blob: b34f21a735110bae7f6f79fb33e2007cc42f77a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was generated by:
// tools/json_schema_compiler/
// NOTE: The format of types has changed. 'FooType' is now
// 'chrome.inputMethodPrivate.FooType'.
// Please run the closure compiler before committing changes.
// See
/** @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: inputMethodPrivate */
* @const
chrome.inputMethodPrivate = {};
* Gets configurations for input methods.
* @param {function({
* isPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectEnabled: boolean,
* isImeMenuActivated: boolean
* }):void} callback Callback which is called with the config object.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.getInputMethodConfig = function(callback) {};
* Gets all whitelisted input methods.
* @param {function(!Array<{
* id: string,
* name: string,
* indicator: string
* }>):void} callback Callback which is called with the input method objects.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.getInputMethods = function(callback) {};
* Gets the current input method.
* @param {function(string):void} callback Callback which is called with the
* current input method.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.getCurrentInputMethod = function(callback) {};
* Sets the current input method.
* @param {string} inputMethodId The input method ID to be set as current input
* method.
* @param {function():void=} callback Callback which is called once the current
* input method is set. If unsuccessful $(ref:runtime.lastError) is set.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.setCurrentInputMethod = function(inputMethodId, callback) {};
* Fetches a list of all the words currently in the dictionary.
* @param {function(!Array<string>):void} callback Callback which is called once
* the list of dictionary words are ready.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.fetchAllDictionaryWords = function(callback) {};
* Adds a single word to be stored in the dictionary.
* @param {string} word A new word to add to the dictionary.
* @param {function():void=} callback Callback which is called once the word is
* added. If unsuccessful $(ref:runtime.lastError) is set.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.addWordToDictionary = function(word, callback) {};
* Gets whether the encrypt sync is enabled.
* @param {function(boolean):void=} callback Callback which is called to provide
* the result.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.getEncryptSyncEnabled = function(callback) {};
* Sets the XKB layout for the given input method.
* @param {string} xkb_name The XKB layout name.
* @param {function():void=} callback Callback which is called when the layout
* is set.
chrome.inputMethodPrivate.setXkbLayout = function(xkb_name, callback) {};
* Fired when the input method is changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the composition bounds or cursor bounds are changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the custom spelling dictionary is loaded.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when words are added or removed from the custom spelling dictionary.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the IME menu is activated or deactivated.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}