Refactor webrtc::PeerConnection to split out offer/answer

This reduces the size of by more than 2000 lines.

Design doc for refatoring (available on request):

Bug: webrtc:11995
Change-Id: I9ed8603807b45bb192a01df026755cb6b5365291
Commit-Queue: Harald Alvestrand <>
Reviewed-by: Henrik Boström <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32212}
diff --git a/pc/ b/pc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51bb4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc/
@@ -0,0 +1,2928 @@
+ *  Copyright 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "pc/sdp_offer_answer.h"
+#include "api/media_stream_proxy.h"
+#include "api/uma_metrics.h"
+#include "pc/media_stream.h"
+#include "pc/peer_connection.h"
+#include "pc/rtp_media_utils.h"
+#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
+using cricket::ContentInfo;
+using cricket::ContentInfos;
+using cricket::MediaContentDescription;
+using cricket::MediaProtocolType;
+using cricket::RidDescription;
+using cricket::RidDirection;
+using cricket::SessionDescription;
+using cricket::SimulcastDescription;
+using cricket::SimulcastLayer;
+using cricket::SimulcastLayerList;
+using cricket::StreamParams;
+using cricket::TransportInfo;
+using cricket::LOCAL_PORT_TYPE;
+using cricket::PRFLX_PORT_TYPE;
+using cricket::RELAY_PORT_TYPE;
+using cricket::STUN_PORT_TYPE;
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+// Error messages
+const char kInvalidSdp[] = "Invalid session description.";
+const char kInvalidCandidates[] = "Description contains invalid candidates.";
+const char kBundleWithoutRtcpMux[] =
+    "rtcp-mux must be enabled when BUNDLE "
+    "is enabled.";
+const char kMlineMismatchInAnswer[] =
+    "The order of m-lines in answer doesn't match order in offer. Rejecting "
+    "answer.";
+const char kMlineMismatchInSubsequentOffer[] =
+    "The order of m-lines in subsequent offer doesn't match order from "
+    "previous offer/answer.";
+const char kSdpWithoutIceUfragPwd[] =
+    "Called with SDP without ice-ufrag and ice-pwd.";
+const char kSdpWithoutDtlsFingerprint[] =
+    "Called with SDP without DTLS fingerprint.";
+const char kSdpWithoutSdesCrypto[] = "Called with SDP without SDES crypto.";
+// UMA metric names.
+const char kSimulcastVersionApplyLocalDescription[] =
+    "WebRTC.PeerConnection.Simulcast.ApplyLocalDescription";
+const char kSimulcastVersionApplyRemoteDescription[] =
+    "WebRTC.PeerConnection.Simulcast.ApplyRemoteDescription";
+const char kSimulcastDisabled[] = "WebRTC.PeerConnection.Simulcast.Disabled";
+void NoteAddIceCandidateResult(int result) {
+  RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.PeerConnection.AddIceCandidate", result,
+                            kAddIceCandidateMax);
+void NoteKeyProtocolAndMedia(KeyExchangeProtocolType protocol_type,
+                             cricket::MediaType media_type) {
+  // Array of structs needed to map {KeyExchangeProtocolType,
+  // cricket::MediaType} to KeyExchangeProtocolMedia without using std::map in
+  // order to avoid -Wglobal-constructors and -Wexit-time-destructors.
+  static constexpr struct {
+    KeyExchangeProtocolType protocol_type;
+    cricket::MediaType media_type;
+    KeyExchangeProtocolMedia protocol_media;
+  } kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaMap[] = {
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolDtls, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeDtlsAudio},
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolDtls, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeDtlsVideo},
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolDtls, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_DATA,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeDtlsData},
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolSdes, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeSdesAudio},
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolSdes, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeSdesVideo},
+      {kEnumCounterKeyProtocolSdes, cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_DATA,
+       kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeSdesData},
+  };
+  RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.PeerConnection.KeyProtocol", protocol_type,
+                            kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMax);
+  for (const auto& i : kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaMap) {
+    if (i.protocol_type == protocol_type && i.media_type == media_type) {
+      RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.PeerConnection.KeyProtocolByMedia",
+                                i.protocol_media,
+                                kEnumCounterKeyProtocolMediaTypeMax);
+    }
+  }
+// Returns true if |new_desc| requests an ICE restart (i.e., new ufrag/pwd).
+bool CheckForRemoteIceRestart(const SessionDescriptionInterface* old_desc,
+                              const SessionDescriptionInterface* new_desc,
+                              const std::string& content_name) {
+  if (!old_desc) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const SessionDescription* new_sd = new_desc->description();
+  const SessionDescription* old_sd = old_desc->description();
+  const ContentInfo* cinfo = new_sd->GetContentByName(content_name);
+  if (!cinfo || cinfo->rejected) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // If the content isn't rejected, check if ufrag and password has changed.
+  const cricket::TransportDescription* new_transport_desc =
+      new_sd->GetTransportDescriptionByName(content_name);
+  const cricket::TransportDescription* old_transport_desc =
+      old_sd->GetTransportDescriptionByName(content_name);
+  if (!new_transport_desc || !old_transport_desc) {
+    // No transport description exists. This is not an ICE restart.
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (cricket::IceCredentialsChanged(
+          old_transport_desc->ice_ufrag, old_transport_desc->ice_pwd,
+          new_transport_desc->ice_ufrag, new_transport_desc->ice_pwd)) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Remote peer requests ICE restart for " << content_name
+                     << ".";
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+// Generates a string error message for SetLocalDescription/SetRemoteDescription
+// from an RTCError.
+std::string GetSetDescriptionErrorMessage(cricket::ContentSource source,
+                                          SdpType type,
+                                          const RTCError& error) {
+  rtc::StringBuilder oss;
+  oss << "Failed to set " << (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL ? "local" : "remote")
+      << " " << SdpTypeToString(type) << " sdp: " << error.message();
+  return oss.Release();
+std::string GetStreamIdsString(rtc::ArrayView<const std::string> stream_ids) {
+  std::string output = "streams=[";
+  const char* separator = "";
+  for (const auto& stream_id : stream_ids) {
+    output.append(separator).append(stream_id);
+    separator = ", ";
+  }
+  output.append("]");
+  return output;
+void ReportSimulcastApiVersion(const char* name,
+                               const SessionDescription& session) {
+  bool has_legacy = false;
+  bool has_spec_compliant = false;
+  for (const ContentInfo& content : session.contents()) {
+    if (!content.media_description()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    has_spec_compliant |= content.media_description()->HasSimulcast();
+    for (const StreamParams& sp : content.media_description()->streams()) {
+      has_legacy |= sp.has_ssrc_group(cricket::kSimSsrcGroupSemantics);
+    }
+  }
+  if (has_legacy) {
+    RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, kSimulcastApiVersionLegacy,
+                              kSimulcastApiVersionMax);
+  }
+  if (has_spec_compliant) {
+    RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, kSimulcastApiVersionSpecCompliant,
+                              kSimulcastApiVersionMax);
+  }
+  if (!has_legacy && !has_spec_compliant) {
+    RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, kSimulcastApiVersionNone,
+                              kSimulcastApiVersionMax);
+  }
+const ContentInfo* FindTransceiverMSection(
+    RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>* transceiver,
+    const SessionDescriptionInterface* session_description) {
+  return transceiver->mid()
+             ? session_description->description()->GetContentByName(
+                   *transceiver->mid())
+             : nullptr;
+// If the direction is "recvonly" or "inactive", treat the description
+// as containing no streams.
+// See:
+std::vector<cricket::StreamParams> GetActiveStreams(
+    const cricket::MediaContentDescription* desc) {
+  return RtpTransceiverDirectionHasSend(desc->direction())
+             ? desc->streams()
+             : std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>();
+// Logic to decide if an m= section can be recycled. This means that the new
+// m= section is not rejected, but the old local or remote m= section is
+// rejected. |old_content_one| and |old_content_two| refer to the m= section
+// of the old remote and old local descriptions in no particular order.
+// We need to check both the old local and remote because either
+// could be the most current from the latest negotation.
+bool IsMediaSectionBeingRecycled(SdpType type,
+                                 const ContentInfo& content,
+                                 const ContentInfo* old_content_one,
+                                 const ContentInfo* old_content_two) {
+  return type == SdpType::kOffer && !content.rejected &&
+         ((old_content_one && old_content_one->rejected) ||
+          (old_content_two && old_content_two->rejected));
+// Verify that the order of media sections in |new_desc| matches
+// |current_desc|. The number of m= sections in |new_desc| should be no
+// less than |current_desc|. In the case of checking an answer's
+// |new_desc|, the |current_desc| is the last offer that was set as the
+// local or remote. In the case of checking an offer's |new_desc| we
+// check against the local and remote descriptions stored from the last
+// negotiation, because either of these could be the most up to date for
+// possible rejected m sections. These are the |current_desc| and
+// |secondary_current_desc|.
+bool MediaSectionsInSameOrder(const SessionDescription& current_desc,
+                              const SessionDescription* secondary_current_desc,
+                              const SessionDescription& new_desc,
+                              const SdpType type) {
+  if (current_desc.contents().size() > new_desc.contents().size()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < current_desc.contents().size(); ++i) {
+    const cricket::ContentInfo* secondary_content_info = nullptr;
+    if (secondary_current_desc &&
+        i < secondary_current_desc->contents().size()) {
+      secondary_content_info = &secondary_current_desc->contents()[i];
+    }
+    if (IsMediaSectionBeingRecycled(type, new_desc.contents()[i],
+                                    &current_desc.contents()[i],
+                                    secondary_content_info)) {
+      // For new offer descriptions, if the media section can be recycled, it's
+      // valid for the MID and media type to change.
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (new_desc.contents()[i].name != current_desc.contents()[i].name) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    const MediaContentDescription* new_desc_mdesc =
+        new_desc.contents()[i].media_description();
+    const MediaContentDescription* current_desc_mdesc =
+        current_desc.contents()[i].media_description();
+    if (new_desc_mdesc->type() != current_desc_mdesc->type()) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool MediaSectionsHaveSameCount(const SessionDescription& desc1,
+                                const SessionDescription& desc2) {
+  return desc1.contents().size() == desc2.contents().size();
+// Checks that each non-rejected content has SDES crypto keys or a DTLS
+// fingerprint, unless it's in a BUNDLE group, in which case only the
+// BUNDLE-tag section (first media section/description in the BUNDLE group)
+// needs a ufrag and pwd. Mismatches, such as replying with a DTLS fingerprint
+// to SDES keys, will be caught in JsepTransport negotiation, and backstopped
+// by Channel's |srtp_required| check.
+RTCError VerifyCrypto(const SessionDescription* desc, bool dtls_enabled) {
+  const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle =
+      desc->GetGroupByName(cricket::GROUP_TYPE_BUNDLE);
+  for (const cricket::ContentInfo& content_info : desc->contents()) {
+    if (content_info.rejected) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Note what media is used with each crypto protocol, for all sections.
+    NoteKeyProtocolAndMedia(dtls_enabled ? webrtc::kEnumCounterKeyProtocolDtls
+                                         : webrtc::kEnumCounterKeyProtocolSdes,
+                            content_info.media_description()->type());
+    const std::string& mid =;
+    if (bundle && bundle->HasContentName(mid) &&
+        mid != *(bundle->FirstContentName())) {
+      // This isn't the first media section in the BUNDLE group, so it's not
+      // required to have crypto attributes, since only the crypto attributes
+      // from the first section actually get used.
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If the content isn't rejected or bundled into another m= section, crypto
+    // must be present.
+    const MediaContentDescription* media = content_info.media_description();
+    const TransportInfo* tinfo = desc->GetTransportInfoByName(mid);
+    if (!media || !tinfo) {
+      // Something is not right.
+    }
+    if (dtls_enabled) {
+      if (!tinfo->description.identity_fingerprint) {
+            << "Session description must have DTLS fingerprint if "
+               "DTLS enabled.";
+        return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_PARAMETER,
+                        kSdpWithoutDtlsFingerprint);
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (media->cryptos().empty()) {
+            << "Session description must have SDES when DTLS disabled.";
+        return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_PARAMETER, kSdpWithoutSdesCrypto);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+// Checks that each non-rejected content has ice-ufrag and ice-pwd set, unless
+// it's in a BUNDLE group, in which case only the BUNDLE-tag section (first
+// media section/description in the BUNDLE group) needs a ufrag and pwd.
+bool VerifyIceUfragPwdPresent(const SessionDescription* desc) {
+  const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle =
+      desc->GetGroupByName(cricket::GROUP_TYPE_BUNDLE);
+  for (const cricket::ContentInfo& content_info : desc->contents()) {
+    if (content_info.rejected) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    const std::string& mid =;
+    if (bundle && bundle->HasContentName(mid) &&
+        mid != *(bundle->FirstContentName())) {
+      // This isn't the first media section in the BUNDLE group, so it's not
+      // required to have ufrag/password, since only the ufrag/password from
+      // the first section actually get used.
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If the content isn't rejected or bundled into another m= section,
+    // ice-ufrag and ice-pwd must be present.
+    const TransportInfo* tinfo = desc->GetTransportInfoByName(mid);
+    if (!tinfo) {
+      // Something is not right.
+      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << kInvalidSdp;
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (tinfo->description.ice_ufrag.empty() ||
+        tinfo->description.ice_pwd.empty()) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Session description must have ice ufrag and pwd.";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+static RTCError ValidateMids(const cricket::SessionDescription& description) {
+  std::set<std::string> mids;
+  for (const cricket::ContentInfo& content : description.contents()) {
+    if ( {
+                           "A media section is missing a MID attribute.");
+    }
+    if (!mids.insert( {
+                           "Duplicate a=mid value '" + + "'.");
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+bool IsValidOfferToReceiveMedia(int value) {
+  typedef PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions Options;
+  return (value >= Options::kUndefined) &&
+         (value <= Options::kMaxOfferToReceiveMedia);
+bool ValidateOfferAnswerOptions(
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& rtc_options) {
+  return IsValidOfferToReceiveMedia(rtc_options.offer_to_receive_audio) &&
+         IsValidOfferToReceiveMedia(rtc_options.offer_to_receive_video);
+// Map internal signaling state name to spec name:
+std::string GetSignalingStateString(
+    PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState state) {
+  switch (state) {
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kStable:
+      return "stable";
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalOffer:
+      return "have-local-offer";
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalPrAnswer:
+      return "have-local-pranswer";
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer:
+      return "have-remote-offer";
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemotePrAnswer:
+      return "have-remote-pranswer";
+    case PeerConnectionInterface::kClosed:
+      return "closed";
+  }
+  return "";
+// This method will extract any send encodings that were sent by the remote
+// connection. This is currently only relevant for Simulcast scenario (where
+// the number of layers may be communicated by the server).
+static std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters> GetSendEncodingsFromRemoteDescription(
+    const MediaContentDescription& desc) {
+  if (!desc.HasSimulcast()) {
+    return {};
+  }
+  std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters> result;
+  const SimulcastDescription& simulcast = desc.simulcast_description();
+  // This is a remote description, the parameters we are after should appear
+  // as receive streams.
+  for (const auto& alternatives : simulcast.receive_layers()) {
+    RTC_DCHECK(!alternatives.empty());
+    // There is currently no way to specify or choose from alternatives.
+    // We will always use the first alternative, which is the most preferred.
+    const SimulcastLayer& layer = alternatives[0];
+    RtpEncodingParameters parameters;
+    parameters.rid = layer.rid;
+ = !layer.is_paused;
+    result.push_back(parameters);
+  }
+  return result;
+static RTCError UpdateSimulcastLayerStatusInSender(
+    const std::vector<SimulcastLayer>& layers,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInternal> sender) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(sender);
+  RtpParameters parameters = sender->GetParametersInternal();
+  std::vector<std::string> disabled_layers;
+  // The simulcast envelope cannot be changed, only the status of the streams.
+  // So we will iterate over the send encodings rather than the layers.
+  for (RtpEncodingParameters& encoding : parameters.encodings) {
+    auto iter = std::find_if(layers.begin(), layers.end(),
+                             [&encoding](const SimulcastLayer& layer) {
+                               return layer.rid == encoding.rid;
+                             });
+    // A layer that cannot be found may have been removed by the remote party.
+    if (iter == layers.end()) {
+      disabled_layers.push_back(encoding.rid);
+      continue;
+    }
+ = !iter->is_paused;
+  }
+  RTCError result = sender->SetParametersInternal(parameters);
+  if (result.ok()) {
+    result = sender->DisableEncodingLayers(disabled_layers);
+  }
+  return result;
+static bool SimulcastIsRejected(
+    const ContentInfo* local_content,
+    const MediaContentDescription& answer_media_desc) {
+  bool simulcast_offered = local_content &&
+                           local_content->media_description() &&
+                           local_content->media_description()->HasSimulcast();
+  bool simulcast_answered = answer_media_desc.HasSimulcast();
+  bool rids_supported = RtpExtension::FindHeaderExtensionByUri(
+      answer_media_desc.rtp_header_extensions(), RtpExtension::kRidUri);
+  return simulcast_offered && (!simulcast_answered || !rids_supported);
+static RTCError DisableSimulcastInSender(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInternal> sender) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(sender);
+  RtpParameters parameters = sender->GetParametersInternal();
+  if (parameters.encodings.size() <= 1) {
+    return RTCError::OK();
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> disabled_layers;
+  std::transform(
+      parameters.encodings.begin() + 1, parameters.encodings.end(),
+      std::back_inserter(disabled_layers),
+      [](const RtpEncodingParameters& encoding) { return encoding.rid; });
+  return sender->DisableEncodingLayers(disabled_layers);
+}  // namespace
+// Used by parameterless SetLocalDescription() to create an offer or answer.
+// Upon completion of creating the session description, SetLocalDescription() is
+// invoked with the result.
+class SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ImplicitCreateSessionDescriptionObserver
+    : public CreateSessionDescriptionObserver {
+ public:
+  ImplicitCreateSessionDescriptionObserver(
+      rtc::WeakPtr<SdpOfferAnswerHandler> sdp_handler,
+      rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface>
+          set_local_description_observer)
+      : sdp_handler_(std::move(sdp_handler)),
+        set_local_description_observer_(
+            std::move(set_local_description_observer)) {}
+  ~ImplicitCreateSessionDescriptionObserver() override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(was_called_);
+  }
+  void SetOperationCompleteCallback(
+      std::function<void()> operation_complete_callback) {
+    operation_complete_callback_ = std::move(operation_complete_callback);
+  }
+  bool was_called() const { return was_called_; }
+  void OnSuccess(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc_ptr) override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(!was_called_);
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc(desc_ptr);
+    was_called_ = true;
+    // Abort early if |pc_| is no longer valid.
+    if (!sdp_handler_) {
+      operation_complete_callback_();
+      return;
+    }
+    // DoSetLocalDescription() is a synchronous operation that invokes
+    // |set_local_description_observer_| with the result.
+    sdp_handler_->DoSetLocalDescription(
+        std::move(desc), std::move(set_local_description_observer_));
+    operation_complete_callback_();
+  }
+  void OnFailure(RTCError error) override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(!was_called_);
+    was_called_ = true;
+    set_local_description_observer_->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(RTCError(
+        error.type(), std::string("SetLocalDescription failed to create "
+                                  "session description - ") +
+                          error.message()));
+    operation_complete_callback_();
+  }
+ private:
+  bool was_called_ = false;
+  rtc::WeakPtr<SdpOfferAnswerHandler> sdp_handler_;
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface>
+      set_local_description_observer_;
+  std::function<void()> operation_complete_callback_;
+// Wraps a CreateSessionDescriptionObserver and an OperationsChain operation
+// complete callback. When the observer is invoked, the wrapped observer is
+// invoked followed by invoking the completion callback.
+class CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper
+    : public CreateSessionDescriptionObserver {
+ public:
+  CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper(
+      rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer,
+      std::function<void()> operation_complete_callback)
+      : observer_(std::move(observer)),
+        operation_complete_callback_(std::move(operation_complete_callback)) {
+    RTC_DCHECK(observer_);
+  }
+  ~CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper() override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(was_called_);
+  }
+  void OnSuccess(SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(!was_called_);
+    was_called_ = true;
+#endif  // RTC_DCHECK_IS_ON
+    // Completing the operation before invoking the observer allows the observer
+    // to execute SetLocalDescription() without delay.
+    operation_complete_callback_();
+    observer_->OnSuccess(desc);
+  }
+  void OnFailure(RTCError error) override {
+    RTC_DCHECK(!was_called_);
+    was_called_ = true;
+#endif  // RTC_DCHECK_IS_ON
+    operation_complete_callback_();
+    observer_->OnFailure(std::move(error));
+  }
+ private:
+  bool was_called_ = false;
+#endif  // RTC_DCHECK_IS_ON
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer_;
+  std::function<void()> operation_complete_callback_;
+// Wrapper for SetSessionDescriptionObserver that invokes the success or failure
+// callback in a posted message handled by the peer connection. This introduces
+// a delay that prevents recursive API calls by the observer, but this also
+// means that the PeerConnection can be modified before the observer sees the
+// result of the operation. This is ill-advised for synchronizing states.
+// Implements both the SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface and the
+// SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface.
+class SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter
+    : public SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface,
+      public SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface {
+ public:
+  SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter(
+      rtc::WeakPtr<SdpOfferAnswerHandler> handler,
+      rtc::scoped_refptr<SetSessionDescriptionObserver> inner_observer)
+      : handler_(std::move(handler)),
+        inner_observer_(std::move(inner_observer)) {}
+  // SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface implementation.
+  void OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(RTCError error) override {
+    OnSetDescriptionComplete(std::move(error));
+  }
+  // SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface implementation.
+  void OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(RTCError error) override {
+    OnSetDescriptionComplete(std::move(error));
+  }
+ private:
+  void OnSetDescriptionComplete(RTCError error) {
+    if (!handler_)
+      return;
+    if (error.ok()) {
+      handler_->pc_->PostSetSessionDescriptionSuccess(inner_observer_);
+    } else {
+      handler_->pc_->PostSetSessionDescriptionFailure(inner_observer_,
+                                                      std::move(error));
+    }
+  }
+  rtc::WeakPtr<SdpOfferAnswerHandler> handler_;
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<SetSessionDescriptionObserver> inner_observer_;
+class SdpOfferAnswerHandler::LocalIceCredentialsToReplace {
+ public:
+  // Sets the ICE credentials that need restarting to the ICE credentials of
+  // the current and pending descriptions.
+  void SetIceCredentialsFromLocalDescriptions(
+      const SessionDescriptionInterface* current_local_description,
+      const SessionDescriptionInterface* pending_local_description) {
+    ice_credentials_.clear();
+    if (current_local_description) {
+      AppendIceCredentialsFromSessionDescription(*current_local_description);
+    }
+    if (pending_local_description) {
+      AppendIceCredentialsFromSessionDescription(*pending_local_description);
+    }
+  }
+  void ClearIceCredentials() { ice_credentials_.clear(); }
+  // Returns true if we have ICE credentials that need restarting.
+  bool HasIceCredentials() const { return !ice_credentials_.empty(); }
+  // Returns true if |local_description| shares no ICE credentials with the
+  // ICE credentials that need restarting.
+  bool SatisfiesIceRestart(
+      const SessionDescriptionInterface& local_description) const {
+    for (const auto& transport_info :
+         local_description.description()->transport_infos()) {
+      if (ice_credentials_.find(std::make_pair(
+              transport_info.description.ice_ufrag,
+              transport_info.description.ice_pwd)) != ice_credentials_.end()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  void AppendIceCredentialsFromSessionDescription(
+      const SessionDescriptionInterface& desc) {
+    for (const auto& transport_info : desc.description()->transport_infos()) {
+      ice_credentials_.insert(
+          std::make_pair(transport_info.description.ice_ufrag,
+                         transport_info.description.ice_pwd));
+    }
+  }
+  std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ice_credentials_;
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SdpOfferAnswerHandler(PeerConnection* pc)
+    : pc_(pc),
+      operations_chain_(rtc::OperationsChain::Create()),
+      local_ice_credentials_to_replace_(new LocalIceCredentialsToReplace()),
+      weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
+  operations_chain_->SetOnChainEmptyCallback(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()]() {
+        if (!this_weak_ptr)
+          return;
+        this_weak_ptr->OnOperationsChainEmpty();
+      });
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::~SdpOfferAnswerHandler() {}
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::PrepareForShutdown() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::Close() {
+  ChangeSignalingState(PeerConnectionInterface::kClosed);
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::RestartIce() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->SetIceCredentialsFromLocalDescriptions(
+      current_local_description(), pending_local_description());
+  UpdateNegotiationNeeded();
+rtc::Thread* SdpOfferAnswerHandler::signaling_thread() const {
+  return pc_->signaling_thread();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::CreateOffer(
+    CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       observer_refptr =
+           rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver>(observer),
+       options](std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          observer_refptr->OnFailure(
+              RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                       "CreateOffer failed because the session was shut down"));
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        // The operation completes asynchronously when the wrapper is invoked.
+        rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper>
+            observer_wrapper(new rtc::RefCountedObject<
+                             CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper>(
+                std::move(observer_refptr),
+                std::move(operations_chain_callback)));
+        this_weak_ptr->DoCreateOffer(options, observer_wrapper);
+      });
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetLocalDescription(
+    SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
+    SessionDescriptionInterface* desc_ptr) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       observer_refptr =
+           rtc::scoped_refptr<SetSessionDescriptionObserver>(observer),
+       desc = std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface>(desc_ptr)](
+          std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) mutable {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          // For consistency with SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter whose
+          // posted messages doesn't get processed when the PC is destroyed, we
+          // do not inform |observer_refptr| that the operation failed.
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        // SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter takes care of making sure the
+        // |observer_refptr| is invoked in a posted message.
+        this_weak_ptr->DoSetLocalDescription(
+            std::move(desc),
+            rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface>(
+                new rtc::RefCountedObject<SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter>(
+                    this_weak_ptr, observer_refptr)));
+        // For backwards-compatability reasons, we declare the operation as
+        // completed here (rather than in a post), so that the operation chain
+        // is not blocked by this operation when the observer is invoked. This
+        // allows the observer to trigger subsequent offer/answer operations
+        // synchronously if the operation chain is now empty.
+        operations_chain_callback();
+      });
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetLocalDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observer,
+       desc = std::move(desc)](
+          std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) mutable {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(RTCError(
+              RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+              "SetLocalDescription failed because the session was shut down"));
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        this_weak_ptr->DoSetLocalDescription(std::move(desc), observer);
+        // DoSetLocalDescription() is implemented as a synchronous operation.
+        // The |observer| will already have been informed that it completed, and
+        // we can mark this operation as complete without any loose ends.
+        operations_chain_callback();
+      });
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetLocalDescription(
+    SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  SetLocalDescription(
+      new rtc::RefCountedObject<SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter>(
+          weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observer));
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetLocalDescription(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // The |create_sdp_observer| handles performing DoSetLocalDescription() with
+  // the resulting description as well as completing the operation.
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<ImplicitCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>
+      create_sdp_observer(
+          new rtc::RefCountedObject<ImplicitCreateSessionDescriptionObserver>(
+              weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observer));
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       create_sdp_observer](std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) {
+        // The |create_sdp_observer| is responsible for completing the
+        // operation.
+        create_sdp_observer->SetOperationCompleteCallback(
+            std::move(operations_chain_callback));
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid. This triggers the
+        // same code path as if DoCreateOffer() or DoCreateAnswer() failed.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          create_sdp_observer->OnFailure(RTCError(
+              RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+              "SetLocalDescription failed because the session was shut down"));
+          return;
+        }
+        switch (this_weak_ptr->signaling_state()) {
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kStable:
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalOffer:
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemotePrAnswer:
+            // TODO(hbos): If [LastCreatedOffer] exists and still represents the
+            // current state of the system, use that instead of creating another
+            // offer.
+            this_weak_ptr->DoCreateOffer(
+                PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions(),
+                create_sdp_observer);
+            break;
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalPrAnswer:
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer:
+            // TODO(hbos): If [LastCreatedAnswer] exists and still represents
+            // the current state of the system, use that instead of creating
+            // another answer.
+            this_weak_ptr->DoCreateAnswer(
+                PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions(),
+                create_sdp_observer);
+            break;
+          case PeerConnectionInterface::kClosed:
+            create_sdp_observer->OnFailure(RTCError(
+                RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE,
+                "SetLocalDescription called when PeerConnection is closed."));
+            break;
+        }
+      });
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ApplyLocalDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  RTC_DCHECK(desc);
+  // Update stats here so that we have the most recent stats for tracks and
+  // streams that might be removed by updating the session description.
+  pc_->stats()->UpdateStats(PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard);
+  // Take a reference to the old local description since it's used below to
+  // compare against the new local description. When setting the new local
+  // description, grab ownership of the replaced session description in case it
+  // is the same as |old_local_description|, to keep it alive for the duration
+  // of the method.
+  const SessionDescriptionInterface* old_local_description =
+      local_description();
+  std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> replaced_local_description;
+  SdpType type = desc->GetType();
+  if (type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    replaced_local_description = pending_local_description_
+                                     ? std::move(pending_local_description_)
+                                     : std::move(current_local_description_);
+    current_local_description_ = std::move(desc);
+    pending_local_description_ = nullptr;
+    current_remote_description_ = std::move(pending_remote_description_);
+  } else {
+    replaced_local_description = std::move(pending_local_description_);
+    pending_local_description_ = std::move(desc);
+  }
+  // The session description to apply now must be accessed by
+  // |local_description()|.
+  RTC_DCHECK(local_description());
+  // Report statistics about any use of simulcast.
+  ReportSimulcastApiVersion(kSimulcastVersionApplyLocalDescription,
+                            *local_description()->description());
+  if (!is_caller_) {
+    if (remote_description()) {
+      // Remote description was applied first, so this PC is the callee.
+      is_caller_ = false;
+    } else {
+      // Local description is applied first, so this PC is the caller.
+      is_caller_ = true;
+    }
+  }
+  RTCError error = pc_->PushdownTransportDescription(cricket::CS_LOCAL, type);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    RTCError error = UpdateTransceiversAndDataChannels(
+        cricket::CS_LOCAL, *local_description(), old_local_description,
+        remote_description());
+    if (!error.ok()) {
+      return error;
+    }
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> remove_list;
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> removed_streams;
+    for (const auto& transceiver : pc_->transceivers_) {
+      if (transceiver->stopped()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Set sender and receiver's transport slots.
+      // Note that code paths that don't set MID won't be able to use
+      // information about DTLS transports.
+      if (transceiver->mid()) {
+        auto dtls_transport =
+            pc_->LookupDtlsTransportByMidInternal(*transceiver->mid());
+        transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->set_transport(
+            dtls_transport);
+        transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->set_transport(
+            dtls_transport);
+      }
+      const ContentInfo* content =
+          pc_->FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(transceiver, local_description());
+      if (!content) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const MediaContentDescription* media_desc = content->media_description();
+      // If description is of type "answer" or "pranswer", then run
+      // the following steps:
+      if (type == SdpType::kPrAnswer || type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+        // If direction is "sendonly" or "inactive", and
+        // transceiver's [[FiredDirection]] slot is either "sendrecv" or
+        // "recvonly", process the removal of a remote track for the media
+        // description, given transceiver, removeList, and muteTracks.
+        if (!RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(media_desc->direction()) &&
+            (transceiver->internal()->fired_direction() &&
+             RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(
+                 *transceiver->internal()->fired_direction()))) {
+          pc_->ProcessRemovalOfRemoteTrack(transceiver, &remove_list,
+                                           &removed_streams);
+        }
+        // Set transceiver's [[CurrentDirection]] and
+        // [[FiredDirection]] slots to direction.
+        transceiver->internal()->set_current_direction(media_desc->direction());
+        transceiver->internal()->set_fired_direction(media_desc->direction());
+      }
+    }
+    auto observer = pc_->Observer();
+    for (const auto& transceiver : remove_list) {
+      observer->OnRemoveTrack(transceiver->receiver());
+    }
+    for (const auto& stream : removed_streams) {
+      observer->OnRemoveStream(stream);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Media channels will be created only when offer is set. These may use new
+    // transports just created by PushdownTransportDescription.
+    if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+      // TODO( - Handle CreateChannel failure, as new local
+      // description is applied. Restore back to old description.
+      RTCError error = pc_->CreateChannels(*local_description()->description());
+      if (!error.ok()) {
+        return error;
+      }
+    }
+    // Remove unused channels if MediaContentDescription is rejected.
+    pc_->RemoveUnusedChannels(local_description()->description());
+  }
+  error = UpdateSessionState(type, cricket::CS_LOCAL,
+                             local_description()->description());
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  if (remote_description()) {
+    // Now that we have a local description, we can push down remote candidates.
+    pc_->UseCandidatesInSessionDescription(remote_description());
+  }
+  pending_ice_restarts_.clear();
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+                         pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg());
+  }
+  // If setting the description decided our SSL role, allocate any necessary
+  // SCTP sids.
+  rtc::SSLRole role;
+  if (IsSctpLike(pc_->data_channel_type()) && pc_->GetSctpSslRole(&role)) {
+    pc_->data_channel_controller()->AllocateSctpSids(role);
+  }
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    for (const auto& transceiver : pc_->transceivers_) {
+      if (transceiver->stopped()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const ContentInfo* content =
+          pc_->FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(transceiver, local_description());
+      if (!content) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      cricket::ChannelInterface* channel = transceiver->internal()->channel();
+      if (content->rejected || !channel || channel->local_streams().empty()) {
+        // 0 is a special value meaning "this sender has no associated send
+        // stream". Need to call this so the sender won't attempt to configure
+        // a no longer existing stream and run into DCHECKs in the lower
+        // layers.
+        transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->SetSsrc(0);
+      } else {
+        // Get the StreamParams from the channel which could generate SSRCs.
+        const std::vector<StreamParams>& streams = channel->local_streams();
+        transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->set_stream_ids(
+            streams[0].stream_ids());
+        transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->SetSsrc(
+            streams[0].first_ssrc());
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Plan B semantics.
+    // Update state and SSRC of local MediaStreams and DataChannels based on the
+    // local session description.
+    const cricket::ContentInfo* audio_content =
+        GetFirstAudioContent(local_description()->description());
+    if (audio_content) {
+      if (audio_content->rejected) {
+        pc_->RemoveSenders(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
+      } else {
+        const cricket::AudioContentDescription* audio_desc =
+            audio_content->media_description()->as_audio();
+        pc_->UpdateLocalSenders(audio_desc->streams(), audio_desc->type());
+      }
+    }
+    const cricket::ContentInfo* video_content =
+        GetFirstVideoContent(local_description()->description());
+    if (video_content) {
+      if (video_content->rejected) {
+        pc_->RemoveSenders(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
+      } else {
+        const cricket::VideoContentDescription* video_desc =
+            video_content->media_description()->as_video();
+        pc_->UpdateLocalSenders(video_desc->streams(), video_desc->type());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const cricket::ContentInfo* data_content =
+      GetFirstDataContent(local_description()->description());
+  if (data_content) {
+    const cricket::RtpDataContentDescription* rtp_data_desc =
+        data_content->media_description()->as_rtp_data();
+    // rtp_data_desc will be null if this is an SCTP description.
+    if (rtp_data_desc) {
+      pc_->data_channel_controller()->UpdateLocalRtpDataChannels(
+          rtp_data_desc->streams());
+    }
+  }
+  if (type == SdpType::kAnswer &&
+      local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->SatisfiesIceRestart(
+          *current_local_description_)) {
+    local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->ClearIceCredentials();
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetRemoteDescription(
+    SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
+    SessionDescriptionInterface* desc_ptr) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       observer_refptr =
+           rtc::scoped_refptr<SetSessionDescriptionObserver>(observer),
+       desc = std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface>(desc_ptr)](
+          std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) mutable {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          // For consistency with SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter whose
+          // posted messages doesn't get processed when the PC is destroyed, we
+          // do not inform |observer_refptr| that the operation failed.
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        // SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter takes care of making sure the
+        // |observer_refptr| is invoked in a posted message.
+        this_weak_ptr->DoSetRemoteDescription(
+            std::move(desc),
+            rtc::scoped_refptr<SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface>(
+                new rtc::RefCountedObject<SetSessionDescriptionObserverAdapter>(
+                    this_weak_ptr, observer_refptr)));
+        // For backwards-compatability reasons, we declare the operation as
+        // completed here (rather than in a post), so that the operation chain
+        // is not blocked by this operation when the observer is invoked. This
+        // allows the observer to trigger subsequent offer/answer operations
+        // synchronously if the operation chain is now empty.
+        operations_chain_callback();
+      });
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetRemoteDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observer,
+       desc = std::move(desc)](
+          std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) mutable {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(RTCError(
+              RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+              "SetRemoteDescription failed because the session was shut down"));
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        this_weak_ptr->DoSetRemoteDescription(std::move(desc),
+                                              std::move(observer));
+        // DoSetRemoteDescription() is implemented as a synchronous operation.
+        // The |observer| will already have been informed that it completed, and
+        // we can mark this operation as complete without any loose ends.
+        operations_chain_callback();
+      });
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ApplyRemoteDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  RTC_DCHECK(desc);
+  // Update stats here so that we have the most recent stats for tracks and
+  // streams that might be removed by updating the session description.
+  pc_->stats()->UpdateStats(PeerConnectionInterface::kStatsOutputLevelStandard);
+  // Take a reference to the old remote description since it's used below to
+  // compare against the new remote description. When setting the new remote
+  // description, grab ownership of the replaced session description in case it
+  // is the same as |old_remote_description|, to keep it alive for the duration
+  // of the method.
+  const SessionDescriptionInterface* old_remote_description =
+      remote_description();
+  std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> replaced_remote_description;
+  SdpType type = desc->GetType();
+  if (type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    replaced_remote_description = pending_remote_description_
+                                      ? std::move(pending_remote_description_)
+                                      : std::move(current_remote_description_);
+    current_remote_description_ = std::move(desc);
+    pending_remote_description_ = nullptr;
+    current_local_description_ = std::move(pending_local_description_);
+  } else {
+    replaced_remote_description = std::move(pending_remote_description_);
+    pending_remote_description_ = std::move(desc);
+  }
+  // The session description to apply now must be accessed by
+  // |remote_description()|.
+  RTC_DCHECK(remote_description());
+  // Report statistics about any use of simulcast.
+  ReportSimulcastApiVersion(kSimulcastVersionApplyRemoteDescription,
+                            *remote_description()->description());
+  RTCError error = pc_->PushdownTransportDescription(cricket::CS_REMOTE, type);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  // Transport and Media channels will be created only when offer is set.
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    RTCError error = UpdateTransceiversAndDataChannels(
+        cricket::CS_REMOTE, *remote_description(), local_description(),
+        old_remote_description);
+    if (!error.ok()) {
+      return error;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Media channels will be created only when offer is set. These may use new
+    // transports just created by PushdownTransportDescription.
+    if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+      // TODO(mallinath) - Handle CreateChannel failure, as new local
+      // description is applied. Restore back to old description.
+      RTCError error =
+          pc_->CreateChannels(*remote_description()->description());
+      if (!error.ok()) {
+        return error;
+      }
+    }
+    // Remove unused channels if MediaContentDescription is rejected.
+    pc_->RemoveUnusedChannels(remote_description()->description());
+  }
+  // NOTE: Candidates allocation will be initiated only when
+  // SetLocalDescription is called.
+  error = UpdateSessionState(type, cricket::CS_REMOTE,
+                             remote_description()->description());
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  if (local_description() &&
+      !pc_->UseCandidatesInSessionDescription(remote_description())) {
+  }
+  if (old_remote_description) {
+    for (const cricket::ContentInfo& content :
+         old_remote_description->description()->contents()) {
+      // Check if this new SessionDescription contains new ICE ufrag and
+      // password that indicates the remote peer requests an ICE restart.
+      // TODO(deadbeef): When we start storing both the current and pending
+      // remote description, this should reset pending_ice_restarts and compare
+      // against the current description.
+      if (CheckForRemoteIceRestart(old_remote_description, remote_description(),
+                          {
+        if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+          pending_ice_restarts_.insert(;
+        }
+      } else {
+        // We retain all received candidates only if ICE is not restarted.
+        // When ICE is restarted, all previous candidates belong to an old
+        // generation and should not be kept.
+        // TODO(deadbeef): This goes against the W3C spec which says the remote
+        // description should only contain candidates from the last set remote
+        // description plus any candidates added since then. We should remove
+        // this once we're sure it won't break anything.
+        WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::CopyCandidatesFromSessionDescription(
+            old_remote_description,, mutable_remote_description());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+                         pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg());
+  }
+  // Set the the ICE connection state to connecting since the connection may
+  // become writable with peer reflexive candidates before any remote candidate
+  // is signaled.
+  // TODO(pthatcher): This is a short-term solution for crbug/446908. A real fix
+  // is to have a new signal the indicates a change in checking state from the
+  // transport and expose a new checking() member from transport that can be
+  // read to determine the current checking state. The existing SignalConnecting
+  // actually means "gathering candidates", so cannot be be used here.
+  if (remote_description()->GetType() != SdpType::kOffer &&
+      remote_description()->number_of_mediasections() > 0u &&
+      pc_->ice_connection_state() ==
+          PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionNew) {
+    pc_->SetIceConnectionState(PeerConnectionInterface::kIceConnectionChecking);
+  }
+  // If setting the description decided our SSL role, allocate any necessary
+  // SCTP sids.
+  rtc::SSLRole role;
+  if (IsSctpLike(pc_->data_channel_type()) && pc_->GetSctpSslRole(&role)) {
+    pc_->data_channel_controller()->AllocateSctpSids(role);
+  }
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>>
+        now_receiving_transceivers;
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> remove_list;
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> added_streams;
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> removed_streams;
+    for (const auto& transceiver : pc_->transceivers_) {
+      const ContentInfo* content = pc_->FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(
+          transceiver, remote_description());
+      if (!content) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const MediaContentDescription* media_desc = content->media_description();
+      RtpTransceiverDirection local_direction =
+          RtpTransceiverDirectionReversed(media_desc->direction());
+      // Roughly the same as steps of section "Set the
+      // RTCSessionDescription: Set the associated remote streams given
+      // transceiver.[[Receiver]], msids, addList, and removeList".
+      //
+      if (RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(local_direction)) {
+        std::vector<std::string> stream_ids;
+        if (!media_desc->streams().empty()) {
+          // The remote description has signaled the stream IDs.
+          stream_ids = media_desc->streams()[0].stream_ids();
+        }
+        pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_[transceiver]
+            .SetRemoteStreamIdsIfUnset(transceiver->receiver()->stream_ids());
+        RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Processing the MSIDs for MID=" << content->name
+                         << " (" << GetStreamIdsString(stream_ids) << ").";
+        SetAssociatedRemoteStreams(transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal(),
+                                   stream_ids, &added_streams,
+                                   &removed_streams);
+        // From the WebRTC specification, steps of section
+        // "Set the RTCSessionDescription: If direction is sendrecv or recvonly,
+        // and transceiver's current direction is neither sendrecv nor recvonly,
+        // process the addition of a remote track for the media description.
+        if (!transceiver->fired_direction() ||
+            !RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(*transceiver->fired_direction())) {
+          RTC_LOG(LS_INFO)
+              << "Processing the addition of a remote track for MID="
+              << content->name << ".";
+          now_receiving_transceivers.push_back(transceiver);
+        }
+      }
+      // If direction is "sendonly" or "inactive", and transceiver's
+      // [[FiredDirection]] slot is either "sendrecv" or "recvonly", process the
+      // removal of a remote track for the media description, given transceiver,
+      // removeList, and muteTracks.
+      if (!RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(local_direction) &&
+          (transceiver->fired_direction() &&
+           RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(*transceiver->fired_direction()))) {
+        pc_->ProcessRemovalOfRemoteTrack(transceiver, &remove_list,
+                                         &removed_streams);
+      }
+      // Set transceiver's [[FiredDirection]] slot to direction.
+      transceiver->internal()->set_fired_direction(local_direction);
+      // If description is of type "answer" or "pranswer", then run
+      // the following steps:
+      if (type == SdpType::kPrAnswer || type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+        // Set transceiver's [[CurrentDirection]] slot to
+        // direction.
+        transceiver->internal()->set_current_direction(local_direction);
+        //[3-6]: Set the transport internal slots.
+        if (transceiver->mid()) {
+          auto dtls_transport =
+              pc_->LookupDtlsTransportByMidInternal(*transceiver->mid());
+          transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->set_transport(
+              dtls_transport);
+          transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->set_transport(
+              dtls_transport);
+        }
+      }
+      // If the media description is rejected, and transceiver is
+      // not already stopped, stop the RTCRtpTransceiver transceiver.
+      if (content->rejected && !transceiver->stopped()) {
+        RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Stopping transceiver for MID=" << content->name
+                         << " since the media section was rejected.";
+        transceiver->internal()->StopTransceiverProcedure();
+      }
+      if (!content->rejected &&
+          RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(local_direction)) {
+        if (!media_desc->streams().empty() &&
+            media_desc->streams()[0].has_ssrcs()) {
+          uint32_t ssrc = media_desc->streams()[0].first_ssrc();
+          transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->SetupMediaChannel(ssrc);
+        } else {
+          transceiver->internal()
+              ->receiver_internal()
+              ->SetupUnsignaledMediaChannel();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Once all processing has finished, fire off callbacks.
+    auto observer = pc_->Observer();
+    for (const auto& transceiver : now_receiving_transceivers) {
+      pc_->stats()->AddTrack(transceiver->receiver()->track());
+      observer->OnTrack(transceiver);
+      observer->OnAddTrack(transceiver->receiver(),
+                           transceiver->receiver()->streams());
+    }
+    for (const auto& stream : added_streams) {
+      observer->OnAddStream(stream);
+    }
+    for (const auto& transceiver : remove_list) {
+      observer->OnRemoveTrack(transceiver->receiver());
+    }
+    for (const auto& stream : removed_streams) {
+      observer->OnRemoveStream(stream);
+    }
+  }
+  const cricket::ContentInfo* audio_content =
+      GetFirstAudioContent(remote_description()->description());
+  const cricket::ContentInfo* video_content =
+      GetFirstVideoContent(remote_description()->description());
+  const cricket::AudioContentDescription* audio_desc =
+      GetFirstAudioContentDescription(remote_description()->description());
+  const cricket::VideoContentDescription* video_desc =
+      GetFirstVideoContentDescription(remote_description()->description());
+  const cricket::RtpDataContentDescription* rtp_data_desc =
+      GetFirstRtpDataContentDescription(remote_description()->description());
+  // Check if the descriptions include streams, just in case the peer supports
+  // MSID, but doesn't indicate so with "a=msid-semantic".
+  if (remote_description()->description()->msid_supported() ||
+      (audio_desc && !audio_desc->streams().empty()) ||
+      (video_desc && !video_desc->streams().empty())) {
+    remote_peer_supports_msid_ = true;
+  }
+  // We wait to signal new streams until we finish processing the description,
+  // since only at that point will new streams have all their tracks.
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollection> new_streams(StreamCollection::Create());
+  if (!IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    // TODO(steveanton): When removing RTP senders/receivers in response to a
+    // rejected media section, there is some cleanup logic that expects the
+    // voice/ video channel to still be set. But in this method the voice/video
+    // channel would have been destroyed by the SetRemoteDescription caller
+    // above so the cleanup that relies on them fails to run. The RemoveSenders
+    // calls should be moved to right before the DestroyChannel calls to fix
+    // this.
+    // Find all audio rtp streams and create corresponding remote AudioTracks
+    // and MediaStreams.
+    if (audio_content) {
+      if (audio_content->rejected) {
+        pc_->RemoveSenders(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
+      } else {
+        bool default_audio_track_needed =
+            !remote_peer_supports_msid_ &&
+            RtpTransceiverDirectionHasSend(audio_desc->direction());
+        pc_->UpdateRemoteSendersList(GetActiveStreams(audio_desc),
+                                     default_audio_track_needed,
+                                     audio_desc->type(), new_streams);
+      }
+    }
+    // Find all video rtp streams and create corresponding remote VideoTracks
+    // and MediaStreams.
+    if (video_content) {
+      if (video_content->rejected) {
+        pc_->RemoveSenders(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
+      } else {
+        bool default_video_track_needed =
+            !remote_peer_supports_msid_ &&
+            RtpTransceiverDirectionHasSend(video_desc->direction());
+        pc_->UpdateRemoteSendersList(GetActiveStreams(video_desc),
+                                     default_video_track_needed,
+                                     video_desc->type(), new_streams);
+      }
+    }
+    // If this is an RTP data transport, update the DataChannels with the
+    // information from the remote peer.
+    if (rtp_data_desc) {
+      pc_->data_channel_controller()->UpdateRemoteRtpDataChannels(
+          GetActiveStreams(rtp_data_desc));
+    }
+    // Iterate new_streams and notify the observer about new MediaStreams.
+    auto observer = pc_->Observer();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < new_streams->count(); ++i) {
+      MediaStreamInterface* new_stream = new_streams->at(i);
+      pc_->stats()->AddStream(new_stream);
+      observer->OnAddStream(
+          rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>(new_stream));
+    }
+    pc_->UpdateEndedRemoteMediaStreams();
+  }
+  if (type == SdpType::kAnswer &&
+      local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->SatisfiesIceRestart(
+          *current_local_description_)) {
+    local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->ClearIceCredentials();
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoSetLocalDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoSetLocalDescription");
+  if (!observer) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetLocalDescription - observer is NULL.";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!desc) {
+    observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, "SessionDescription is NULL."));
+    return;
+  }
+  // If a session error has occurred the PeerConnection is in a possibly
+  // inconsistent state so fail right away.
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+    std::string error_message = pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg();
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetLocalDescription: " << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // For SLD we support only explicit rollback.
+  if (desc->GetType() == SdpType::kRollback) {
+    if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+      observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(Rollback(desc->GetType()));
+    } else {
+      observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(
+                   "Rollback not supported in Plan B"));
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  RTCError error = ValidateSessionDescription(desc.get(), cricket::CS_LOCAL);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    std::string error_message = GetSetDescriptionErrorMessage(
+        cricket::CS_LOCAL, desc->GetType(), error);
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // Grab the description type before moving ownership to ApplyLocalDescription,
+  // which may destroy it before returning.
+  const SdpType type = desc->GetType();
+  error = ApplyLocalDescription(std::move(desc));
+  // |desc| may be destroyed at this point.
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    // If ApplyLocalDescription fails, the PeerConnection could be in an
+    // inconsistent state, so act conservatively here and set the session error
+    // so that future calls to SetLocalDescription/SetRemoteDescription fail.
+    pc_->SetSessionError(PeerConnection::SessionError::kContent,
+                         error.message());
+    std::string error_message =
+        GetSetDescriptionErrorMessage(cricket::CS_LOCAL, type, error);
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK(local_description());
+  if (local_description()->GetType() == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    pc_->RemoveStoppedTransceivers();
+    // TODO(deadbeef): We already had to hop to the network thread for
+    // MaybeStartGathering...
+    pc_->network_thread()->Invoke<void>(
+        RTC_FROM_HERE, rtc::Bind(&cricket::PortAllocator::DiscardCandidatePool,
+                                 pc_->port_allocator_.get()));
+    // Make UMA notes about what was agreed to.
+    pc_->ReportNegotiatedSdpSemantics(*local_description());
+  }
+  observer->OnSetLocalDescriptionComplete(RTCError::OK());
+  pc_->NoteUsageEvent(
+      PeerConnection::UsageEvent::SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION_SUCCEEDED);
+  // Check if negotiation is needed. We must do this after informing the
+  // observer that SetLocalDescription() has completed to ensure negotiation is
+  // not needed prior to the promise resolving.
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    bool was_negotiation_needed = is_negotiation_needed_;
+    UpdateNegotiationNeeded();
+    if (signaling_state() == PeerConnectionInterface::kStable &&
+        was_negotiation_needed && is_negotiation_needed_) {
+      // Legacy version.
+      pc_->Observer()->OnRenegotiationNeeded();
+      // Spec-compliant version; the event may get invalidated before firing.
+      GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent();
+    }
+  }
+  // MaybeStartGathering needs to be called after informing the observer so that
+  // we don't signal any candidates before signaling that SetLocalDescription
+  // completed.
+  pc_->transport_controller_->MaybeStartGathering();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoCreateOffer(
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoCreateOffer");
+  if (!observer) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CreateOffer - observer is NULL.";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (pc_->IsClosed()) {
+    std::string error = "CreateOffer called when PeerConnection is closed.";
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error;
+    pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
+        observer, RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE, std::move(error)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // If a session error has occurred the PeerConnection is in a possibly
+  // inconsistent state so fail right away.
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+    std::string error_message = pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg();
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CreateOffer: " << error_message;
+    pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
+        observer,
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!ValidateOfferAnswerOptions(options)) {
+    std::string error = "CreateOffer called with invalid options.";
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error;
+    pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
+        observer, RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_PARAMETER, std::move(error)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // Legacy handling for offer_to_receive_audio and offer_to_receive_video.
+  // Specified in WebRTC section "Legacy configuration extensions".
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    RTCError error = pc_->HandleLegacyOfferOptions(options);
+    if (!error.ok()) {
+      pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(observer, std::move(error));
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  cricket::MediaSessionOptions session_options;
+  pc_->GetOptionsForOffer(options, &session_options);
+  webrtc_session_desc_factory_->CreateOffer(observer, options, session_options);
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::CreateAnswer(
+    CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       observer_refptr =
+           rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver>(observer),
+       options](std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) {
+        // Abort early if |this_weak_ptr| is no longer valid.
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          observer_refptr->OnFailure(RTCError(
+              RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+              "CreateAnswer failed because the session was shut down"));
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        // The operation completes asynchronously when the wrapper is invoked.
+        rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper>
+            observer_wrapper(new rtc::RefCountedObject<
+                             CreateSessionDescriptionObserverOperationWrapper>(
+                std::move(observer_refptr),
+                std::move(operations_chain_callback)));
+        this_weak_ptr->DoCreateAnswer(options, observer_wrapper);
+      });
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoCreateAnswer(
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<CreateSessionDescriptionObserver> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoCreateAnswer");
+  if (!observer) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CreateAnswer - observer is NULL.";
+    return;
+  }
+  // If a session error has occurred the PeerConnection is in a possibly
+  // inconsistent state so fail right away.
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+    std::string error_message = pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg();
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "CreateAnswer: " << error_message;
+    pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
+        observer,
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!(signaling_state_ == PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer ||
+        signaling_state_ == PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalPrAnswer)) {
+    std::string error =
+        "PeerConnection cannot create an answer in a state other than "
+        "have-remote-offer or have-local-pranswer.";
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error;
+    pc_->PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
+        observer, RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE, std::move(error)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // The remote description should be set if we're in the right state.
+  RTC_DCHECK(remote_description());
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    if (options.offer_to_receive_audio !=
+        PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions::kUndefined) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "CreateAnswer: offer_to_receive_audio is not "
+                             "supported with Unified Plan semantics. Use the "
+                             "RtpTransceiver API instead.";
+    }
+    if (options.offer_to_receive_video !=
+        PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions::kUndefined) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "CreateAnswer: offer_to_receive_video is not "
+                             "supported with Unified Plan semantics. Use the "
+                             "RtpTransceiver API instead.";
+    }
+  }
+  cricket::MediaSessionOptions session_options;
+  pc_->GetOptionsForAnswer(options, &session_options);
+  webrtc_session_desc_factory_->CreateAnswer(observer, session_options);
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoSetRemoteDescription(
+    std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface> observer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::DoSetRemoteDescription");
+  if (!observer) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetRemoteDescription - observer is NULL.";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!desc) {
+    observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(RTCError(
+        RTCErrorType::INVALID_PARAMETER, "SessionDescription is NULL."));
+    return;
+  }
+  // If a session error has occurred the PeerConnection is in a possibly
+  // inconsistent state so fail right away.
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+    std::string error_message = pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg();
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetRemoteDescription: " << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR, std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    if (pc_->configuration()->enable_implicit_rollback) {
+      if (desc->GetType() == SdpType::kOffer &&
+          signaling_state() == PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalOffer) {
+        Rollback(desc->GetType());
+      }
+    }
+    // Explicit rollback.
+    if (desc->GetType() == SdpType::kRollback) {
+      observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(Rollback(desc->GetType()));
+      return;
+    }
+  } else if (desc->GetType() == SdpType::kRollback) {
+    observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(
+                 "Rollback not supported in Plan B"));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (desc->GetType() == SdpType::kOffer) {
+    // Report to UMA the format of the received offer.
+    pc_->ReportSdpFormatReceived(*desc);
+  }
+  // Handle remote descriptions missing a=mid lines for interop with legacy end
+  // points.
+  pc_->FillInMissingRemoteMids(desc->description());
+  RTCError error = ValidateSessionDescription(desc.get(), cricket::CS_REMOTE);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    std::string error_message = GetSetDescriptionErrorMessage(
+        cricket::CS_REMOTE, desc->GetType(), error);
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(error.type(), std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  // Grab the description type before moving ownership to
+  // ApplyRemoteDescription, which may destroy it before returning.
+  const SdpType type = desc->GetType();
+  error = ApplyRemoteDescription(std::move(desc));
+  // |desc| may be destroyed at this point.
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    // If ApplyRemoteDescription fails, the PeerConnection could be in an
+    // inconsistent state, so act conservatively here and set the session error
+    // so that future calls to SetLocalDescription/SetRemoteDescription fail.
+    pc_->SetSessionError(PeerConnection::SessionError::kContent,
+                         error.message());
+    std::string error_message =
+        GetSetDescriptionErrorMessage(cricket::CS_REMOTE, type, error);
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << error_message;
+    observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(
+        RTCError(error.type(), std::move(error_message)));
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK(remote_description());
+  if (type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    pc_->RemoveStoppedTransceivers();
+    // TODO(deadbeef): We already had to hop to the network thread for
+    // MaybeStartGathering...
+    pc_->network_thread()->Invoke<void>(
+        RTC_FROM_HERE, rtc::Bind(&cricket::PortAllocator::DiscardCandidatePool,
+                                 pc_->port_allocator_.get()));
+    // Make UMA notes about what was agreed to.
+    pc_->ReportNegotiatedSdpSemantics(*remote_description());
+  }
+  observer->OnSetRemoteDescriptionComplete(RTCError::OK());
+  pc_->NoteUsageEvent(
+      PeerConnection::UsageEvent::SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION_SUCCEEDED);
+  // Check if negotiation is needed. We must do this after informing the
+  // observer that SetRemoteDescription() has completed to ensure negotiation is
+  // not needed prior to the promise resolving.
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    bool was_negotiation_needed = is_negotiation_needed_;
+    UpdateNegotiationNeeded();
+    if (signaling_state() == PeerConnectionInterface::kStable &&
+        was_negotiation_needed && is_negotiation_needed_) {
+      // Legacy version.
+      pc_->Observer()->OnRenegotiationNeeded();
+      // Spec-compliant version; the event may get invalidated before firing.
+      GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent();
+    }
+  }
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::SetAssociatedRemoteStreams(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInternal> receiver,
+    const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids,
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>* added_streams,
+    std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>* removed_streams) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> media_streams;
+  for (const std::string& stream_id : stream_ids) {
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> stream =
+        pc_->remote_streams_internal()->find(stream_id);
+    if (!stream) {
+      stream = MediaStreamProxy::Create(rtc::Thread::Current(),
+                                        MediaStream::Create(stream_id));
+      pc_->remote_streams_internal()->AddStream(stream);
+      added_streams->push_back(stream);
+    }
+    media_streams.push_back(stream);
+  }
+  // Special case: "a=msid" missing, use random stream ID.
+  if (media_streams.empty() &&
+      !(remote_description()->description()->msid_signaling() &
+        cricket::kMsidSignalingMediaSection)) {
+    if (!missing_msid_default_stream_) {
+      missing_msid_default_stream_ = MediaStreamProxy::Create(
+          rtc::Thread::Current(), MediaStream::Create(rtc::CreateRandomUuid()));
+      added_streams->push_back(missing_msid_default_stream_);
+    }
+    media_streams.push_back(missing_msid_default_stream_);
+  }
+  std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> previous_streams =
+      receiver->streams();
+  // SetStreams() will add/remove the receiver's track to/from the streams. This
+  // differs from the spec - the spec uses an "addList" and "removeList" to
+  // update the stream-track relationships in a later step. We do this earlier,
+  // changing the order of things, but the end-result is the same.
+  // TODO(hbos): When we remove remote_streams(), use set_stream_ids()
+  // instead.
+  receiver->SetStreams(media_streams);
+  pc_->RemoveRemoteStreamsIfEmpty(previous_streams, removed_streams);
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::AddIceCandidate(
+    const IceCandidateInterface* ice_candidate) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::AddIceCandidate");
+  if (pc_->IsClosed()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AddIceCandidate: PeerConnection is closed.";
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailClosed);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!remote_description()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AddIceCandidate: ICE candidates can't be added "
+                         "without any remote session description.";
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailNoRemoteDescription);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!ice_candidate) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AddIceCandidate: Candidate is null.";
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailNullCandidate);
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool valid = false;
+  bool ready = pc_->ReadyToUseRemoteCandidate(ice_candidate, nullptr, &valid);
+  if (!valid) {
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailNotValid);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Add this candidate to the remote session description.
+  if (!mutable_remote_description()->AddCandidate(ice_candidate)) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AddIceCandidate: Candidate cannot be used.";
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailInAddition);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (ready) {
+    bool result = pc_->UseCandidate(ice_candidate);
+    if (result) {
+      pc_->NoteUsageEvent(
+          PeerConnection::UsageEvent::ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE_SUCCEEDED);
+      NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateSuccess);
+    } else {
+      NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailNotUsable);
+    }
+    return result;
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "AddIceCandidate: Not ready to use candidate.";
+    NoteAddIceCandidateResult(kAddIceCandidateFailNotReady);
+    return true;
+  }
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::AddIceCandidate(
+    std::unique_ptr<IceCandidateInterface> candidate,
+    std::function<void(RTCError)> callback) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Chain this operation. If asynchronous operations are pending on the chain,
+  // this operation will be queued to be invoked, otherwise the contents of the
+  // lambda will execute immediately.
+  operations_chain_->ChainOperation(
+      [this_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+       candidate = std::move(candidate), callback = std::move(callback)](
+          std::function<void()> operations_chain_callback) {
+        if (!this_weak_ptr) {
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          callback(RTCError(
+              RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE,
+              "AddIceCandidate failed because the session was shut down"));
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!this_weak_ptr->AddIceCandidate(candidate.get())) {
+          operations_chain_callback();
+          // Fail with an error type and message consistent with Chromium.
+          // TODO(hbos): Fail with error types according to spec.
+          callback(RTCError(RTCErrorType::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION,
+                            "Error processing ICE candidate"));
+          return;
+        }
+        operations_chain_callback();
+        callback(RTCError::OK());
+      });
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::RemoveIceCandidates(
+    const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) {
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SdpOfferAnswerHandler::RemoveIceCandidates");
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (pc_->IsClosed()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "RemoveIceCandidates: PeerConnection is closed.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!remote_description()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "RemoveIceCandidates: ICE candidates can't be removed "
+                         "without any remote session description.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (candidates.empty()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "RemoveIceCandidates: candidates are empty.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_t number_removed =
+      mutable_remote_description()->RemoveCandidates(candidates);
+  if (number_removed != candidates.size()) {
+        << "RemoveIceCandidates: Failed to remove candidates. Requested "
+        << candidates.size() << " but only " << number_removed
+        << " are removed.";
+  }
+  // Remove the candidates from the transport controller.
+  RTCError error =
+      pc_->transport_controller_->RemoveRemoteCandidates(candidates);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+        << "RemoveIceCandidates: Error when removing remote candidates: "
+        << error.message();
+  }
+  return true;
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::AddLocalIceCandidate(
+    const JsepIceCandidate* candidate) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (local_description()) {
+    mutable_local_description()->AddCandidate(candidate);
+  }
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::RemoveLocalIceCandidates(
+    const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (local_description()) {
+    mutable_local_description()->RemoveCandidates(candidates);
+  }
+const SessionDescriptionInterface* SdpOfferAnswerHandler::local_description()
+    const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return pending_local_description_ ? pending_local_description_.get()
+                                    : current_local_description_.get();
+const SessionDescriptionInterface* SdpOfferAnswerHandler::remote_description()
+    const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return pending_remote_description_ ? pending_remote_description_.get()
+                                     : current_remote_description_.get();
+const SessionDescriptionInterface*
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::current_local_description() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return current_local_description_.get();
+const SessionDescriptionInterface*
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::current_remote_description() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return current_remote_description_.get();
+const SessionDescriptionInterface*
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::pending_local_description() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return pending_local_description_.get();
+const SessionDescriptionInterface*
+SdpOfferAnswerHandler::pending_remote_description() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return pending_remote_description_.get();
+PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState SdpOfferAnswerHandler::signaling_state()
+    const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return signaling_state_;
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ChangeSignalingState(
+    PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState signaling_state) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (signaling_state_ == signaling_state) {
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Session: " << pc_->session_id() << " Old state: "
+                   << GetSignalingStateString(signaling_state_)
+                   << " New state: "
+                   << GetSignalingStateString(signaling_state);
+  signaling_state_ = signaling_state;
+  pc_->Observer()->OnSignalingChange(signaling_state_);
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::UpdateSessionState(
+    SdpType type,
+    cricket::ContentSource source,
+    const cricket::SessionDescription* description) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // If there's already a pending error then no state transition should happen.
+  // But all call-sites should be verifying this before calling us!
+  RTC_DCHECK(pc_->session_error() == PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone);
+  // If this is answer-ish we're ready to let media flow.
+  if (type == SdpType::kPrAnswer || type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    pc_->EnableSending();
+  }
+  // Update the signaling state according to the specified state machine (see
+  //
+  if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+    ChangeSignalingState(source == cricket::CS_LOCAL
+                             ? PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalOffer
+                             : PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer);
+  } else if (type == SdpType::kPrAnswer) {
+    ChangeSignalingState(source == cricket::CS_LOCAL
+                             ? PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalPrAnswer
+                             : PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemotePrAnswer);
+  } else {
+    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(pc_->signaling_thread());
+    RTC_DCHECK(type == SdpType::kAnswer);
+    ChangeSignalingState(PeerConnectionInterface::kStable);
+    pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_.clear();
+    pc_->have_pending_rtp_data_channel_ = false;
+  }
+  // Update internal objects according to the session description's media
+  // descriptions.
+  RTCError error = pc_->PushdownMediaDescription(type, source);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ShouldFireNegotiationNeededEvent(
+    uint32_t event_id) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // Plan B? Always fire to conform with useless legacy behavior.
+  if (!IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // The event ID has been invalidated. Either negotiation is no longer needed
+  // or a newer negotiation needed event has been generated.
+  if (event_id != negotiation_needed_event_id_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // The chain is no longer empty, update negotiation needed when it becomes
+  // empty. This should generate a newer negotiation needed event, making this
+  // one obsolete.
+  if (!operations_chain_->IsEmpty()) {
+    // Since we just suppressed an event that would have been fired, if
+    // negotiation is still needed by the time the chain becomes empty again, we
+    // must make sure to generate another event if negotiation is needed then.
+    // This happens when |is_negotiation_needed_| goes from false to true, so we
+    // set it to false until UpdateNegotiationNeeded() is called.
+    is_negotiation_needed_ = false;
+    update_negotiation_needed_on_empty_chain_ = true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // We must not fire if the signaling state is no longer "stable". If
+  // negotiation is still needed when we return to "stable", a new negotiation
+  // needed event will be generated, so this one can safely be suppressed.
+  if (signaling_state_ != PeerConnectionInterface::kStable) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // All checks have passed - please fire "negotiationneeded" now!
+  return true;
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::Rollback(SdpType desc_type) {
+  auto state = signaling_state();
+  if (state != PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveLocalOffer &&
+      state != PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer) {
+    return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE,
+                    "Called in wrong signalingState: " +
+                        GetSignalingStateString(signaling_state()));
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  RTC_DCHECK(IsUnifiedPlan());
+  std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> all_added_streams;
+  std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> all_removed_streams;
+  std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInterface>> removed_receivers;
+  for (auto&& transceivers_stable_state_pair :
+       pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_) {
+    auto transceiver = transceivers_stable_state_pair.first;
+    auto state = transceivers_stable_state_pair.second;
+    if (state.remote_stream_ids()) {
+      std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> added_streams;
+      std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> removed_streams;
+      SetAssociatedRemoteStreams(transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal(),
+                                 state.remote_stream_ids().value(),
+                                 &added_streams, &removed_streams);
+      all_added_streams.insert(all_added_streams.end(), added_streams.begin(),
+                               added_streams.end());
+      all_removed_streams.insert(all_removed_streams.end(),
+                                 removed_streams.begin(),
+                                 removed_streams.end());
+      if (!state.has_m_section() && !state.newly_created()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    RTC_DCHECK(transceiver->internal()->mid().has_value());
+    pc_->DestroyTransceiverChannel(transceiver);
+    if (signaling_state() == PeerConnectionInterface::kHaveRemoteOffer &&
+        transceiver->receiver()) {
+      removed_receivers.push_back(transceiver->receiver());
+    }
+    if (state.newly_created()) {
+      if (transceiver->internal()->reused_for_addtrack()) {
+        transceiver->internal()->set_created_by_addtrack(true);
+      } else {
+        int remaining_transceiver_count = 0;
+        for (auto&& t : pc_->transceivers_) {
+          if (t != transceiver) {
+            pc_->transceivers_[remaining_transceiver_count++] = t;
+          }
+        }
+        pc_->transceivers_.resize(remaining_transceiver_count);
+      }
+    }
+    transceiver->internal()->sender_internal()->set_transport(nullptr);
+    transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->set_transport(nullptr);
+    transceiver->internal()->set_mid(state.mid());
+    transceiver->internal()->set_mline_index(state.mline_index());
+  }
+  pc_->transport_controller_->RollbackTransports();
+  {
+    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(pc_->signaling_thread());
+    if (pc_->have_pending_rtp_data_channel_) {
+      pc_->DestroyDataChannelTransport();
+      pc_->have_pending_rtp_data_channel_ = false;
+    }
+    pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_.clear();
+  }
+  pending_local_description_.reset();
+  pending_remote_description_.reset();
+  ChangeSignalingState(PeerConnectionInterface::kStable);
+  // Once all processing has finished, fire off callbacks.
+  for (const auto& receiver : removed_receivers) {
+    pc_->Observer()->OnRemoveTrack(receiver);
+  }
+  for (const auto& stream : all_added_streams) {
+    pc_->Observer()->OnAddStream(stream);
+  }
+  for (const auto& stream : all_removed_streams) {
+    pc_->Observer()->OnRemoveStream(stream);
+  }
+  // The assumption is that in case of implicit rollback UpdateNegotiationNeeded
+  // gets called in SetRemoteDescription.
+  if (desc_type == SdpType::kRollback) {
+    UpdateNegotiationNeeded();
+    if (is_negotiation_needed_) {
+      // Legacy version.
+      pc_->Observer()->OnRenegotiationNeeded();
+      // Spec-compliant version; the event may get invalidated before firing.
+      GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent();
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::IsUnifiedPlan() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(pc_->signaling_thread());
+  return pc_->IsUnifiedPlan();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::OnOperationsChainEmpty() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (pc_->IsClosed() || !update_negotiation_needed_on_empty_chain_)
+    return;
+  update_negotiation_needed_on_empty_chain_ = false;
+  // Firing when chain is empty is only supported in Unified Plan to avoid Plan
+  // B regressions. (In Plan B, onnegotiationneeded is already broken anyway, so
+  // firing it even more might just be confusing.)
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    UpdateNegotiationNeeded();
+  }
+absl::optional<bool> SdpOfferAnswerHandler::is_caller() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return is_caller_;
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::HasNewIceCredentials() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->HasIceCredentials();
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::IceRestartPending(
+    const std::string& content_name) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  return pending_ice_restarts_.find(content_name) !=
+         pending_ice_restarts_.end();
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::UpdateNegotiationNeeded() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  if (!IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    pc_->Observer()->OnRenegotiationNeeded();
+    GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent();
+    return;
+  }
+  // In the spec, a task is queued here to run the following steps - this is
+  // meant to ensure we do not fire onnegotiationneeded prematurely if multiple
+  // changes are being made at once. In order to support Chromium's
+  // implementation where the JavaScript representation of the PeerConnection
+  // lives on a separate thread though, the queuing of a task is instead
+  // performed by the PeerConnectionObserver posting from the signaling thread
+  // to the JavaScript main thread that negotiation is needed. And because the
+  // Operations Chain lives on the WebRTC signaling thread,
+  // ShouldFireNegotiationNeededEvent() must be called before firing the event
+  // to ensure the Operations Chain is still empty and the event has not been
+  // invalidated.
+  // If connection's [[IsClosed]] slot is true, abort these steps.
+  if (pc_->IsClosed())
+    return;
+  // If connection's signaling state is not "stable", abort these steps.
+  if (signaling_state() != PeerConnectionInterface::kStable)
+    return;
+  // NOTE
+  // The negotiation-needed flag will be updated once the state transitions to
+  // "stable", as part of the steps for setting an RTCSessionDescription.
+  // If the result of checking if negotiation is needed is false, clear the
+  // negotiation-needed flag by setting connection's [[NegotiationNeeded]] slot
+  // to false, and abort these steps.
+  bool is_negotiation_needed = CheckIfNegotiationIsNeeded();
+  if (!is_negotiation_needed) {
+    is_negotiation_needed_ = false;
+    // Invalidate any negotiation needed event that may previosuly have been
+    // generated.
+    ++negotiation_needed_event_id_;
+    return;
+  }
+  // If connection's [[NegotiationNeeded]] slot is already true, abort these
+  // steps.
+  if (is_negotiation_needed_)
+    return;
+  // Set connection's [[NegotiationNeeded]] slot to true.
+  is_negotiation_needed_ = true;
+  // Queue a task that runs the following steps:
+  // If connection's [[IsClosed]] slot is true, abort these steps.
+  // If connection's [[NegotiationNeeded]] slot is false, abort these steps.
+  // Fire an event named negotiationneeded at connection.
+  pc_->Observer()->OnRenegotiationNeeded();
+  // Fire the spec-compliant version; when ShouldFireNegotiationNeededEvent() is
+  // used in the task queued by the observer, this event will only fire when the
+  // chain is empty.
+  GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent();
+bool SdpOfferAnswerHandler::CheckIfNegotiationIsNeeded() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  // 1. If any implementation-specific negotiation is required, as described at
+  // the start of this section, return true.
+  // 2. If connection.[[LocalIceCredentialsToReplace]] is not empty, return
+  // true.
+  if (local_ice_credentials_to_replace_->HasIceCredentials()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // 3. Let description be connection.[[CurrentLocalDescription]].
+  const SessionDescriptionInterface* description = current_local_description();
+  if (!description)
+    return true;
+  // 4. If connection has created any RTCDataChannels, and no m= section in
+  // description has been negotiated yet for data, return true.
+  if (pc_->data_channel_controller()->HasSctpDataChannels()) {
+    if (!cricket::GetFirstDataContent(description->description()->contents()))
+      return true;
+  }
+  // 5. For each transceiver in connection's set of transceivers, perform the
+  // following checks:
+  for (const auto& transceiver : pc_->transceivers_) {
+    const ContentInfo* current_local_msection =
+        FindTransceiverMSection(transceiver.get(), description);
+    const ContentInfo* current_remote_msection = FindTransceiverMSection(
+        transceiver.get(), current_remote_description());
+    // 5.4 If transceiver is stopped and is associated with an m= section,
+    // but the associated m= section is not yet rejected in
+    // connection.[[CurrentLocalDescription]] or
+    // connection.[[CurrentRemoteDescription]], return true.
+    if (transceiver->stopped()) {
+      RTC_DCHECK(transceiver->stopping());
+      if (current_local_msection && !current_local_msection->rejected &&
+          ((current_remote_msection && !current_remote_msection->rejected) ||
+           !current_remote_msection)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // 5.1 If transceiver.[[Stopping]] is true and transceiver.[[Stopped]] is
+    // false, return true.
+    if (transceiver->stopping() && !transceiver->stopped())
+      return true;
+    // 5.2 If transceiver isn't stopped and isn't yet associated with an m=
+    // section in description, return true.
+    if (!current_local_msection)
+      return true;
+    const MediaContentDescription* current_local_media_description =
+        current_local_msection->media_description();
+    // 5.3 If transceiver isn't stopped and is associated with an m= section
+    // in description then perform the following checks:
+    // 5.3.1 If transceiver.[[Direction]] is "sendrecv" or "sendonly", and the
+    // associated m= section in description either doesn't contain a single
+    // "a=msid" line, or the number of MSIDs from the "a=msid" lines in this
+    // m= section, or the MSID values themselves, differ from what is in
+    // transceiver.sender.[[AssociatedMediaStreamIds]], return true.
+    if (RtpTransceiverDirectionHasSend(transceiver->direction())) {
+      if (current_local_media_description->streams().size() == 0)
+        return true;
+      std::vector<std::string> msection_msids;
+      for (const auto& stream : current_local_media_description->streams()) {
+        for (const std::string& msid : stream.stream_ids())
+          msection_msids.push_back(msid);
+      }
+      std::vector<std::string> transceiver_msids =
+          transceiver->sender()->stream_ids();
+      if (msection_msids.size() != transceiver_msids.size())
+        return true;
+      absl::c_sort(transceiver_msids);
+      absl::c_sort(msection_msids);
+      if (transceiver_msids != msection_msids)
+        return true;
+    }
+    // 5.3.2 If description is of type "offer", and the direction of the
+    // associated m= section in neither connection.[[CurrentLocalDescription]]
+    // nor connection.[[CurrentRemoteDescription]] matches
+    // transceiver.[[Direction]], return true.
+    if (description->GetType() == SdpType::kOffer) {
+      if (!current_remote_description())
+        return true;
+      if (!current_remote_msection)
+        return true;
+      RtpTransceiverDirection current_local_direction =
+          current_local_media_description->direction();
+      RtpTransceiverDirection current_remote_direction =
+          current_remote_msection->media_description()->direction();
+      if (transceiver->direction() != current_local_direction &&
+          transceiver->direction() !=
+              RtpTransceiverDirectionReversed(current_remote_direction)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    // 5.3.3 If description is of type "answer", and the direction of the
+    // associated m= section in the description does not match
+    // transceiver.[[Direction]] intersected with the offered direction (as
+    // described in [JSEP] (section 5.3.1.)), return true.
+    if (description->GetType() == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+      if (!remote_description())
+        return true;
+      const ContentInfo* offered_remote_msection =
+          FindTransceiverMSection(transceiver.get(), remote_description());
+      RtpTransceiverDirection offered_direction =
+          offered_remote_msection
+              ? offered_remote_msection->media_description()->direction()
+              : RtpTransceiverDirection::kInactive;
+      if (current_local_media_description->direction() !=
+          (RtpTransceiverDirectionIntersection(
+              transceiver->direction(),
+              RtpTransceiverDirectionReversed(offered_direction)))) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // If all the preceding checks were performed and true was not returned,
+  // nothing remains to be negotiated; return false.
+  return false;
+void SdpOfferAnswerHandler::GenerateNegotiationNeededEvent() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  ++negotiation_needed_event_id_;
+  pc_->Observer()->OnNegotiationNeededEvent(negotiation_needed_event_id_);
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::ValidateSessionDescription(
+    const SessionDescriptionInterface* sdesc,
+    cricket::ContentSource source) {
+  if (pc_->session_error() != PeerConnection::SessionError::kNone) {
+                         pc_->GetSessionErrorMsg());
+  }
+  if (!sdesc || !sdesc->description()) {
+  }
+  SdpType type = sdesc->GetType();
+  if ((source == cricket::CS_LOCAL && !pc_->ExpectSetLocalDescription(type)) ||
+      (source == cricket::CS_REMOTE &&
+       !pc_->ExpectSetRemoteDescription(type))) {
+        RTCErrorType::INVALID_STATE,
+        "Called in wrong state: " + GetSignalingStateString(signaling_state()));
+  }
+  RTCError error = ValidateMids(*sdesc->description());
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    return error;
+  }
+  // Verify crypto settings.
+  std::string crypto_error;
+  if (webrtc_session_desc_factory_->SdesPolicy() == cricket::SEC_REQUIRED ||
+      pc_->dtls_enabled()) {
+    RTCError crypto_error =
+        VerifyCrypto(sdesc->description(), pc_->dtls_enabled());
+    if (!crypto_error.ok()) {
+      return crypto_error;
+    }
+  }
+  // Verify ice-ufrag and ice-pwd.
+  if (!VerifyIceUfragPwdPresent(sdesc->description())) {
+                         kSdpWithoutIceUfragPwd);
+  }
+  if (!pc_->ValidateBundleSettings(sdesc->description())) {
+                         kBundleWithoutRtcpMux);
+  }
+  // TODO(skvlad): When the local rtcp-mux policy is Require, reject any
+  // m-lines that do not rtcp-mux enabled.
+  // Verify m-lines in Answer when compared against Offer.
+  if (type == SdpType::kPrAnswer || type == SdpType::kAnswer) {
+    // With an answer we want to compare the new answer session description with
+    // the offer's session description from the current negotiation.
+    const cricket::SessionDescription* offer_desc =
+        (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL) ? remote_description()->description()
+                                      : local_description()->description();
+    if (!MediaSectionsHaveSameCount(*offer_desc, *sdesc->description()) ||
+        !MediaSectionsInSameOrder(*offer_desc, nullptr, *sdesc->description(),
+                                  type)) {
+                           kMlineMismatchInAnswer);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // The re-offers should respect the order of m= sections in current
+    // description. See RFC3264 Section 8 paragraph 4 for more details.
+    // With a re-offer, either the current local or current remote descriptions
+    // could be the most up to date, so we would like to check against both of
+    // them if they exist. It could be the case that one of them has a 0 port
+    // for a media section, but the other does not. This is important to check
+    // against in the case that we are recycling an m= section.
+    const cricket::SessionDescription* current_desc = nullptr;
+    const cricket::SessionDescription* secondary_current_desc = nullptr;
+    if (local_description()) {
+      current_desc = local_description()->description();
+      if (remote_description()) {
+        secondary_current_desc = remote_description()->description();
+      }
+    } else if (remote_description()) {
+      current_desc = remote_description()->description();
+    }
+    if (current_desc &&
+        !MediaSectionsInSameOrder(*current_desc, secondary_current_desc,
+                                  *sdesc->description(), type)) {
+                           kMlineMismatchInSubsequentOffer);
+    }
+  }
+  if (IsUnifiedPlan()) {
+    // Ensure that each audio and video media section has at most one
+    // "StreamParams". This will return an error if receiving a session
+    // description from a "Plan B" endpoint which adds multiple tracks of the
+    // same type. With Unified Plan, there can only be at most one track per
+    // media section.
+    for (const ContentInfo& content : sdesc->description()->contents()) {
+      const MediaContentDescription& desc = *content.media_description();
+      if ((desc.type() == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ||
+           desc.type() == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) &&
+          desc.streams().size() > 1u) {
+                             "Media section has more than one track specified "
+                             "with a=ssrc lines which is not supported with "
+                             "Unified Plan.");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::UpdateTransceiversAndDataChannels(
+    cricket::ContentSource source,
+    const SessionDescriptionInterface& new_session,
+    const SessionDescriptionInterface* old_local_description,
+    const SessionDescriptionInterface* old_remote_description) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
+  RTC_DCHECK(IsUnifiedPlan());
+  const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle_group = nullptr;
+  if (new_session.GetType() == SdpType::kOffer) {
+    auto bundle_group_or_error =
+        GetEarlyBundleGroup(*new_session.description());
+    if (!bundle_group_or_error.ok()) {
+      return bundle_group_or_error.MoveError();
+    }
+    bundle_group = bundle_group_or_error.MoveValue();
+  }
+  const ContentInfos& new_contents = new_session.description()->contents();
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < new_contents.size(); ++i) {
+    const cricket::ContentInfo& new_content = new_contents[i];
+    cricket::MediaType media_type = new_content.media_description()->type();
+    pc_->mid_generator()->AddKnownId(;
+    if (media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ||
+        media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
+      const cricket::ContentInfo* old_local_content = nullptr;
+      if (old_local_description &&
+          i < old_local_description->description()->contents().size()) {
+        old_local_content =
+            &old_local_description->description()->contents()[i];
+      }
+      const cricket::ContentInfo* old_remote_content = nullptr;
+      if (old_remote_description &&
+          i < old_remote_description->description()->contents().size()) {
+        old_remote_content =
+            &old_remote_description->description()->contents()[i];
+      }
+      // In the case where an m-section has completed its rejection,
+      // and is not being reused, we do not expect a transceiver.
+      if (old_local_content && old_local_content->rejected &&
+          old_remote_content && old_remote_content->rejected &&
+          new_content.rejected) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      auto transceiver_or_error =
+          AssociateTransceiver(source, new_session.GetType(), i, new_content,
+                               old_local_content, old_remote_content);
+      if (!transceiver_or_error.ok()) {
+        return transceiver_or_error.MoveError();
+      }
+      auto transceiver = transceiver_or_error.MoveValue();
+      RTCError error =
+          UpdateTransceiverChannel(transceiver, new_content, bundle_group);
+      if (!error.ok()) {
+        return error;
+      }
+    } else if (media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_DATA) {
+      if (pc_->GetDataMid() && != *(pc_->GetDataMid())) {
+        // Ignore all but the first data section.
+        RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Ignoring data media section with MID="
+                         <<;
+        continue;
+      }
+      RTCError error = UpdateDataChannel(source, new_content, bundle_group);
+      if (!error.ok()) {
+        return error;
+      }
+    } else {
+                           "Unknown section type.");
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+    cricket::ContentSource source,
+    SdpType type,
+    size_t mline_index,
+    const ContentInfo& content,
+    const ContentInfo* old_local_content,
+    const ContentInfo* old_remote_content) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(IsUnifiedPlan());
+  // If this is an offer then the m= section might be recycled. If the m=
+  // section is being recycled (defined as: rejected in the current local or
+  // remote description and not rejected in new description), the transceiver
+  // should have been removed by RemoveStoppedTransceivers().
+  if (IsMediaSectionBeingRecycled(type, content, old_local_content,
+                                  old_remote_content)) {
+    const std::string& old_mid =
+        (old_local_content && old_local_content->rejected)
+            ? old_local_content->name
+            : old_remote_content->name;
+    auto old_transceiver = pc_->GetAssociatedTransceiver(old_mid);
+    // The transceiver should be disassociated in RemoveStoppedTransceivers()
+    RTC_DCHECK(!old_transceiver);
+  }
+  const MediaContentDescription* media_desc = content.media_description();
+  auto transceiver = pc_->GetAssociatedTransceiver(;
+  if (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL) {
+    // Find the RtpTransceiver that corresponds to this m= section, using the
+    // mapping between transceivers and m= section indices established when
+    // creating the offer.
+    if (!transceiver) {
+      transceiver = pc_->GetTransceiverByMLineIndex(mline_index);
+    }
+    if (!transceiver) {
+                           "Unknown transceiver");
+    }
+  } else {
+    RTC_DCHECK_EQ(source, cricket::CS_REMOTE);
+    // If the m= section is sendrecv or recvonly, and there are RtpTransceivers
+    // of the same type...
+    // When simulcast is requested, a transceiver cannot be associated because
+    // AddTrack cannot be called to initialize it.
+    if (!transceiver &&
+        RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(media_desc->direction()) &&
+        !media_desc->HasSimulcast()) {
+      transceiver = pc_->FindAvailableTransceiverToReceive(media_desc->type());
+    }
+    // If no RtpTransceiver was found in the previous step, create one with a
+    // recvonly direction.
+    if (!transceiver) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Adding "
+                       << cricket::MediaTypeToString(media_desc->type())
+                       << " transceiver for MID=" <<
+                       << " at i=" << mline_index
+                       << " in response to the remote description.";
+      std::string sender_id = rtc::CreateRandomUuid();
+      std::vector<RtpEncodingParameters> send_encodings =
+          GetSendEncodingsFromRemoteDescription(*media_desc);
+      auto sender = pc_->CreateSender(media_desc->type(), sender_id, nullptr,
+                                      {}, send_encodings);
+      std::string receiver_id;
+      if (!media_desc->streams().empty()) {
+        receiver_id = media_desc->streams()[0].id;
+      } else {
+        receiver_id = rtc::CreateRandomUuid();
+      }
+      auto receiver = pc_->CreateReceiver(media_desc->type(), receiver_id);
+      transceiver = pc_->CreateAndAddTransceiver(sender, receiver);
+      transceiver->internal()->set_direction(
+          RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly);
+      if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+        pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_[transceiver]
+            .set_newly_created();
+      }
+    }
+    // Check if the offer indicated simulcast but the answer rejected it.
+    // This can happen when simulcast is not supported on the remote party.
+    if (SimulcastIsRejected(old_local_content, *media_desc)) {
+      RTC_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN(kSimulcastDisabled, true);
+      RTCError error =
+          DisableSimulcastInSender(transceiver->internal()->sender_internal());
+      if (!error.ok()) {
+        RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to remove rejected simulcast.";
+        return std::move(error);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK(transceiver);
+  if (transceiver->media_type() != media_desc->type()) {
+        "Transceiver type does not match media description type.");
+  }
+  if (media_desc->HasSimulcast()) {
+    std::vector<SimulcastLayer> layers =
+        source == cricket::CS_LOCAL
+            ? media_desc->simulcast_description().send_layers().GetAllLayers()
+            : media_desc->simulcast_description()
+                  .receive_layers()
+                  .GetAllLayers();
+    RTCError error = UpdateSimulcastLayerStatusInSender(
+        layers, transceiver->internal()->sender_internal());
+    if (!error.ok()) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed updating status for simulcast layers.";
+      return std::move(error);
+    }
+  }
+  if (type == SdpType::kOffer) {
+    bool state_changes = transceiver->internal()->mid() != ||
+                         transceiver->internal()->mline_index() != mline_index;
+    if (state_changes) {
+      pc_->transceiver_stable_states_by_transceivers_[transceiver]
+          .SetMSectionIfUnset(transceiver->internal()->mid(),
+                              transceiver->internal()->mline_index());
+    }
+  }
+  // Associate the found or created RtpTransceiver with the m= section by
+  // setting the value of the RtpTransceiver's mid property to the MID of the m=
+  // section, and establish a mapping between the transceiver and the index of
+  // the m= section.
+  transceiver->internal()->set_mid(;
+  transceiver->internal()->set_mline_index(mline_index);
+  return std::move(transceiver);
+RTCErrorOr<const cricket::ContentGroup*>
+    const SessionDescription& desc) const {
+  const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle_group = nullptr;
+  if (pc_->configuration()->bundle_policy ==
+      PeerConnectionInterface::kBundlePolicyMaxBundle) {
+    bundle_group = desc.GetGroupByName(cricket::GROUP_TYPE_BUNDLE);
+    if (!bundle_group) {
+                           "max-bundle configured but session description "
+                           "has no BUNDLE group");
+    }
+  }
+  return bundle_group;
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::UpdateTransceiverChannel(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>>
+        transceiver,
+    const cricket::ContentInfo& content,
+    const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle_group) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(IsUnifiedPlan());
+  RTC_DCHECK(transceiver);
+  cricket::ChannelInterface* channel = transceiver->internal()->channel();
+  if (content.rejected) {
+    if (channel) {
+      transceiver->internal()->SetChannel(nullptr);
+      pc_->DestroyChannelInterface(channel);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (!channel) {
+      if (transceiver->media_type() == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
+        channel = pc_->CreateVoiceChannel(;
+      } else {
+        RTC_DCHECK_EQ(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, transceiver->media_type());
+        channel = pc_->CreateVideoChannel(;
+      }
+      if (!channel) {
+            RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR,
+            "Failed to create channel for mid=" +;
+      }
+      transceiver->internal()->SetChannel(channel);
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+RTCError SdpOfferAnswerHandler::UpdateDataChannel(
+    cricket::ContentSource source,
+    const cricket::ContentInfo& content,
+    const cricket::ContentGroup* bundle_group) {
+  if (pc_->data_channel_type() == cricket::DCT_NONE) {
+    // If data channels are disabled, ignore this media section. CreateAnswer
+    // will take care of rejecting it.
+    return RTCError::OK();
+  }
+  if (content.rejected) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Rejected data channel, mid=" << content.mid();
+    pc_->DestroyDataChannelTransport();
+  } else {
+    if (!pc_->data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel() &&
+        !pc_->data_channel_controller_.data_channel_transport()) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Creating data channel, mid=" << content.mid();
+      if (!pc_->CreateDataChannel( {
+                             "Failed to create data channel.");
+      }
+    }
+    if (source == cricket::CS_REMOTE) {
+      const MediaContentDescription* data_desc = content.media_description();
+      if (data_desc && cricket::IsRtpProtocol(data_desc->protocol())) {
+        pc_->data_channel_controller_.UpdateRemoteRtpDataChannels(
+            GetActiveStreams(data_desc));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return RTCError::OK();
+}  // namespace webrtc