Extract an interface from the perf results logger.

The new interface is called PerfTestResultWriter and is currently
implemented by PerfResultsLogger (renamed PerfTestGraphJsonWriter).

I plan to introduce a second implementation of the perf logger that
uses the new Histogram C++ API. I add a flag that chooses
between the two implementations so I can try it out (perhaps by
setting up a second, limited run of webrtc_perf_tests on the perf
bots that uses the new implementation). The histogram C++
implementation will come in the next patch.

As a side effect, I disentangled the plottable counter printer from
the perf result printer so it will work for both implementations.
The only thing they had in common was that both wrote JSON anyway.

See the bug for details on the new API.

Bug: chromium:1029452
Change-Id: Icb21b25ced08ea73aeecd221e9d51f2adf3dab1b
Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/165389
Reviewed-by: Artem Titov <titovartem@webrtc.org>
Commit-Queue: Patrik Höglund <phoglund@webrtc.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#30243}
9 files changed
tree: 3d9c1a38b19810cbd06257e627402ab7e91ba1db
  1. api/
  2. audio/
  3. build_overrides/
  4. call/
  5. common_audio/
  6. common_video/
  7. data/
  8. docs/
  9. examples/
  10. logging/
  11. media/
  12. modules/
  13. p2p/
  14. pc/
  15. resources/
  16. rtc_base/
  17. rtc_tools/
  18. sdk/
  19. stats/
  20. style-guide/
  21. system_wrappers/
  22. test/
  23. tools_webrtc/
  24. video/
  25. .clang-format
  26. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  27. .gitignore
  28. .gn
  29. .vpython
  30. abseil-in-webrtc.md
  32. BUILD.gn
  34. codereview.settings
  35. common_types.h
  36. DEPS
  39. license_template.txt
  40. native-api.md
  41. OWNERS
  43. PRESUBMIT.py
  44. presubmit_test.py
  45. presubmit_test_mocks.py
  46. pylintrc
  47. README.chromium
  48. README.md
  49. style-guide.md
  51. webrtc.gni
  52. webrtc_lib_link_test.cc
  53. whitespace.txt

WebRTC is a free, open software project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.

Our mission: To enable rich, high-quality RTC applications to be developed for the browser, mobile platforms, and IoT devices, and allow them all to communicate via a common set of protocols.

The WebRTC initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and Opera, amongst others.


See http://www.webrtc.org/native-code/development for instructions on how to get started developing with the native code.

Authoritative list of directories that contain the native API header files.

More info