Script to generate CL descriptions when rolling chromium_revision.
Having nice CL descriptions that explains what a roll of
chromium_revision in WebRTC's DEPS file actually changes is
useful to save time tracing down breakages.
This script can be used to generate such CL descriptions.
In the future it might be used for a complete auto-rolling
solution for this.
Review URL:
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9270}
diff --git a/tools/autoroller/ b/tools/autoroller/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..317e196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/autoroller/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+"""Creates a CL description for auto-rolling chromium_revision in WebRTC."""
+import argparse
+import base64
+import collections
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import urllib
+GIT_NUMBER_RE = re.compile('^Cr-Commit-Position: .*#([0-9]+).*$')
+SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+CHECKOUT_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir)
+import setup_links
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(CHECKOUT_ROOT_DIR, 'tools'))
+import find_depot_tools
+from gclient import GClientKeywords
+CLANG_UPDATE_SCRIPT_URL_PATH = 'tools/clang/scripts/'
+CLANG_UPDATE_SCRIPT_LOCAL_PATH = os.path.join('tools', 'clang', 'scripts',
+ '')
+DepsEntry = collections.namedtuple('DepsEntry', 'path url revision')
+ChangedDep = collections.namedtuple('ChangedDep', 'path current_rev new_rev')
+def parse_deps_dict(deps_content):
+ local_scope = {}
+ var = GClientKeywords.VarImpl({}, local_scope)
+ global_scope = {
+ 'File': GClientKeywords.FileImpl,
+ 'From': GClientKeywords.FromImpl,
+ 'Var': var.Lookup,
+ 'deps_os': {},
+ }
+ exec(deps_content, global_scope, local_scope)
+ return local_scope
+def parse_local_deps_file(filename):
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ deps_content =
+ return parse_deps_dict(deps_content)
+def parse_remote_cr_deps_file(revision):
+ deps_content = read_remote_cr_file('DEPS', revision)
+ return parse_deps_dict(deps_content)
+def parse_git_number(commit_message):
+ for line in reversed(commit_message.splitlines()):
+ m = GIT_NUMBER_RE.match(line.strip())
+ if m:
+ return
+ print 'Failed to parse svn revision id from:\n%s\n' % commit_message
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def _read_gittiles_content(url):
+ # Download and decode BASE64 content until
+ # is fixed.
+ base64_content = read_url_content(url + '?format=TEXT')
+ return base64.b64decode(base64_content[0])
+def read_remote_cr_file(path_below_src, revision):
+ """Reads a remote Chromium file of a specific revision. Returns a string."""
+ return _read_gittiles_content(CHROMIUM_FILE_TEMPLATE % (revision,
+ path_below_src))
+def read_remote_cr_commit(revision):
+ """Reads a remote Chromium commit message. Returns a string."""
+ return _read_gittiles_content(CHROMIUM_COMMIT_TEMPLATE % revision)
+def read_url_content(url):
+ """Connect to a remote host and read the contents. Returns a list of lines."""
+ try:
+ conn = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ return conn.readlines()
+ except IOError as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Error connecting to %s. Error: ' % url, e
+ return None
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+def get_matching_deps_entries(depsentry_dict, dir_path):
+ """Gets all deps entries matching the provided path
+ This list may contain more than one DepsEntry object.
+ Example: dir_path='src/testing' would give results containing both
+ 'src/testing/gtest' and 'src/testing/gmock' deps entries for Chromium's DEPS.
+ Returns:
+ A list DepsEntry objects.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for path, depsentry in depsentry_dict.iteritems():
+ if (path == dir_path or
+ path.startswith(dir_path) and path[len(dir_path):][0] == '/'):
+ result.append(depsentry)
+ return result
+def build_depsentry_dict(deps_dict):
+ """Builds a dict of DepsEntry object from a raw parsed deps dict."""
+ result = {}
+ def add_depsentries(deps_subdict):
+ for path, deps_url in deps_subdict.iteritems():
+ if not result.has_key(path):
+ url, revision = deps_url.split('@') if deps_url else (None, None)
+ result[path] = DepsEntry(path, url, revision)
+ add_depsentries(deps_dict['deps'])
+ for deps_os in ['win', 'mac', 'unix', 'android', 'ios', 'unix']:
+ add_depsentries(deps_dict['deps_os'].get(deps_os, {}))
+ return result
+def calculate_changed_deps(current_deps, new_deps):
+ result = []
+ current_entries = build_depsentry_dict(current_deps)
+ new_entries = build_depsentry_dict(new_deps)
+ all_deps_dirs = setup_links.DIRECTORIES
+ for deps_dir in all_deps_dirs:
+ # All deps have 'src' prepended to the path in the Chromium DEPS file.
+ dir_path = 'src/%s' % deps_dir
+ for entry in get_matching_deps_entries(current_entries, dir_path):
+ new_matching_entries = get_matching_deps_entries(new_entries, entry.path)
+ assert len(new_matching_entries) <= 1, (
+ 'Should never find more than one entry matching %s in %s, found %d' %
+ (entry.path, new_entries, len(new_matching_entries)))
+ if not new_matching_entries:
+ result.append(ChangedDep(entry.path, entry.revision, 'None'))
+ elif entry != new_matching_entries[0]:
+ result.append(ChangedDep(entry.path, entry.revision,
+ new_matching_entries[0].revision))
+ return result
+def calculate_changed_clang(new_cr_rev):
+ def get_clang_rev(lines):
+ return filter(lambda x: x.startswith(key), lines)[0][len(key):].strip()
+ chromium_src_path = os.path.join(CHECKOUT_ROOT_DIR, 'chromium', 'src',
+ with open(chromium_src_path, 'rb') as f:
+ current_lines = f.readlines()
+ current_rev = get_clang_rev(current_lines)
+ new_clang_update_sh = read_remote_cr_file(CLANG_UPDATE_SCRIPT_URL_PATH,
+ new_cr_rev).splitlines()
+ new_rev = get_clang_rev(new_clang_update_sh)
+ return ChangedDep(CLANG_UPDATE_SCRIPT_LOCAL_PATH, current_rev, new_rev)
+def generate_commit_message(current_cr_rev, new_cr_rev, changed_deps_list,
+ clang_change):
+ current_cr_rev = current_cr_rev[0:7]
+ new_cr_rev = new_cr_rev[0:7]
+ rev_interval = '%s..%s' % (current_cr_rev, new_cr_rev)
+ current_git_number = parse_git_number(read_remote_cr_commit(current_cr_rev))
+ new_git_number = parse_git_number(read_remote_cr_commit(new_cr_rev))
+ git_number_interval = '%s:%s' % (current_git_number, new_git_number)
+ commit_msg = ['Roll chromium_revision %s (%s)' % (rev_interval,
+ git_number_interval)]
+ if changed_deps_list:
+ commit_msg.append('\nRelevant changes:')
+ for c in changed_deps_list:
+ commit_msg.append('* %s: %s..%s' % (c.path, c.current_rev[0:7],
+ c.new_rev[0:7]))
+ change_url = CHROMIUM_FILE_TEMPLATE % (rev_interval, 'DEPS')
+ commit_msg.append('Details: %s' % change_url)
+ if clang_change.current_rev != clang_change.new_rev:
+ commit_msg.append('\nClang version changed %s:%s' %
+ (clang_change.current_rev, clang_change.new_rev))
+ change_url = CHROMIUM_FILE_TEMPLATE % (rev_interval,
+ commit_msg.append('Details: %s' % change_url)
+ else:
+ commit_msg.append('\nClang version was not updated in this roll.')
+ return commit_msg
+def main():
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ p.add_argument('-r', '--revision',
+ help=('Chromium Git revision to roll to. Defaults to the '
+ 'Chromium LKGR revision if omitted.'))
+ opts = p.parse_args()
+ if not opts.revision:
+ lkgr_contents = read_url_content(CHROMIUM_LKGR_URL)
+ print 'No revision specified. Using LKGR: %s' % lkgr_contents[0]
+ opts.revision = lkgr_contents[0]
+ local_deps = parse_local_deps_file(os.path.join(CHECKOUT_ROOT_DIR, 'DEPS'))
+ current_cr_rev = local_deps['vars']['chromium_revision']
+ current_cr_deps = parse_remote_cr_deps_file(current_cr_rev)
+ new_cr_deps = parse_remote_cr_deps_file(opts.revision)
+ changed_deps = sorted(calculate_changed_deps(current_cr_deps, new_cr_deps))
+ clang_change = calculate_changed_clang(opts.revision)
+ if changed_deps or clang_change:
+ commit_msg = generate_commit_message(current_cr_rev, opts.revision,
+ changed_deps, clang_change)
+ print '\n'.join(commit_msg)
+ else:
+ print ('No deps changes detected when rolling from %s to %s. Aborting '
+ 'without action.') % (current_cr_rev, opts.revision,)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())