Add ClippingPredictor implementation
Add implementation for clipping prediction and clipped level step estimation.
Bug: webrtc:12774
Change-Id: I855d22980302aac7d49078ca29755f9422af9cb5
Commit-Queue: Hanna Silen <>
Reviewed-by: Minyue Li <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#34206}
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/agc/ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
index 277b698..f622a59 100644
--- a/modules/audio_processing/agc/
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
@@ -50,6 +50,24 @@
absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
+rtc_library("clipping_predictor") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "clipping_predictor.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":clipping_predictor_level_buffer",
+ ":gain_map",
+ "..:api",
+ "..:audio_frame_view",
+ "../../../common_audio",
+ "../../../rtc_base:checks",
+ "../../../rtc_base:logging",
+ "../../../rtc_base:safe_minmax",
+ ]
+ absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
rtc_library("level_estimation") {
sources = [
@@ -109,6 +127,7 @@
sources = [
+ "",
@@ -116,10 +135,12 @@
deps = [
+ ":clipping_predictor",
+ "../../../rtc_base:checks",
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/agc/ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb95f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include "common_audio/include/audio_util.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor_level_buffer.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc/gain_map_internal.h"
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
+#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+constexpr int kClippingPredictorMaxGainChange = 15;
+using ClippingPredictorConfig = AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::
+ AnalogGainController::ClippingPredictor;
+// Estimates the new level from the gain error; a copy of the function
+// `LevelFromGainError` in
+int LevelFromGainError(int gain_error,
+ int level,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(level, max_mic_level);
+ if (gain_error == 0) {
+ return level;
+ }
+ int new_level = level;
+ if (gain_error > 0) {
+ while (kGainMap[new_level] - kGainMap[level] < gain_error &&
+ new_level < max_mic_level) {
+ ++new_level;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (kGainMap[new_level] - kGainMap[level] > gain_error &&
+ new_level > min_mic_level) {
+ --new_level;
+ }
+ }
+ return new_level;
+float ComputeCrestFactor(const ClippingPredictorLevelBuffer::Level& level) {
+ const float crest_factor =
+ FloatS16ToDbfs(level.max) - FloatS16ToDbfs(std::sqrt(level.average));
+ return crest_factor;
+// Crest factor-based clipping prediction and clipped level step estimation.
+class ClippingEventPredictor : public ClippingPredictor {
+ public:
+ // ClippingEventPredictor with `num_channels` channels (limited to values
+ // higher than zero); window size `window_length` and reference window size
+ // `reference_window_length` (both referring to the number of frames in the
+ // respective sliding windows and limited to values higher than zero);
+ // reference window delay `reference_window_delay` (delay in frames, limited
+ // to values zero and higher with an additional requirement of
+ // `window_length` < `reference_window_length` + reference_window_delay`);
+ // and an estimation peak threshold `clipping_threshold` and a crest factor
+ // drop threshold `crest_factor_margin` (both in dB).
+ ClippingEventPredictor(int num_channels,
+ int window_length,
+ int reference_window_length,
+ int reference_window_delay,
+ float clipping_threshold,
+ float crest_factor_margin)
+ : window_length_(window_length),
+ reference_window_length_(reference_window_length),
+ reference_window_delay_(reference_window_delay),
+ clipping_threshold_(clipping_threshold),
+ crest_factor_margin_(crest_factor_margin) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_channels, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(window_length, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(reference_window_length, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(reference_window_delay, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(reference_window_length + reference_window_delay,
+ window_length);
+ const int buffer_length = GetMinFramesProcessed();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(buffer_length, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ ch_buffers_.push_back(
+ std::make_unique<ClippingPredictorLevelBuffer>(buffer_length));
+ }
+ }
+ ClippingEventPredictor(const ClippingEventPredictor&) = delete;
+ ClippingEventPredictor& operator=(const ClippingEventPredictor&) = delete;
+ ~ClippingEventPredictor() {}
+ void Reset() {
+ const int num_channels = ch_buffers_.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ ch_buffers_[i]->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ // Analyzes a frame of audio and stores the framewise metrics in
+ // `ch_buffers_`.
+ void Process(const AudioFrameView<const float>& frame) {
+ const int num_channels = frame.num_channels();
+ RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_channels, ch_buffers_.size());
+ const int samples_per_channel = frame.samples_per_channel();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(samples_per_channel, 0);
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < num_channels; ++channel) {
+ float sum_squares = 0.0f;
+ float peak = 0.0f;
+ for (const auto& sample : {
+ sum_squares += sample * sample;
+ peak = std::max(std::fabs(sample), peak);
+ }
+ ch_buffers_[channel]->Push(
+ {sum_squares / static_cast<float>(samples_per_channel), peak});
+ }
+ }
+ // Estimates the analog gain adjustment for channel `channel` using a
+ // sliding window over the frame-wise metrics in `ch_buffers_`. Returns an
+ // estimate for the clipped level step equal to `default_clipped_level_step_`
+ // if at least `GetMinFramesProcessed()` frames have been processed since the
+ // last reset and a clipping event is predicted. `level`, `min_mic_level`, and
+ // `max_mic_level` are limited to [0, 255] and `default_step` to [1, 255].
+ absl::optional<int> EstimateClippedLevelStep(int channel,
+ int level,
+ int default_step,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level) const {
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(channel, 0);
+ RTC_CHECK_LT(channel, ch_buffers_.size());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(level, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(default_step, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(default_step, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(min_mic_level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_mic_level, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(max_mic_level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(max_mic_level, 255);
+ if (level <= min_mic_level) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ if (PredictClippingEvent(channel)) {
+ const int new_level =
+ rtc::SafeClamp(level - default_step, min_mic_level, max_mic_level);
+ const int step = level - new_level;
+ if (step > 0) {
+ return step;
+ }
+ }
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ private:
+ int GetMinFramesProcessed() const {
+ return reference_window_delay_ + reference_window_length_;
+ }
+ // Predicts clipping events based on the processed audio frames. Returns
+ // true if a clipping event is likely.
+ bool PredictClippingEvent(int channel) const {
+ const auto metrics =
+ ch_buffers_[channel]->ComputePartialMetrics(0, window_length_);
+ if (!metrics.has_value() ||
+ !(FloatS16ToDbfs(metrics.value().max) > clipping_threshold_)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const auto reference_metrics = ch_buffers_[channel]->ComputePartialMetrics(
+ reference_window_delay_, reference_window_length_);
+ if (!reference_metrics.has_value()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const float crest_factor = ComputeCrestFactor(metrics.value());
+ const float reference_crest_factor =
+ ComputeCrestFactor(reference_metrics.value());
+ if (crest_factor < reference_crest_factor - crest_factor_margin_) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictorLevelBuffer>> ch_buffers_;
+ const int window_length_;
+ const int reference_window_length_;
+ const int reference_window_delay_;
+ const float clipping_threshold_;
+ const float crest_factor_margin_;
+// Performs crest factor-based clipping peak prediction.
+class ClippingPeakPredictor : public ClippingPredictor {
+ public:
+ // Ctor. ClippingPeakPredictor with `num_channels` channels (limited to values
+ // higher than zero); window size `window_length` and reference window size
+ // `reference_window_length` (both referring to the number of frames in the
+ // respective sliding windows and limited to values higher than zero);
+ // reference window delay `reference_window_delay` (delay in frames, limited
+ // to values zero and higher with an additional requirement of
+ // `window_length` < `reference_window_length` + reference_window_delay`);
+ // and a clipping prediction threshold `clipping_threshold` (in dB). Adaptive
+ // clipped level step estimation is used if `adaptive_step_estimation` is
+ // true.
+ explicit ClippingPeakPredictor(int num_channels,
+ int window_length,
+ int reference_window_length,
+ int reference_window_delay,
+ int clipping_threshold,
+ bool adaptive_step_estimation)
+ : window_length_(window_length),
+ reference_window_length_(reference_window_length),
+ reference_window_delay_(reference_window_delay),
+ clipping_threshold_(clipping_threshold),
+ adaptive_step_estimation_(adaptive_step_estimation) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_channels, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(window_length, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(reference_window_length, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(reference_window_delay, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(reference_window_length + reference_window_delay,
+ window_length);
+ const int buffer_length = GetMinFramesProcessed();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(buffer_length, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ ch_buffers_.push_back(
+ std::make_unique<ClippingPredictorLevelBuffer>(buffer_length));
+ }
+ }
+ ClippingPeakPredictor(const ClippingPeakPredictor&) = delete;
+ ClippingPeakPredictor& operator=(const ClippingPeakPredictor&) = delete;
+ ~ClippingPeakPredictor() {}
+ void Reset() {
+ const int num_channels = ch_buffers_.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ ch_buffers_[i]->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ // Analyzes a frame of audio and stores the framewise metrics in
+ // `ch_buffers_`.
+ void Process(const AudioFrameView<const float>& frame) {
+ const int num_channels = frame.num_channels();
+ RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_channels, ch_buffers_.size());
+ const int samples_per_channel = frame.samples_per_channel();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(samples_per_channel, 0);
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < num_channels; ++channel) {
+ float sum_squares = 0.0f;
+ float peak = 0.0f;
+ for (const auto& sample : {
+ sum_squares += sample * sample;
+ peak = std::max(std::fabs(sample), peak);
+ }
+ ch_buffers_[channel]->Push(
+ {sum_squares / static_cast<float>(samples_per_channel), peak});
+ }
+ }
+ // Estimates the analog gain adjustment for channel `channel` using a
+ // sliding window over the frame-wise metrics in `ch_buffers_`. Returns an
+ // estimate for the clipped level step (equal to
+ // `default_clipped_level_step_` if `adaptive_estimation_` is false) if at
+ // least `GetMinFramesProcessed()` frames have been processed since the last
+ // reset and a clipping event is predicted. `level`, `min_mic_level`, and
+ // `max_mic_level` are limited to [0, 255] and `default_step` to [1, 255].
+ absl::optional<int> EstimateClippedLevelStep(int channel,
+ int level,
+ int default_step,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level) const {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(channel, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LT(channel, ch_buffers_.size());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(level, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(default_step, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(default_step, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(min_mic_level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_mic_level, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(max_mic_level, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(max_mic_level, 255);
+ if (level <= min_mic_level) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ absl::optional<float> estimate_db = EstimatePeakValue(channel);
+ if (estimate_db.has_value() && estimate_db.value() > clipping_threshold_) {
+ int step = 0;
+ if (!adaptive_step_estimation_) {
+ step = default_step;
+ } else {
+ const int estimated_gain_change =
+ rtc::SafeClamp(-static_cast<int>(std::ceil(estimate_db.value())),
+ -kClippingPredictorMaxGainChange, 0);
+ step =
+ std::max(level - LevelFromGainError(estimated_gain_change, level,
+ min_mic_level, max_mic_level),
+ default_step);
+ }
+ const int new_level =
+ rtc::SafeClamp(level - step, min_mic_level, max_mic_level);
+ if (level > new_level) {
+ return level - new_level;
+ }
+ }
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ private:
+ int GetMinFramesProcessed() {
+ return reference_window_delay_ + reference_window_length_;
+ }
+ // Predicts clipping sample peaks based on the processed audio frames.
+ // Returns the estimated peak value if clipping is predicted. Otherwise
+ // returns absl::nullopt.
+ absl::optional<float> EstimatePeakValue(int channel) const {
+ const auto reference_metrics = ch_buffers_[channel]->ComputePartialMetrics(
+ reference_window_delay_, reference_window_length_);
+ if (!reference_metrics.has_value()) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ const auto metrics =
+ ch_buffers_[channel]->ComputePartialMetrics(0, window_length_);
+ if (!metrics.has_value() ||
+ !(FloatS16ToDbfs(metrics.value().max) > clipping_threshold_)) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ const float reference_crest_factor =
+ ComputeCrestFactor(reference_metrics.value());
+ const float& mean_squares = metrics.value().average;
+ const float projected_peak =
+ reference_crest_factor + FloatS16ToDbfs(std::sqrt(mean_squares));
+ return projected_peak;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictorLevelBuffer>> ch_buffers_;
+ const int window_length_;
+ const int reference_window_length_;
+ const int reference_window_delay_;
+ const int clipping_threshold_;
+ const bool adaptive_step_estimation_;
+} // namespace
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateClippingEventPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const ClippingPredictorConfig& config) {
+ return std::make_unique<ClippingEventPredictor>(
+ num_channels, config.window_length, config.reference_window_length,
+ config.reference_window_delay, config.clipping_threshold,
+ config.crest_factor_margin);
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateFixedStepClippingPeakPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const ClippingPredictorConfig& config) {
+ return std::make_unique<ClippingPeakPredictor>(
+ num_channels, config.window_length, config.reference_window_length,
+ config.reference_window_delay, config.clipping_threshold,
+ /*adaptive_step_estimation=*/false);
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const ClippingPredictorConfig& config) {
+ return std::make_unique<ClippingPeakPredictor>(
+ num_channels, config.window_length, config.reference_window_length,
+ config.reference_window_delay, config.clipping_threshold,
+ /*adaptive_step_estimation=*/true);
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor.h b/modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..301e47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_frame_view.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// Frame-wise clipping prediction and clipped level step estimation. Processing
+// is done in two steps: Calling `Process` analyses a frame of audio and stores
+// the frame metrics and `EstimateClippedLevelStep` produces an estimate for the
+// required analog gain level decrease if clipping is predicted.
+class ClippingPredictor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ClippingPredictor() = default;
+ virtual void Reset() = 0;
+ // Estimates the analog gain clipped level step for channel `channel`.
+ // Returns absl::nullopt if clipping is not predicted, otherwise returns the
+ // suggested decrease in the analog gain level.
+ virtual absl::optional<int> EstimateClippedLevelStep(
+ int channel,
+ int level,
+ int default_step,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level) const = 0;
+ // Analyses a frame of audio and stores the resulting metrics in `data_`.
+ virtual void Process(const AudioFrameView<const float>& frame) = 0;
+// Creates a ClippingPredictor based on crest factor-based clipping event
+// prediction.
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateClippingEventPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1 ::AnalogGainController::
+ ClippingPredictor& config);
+// Creates a ClippingPredictor based on crest factor-based peak estimation and
+// fixed-step clipped level step estimation.
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateFixedStepClippingPeakPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1 ::AnalogGainController::
+ ClippingPredictor& config);
+// Creates a ClippingPredictor based on crest factor-based peak estimation and
+// adaptive-step clipped level step estimation.
+std::unique_ptr<ClippingPredictor> CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(
+ int num_channels,
+ const AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1 ::AnalogGainController::
+ ClippingPredictor& config);
+} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/agc/ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e27ae28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/agc/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc/clipping_predictor.h"
+#include <tuple>
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "test/gmock.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::Eq;
+using ::testing::Optional;
+constexpr int kSampleRateHz = 32000;
+constexpr int kNumChannels = 1;
+constexpr int kSamplesPerChannel = kSampleRateHz / 100;
+constexpr int kWindowLength = 5;
+constexpr int kReferenceWindowLength = 5;
+constexpr int kReferenceWindowDelay = 5;
+constexpr int kMaxMicLevel = 255;
+constexpr int kMinMicLevel = 12;
+constexpr int kDefaultClippedLevelStep = 15;
+using ClippingPredictorConfig = AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1 ::
+ AnalogGainController::ClippingPredictor;
+void CallProcess(int num_calls,
+ const AudioFrameView<const float>& frame,
+ ClippingPredictor& predictor) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_calls; ++i) {
+ predictor.Process(frame);
+ }
+// Creates and processes an audio frame with a non-zero (approx. 4.15dB) crest
+// factor.
+void ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(int num_calls,
+ int num_channels,
+ float peak_ratio,
+ ClippingPredictor& predictor) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_calls, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_channels, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(peak_ratio, 1.f);
+ std::vector<float*> audio(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float> audio_data(num_channels * kSamplesPerChannel, 0.f);
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < num_channels; ++channel) {
+ audio[channel] = &audio_data[channel * kSamplesPerChannel];
+ for (int sample = 0; sample < kSamplesPerChannel; sample += 10) {
+ audio[channel][sample] = 0.1f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 1] = 0.2f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 2] = 0.3f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 3] = 0.4f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 4] = 0.5f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 5] = 0.6f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 6] = 0.7f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 7] = 0.8f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 8] = 0.9f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ audio[channel][sample + 9] = 1.f * peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ }
+ }
+ auto frame = AudioFrameView<const float>(, num_channels,
+ kSamplesPerChannel);
+ CallProcess(num_calls, frame, predictor);
+void CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(int num_channels,
+ int level,
+ int default_step,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level,
+ const ClippingPredictor& predictor,
+ int expected) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(predictor.EstimateClippedLevelStep(
+ i, level, default_step, min_mic_level, max_mic_level),
+ Optional(Eq(expected)));
+ }
+void CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(int num_channels,
+ int level,
+ int default_step,
+ int min_mic_level,
+ int max_mic_level,
+ const ClippingPredictor& predictor) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(predictor.EstimateClippedLevelStep(i, level, default_step,
+ min_mic_level, max_mic_level),
+ absl::nullopt);
+ }
+// Creates and processes an audio frame with a zero crest factor.
+void ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(int num_calls,
+ int num_channels,
+ float peak_ratio,
+ ClippingPredictor& predictor) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_calls, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_channels, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(peak_ratio, 1.f);
+ std::vector<float*> audio(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float> audio_data(num_channels * kSamplesPerChannel, 0.f);
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < num_channels; ++channel) {
+ audio[channel] = &audio_data[channel * kSamplesPerChannel];
+ for (int sample = 0; sample < kSamplesPerChannel; ++sample) {
+ audio[channel][sample] = peak_ratio * 32767.f;
+ }
+ }
+ auto frame = AudioFrameView<const float>(, num_channels,
+ kSamplesPerChannel);
+ CallProcess(num_calls, frame, predictor);
+class ClippingPredictorParameterization
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<int, int, int, int>> {
+ protected:
+ int num_channels() const { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); }
+ int window_length() const { return std::get<1>(GetParam()); }
+ int reference_window_length() const { return std::get<2>(GetParam()); }
+ int reference_window_delay() const { return std::get<3>(GetParam()); }
+class ClippingEventPredictorParameterization
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<float, float>> {
+ protected:
+ float clipping_threshold() const { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); }
+ float crest_factor_margin() const { return std::get<1>(GetParam()); }
+class ClippingPeakPredictorParameterization
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<bool, float>> {
+ protected:
+ float adaptive_step_estimation() const { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); }
+ float clipping_threshold() const { return std::get<1>(GetParam()); }
+ CheckClippingEventPredictorEstimateAfterCrestFactorDrop) {
+ if (reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() > window_length()) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = window_length();
+ config.reference_window_length = reference_window_length();
+ config.reference_window_delay = reference_window_delay();
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ config.crest_factor_margin = 0.5f;
+ auto predictor = CreateClippingEventPredictor(num_channels(), config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(
+ reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() - window_length(),
+ num_channels(), /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(window_length(), num_channels(),
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(
+ num_channels(), /*level=*/255, kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, kDefaultClippedLevelStep);
+ }
+ CheckClippingEventPredictorNoEstimateAfterConstantCrestFactor) {
+ if (reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() > window_length()) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = window_length();
+ config.reference_window_length = reference_window_length();
+ config.reference_window_delay = reference_window_delay();
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ config.crest_factor_margin = 0.5f;
+ auto predictor = CreateClippingEventPredictor(num_channels(), config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(
+ reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() - window_length(),
+ num_channels(), /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(window_length(), num_channels(),
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ }
+ CheckClippingPeakPredictorEstimateAfterHighCrestFactor) {
+ if (reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() > window_length()) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = window_length();
+ config.reference_window_length = reference_window_length();
+ config.reference_window_delay = reference_window_delay();
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ auto predictor =
+ CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(num_channels(), config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(
+ reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() - window_length(),
+ num_channels(), /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(window_length(), num_channels(),
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(
+ num_channels(), /*level=*/255, kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, kDefaultClippedLevelStep);
+ }
+ CheckClippingPeakPredictorNoEstimateAfterLowCrestFactor) {
+ if (reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() > window_length()) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = window_length();
+ config.reference_window_length = reference_window_length();
+ config.reference_window_delay = reference_window_delay();
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ auto predictor =
+ CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(num_channels(), config);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(
+ reference_window_length() + reference_window_delay() - window_length(),
+ num_channels(), /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(window_length(), num_channels(),
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(num_channels(), /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ }
+ ClippingPredictorParameterization,
+ ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(1, 5),
+ ::testing::Values(1, 5, 10),
+ ::testing::Values(1, 5),
+ ::testing::Values(0, 1, 5)));
+ CheckEstimateAfterCrestFactorDrop) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = clipping_threshold();
+ config.crest_factor_margin = crest_factor_margin();
+ auto predictor = CreateClippingEventPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels, /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f,
+ *predictor);
+ if (clipping_threshold() < 20 * std::log10f(0.99f) &&
+ crest_factor_margin() < 4.15f) {
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(
+ kNumChannels, /*level=*/255, kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, kDefaultClippedLevelStep);
+ } else {
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ }
+ ClippingEventPredictorParameterization,
+ ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(-1.0f, 0.0f),
+ ::testing::Values(3.0f, 4.16f)));
+ CheckEstimateAfterHighCrestFactor) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = clipping_threshold();
+ auto predictor =
+ adaptive_step_estimation()
+ ? CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(kNumChannels, config)
+ : CreateFixedStepClippingPeakPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ if (clipping_threshold() < 20 * std::log10(0.99f)) {
+ if (adaptive_step_estimation()) {
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor,
+ /*expected=*/17);
+ } else {
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(
+ kNumChannels, /*level=*/255, kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, kDefaultClippedLevelStep);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ }
+ ClippingPeakPredictorParameterization,
+ ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(true, false),
+ ::testing::Values(-1.0f, 0.0f)));
+TEST(ClippingEventPredictorTest, CheckEstimateAfterReset) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ config.crest_factor_margin = 3.0f;
+ auto predictor = CreateClippingEventPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ predictor->Reset();
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+TEST(ClippingPeakPredictorTest, CheckNoEstimateAfterReset) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ config.crest_factor_margin = 3.0f;
+ auto predictor =
+ CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ predictor->Reset();
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+TEST(ClippingPeakPredictorTest, CheckAdaptiveStepEstimate) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ auto predictor =
+ CreateAdaptiveStepClippingPeakPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, /*expected=*/17);
+TEST(ClippingPeakPredictorTest, CheckFixedStepEstimate) {
+ ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.window_length = kWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_length = kReferenceWindowLength;
+ config.reference_window_delay = kReferenceWindowDelay;
+ config.clipping_threshold = -1.0f;
+ auto predictor = CreateFixedStepClippingPeakPredictor(kNumChannels, config);
+ ProcessNonZeroCrestFactorAudio(kReferenceWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithoutValue(kNumChannels, /*level=*/255,
+ kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor);
+ ProcessZeroCrestFactorAudio(kWindowLength, kNumChannels,
+ /*peak_ratio=*/0.99f, *predictor);
+ CheckChannelEstimatesWithValue(
+ kNumChannels, /*level=*/255, kDefaultClippedLevelStep, kMinMicLevel,
+ kMaxMicLevel, *predictor, kDefaultClippedLevelStep);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc