| <?% config.freshness.reviewed = '2021-04-12' %?> |
| |
| # PeerConnection level framework fixture architecture |
| |
| ## Overview |
| |
| The main implementation of |
| [`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture`][1] is |
| [`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::PeerConnectionE2EQualityTest`][2]. Internally it owns |
| the next main pieces: |
| |
| * [`MediaHelper`][3] - responsible for adding audio and video tracks to the |
| peers. |
| * [`VideoQualityAnalyzerInjectionHelper`][4] and |
| [`SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector`][5] - used to inject video quality |
| analysis and properly match captured and rendered video frames. You can read |
| more about it in |
| [DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer](default_video_quality_analyzer.md) section. |
| * [`AudioQualityAnalyzerInterface`][6] - used to measure audio quality metrics |
| * [`TestActivitiesExecutor`][7] - used to support [`ExecuteAt(...)`][8] and |
| [`ExecuteEvery(...)`][9] API of `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture` to run |
| any arbitrary action during test execution timely synchronized with a test |
| call. |
| * A vector of [`QualityMetricsReporter`][10] added by the |
| `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture` user. |
| * Two peers: Alice and Bob represented by instances of [`TestPeer`][11] |
| object. |
| |
| Also it keeps a reference to [`webrtc::TimeController`][12], which is used to |
| create all required threads, task queues, task queue factories and time related |
| objects. |
| |
| ## TestPeer |
| |
| Call participants are represented by instances of `TestPeer` object. |
| [`TestPeerFactory`][13] is used to create them. `TestPeer` owns all instances |
| related to the `webrtc::PeerConnection`, including required listeners and |
| callbacks. Also it provides an API to do offer/answer exchange and ICE candidate |
| exchange. For this purposes internally it uses an instance of |
| [`webrtc::PeerConnectionWrapper`][14]. |
| |
| The `TestPeer` also owns the `PeerConnection` worker thread. The signaling |
| thread for all `PeerConnection`'s is owned by |
| `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture` and shared between all participants in the |
| call. The network thread is owned by the network layer (it maybe either emulated |
| network provided by [Network Emulation Framework][24] or network thread and |
| `rtc::NetworkManager` provided by user) and provided when peer is added to the |
| fixture via [`AddPeer(...)`][15] API. |
| |
| ## GetStats API based metrics reporters |
| |
| `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture` gives the user ability to provide |
| different `QualityMetricsReporter`s which will listen for `PeerConnection` |
| [`GetStats`][16] API. Then such reporters will be able to report various metrics |
| that user wants to measure. |
| |
| `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture` itself also uses this mechanism to |
| measure: |
| |
| * Audio quality metrics |
| * Audio/Video sync metrics (with help of [`CrossMediaMetricsReporter`][17]) |
| |
| Also framework provides a [`StatsBasedNetworkQualityMetricsReporter`][18] to |
| measure network related WebRTC metrics and print debug raw emulated network |
| statistic. This reporter should be added by user via |
| [`AddQualityMetricsReporter(...)`][19] API if requried. |
| |
| Internally stats gathering is done by [`StatsPoller`][20]. Stats are requested |
| once per second for each `PeerConnection` and then resulted object is provided |
| into each stats listener. |
| |
| ## Offer/Answer exchange |
| |
| `PeerConnectionE2EQualityTest` provides ability to test Simulcast and SVC for |
| video. These features aren't supported by P2P call and in general requires a |
| Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU). So special logic is applied to mimic SFU |
| behavior in P2P call. This logic is located inside [`SignalingInterceptor`][21], |
| [`QualityAnalyzingVideoEncoder`][22] and [`QualityAnalyzingVideoDecoder`][23] |
| and consist of SDP modification during offer/answer exchange and special |
| handling of video frames from unrelated Simulcast/SVC streams during decoding. |
| |
| ### Simulcast |
| |
| In case of Simulcast we have a video track, which internally contains multiple |
| video streams, for example low resolution, medium resolution and high |
| resolution. WebRTC client doesn't support receiving an offer with multiple |
| streams in it, because usually SFU will keep only single stream for the client. |
| To bypass it framework will modify offer by converting a single track with three |
| video streams into three independent video tracks. Then sender will think that |
| it send simulcast, but receiver will think that it receives 3 independent |
| tracks. |
| |
| To achieve such behavior some extra tweaks are required: |
| |
| * MID RTP header extension from original offer have to be removed |
| * RID RTP header extension from original offer is replaced with MID RTP header |
| extension, so the ID that sender uses for RID on receiver will be parsed as |
| MID. |
| * Answer have to be modified in the opposite way. |
| |
| Described modifications are illustrated on the picture below. |
| |
|  |
| |
| The exchange will look like this: |
| |
| 1. Alice creates an offer |
| 2. Alice sets offer as local description |
| 3. Do described offer modification |
| 4. Alice sends modified offer to Bob |
| 5. Bob sets modified offer as remote description |
| 6. Bob creates answer |
| 7. Bob sets answer as local description |
| 8. Do reverse modifications on answer |
| 9. Bob sends modified answer to Alice |
| 10. Alice sets modified answer as remote description |
| |
| Such mechanism put a constraint that RTX streams are not supported, because they |
| don't have RID RTP header extension in their packets. |
| |
| ### SVC |
| |
| In case of SVC the framework will update the sender's offer before even setting |
| it as local description on the sender side. Then no changes to answer will be |
| required. |
| |
| `ssrc` is a 32 bit random value that is generated in RTP to denote a specific |
| source used to send media in an RTP connection. In original offer video track |
| section will look like this: |
| |
| ``` |
| m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 98 100 99 101 |
| ... |
| a=ssrc-group:FID <primary ssrc> <retransmission ssrc> |
| a=ssrc:<primary ssrc> cname:... |
| .... |
| a=ssrc:<retransmission ssrc> cname:... |
| .... |
| ``` |
| |
| To enable SVC for such video track framework will add extra `ssrc`s for each SVC |
| stream that is required like this: |
| |
| ``` |
| a=ssrc-group:FID <Low resolution primary ssrc> <Low resolution retransmission ssrc> |
| a=ssrc:<Low resolution primary ssrc> cname:... |
| .... |
| a=ssrc:<Low resolution retransmission ssrc> cname:.... |
| ... |
| a=ssrc-group:FID <Medium resolution primary ssrc> <Medium resolution retransmission ssrc> |
| a=ssrc:<Medium resolution primary ssrc> cname:... |
| .... |
| a=ssrc:<Medium resolution retransmission ssrc> cname:.... |
| ... |
| a=ssrc-group:FID <High resolution primary ssrc> <High resolution retransmission ssrc> |
| a=ssrc:<High resolution primary ssrc> cname:... |
| .... |
| a=ssrc:<High resolution retransmission ssrc> cname:.... |
| ... |
| ``` |
| |
| The next line will also be added to the video track section of the offer: |
| |
| ``` |
| a=ssrc-group:SIM <Low resolution primary ssrc> <Medium resolution primary ssrc> <High resolution primary ssrc> |
| ``` |
| |
| It will tell PeerConnection that this track should be configured as SVC. It |
| utilize WebRTC Plan B offer structure to achieve SVC behavior, also it modifies |
| offer before setting it as local description which violates WebRTC standard. |
| Also it adds limitations that on lossy networks only top resolution streams can |
| be analyzed, because WebRTC won't try to restore low resolution streams in case |
| of loss, because it still receives higher stream. |
| |
| ### Handling in encoder/decoder |
| |
| In the encoder, the framework for each encoded video frame will propagate |
| information requried for the fake SFU to know if it belongs to an interesting |
| simulcast stream/spatial layer of if it should be "discarded". |
| |
| On the decoder side frames that should be "discarded" by fake SFU will be auto |
| decoded into single pixel images and only the interesting simulcast |
| stream/spatial layer will go into real decoder and then will be analyzed. |
| |
| [1]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=55;drc=484acf27231d931dbc99aedce85bc27e06486b96 |
| [2]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/peer_connection_quality_test.h;l=44;drc=6cc893ad778a0965e2b7a8e614f3c98aa81bee5b |
| [3]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/media/media_helper.h;l=27;drc=d46db9f1523ae45909b4a6fdc90a140443068bc6 |
| [4]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/video_quality_analyzer_injection_helper.h;l=38;drc=79020414fd5c71f9ec1f25445ea5f1c8001e1a49 |
| [5]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/single_process_encoded_image_data_injector.h;l=40;drc=79020414fd5c71f9ec1f25445ea5f1c8001e1a49 |
| [6]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/audio_quality_analyzer_interface.h;l=23;drc=20f45823e37fd7272aa841831c029c21f29742c2 |
| [7]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/test_activities_executor.h;l=28;drc=6cc893ad778a0965e2b7a8e614f3c98aa81bee5b |
| [8]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=439;drc=484acf27231d931dbc99aedce85bc27e06486b96 |
| [9]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=445;drc=484acf27231d931dbc99aedce85bc27e06486b96 |
| [10]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=413;drc=9438fb3fff97c803d1ead34c0e4f223db168526f |
| [11]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/test_activities_executor.h;l=28;drc=6cc893ad778a0965e2b7a8e614f3c98aa81bee5b |
| [12]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/test_activities_executor.h;l=28;drc=6cc893ad778a0965e2b7a8e614f3c98aa81bee5b |
| [13]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/test_peer_factory.h;l=46;drc=0ef4a2488a466a24ab97b31fdddde55440d451f9 |
| [14]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/pc/peer_connection_wrapper.h;l=47;drc=5ab79e62f691875a237ea28ca3975ea1f0ed62ec |
| [15]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=459;drc=484acf27231d931dbc99aedce85bc27e06486b96 |
| [16]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/peer_connection_interface.h;l=886;drc=9438fb3fff97c803d1ead34c0e4f223db168526f |
| [17]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/cross_media_metrics_reporter.h;l=29;drc=9d777620236ec76754cfce19f6e82dd18e52d22c |
| [18]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/cross_media_metrics_reporter.h;l=29;drc=9d777620236ec76754cfce19f6e82dd18e52d22c |
| [19]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/test/peerconnection_quality_test_fixture.h;l=450;drc=484acf27231d931dbc99aedce85bc27e06486b96 |
| [20]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/stats_poller.h;l=52;drc=9b526180c9e9722d3fc7f8689da6ec094fc7fc0a |
| [21]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/sdp/sdp_changer.h;l=79;drc=ee558dcca89fd8b105114ededf9e74d948da85e8 |
| [22]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/quality_analyzing_video_encoder.h;l=54;drc=79020414fd5c71f9ec1f25445ea5f1c8001e1a49 |
| [23]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/test/pc/e2e/analyzer/video/quality_analyzing_video_decoder.h;l=50;drc=79020414fd5c71f9ec1f25445ea5f1c8001e1a49 |
| [24]: /test/network/g3doc/index.md |