blob: f6ddb1e8e1291244eea477339c9725aae1aac684 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/svc_rate_allocator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <numeric>
#include "common_types.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
const float kSpatialLayeringRateScalingFactor = 0.55f;
const float kTemporalLayeringRateScalingFactor = 0.55f;
static size_t GetNumActiveSpatialLayers(const VideoCodec& codec) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(codec.codecType, kVideoCodecVP9);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(codec.VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers, 0u);
size_t num_spatial_layers = 0;
for (; num_spatial_layers < codec.VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers;
++num_spatial_layers) {
if (!codec.spatialLayers[num_spatial_layers].active) {
// TODO( Deactivation of middle layer is not
// implemented. For now deactivation of a VP9 layer deactivates all
// layers above the deactivated one.
return num_spatial_layers;
static bool AdjustAndVerify(const VideoCodec& codec,
std::vector<size_t>* spatial_layer_bitrate_bps) {
bool enough_bitrate = true;
size_t excess_rate = 0;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0;
sl_idx < spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->size() && enough_bitrate; ++sl_idx) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(codec.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxBitrate, 0);
const size_t min_bitrate_bps =
codec.spatialLayers[sl_idx].minBitrate * 1000;
const size_t max_bitrate_bps =
codec.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxBitrate * 1000;
spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->at(sl_idx) += excess_rate;
if (spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->at(sl_idx) < max_bitrate_bps) {
excess_rate = 0;
} else {
excess_rate = spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->at(sl_idx) - max_bitrate_bps;
spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->at(sl_idx) = max_bitrate_bps;
size_t bitrate_bps = spatial_layer_bitrate_bps->at(sl_idx);
enough_bitrate = (bitrate_bps >= min_bitrate_bps);
return enough_bitrate;
static std::vector<size_t> SplitBitrate(size_t num_layers,
size_t total_bitrate,
float rate_scaling_factor) {
std::vector<size_t> bitrates;
double denominator = 0.0;
for (size_t layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < num_layers; ++layer_idx) {
denominator += std::pow(rate_scaling_factor, layer_idx);
double numerator = std::pow(rate_scaling_factor, num_layers - 1);
for (size_t layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < num_layers; ++layer_idx) {
bitrates.push_back(numerator * total_bitrate / denominator);
numerator /= rate_scaling_factor;
const size_t sum = std::accumulate(bitrates.begin(), bitrates.end(), 0);
// Ensure the sum of split bitrates doesn't exceed the total bitrate.
RTC_DCHECK_LE(sum, total_bitrate);
// Keep the sum of split bitrates equal to the total bitrate by adding bits,
// which were lost due to rounding, to the latest layer.
bitrates.back() += total_bitrate - sum;
return bitrates;
SvcRateAllocator::SvcRateAllocator(const VideoCodec& codec) : codec_(codec) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(codec.codecType, kVideoCodecVP9);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(codec.VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers, 0u);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(codec.VP9().numberOfTemporalLayers, 0u);
VideoBitrateAllocation SvcRateAllocator::GetAllocation(
uint32_t total_bitrate_bps,
uint32_t framerate_fps) {
if (codec_.maxBitrate != 0) {
total_bitrate_bps = std::min(total_bitrate_bps, codec_.maxBitrate * 1000);
if (codec_.spatialLayers[0].targetBitrate == 0) {
// Delegate rate distribution to VP9 encoder wrapper if bitrate thresholds
// are not set.
VideoBitrateAllocation bitrate_allocation;
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(0, 0, total_bitrate_bps);
return bitrate_allocation;
size_t num_spatial_layers = GetNumActiveSpatialLayers(codec_);
if (num_spatial_layers == 0) {
return VideoBitrateAllocation(); // All layers are deactivated.
if (codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kRealtimeVideo) {
return GetAllocationNormalVideo(total_bitrate_bps, num_spatial_layers);
} else {
return GetAllocationScreenSharing(total_bitrate_bps, num_spatial_layers);
VideoBitrateAllocation SvcRateAllocator::GetAllocationNormalVideo(
uint32_t total_bitrate_bps,
size_t num_spatial_layers) const {
std::vector<size_t> spatial_layer_bitrate_bps;
// Distribute total bitrate across spatial layers. If there is not enough
// bitrate to provide all layers with at least minimum required bitrate
// then number of layers is reduced by one and distribution is repeated
// until that condition is met or if number of layers is reduced to one.
for (;; --num_spatial_layers) {
spatial_layer_bitrate_bps =
SplitBitrate(num_spatial_layers, total_bitrate_bps,
const bool enough_bitrate =
AdjustAndVerify(codec_, &spatial_layer_bitrate_bps);
if (enough_bitrate || num_spatial_layers == 1) {
VideoBitrateAllocation bitrate_allocation;
const size_t num_temporal_layers = codec_.VP9().numberOfTemporalLayers;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers; ++sl_idx) {
std::vector<size_t> temporal_layer_bitrate_bps =
SplitBitrate(num_temporal_layers, spatial_layer_bitrate_bps[sl_idx],
// Distribute rate across temporal layers. Allocate more bits to lower
// layers since they are used for prediction of higher layers and their
// references are far apart.
if (num_temporal_layers == 1) {
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 0, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[0]);
} else if (num_temporal_layers == 2) {
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 0, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[1]);
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 1, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[0]);
} else {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(num_temporal_layers, 3);
// In case of three temporal layers the high layer has two frames and the
// middle layer has one frame within GOP (in between two consecutive low
// layer frames). Thus high layer requires more bits (comparing pure
// bitrate of layer, excluding bitrate of base layers) to keep quality on
// par with lower layers.
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 0, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[2]);
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 1, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[0]);
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 2, temporal_layer_bitrate_bps[1]);
return bitrate_allocation;
VideoBitrateAllocation SvcRateAllocator::GetAllocationScreenSharing(
uint32_t total_bitrate_bps,
size_t num_spatial_layers) const {
VideoBitrateAllocation bitrate_allocation;
// Add next layer after bitrate of previous layer has reached its maximum.
size_t left_bitrate_bps = total_bitrate_bps;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers; ++sl_idx) {
const size_t min_bitrate_bps =
codec_.spatialLayers[sl_idx].minBitrate * 1000;
const size_t max_bitrate_bps =
codec_.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxBitrate * 1000;
const size_t bitrate_bps = std::min(left_bitrate_bps, max_bitrate_bps);
if (bitrate_bps >= min_bitrate_bps) {
bitrate_allocation.SetBitrate(sl_idx, 0, bitrate_bps);
} else {
left_bitrate_bps -= bitrate_bps;
return bitrate_allocation;
uint32_t SvcRateAllocator::GetMaxBitrateBps(const VideoCodec& codec) {
const size_t num_spatial_layers = GetNumActiveSpatialLayers(codec);
uint32_t max_bitrate_kbps = 0;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers; ++sl_idx) {
max_bitrate_kbps += codec.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxBitrate;
if (codec.maxBitrate != 0) {
max_bitrate_kbps = std::min(max_bitrate_kbps, codec.maxBitrate);
return max_bitrate_kbps * 1000;
uint32_t SvcRateAllocator::GetPaddingBitrateBps(const VideoCodec& codec) {
const size_t num_spatial_layers = GetNumActiveSpatialLayers(codec);
if (num_spatial_layers == 0) {
return 0; // All layers are deactivated.
if (codec.mode == VideoCodecMode::kRealtimeVideo) {
float scale_factor = 0.0;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers; ++sl_idx) {
scale_factor += std::pow(kSpatialLayeringRateScalingFactor, sl_idx);
uint32_t min_bitrate_bps =
codec.spatialLayers[num_spatial_layers - 1].minBitrate * 1000;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(min_bitrate_bps * scale_factor);
RTC_DCHECK(codec.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing);
uint32_t min_bitrate_kbps = 0;
for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers - 1; ++sl_idx) {
min_bitrate_kbps += codec.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxBitrate;
min_bitrate_kbps += codec.spatialLayers[num_spatial_layers - 1].minBitrate;
return min_bitrate_kbps * 1000;
} // namespace webrtc