Move some integration test functions to the .cc file

The integration_test_helpers.h file was too long and had too many
big functions inline.

This CL takes some of the largest and puts them in the .cc file.

Bug: None
Change-Id: Ibaaf9675ca8b5efa29878b4883b21f14104451a7
Commit-Queue: Harald Alvestrand <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Gunnarsson <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#42169}
diff --git a/pc/test/ b/pc/test/
index 1f603ad..7ffe4db 100644
--- a/pc/test/
+++ b/pc/test/
@@ -93,4 +93,170 @@
   return tick_period_;
+// Implementation of PeerConnectionIntegrationWrapper functions
+void PeerConnectionIntegrationWrapper::StartWatchingDelayStats() {
+  // Get the baseline numbers for audio_packets and audio_delay.
+  auto received_stats = NewGetStats();
+  auto rtp_stats =
+      received_stats->GetStatsOfType<RTCInboundRtpStreamStats>()[0];
+  ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay.has_value());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats->packets_received.has_value());
+  rtp_stats_id_ = rtp_stats->id();
+  audio_packets_stat_ = *rtp_stats->packets_received;
+  audio_delay_stat_ = *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay;
+  audio_samples_stat_ = *rtp_stats->total_samples_received;
+  audio_concealed_stat_ = *rtp_stats->concealed_samples;
+void PeerConnectionIntegrationWrapper::UpdateDelayStats(std::string tag,
+                                                        int desc_size) {
+  auto report = NewGetStats();
+  auto rtp_stats = report->GetAs<RTCInboundRtpStreamStats>(rtp_stats_id_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats);
+  auto delta_packets = *rtp_stats->packets_received - audio_packets_stat_;
+  auto delta_rpad =
+      *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay - audio_delay_stat_;
+  auto recent_delay = delta_packets > 0 ? delta_rpad / delta_packets : -1;
+  // The purpose of these checks is to sound the alarm early if we introduce
+  // serious regressions. The numbers are not acceptable for production, but
+  // occur on slow bots.
+  //
+  // An average relative packet arrival delay over the renegotiation of
+  // > 100 ms indicates that something is dramatically wrong, and will impact
+  // quality for sure.
+  // Worst bots:
+  // linux_x86_dbg at 0.206
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+  EXPECT_GT(0.25, recent_delay) << tag << " size " << desc_size;
+  EXPECT_GT(0.1, recent_delay) << tag << " size " << desc_size;
+  auto delta_samples = *rtp_stats->total_samples_received - audio_samples_stat_;
+  auto delta_concealed = *rtp_stats->concealed_samples - audio_concealed_stat_;
+  // These limits should be adjusted down as we improve:
+  //
+  // Concealing more than 4000 samples during a renegotiation is unacceptable.
+  // But some bots are slow.
+  // Worst bots:
+  // linux_more_configs bot at conceal count 5184
+  // android_arm_rel at conceal count 9241
+  // linux_x86_dbg at 15174
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+  EXPECT_GT(18000U, delta_concealed) << "Concealed " << delta_concealed
+                                     << " of " << delta_samples << " samples";
+  EXPECT_GT(15000U, delta_concealed) << "Concealed " << delta_concealed
+                                     << " of " << delta_samples << " samples";
+  // Concealing more than 20% of samples during a renegotiation is
+  // unacceptable.
+  // Worst bots:
+  // Nondebug: Linux32 Release at conceal rate 0.606597 (CI run)
+  // Debug: linux_x86_dbg bot at conceal rate 0.854
+  //        internal bot at conceal rate 0.967 (b/294020344)
+  // TODO( Improve audio quality during
+  // renegotiation so that we can reduce these thresholds, 99% is not even
+  // close to the 20% deemed unacceptable above or the 0% that would be ideal.
+  if (delta_samples > 0) {
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+    EXPECT_LT(1.0 * delta_concealed / delta_samples, 0.99)
+        << "Concealed " << delta_concealed << " of " << delta_samples
+        << " samples";
+    EXPECT_LT(1.0 * delta_concealed / delta_samples, 0.7)
+        << "Concealed " << delta_concealed << " of " << delta_samples
+        << " samples";
+  }
+  // Increment trailing counters
+  audio_packets_stat_ = *rtp_stats->packets_received;
+  audio_delay_stat_ = *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay;
+  audio_samples_stat_ = *rtp_stats->total_samples_received;
+  audio_concealed_stat_ = *rtp_stats->concealed_samples;
+bool PeerConnectionIntegrationWrapper::Init(
+    const PeerConnectionFactory::Options* options,
+    const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,
+    PeerConnectionDependencies dependencies,
+    rtc::SocketServer* socket_server,
+    rtc::Thread* network_thread,
+    rtc::Thread* worker_thread,
+    std::unique_ptr<FakeRtcEventLogFactory> event_log_factory,
+    bool reset_encoder_factory,
+    bool reset_decoder_factory,
+    bool create_media_engine) {
+  // There's an error in this test code if Init ends up being called twice.
+  RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_);
+  RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_factory_);
+  fake_network_manager_.reset(new rtc::FakeNetworkManager());
+  fake_network_manager_->AddInterface(kDefaultLocalAddress);
+  socket_factory_.reset(new rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory(socket_server));
+  std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator(
+      new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(fake_network_manager_.get(),
+                                      socket_factory_.get()));
+  port_allocator_ = port_allocator.get();
+  fake_audio_capture_module_ = FakeAudioCaptureModule::Create();
+  if (!fake_audio_capture_module_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread = rtc::Thread::Current();
+  PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies pc_factory_dependencies;
+  pc_factory_dependencies.network_thread = network_thread;
+  pc_factory_dependencies.worker_thread = worker_thread;
+  pc_factory_dependencies.signaling_thread = signaling_thread;
+  pc_factory_dependencies.task_queue_factory = CreateDefaultTaskQueueFactory();
+  pc_factory_dependencies.trials = std::make_unique<FieldTrialBasedConfig>();
+  pc_factory_dependencies.decode_metronome =
+      std::make_unique<TaskQueueMetronome>(TimeDelta::Millis(8));
+  pc_factory_dependencies.adm = fake_audio_capture_module_;
+  if (create_media_engine) {
+    EnableMediaWithDefaults(pc_factory_dependencies);
+  }
+  if (reset_encoder_factory) {
+    pc_factory_dependencies.video_encoder_factory.reset();
+  }
+  if (reset_decoder_factory) {
+    pc_factory_dependencies.video_decoder_factory.reset();
+  }
+  if (!pc_factory_dependencies.audio_processing) {
+    // If the standard Creation method for APM returns a null pointer, instead
+    // use the builder for testing to create an APM object.
+    pc_factory_dependencies.audio_processing =
+        AudioProcessingBuilderForTesting().Create();
+  }
+  if (event_log_factory) {
+    event_log_factory_ = event_log_factory.get();
+    pc_factory_dependencies.event_log_factory = std::move(event_log_factory);
+  } else {
+    pc_factory_dependencies.event_log_factory =
+        std::make_unique<RtcEventLogFactory>();
+  }
+  peer_connection_factory_ =
+      CreateModularPeerConnectionFactory(std::move(pc_factory_dependencies));
+  if (!peer_connection_factory_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (options) {
+    peer_connection_factory_->SetOptions(*options);
+  }
+  if (config) {
+    sdp_semantics_ = config->sdp_semantics;
+  }
+  dependencies.allocator = std::move(port_allocator);
+  peer_connection_ = CreatePeerConnection(config, std::move(dependencies));
+  return peer_connection_.get() != nullptr;
 }  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/pc/test/integration_test_helpers.h b/pc/test/integration_test_helpers.h
index f1210fb..72ea286 100644
--- a/pc/test/integration_test_helpers.h
+++ b/pc/test/integration_test_helpers.h
@@ -645,88 +645,9 @@
   // Functions for querying stats.
-  void StartWatchingDelayStats() {
-    // Get the baseline numbers for audio_packets and audio_delay.
-    auto received_stats = NewGetStats();
-    auto rtp_stats =
-        received_stats->GetStatsOfType<RTCInboundRtpStreamStats>()[0];
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay.has_value());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats->packets_received.has_value());
-    rtp_stats_id_ = rtp_stats->id();
-    audio_packets_stat_ = *rtp_stats->packets_received;
-    audio_delay_stat_ = *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay;
-    audio_samples_stat_ = *rtp_stats->total_samples_received;
-    audio_concealed_stat_ = *rtp_stats->concealed_samples;
-  }
+  void StartWatchingDelayStats();
-  void UpdateDelayStats(std::string tag, int desc_size) {
-    auto report = NewGetStats();
-    auto rtp_stats = report->GetAs<RTCInboundRtpStreamStats>(rtp_stats_id_);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rtp_stats);
-    auto delta_packets = *rtp_stats->packets_received - audio_packets_stat_;
-    auto delta_rpad =
-        *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay - audio_delay_stat_;
-    auto recent_delay = delta_packets > 0 ? delta_rpad / delta_packets : -1;
-    // The purpose of these checks is to sound the alarm early if we introduce
-    // serious regressions. The numbers are not acceptable for production, but
-    // occur on slow bots.
-    //
-    // An average relative packet arrival delay over the renegotiation of
-    // > 100 ms indicates that something is dramatically wrong, and will impact
-    // quality for sure.
-    // Worst bots:
-    // linux_x86_dbg at 0.206
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-    EXPECT_GT(0.25, recent_delay) << tag << " size " << desc_size;
-    EXPECT_GT(0.1, recent_delay) << tag << " size " << desc_size;
-    auto delta_samples =
-        *rtp_stats->total_samples_received - audio_samples_stat_;
-    auto delta_concealed =
-        *rtp_stats->concealed_samples - audio_concealed_stat_;
-    // These limits should be adjusted down as we improve:
-    //
-    // Concealing more than 4000 samples during a renegotiation is unacceptable.
-    // But some bots are slow.
-    // Worst bots:
-    // linux_more_configs bot at conceal count 5184
-    // android_arm_rel at conceal count 9241
-    // linux_x86_dbg at 15174
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-    EXPECT_GT(18000U, delta_concealed) << "Concealed " << delta_concealed
-                                       << " of " << delta_samples << " samples";
-    EXPECT_GT(15000U, delta_concealed) << "Concealed " << delta_concealed
-                                       << " of " << delta_samples << " samples";
-    // Concealing more than 20% of samples during a renegotiation is
-    // unacceptable.
-    // Worst bots:
-    // Nondebug: Linux32 Release at conceal rate 0.606597 (CI run)
-    // Debug: linux_x86_dbg bot at conceal rate 0.854
-    //        internal bot at conceal rate 0.967 (b/294020344)
-    // TODO( Improve audio quality during
-    // renegotiation so that we can reduce these thresholds, 99% is not even
-    // close to the 20% deemed unacceptable above or the 0% that would be ideal.
-    if (delta_samples > 0) {
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-      EXPECT_LT(1.0 * delta_concealed / delta_samples, 0.99)
-          << "Concealed " << delta_concealed << " of " << delta_samples
-          << " samples";
-      EXPECT_LT(1.0 * delta_concealed / delta_samples, 0.7)
-          << "Concealed " << delta_concealed << " of " << delta_samples
-          << " samples";
-    }
-    // Increment trailing counters
-    audio_packets_stat_ = *rtp_stats->packets_received;
-    audio_delay_stat_ = *rtp_stats->relative_packet_arrival_delay;
-    audio_samples_stat_ = *rtp_stats->total_samples_received;
-    audio_concealed_stat_ = *rtp_stats->concealed_samples;
-  }
+  void UpdateDelayStats(std::string tag, int desc_size);
   // Sets number of candidates expected
   void ExpectCandidates(int candidate_count) {
@@ -747,79 +668,7 @@
             std::unique_ptr<FakeRtcEventLogFactory> event_log_factory,
             bool reset_encoder_factory,
             bool reset_decoder_factory,
-            bool create_media_engine) {
-    // There's an error in this test code if Init ends up being called twice.
-    RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_);
-    RTC_DCHECK(!peer_connection_factory_);
-    fake_network_manager_.reset(new rtc::FakeNetworkManager());
-    fake_network_manager_->AddInterface(kDefaultLocalAddress);
-    socket_factory_.reset(new rtc::BasicPacketSocketFactory(socket_server));
-    std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator(
-        new cricket::BasicPortAllocator(fake_network_manager_.get(),
-                                        socket_factory_.get()));
-    port_allocator_ = port_allocator.get();
-    fake_audio_capture_module_ = FakeAudioCaptureModule::Create();
-    if (!fake_audio_capture_module_) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    rtc::Thread* const signaling_thread = rtc::Thread::Current();
-    PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies pc_factory_dependencies;
-    pc_factory_dependencies.network_thread = network_thread;
-    pc_factory_dependencies.worker_thread = worker_thread;
-    pc_factory_dependencies.signaling_thread = signaling_thread;
-    pc_factory_dependencies.task_queue_factory =
-        CreateDefaultTaskQueueFactory();
-    pc_factory_dependencies.trials = std::make_unique<FieldTrialBasedConfig>();
-    pc_factory_dependencies.decode_metronome =
-        std::make_unique<TaskQueueMetronome>(TimeDelta::Millis(8));
-    pc_factory_dependencies.adm = fake_audio_capture_module_;
-    if (create_media_engine) {
-      EnableMediaWithDefaults(pc_factory_dependencies);
-    }
-    if (reset_encoder_factory) {
-      pc_factory_dependencies.video_encoder_factory.reset();
-    }
-    if (reset_decoder_factory) {
-      pc_factory_dependencies.video_decoder_factory.reset();
-    }
-    if (!pc_factory_dependencies.audio_processing) {
-      // If the standard Creation method for APM returns a null pointer, instead
-      // use the builder for testing to create an APM object.
-      pc_factory_dependencies.audio_processing =
-          AudioProcessingBuilderForTesting().Create();
-    }
-    if (event_log_factory) {
-      event_log_factory_ = event_log_factory.get();
-      pc_factory_dependencies.event_log_factory = std::move(event_log_factory);
-    } else {
-      pc_factory_dependencies.event_log_factory =
-          std::make_unique<RtcEventLogFactory>();
-    }
-    peer_connection_factory_ =
-        CreateModularPeerConnectionFactory(std::move(pc_factory_dependencies));
-    if (!peer_connection_factory_) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (options) {
-      peer_connection_factory_->SetOptions(*options);
-    }
-    if (config) {
-      sdp_semantics_ = config->sdp_semantics;
-    }
-    dependencies.allocator = std::move(port_allocator);
-    peer_connection_ = CreatePeerConnection(config, std::move(dependencies));
-    return peer_connection_.get() != nullptr;
-  }
+            bool create_media_engine);
   rtc::scoped_refptr<PeerConnectionInterface> CreatePeerConnection(
       const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* config,