Adds robust validation functionality to the delay estimator

Evaluated over a 51 recordings:
False positives went from 4.4% to 0.7%
Missed detections unchanged at 0.8%
No increase in complexity, but need to re-evaluate that.

TESTED=trybots, unittests, verified against Matlab implementation

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.c b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.c
index 062874d..3b7412a 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.c
+++ b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.c
@@ -23,6 +23,22 @@
 static const int32_t kProbabilityLowerLimit = 8704;  // 17 in Q9.
 static const int32_t kProbabilityMinSpread = 2816;  // 5.5 in Q9.
+// Robust validation settings
+static const float kHistogramMax = 3000.f;
+static const float kLastHistogramMax = 250.f;
+static const float kMinHistogramThreshold = 1.5f;
+static const int kMinRequiredHits = 10;
+static const int kMaxHitsWhenPossiblyNonCausal = 10;
+static const int kMaxHitsWhenPossiblyCausal = 1000;
+// TODO(bjornv): Make kMaxDelayDifference a configurable parameter, since it
+// corresponds to the filter length if the delay estimation is used in echo
+// control.
+static const int kMaxDelayDifference = 32;
+static const float kQ14Scaling = 1.f / (1 << 14);  // Scaling by 2^14 to get Q0.
+static const float kFractionSlope = 0.05f;
+static const float kMinFractionWhenPossiblyCausal = 0.5f;
+static const float kMinFractionWhenPossiblyNonCausal = 0.25f;
 // Counts and returns number of bits of a 32-bit word.
 static int BitCount(uint32_t u32) {
   uint32_t tmp = u32 - ((u32 >> 1) & 033333333333) -
@@ -59,6 +75,219 @@
+// Collects necessary statistics for the HistogramBasedValidation().  This
+// function has to be called prior to calling HistogramBasedValidation().  The
+// statistics updated and used by the HistogramBasedValidation() are:
+//  1. the number of |candidate_hits|, which states for how long we have had the
+//     same |candidate_delay|
+//  2. the |histogram| of candidate delays over time.  This histogram is
+//     weighted with respect to a reliability measure and time-varying to cope
+//     with possible delay shifts.
+// For further description see commented code.
+// Inputs:
+//  - candidate_delay   : The delay to validate.
+//  - valley_depth_q14  : The cost function has a valley/minimum at the
+//                        |candidate_delay| location.  |valley_depth_q14| is the
+//                        cost function difference between the minimum and
+//                        maximum locations.  The value is in the Q14 domain.
+//  - valley_level_q14  : Is the cost function value at the minimum, in Q14.
+static void UpdateRobustValidationStatistics(BinaryDelayEstimator* self,
+                                             int candidate_delay,
+                                             int32_t valley_depth_q14,
+                                             int32_t valley_level_q14) {
+  const float valley_depth = valley_depth_q14 * kQ14Scaling;
+  float decrease_in_last_set = valley_depth;
+  const int max_hits_for_slow_change = (candidate_delay < self->last_delay) ?
+      kMaxHitsWhenPossiblyNonCausal : kMaxHitsWhenPossiblyCausal;
+  int i = 0;
+  // Reset |candidate_hits| if we have a new candidate.
+  if (candidate_delay != self->last_candidate_delay) {
+    self->candidate_hits = 0;
+    self->last_candidate_delay = candidate_delay;
+  }
+  self->candidate_hits++;
+  // The |histogram| is updated differently across the bins.
+  // 1. The |candidate_delay| histogram bin is increased with the
+  //    |valley_depth|, which is a simple measure of how reliable the
+  //    |candidate_delay| is.  The histogram is not increased above
+  //    |kHistogramMax|.
+  self->histogram[candidate_delay] += valley_depth;
+  if (self->histogram[candidate_delay] > kHistogramMax) {
+    self->histogram[candidate_delay] = kHistogramMax;
+  }
+  // 2. The histogram bins in the neighborhood of |candidate_delay| are
+  //    unaffected.  The neighborhood is defined as x + {-2, -1, 0, 1}.
+  // 3. The histogram bins in the neighborhood of |last_delay| are decreased
+  //    with |decrease_in_last_set|.  This value equals the difference between
+  //    the cost function values at the locations |candidate_delay| and
+  //    |last_delay| until we reach |max_hits_for_slow_change| consecutive hits
+  //    at the |candidate_delay|.  If we exceed this amount of hits the
+  //    |candidate_delay| is a "potential" candidate and we start decreasing
+  //    these histogram bins more rapidly with |valley_depth|.
+  if (self->candidate_hits < max_hits_for_slow_change) {
+    decrease_in_last_set = (self->mean_bit_counts[self->compare_delay] -
+        valley_level_q14) * kQ14Scaling;
+  }
+  // 4. All other bins are decreased with |valley_depth|.
+  // TODO(bjornv): Investigate how to make this loop more efficient.  Split up
+  // the loop?  Remove parts that doesn't add too much.
+  for (i = 0; i < self->farend->history_size; ++i) {
+    int is_in_last_set = (i >= self->last_delay - 2) &&
+        (i <= self->last_delay + 1) && (i != candidate_delay);
+    int is_in_candidate_set = (i >= candidate_delay - 2) &&
+        (i <= candidate_delay + 1);
+    self->histogram[i] -= decrease_in_last_set * is_in_last_set +
+        valley_depth * (!is_in_last_set && !is_in_candidate_set);
+    // 5. No histogram bin can go below 0.
+    if (self->histogram[i] < 0) {
+      self->histogram[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+// Validates the |candidate_delay|, estimated in WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(),
+// based on a mix of counting concurring hits with a modified histogram
+// of recent delay estimates.  In brief a candidate is valid (returns 1) if it
+// is the most likely according to the histogram.  There are a couple of
+// exceptions that are worth mentioning:
+//  1. If the |candidate_delay| < |last_delay| it can be that we are in a
+//     non-causal state, breaking a possible echo control algorithm.  Hence, we
+//     open up for a quicker change by allowing the change even if the
+//     |candidate_delay| is not the most likely one according to the histogram.
+//  2. There's a minimum number of hits (kMinRequiredHits) and the histogram
+//     value has to reached a minimum (kMinHistogramThreshold) to be valid.
+//  3. The action is also depending on the filter length used for echo control.
+//     If the delay difference is larger than what the filter can capture, we
+//     also move quicker towards a change.
+// For further description see commented code.
+// Input:
+//  - candidate_delay     : The delay to validate.
+// Return value:
+//  - is_histogram_valid  : 1 - The |candidate_delay| is valid.
+//                          0 - Otherwise.
+static int HistogramBasedValidation(const BinaryDelayEstimator* self,
+                                    int candidate_delay) {
+  float fraction = 1.f;
+  float histogram_threshold = self->histogram[self->compare_delay];
+  const int delay_difference = candidate_delay - self->last_delay;
+  int is_histogram_valid = 0;
+  // The histogram based validation of |candidate_delay| is done by comparing
+  // the |histogram| at bin |candidate_delay| with a |histogram_threshold|.
+  // This |histogram_threshold| equals a |fraction| of the |histogram| at bin
+  // |last_delay|.  The |fraction| is a piecewise linear function of the
+  // |delay_difference| between the |candidate_delay| and the |last_delay|
+  // allowing for a quicker move if
+  //  i) a potential echo control filter can not handle these large differences.
+  // ii) keeping |last_delay| instead of updating to |candidate_delay| could
+  //     force an echo control into a non-causal state.
+  // We further require the histogram to have reached a minimum value of
+  // |kMinHistogramThreshold|.  In addition, we also require the number of
+  // |candidate_hits| to be more than |kMinRequiredHits| to remove spurious
+  // values.
+  // Calculate a comparison histogram value (|histogram_threshold|) that is
+  // depending on the distance between the |candidate_delay| and |last_delay|.
+  // TODO(bjornv): How much can we gain by turning the fraction calculation
+  // into tables?
+  if (delay_difference >= kMaxDelayDifference) {
+    fraction = 1.f - kFractionSlope * (delay_difference - kMaxDelayDifference);
+    fraction = (fraction > kMinFractionWhenPossiblyCausal ? fraction :
+        kMinFractionWhenPossiblyCausal);
+  } else if (delay_difference < 0) {
+    fraction = kMinFractionWhenPossiblyNonCausal -
+        kFractionSlope * delay_difference;
+    fraction = (fraction > 1.f ? 1.f : fraction);
+  }
+  histogram_threshold *= fraction;
+  histogram_threshold = (histogram_threshold > kMinHistogramThreshold ?
+      histogram_threshold : kMinHistogramThreshold);
+  is_histogram_valid =
+      (self->histogram[candidate_delay] >= histogram_threshold) &&
+      (self->candidate_hits > kMinRequiredHits);
+  return is_histogram_valid;
+// Performs a robust validation of the |candidate_delay| estimated in
+// WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum().  The algorithm takes the
+// |is_instantaneous_valid| and the |is_histogram_valid| and combines them
+// into a robust validation.  The HistogramBasedValidation() has to be called
+// prior to this call.
+// For further description on how the combination is done, see commented code.
+// Inputs:
+//  - candidate_delay         : The delay to validate.
+//  - is_instantaneous_valid  : The instantaneous validation performed in
+//                              WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum().
+//  - is_histogram_valid      : The histogram based validation.
+// Return value:
+//  - is_robust               : 1 - The candidate_delay is valid according to a
+//                                  combination of the two inputs.
+//                            : 0 - Otherwise.
+static int RobustValidation(const BinaryDelayEstimator* self,
+                            int candidate_delay,
+                            int is_instantaneous_valid,
+                            int is_histogram_valid) {
+  int is_robust = 0;
+  // The final robust validation is based on the two algorithms; 1) the
+  // |is_instantaneous_valid| and 2) the histogram based with result stored in
+  // |is_histogram_valid|.
+  //   i) Before we actually have a valid estimate (|last_delay| == -2), we say
+  //      a candidate is valid if either algorithm states so
+  //      (|is_instantaneous_valid| OR |is_histogram_valid|).
+  is_robust = (self->last_delay < 0) &&
+      (is_instantaneous_valid || is_histogram_valid);
+  //  ii) Otherwise, we need both algorithms to be certain
+  //      (|is_instantaneous_valid| AND |is_histogram_valid|)
+  is_robust |= is_instantaneous_valid && is_histogram_valid;
+  // iii) With one exception, i.e., the histogram based algorithm can overrule
+  //      the instantaneous one if |is_histogram_valid| = 1 and the histogram
+  //      is significantly strong.
+  is_robust |= is_histogram_valid &&
+      (self->histogram[candidate_delay] > self->last_delay_histogram);
+  return is_robust;
+// UpdatesMadeUponChange() makes two parameter updates only done when we have a
+// change/jump in delay.  For further description, see commented code.
+// Inputs:
+//  - candidate_delay           : The delay to validate.
+static void UpdatesMadeUponChange(BinaryDelayEstimator* self,
+                                  int candidate_delay) {
+  int i = 0;
+  self->last_delay_histogram =
+      (self->histogram[candidate_delay] > kLastHistogramMax ?
+          kLastHistogramMax : self->histogram[candidate_delay]);
+  // TODO(bjornv): Investigate if we can simplify to only change
+  // self->histogram[self->last_delay] instead of looping through all histogram
+  // bins.  Looping through all bins is to ensure
+  // self->histogram[candidate_delay] is currently the most likely bin.
+  // Otherwise we might jump back too easy to a neighbor even for spurious
+  // changes.
+  // Since we may jump to a new delay even if it is not the most likely
+  // according to the histogram, we here adjust the histogram to make sure the
+  // |candidate_delay| now is the most likely one.
+  if (self->histogram[candidate_delay] < self->histogram[self->compare_delay]) {
+    for (i = 0; i < self->farend->history_size; ++i) {
+      if (self->histogram[i] > self->histogram[candidate_delay]) {
+        self->histogram[i] = self->histogram[candidate_delay];
+      }
+    }
+  }
 void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self) {
   if (self == NULL) {
@@ -139,6 +368,9 @@
   self->binary_near_history = NULL;
+  free(self->histogram);
+  self->histogram = NULL;
   // BinaryDelayEstimator does not have ownership of |farend|, hence we do not
   // free the memory here. That should be handled separately by the user.
   self->farend = NULL;
@@ -161,8 +393,11 @@
     self->farend = farend;
     self->near_history_size = lookahead + 1;
-    // Allocate memory for spectrum buffers.
-    self->mean_bit_counts = malloc(farend->history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
+    // Allocate memory for spectrum buffers.  The extra array element in
+    // |mean_bit_counts| and |histogram| is a dummy element only used while
+    // |last_delay| == -2, i.e., before we have a valid estimate.
+    self->mean_bit_counts =
+        malloc((farend->history_size + 1) * sizeof(int32_t));
     malloc_fail |= (self->mean_bit_counts == NULL);
     self->bit_counts = malloc(farend->history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
@@ -172,6 +407,9 @@
     self->binary_near_history = malloc((lookahead + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
     malloc_fail |= (self->binary_near_history == NULL);
+    self->histogram = malloc((farend->history_size + 1) * sizeof(float));
+    malloc_fail |= (self->histogram == NULL);
     if (malloc_fail) {
       self = NULL;
@@ -188,8 +426,9 @@
   memset(self->bit_counts, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * self->farend->history_size);
   memset(self->binary_near_history, 0,
          sizeof(uint32_t) * self->near_history_size);
-  for (i = 0; i < self->farend->history_size; ++i) {
+  for (i = 0; i <= self->farend->history_size; ++i) {
     self->mean_bit_counts[i] = (20 << 9);  // 20 in Q9.
+    self->histogram[i] = 0.f;
   self->minimum_probability = (32 << 9);  // 32 in Q9.
   self->last_delay_probability = (32 << 9);  // 32 in Q9.
@@ -198,6 +437,10 @@
   self->last_delay = -2;
   self->robust_validation_enabled = 0;  // Disabled by default.
+  self->last_candidate_delay = -2;
+  self->compare_delay = self->farend->history_size;
+  self->candidate_hits = 0;
+  self->last_delay_histogram = 0.f;
 int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* self,
@@ -298,11 +541,24 @@
       ((value_best_candidate < self->minimum_probability) ||
           (value_best_candidate < self->last_delay_probability)));
+  if (self->robust_validation_enabled) {
+    int is_histogram_valid = 0;
+    UpdateRobustValidationStatistics(self, candidate_delay, valley_depth,
+                                     value_best_candidate);
+    is_histogram_valid = HistogramBasedValidation(self, candidate_delay);
+    valid_candidate = RobustValidation(self, candidate_delay, valid_candidate,
+                                       is_histogram_valid);
+  }
   if (valid_candidate) {
+    if (candidate_delay != self->last_delay) {
+      UpdatesMadeUponChange(self, candidate_delay);
+    }
     self->last_delay = candidate_delay;
     if (value_best_candidate < self->last_delay_probability) {
       self->last_delay_probability = value_best_candidate;
+    self->compare_delay = self->last_delay;
   return self->last_delay;
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.h b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.h
index 561514b..7ffb81b 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.h
+++ b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/delay_estimator.h
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
   // Robust validation
   int robust_validation_enabled;
+  int last_candidate_delay;
+  int compare_delay;
+  int candidate_hits;
+  float* histogram;
+  float last_delay_histogram;
   // Far-end binary spectrum history buffer etc.
   BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* farend;