blob: 482aca28d500167d8caffb1b93013e8cf3ed0ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
# DEPS file that pulls down dependencies that are needed to build and
# execute WebRTC Android tests from a Chromium checkout.
vars = {
# Use this googlecode_url variable only if there is an internal mirror for it.
# If you do not know, use the full path while defining your new deps entry.
"googlecode_url": "",
deps = {
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/trunk/samples/js",
deps_os = {
"android": {
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/trunk/data",
(Var("googlecode_url") % "webrtc") + "/trunk/third_party/gflags",
hooks = [
"pattern": ".",
"action" : ["python",