing_client()->rendered_height());
- double initiating_video_ratio =
- static_cast<double>(initializing_client()->rendered_width()) /
- initializing_client()->rendered_height();
- EXPECT_LE(requested_ratio, initiating_video_ratio);
- ASSERT_LE(0, receiving_client()->rendered_height());
- double receiving_video_ratio =
- static_cast<double>(receiving_client()->rendered_width()) /
- receiving_client()->rendered_height();
- EXPECT_LE(requested_ratio, receiving_video_ratio);
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties and test that the
-// received video has a resolution of 1280*720.
-// TODO(mallinath): Enable when
-// is fixed.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, DISABLED_LocalP2PTest1280By720) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- FakeConstraints constraint;
- constraint.SetMandatoryMinWidth(1280);
- constraint.SetMandatoryMinHeight(720);
- SetVideoConstraints(constraint, constraint);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(1280, 720);
-// This test sets up a call between two endpoints that are configured to use
-// DTLS key agreement. As a result, DTLS is negotiated and used for transport.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestDtls) {
- SetupAndVerifyDtlsCall();
-// This test sets up an one-way call, with media only from initiator to
-// responder.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, OneWayMediaCall) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->set_auto_add_stream(false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, OneWayMediaCallWithoutConstraints) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClientsThatPreferNoConstraints());
- receiving_client()->set_auto_add_stream(false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a audio call initially and then upgrades to audio/video,
-// using DTLS.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestDtlsRenegotiate) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
- true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(true, false);
- LocalP2PTest();
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(true, true);
- receiving_client()->Negotiate();
-// This test sets up a call transfer to a new caller with a different DTLS
-// fingerprint.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestDtlsTransferCallee) {
- SetupAndVerifyDtlsCall();
- // Keeping the original peer around which will still send packets to the
- // receiving client. These SRTP packets will be dropped.
- std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionTestClient> original_peer(
- set_initializing_client(CreateDtlsClientWithAlternateKey()));
- original_peer->pc()->Close();
- SetSignalingReceivers();
- receiving_client()->SetExpectIceRestart(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
-// This test sets up a non-bundle call and apply bundle during ICE restart. When
-// bundle is in effect in the restart, the channel can successfully reset its
-// DTLS-SRTP context.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestDtlsBundleInIceRestart) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
- true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- receiving_client()->RemoveBundleFromReceivedSdp(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
- initializing_client()->IceRestart();
- receiving_client()->SetExpectIceRestart(true);
- receiving_client()->RemoveBundleFromReceivedSdp(false);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
-// This test sets up a call transfer to a new callee with a different DTLS
-// fingerprint.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestDtlsTransferCaller) {
- SetupAndVerifyDtlsCall();
- // Keeping the original peer around which will still send packets to the
- // receiving client. These SRTP packets will be dropped.
- std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionTestClient> original_peer(
- set_receiving_client(CreateDtlsClientWithAlternateKey()));
- original_peer->pc()->Close();
- SetSignalingReceivers();
- initializing_client()->IceRestart();
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestCVO) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- SetCaptureRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_90);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480, webrtc::kVideoRotation_90);
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestReceiverDoesntSupportCVO) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- SetCaptureRotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_90);
- receiving_client()->RemoveCvoFromReceivedSdp(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(480, 640, webrtc::kVideoRotation_0);
-// This test sets up a call between two endpoints that are configured to use
-// DTLS key agreement. The offerer don't support SDES. As a result, DTLS is
-// negotiated and used for transport.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestOfferDtlsButNotSdes) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.AddMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp,
- true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- receiving_client()->RemoveSdesCryptoFromReceivedSdp(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
- VerifyRenderedAspectRatio(640, 480);
-#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
-// This test verifies that the negotiation will succeed with data channel only
-// in max-bundle mode.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestOfferDataChannelOnly) {
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration rtc_config;
- rtc_config.bundle_policy =
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kBundlePolicyMaxBundle;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(rtc_config, rtc_config));
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties, and the callee only
-// accept to receive video.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestAnswerVideo) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(false, true);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties, and the callee only
-// accept to receive audio.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestAnswerAudio) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(true, false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties, and the callee reject both
-// audio and video.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestAnswerNone) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(false, false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up an audio and video call between two parties. After the call
-// runs for a while (10 frames), the caller sends an update offer with video
-// being rejected. Once the re-negotiation is done, the video flow should stop
-// and the audio flow should continue.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, UpdateOfferWithRejectedContent) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- TestUpdateOfferWithRejectedContent();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties. The MSID is removed from
-// the SDP strings from the caller.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestWithoutMsid) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->RemoveMsidFromReceivedSdp(true);
- // TODO(perkj): Currently there is a bug that cause audio to stop playing if
- // audio and video is muxed when MSID is disabled. Remove
- // SetRemoveBundleFromSdp once
- // is fixed.
- receiving_client()->RemoveBundleFromReceivedSdp(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestTwoStreams) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- // Set optional video constraint to max 320pixels to decrease CPU usage.
- FakeConstraints constraint;
- constraint.SetOptionalMaxWidth(320);
- SetVideoConstraints(constraint, constraint);
- initializing_client()->AddMediaStream(true, true);
- initializing_client()->AddMediaStream(false, true);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, initializing_client()->NumberOfLocalMediaStreams());
- LocalP2PTest();
- EXPECT_EQ(2u, receiving_client()->number_of_remote_streams());
-// Test that if applying a true "max bundle" offer, which uses ports of 0,
-// "a=bundle-only", omitting "a=fingerprint", "a=setup", "a=ice-ufrag" and
-// "a=ice-pwd" for all but the audio "m=" section, negotiation still completes
-// successfully and media flows.
-// TODO(deadbeef): Update this test to also omit "a=rtcp-mux", once that works.
-// TODO(deadbeef): Won't need this test once we start generating actual
-// standards-compliant SDP.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestWithSpecCompliantMaxBundleOffer) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- receiving_client()->MakeSpecCompliantMaxBundleOfferFromReceivedSdp(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// Test that we can receive the audio output level from a remote audio track.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetAudioOutputLevelStats) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- StreamCollectionInterface* remote_streams =
- initializing_client()->remote_streams();
- ASSERT_GT(remote_streams->count(), 0u);
- ASSERT_GT(remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks().size(), 0u);
- MediaStreamTrackInterface* remote_audio_track =
- remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
- // Get the audio output level stats. Note that the level is not available
- // until a RTCP packet has been received.
- initializing_client()->GetAudioOutputLevelStats(remote_audio_track) > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
-// Test that an audio input level is reported.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetAudioInputLevelStats) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- // Get the audio input level stats. The level should be available very
- // soon after the test starts.
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->GetAudioInputLevelStats() > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
-// Test that we can get incoming byte counts from both audio and video tracks.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetBytesReceivedStats) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- StreamCollectionInterface* remote_streams =
- initializing_client()->remote_streams();
- ASSERT_GT(remote_streams->count(), 0u);
- ASSERT_GT(remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks().size(), 0u);
- MediaStreamTrackInterface* remote_audio_track =
- remote_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
- initializing_client()->GetBytesReceivedStats(remote_audio_track) > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- MediaStreamTrackInterface* remote_video_track =
- remote_streams->at(0)->GetVideoTracks()[0];
- initializing_client()->GetBytesReceivedStats(remote_video_track) > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
-// Test that we can get outgoing byte counts from both audio and video tracks.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetBytesSentStats) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- LocalP2PTest();
- StreamCollectionInterface* local_streams =
- initializing_client()->local_streams();
- ASSERT_GT(local_streams->count(), 0u);
- ASSERT_GT(local_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks().size(), 0u);
- MediaStreamTrackInterface* local_audio_track =
- local_streams->at(0)->GetAudioTracks()[0];
- initializing_client()->GetBytesSentStats(local_audio_track) > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- MediaStreamTrackInterface* local_video_track =
- local_streams->at(0)->GetVideoTracks()[0];
- initializing_client()->GetBytesSentStats(local_video_track) > 0,
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
-// Test that DTLS 1.0 is used if both sides only support DTLS 1.0.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetDtls12None) {
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options init_options;
- init_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options recv_options;
- recv_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(nullptr, &init_options, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_options, nullptr));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>
- init_observer = new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
- initializing_client()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(init_observer);
- LocalP2PTest();
- rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
- initializing_client()->GetDtlsCipherStats(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
- initializing_client()->GetSrtpCipherStats(),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- init_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
- kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
-// Test that DTLS 1.2 is used if both ends support it.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetDtls12Both) {
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options init_options;
- init_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options recv_options;
- recv_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(nullptr, &init_options, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_options, nullptr));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>
- init_observer = new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
- initializing_client()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(init_observer);
- LocalP2PTest();
- rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
- initializing_client()->GetDtlsCipherStats(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
- initializing_client()->GetSrtpCipherStats(),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- init_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
- kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
-// Test that DTLS 1.0 is used if the initator supports DTLS 1.2 and the
-// received supports 1.0.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetDtls12Init) {
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options init_options;
- init_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options recv_options;
- recv_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(nullptr, &init_options, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_options, nullptr));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>
- init_observer = new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
- initializing_client()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(init_observer);
- LocalP2PTest();
- rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
- initializing_client()->GetDtlsCipherStats(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
- initializing_client()->GetSrtpCipherStats(),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- init_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
- kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
-// Test that DTLS 1.0 is used if the initator supports DTLS 1.0 and the
-// received supports 1.2.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetDtls12Recv) {
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options init_options;
- init_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_10;
- PeerConnectionFactory::Options recv_options;
- recv_options.ssl_max_version = rtc::SSL_PROTOCOL_DTLS_12;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(nullptr, &init_options, nullptr, nullptr,
- &recv_options, nullptr));
- rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>
- init_observer = new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::FakeMetricsObserver>();
- initializing_client()->pc()->RegisterUMAObserver(init_observer);
- LocalP2PTest();
- rtc::SSLStreamAdapter::IsAcceptableCipher(
- initializing_client()->GetDtlsCipherStats(), rtc::KT_DEFAULT),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite),
- initializing_client()->GetSrtpCipherStats(),
- kMaxWaitForStatsMs);
- init_observer->GetEnumCounter(webrtc::kEnumCounterAudioSrtpCipher,
- kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite));
-// Test that a non-GCM cipher is used if both sides only support non-GCM.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetGcmNone) {
- TestGcmNegotiation(false, false, kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite);
-// Test that a GCM cipher is used if both ends support it.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetGcmBoth) {
- TestGcmNegotiation(true, true, kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuiteGcm);
-// Test that GCM isn't used if only the initiator supports it.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetGcmInit) {
- TestGcmNegotiation(true, false, kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite);
-// Test that GCM isn't used if only the receiver supports it.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, GetGcmRecv) {
- TestGcmNegotiation(false, true, kDefaultSrtpCryptoSuite);
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and an RTP
-// data channel.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestRtpDataChannel) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- LocalP2PTest();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(receiving_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- std::string data = "hello world";
- SendRtpData(initializing_client()->data_channel(), data);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, receiving_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- SendRtpData(receiving_client()->data_channel(), data);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, initializing_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Close();
- // Send new offer and answer.
- receiving_client()->Negotiate();
- EXPECT_FALSE(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
- EXPECT_FALSE(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
-#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and an SCTP
-// data channel.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestSctpDataChannel) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- LocalP2PTest();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_channel() != nullptr, kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kMaxWaitMs);
- std::string data = "hello world";
- initializing_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, receiving_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, initializing_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Close();
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kMaxWaitMs);
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, UnorderedSctpDataChannel) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- webrtc::DataChannelInit init;
- init.ordered = false;
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel(&init);
- // Introduce random network delays.
- // Otherwise it's not a true "unordered" test.
- virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(20);
- virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_stddev(5);
- virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_channel() != nullptr, kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kMaxWaitMs);
- static constexpr int kNumMessages = 100;
- // Deliberately chosen to be larger than the MTU so messages get fragmented.
- static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSize = 4096;
- // Create and send random messages.
- std::vector<std::string> sent_messages;
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumMessages; ++i) {
- size_t length = (rand() % kMaxMessageSize) + 1;
- std::string message;
- ASSERT_TRUE(rtc::CreateRandomString(length, &message));
- initializing_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(message));
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(message));
- sent_messages.push_back(message);
- }
- kNumMessages,
- initializing_client()->data_observer()->received_message_count(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(kNumMessages,
- receiving_client()->data_observer()->received_message_count(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- // Sort and compare to make sure none of the messages were corrupted.
- std::vector<std::string> initializing_client_received_messages =
- initializing_client()->data_observer()->messages();
- std::vector<std::string> receiving_client_received_messages =
- receiving_client()->data_observer()->messages();
- std::sort(sent_messages.begin(), sent_messages.end());
- std::sort(initializing_client_received_messages.begin(),
- initializing_client_received_messages.end());
- std::sort(receiving_client_received_messages.begin(),
- receiving_client_received_messages.end());
- EXPECT_EQ(sent_messages, initializing_client_received_messages);
- EXPECT_EQ(sent_messages, receiving_client_received_messages);
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Close();
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(!receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kMaxWaitMs);
-#endif // HAVE_SCTP
-// This test sets up a call between two parties and creates a data channel.
-// The test tests that received data is buffered unless an observer has been
-// registered.
-// Rtp data channels can receive data before the underlying
-// transport has detected that a channel is writable and thus data can be
-// received before the data channel state changes to open. That is hard to test
-// but the same buffering is used in that case.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, RegisterDataChannelObserver) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(receiving_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(DataChannelInterface::kOpen,
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->state(), kMaxWaitMs);
- // Unregister the existing observer.
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->UnregisterObserver();
- std::string data = "hello world";
- SendRtpData(initializing_client()->data_channel(), data);
- // Wait a while to allow the sent data to arrive before an observer is
- // registered..
- rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
- MockDataChannelObserver new_observer(receiving_client()->data_channel());
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, new_observer.last_message(), kMaxWaitMs);
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video and but only
-// the initiating client support data.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestReceiverDoesntSupportData) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints_1;
- setup_constraints_1.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
- // Must disable DTLS to make negotiation succeed.
- setup_constraints_1.SetMandatory(
- MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp, false);
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints_2;
- setup_constraints_2.SetMandatory(
- MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp, false);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints_1, &setup_constraints_2));
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- LocalP2PTest();
- EXPECT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_FALSE(receiving_client()->data_channel());
- EXPECT_FALSE(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen());
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, video. When audio
-// and video is setup and flowing and data channel is negotiated.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, AddDataChannelAfterRenegotiation) {
- FakeConstraints setup_constraints;
- setup_constraints.SetAllowRtpDataChannels();
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&setup_constraints, &setup_constraints));
- LocalP2PTest();
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- // Send new offer and answer.
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(receiving_client()->data_channel() != nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
-// This test sets up a Jsep call with SCTP DataChannel and verifies the
-// negotiation is completed without error.
-#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, CreateOfferWithSctpDataChannel) {
- FakeConstraints constraints;
- constraints.SetMandatory(
- MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp, true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&constraints, &constraints));
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel();
- initializing_client()->Negotiate(false, false);
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, and video.
-// During the call, the initializing side restart ice and the test verifies that
-// new ice candidates are generated and audio and video still can flow.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, IceRestart) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- // Negotiate and wait for ice completion and make sure audio and video plays.
- LocalP2PTest();
- // Create a SDP string of the first audio candidate for both clients.
- const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_initiator =
- initializing_client()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
- const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_receiver =
- receiving_client()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
- ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_initiator->count(), 0u);
- ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_receiver->count(), 0u);
- std::string initiator_candidate;
- audio_candidates_initiator->at(0)->ToString(&initiator_candidate));
- std::string receiver_candidate;
- EXPECT_TRUE(audio_candidates_receiver->at(0)->ToString(&receiver_candidate));
- // Restart ice on the initializing client.
- receiving_client()->SetExpectIceRestart(true);
- initializing_client()->IceRestart();
- // Negotiate and wait for ice completion again and make sure audio and video
- // plays.
- LocalP2PTest();
- // Create a SDP string of the first audio candidate for both clients again.
- const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_initiator_restart =
- initializing_client()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
- const webrtc::IceCandidateCollection* audio_candidates_reciever_restart =
- receiving_client()->pc()->local_description()->candidates(0);
- ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_initiator_restart->count(), 0u);
- ASSERT_GT(audio_candidates_reciever_restart->count(), 0u);
- std::string initiator_candidate_restart;
- EXPECT_TRUE(audio_candidates_initiator_restart->at(0)->ToString(
- &initiator_candidate_restart));
- std::string receiver_candidate_restart;
- EXPECT_TRUE(audio_candidates_reciever_restart->at(0)->ToString(
- &receiver_candidate_restart));
- // Verify that the first candidates in the local session descriptions has
- // changed.
- EXPECT_NE(initiator_candidate, initiator_candidate_restart);
- EXPECT_NE(receiver_candidate, receiver_candidate_restart);
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, IceRenominationDisabled) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
- config.enable_ice_renomination = false;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(config, config));
- LocalP2PTest();
- initializing_client()->VerifyLocalIceRenomination();
- receiving_client()->VerifyLocalIceRenomination();
- initializing_client()->VerifyRemoteIceRenomination();
- receiving_client()->VerifyRemoteIceRenomination();
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, IceRenominationEnabled) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
- config.enable_ice_renomination = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(config, config));
- initializing_client()->SetExpectIceRenomination(true);
- initializing_client()->SetExpectRemoteIceRenomination(true);
- receiving_client()->SetExpectIceRenomination(true);
- receiving_client()->SetExpectRemoteIceRenomination(true);
- LocalP2PTest();
- initializing_client()->VerifyLocalIceRenomination();
- receiving_client()->VerifyLocalIceRenomination();
- initializing_client()->VerifyRemoteIceRenomination();
- receiving_client()->VerifyRemoteIceRenomination();
-// This test sets up a call between two parties with audio, and video.
-// It then renegotiates setting the video m-line to "port 0", then later
-// renegotiates again, enabling video.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestVideoDisableEnable) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- // Do initial negotiation. Will result in video and audio sendonly m-lines.
- receiving_client()->set_auto_add_stream(false);
- initializing_client()->AddMediaStream(true, true);
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- // Negotiate again, disabling the video m-line (receiving client will
- // set port to 0 due to mandatory "OfferToReceiveVideo: false" constraint).
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveVideo(false);
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- // Enable video and do negotiation again, making sure video is received
- // end-to-end.
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveVideo(true);
- receiving_client()->AddMediaStream(true, true);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a Jsep call between two parties with external
-// VideoDecoderFactory.
-// TODO(holmer): Disabled due to sometimes crashing on buildbots.
-// See issue webrtc/2378.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, DISABLED_LocalP2PTestWithVideoDecoderFactory) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- EnableVideoDecoderFactory();
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This tests that if we negotiate after calling CreateSender but before we
-// have a track, then set a track later, frames from the newly-set track are
-// received end-to-end.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, EarlyWarmupTest) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- auto audio_sender =
- initializing_client()->pc()->CreateSender("audio", "stream_id");
- auto video_sender =
- initializing_client()->pc()->CreateSender("video", "stream_id");
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- // Wait for ICE connection to complete, without any tracks.
- // Note that the receiving client WILL (in HandleIncomingOffer) create
- // tracks, so it's only the initiator here that's doing early warmup.
- ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SessionActive(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
- VerifySessionDescriptions();
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
- initializing_client()->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
- receiving_client()->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- // Now set the tracks, and expect frames to immediately start flowing.
- audio_sender->SetTrack(initializing_client()->CreateLocalAudioTrack("")));
- video_sender->SetTrack(initializing_client()->CreateLocalVideoTrack("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(FramesHaveArrived(kEndAudioFrameCount, kEndVideoFrameCount),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
-#ifdef HAVE_QUIC
-// This test sets up a call between two parties using QUIC instead of DTLS for
-// audio and video, and a QUIC data channel.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestQuicDataChannel) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration quic_config;
- quic_config.enable_quic = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(quic_config, quic_config));
- webrtc::DataChannelInit init;
- init.ordered = false;
- init.reliable = true;
- = 1;
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel(&init);
- receiving_client()->CreateDataChannel(&init);
- LocalP2PTest();
- ASSERT_NE(nullptr, initializing_client()->data_channel());
- ASSERT_NE(nullptr, receiving_client()->data_channel());
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(initializing_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(receiving_client()->data_observer()->IsOpen(), kMaxWaitMs);
- std::string data = "hello world";
- initializing_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, receiving_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
- receiving_client()->data_channel()->Send(DataBuffer(data));
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(data, initializing_client()->data_observer()->last_message(),
- kMaxWaitMs);
-// Tests that negotiation of QUIC data channels is completed without error.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, NegotiateQuicDataChannel) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration quic_config;
- quic_config.enable_quic = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(quic_config, quic_config));
- FakeConstraints constraints;
- constraints.SetMandatory(MediaConstraintsInterface::kEnableDtlsSrtp, true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(&constraints, &constraints));
- webrtc::DataChannelInit init;
- init.ordered = false;
- init.reliable = true;
- = 1;
- initializing_client()->CreateDataChannel(&init);
- initializing_client()->Negotiate(false, false);
-// This test sets up a JSEP call using QUIC. The callee only receives video.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestVideoOnlyWithQuic) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration quic_config;
- quic_config.enable_quic = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(quic_config, quic_config));
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(false, true);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a JSEP call using QUIC. The callee only receives audio.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestAudioOnlyWithQuic) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration quic_config;
- quic_config.enable_quic = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(quic_config, quic_config));
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(true, false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-// This test sets up a JSEP call using QUIC. The callee rejects both audio and
-// video.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, LocalP2PTestNoVideoAudioWithQuic) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration quic_config;
- quic_config.enable_quic = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(quic_config, quic_config));
- receiving_client()->SetReceiveAudioVideo(false, false);
- LocalP2PTest();
-#endif // HAVE_QUIC
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, ForwardVideoOnlyStream) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients());
- // One-way stream
- receiving_client()->set_auto_add_stream(false);
- // Video only, audio forwarding not expected to work.
- initializing_client()->AddMediaStream(false, true);
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT(SessionActive(), kMaxWaitForActivationMs);
- VerifySessionDescriptions();
- ASSERT_TRUE(initializing_client()->can_receive_video());
- ASSERT_TRUE(receiving_client()->can_receive_video());
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted,
- initializing_client()->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected,
- receiving_client()->ice_connection_state(),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
- ASSERT_TRUE(receiving_client()->remote_streams()->count() == 1);
- // Echo the stream back.
- receiving_client()->pc()->AddStream(
- receiving_client()->remote_streams()->at(0));
- receiving_client()->Negotiate();
- initializing_client()->VideoFramesReceivedCheck(kEndVideoFrameCount),
- kMaxWaitForFramesMs);
-// Test that we achieve the expected end-to-end connection time, using a
-// fake clock and simulated latency on the media and signaling paths.
-// We use a TURN<->TURN connection because this is usually the quickest to
-// set up initially, especially when we're confident the connection will work
-// and can start sending media before we get a STUN response.
-// With various optimizations enabled, here are the network delays we expect to
-// be on the critical path:
-// 1. 2 signaling trips: Signaling offer and offerer's TURN candidate, then
-// signaling answer (with DTLS fingerprint).
-// 2. 9 media hops: Rest of the DTLS handshake. 3 hops in each direction when
-// using TURN<->TURN pair, and DTLS exchange is 4 packets,
-// the first of which should have arrived before the answer.
-TEST_F(P2PTestConductor, EndToEndConnectionTimeWithTurnTurnPair) {
- rtc::ScopedFakeClock fake_clock;
- // Some things use a time of "0" as a special value, so we need to start out
- // the fake clock at a nonzero time.
- // TODO(deadbeef): Fix this.
- fake_clock.AdvanceTime(rtc::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
- static constexpr int media_hop_delay_ms = 50;
- static constexpr int signaling_trip_delay_ms = 500;
- // For explanation of these values, see comment above.
- static constexpr int required_media_hops = 9;
- static constexpr int required_signaling_trips = 2;
- // For internal delays (such as posting an event asychronously).
- static constexpr int allowed_internal_delay_ms = 20;
- static constexpr int total_connection_time_ms =
- media_hop_delay_ms * required_media_hops +
- signaling_trip_delay_ms * required_signaling_trips +
- allowed_internal_delay_ms;
- static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_1_internal_address{"",
- 3478};
- static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_1_external_address{"",
- 0};
- static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_2_internal_address{"",
- 3478};
- static const rtc::SocketAddress turn_server_2_external_address{"",
- 0};
- cricket::TestTurnServer turn_server_1(network_thread(),
- turn_server_1_internal_address,
- turn_server_1_external_address);
- cricket::TestTurnServer turn_server_2(network_thread(),
- turn_server_2_internal_address,
- turn_server_2_external_address);
- // Bypass permission check on received packets so media can be sent before
- // the candidate is signaled.
- turn_server_1.set_enable_permission_checks(false);
- turn_server_2.set_enable_permission_checks(false);
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration client_1_config;
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer ice_server_1;
- ice_server_1.urls.push_back("turn:");
- ice_server_1.username = "test";
- ice_server_1.password = "test";
- client_1_config.servers.push_back(ice_server_1);
- client_1_config.type = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kRelay;
- client_1_config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
- PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration client_2_config;
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer ice_server_2;
- ice_server_2.urls.push_back("turn:");
- ice_server_2.username = "test";
- ice_server_2.password = "test";
- client_2_config.servers.push_back(ice_server_2);
- client_2_config.type = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kRelay;
- client_2_config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true;
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateTestClients(client_1_config, client_2_config));
- // Set up the simulated delays.
- SetSignalingDelayMs(signaling_trip_delay_ms);
- virtual_socket_server()->set_delay_mean(media_hop_delay_ms);
- virtual_socket_server()->UpdateDelayDistribution();
- initializing_client()->SetOfferToReceiveAudioVideo(true, true);
- initializing_client()->Negotiate();
- // TODO(deadbeef): kIceConnectionConnected currently means both ICE and DTLS
- // are connected. This is an important distinction. Once we have separate ICE
- // and DTLS state, this check needs to use the DTLS state.
- (receiving_client()->ice_connection_state() ==
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected ||
- receiving_client()->ice_connection_state() ==
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted) &&
- (initializing_client()->ice_connection_state() ==
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionConnected ||
- initializing_client()->ice_connection_state() ==
- webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionCompleted),
- total_connection_time_ms, fake_clock);
- // Need to free the clients here since they're using things we created on
- // the stack.
- delete set_initializing_client(nullptr);
- delete set_receiving_client(nullptr);
-class IceServerParsingTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- // Convenience for parsing a single URL.
- bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url) {
- return ParseUrl(url, std::string(), std::string());
- }
- bool ParseTurnUrl(const std::string& url) {
- return ParseUrl(url, "username", "password");
- }
- bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url,
- const std::string& username,
- const std::string& password) {
- return ParseUrl(
- url, username, password,
- PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy::kTlsCertPolicySecure);
- }
- bool ParseUrl(const std::string& url,
- const std::string& username,
- const std::string& password,
- PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy tls_certificate_policy) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
- server.urls.push_back(url);
- server.username = username;
- server.password = password;
- server.tls_cert_policy = tls_certificate_policy;
- servers.push_back(server);
- return webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_) ==
- webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE;
- }
- protected:
- cricket::ServerAddresses stun_servers_;
- std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig> turn_servers_;
-// Make sure all STUN/TURN prefixes are parsed correctly.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseStunPrefixes) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, turn_servers_.size());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stuns:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, turn_servers_.size());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turns:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- EXPECT_TRUE(turn_servers_[0].tls_cert_policy ==
- cricket::TlsCertPolicy::TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- "turns:hostname", "username", "password",
- PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy::kTlsCertPolicyInsecureNoCheck));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(turn_servers_[0].tls_cert_policy ==
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- // invalid prefixes
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stunn:hostname"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(":hostname"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(":"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl(""));
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, VerifyDefaults) {
- // TURNS defaults
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turns:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(5349, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].address.port());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TLS, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- // TURN defaults
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(3478, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].address.port());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- // STUN defaults
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
-// Check that the 6 combinations of IPv4/IPv6/hostname and with/without port
-// can be parsed correctly.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseHostnameAndPort) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(1234, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]:4321"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(4321, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:9999"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("hostname", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(9999, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("hostname", stun_servers_.begin()->hostname());
- EXPECT_EQ(3478, stun_servers_.begin()->port());
- stun_servers_.clear();
- // Try some invalid hostname:port strings.
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:99a99"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:-1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:port:more"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:port more"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:hostname:"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]junk:1000"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun::5555"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseUrl("stun:"));
-// Test parsing the "?transport=xxx" part of the URL.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseTransport) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname:1234?transport=tcp"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_TCP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport=udp"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(cricket::PROTO_UDP, turn_servers_[0].ports[0].proto);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport=invalid"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?transport="));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?="));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:hostname?"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("?"));
-// Test parsing ICE username contained in URL.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseUsername) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:user@hostname"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("user", turn_servers_[0].credentials.username);
- turn_servers_.clear();
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:@hostname"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:username@"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:@"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ParseTurnUrl("turn:user@name@hostname"));
-// Test that username and password from IceServer is copied into the resulting
-// RelayServerConfig.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, CopyUsernameAndPasswordFromIceServer) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ParseUrl("turn:hostname", "username", "password"));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("username", turn_servers_[0].credentials.username);
- EXPECT_EQ("password", turn_servers_[0].credentials.password);
-// Ensure that if a server has multiple URLs, each one is parsed.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, ParseMultipleUrls) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
- server.urls.push_back("stun:hostname");
- server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname");
- server.username = "foo";
- server.password = "bar";
- servers.push_back(server);
- EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE,
- webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, stun_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, turn_servers_.size());
-// Ensure that TURN servers are given unique priorities,
-// so that their resulting candidates have unique priorities.
-TEST_F(IceServerParsingTest, TurnServerPrioritiesUnique) {
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServers servers;
- PeerConnectionInterface::IceServer server;
- server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname");
- server.urls.push_back("turn:hostname2");
- server.username = "foo";
- server.password = "bar";
- servers.push_back(server);
- EXPECT_EQ(webrtc::RTCErrorType::NONE,
- webrtc::ParseIceServers(servers, &stun_servers_, &turn_servers_));
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, turn_servers_.size());
- EXPECT_NE(turn_servers_[0].priority, turn_servers_[1].priority);
-#endif // if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-} // namespace
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
index ccf1a5e..05d53ad 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -732,6 +732,8 @@
new cricket::FakePortAllocator(rtc::Thread::Current(), nullptr));
port_allocator_ = port_allocator.get();
+ // Create certificate generator unless DTLS constraint is explicitly set to
+ // false.
std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator;
bool dtls;
if (FindConstraint(constraints,
@@ -850,7 +852,7 @@
pc_->CreateAnswer(observer, constraints);
EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(true, observer->called(), kTimeout);
- desc->reset(observer->release_desc());
+ *desc = observer->MoveDescription();
return observer->result();
@@ -1649,6 +1651,18 @@
EXPECT_TRUE(video_desc == nullptr);
+// Verify that CreateDtmfSender only succeeds if called with a valid local
+// track. Other aspects of DtmfSenders are tested in
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, CreateDtmfSenderWithInvalidParams) {
+ CreatePeerConnection();
+ AddAudioVideoStream(kStreamLabel1, "audio_label", "video_label");
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, pc_->CreateDtmfSender(nullptr));
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioTrackInterface> non_localtrack(
+ pc_factory_->CreateAudioTrack("dummy_track", nullptr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, pc_->CreateDtmfSender(non_localtrack));
// Test creating a sender with a stream ID, and ensure the ID is populated
// in the offer.
TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, CreateSenderWithStream) {
@@ -3150,6 +3164,128 @@
+// Test that ICE renomination isn't offered if it's not enabled in the PC's
+// RTCConfiguration.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, IceRenominationNotOffered) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
+ config.enable_ice_renomination = false;
+ CreatePeerConnection(config, nullptr);
+ AddVoiceStream("foo");
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer, nullptr));
+ cricket::SessionDescription* desc = offer->description();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, desc->transport_infos().size());
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.GetIceParameters().renomination);
+// Test that the ICE renomination option is present in generated offers/answers
+// if it's enabled in the PC's RTCConfiguration.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, IceRenominationOptionInOfferAndAnswer) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
+ config.enable_ice_renomination = true;
+ CreatePeerConnection(config, nullptr);
+ AddVoiceStream("foo");
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer, nullptr));
+ cricket::SessionDescription* desc = offer->description();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, desc->transport_infos().size());
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.GetIceParameters().renomination);
+ // Set the offer as a remote description, then create an answer and ensure it
+ // has the renomination flag too.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetRemoteDescription(offer.release()));
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> answer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateAnswer(&answer, nullptr));
+ desc = answer->description();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, desc->transport_infos().size());
+ desc->transport_infos()[0].description.GetIceParameters().renomination);
+// Test that if CreateOffer is called with the deprecated "offer to receive
+// audio/video" constraints, they're processed and result in an offer with
+// audio/video sections just as if RTCOfferAnswerOptions had been used.
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, CreateOfferWithOfferToReceiveConstraints) {
+ CreatePeerConnection();
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveAudio(true);
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveVideo(true);
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer, &constraints));
+ cricket::SessionDescription* desc = offer->description();
+ const cricket::ContentInfo* audio = cricket::GetFirstAudioContent(desc);
+ const cricket::ContentInfo* video = cricket::GetFirstVideoContent(desc);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, audio);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, video);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(audio->rejected);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(video->rejected);
+// Test that if CreateAnswer is called with the deprecated "offer to receive
+// audio/video" constraints, they're processed and can be used to reject an
+// offered m= section just as can be done with RTCOfferAnswerOptions;
+TEST_F(PeerConnectionInterfaceTest, CreateAnswerWithOfferToReceiveConstraints) {
+ CreatePeerConnection();
+ // First, create an offer with audio/video and apply it as a remote
+ // description.
+ FakeConstraints constraints;
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveAudio(true);
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveVideo(true);
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer, &constraints));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetRemoteDescription(offer.release()));
+ // Now create answer that rejects audio/video.
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveAudio(false);
+ constraints.SetMandatoryReceiveVideo(false);
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> answer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateAnswer(&answer, &constraints));
+ cricket::SessionDescription* desc = answer->description();
+ const cricket::ContentInfo* audio = cricket::GetFirstAudioContent(desc);
+ const cricket::ContentInfo* video = cricket::GetFirstVideoContent(desc);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, audio);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, video);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(audio->rejected);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(video->rejected);
+#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
+#define MAYBE_DataChannelOnlyOfferWithMaxBundlePolicy \
+ DataChannelOnlyOfferWithMaxBundlePolicy
+#define MAYBE_DataChannelOnlyOfferWithMaxBundlePolicy \
+ DISABLED_DataChannelOnlyOfferWithMaxBundlePolicy
+// Test that negotiation can succeed with a data channel only, and with the max
+// bundle policy. Previously there was a bug that prevented this.
+ MAYBE_DataChannelOnlyOfferWithMaxBundlePolicy) {
+ PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
+ config.bundle_policy = PeerConnectionInterface::kBundlePolicyMaxBundle;
+ CreatePeerConnection(config, nullptr);
+ // First, create an offer with only a data channel and apply it as a remote
+ // description.
+ pc_->CreateDataChannel("test", nullptr);
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> offer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateOffer(&offer, nullptr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetRemoteDescription(offer.release()));
+ // Create and set answer as well.
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> answer;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DoCreateAnswer(&answer, nullptr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DoSetLocalDescription(answer.release()));
class PeerConnectionMediaConfigTest : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
diff --git a/webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h b/webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h
index bde59a8..94996d0 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h
+++ b/webrtc/pc/test/mockpeerconnectionobservers.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
bool called() const { return called_; }
bool result() const { return result_; }
- SessionDescriptionInterface* release_desc() {
- return desc_.release();
+ std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> MoveDescription() {
+ return std::move(desc_);