Note: this patch may seem intimidating but it mostly moves code around and renames things. There are quite few actual changes.

Separated new-style tests from old-style tests. Abstracted code for reuse.

Fully separated the new automated tests from the old-style tests. We now have old-style tests running in manual mode, old-style tests running in automated mode and new-style tests that uses input files and make actual video comparisons.

Introduced a small "library" of helper functions in order to move a lot
of stuff out of the original base and codec tests, which have been made
dependent on the new "library" (which is a header file and a source
file). The new-style tests also depends on this "library".
The comparison test flags are now required only when the comparison tests actually runs.

Separated comparison tests into its own test since it seems we will be running classic vie_auto_test using a fake video driver on Linux.

Made tbInterfaces follow Google conventions.
Merge branch 'render_to_file' into vivi_driver

Resolution alignment testing is now optional behind a flag.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 78b72fe..74c5aaf 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -51,3 +51,10 @@
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4fba9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "gflags/gflags.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "vie_autotest.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_window_manager_interface.h"
+#include "vie_comparison_tests.h"
+#include "vie_integration_test_base.h"
+#include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
+#include "vie_window_creator.h"
+#include "testsupport/metrics/video_metrics.h"
+namespace {
+// These flags are checked upon running the test.
+DEFINE_string(i420_test_video_path, "", "Path to an i420-coded raw video file"
+              " to use for the test. This file is fed into the fake camera"
+              " and will therefore be what the camera 'sees'.");
+DEFINE_int32(i420_test_video_width, 0, "The width of the provided video.");
+DEFINE_int32(i420_test_video_height, 0, "The height of the provided video.");
+class ViEComparisonTest: public testing::Test {
+ public:
+  void SetUp() {
+    std::string test_case_name =
+        ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name();
+    std::string local_preview_filename = test_case_name + "-local-preview.yuv";
+    std::string remote_filename = test_case_name + "-remote.yuv";
+    if (!local_file_renderer_.PrepareForRendering(local_preview_filename)) {
+      FAIL() << "Could not open output file " << local_preview_filename <<
+          " for writing.";
+    }
+    if (!remote_file_renderer_.PrepareForRendering(remote_filename)) {
+      FAIL() << "Could not open output file " << remote_filename <<
+          " for writing.";
+    }
+  }
+  void TearDown() {
+    local_file_renderer_.StopRendering();
+    remote_file_renderer_.StopRendering();
+    bool test_failed = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->
+        current_test_info()->result()->Failed();
+    if (test_failed) {
+      // Leave the files for analysis if the test failed
+      local_file_renderer_.SaveOutputFile("failed-");
+      remote_file_renderer_.SaveOutputFile("failed-");
+    } else {
+      // No reason to keep the files if we succeeded
+      local_file_renderer_.DeleteOutputFile();
+      remote_file_renderer_.DeleteOutputFile();
+    }
+  }
+ protected:
+  ViEToFileRenderer local_file_renderer_;
+  ViEToFileRenderer remote_file_renderer_;
+  ViEComparisonTests tests_;
+TEST_F(ViEComparisonTest, RunsBaseStandardTestWithoutErrors)  {
+  tests_.TestCallSetup(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path,
+                       FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+                       FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+                       &local_file_renderer_,
+                       &remote_file_renderer_);
+  QualityMetricsResult psnr_result;
+  int psnr_error = PsnrFromFiles(
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_path.c_str(),
+      remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+      &psnr_result);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, psnr_error) << "The PSNR routine failed - output files missing?";
+  ASSERT_GT(psnr_result.average, 25);  // That is, we want at least 25 dB
+  QualityMetricsResult ssim_result;
+  int ssim_error = SsimFromFiles(
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_path.c_str(),
+      remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+      &ssim_result);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, ssim_error) << "The SSIM routine failed - output files missing?";
+  ASSERT_GT(ssim_result.average, 0.85f);  // 1 = perfect, -1 = terrible
+TEST_F(ViEComparisonTest, RunsCodecTestWithoutErrors)  {
+  tests_.TestCodecs(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path,
+                    FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+                    FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+                    &local_file_renderer_,
+                    &remote_file_renderer_);
+  // We compare the local and remote here instead of with the original.
+  // The reason is that it is hard to say when the three consecutive tests
+  // switch over into each other, at which point we would have to restart the
+  // original to get a fair comparison.
+  QualityMetricsResult psnr_result;
+  int psnr_error = PsnrFromFiles(
+      local_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+      &psnr_result);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, psnr_error) << "The PSNR routine failed - output files missing?";
+  // This test includes VP8 which is a bit lossy. According to Wikipedia between
+  // 20-25 is considered OK for transmission codecs and we seem to be getting
+  // like 21 so 20 seems like a good threshold value here.
+  EXPECT_GT(psnr_result.average, 20);
+  QualityMetricsResult ssim_result;
+  int ssim_error = SsimFromFiles(
+      local_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
+      FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
+      &ssim_result);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, ssim_error) << "The SSIM routine failed - output files missing?";
+  EXPECT_GT(ssim_result.average, 0.8f);  // 1 = perfect, -1 = terrible
+}  // namespace
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/
index 5cbe2e4..fa6d0fa 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/automated/
@@ -25,145 +25,21 @@
 #include "vie_integration_test_base.h"
 #include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
 #include "vie_window_creator.h"
+#include "testsupport/metrics/video_metrics.h"
 namespace {
-// We limit the input video size in order to not use to much bandwidth for
-// I420 transfer.
-const int MAX_INPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 200;
-// Define flag validators for our flags:
-static bool ValidatePath(const char* flag_name, const std::string& value) {
-  return !value.empty();
-static bool ValidateDimension(const char* flag_name, WebRtc_Word32 value) {
-  if (value <= 0 || value > MAX_INPUT_VIDEO_WIDTH) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-// Define the flags themselves:
-DEFINE_string(i420_test_video_path, "", "Path to an i420-coded raw video file"
-              " to use for the test. This file is fed into the fake camera"
-              " and will therefore be what the camera 'sees'.");
-static const bool dummy1 =
-    google::RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_i420_test_video_path,
-                                  &ValidatePath);
-DEFINE_int32(i420_test_video_width, 0, "The width of the provided video."
-             " This cannot be larger than 200 due to bandwidth concerns");
-static const bool dummy2 =
-    google::RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                  &ValidateDimension);
-DEFINE_int32(i420_test_video_height, 0, "The height of the provided video."
-             " This cannot be larger than 200 due to bandwidth concerns");
-static const bool dummy3 =
-    google::RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                  &ValidateDimension);
 class ViEStandardIntegrationTest: public ViEIntegrationTest {
- public:
-  void SetUp() {
-    std::string test_case_name =
-        ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name();
-    std::string local_preview_filename = test_case_name + "-local-preview.yuv";
-    std::string remote_filename = test_case_name + "-remote.yuv";
-    if (!local_file_renderer_.PrepareForRendering(local_preview_filename)) {
-      FAIL() << "Could not open output file " << local_preview_filename <<
-          " for writing.";
-    }
-    if (!remote_file_renderer_.PrepareForRendering(remote_filename)) {
-      FAIL() << "Could not open output file " << remote_filename <<
-          " for writing.";
-    }
-  }
-  void TearDown() {
-    local_file_renderer_.StopRendering();
-    remote_file_renderer_.StopRendering();
-    bool test_failed = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->
-        current_test_info()->result()->Failed();
-    if (test_failed) {
-      // Leave the files for analysis if the test failed
-      local_file_renderer_.SaveOutputFile("failed-");
-      remote_file_renderer_.SaveOutputFile("failed-");
-    } else {
-      // No reason to keep the files if we succeeded
-      local_file_renderer_.DeleteOutputFile();
-      remote_file_renderer_.DeleteOutputFile();
-    }
-  }
- protected:
-  ViEToFileRenderer local_file_renderer_;
-  ViEToFileRenderer remote_file_renderer_;
-TEST_F(ViEStandardIntegrationTest, RunsBaseStandardTestWithoutErrors)  {
-  tests_->ViEAutomatedBaseStandardTest(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path,
-                                       FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                       FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                       &local_file_renderer_,
-                                       &remote_file_renderer_);
-  QualityMetricsResult psnr_result;
-  int psnr_error = PsnrFromFiles(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path.c_str(),
-                                 remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                 &psnr_result);
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, psnr_error) << "The PSNR routine failed - output files missing?";
-  ASSERT_GT(psnr_result.average, 25);  // That is, we want at least 25 dB
-  QualityMetricsResult ssim_result;
-  int ssim_error = SsimFromFiles(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path.c_str(),
-                                 remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                 &ssim_result);
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, ssim_error) << "The SSIM routine failed - output files missing?";
-  ASSERT_GT(ssim_result.average, 0.85f);  // 1 = perfect, -1 = terrible
+TEST_F(ViEStandardIntegrationTest, RunsBaseTestWithoutErrors)  {
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, tests_->ViEBaseStandardTest());
 TEST_F(ViEStandardIntegrationTest, RunsCodecTestWithoutErrors)  {
-  tests_->ViEAutomatedCodecStandardTest(FLAGS_i420_test_video_path,
-                                        FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                        FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                        &local_file_renderer_,
-                                        &remote_file_renderer_);
-  // We compare the left and right here instead of with the original. The reason
-  // is that it is hard to say when the three consecutive tests switch over into
-  // each other, at which point we would have to restart the original to get a
-  // fair comparison.
-  QualityMetricsResult psnr_result;
-  int psnr_error = PsnrFromFiles(local_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                 &psnr_result);
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, psnr_error) << "The PSNR routine failed - output files missing?";
-  // This test includes VP8 which is a bit lossy. According to Wikipedia between
-  // 20-25 is considered OK for transmission codecs and we seem to be getting
-  // like 21 so 20 seems like a good threshold value here.
-  EXPECT_GT(psnr_result.average, 20);
-  QualityMetricsResult ssim_result;
-  int ssim_error = SsimFromFiles(local_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 remote_file_renderer_.output_filename().c_str(),
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_width,
-                                 FLAGS_i420_test_video_height,
-                                 &ssim_result);
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, ssim_error) << "The SSIM routine failed - output files missing?";
-  EXPECT_GT(ssim_result.average, 0.8f);  // 1 = perfect, -1 = terrible
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, tests_->ViECodecStandardTest());
-// These tests still require a physical camera:
 TEST_F(ViEStandardIntegrationTest, RunsCaptureTestWithoutErrors)  {
   ASSERT_EQ(0, tests_->ViECaptureStandardTest());
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_I420_codec.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_I420_codec.h
index 891c0b7..4eb448b 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_I420_codec.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_I420_codec.h
@@ -21,13 +21,11 @@
 #include "video_codec_interface.h"
-class tbI420Encoder: public webrtc::VideoEncoder
+class TbI420Encoder: public webrtc::VideoEncoder
-    tbI420Encoder();
-    virtual ~tbI420Encoder();
+    TbI420Encoder();
+    virtual ~TbI420Encoder();
     static WebRtc_Word32 VersionStatic(WebRtc_Word8* version,
                                        WebRtc_Word32 length);
@@ -88,13 +86,11 @@
 /* tbI420Decoder class */
-class tbI420Decoder: public webrtc::VideoDecoder
+class TbI420Decoder: public webrtc::VideoDecoder
-    tbI420Decoder();
-    virtual ~tbI420Decoder();
+    TbI420Decoder();
+    virtual ~TbI420Decoder();
     virtual WebRtc_Word32 InitDecode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* inst,
                                      WebRtc_Word32 numberOfCores);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_capture_device.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_capture_device.h
index fd0a792..50cce3f 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_capture_device.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_capture_device.h
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@
 #include "tb_interfaces.h"
 #include "video_capture_factory.h"
-class tbCaptureDevice
+class TbCaptureDevice
-    tbCaptureDevice(tbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors);
-    ~tbCaptureDevice(void);
+    TbCaptureDevice(TbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors);
+    ~TbCaptureDevice(void);
     int captureId;
     void ConnectTo(int videoChannel);
     void Disconnect(int videoChannel);
     int& numberOfErrors;
-    tbInterfaces& ViE;
+    TbInterfaces& ViE;
     webrtc::VideoCaptureModule* vcpm_;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_external_transport.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_external_transport.h
index b515185..ce4b407 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_external_transport.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_external_transport.h
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 class ViENetwork;
-class tbExternalTransport: public webrtc::Transport
+class TbExternalTransport: public webrtc::Transport
-    tbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork);
-    ~tbExternalTransport(void);
+    TbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork);
+    ~TbExternalTransport(void);
     virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len);
     virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_interfaces.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_interfaces.h
index cc7e469..3f46d66 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_interfaces.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_interfaces.h
@@ -24,25 +24,28 @@
 #include "vie_encryption.h"
 #include "vie_defines.h"
-class tbInterfaces
+// This class deals with all the tedium of setting up video engine interfaces.
+// It does its work in constructor and destructor, so keeping it in scope is
+// enough.
+class TbInterfaces
-    tbInterfaces(const char* testName, int& nrOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces(const char* test_name, int& number_of_errors);
+    ~TbInterfaces(void);
-    ~tbInterfaces(void);
-    webrtc::VideoEngine* ptrViE;
-    webrtc::ViEBase* ptrViEBase;
-    webrtc::ViECapture* ptrViECapture;
-    webrtc::ViERender* ptrViERender;
-    webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* ptrViERtpRtcp;
-    webrtc::ViECodec* ptrViECodec;
-    webrtc::ViENetwork* ptrViENetwork;
-    webrtc::ViEImageProcess* ptrViEImageProcess;
-    webrtc::ViEEncryption* ptrViEEncryption;
+    webrtc::VideoEngine* video_engine;
+    webrtc::ViEBase* base;
+    webrtc::ViECapture* capture;
+    webrtc::ViERender* render;
+    webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* rtp_rtcp;
+    webrtc::ViECodec* codec;
+    webrtc::ViENetwork* network;
+    webrtc::ViEImageProcess* image_process;
+    webrtc::ViEEncryption* encryption;
     int LastError()
-        return ptrViEBase->LastError();
+        return base->LastError();
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_video_channel.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_video_channel.h
index 5c64144..b6c0023 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_video_channel.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/tb_video_channel.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 class tbVideoChannel
-    tbVideoChannel(tbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors,
+    tbVideoChannel(TbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors,
                    webrtc::VideoCodecType sendCodec = webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8,
                    int width = 352, int height = 288, int frameRate = 30,
                    int startBitrate = 300);
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     int videoChannel;
     int& numberOfErrors;
-    tbInterfaces& ViE;
+    TbInterfaces& ViE;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_autotest.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_autotest.h
index 41c1bb2..1a1261f1 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_autotest.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_autotest.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <string>
-class tbInterfaces;
+class TbInterfaces;
 class ViEToFileRenderer;
 class ViEAutoTest
@@ -63,16 +63,6 @@
     int ViEBaseExtendedTest();
     int ViEBaseAPITest();
-    // This is a variant of the base standard test, meant to run in GTest.
-    // The first three arguments describes the file to use as fake camera
-    // input. The file renderer arguments describe where to put the output
-    // from the left and right windows, respectively.
-    void ViEAutomatedBaseStandardTest(const std::string& i420_test_video_path,
-                                      int width,
-                                      int height,
-                                      ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
-                                      ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer);
     int ViECaptureStandardTest();
     int ViECaptureExtendedTest();
@@ -85,12 +75,6 @@
     int ViECodecExternalCodecTest();
     int ViECodecAPITest();
-    void ViEAutomatedCodecStandardTest(const std::string& pathToTestI420Video,
-                                       int width,
-                                       int height,
-                                       ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
-                                       ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer);
     int ViEEncryptionStandardTest();
     int ViEEncryptionExtendedTest();
@@ -122,37 +106,9 @@
     int ViERtpRtcpAPITest();
-    // Finds a suitable capture device (e.g. camera) on the current system.
-    // Details about the found device are filled into the out parameters.
-    // If this operation fails, device_id is assigned a negative value
-    // and number_of_errors is incremented.
-    void FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(webrtc::ViECapture* capture,
-                                   unsigned char* device_name,
-                                   const unsigned int kDeviceNameLength,
-                                   int* device_id,
-                                   int* number_of_errors,
-                                   webrtc::VideoCaptureModule** device_video);
-    void RenderInWindow(webrtc::ViERender* video_render_interface,
-                        int* numberOfErrors,
-                        int frame_provider_id,
-                        void* os_window,
-                        float z_index);
-    void RenderToFile(webrtc::ViERender* renderer_interface,
-                      int render_id,
-                      ViEToFileRenderer *to_file_renderer);
     void PrintAudioCodec(const webrtc::CodecInst audioCodec);
     void PrintVideoCodec(const webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec);
-    void RunCodecTestInternal(const tbInterfaces& interfaces,
-                              int & numberOfErrors,
-                              int captureId,
-                              int forced_codec_width,
-                              int forced_codec_height,
-                              ViEToFileRenderer* left_file_renderer,
-                              ViEToFileRenderer* right_file_renderer);
     void* _window1;
     void* _window2;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_comparison_tests.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_comparison_tests.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70f44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/interface/vie_comparison_tests.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <string>
+class ViEToFileRenderer;
+// This class contains comparison tests, which will exercise video engine
+// functionality and then run comparison tests on the result using PSNR and
+// SSIM algorithms. These tests are intended mostly as sanity checks so that
+// we know we are outputting roughly the right thing and not random noise or
+// black screens.
+// We will set up a fake ExternalCapture device which will pose as a webcam
+// and read the input from the provided raw YUV file. Output will be written
+// as a local preview in the local file renderer; the remote side output gets
+// written to the provided remote file renderer.
+// The local preview is a straight, unaltered copy of the input. This can be
+// useful for comparisons if the test method contains several stages where the
+// input is restarted between stages.
+class ViEComparisonTests {
+ public:
+  ViEComparisonTests();
+  ~ViEComparisonTests();
+  // Test a typical simple call setup.
+  void TestCallSetup(
+      const std::string& i420_test_video_path,
+      int width,
+      int height,
+      ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
+      ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer);
+  // Tries testing the I420 and VP8 codecs in turn.
+  void TestCodecs(
+      const std::string& i420_video_file,
+      int width,
+      int height,
+      ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
+      ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f138ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "base_primitives.h"
+#include "vie_autotest.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "video_capture_factory.h"
+void TestI420CallSetup(webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                       webrtc::VideoEngine* video_engine,
+                       webrtc::ViEBase* base_interface,
+                       webrtc::ViENetwork* network_interface,
+                       int* number_of_errors,
+                       int video_channel,
+                       const unsigned char *device_name) {
+  int error;
+  webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec;
+  memset(&video_codec, 0, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
+  // Set up the codec interface with all known receive codecs and with
+  // I420 as the send codec.
+  for (int i = 0; i < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); i++) {
+    error = codec_interface->GetCodec(i, video_codec);
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    // Try to keep the test frame size small when I420.
+    if (video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
+      video_codec.width = 176;
+      video_codec.height = 144;
+      error = codec_interface->SetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
+      *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    }
+    error = codec_interface->SetReceiveCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  }
+  // Verify that we really found the I420 codec.
+  error = codec_interface->GetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420,
+      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  // Set up senders and receivers.
+  char version[1024] = "";
+  error = base_interface->GetVersion(version);
+  ViETest::Log("\nUsing WebRTC Video Engine version: %s", version);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  const char *ipAddress = "";
+  WebRtc_UWord16 rtpPortListen = 6100;
+  WebRtc_UWord16 rtpPortSend = 6100;
+  error = network_interface->SetLocalReceiver(video_channel, rtpPortListen);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StartReceive(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = network_interface->SetSendDestination(video_channel, ipAddress,
+                                                rtpPortSend);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StartSend(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  // Call started.
+  ViETest::Log("Call started");
+  ViETest::Log("You should see a local preview from camera %s"
+               " in window 1 and the remote video in window 2.", device_name);
+  AutoTestSleep(KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
+  // Done.
+  error = base_interface->StopSend(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/base_primitives.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/base_primitives.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc73c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/base_primitives.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+namespace webrtc {
+class VideoEngine;
+class ViEBase;
+class ViECodec;
+class ViENetwork;
+// Tests a I420-to-I420 call. This test exercises the most basic WebRTC
+// functionality by training the codec interface to recognize the most common
+// codecs, and the initiating a I420 call. A video channel with a capture device
+// must be set up prior to this call.
+void TestI420CallSetup(webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                       webrtc::VideoEngine* video_engine,
+                       webrtc::ViEBase* base_interface,
+                       webrtc::ViENetwork* network_interface,
+                       int* number_of_errors,
+                       int video_channel,
+                       const unsigned char *device_name);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196a1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "codec_primitives.h"
+#include "general_primitives.h"
+#include "vie_autotest.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
+#include "video_capture_factory.h"
+#include "tb_interfaces.h"
+// Helper functions
+void SetSuitableResolution(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec,
+                           int forced_codec_width,
+                           int forced_codec_height) {
+  if (forced_codec_width != kDoNotForceResolution &&
+      forced_codec_height != kDoNotForceResolution) {
+    video_codec->width = forced_codec_width;
+    video_codec->height = forced_codec_height;
+  } else if (video_codec->codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
+    // I420 is very bandwidth heavy, so limit it here.
+    video_codec->width = 176;
+    video_codec->height = 144;
+  } else if (video_codec->codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecH263) {
+    video_codec->width = 352;
+    video_codec->height = 288;
+  } else {
+    // Otherwise go with 640x480.
+    video_codec->width = 640;
+    video_codec->height = 480;
+  }
+void TestCodecImageProcess(webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec,
+                           webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                           int video_channel,
+                           int* number_of_errors,
+                           webrtc::ViEImageProcess* image_process) {
+  int error = codec_interface->SetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  ViEAutoTestEffectFilter frame_counter;
+  error = image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(video_channel,
+                                                    frame_counter);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  AutoTestSleep (KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
+  int max_number_of_rendered_frames = video_codec.maxFramerate *
+      KAutoTestSleepTimeMs / 1000;
+  if (video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
+    // Due to that I420 needs a huge bandwidth, rate control can set
+    // frame rate very low. This happen since we use the same channel
+    // as we just tested with vp8.
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(frame_counter.numFrames > 0,
+                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  } else {
+    // Special case to get the autotest to pass on some slow devices
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(frameCounter.numFrames
+                                            > max_number_of_rendered_frames / 6,
+                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(frame_counter.numFrames
+                                            > max_number_of_rendered_frames / 4,
+                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  }
+  error = image_process->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+// Test switching from i420 to VP8 as send codec and make sure that
+// the codec observer gets called after the switch.
+void TestCodecCallbacks(webrtc::ViEBase *& base_interface,
+                        webrtc::ViECodec *codec_interface,
+                        int video_channel,
+                        int* number_of_errors,
+                        int forced_codec_width,
+                        int forced_codec_height) {
+  // Set I420 as send codec so we don't make any assumptions about what
+  // we currently have as send codec:
+  SetSendCodec(webrtc::kVideoCodecI420, codec_interface, video_channel,
+               number_of_errors, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
+  // Register the observer:
+  ViEAutotestCodecObserver codec_observer;
+  int error = codec_interface->RegisterEncoderObserver(video_channel,
+                                                       codec_observer);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = codec_interface->RegisterDecoderObserver(video_channel,
+                                                   codec_observer);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  // Make the switch
+  ViETest::Log("Testing codec callbacks...");
+  SetSendCodec(webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8, codec_interface, video_channel,
+               number_of_errors, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
+  AutoTestSleep (KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
+  // Verify that we got the right codec
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      codec_observer.incomingCodec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8,
+      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  // Clean up
+  error = codec_interface->DeregisterEncoderObserver(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = codec_interface->DeregisterDecoderObserver(video_channel);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      codec_observer.incomingCodecCalled > 0,
+      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      codec_observer.incomingRatecalled > 0,
+      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      codec_observer.outgoingRatecalled > 0,
+      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void TestCodecs(const TbInterfaces& interfaces,
+                int & number_of_errors,
+                int capture_id,
+                int video_channel,
+                int forced_codec_width,
+                int forced_codec_height) {
+  int error;
+  webrtc::VideoEngine *video_engine_interface = interfaces.video_engine;
+  webrtc::ViEBase *base_interface = interfaces.base;
+  webrtc::ViECapture *capture_interface = interfaces.capture;
+  webrtc::ViERender *render_interface = interfaces.render;
+  webrtc::ViECodec *codec_interface = interfaces.codec;
+  webrtc::ViENetwork *network_interface =;
+  // ***************************************************************
+  // Engine ready. Begin testing class
+  // ***************************************************************
+  webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec;
+  memset(&video_codec, 0, sizeof (webrtc::VideoCodec));
+  // Set up all receive codecs. This basically trains the codec interface
+  // to be able to recognize all receive codecs based on payload type.
+  for (int idx = 0; idx < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++) {
+    error = codec_interface->GetCodec(idx, video_codec);
+    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    SetSuitableResolution(&video_codec,
+                          forced_codec_width,
+                          forced_codec_height);
+    error = codec_interface->SetReceiveCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
+    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  }
+  const char *ip_address = "";
+  const unsigned short rtp_port = 6000;
+  error = network_interface->SetLocalReceiver(video_channel, rtp_port);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StartReceive(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = network_interface->SetSendDestination(video_channel, ip_address,
+                                                rtp_port);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StartSend(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  // Run all found codecs
+  webrtc::ViEImageProcess *image_process =
+      webrtc::ViEImageProcess::GetInterface(video_engine_interface);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                         "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  ViETest::Log("Loop through all codecs for %d seconds",
+               KAutoTestSleepTimeMs / 1000);
+  for (int i = 0; i < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); i++) {
+    error = codec_interface->GetCodec(i, video_codec);
+    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                           "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    if (video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecMPEG4 ||
+        video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecRED ||
+        video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecULPFEC) {
+      ViETest::Log("\t %d. %s not tested", i, video_codec.plName);
+    } else {
+      ViETest::Log("\t %d. %s", i, video_codec.plName);
+      SetSuitableResolution(&video_codec,
+                            forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
+      TestCodecImageProcess(video_codec, codec_interface, video_channel,
+                            &number_of_errors, image_process);
+    }
+  }
+  image_process->Release();
+  TestCodecCallbacks(base_interface, codec_interface, video_channel,
+                     &number_of_errors, forced_codec_width,
+                     forced_codec_height);
+  ViETest::Log("Done!");
+  // ***************************************************************
+  // Testing finished. Tear down Video Engine
+  // ***************************************************************
+  error = base_interface->StopSend(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StopReceive(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->StopRender(capture_id);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->StopRender(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(capture_id);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = capture_interface->DisconnectCaptureDevice(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->DeleteChannel(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void SetSendCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
+                  webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                  int video_channel,
+                  int* number_of_errors,
+                  int forced_codec_width,
+                  int forced_codec_height) {
+  webrtc::VideoCodec codec;
+  bool ok = FindSpecificCodec(of_type, codec_interface, &codec);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(ok == true, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  if (!ok) {
+    return;
+  }
+  SetSuitableResolution(&codec, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
+  int error = codec_interface->SetSendCodec(video_channel, codec);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
+                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/codec_primitives.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/codec_primitives.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7def9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/codec_primitives.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "vie_codec.h"
+#include "vie_image_process.h"
+class TbInterfaces;
+// This can be passed into TestCodecs and SetSendCodec
+// in order to let the function choose resolutions itself.
+const int kDoNotForceResolution = 0;
+// Tests that a codec actually renders frames by registering a basic
+// render effect filter on the codec and then running it. This test is
+// quite lenient on the number of frames that get rendered, so it should not
+// be seen as a end-user-visible quality measure - it is more a sanity check
+// that the codec at least gets some frames through.
+void TestCodecs(const TbInterfaces& interfaces,
+                int & number_of_errors,
+                int capture_id,
+                int video_channel,
+                int forced_codec_width,
+                int forced_codec_height);
+// This helper function will set the send codec in the codec interface to a
+// codec of the specified type. It will generate a test failure if we do not
+// support the provided codec type.
+void SetSendCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
+                  webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                  int video_channel,
+                  int* number_of_errors,
+                  int forced_codec_width,
+                  int forced_codec_height);
+class ViEAutotestCodecObserver: public webrtc::ViEEncoderObserver,
+                                public webrtc::ViEDecoderObserver {
+ public:
+  int incomingCodecCalled;
+  int incomingRatecalled;
+  int outgoingRatecalled;
+  unsigned char lastPayloadType;
+  unsigned short lastWidth;
+  unsigned short lastHeight;
+  unsigned int lastOutgoingFramerate;
+  unsigned int lastOutgoingBitrate;
+  unsigned int lastIncomingFramerate;
+  unsigned int lastIncomingBitrate;
+  webrtc::VideoCodec incomingCodec;
+  ViEAutotestCodecObserver() {
+    incomingCodecCalled = 0;
+    incomingRatecalled = 0;
+    outgoingRatecalled = 0;
+    lastPayloadType = 0;
+    lastWidth = 0;
+    lastHeight = 0;
+    lastOutgoingFramerate = 0;
+    lastOutgoingBitrate = 0;
+    lastIncomingFramerate = 0;
+    lastIncomingBitrate = 0;
+    memset(&incomingCodec, 0, sizeof(incomingCodec));
+  }
+  virtual void IncomingCodecChanged(const int videoChannel,
+                                    const webrtc::VideoCodec& videoCodec) {
+    incomingCodecCalled++;
+    lastPayloadType = videoCodec.plType;
+    lastWidth = videoCodec.width;
+    lastHeight = videoCodec.height;
+    memcpy(&incomingCodec, &videoCodec, sizeof(videoCodec));
+  }
+  virtual void IncomingRate(const int videoChannel,
+                            const unsigned int framerate,
+                            const unsigned int bitrate) {
+    incomingRatecalled++;
+    lastIncomingFramerate += framerate;
+    lastIncomingBitrate += bitrate;
+  }
+  virtual void OutgoingRate(const int videoChannel,
+                            const unsigned int framerate,
+                            const unsigned int bitrate) {
+    outgoingRatecalled++;
+    lastOutgoingFramerate += framerate;
+    lastOutgoingBitrate += bitrate;
+  }
+  virtual void RequestNewKeyFrame(const int videoChannel) {
+  }
+class ViEAutoTestEffectFilter: public webrtc::ViEEffectFilter
+ public:
+  int numFrames;
+  ViEAutoTestEffectFilter() {
+    numFrames = 0;
+  }
+  virtual ~ViEAutoTestEffectFilter() {
+  }
+  virtual int Transform(int size, unsigned char* frameBuffer,
+                        unsigned int timeStamp90KHz, unsigned int width,
+                        unsigned int height) {
+    numFrames++;
+    return 0;
+  }
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a277e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "general_primitives.h"
+#include "video_capture_factory.h"
+#include "vie_autotest.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
+void FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(webrtc::ViECapture* capture,
+                               unsigned char* device_name,
+                               unsigned int device_name_length,
+                               int* device_id,
+                               int* number_of_errors,
+                               webrtc::VideoCaptureModule** device_video) {
+  bool capture_device_set = false;
+  webrtc::VideoCaptureModule::DeviceInfo *dev_info =
+      webrtc::VideoCaptureFactory::CreateDeviceInfo(0);
+  const unsigned int kMaxUniqueIdLength = 256;
+  WebRtc_UWord8 unique_id[kMaxUniqueIdLength];
+  memset(unique_id, 0, kMaxUniqueIdLength);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dev_info->NumberOfDevices(); i++) {
+    int error = dev_info->GetDeviceName(i, device_name, device_name_length,
+                                        unique_id, kMaxUniqueIdLength);
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+        error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    *device_video =
+        webrtc::VideoCaptureFactory::Create(4571, unique_id);
+    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+        *device_video != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    (*device_video)->AddRef();
+    error = capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(**device_video, *device_id);
+    if (error == 0) {
+      ViETest::Log("Using capture device: %s, captureId: %d.",
+                   device_name, *device_id);
+      capture_device_set = true;
+      break;
+    } else {
+      (*device_video)->Release();
+      (*device_video) = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  delete dev_info;
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
+      capture_device_set, "ERROR: %s at line %d - Could not set capture device",
+      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void RenderInWindow(webrtc::ViERender* video_render_interface,
+                    int* numberOfErrors,
+                    int frame_provider_id,
+                    void* os_window,
+                    float z_index) {
+  int error = video_render_interface->AddRenderer(frame_provider_id, os_window,
+                                                  z_index, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+  *numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                        __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = video_render_interface->StartRender(frame_provider_id);
+  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void RenderToFile(webrtc::ViERender* renderer_interface,
+                  int frame_provider_id,
+                  ViEToFileRenderer *to_file_renderer) {
+  int result = renderer_interface->AddRenderer(frame_provider_id,
+                                               webrtc::kVideoI420,
+                                               to_file_renderer);
+  ViETest::TestError(result == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  result = renderer_interface->StartRender(frame_provider_id);
+  ViETest::TestError(result == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void StopAndRemoveRenderers(webrtc::ViEBase* base_interface,
+                            webrtc::ViERender* render_interface,
+                            int* number_of_errors,
+                            int channel_id,
+                            int capture_id) {
+  int error = render_interface->StopRender(channel_id);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(channel_id);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(capture_id);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void ConfigureRtpRtcp(webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* rtcp_interface,
+                      int* number_of_errors,
+                      int video_channel) {
+  int error = rtcp_interface->SetRTCPStatus(
+      video_channel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = rtcp_interface->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+      video_channel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = rtcp_interface->SetTMMBRStatus(video_channel, true);
+  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+bool FindSpecificCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
+                       webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                       webrtc::VideoCodec* result) {
+  memset(result, 1, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
+  for (int i = 0; i < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); i++) {
+    webrtc::VideoCodec codec;
+    if (codec_interface->GetCodec(i, codec) != 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (codec.codecType == of_type) {
+      // Done
+      *result = codec;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  // Didn't find it
+  return false;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/general_primitives.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/general_primitives.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472cb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/primitives/general_primitives.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+class ViEToFileRenderer;
+#include "common_types.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class VideoCaptureModule;
+class VideoCodec;
+class ViEBase;
+class ViECapture;
+class ViECodec;
+class ViERender;
+class ViERTP_RTCP;
+// Finds a suitable capture device (e.g. camera) on the current system
+// and allocates it. Details about the found device are filled into the out
+// parameters. If this operation fails, device_id is assigned a negative value
+// and number_of_errors is incremented.
+void FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(webrtc::ViECapture* capture,
+                               unsigned char* device_name,
+                               const unsigned int kDeviceNameLength,
+                               int* device_id,
+                               int* number_of_errors,
+                               webrtc::VideoCaptureModule** device_video);
+// Sets up rendering in a window previously created using a Window Manager
+// (See vie_window_manager_factory.h for more details on how to make one of
+// those). The frame provider id is a source of video frames, for instance
+// a capture device or a video channel.
+void RenderInWindow(webrtc::ViERender* video_render_interface,
+                    int* numberOfErrors,
+                    int  frame_provider_id,
+                    void* os_window,
+                    float z_index);
+// Similar in function to RenderInWindow, this function instead renders to
+// a file using a to-file-renderer. The frame provider id is a source of
+// video frames, for instance a capture device or a video channel.
+void RenderToFile(webrtc::ViERender* renderer_interface,
+                  int frame_provider_id,
+                  ViEToFileRenderer* to_file_renderer);
+// Stops all rendering given the normal case that we have a capture device
+// and a video channel set up for rendering.
+void StopAndRemoveRenderers(webrtc::ViEBase* base_interface,
+                            webrtc::ViERender* render_interface,
+                            int* number_of_errors,
+                            int channel_id,
+                            int capture_id);
+// Configures RTP-RTCP.
+void ConfigureRtpRtcp(webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* rtcp_interface,
+                      int* number_of_errors,
+                      int video_channel);
+// Finds a codec in the codec list. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
+// The resulting codec is filled into result on success but is zeroed out
+// on failure.
+bool FindSpecificCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
+                       webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
+                       webrtc::VideoCodec* result);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index d8f45f9..761a23d 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ \ \ \
+ \
 # Flags passed to both C and C++ files.
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/../interface \
+    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../helpers \
+    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../primitives \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../.. \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../test/AutoTest/interface \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../interface \
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index cf91ad4..8cefb16 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-tbI420Encoder::tbI420Encoder() :
+TbI420Encoder::TbI420Encoder() :
     _inited(false), _encodedImage(), _encodedCompleteCallback(NULL)
     memset(&_functionCalls, 0, sizeof(_functionCalls));
     _inited = false;
     if (_encodedImage._buffer != NULL)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::VersionStatic(WebRtc_Word8* version,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::VersionStatic(WebRtc_Word8* version,
                                            WebRtc_Word32 length)
     const WebRtc_Word8* str = "I420 version 1.0.0\n";
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
     return verLen;
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::Version(WebRtc_Word8 *version,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::Version(WebRtc_Word8 *version,
                                      WebRtc_Word32 length) const
     return VersionStatic(version, length);
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::Release()
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::Release()
     // should allocate an encoded frame and then release it here, for that we
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::Reset()
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::Reset()
     if (!_inited)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::InitEncode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* inst,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::InitEncode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* inst,
                                         WebRtc_Word32 /*numberOfCores*/,
                                         WebRtc_UWord32 /*maxPayloadSize */)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::Encode(
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::Encode(
     const webrtc::RawImage& inputImage,
     const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* /*codecSpecificInfo*/,
     const webrtc::VideoFrameType* /*frameType*/)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback(
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback(
     webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback)
@@ -168,55 +168,55 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord32 packetLoss)
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord32 packetLoss)
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::SetRates(WebRtc_UWord32 newBitRate,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::SetRates(WebRtc_UWord32 newBitRate,
                                       WebRtc_UWord32 frameRate)
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::SetPeriodicKeyFrames(bool enable)
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::SetPeriodicKeyFrames(bool enable)
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Encoder::CodecConfigParameters(WebRtc_UWord8* /*buffer*/,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Encoder::CodecConfigParameters(WebRtc_UWord8* /*buffer*/,
                                                    WebRtc_Word32 /*size*/)
-tbI420Encoder::FunctionCalls tbI420Encoder::GetFunctionCalls()
+TbI420Encoder::FunctionCalls TbI420Encoder::GetFunctionCalls()
     return _functionCalls;
     _decodedImage(), _width(0), _height(0), _inited(false),
     memset(&_functionCalls, 0, sizeof(_functionCalls));
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Decoder::Reset()
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Decoder::Reset()
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Decoder::InitDecode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* inst,
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Decoder::InitDecode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* inst,
                                         WebRtc_Word32 /*numberOfCores */)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Decoder::Decode(
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Decoder::Decode(
     const webrtc::EncodedImage& inputImage,
     bool /*missingFrames*/,
     const webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader* /*fragmentation*/,
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Decoder::RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Decoder::RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(
     webrtc::DecodedImageCallback* callback)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
-WebRtc_Word32 tbI420Decoder::Release()
+WebRtc_Word32 TbI420Decoder::Release()
     if (_decodedImage._buffer != NULL)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
-tbI420Decoder::FunctionCalls tbI420Decoder::GetFunctionCalls()
+TbI420Decoder::FunctionCalls TbI420Decoder::GetFunctionCalls()
     return _functionCalls;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 3fe8bcd..4089ed8 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "tb_capture_device.h"
-tbCaptureDevice::tbCaptureDevice(tbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors) :
+TbCaptureDevice::TbCaptureDevice(TbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors) :
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm_, captureId);
+        error = ViE.capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm_, captureId);
         if (error == 0)
             ViETest::Log("Using capture device: %s, captureId: %d", deviceName,
@@ -64,37 +64,37 @@
     ViETest::Log("Starting capture device %s with captureId %d\n", deviceName,
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("Stopping capture device with id %d\n", captureId);
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void tbCaptureDevice::ConnectTo(int videoChannel)
+void TbCaptureDevice::ConnectTo(int videoChannel)
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId, videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId, videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void tbCaptureDevice::Disconnect(int videoChannel)
+void TbCaptureDevice::Disconnect(int videoChannel)
     int error = 0;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->DisconnectCaptureDevice(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.capture->DisconnectCaptureDevice(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 250c38f..5ac18f7 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 #pragma warning(disable: 4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list
-tbExternalTransport::tbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork) :
+TbExternalTransport::TbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork) :
             ViEExternalTransportRun, this, webrtc::kHighPriority,
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     delete &_statCrit;
-int tbExternalTransport::SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
+int TbExternalTransport::SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
     if (_filterSSRC)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
     return len;
-int tbExternalTransport::SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
+int TbExternalTransport::SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
@@ -133,27 +133,27 @@
     return len;
-WebRtc_Word32 tbExternalTransport::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_Word32 lossRate)
+WebRtc_Word32 TbExternalTransport::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_Word32 lossRate)
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _lossRate = lossRate;
     return 0;
-void tbExternalTransport::SetNetworkDelay(WebRtc_Word64 delayMs)
+void TbExternalTransport::SetNetworkDelay(WebRtc_Word64 delayMs)
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_crit);
     _networkDelayMs = delayMs;
-void tbExternalTransport::SetSSRCFilter(WebRtc_UWord32 ssrc)
+void TbExternalTransport::SetSSRCFilter(WebRtc_UWord32 ssrc)
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_crit);
     _filterSSRC = true;
     _SSRC = ssrc;
-void tbExternalTransport::ClearStats()
+void TbExternalTransport::ClearStats()
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _rtpCount = 0;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
     _rtcpCount = 0;
-void tbExternalTransport::GetStats(WebRtc_Word32& numRtpPackets,
+void TbExternalTransport::GetStats(WebRtc_Word32& numRtpPackets,
                                    WebRtc_Word32& numDroppedPackets,
                                    WebRtc_Word32& numRtcpPackets)
@@ -171,36 +171,36 @@
     numRtcpPackets = _rtcpCount;
-void tbExternalTransport::EnableSSRCCheck()
+void TbExternalTransport::EnableSSRCCheck()
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _checkSSRC = true;
-unsigned int tbExternalTransport::ReceivedSSRC()
+unsigned int TbExternalTransport::ReceivedSSRC()
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     return _lastSSRC;
-void tbExternalTransport::EnableSequenceNumberCheck()
+void TbExternalTransport::EnableSequenceNumberCheck()
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _checkSequenceNumber = true;
-unsigned short tbExternalTransport::GetFirstSequenceNumber()
+unsigned short TbExternalTransport::GetFirstSequenceNumber()
     webrtc::CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     return _firstSequenceNumber;
-bool tbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportRun(void* object)
+bool TbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportRun(void* object)
-    return static_cast<tbExternalTransport*>
+    return static_cast<TbExternalTransport*>
-bool tbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportProcess()
+bool TbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportProcess()
     unsigned int waitTime = KMaxWaitTimeMs;
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
     return true;
-WebRtc_Word64 tbExternalTransport::NowMs()
+WebRtc_Word64 TbExternalTransport::NowMs()
     return webrtc::TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 3f84d2b..4e53004 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "tb_interfaces.h"
-tbInterfaces::tbInterfaces(const char* testName, int& nrOfErrors) :
+TbInterfaces::TbInterfaces(const char* testName, int& nrOfErrors) :
     char traceFile[256] = "";
@@ -23,110 +23,110 @@
     ViETest::Log("Creating ViE Interfaces for test %s\n", testName);
-    ptrViE = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create();
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViE != NULL,
+    video_engine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create();
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(video_engine != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    int error = ptrViE->SetTraceFile(traceFile);
+    int error = video_engine->SetTraceFile(traceFile);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ptrViE->SetTraceFilter(webrtc::kTraceAll);
+    error = video_engine->SetTraceFilter(webrtc::kTraceAll);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    ptrViEBase = webrtc::ViEBase::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEBase != NULL,
+    base = webrtc::ViEBase::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(base != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    error = ptrViEBase->Init();
+    error = base->Init();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    ptrViECapture = webrtc::ViECapture::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViECapture != NULL,
+    capture = webrtc::ViECapture::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(capture != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViERtpRtcp = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViERtpRtcp != NULL,
+    rtp_rtcp = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(rtp_rtcp != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViERender = webrtc::ViERender::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViERender != NULL,
+    render = webrtc::ViERender::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(render != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViECodec = webrtc::ViECodec::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViECodec != NULL,
+    codec = webrtc::ViECodec::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(codec != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViENetwork = webrtc::ViENetwork::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViENetwork != NULL,
+    network = webrtc::ViENetwork::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(network != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViEImageProcess = webrtc::ViEImageProcess::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEImageProcess != NULL,
+    image_process = webrtc::ViEImageProcess::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(image_process != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    ptrViEEncryption = webrtc::ViEEncryption::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEEncryption != NULL,
+    encryption = webrtc::ViEEncryption::GetInterface(video_engine);
+    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(encryption != NULL,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     int remainingInterfaces = 0;
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViEEncryption->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = encryption->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViEImageProcess->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = image_process->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViECodec->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = codec->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViECapture->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = capture->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViERender->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = render->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViERtpRtcp->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = rtp_rtcp->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViENetwork->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = network->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    remainingInterfaces = ptrViEBase->Release();
+    remainingInterfaces = base->Release();
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    bool deleted = webrtc::VideoEngine::Delete(ptrViE);
+    bool deleted = webrtc::VideoEngine::Delete(video_engine);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(deleted == true,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 862ec4e..41df126 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@
 #include "tb_video_channel.h"
-tbVideoChannel::tbVideoChannel(tbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors,
+tbVideoChannel::tbVideoChannel(TbInterfaces& Engine, int& nrOfErrors,
                                webrtc::VideoCodecType sendCodec, int width,
                                int height, int frameRate, int startBitrate) :
     videoChannel(-1), numberOfErrors(nrOfErrors), ViE(Engine)
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->CreateChannel(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->CreateChannel(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec;
     memset(&videoCodec, 0, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
     bool sendCodecSet = false;
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.ptrViECodec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.codec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
+        error = ViE.codec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
                 videoCodec.startBitrate = startBitrate;
                 videoCodec.maxBitrate = startBitrate * 3;
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
             videoCodec.width = 352;
             videoCodec.height = 288;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
+        error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->DeleteChannel(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->DeleteChannel(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@
                                const char* ipAddress /*= ""*/)
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(videoChannel, ipAddress,
+    error =>SetSendDestination(videoChannel, ipAddress,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@
     int error;
     webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
+    error = ViE.codec->GetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     videoCodec.width = width;
     videoCodec.height = height;
     videoCodec.maxFramerate = frameRate;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
+    error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
+    error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 void tbVideoChannel::StopSend()
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel, rtpPort);
+    error =>SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel, rtpPort);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 void tbVideoChannel::StopReceive()
     int error;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopReceive(videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 0afa8f2..7fed82a 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-#include "engine_configurations.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "video_capture_factory.h"
-#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
 #include "vie_autotest.h"
-#include "vie_fake_camera.h"
-#include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
+#include "base_primitives.h"
+#include "general_primitives.h"
+#include "tb_interfaces.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "video_capture_factory.h"
 class BaseObserver : public webrtc::ViEBaseObserver {
@@ -27,250 +27,6 @@
   unsigned int cpu_load_;
-webrtc::VideoEngine *InitializeVideoEngine(int & numberOfErrors) {
-  ViETest::Log("Starting a loopback call...");
-  webrtc::VideoEngine *ptrViE = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViE != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  int error = ptrViE->SetTraceFile("/sdcard/ViEBaseStandardTest_trace.txt");
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  int error = ptrViE->SetTraceFile("ViEBaseStandardTest_trace.txt");
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  return ptrViE;
-webrtc::ViEBase *InitializeViEBase(webrtc::VideoEngine * ptrViE,
-                                   int & numberOfErrors) {
-  webrtc::ViEBase *ptrViEBase = webrtc::ViEBase::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEBase != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  int error = ptrViEBase->Init();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  return ptrViEBase;
-webrtc::ViECapture *InitializeChannel(webrtc::ViEBase * ptrViEBase,
-                                      int & videoChannel,
-                                      int & numberOfErrors,
-                                      webrtc::VideoEngine * ptrViE) {
-  int error = ptrViEBase->CreateChannel(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  webrtc::ViECapture *ptrViECapture = webrtc::ViECapture::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViECapture != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  return ptrViECapture;
-void ConnectCaptureDevice(webrtc::ViECapture * ptrViECapture,
-                          int captureId,
-                          int videoChannel,
-                          int & numberOfErrors) {
-  int error = ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId, videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *ConfigureRtpRtcp(webrtc::VideoEngine * ptrViE,
-                                      int & numberOfErrors,
-                                      int videoChannel) {
-  webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *ptrViERtpRtcp =
-      webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViE != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  int error = ptrViERtpRtcp->
-      SetRTCPStatus(videoChannel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERtpRtcp->
-      SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(videoChannel,
-                               webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERtpRtcp->SetTMMBRStatus(videoChannel, true);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  return ptrViERtpRtcp;
-void ViEAutoTest::RenderInWindow(webrtc::ViERender* video_render_interface,
-                                 int* numberOfErrors,
-                                 int frame_provider_id,
-                                 void* os_window,
-                                 float z_index) {
-  int error = video_render_interface->AddRenderer(frame_provider_id, os_window,
-                                                  z_index, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
-  *numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                        __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = video_render_interface->StartRender(frame_provider_id);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-// Tests a I420-to-I420 call. This test exercises the most basic WebRTC ViE
-// functionality by setting up the codec interface to recognize the most common
-// codecs, and the initiating a I420 call.
-webrtc::ViENetwork *TestCallSetup(webrtc::ViECodec * ptrViECodec,
-                                  int & numberOfErrors,
-                                  int videoChannel,
-                                  webrtc::VideoEngine * ptrViE,
-                                  webrtc::ViEBase * ptrViEBase,
-                                  const WebRtc_UWord8 *deviceName) {
-  int error;
-  webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec;
-  memset(&videoCodec, 0, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
-  for (int idx = 0; idx < ptrViECodec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++) {
-    error = ptrViECodec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                         "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    // try to keep the test frame size small when I420
-    if (videoCodec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
-      videoCodec.width = 176;
-      videoCodec.height = 144;
-      error = ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
-      numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                           "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    }
-    error = ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel, videoCodec);
-    numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                         "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  webrtc::ViENetwork *ptrViENetwork =
-      webrtc::ViENetwork::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViENetwork != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  char version[1024] = "";
-  error = ptrViEBase->GetVersion(version);
-  ViETest::Log("\nUsing WebRTC Video Engine version: %s", version);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  const char *ipAddress = "";
-  WebRtc_UWord16 rtpPortListen = 6000;
-  WebRtc_UWord16 rtpPortSend = 6000;
-  rtpPortListen = 6100;
-  rtpPortSend = 6100;
-  error = ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel, rtpPortListen);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViEBase->StartReceive(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(videoChannel, ipAddress,
-                                            rtpPortSend);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViEBase->StartSend(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  // Call started
-  ViETest::Log("Call started");
-  ViETest::Log("You should see a local preview from camera %s"
-      " in window 1 and the remote video in window 2.", deviceName);
-  AutoTestSleep(KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
-  // Done
-  error = ptrViEBase->StopSend(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  return ptrViENetwork;
-void StopEverything(webrtc::ViEBase * ptrViEBase,
-                    int videoChannel,
-                    int & numberOfErrors,
-                    webrtc::ViERender * ptrViERender,
-                    int captureId,
-                    webrtc::ViECapture * ptrViECapture,
-                    webrtc::VideoRender* vrm1,
-                    webrtc::VideoRender* vrm2) {
-  int error = ptrViEBase->StopReceive(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->StopRender(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*vrm2);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(captureId);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*vrm1);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViECapture->DisconnectCaptureDevice(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void ReleaseEverything(webrtc::ViECapture *ptrViECapture,
-                       int& numberOfErrors,
-                       webrtc::ViEBase *ptrViEBase,
-                       int videoChannel,
-                       webrtc::ViECodec *ptrViECodec,
-                       webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *ptrViERtpRtcp,
-                       webrtc::ViERender *ptrViERender,
-                       webrtc::ViENetwork *ptrViENetwork,
-                       webrtc::VideoEngine *ptrViE) {
-  int remainingInterfaces = ptrViECapture->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  int error2 = ptrViEBase->DeleteChannel(videoChannel);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error2 == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  remainingInterfaces = ptrViECodec->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  remainingInterfaces = ptrViERtpRtcp->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  remainingInterfaces = ptrViERender->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  remainingInterfaces = ptrViENetwork->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  remainingInterfaces = ptrViEBase->Release();
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remainingInterfaces == 0,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
-  bool deleted = webrtc::VideoEngine::Delete(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(deleted == true,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
 int ViEAutoTest::ViEBaseStandardTest() {
   ViETest::Log(" ");
@@ -280,97 +36,104 @@
   // Begin create/initialize WebRTC Video Engine for testing
   // ***************************************************************
-  int numberOfErrors = 0;
+  int number_of_errors = 0;
-  webrtc::VideoEngine* ptrViE = InitializeVideoEngine(numberOfErrors);
-  webrtc::ViEBase *ptrViEBase = InitializeViEBase(ptrViE, numberOfErrors);
+  TbInterfaces interfaces("ViEBaseStandardTest", number_of_errors);
   // ***************************************************************
   // Engine ready. Set up the test case:
   // ***************************************************************
-  int videoChannel = -1;
-  webrtc::ViECapture *ptrViECapture =
-      InitializeChannel(ptrViEBase, videoChannel, numberOfErrors, ptrViE);
+  int video_channel = -1;
+  int error = interfaces.base->CreateChannel(video_channel);
+    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  webrtc::VideoCaptureModule* vcpm(NULL);
+  webrtc::VideoCaptureModule* video_capture_module(NULL);
   const unsigned int kMaxDeviceNameLength = 128;
-  WebRtc_UWord8 deviceName[kMaxDeviceNameLength];
-  memset(deviceName, 0, kMaxDeviceNameLength);
-  int captureId;
+  WebRtc_UWord8 device_name[kMaxDeviceNameLength];
+  memset(device_name, 0, kMaxDeviceNameLength);
+  int capture_id;
-  FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(ptrViECapture,
-                            deviceName,
+  webrtc::ViEBase *base_interface = interfaces.base;
+  webrtc::ViERender *render_interface = interfaces.render;
+  webrtc::ViECapture *capture_interface = interfaces.capture;
+  FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(capture_interface,
+                            device_name,
-                            &captureId,
-                            &numberOfErrors,
-                            &vcpm);
+                            &capture_id,
+                            &number_of_errors,
+                            &video_capture_module);
-  ConnectCaptureDevice(ptrViECapture, captureId, videoChannel, numberOfErrors);
-  int error = ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = capture_interface->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_id,
+                                                  video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *ptrViERtpRtcp =
-      ConfigureRtpRtcp(ptrViE, numberOfErrors, videoChannel);
+  error = capture_interface->StartCapture(capture_id);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  webrtc::ViERender *ptrViERender = webrtc::ViERender::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  ViETest::TestError(ptrViERender != NULL,
-                     "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                     __LINE__);
+  ConfigureRtpRtcp(interfaces.rtp_rtcp, &number_of_errors, video_channel);
-  error = ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  RenderInWindow(ptrViERender, &numberOfErrors, captureId, _window1, 0);
-  RenderInWindow(ptrViERender, &numberOfErrors, videoChannel, _window2, 1);
-  webrtc::ViECodec *ptrViECodec = webrtc::ViECodec::GetInterface(ptrViE);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViECodec != NULL,
-                                       "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                       __LINE__);
+  RenderInWindow(render_interface, &number_of_errors, capture_id,
+                 _window1, 0);
+  RenderInWindow(render_interface, &number_of_errors, video_channel,
+                 _window2, 1);
   // ***************************************************************
   // Run the actual test:
   // ***************************************************************
-  webrtc::ViENetwork *ptrViENetwork =
-        TestCallSetup(ptrViECodec, numberOfErrors, videoChannel,
-                      ptrViE, ptrViEBase, deviceName);
+  TestI420CallSetup(interfaces.codec, interfaces.video_engine,
+                    base_interface,, &number_of_errors,
+                    video_channel, device_name);
   // ***************************************************************
   // Testing finished. Tear down Video Engine
   // ***************************************************************
-  error = ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureId);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  StopEverything(ptrViEBase, videoChannel, numberOfErrors, ptrViERender,
-                 captureId, ptrViECapture, _vrm1, _vrm2);
-  error = ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
-  numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+  error = capture_interface->StopCapture(capture_id);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = base_interface->StopReceive(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  vcpm->Release();
-  vcpm = NULL;
+  StopAndRemoveRenderers(base_interface, render_interface, &number_of_errors,
+                video_channel, capture_id);
-  ReleaseEverything(ptrViECapture, numberOfErrors, ptrViEBase, videoChannel,
-                    ptrViECodec, ptrViERtpRtcp, ptrViERender, ptrViENetwork,
-                    ptrViE);
+  error = render_interface->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = render_interface->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  if (numberOfErrors > 0) {
+  error = capture_interface->ReleaseCaptureDevice(capture_id);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  video_capture_module->Release();
+  video_capture_module = NULL;
+  error = base_interface->DeleteChannel(video_channel);
+  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  if (number_of_errors > 0) {
     // Test failed
     ViETest::Log(" ");
     ViETest::Log(" ERROR ViEBase Standard Test FAILED!");
-    ViETest::Log(" Number of errors: %d", numberOfErrors);
+    ViETest::Log(" Number of errors: %d", number_of_errors);
     ViETest::Log(" ");
-    return numberOfErrors;
+    return number_of_errors;
   ViETest::Log(" ");
@@ -437,7 +200,7 @@
   numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViE != NULL, "VideoEngine::Create");
-  error = ptrViE->SetTraceFile("/sdcard/WebRTC/ViEBaseAPI_trace.txt");
+  error = video_engine->SetTraceFile("/sdcard/WebRTC/ViEBaseAPI_trace.txt");
   numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "SetTraceFile error");
   error = ptrViE->SetTraceFile("ViEBaseAPI_trace.txt");
@@ -590,140 +353,3 @@
   return 0;
-void ViEAutoTest::FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(
-    webrtc::ViECapture* capture,
-    unsigned char* device_name,
-    unsigned int device_name_length,
-    int* device_id,
-    int* number_of_errors,
-    webrtc::VideoCaptureModule** device_video) {
-  bool capture_device_set = false;
-  webrtc::VideoCaptureModule::DeviceInfo *dev_info =
-      webrtc::VideoCaptureFactory::CreateDeviceInfo(0);
-  const unsigned int kMaxUniqueIdLength = 256;
-  WebRtc_UWord8 unique_id[kMaxUniqueIdLength];
-  memset(unique_id, 0, kMaxUniqueIdLength);
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dev_info->NumberOfDevices(); i++) {
-    int error = dev_info->GetDeviceName(i, device_name, device_name_length,
-                                        unique_id, kMaxUniqueIdLength);
-    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-        error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    *device_video =
-        webrtc::VideoCaptureFactory::Create(4571, unique_id);
-    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-        *device_video != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    (*device_video)->AddRef();
-    error = capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(**device_video, *device_id);
-    if (error == 0) {
-      ViETest::Log("Using capture device: %s, captureId: %d.",
-                   device_name, *device_id);
-      capture_device_set = true;
-      break;
-    } else {
-      (*device_video)->Release();
-      (*device_video) = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  delete dev_info;
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-      capture_device_set, "ERROR: %s at line %d - Could not set capture device",
-      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void ViEAutoTest::RenderToFile(webrtc::ViERender* renderer_interface,
-                               int render_id,
-                               ViEToFileRenderer *to_file_renderer)
-    int result = renderer_interface->AddRenderer(render_id,
-                                                 webrtc::kVideoI420,
-                                                 to_file_renderer);
-    ViETest::TestError(result == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    result = renderer_interface->StartRender(render_id);
-    ViETest::TestError(result == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void ViEAutoTest::ViEAutomatedBaseStandardTest(
-    const std::string& i420_test_video_path,
-    int width,
-    int height,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer) {
-  int ignored;
-  // Initialize the test:
-  webrtc::VideoEngine* video_engine =
-      InitializeVideoEngine(ignored);
-  webrtc::ViEBase *base_interface =
-      InitializeViEBase(video_engine, ignored);
-  int video_channel = -1;
-  webrtc::ViECapture *capture_interface =
-      InitializeChannel(base_interface, video_channel, ignored, video_engine);
-  ViEFakeCamera fake_camera(capture_interface);
-  if (!fake_camera.StartCameraInNewThread(i420_test_video_path,
-                                          width,
-                                          height)) {
-    // No point in continuing if we have no proper video source
-    ViETest::TestError(false, "ERROR: %s at line %d: "
-                       "Could not open input video %s: aborting test...",
-                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i420_test_video_path.c_str());
-    return;
-  }
-  int capture_id = fake_camera.capture_id();
-  // Apparently, we need to connect external capture devices, but we should
-  // not start them since the external device is not a proper device.
-  ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_interface, capture_id, video_channel,
-                       ignored);
-  webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *rtcp_interface =
-      ConfigureRtpRtcp(video_engine, ignored, video_channel);
-  webrtc::ViERender *render_interface =
-      webrtc::ViERender::GetInterface(video_engine);
-  ViETest::TestError(render_interface != NULL,
-                     "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                     __LINE__);
-  render_interface->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
-  render_interface->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
-  RenderToFile(render_interface, capture_id, local_file_renderer);
-  RenderToFile(render_interface, video_channel, remote_file_renderer);
-  webrtc::ViECodec *codec_interface =
-      webrtc::ViECodec::GetInterface(video_engine);
-  ViETest::TestError(codec_interface != NULL,
-                     "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                     __LINE__);
-  // Run the test itself:
-  const WebRtc_UWord8* device_name =
-      reinterpret_cast<const WebRtc_UWord8*>("Fake Capture Device");
-  webrtc::ViENetwork *network_interface =
-      TestCallSetup(codec_interface, ignored, video_channel,
-                    video_engine, base_interface, device_name);
-  AutoTestSleep(KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
-  StopEverything(base_interface, video_channel, ignored, render_interface,
-                 capture_id, capture_interface, _vrm1, _vrm2);
-  // Stop sending data, clean up the camera thread and release the capture
-  // device. Note that this all happens after StopEverything, so this
-  // tests that the system doesn't mind that the external capture device sends
-  // data after rendering has been stopped.
-  fake_camera.StopCamera();
-  ReleaseEverything(capture_interface, ignored, base_interface,
-                    video_channel, codec_interface, rtcp_interface,
-                    render_interface, network_interface, video_engine);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index c641856..c352450 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -8,27 +8,28 @@
  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- *
- */
-#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
 #include "vie_autotest.h"
-#include "engine_configurations.h"
 #include "common_types.h"
-#include "voe_base.h"
+#include "engine_configurations.h"
+#include "gflags/gflags.h"
+#include "tb_interfaces.h"
+#include "tb_video_channel.h"
+#include "tick_util.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "video_capture_factory.h"
 #include "vie_base.h"
 #include "vie_capture.h"
 #include "vie_codec.h"
 #include "vie_network.h"
 #include "vie_render.h"
 #include "vie_rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "tick_util.h"
+#include "voe_base.h"
-#include "tb_interfaces.h"
-#include "tb_video_channel.h"
-#include "video_capture_factory.h"
+DEFINE_bool(capture_test_ensure_resolution_alignment_in_capture_device, true,
+            "If true, we will give resolutions slightly below a reasonable "
+            "value to test the camera's ability to choose a good resolution. "
+            "If false, we will provide reasonable resolutions instead.");
 class CaptureObserver: public webrtc::ViECaptureObserver
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
     int error = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViECaptureStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViECaptureStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
     webrtc::VideoCaptureModule::DeviceInfo* devInfo =
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
 // not supported on MAC (is part of capture capabilites
 #if !defined(WEBRTC_LINUX) && !defined(WEBRTC_MAC_INTEL)
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ShowCaptureSettingsDialogBox(
+        error = ViE.capture->ShowCaptureSettingsDialogBox(
             (char*) deviceUniqueName,
             (unsigned int) (strlen((char*) deviceUniqueName)),
             "WebRTCViECapture StandardTest");
@@ -210,10 +211,10 @@
+    // Capture Capability Functions are not supported on WEBRTC_MAC_INTEL.
 #if !defined(WEBRTC_MAC_INTEL)
-    // "capture capability functios" are not supported on WEBRTC_MAC_INTEL
-    //Check allocation. Try to allocate them all after each other.
+    // Check allocation. Try to allocate them all after each other.
     for (int deviceIndex = 0;
          deviceIndex < numberOfCaptureDevices;
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         vcpms[deviceIndex] = vcpm;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->AllocateCaptureDevice(
+        error = ViE.capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(
                                             *vcpm, captureDeviceId[deviceIndex]);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -246,10 +247,10 @@
         error = devInfo->GetCapability(deviceUniqueName, 0, capability);
         // Test that the camera select the closest capability to the selected
-        // widht and height.
+        // width and height.
         CaptureEffectFilter filter(capability.width, capability.height,
-        error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+        error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
                                         captureDeviceId[deviceIndex], filter);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
@@ -257,8 +258,13 @@
         ViETest::Log("Testing Device %s capability width %d  height %d",
                      deviceUniqueName, capability.width, capability.height);
-        capability.height = capability.height - 2;
-        capability.width = capability.width - 2;
+        if (FLAGS_capture_test_ensure_resolution_alignment_in_capture_device) {
+          // This tests that the capture device properly aligns to a
+          // multiple of 16 (or at least 8).
+          capability.height = capability.height - 2;
+          capability.width  = capability.width  - 2;
+        }
         webrtc::CaptureCapability vieCapability;
         vieCapability.width = capability.width;
@@ -267,7 +273,7 @@
         vieCapability.maxFPS = capability.maxFPS;
         vieCapability.rawType = capability.rawType;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex],
+        error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex],
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -280,15 +286,15 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(filter._numberOfCapturedFrames
             >= 10, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+        error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
 #ifdef WEBRTC_ANDROID // Can only allocate one camera at the time on Android
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex]);
+        error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex]);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error==0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(
+        error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error==0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -303,7 +309,7 @@
     // stop all started capture devices
     for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < numberOfCaptureDevices; ++deviceIndex)
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex]);
+        error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureDeviceId[deviceIndex]);
         // Camera already stoped on Android since we can only allocate one
         // camera at the time.
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(
+        error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(
         // Camera already stoped on Android since we can only allocate one
@@ -377,9 +383,9 @@
     int error = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViECapture_API", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViECaptureAPITest", numberOfErrors);
-    ViE.ptrViECapture->NumberOfCaptureDevices();
+    ViE.capture->NumberOfCaptureDevices();
     WebRtc_UWord8 deviceName[128];
     WebRtc_UWord8 deviceUniqueName[512];
@@ -405,17 +411,17 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Allocate capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Start the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Start again. Should fail
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -423,7 +429,7 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Start invalid capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId + 1);
+    error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureId + 1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -431,7 +437,7 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Stop invalide capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureId + 1);
+    error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureId + 1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -439,12 +445,12 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Stop the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Stop the capture device again
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StopCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StopCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -452,7 +458,7 @@
     // Connect to invalid channel
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId, 0);
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId, 0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -462,7 +468,7 @@
     tbVideoChannel channel(ViE, numberOfErrors);
     // Connect invalid captureId
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId + 1,
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId + 1,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -472,13 +478,13 @@
     // Connect the capture device to the channel
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Connect the channel again
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -487,12 +493,12 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Start the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->StartCapture(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->StartCapture(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Release invalid capture device.
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId + 1);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId + 1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -500,12 +506,12 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Release the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Release the capture device again
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.LastError()
@@ -520,7 +526,7 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     //Test SetRotation
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
+    error = ViE.capture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
         captureId, webrtc::RotateCapturedFrame_90);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -529,32 +535,32 @@
         "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Allocate capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
+    error = ViE.capture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
         captureId, webrtc::RotateCapturedFrame_0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
+    error = ViE.capture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
         captureId, webrtc::RotateCapturedFrame_90);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
+    error = ViE.capture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
         captureId, webrtc::RotateCapturedFrame_180);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
+    error = ViE.capture->SetRotateCapturedFrames(
         captureId, webrtc::RotateCapturedFrame_270);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Release the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -598,7 +604,7 @@
     int error = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViECapture_ExternalCapture", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViECaptureExternalCaptureTest", numberOfErrors);
     tbVideoChannel channel(ViE, numberOfErrors);
@@ -614,7 +620,7 @@
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(vcpm != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(*vcpm, captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(externalCapture != 0,
@@ -622,44 +628,44 @@
     // Connect the capture device to the channel
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
+    error = ViE.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Render the local capture
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(captureId, _window1, 1, 0.0, 0.0,
-                                          1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(captureId, _window1, 1, 0.0, 0.0,
+                                    1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Render the remote capture
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(channel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(channel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(channel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(channel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Register observer
     CaptureObserver observer;
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->RegisterObserver(captureId, observer);
+    error = ViE.capture->RegisterObserver(captureId, observer);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Enable brighness alarm
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->EnableBrightnessAlarm(captureId, true);
+    error = ViE.capture->EnableBrightnessAlarm(captureId, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     CaptureEffectFilter effectFilter(176, 144, numberOfErrors);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -782,12 +788,12 @@
     delete videoFrame;
     // Release the capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Release the capture device again
-    error = ViE.ptrViECapture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
+    error = ViE.capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 96ea97b..d3881e9 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -8,322 +8,16 @@
  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
 #include "vie_autotest.h"
+#include "codec_primitives.h"
 #include "common_types.h"
-#include "engine_configurations.h"
-#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "general_primitives.h"
 #include "tb_capture_device.h"
-#include "vie_fake_camera.h"
 #include "tb_I420_codec.h"
 #include "tb_interfaces.h"
 #include "tb_video_channel.h"
-#include "vie_base.h"
-#include "vie_capture.h"
-#include "vie_codec.h"
-#include "vie_network.h"
-#include "vie_render.h"
-#include "vie_rtp_rtcp.h"
-#include "voe_base.h"
-const int kDoNotForceResolution = 0;
-class ViEAutotestCodecObserver: public webrtc::ViEEncoderObserver,
-                                public webrtc::ViEDecoderObserver
-    int incomingCodecCalled;
-    int incomingRatecalled;
-    int outgoingRatecalled;
-    unsigned char lastPayloadType;
-    unsigned short lastWidth;
-    unsigned short lastHeight;
-    unsigned int lastOutgoingFramerate;
-    unsigned int lastOutgoingBitrate;
-    unsigned int lastIncomingFramerate;
-    unsigned int lastIncomingBitrate;
-    webrtc::VideoCodec incomingCodec;
-    ViEAutotestCodecObserver()
-    {
-        incomingCodecCalled = 0;
-        incomingRatecalled = 0;
-        outgoingRatecalled = 0;
-        lastPayloadType = 0;
-        lastWidth = 0;
-        lastHeight = 0;
-        lastOutgoingFramerate = 0;
-        lastOutgoingBitrate = 0;
-        lastIncomingFramerate = 0;
-        lastIncomingBitrate = 0;
-        memset(&incomingCodec, 0, sizeof(incomingCodec));
-    }
-    virtual void IncomingCodecChanged(const int videoChannel,
-                                      const webrtc::VideoCodec& videoCodec)
-    {
-        incomingCodecCalled++;
-        lastPayloadType = videoCodec.plType;
-        lastWidth = videoCodec.width;
-        lastHeight = videoCodec.height;
-        memcpy(&incomingCodec, &videoCodec, sizeof(videoCodec));
-    }
-    virtual void IncomingRate(const int videoChannel,
-                              const unsigned int framerate,
-                              const unsigned int bitrate)
-    {
-        incomingRatecalled++;
-        lastIncomingFramerate += framerate;
-        lastIncomingBitrate += bitrate;
-    }
-    virtual void OutgoingRate(const int videoChannel,
-                              const unsigned int framerate,
-                              const unsigned int bitrate)
-    {
-        outgoingRatecalled++;
-        lastOutgoingFramerate += framerate;
-        lastOutgoingBitrate += bitrate;
-    }
-    virtual void RequestNewKeyFrame(const int videoChannel)
-    {
-    }
-class ViEAutoTestEffectFilter: public webrtc::ViEEffectFilter
-    int numFrames;
-    ViEAutoTestEffectFilter()
-    {
-        numFrames = 0;
-    }
-    ~ViEAutoTestEffectFilter()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual int Transform(int size, unsigned char* frameBuffer,
-                          unsigned int timeStamp90KHz, unsigned int width,
-                          unsigned int height)
-    {
-        numFrames++;
-        return 0;
-    }
-// Helper functions
-// Finds a codec in the codec list. Returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
-// The resulting codec is filled into result on success but is zeroed out
-// on failure.
-int FindSpecificCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
-                      webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
-                      webrtc::VideoCodec* result) {
-  memset(result, 1, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
-  for (int i = 0; i < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); i++) {
-    webrtc::VideoCodec codec;
-    if (codec_interface->GetCodec(i, codec) != 0) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (codec.codecType == of_type) {
-      // Done
-      *result = codec;
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
-  // Didn't find it
-  return -1;
-// Sets the video codec's resolution info to something suitable based on each
-// codec's quirks, except if the forced* variables are != kDoNotForceResolution.
-void SetSuitableResolution(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec,
-                           int forced_codec_width,
-                           int forced_codec_height) {
-  if (forced_codec_width != kDoNotForceResolution &&
-      forced_codec_height != kDoNotForceResolution) {
-    video_codec->width = forced_codec_width;
-    video_codec->height = forced_codec_height;
-  } else if (video_codec->codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
-    // I420 is very bandwidth heavy, so limit it here
-    video_codec->width = 176;
-    video_codec->height = 144;
-  } else if (video_codec->codecType != webrtc::kVideoCodecH263) {
-    // Otherwise go with 640x480, except for H263 which can do whatever
-    // it pleases.
-    video_codec->width = 640;
-    video_codec->height = 480;
-  }
-// Tests that a codec actually renders frames by registering a basic
-// render effect filter on the codec and then running it. This test is
-// quite lenient on the number of frames that get rendered, so it should not
-// be seen as a end-user-visible quality measure - it is more a sanity check
-// that the codec at least gets some frames through.
-void TestCodecImageProcess(webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec,
-                           webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
-                           int video_channel,
-                           int* number_of_errors,
-                           webrtc::ViEImageProcess* image_process) {
-  int error = codec_interface->SetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  ViEAutoTestEffectFilter frame_counter;
-  error = image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(video_channel,
-                                                    frame_counter);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  AutoTestSleep (KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
-  int max_number_of_rendered_frames = video_codec.maxFramerate *
-      KAutoTestSleepTimeMs / 1000;
-  if (video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecI420) {
-    // Due to that I420 needs a huge bandwidth, rate control can set
-    // frame rate very low. This happen since we use the same channel
-    // as we just tested with vp8.
-    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(frame_counter.numFrames > 0,
-                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  } else {
-    // Special case to get the autotest to pass on some slow devices
-    *number_of_errors +=
-        ViETest::TestError(frameCounter.numFrames
-                           > max_number_of_rendered_frames / 6,
-                           "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(frame_counter.numFrames
-                                            > max_number_of_rendered_frames / 4,
-                                            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  error = image_process->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(video_channel);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void SetSendCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
-                  webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
-                  int video_channel,
-                  int* number_of_errors,
-                  int forced_codec_width,
-                  int forced_codec_height) {
-  webrtc::VideoCodec codec;
-  int error = FindSpecificCodec(of_type, codec_interface, &codec);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  SetSuitableResolution(&codec, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
-  error = codec_interface->SetSendCodec(video_channel, codec);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-// Test switching from i420 to VP8 as send codec and make sure that
-// the codec observer gets called after the switch.
-void TestCodecCallbacks(webrtc::ViEBase *& base_interface,
-                        webrtc::ViECodec *codec_interface,
-                        int video_channel,
-                        int* number_of_errors,
-                        int forced_codec_width,
-                        int forced_codec_height) {
-  // Set I420 as send codec so we don't make any assumptions about what
-  // we currently have as send codec:
-  SetSendCodec(webrtc::kVideoCodecI420, codec_interface, video_channel,
-               number_of_errors, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
-  // Register the observer:
-  ViEAutotestCodecObserver codec_observer;
-  int error = codec_interface->RegisterEncoderObserver(video_channel,
-                                                       codec_observer);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = codec_interface->RegisterDecoderObserver(video_channel,
-                                                   codec_observer);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  // Make the switch
-  ViETest::Log("Testing codec callbacks...");
-  SetSendCodec(webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8, codec_interface, video_channel,
-               number_of_errors, forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
-  AutoTestSleep (KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
-  // Verify that we got the right codec
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-      codec_observer.incomingCodec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8,
-      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  // Clean up
-  error = codec_interface->DeregisterEncoderObserver(video_channel);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = codec_interface->DeregisterDecoderObserver(video_channel);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-      codec_observer.incomingCodecCalled > 0,
-      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-      codec_observer.incomingRatecalled > 0,
-      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  *number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(
-      codec_observer.outgoingRatecalled > 0,
-      "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-void ViEAutoTest::ViEAutomatedCodecStandardTest(
-    const std::string& i420_video_file,
-    int width,
-    int height,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer) {
-  int ignored = 0;
-  tbInterfaces interfaces = tbInterfaces("ViECodecAutomatedStandardTest",
-                                         ignored);
-  ViEFakeCamera fake_camera(interfaces.ptrViECapture);
-  if (!fake_camera.StartCameraInNewThread(i420_video_file, width, height)) {
-    // No point in continuing if we have no proper video source
-    ViETest::TestError(false, "ERROR: %s at line %d: "
-                       "Could not open input video %s: aborting test...",
-                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i420_video_file.c_str());
-    return;
-  }
-  // Force the codec resolution to what our input video is so we can make
-  // comparisons later. Our comparison algorithms wouldn't like scaling.
-  RunCodecTestInternal(interfaces, ignored, fake_camera.capture_id(),
-                       width, height, local_file_renderer,
-                       remote_file_renderer);
-  fake_camera.StopCamera();
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
 int ViEAutoTest::ViECodecStandardTest()
@@ -333,14 +27,33 @@
     int number_of_errors = 0;
-    tbInterfaces interfaces = tbInterfaces("ViECodecStandardTest",
+    TbInterfaces interfaces = TbInterfaces("ViECodecStandardTest",
-    tbCaptureDevice capture_device =
-        tbCaptureDevice(interfaces, number_of_errors);
-    RunCodecTestInternal(interfaces, number_of_errors, capture_device.captureId,
-                         kDoNotForceResolution, kDoNotForceResolution,
-                         NULL, NULL);
+    TbCaptureDevice capture_device =
+        TbCaptureDevice(interfaces, number_of_errors);
+    int video_channel = -1;
+    int error = interfaces.base->CreateChannel(video_channel);
+    ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    error = interfaces.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_device.captureId,
+                                                     video_channel);
+    ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    ConfigureRtpRtcp(interfaces.rtp_rtcp,
+                     &number_of_errors,
+                     video_channel);
+    RenderInWindow(interfaces.render, &number_of_errors,
+                   capture_device.captureId, _window1, 0);
+    RenderInWindow(interfaces.render, &number_of_errors,
+                   video_channel, _window2, 1);
+    TestCodecs(interfaces, number_of_errors, capture_device.captureId,
+               video_channel, kDoNotForceResolution, kDoNotForceResolution);
     if (number_of_errors > 0)
@@ -374,16 +87,16 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViECodecStandardTest();
         numberOfErrors += ViECodecExternalCodecTest();
-        tbInterfaces interfaces = tbInterfaces("ViECodecExtendedTest",
+        TbInterfaces interfaces = TbInterfaces("ViECodecExtendedTest",
-        webrtc::ViEBase* ptrViEBase = interfaces.ptrViEBase;
-        webrtc::ViECapture* ptrViECapture = interfaces.ptrViECapture;
-        webrtc::ViERender* ptrViERender = interfaces.ptrViERender;
-        webrtc::ViECodec* ptrViECodec = interfaces.ptrViECodec;
-        webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* ptrViERtpRtcp = interfaces.ptrViERtpRtcp;
-        webrtc::ViENetwork* ptrViENetwork = interfaces.ptrViENetwork;
+        webrtc::ViEBase* ptrViEBase = interfaces.base;
+        webrtc::ViECapture* ptrViECapture = interfaces.capture;
+        webrtc::ViERender* ptrViERender = interfaces.render;
+        webrtc::ViECodec* ptrViECodec = interfaces.codec;
+        webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* ptrViERtpRtcp = interfaces.rtp_rtcp;
+        webrtc::ViENetwork* ptrViENetwork =;
-        tbCaptureDevice captureDevice = tbCaptureDevice(interfaces,
+        TbCaptureDevice captureDevice = TbCaptureDevice(interfaces,
         int captureId = captureDevice.captureId;
@@ -526,47 +239,48 @@
         // Create VIE
-        tbInterfaces ViE("ViECodecExtendedTest2", numberOfErrors);
+        TbInterfaces ViE("ViECodecExtendedTest2", numberOfErrors);
         // Create a capture device
-        tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+        TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
         // Create channel 1
         int videoChannel1 = -1;
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->CreateChannel(videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.base->CreateChannel(videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         unsigned short rtpPort1 = 12000;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel1, rtpPort1);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel1,
+                                              rtpPort1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(videoChannel1,
-                                                      "", rtpPort1);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(videoChannel1,
+                                                "", rtpPort1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             videoChannel1, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(videoChannel1, _window1, 0, 0.0,
-                                              0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+        error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(videoChannel1, _window1,
+                                        0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.render->StartRender(videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViEAutotestCodecObserver codecObserver1;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->RegisterEncoderObserver(videoChannel1,
-                                                         codecObserver1);
+        error = ViE.codec->RegisterEncoderObserver(videoChannel1,
+                                                   codecObserver1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel1,
-                                                         codecObserver1);
+        error = ViE.codec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel1,
+                                                   codecObserver1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -575,13 +289,13 @@
         unsigned short codecHeight = 144;
         bool codecSet = false;
         webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec;
-        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.ptrViECodec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
+        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.codec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel1, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel1, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -591,8 +305,7 @@
                 videoCodec.height = codecHeight;
                 videoCodec.startBitrate = 200;
                 videoCodec.maxBitrate = 300;
-                error
-                    = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel1, videoCodec);
+                error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(videoChannel1, videoCodec);
                 numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                      "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -603,73 +316,73 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(codecSet, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Create channel 2, based on channel 1
         int videoChannel2 = -1;
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->CreateChannel(videoChannel2, videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.base->CreateChannel(videoChannel2, videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(videoChannel1 != videoChannel2,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             videoChannel2, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Prepare receive codecs
-        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.ptrViECodec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
+        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.codec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel2, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel2, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViEAutotestCodecObserver codecObserver2;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel2,
-                                                         codecObserver2);
+        error = ViE.codec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel2,
+                                                   codecObserver2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(videoChannel2, _window2, 0, 0.0,
-                                              0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+        error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(videoChannel2, _window2,
+                                        0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(videoChannel2);
+        error = ViE.render->StartRender(videoChannel2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         unsigned short rtpPort2 = 13000;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel2, rtpPort2);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel2,
+                                              rtpPort2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(videoChannel2,
-                                                      "", rtpPort2);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(videoChannel2,
+                                                "", rtpPort2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(videoChannel2);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(videoChannel2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(videoChannel2);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(videoChannel2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log("\nTest using one encoder on several channels");
-        ViETest::Log(
-                     "Channel 1 is rendered in Window1, channel 2 in Window 2."
+        ViETest::Log("Channel 1 is rendered in Window1, channel 2 in Window 2."
                      "\nSending VP8 on both channels");
@@ -686,7 +399,7 @@
             "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Delete the first channel and keep the second
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->DeleteChannel(videoChannel1);
+        error = ViE.base->DeleteChannel(videoChannel1);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -697,62 +410,63 @@
         // Create another channel
         int videoChannel3 = -1;
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->CreateChannel(videoChannel3, videoChannel2);
+        error = ViE.base->CreateChannel(videoChannel3, videoChannel2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(videoChannel3 != videoChannel2,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             videoChannel3, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Prepare receive codecs
-        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.ptrViECodec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
+        for (int idx = 0; idx < ViE.codec->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++)
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->GetCodec(idx, videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel3, videoCodec);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(videoChannel3,
+                                               videoCodec);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViEAutotestCodecObserver codecObserver3;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel3,
-                                                         codecObserver3);
+        error = ViE.codec->RegisterDecoderObserver(videoChannel3,
+                                                   codecObserver3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(videoChannel3, _window1, 0, 0.0,
-                                              0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+        error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(videoChannel3, _window1, 0, 0.0,
+                                        0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(videoChannel3);
+        error = ViE.render->StartRender(videoChannel3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         unsigned short rtpPort3 = 14000;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel3, rtpPort3);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(videoChannel3, rtpPort3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(videoChannel3,
-                                                      "", rtpPort3);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(videoChannel3,
+                                                "", rtpPort3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(videoChannel3);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(videoChannel3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(videoChannel3);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(videoChannel3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->DeleteChannel(videoChannel2);
+        error = ViE.base->DeleteChannel(videoChannel2);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -761,7 +475,7 @@
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->DeleteChannel(videoChannel3);
+        error = ViE.base->DeleteChannel(videoChannel3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -923,18 +637,18 @@
     int numberOfErrors=0;
         int error=0;
-        tbInterfaces ViE("ViEExternalCodec", numberOfErrors);
-        tbCaptureDevice captureDevice(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+        TbInterfaces ViE("ViEExternalCodec", numberOfErrors);
+        TbCaptureDevice captureDevice(ViE, numberOfErrors);
         tbVideoChannel channel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecI420,
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(channel.videoChannel, _window1, 0,
+        error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(channel.videoChannel, _window1, 0,
                                               0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(channel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.render->StartRender(channel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -945,14 +659,14 @@
         ViEExternalCodec* ptrViEExtCodec =
-            ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(ViE.ptrViE);
+            ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(ViE.video_engine);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEExtCodec != NULL,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         webrtc::VideoCodec codecStruct;
-        error=ViE.ptrViECodec->GetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,codecStruct);
+        error=ViE.codec->GetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,codecStruct);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ptrViEExtCodec != NULL,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -978,8 +692,8 @@
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
             // Use new external encoder
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,
-                                                  codecStruct);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,
+                                            codecStruct);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -991,8 +705,8 @@
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(channel.videoChannel,
-                                                     codecStruct);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(channel.videoChannel,
+                                               codecStruct);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -1076,8 +790,8 @@
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetReceiveCodec(channel.videoChannel,
-                                                     codecStruct);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetReceiveCodec(channel.videoChannel,
+                                               codecStruct);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -1089,8 +803,8 @@
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
             // Use new external encoder
-            error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,
-                                                  codecStruct);
+            error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(channel.videoChannel,
+                                            codecStruct);
             numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                                  "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                                  __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -1180,151 +894,3 @@
     return 0;
-void ViEAutoTest::RunCodecTestInternal(
-    const tbInterfaces& interfaces,
-    int & number_of_errors,
-    int capture_id,
-    int forced_codec_width,
-    int forced_codec_height,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
-    ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer) {
-  webrtc::VideoEngine *video_engine_interface = interfaces.ptrViE;
-  webrtc::ViEBase *base_interface = interfaces.ptrViEBase;
-  webrtc::ViECapture *capture_interface = interfaces.ptrViECapture;
-  webrtc::ViERender *render_interface = interfaces.ptrViERender;
-  webrtc::ViECodec *codec_interface = interfaces.ptrViECodec;
-  webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP *rtcp_interface = interfaces.ptrViERtpRtcp;
-  webrtc::ViENetwork *network_interface = interfaces.ptrViENetwork;
-  int video_channel = -1;
-  int error = base_interface->CreateChannel(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = capture_interface->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_id, video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = rtcp_interface->SetRTCPStatus(video_channel,
-                                        webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = rtcp_interface->
-      SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(video_channel,
-                               webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = rtcp_interface->SetTMMBRStatus(video_channel, true);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  if (local_file_renderer && remote_file_renderer) {
-    RenderToFile(render_interface, capture_id, local_file_renderer);
-    RenderToFile(render_interface, video_channel, remote_file_renderer);
-  } else {
-    RenderInWindow(render_interface, &number_of_errors,
-                   capture_id, _window1, 0);
-    RenderInWindow(render_interface, &number_of_errors,
-                   video_channel, _window2, 1);
-  }
-  // ***************************************************************
-  // Engine ready. Begin testing class
-  // ***************************************************************
-  webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec;
-  webrtc::VideoCodec vp8_codec;
-  memset(&video_codec, 0, sizeof (webrtc::VideoCodec));
-  memset(&vp8_codec,   0, sizeof (webrtc::VideoCodec));
-  // Set up all receive codecs. This sets up a mapping in the codec interface
-  // which makes it able to recognize all receive codecs based on payload type.
-  for (int idx = 0; idx < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); idx++) {
-    error = codec_interface->GetCodec(idx, video_codec);
-    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    SetSuitableResolution(&video_codec,
-                          forced_codec_width,
-                          forced_codec_height);
-    error = codec_interface->SetReceiveCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
-    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  const char *ip_address = "";
-  const unsigned short rtp_port = 6000;
-  error = network_interface->SetLocalReceiver(video_channel, rtp_port);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = base_interface->StartReceive(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = network_interface->SetSendDestination(video_channel, ip_address,
-                                                rtp_port);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = base_interface->StartSend(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  // Run all found codecs
-  webrtc::ViEImageProcess *image_process =
-      webrtc::ViEImageProcess::GetInterface(video_engine_interface);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                         "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  ViETest::Log("Loop through all codecs for %d seconds",
-               KAutoTestSleepTimeMs / 1000);
-  for (int i = 0; i < codec_interface->NumberOfCodecs(); i++) {
-    error = codec_interface->GetCodec(i, video_codec);
-    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                           "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    if (video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecMPEG4 ||
-        video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecRED ||
-        video_codec.codecType == webrtc::kVideoCodecULPFEC) {
-      ViETest::Log("\t %d. %s not tested", i, video_codec.plName);
-    } else {
-      ViETest::Log("\t %d. %s", i, video_codec.plName);
-      SetSuitableResolution(&video_codec,
-                            forced_codec_width, forced_codec_height);
-      TestCodecImageProcess(video_codec, codec_interface, video_channel,
-                            &number_of_errors, image_process);
-    }
-  }
-  image_process->Release();
-  TestCodecCallbacks(base_interface, codec_interface, video_channel,
-                     &number_of_errors, forced_codec_width,
-                     forced_codec_height);
-  ViETest::Log("Done!");
-  // ***************************************************************
-  // Testing finished. Tear down Video Engine
-  // ***************************************************************
-  error = base_interface->StopSend(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = base_interface->StopReceive(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = render_interface->StopRender(capture_id);
-    number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                           __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = render_interface->StopRender(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(capture_id);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = render_interface->RemoveRenderer(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = capture_interface->DisconnectCaptureDevice(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-  error = base_interface->DeleteChannel(video_channel);
-  number_of_errors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 4a08247..59c90ee 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -88,30 +88,30 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -129,57 +129,57 @@
         4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
     // Encryption only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP encryption only");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Authentication only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                    webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20,
-                                                    4, webrtc::kAuthentication,
-                                                    srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                              webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20,
+                                              4, webrtc::kAuthentication,
+                                              srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                 webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4,
-                                                 webrtc::kAuthentication,
-                                                 srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                           webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4,
+                                           webrtc::kAuthentication,
+                                           srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP authentication only");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Full protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -187,25 +187,25 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP full protection");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
 #endif  // WEBRTC_SRTP
     // External encryption
     ViEAutotestEncryption testEncryption;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, testEncryption);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         "External encryption/decryption added, you should still see video");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.encryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -248,29 +248,29 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionExtendedTest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionExtendedTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -290,81 +290,81 @@
     {   9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6,
         5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
     // NULL
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                    webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
-                                                    webrtc::kNoProtection,
-                                                    srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                              webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
+                                              webrtc::kNoProtection,
+                                              srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                 webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
-                                                 webrtc::kNoProtection,
-                                                 srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                           webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
+                                           webrtc::kNoProtection,
+                                           srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP NULL encryption/authentication");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Encryption only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP encryption only");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Authentication only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                    webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20,
-                                                    4, webrtc::kAuthentication,
-                                                    srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                              webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20,
+                                              4, webrtc::kAuthentication,
+                                              srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
-                                                 webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4,
-                                                 webrtc::kAuthentication,
-                                                 srtpKey1);
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
+                                           webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4,
+                                           webrtc::kAuthentication,
+                                           srtpKey1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP authentication only");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Full protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -372,21 +372,21 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("SRTP full protection");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Change receive key, but not send key...
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@
     // Change send key too
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@
     ViETest::Log("\nSRTP send key changed too, you should see remote video "
                  "again with some decoding artefacts at start");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Disable receive, keep send
     ViETest::Log("SRTP receive disabled , you shouldn't see any video");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -425,17 +425,15 @@
     // External encryption
     ViEAutotestEncryption testEncryption;
-    error
-        = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
-            tbChannel.videoChannel, testEncryption);
+    error = ViE.encryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                       testEncryption);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         "External encryption/decryption added, you should still see video");
-    error
-        = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
-            tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
+        tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -481,12 +479,12 @@
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionAPITest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViEEncryptionAPITest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
     // Connect to channel
@@ -500,66 +498,66 @@
     // Incorrect input argument, complete protection not enabled
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kNoProtection, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Incorrect cipher key length
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 15,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 257,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherNull, 15, webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1,
         20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherNull, 257, webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1,
         20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Incorrect auth key length
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode,
         30, webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 21, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 257, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 21, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 20, 13, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -567,7 +565,7 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // NULL input
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -575,105 +573,105 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Double enable and disable
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // No protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                  webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                  webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Authentication only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                  webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                  webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                  webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                  webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 1, 4,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                  webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                  webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 20,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                  webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                  webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 1, 1,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Encryption only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 16,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Full protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -682,66 +680,66 @@
     // Incorrect input argument, complete protection not enabled
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kNoProtection, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Incorrect cipher key length
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 15,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 257,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherNull, 15, webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1,
         20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherNull, 257, webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1,
         20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Incorrect auth key length
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 21, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 257, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 21, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 20, 13, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -749,7 +747,7 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // NULL input
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
@@ -757,34 +755,34 @@
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Double enable and disable
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPSend(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPSend(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // No protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                     webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                     webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -792,66 +790,66 @@
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                     webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                     webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 1, 4,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                     webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                     webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20,
                                                     20, webrtc::kAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                     webrtc::kCipherNull, 0,
                                                     webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 1, 1,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Encryption only
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 16,
         webrtc::kAuthNull, 0, 0, webrtc::kEncryption, srtpKey);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Full protection
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
+    error = ViE.encryption->EnableSRTPReceive(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kCipherAes128CounterMode, 30,
         webrtc::kAuthHmacSha1, 20, 4, webrtc::kEncryptionAndAuthentication,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.encryption->DisableSRTPReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
 #endif //WEBRTC_SRTP
@@ -860,19 +858,19 @@
     ViEAutotestEncryption testEncryption;
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.encryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, testEncryption);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.encryption->RegisterExternalEncryption(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, testEncryption);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.encryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEEncryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
+    error = ViE.encryption->DeregisterExternalEncryption(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 2b9137d..b6fdd26 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@
         ViETest::Log("Starting a loopback call...");
-        tbInterfaces interfaces = tbInterfaces("ViEFileStandardTest",
+        TbInterfaces interfaces = TbInterfaces("ViEFileStandardTest",
-        webrtc::VideoEngine* ptrViE = interfaces.ptrViE;
-        webrtc::ViEBase* ptrViEBase = interfaces.ptrViEBase;
-        webrtc::ViECapture* ptrViECapture = interfaces.ptrViECapture;
-        webrtc::ViERender* ptrViERender = interfaces.ptrViERender;
-        webrtc::ViECodec* ptrViECodec = interfaces.ptrViECodec;
-        webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* ptrViERtpRtcp = interfaces.ptrViERtpRtcp;
-        webrtc::ViENetwork* ptrViENetwork = interfaces.ptrViENetwork;
+        webrtc::VideoEngine* ptrViE = interfaces.video_engine;
+        webrtc::ViEBase* ptrViEBase = interfaces.base;
+        webrtc::ViECapture* ptrViECapture = interfaces.capture;
+        webrtc::ViERender* ptrViERender = interfaces.render;
+        webrtc::ViECodec* ptrViECodec = interfaces.codec;
+        webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* ptrViERtpRtcp = interfaces.rtp_rtcp;
+        webrtc::ViENetwork* ptrViENetwork =;
-        tbCaptureDevice captureDevice = tbCaptureDevice(interfaces,
+        TbCaptureDevice captureDevice = TbCaptureDevice(interfaces,
         int captureId = captureDevice.captureId;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 0d584be..3cd49fa 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
     int rtpPort = 6000;
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViEImageProcessAPITest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViEImageProcessAPITest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
@@ -66,21 +66,21 @@
     MyEffectFilter effectFilter;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -93,9 +93,8 @@
-    error
-        = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
-            tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(tbCapture.captureId,
+                                                           effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -103,12 +102,12 @@
                  "affects both windows");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -118,11 +117,11 @@
     ViETest::Log("Only Window 2 should be black and white");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -134,16 +133,16 @@
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel2.videoChannel, _window1, 1,
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel2.videoChannel, _window1, 1,
                                           0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel2.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel2.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@
     ViETest::Log("Local renderer removed, added new channel and rendering in "
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
         tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -160,12 +159,12 @@
                  "affects both windows");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@
                  "should be black and white");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -239,9 +238,9 @@
     int error = 0;
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViEImageProcessAPITest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViEImageProcessAPITest", numberOfErrors);
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
@@ -251,26 +250,26 @@
     // Capture effect filter
     // Add effect filter
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
         tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Add again -> error
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
         tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Double deregister
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterCaptureEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Non-existing capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterCaptureEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -278,24 +277,24 @@
     // Render effect filter
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterRenderEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // Non-existing channel id
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterRenderEffectFilter(
         tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -303,23 +302,23 @@
     // Send effect filter
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->DeregisterSendEffectFilter(
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
+    error = ViE.image_process->RegisterSendEffectFilter(
         tbCapture.captureId, effectFilter);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -327,19 +326,19 @@
     // Denoising
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, true);
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, true);
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, false);
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, false);
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDenoising(tbCapture.captureId, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDenoising(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDenoising(tbChannel.videoChannel,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -347,23 +346,23 @@
     // Deflickering
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDeflickering(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableDeflickering(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableDeflickering(tbChannel.videoChannel,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -371,27 +370,27 @@
     // Color enhancement
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEImageProcess->EnableColorEnhancement(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.image_process->EnableColorEnhancement(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 197d600..4b7e055 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
     // Setting External transport
-    tbExternalTransport extTransport(*(ptrViENetwork));
+    TbExternalTransport extTransport(*(ptrViENetwork));
     int testMode = 0;
     std::cout << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index ec42665..8e78f9f 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
     int error = 0;
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkStandardTest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkStandardTest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@
         tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2,
-                                              1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+        error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2,
+                                        1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -83,40 +83,40 @@
         // Transport
-        tbExternalTransport testTransport(*ViE.ptrViENetwork);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         testTransport);
+        TbExternalTransport testTransport(*;
+        error =>RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                   testTransport);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error= ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error= ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
-                                                     "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+                                             "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                                             __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log("Call started using external transport, video should "
             "see video in both windows\n");
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(
+        error =>DeregisterSendTransport(
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
@@ -126,23 +126,23 @@
         memset(myIpAddress, 0, 64);
         unsigned short rtpPort = 1234;
         memcpy(myIpAddress, "", sizeof(""));
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
-                                                    myIpAddress);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
+                                              myIpAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      myIpAddress, rtpPort,
-                                                      rtpPort + 1, rtpPort);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                myIpAddress, rtpPort,
+                                                rtpPort + 1, rtpPort);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -151,27 +151,27 @@
                      "video in both windows\n");
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort + 10, rtpPort + 11,
-                                                   myIpAddress);
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort + 10, rtpPort + 11,
+                                             myIpAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log("Added UDP port filter for incorrect ports, you should "
-            "not see video in Window2");
+                     "not see video in Window2");
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
-                                                   "");
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
+                                             "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log("Added IP filter for incorrect IP address, you should not "
                      "see video in Window2");
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
-                                                   myIpAddress);
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
+                                             myIpAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@
     int error = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkExtendedTest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkExtendedTest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -236,14 +236,14 @@
         bool useSetSockOpt = false;
         webrtc::VideoCodec videoCodec;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->GetSendCodec(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                              videoCodec);
+        error = ViE.codec->GetSendCodec(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        videoCodec);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         videoCodec.maxFramerate = 5;
-        error = ViE.ptrViECodec->SetSendCodec(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                              videoCodec);
+        error = ViE.codec->SetSendCodec(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        videoCodec);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -255,25 +255,25 @@
         char myIpAddress[64];
         memset(myIpAddress, 0, 64);
         unsigned short rtpPort = 9000;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetLocalIP(myIpAddress, false);
+        error =>GetLocalIP(myIpAddress, false);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
-                                                    myIpAddress);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              rtpPort, rtpPort + 1,
+                                              myIpAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      remoteIp, rtpPort,
-                                                      rtpPort + 1, rtpPort);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                remoteIp, rtpPort,
+                                                rtpPort + 1, rtpPort);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // ToS
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 2);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 2);
         if (error != 0)
             ViETest::Log("ViESetSendToS error!.");
@@ -286,17 +286,17 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -306,40 +306,40 @@
         ViETest::Log(" DSCP set to 0x%x\n", DSCP);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 63);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 63);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log(" DSCP set to 0x%x\n", DSCP);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 2, true);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 2, true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViETest::Log(" DSCP set to 0x%x\n", DSCP);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 63, true);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 63, true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
     int error = 0;
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkAPITest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViENetworkAPITest", numberOfErrors); // Create VIE
         // Create a video channel
         tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
@@ -397,87 +397,87 @@
         // External transport
-        tbExternalTransport testTransport(*ViE.ptrViENetwork);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         testTransport);
+        TbExternalTransport testTransport(*;
+        error =>RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                   testTransport);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         testTransport);
+        error =>RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                   testTransport);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         unsigned char packet[1500];
         packet[0] = 0x80; // V=2, P=0, X=0, CC=0
         packet[1] = 0x78; // M=0, PT = 120 (VP8)
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 1500);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 1500);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTCPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      packet, 1500);
+        error =>ReceivedRTCPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                packet, 1500);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 1500);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 1500);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTCPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      packet, 1500);
+        error =>ReceivedRTCPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                packet, 1500);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 11);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 11);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 11);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 11);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 3000);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 3000);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     packet, 3000);
+        error =>ReceivedRTPPacket(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               packet, 3000);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(
+        error =>DeregisterSendTransport(
             tbChannel.videoChannel); // Sending
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(
+        error =>DeregisterSendTransport(
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(
+        error =>DeregisterSendTransport(
             tbChannel.videoChannel); // Already deregistered
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
@@ -492,18 +492,18 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);*/
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1234, 1235, "");
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1234, 1235, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1234, 1235, "");
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1234, 1235, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1236, 1237, "");
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1236, 1237, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -511,28 +511,28 @@
         unsigned short rtcpPort = 0;
         char ipAddress[64];
         memset(ipAddress, 0, 64);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    rtpPort, rtcpPort,
-                                                    ipAddress);
+        error =>GetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              rtpPort, rtcpPort,
+                                              ipAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1234, 1235, "");
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1234, 1235, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    rtpPort, rtcpPort,
-                                                    ipAddress);
+        error =>GetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              rtpPort, rtcpPort,
+                                              ipAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -540,68 +540,68 @@
         // Send destination
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      "", 1234, 1235,
-                                                      1234, 1235);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                "", 1234, 1235,
+                                                1234, 1235);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      "", 1236, 1237,
-                                                      1234, 1235);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                "", 1236, 1237,
+                                                1234, 1235);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         unsigned short sourceRtpPort = 0;
         unsigned short sourceRtcpPort = 0;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      ipAddress, rtpPort,
-                                                      rtcpPort, sourceRtpPort,
-                                                      sourceRtcpPort);
+        error =>GetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                ipAddress, rtpPort,
+                                                rtcpPort, sourceRtpPort,
+                                                sourceRtcpPort);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Not allowed while sending
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      "", 1234, 1235,
-                                                      1234, 1235);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                "", 1234, 1235,
+                                                1234, 1235);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(ViE.ptrViEBase->LastError()
-            == kViENetworkAlreadySending, "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-                                             __LINE__);
+        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
+            ViE.base->LastError() == kViENetworkAlreadySending,
+            "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      "", 1234, 1235,
-                                                      1234, 1235);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                "", 1234, 1235,
+                                                1234, 1235);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      ipAddress, rtpPort,
-                                                      rtcpPort, sourceRtpPort,
-                                                      sourceRtcpPort);
+        error =>GetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                ipAddress, rtpPort,
+                                                rtcpPort, sourceRtpPort,
+                                                sourceRtcpPort);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
         // GetSourceInfo: Tested in functional test
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetLocalIP(ipAddress, false);
+        error =>GetLocalIP(ipAddress, false);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -620,41 +620,41 @@
         // Filter
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
+        error =>GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   1234, 1235, "");
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             1234, 1235, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   1236, 1237, "");
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             1236, 1237, "");
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
+        error =>GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0,
-                                                   0, NULL);
+        error =>SetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0,
+                                             0, NULL);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                   rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
+        error =>GetSourceFilter(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             rtpPort, rtcpPort, ipAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors); // Create a video channel
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1234);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1234);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -662,43 +662,43 @@
         int DSCP = 0;
         bool useSetSockOpt = false;
         // SetSockOpt should work without a locally bind socket
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(DSCP == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Invalid input
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, -1, true);        
-		numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, -1, true);
+        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Invalid input
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 64, true);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 64, true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Valid
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 20, true);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 20, true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt);
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((DSCP == 20 && useSetSockOpt
             == true), "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Disable
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, true);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt);
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -708,35 +708,35 @@
         char myIpAddress[64];
         memset(myIpAddress, 0, 64);
         // Get local ip to be able to set ToS withtou setSockOpt
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetLocalIP(myIpAddress, false);
+        error =>GetLocalIP(myIpAddress, false);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
                                                     1234, 1235, myIpAddress);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Invalid input
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, -1,
-                                              false);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, -1,
+                                        false);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 64,
-                                              false); // Invalid input
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 64,
+                                        false); // Invalid input
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt); // No ToS set
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(DSCP == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 20,
-                                              false); // Valid
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 20,
+                                        false); // Valid
         if (error != 0)
             ViETest::Log("ViESetSendToS error!.");
@@ -749,8 +749,8 @@
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
-                                              useSetSockOpt);
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+                                        useSetSockOpt);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -765,11 +765,11 @@
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, false);
+        error =>SetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, false);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
+        error =>GetSendToS(tbChannel.videoChannel, DSCP,
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
@@ -801,82 +801,82 @@
 #if defined(_WIN32)
         // No socket
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    1234);
+        error =>SetLocalReceiver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              1234);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Sender not initialized
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      "", 12345);
+        error =>SetSendDestination(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                "", 12345);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Try to set all non-supported service types
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NOTRAFFIC);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NOTRAFFIC);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_GENERAL_INFORMATION);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_GENERAL_INFORMATION);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NOCHANGE);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NOCHANGE);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NONCONFORMING);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NONCONFORMING);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NOTRAFFIC);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NOTRAFFIC);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_NETWORK_CONTROL);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_NETWORK_CONTROL);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICE_BESTEFFORT);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICE_BESTEFFORT);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICE_CONTROLLEDLOAD);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICE_CONTROLLEDLOAD);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICE_GUARANTEED);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICE_GUARANTEED);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICE_QUALITATIVE);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICE_QUALITATIVE);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -886,78 +886,82 @@
         int serviceType = 0;
         int overrideDSCP = 0;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(enabled == false,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((enabled == true && serviceType
-            == SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT && overrideDSCP == false),
-                                             "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                             __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_CONTROLLEDLOAD);
+        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
+            (enabled == true &&
+                serviceType == SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT &&
+                overrideDSCP == false),
+            "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_CONTROLLEDLOAD);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((enabled == true && serviceType
-            == SERVICETYPE_CONTROLLEDLOAD && overrideDSCP == false),
-                                             "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                             __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_GUARANTEED);
+        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
+            (enabled == true &&
+                serviceType == SERVICETYPE_CONTROLLEDLOAD &&
+                overrideDSCP == false),
+            "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_GUARANTEED);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
             (enabled == true
-             && serviceType == SERVICETYPE_GUARANTEED
-             && overrideDSCP == false),
-             "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE);
+                && serviceType == SERVICETYPE_GUARANTEED
+                && overrideDSCP == false),
+                "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((enabled == true && serviceType
-            == SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE && overrideDSCP == false),
-                                             "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                             __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, false,
-                                               SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE);
+        numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
+            (enabled == true &&
+                serviceType == SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE &&
+                overrideDSCP == false),
+            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+        error =>SetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, false,
+                                         SERVICETYPE_QUALITATIVE);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
-                                               serviceType, overrideDSCP);
+        error =>GetSendGQoS(tbChannel.videoChannel, enabled,
+                                         serviceType, overrideDSCP);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -973,12 +977,12 @@
         // Create a video channel
         tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors);
         // Invalid input
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetMTU(tbChannel.videoChannel, 1600);
+        error =>SetMTU(tbChannel.videoChannel, 1600);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Invalid input
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetMTU(tbChannel.videoChannel, 800);
+        error =>SetMTU(tbChannel.videoChannel, 800);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -987,38 +991,38 @@
         // Observer and timeout
         ViEAutoTestNetworkObserver vieTestObserver;
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    vieTestObserver);
+        error =>RegisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              vieTestObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    vieTestObserver);
+        error =>RegisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                              vieTestObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
+        error =>SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, true); // No observer
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error =>DeregisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error =>DeregisterObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
+        error =>SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, true); // No observer
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         // Packet timout notification
-        error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->SetPacketTimeoutNotification(
+        error =>SetPacketTimeoutNotification(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, true, 10);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index b0dcbb1..9308c18 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -91,38 +91,38 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     int rtpPort = 6000;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViERender", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViERenderStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors); // Create a capture device
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors); // Create a capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -130,26 +130,26 @@
     ViETest::Log("Remote stream is renderered in Window 2");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     // PIP and full screen rendering is not supported on Android
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window2, 0,
-                                          0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window2, 0,
+                                    0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@
                  KAutoTestSleepTimeMs / 1000);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -176,34 +176,34 @@
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(_vrm1 != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window1, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window1, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -256,38 +256,38 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     int rtpPort = 6000;
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViERender_API", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViERenderExtendedTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors); // Create a capture device
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors); // Create a capture device
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
-                                          0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel, _window2, 1,
+                                    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -298,72 +298,72 @@
 #ifdef _WIN32
     ViETest::Log("\nConfiguring Window2");
     ViETest::Log("you will see video only in first quadrant");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.0f,
-                                              0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
+    error = ViE.render->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.0f,
+                                        0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("you will see video only in fourth quadrant");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.5f,
-                                              0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+    error = ViE.render->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.5f,
+                                        0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("normal video on Window2");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.0f,
-                                              0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+    error = ViE.render->ConfigureRender(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0, 0.0f,
+                                        0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("Mirroring Local Preview (Window1) Left-Right");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, true,
-                                                 false, true);
+    error = ViE.render->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, true,
+                                           false, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("\nMirroring Local Preview (Window1) Left-Right and Up-Down");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, true,
-                                                 true, true);
+    error = ViE.render->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, true,
+                                           true, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("\nMirroring Remote Window(Window2) Up-Down");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->MirrorRenderStream(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
-                                                 true, false);
+    error = ViE.render->MirrorRenderStream(tbChannel.videoChannel, true,
+                                           true, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("Disabling Mirroing on Window1 and Window2");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, false,
-                                                 false, false);
+    error = ViE.render->MirrorRenderStream(tbCapture.captureId, false,
+                                           false, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->MirrorRenderStream(tbChannel.videoChannel, false,
-                                                 false, false);
+    error = ViE.render->MirrorRenderStream(tbChannel.videoChannel, false,
+                                           false, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("\nEnabling Full Screen render in 5 sec");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm2);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -375,19 +375,19 @@
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(_vrm1 != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
-                                          0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId, _window1, 0,
+                                    0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
     ViETest::Log("\nStop renderer");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
     ViETest::Log("\nRemove renderer");
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -417,30 +417,30 @@
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(_vrm1 != NULL, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->RegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     ViETest::Log("\nExternal Render Test");
     ViEAutoTestExternalRenderer externalRenderObj;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId,
+    error = ViE.render->AddRenderer(tbCapture.captureId,
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StartRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->StopRender(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
+    error = ViE.render->RemoveRenderer(tbCapture.captureId);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERender->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
+    error = ViE.render->DeRegisterVideoRenderModule(*_vrm1);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index 8e01fcc..e099335 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -102,19 +102,19 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    tbExternalTransport myTransport(*(ViE.ptrViENetwork));
+    TbExternalTransport myTransport(*(;
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     myTransport);
+    error =>RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               myTransport);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -124,18 +124,18 @@
     unsigned short startSequenceNumber = 12345;
     ViETest::Log("Set start sequence number: %u", startSequenceNumber);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      startSequenceNumber);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                 startSequenceNumber);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
         receivedSequenceNumber == startSequenceNumber, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -157,21 +157,20 @@
     ViETest::Log("Testing CName\n");
     const char* sendCName = "ViEAutoTestCName\0";
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, sendCName);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, sendCName);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     char returnCName[webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::KMaxRTCPCNameLength];
     memset(returnCName, 0, webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::KMaxRTCPCNameLength);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                            returnCName);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, returnCName);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((strcmp(sendCName, returnCName) == 0),
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -179,8 +178,8 @@
     char remoteCName[webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::KMaxRTCPCNameLength];
     memset(remoteCName, 0, webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::KMaxRTCPCNameLength);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRemoteRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                  remoteCName);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRemoteRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                             remoteCName);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((strcmp(sendCName, remoteCName) == 0),
@@ -192,11 +191,11 @@
     // Stop and restart to clear stats
     ViETest::Log("Testing statistics\n");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -206,16 +205,16 @@
     // Start send to verify sending stats
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      startSequenceNumber);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                 startSequenceNumber);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -237,11 +236,11 @@
     unsigned int sentFecBitrate = 0;
     unsigned int sentNackBitrate = 0;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 sentTotalBitrate,
-                                                 sentVideoBitrate,
-                                                 sentFecBitrate,
-                                                 sentNackBitrate);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                            sentTotalBitrate,
+                                            sentVideoBitrate,
+                                            sentFecBitrate,
+                                            sentNackBitrate);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -251,28 +250,30 @@
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetSentRTCPStatistics(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     sentFractionsLost,
-                                                     sentCumulativeLost,
-                                                     sentExtendedMax,
-                                                     sentJitter, sentRttMs);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetSentRTCPStatistics(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                sentFractionsLost,
+                                                sentCumulativeLost,
+                                                sentExtendedMax,
+                                                sentJitter,
+                                                sentRttMs);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((sentCumulativeLost > 0
         && sentExtendedMax > startSequenceNumber && sentJitter > 0 && sentRttMs
         > 0), "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetReceivedRTCPStatistics(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         recFractionsLost,
-                                                         recCumulativeLost,
-                                                         recExtendedMax,
-                                                         recJitter, recRttMs);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetReceivedRTCPStatistics(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    recFractionsLost,
+                                                    recCumulativeLost,
+                                                    recExtendedMax,
+                                                    recJitter,
+                                                    recRttMs);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
@@ -286,7 +287,7 @@
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -297,25 +298,24 @@
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetFECStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                            true, 96, 97);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetFECStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, true, 96, 97);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 sentTotalBitrate,
-                                                 sentVideoBitrate,
-                                                 sentFecBitrate,
-                                                 sentNackBitrate);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                            sentTotalBitrate,
+                                            sentVideoBitrate,
+                                            sentFecBitrate,
+                                            sentNackBitrate);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -325,27 +325,26 @@
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetFECStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                            false, 96, 97);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, true);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetFECStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, false, 96, 97);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, true);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 sentTotalBitrate,
-                                                 sentVideoBitrate,
-                                                 sentFecBitrate,
-                                                 sentNackBitrate);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetBandwidthUsage(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                            sentTotalBitrate,
+                                            sentVideoBitrate,
+                                            sentFecBitrate,
+                                            sentNackBitrate);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -357,11 +356,11 @@
     //                                      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, false);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, false);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -369,10 +368,10 @@
     // Keepalive
     ViETest::Log("Testing RTP keep alive...\n");
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -381,17 +380,19 @@
     const char keepAlivePT = 109;
     unsigned int deltaTimeSeconds = 2;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     true, keepAlivePT,
-                                                     deltaTimeSeconds);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                true,
+                                                keepAlivePT,
+                                                deltaTimeSeconds);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     false, keepAlivePT,
-                                                     deltaTimeSeconds);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                false,
+                                                keepAlivePT,
+                                                deltaTimeSeconds);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -408,15 +409,15 @@
     // Test to set SSRC
     unsigned int setSSRC = 0x01234567;
     ViETest::Log("Set SSRC %u", setSSRC);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, setSSRC);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, setSSRC);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@
     unsigned int localSSRC = 0;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, localSSRC);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, localSSRC);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(localSSRC == setSSRC,
@@ -438,15 +439,14 @@
     unsigned int remoteSSRC = 0;
-    error
-        = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRemoteSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, remoteSSRC);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRemoteSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, remoteSSRC);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(remoteSSRC == setSSRC,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -461,33 +461,35 @@
     const char* outDumpName = "OutgoingRTPDump.rtp";
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel, inDumpName,
-                                            webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                       inDumpName,
+                                       webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                            outDumpName, webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                       outDumpName,
+                                       webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                           webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                      webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                           webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                      webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -508,7 +510,7 @@
     // Deregister external transport
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error =>DeregisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -552,27 +554,27 @@
     numberOfErrors = ViERtpRtcpStandardTest();
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpStandardTest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpExtendedTest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
-    tbExternalTransport myTransport(*(ViE.ptrViENetwork));
+    TbExternalTransport myTransport(*(;
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                     myTransport);
+    error =>RegisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               myTransport);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -587,8 +589,8 @@
     ViERtcpObserver rtcpObserver;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                    rtcpObserver);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                               rtcpObserver);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -597,7 +599,7 @@
     const char* data = "ViEAutoTest Data of length 32 --";
     const unsigned short numBytes = 32;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
         tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, data, numBytes);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -617,14 +619,14 @@
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopReceive(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error = ViE.base->StopSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViENetwork->DeregisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+    error =>DeregisterSendTransport(tbChannel.videoChannel);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -661,11 +663,11 @@
     int numberOfErrors = 0;
     // Create VIE
-    tbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpAPITest", numberOfErrors);
+    TbInterfaces ViE("ViERtpRtcpAPITest", numberOfErrors);
     // Create a video channel
     tbVideoChannel tbChannel(ViE, numberOfErrors, webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8);
     // Create a capture device
-    tbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
+    TbCaptureDevice tbCapture(ViE, numberOfErrors);
@@ -677,44 +679,48 @@
     // Check different RTCP modes
     webrtc::ViERTCPMode rtcpMode = webrtc::kRtcpNone;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, rtcpMode);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        rtcpMode);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
         rtcpMode == webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585,
         "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                             webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, rtcpMode);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        rtcpMode);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
         rtcpMode == webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585,
         "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                             webrtc::kRtcpNonCompound_RFC5506);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        webrtc::kRtcpNonCompound_RFC5506);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, rtcpMode);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        rtcpMode);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(
         rtcpMode == webrtc::kRtcpNonCompound_RFC5506, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                             webrtc::kRtcpNone);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        webrtc::kRtcpNone);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, rtcpMode);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        rtcpMode);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(rtcpMode == webrtc::kRtcpNone,
                                          "ERROR: %s at line %d", __FUNCTION__,
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                             webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                        webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -723,13 +729,13 @@
     // Start sequence number is tested in SimplTEst
     const char* testCName = "ViEAutotestCName";
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, testCName);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                       testCName);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     char returnCName[256];
     memset(returnCName, 0, 256);
-    error
-        = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, returnCName);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPCName(tbChannel.videoChannel, returnCName);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((strcmp(testCName, returnCName) == 0),
@@ -739,25 +745,25 @@
     // SSRC
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0x01234567);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                       0x01234567);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, 0x76543210);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                       0x76543210);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     unsigned int ssrc = 0;
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, ssrc);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetLocalSSRC(tbChannel.videoChannel, ssrc);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      1000);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel, 1000);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      12345);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel, 12345);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -765,17 +771,14 @@
     // Start sequence number
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      12345);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel, 12345);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      1000);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel, 1000);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-    error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                      12345);
+    error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetStartSequenceNumber(tbChannel.videoChannel, 12345);
     numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                          __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -790,38 +793,38 @@
         const unsigned short numBytes = 32;
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, data, numBytes);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, NULL, numBytes);
         // NULL input
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, data, numBytes - 1);
         // incorrect length
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 rtcpMode);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                            rtcpMode);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, data, numBytes);
         // RTCP off
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                 webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                            webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, subType, name, data, numBytes);
         // Not sending
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error != 0,
@@ -844,60 +847,56 @@
         bool enabled = false;
         char getPT = 0;
         unsigned int getDeltaTime = 0;
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         true, 119);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    true, 119);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         true, setPT,
-                                                         setDeltaTime);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    true, setPT, setDeltaTime);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         false, setPT,
-                                                         setDeltaTime);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    false, setPT, setDeltaTime);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         true, setPT,
-                                                         setDeltaTime);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    true, setPT, setDeltaTime);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->GetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         enabled, getPT,
-                                                         getDeltaTime);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->GetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    enabled, getPT,
+                                                    getDeltaTime);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError((enabled == true && setPT == getPT
-                                              && setDeltaTime == getDeltaTime),
-                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
-                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+            && setDeltaTime == getDeltaTime),
+            "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+            __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViEBase->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.base->StartSend(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         true, setPT,
-                                                         setDeltaTime);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    true, setPT, setDeltaTime);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         enabled, getPT, 0);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    enabled, getPT, 0);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                         enabled, getPT, 61);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetRTPKeepAliveStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                    enabled, getPT, 61);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -911,40 +910,42 @@
         const char* dumpName = "DumpFileName.rtp";
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                dumpName, webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           dumpName,
+                                           webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                               webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                          webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                               webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                          webrtc::kRtpIncoming);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                dumpName, webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           dumpName,
+                                           webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                               webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                          webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                               webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StopRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                          webrtc::kRtpOutgoing);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                dumpName,
-                                                (webrtc::RTPDirections) 3);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->StartRTPDump(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                           dumpName,
+                                           (webrtc::RTPDirections) 3);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -954,45 +955,43 @@
         ViERtpObserver rtpObserver;
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->RegisterRTPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                       rtpObserver);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->RegisterRTPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                  rtpObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->RegisterRTPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                       rtpObserver);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->RegisterRTPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                  rtpObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->DeregisterRTPObserver(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->DeregisterRTPObserver(
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->DeregisterRTPObserver(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->DeregisterRTPObserver(
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         ViERtcpObserver rtcpObserver;
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                        rtcpObserver);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                   rtcpObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel,
-                                                        rtcpObserver);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->
+            RegisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel, rtcpObserver);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->DeregisterRTCPObserver(
-            tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->DeregisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->DeregisterRTCPObserver(
-            tbChannel.videoChannel);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->DeregisterRTCPObserver(tbChannel.videoChannel);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == -1,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@@ -1001,22 +1000,22 @@
     // PLI
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestNone);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
             tbChannel.videoChannel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestNone);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
@@ -1026,7 +1025,8 @@
     // NACK
-        error = ViE.ptrViERtpRtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel, true);
+        error = ViE.rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(tbChannel.videoChannel,
+                                                      true);
         numberOfErrors += ViETest::TestError(error == 0,
                                              "ERROR: %s at line %d",
                                              __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
index df1f352..0e1ddbd 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -8,20 +8,9 @@
  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-// This code is also used as sample code for ViE 3.0
 #include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
 #include "vie_autotest.h"
-// ===================================================================
-// BEGIN: VideoEngine 3.0 Sample Code
 #include "common_types.h"
 #include "voe_base.h"
 #include "vie_base.h"
@@ -316,19 +305,19 @@
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[0].height = 180;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[0].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[0].maxBitrate = 100;
-    videoCodec.simulcastStream[0].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax; 
+    videoCodec.simulcastStream[0].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].width = 640;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].height = 360;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].maxBitrate = 500;
-    videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax; 
+    videoCodec.simulcastStream[1].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].width = 1280;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].height = 720;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
     videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].maxBitrate = 1200;
-    videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax; 
+    videoCodec.simulcastStream[2].qpMax = videoCodec.qpMax;
     // Set start bit rate
     std::string str;
@@ -359,7 +348,7 @@
     // Setting External transport
-    tbExternalTransport extTransport(*(ptrViENetwork));
+    TbExternalTransport extTransport(*(ptrViENetwork));
     error = ptrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(videoChannel,
@@ -408,7 +397,7 @@
     printf("\nSimulcast call started\n\n");
-    do 
+    do
         printf("Enter new SSRC filter 1,2 or 3\n");
         printf("Press enter to stop...");
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0cef00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "vie_comparison_tests.h"
+#include "base_primitives.h"
+#include "codec_primitives.h"
+#include "general_primitives.h"
+#include "tb_interfaces.h"
+#include "vie_autotest_defines.h"
+#include "vie_fake_camera.h"
+#include "vie_to_file_renderer.h"
+ViEComparisonTests::ViEComparisonTests() {
+  ViETest::Init(ViETest::kUseGTestExpectsForTestErrors);
+ViEComparisonTests::~ViEComparisonTests() {
+  ViETest::Terminate();
+void ViEComparisonTests::TestCallSetup(
+    const std::string& i420_test_video_path,
+    int width,
+    int height,
+    ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
+    ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer) {
+  int ignored;
+  TbInterfaces interfaces("TestCallSetup", ignored);
+  int video_channel = -1;
+  int error = interfaces.base->CreateChannel(video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  ViEFakeCamera fake_camera(interfaces.capture);
+  if (!fake_camera.StartCameraInNewThread(i420_test_video_path,
+                                          width,
+                                          height)) {
+    // No point in continuing if we have no proper video source
+    ViETest::TestError(false, "ERROR: %s at line %d: "
+                       "Could not open input video %s: aborting test...",
+                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i420_test_video_path.c_str());
+    return;
+  }
+  int capture_id = fake_camera.capture_id();
+  // Apparently, we need to connect external capture devices, but we should
+  // not start them since the external device is not a proper device.
+  error = interfaces.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_id,
+                                                   video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  ConfigureRtpRtcp(interfaces.rtp_rtcp, &ignored, video_channel);
+  webrtc::ViERender *render_interface = interfaces.render;
+  RenderToFile(render_interface, capture_id, local_file_renderer);
+  RenderToFile(render_interface, video_channel, remote_file_renderer);
+  // Run the test itself:
+  const WebRtc_UWord8* device_name =
+      reinterpret_cast<const WebRtc_UWord8*>("Fake Capture Device");
+  ::TestI420CallSetup(interfaces.codec, interfaces.video_engine,
+                      interfaces.base,,
+                      &ignored, video_channel, device_name);
+  AutoTestSleep(KAutoTestSleepTimeMs);
+  error = interfaces.base->StopReceive(video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  StopAndRemoveRenderers(interfaces.base, render_interface, &ignored,
+                video_channel, capture_id);
+  interfaces.capture->DisconnectCaptureDevice(video_channel);
+  // Stop sending data, clean up the camera thread and release the capture
+  // device. Note that this all happens after StopEverything, so this
+  // tests that the system doesn't mind that the external capture device sends
+  // data after rendering has been stopped.
+  fake_camera.StopCamera();
+  error = interfaces.base->DeleteChannel(video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+void ViEComparisonTests::TestCodecs(
+    const std::string& i420_video_file,
+    int width,
+    int height,
+    ViEToFileRenderer* local_file_renderer,
+    ViEToFileRenderer* remote_file_renderer) {
+  int ignored = 0;
+  TbInterfaces interfaces = TbInterfaces("TestCodecs", ignored);
+  ViEFakeCamera fake_camera(interfaces.capture);
+  if (!fake_camera.StartCameraInNewThread(i420_video_file, width, height)) {
+    // No point in continuing if we have no proper video source
+    ViETest::TestError(false, "ERROR: %s at line %d: "
+                       "Could not open input video %s: aborting test...",
+                       __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i420_video_file.c_str());
+    return;
+  }
+  int video_channel = -1;
+  int capture_id = fake_camera.capture_id();
+  int error = interfaces.base->CreateChannel(video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  error = interfaces.capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_id, video_channel);
+  ViETest::TestError(error == 0, "ERROR: %s at line %d",
+                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+  ConfigureRtpRtcp(interfaces.rtp_rtcp, &ignored, video_channel);
+  RenderToFile(interfaces.render, capture_id, local_file_renderer);
+  RenderToFile(interfaces.render, video_channel, remote_file_renderer);
+  // Force the codec resolution to what our input video is so we can make
+  // comparisons later. Our comparison algorithms wouldn't like scaling.
+  ::TestCodecs(interfaces, ignored, fake_camera.capture_id(), video_channel,
+               width, height);
+  fake_camera.StopCamera();
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/vie_auto_test.gypi b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/vie_auto_test.gypi
index a61e6ba..c054d45 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/vie_auto_test.gypi
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/AutoTest/vie_auto_test.gypi
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
       'include_dirs': [
+        'primitives',
@@ -52,10 +53,16 @@
         # New, fully automated tests
+        'automated/',
+        # Test primitives
+        'primitives/',
+        'primitives/',
+        'primitives/',
         # Platform independent
@@ -76,6 +83,7 @@
+        'source/',
         # Platform dependent
         # Linux
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.cpp b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.cpp
index 5a0806c..80f7056 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.cpp
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.cpp
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@
-        _externalTransport= new tbExternalTransport(*_vieNetwork);
+        _externalTransport= new TbExternalTransport(*_vieNetwork);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.h
index 0b0cae4..43aeb09 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/ChannelDlg.h
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
     ViECodec*    _vieCodec;
     ViENetwork*  _vieNetwork;
     ViEFile*      _vieFile;
-    tbExternalTransport* _externalTransport;
+    TbExternalTransport* _externalTransport;
     char             _fileName[256];
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.cpp b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.cpp
index 5839863..f0910ee 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.cpp
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using namespace webrtc;
-tbExternalTransport::tbExternalTransport(ViENetwork& vieNetwork)
+TbExternalTransport::TbExternalTransport(ViENetwork& vieNetwork)
     _thread(*ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(ViEExternalTransportRun, this, kHighPriority, "AutotestTransport")), 
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     // TODO: stop thread
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
-int tbExternalTransport::SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
+int TbExternalTransport::SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
     return len;
-int tbExternalTransport::SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
+int TbExternalTransport::SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len)
@@ -157,21 +157,21 @@
     return len;
-WebRtc_Word32 tbExternalTransport::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_Word32 lossRate)
+WebRtc_Word32 TbExternalTransport::SetPacketLoss(WebRtc_Word32 lossRate)
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _lossRate = lossRate;
     return 0;
-void tbExternalTransport::SetNetworkDelay(WebRtc_Word64 delayMs)
+void TbExternalTransport::SetNetworkDelay(WebRtc_Word64 delayMs)
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_crit);
     _networkDelayMs = delayMs;
-void tbExternalTransport::ClearStats()
+void TbExternalTransport::ClearStats()
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _rtpCount = 0;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
-void tbExternalTransport::GetStats(WebRtc_Word32& numRtpPackets, WebRtc_Word32& numDroppedPackets, WebRtc_Word32& numRtcpPackets)
+void TbExternalTransport::GetStats(WebRtc_Word32& numRtpPackets, WebRtc_Word32& numDroppedPackets, WebRtc_Word32& numRtcpPackets)
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     numRtpPackets = _rtpCount;
@@ -189,35 +189,35 @@
-void tbExternalTransport::EnableSSRCCheck()
+void TbExternalTransport::EnableSSRCCheck()
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _checkSSRC = true;
-unsigned int tbExternalTransport::ReceivedSSRC()
+unsigned int TbExternalTransport::ReceivedSSRC()
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     return _lastSSRC;
-void tbExternalTransport::EnableSequenceNumberCheck()
+void TbExternalTransport::EnableSequenceNumberCheck()
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     _checkSequenceNumber = true;
-unsigned short tbExternalTransport::GetFirstSequenceNumber()
+unsigned short TbExternalTransport::GetFirstSequenceNumber()
     CriticalSectionScoped cs(_statCrit);
     return _firstSequenceNumber;
-bool tbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportRun(void* object)
+bool TbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportRun(void* object)
-    return static_cast<tbExternalTransport*>(object)->ViEExternalTransportProcess();
+    return static_cast<TbExternalTransport*>(object)->ViEExternalTransportProcess();
-bool tbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportProcess()
+bool TbExternalTransport::ViEExternalTransportProcess()
     unsigned int waitTime = KMaxWaitTimeMs;
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
     return true;
-WebRtc_Word64 tbExternalTransport::NowMs()
+WebRtc_Word64 TbExternalTransport::NowMs()
     return TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
diff --git a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.h b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.h
index 85c2f6b..53226c6 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/main/test/WindowsTest/tbExternalTransport.h
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 class ViENetwork;
-class tbExternalTransport :  public webrtc::Transport
+class TbExternalTransport :  public webrtc::Transport
-    tbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork);
-    ~tbExternalTransport(void);
+    TbExternalTransport(webrtc::ViENetwork& vieNetwork);
+    ~TbExternalTransport(void);
     virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len);
     virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len);