| This directory contains prebuilt tools used during end-to-end tests. |
| They will be downloaded by their SHA1 hash, and are not meant to be checked in. |
| |
| Updating prebuilt_apprtc.zip: |
| |
| - Follow AppRTC instructions: |
| - `git clone https://github.com/webrtc/apprtc` |
| - Install NodeJS: |
| - Download <https://nodejs.org/> and extract it |
| - `export PATH="$(pwd)/node-v6.10.3-linux-x64/bin:$PATH"` |
| - `cd apprtc` |
| - `npm install` |
| - `export PATH="$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"` |
| - `pip install --user --upgrade pip setuptools` - needed only on old systems |
| - `grunt` |
| - Vendor collider's dependencies: |
| - `ln -s "$(pwd)/src/collider" src/src` |
| - `GOPATH="$(pwd)/src" go get -d collidermain` |
| - `rm src/src` |
| - Remove unneeded files: |
| - `rm -rf .git node_modules browsers` |
| - `zip -r prebuilt_apprtc.zip apprtc/` |
| - `mv prebuilt_apprtc.zip webrtc/src/rtc_tools/testing/prebuilt_apprtc.zip` |
| |
| Updating golang/*: |
| |
| - Go to <https://golang.org/dl/> |
| - Download these files: |
| - go*.linux-amd64.tar.gz -> golang/linux/go.tar.gz |
| - go*.darwin-amd64.tar.gz -> golang/mac/go.tar.gz |
| - go*.windows-amd64.zip -> golang/windows/go.zip |
| |
| After updating the archives: |
| |
| - `cd webrtc/src/rtc_tools/testing` |
| - For each updated archive: |
| - `upload_to_google_storage.py file.zip --bucket=chromium-webrtc-resources` |
| - `git commit -a && git cl upload` |