blob: bca2b5ce29acf98c8e187d3665127006cd0ac8e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/video_coding/h26x_packet_buffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "api/rtp_packet_info.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame_type.h"
#include "common_video/h264/h264_common.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_header_extensions.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_packet_received.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_video_header.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/h264/include/h264_globals.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/copy_on_write_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/sequence_number_util.h"
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
#include "common_video/h265/h265_common.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
int64_t EuclideanMod(int64_t n, int64_t div) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(div, 0);
return (n %= div) < 0 ? n + div : n;
rtc::ArrayView<const NaluInfo> GetNaluInfos(
const RTPVideoHeaderH264& h264_header) {
if (h264_header.nalus_length > kMaxNalusPerPacket) {
return {};
return rtc::MakeArrayView(h264_header.nalus, h264_header.nalus_length);
bool IsFirstPacketOfFragment(const RTPVideoHeaderH264& h264_header) {
return h264_header.nalus_length > 0;
bool BeginningOfIdr(const H26xPacketBuffer::Packet& packet) {
const auto& h264_header =
const bool contains_idr_nalu =
absl::c_any_of(GetNaluInfos(h264_header), [](const auto& nalu_info) {
return nalu_info.type == H264::NaluType::kIdr;
switch (h264_header.packetization_type) {
case kH264StapA:
case kH264SingleNalu: {
return contains_idr_nalu;
case kH264FuA: {
return contains_idr_nalu && IsFirstPacketOfFragment(h264_header);
bool HasSps(const H26xPacketBuffer::Packet& packet) {
auto& h264_header =
return absl::c_any_of(GetNaluInfos(h264_header), [](const auto& nalu_info) {
return nalu_info.type == H264::NaluType::kSps;
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
bool HasVps(const H26xPacketBuffer::Packet& packet) {
std::vector<H265::NaluIndex> nalu_indices = H265::FindNaluIndices(
packet.video_payload.cdata(), packet.video_payload.size());
return absl::c_any_of((nalu_indices), [&packet](
const H265::NaluIndex& nalu_index) {
return H265::ParseNaluType(
packet.video_payload.cdata()[nalu_index.payload_start_offset]) ==
// TODO( Update the H264 depacketizer so we don't have to
// fiddle with the payload at this point.
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer FixH264VideoPayload(
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> payload,
const RTPVideoHeader& video_header) {
constexpr uint8_t kStartCode[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
const auto& h264_header =
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer result;
switch (h264_header.packetization_type) {
case kH264StapA: {
const uint8_t* payload_end = + payload.size();
const uint8_t* nalu_ptr = + 1;
while (nalu_ptr < payload_end - 1) {
// The first two bytes describe the length of the segment, where a
// segment is the nalu type plus nalu payload.
uint16_t segment_length = nalu_ptr[0] << 8 | nalu_ptr[1];
nalu_ptr += 2;
if (nalu_ptr + segment_length <= payload_end) {
result.AppendData(nalu_ptr, segment_length);
nalu_ptr += segment_length;
return result;
case kH264FuA: {
if (IsFirstPacketOfFragment(h264_header)) {
return result;
case kH264SingleNalu: {
return result;
return result;
} // namespace
H26xPacketBuffer::H26xPacketBuffer(bool h264_idr_only_keyframes_allowed)
: h264_idr_only_keyframes_allowed_(h264_idr_only_keyframes_allowed) {}
H26xPacketBuffer::InsertResult H26xPacketBuffer::InsertPacket(
std::unique_ptr<Packet> packet) {
RTC_DCHECK(packet->video_header.codec == kVideoCodecH264 ||
packet->video_header.codec == kVideoCodecH265);
InsertResult result;
int64_t unwrapped_seq_num = seq_num_unwrapper_.Unwrap(packet->seq_num);
auto& packet_slot = GetPacket(unwrapped_seq_num);
if (packet_slot != nullptr &&
AheadOrAt(packet_slot->timestamp, packet->timestamp)) {
// The incoming `packet` is old or a duplicate.
return result;
} else {
packet_slot = std::move(packet);
result.packets = FindFrames(unwrapped_seq_num);
return result;
std::unique_ptr<H26xPacketBuffer::Packet>& H26xPacketBuffer::GetPacket(
int64_t unwrapped_seq_num) {
return buffer_[EuclideanMod(unwrapped_seq_num, kBufferSize)];
bool H26xPacketBuffer::BeginningOfStream(
const H26xPacketBuffer::Packet& packet) const {
if (packet.codec() == kVideoCodecH264) {
return HasSps(packet) ||
(h264_idr_only_keyframes_allowed_ && BeginningOfIdr(packet));
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
} else if (packet.codec() == kVideoCodecH265) {
return HasVps(packet);
return false;
H26xPacketBuffer::FindFrames(int64_t unwrapped_seq_num) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Packet>> found_frames;
Packet* packet = GetPacket(unwrapped_seq_num).get();
RTC_CHECK(packet != nullptr);
// Check if the packet is continuous or the beginning of a new coded video
// sequence.
if (unwrapped_seq_num - 1 != last_continuous_unwrapped_seq_num_) {
if (unwrapped_seq_num <= last_continuous_unwrapped_seq_num_ ||
!BeginningOfStream(*packet)) {
return found_frames;
last_continuous_unwrapped_seq_num_ = unwrapped_seq_num;
for (int64_t seq_num = unwrapped_seq_num;
seq_num < unwrapped_seq_num + kBufferSize;) {
RTC_DCHECK_GE(seq_num, *last_continuous_unwrapped_seq_num_);
// Packets that were never assembled into a completed frame will stay in
// the 'buffer_'. Check that the `packet` sequence number match the expected
// unwrapped sequence number.
if (static_cast<uint16_t>(seq_num) != packet->seq_num) {
return found_frames;
last_continuous_unwrapped_seq_num_ = seq_num;
// Last packet of the frame, try to assemble the frame.
if (packet->marker_bit) {
uint32_t rtp_timestamp = packet->timestamp;
// Iterate backwards to find where the frame starts.
for (int64_t seq_num_start = seq_num;
seq_num_start > seq_num - kBufferSize; --seq_num_start) {
auto& prev_packet = GetPacket(seq_num_start - 1);
if (prev_packet == nullptr || prev_packet->timestamp != rtp_timestamp) {
if (MaybeAssembleFrame(seq_num_start, seq_num, found_frames)) {
// Frame was assembled, continue to look for more frames.
} else {
// Frame was not assembled, no subsequent frame will be continuous.
return found_frames;
packet = GetPacket(seq_num).get();
if (packet == nullptr) {
return found_frames;
return found_frames;
bool H26xPacketBuffer::MaybeAssembleFrame(
int64_t start_seq_num_unwrapped,
int64_t end_sequence_number_unwrapped,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Packet>>& frames) {
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
bool has_vps = false;
bool has_sps = false;
bool has_pps = false;
bool has_idr = false;
bool has_irap = false;
int width = -1;
int height = -1;
for (int64_t seq_num = start_seq_num_unwrapped;
seq_num <= end_sequence_number_unwrapped; ++seq_num) {
const auto& packet = GetPacket(seq_num);
if (packet->codec() == kVideoCodecH264) {
const auto& h264_header =
for (const auto& nalu : GetNaluInfos(h264_header)) {
has_idr |= nalu.type == H264::NaluType::kIdr;
has_sps |= nalu.type == H264::NaluType::kSps;
has_pps |= nalu.type == H264::NaluType::kPps;
if (has_idr) {
if (!h264_idr_only_keyframes_allowed_ && (!has_sps || !has_pps)) {
return false;
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
} else if (packet->codec() == kVideoCodecH265) {
std::vector<H265::NaluIndex> nalu_indices = H265::FindNaluIndices(
packet->video_payload.cdata(), packet->video_payload.size());
for (const auto& nalu_index : nalu_indices) {
uint8_t nalu_type = H265::ParseNaluType(
has_irap |= (nalu_type >= H265::NaluType::kBlaWLp &&
nalu_type <= H265::NaluType::kRsvIrapVcl23);
has_vps |= nalu_type == H265::NaluType::kVps;
has_sps |= nalu_type == H265::NaluType::kSps;
has_pps |= nalu_type == H265::NaluType::kPps;
if (has_irap) {
if (!has_vps || !has_sps || !has_pps) {
return false;
#endif // RTC_ENABLE_H265
width = std::max<int>(packet->video_header.width, width);
height = std::max<int>(packet->video_header.height, height);
for (int64_t seq_num = start_seq_num_unwrapped;
seq_num <= end_sequence_number_unwrapped; ++seq_num) {
auto& packet = GetPacket(seq_num);
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame =
(seq_num == start_seq_num_unwrapped);
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame =
(seq_num == end_sequence_number_unwrapped);
if (packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame) {
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
packet->video_header.width = width;
packet->video_header.height = height;
packet->video_header.frame_type = has_idr || has_irap
? VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey
: VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta;
// Start code is inserted by depacktizer for H.265.
if (packet->codec() == kVideoCodecH264) {
packet->video_payload =
FixH264VideoPayload(packet->video_payload, packet->video_header);
return true;
} // namespace webrtc