Introduce MetricsExporter for Chrome Perf Dashboard

Bug: b/246095034
Change-Id: I12ac5898909fcdcefc8238464bc74c5166c0177e
Commit-Queue: Artem Titov <>
Reviewed-by: Mirko Bonadei <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#38127}
diff --git a/api/test/metrics/ b/api/test/metrics/
index 8bfcf39..b2c0d7e 100644
--- a/api/test/metrics/
+++ b/api/test/metrics/
@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
     if (rtc_enable_protobuf) {
-      deps += [ ":metrics_set_proto_file_exporter_test" ]
+      deps += [
+        ":chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter_test",
+        ":metrics_set_proto_file_exporter_test",
+      ]
@@ -91,6 +94,26 @@
+rtc_library("chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter") {
+  visibility = [ "*" ]
+  testonly = true
+  sources = [
+    "",
+    "chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h",
+  ]
+  deps = [
+    ":metric",
+    ":metrics_exporter",
+    "../../../api:array_view",
+    "../../../test:fileutils",
+    "../../../test:perf_test",
+  ]
+  absl_deps = [
+    "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory",
+    "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings",
+  ]
 if (rtc_enable_protobuf) {
   proto_library("metric_proto") {
     visibility = [ "*" ]
@@ -160,5 +183,18 @@
+    rtc_library("chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter_test") {
+      testonly = true
+      sources = [ "" ]
+      deps = [
+        ":chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter",
+        ":metric",
+        "../../../api/units:timestamp",
+        "../../../test:fileutils",
+        "../../../test:test_support",
+        "//third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing:histogram",
+      ]
+    }
diff --git a/api/test/metrics/ b/api/test/metrics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380249c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/test/metrics/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "api/test/metrics/chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "api/array_view.h"
+#include "api/test/metrics/metric.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/perf_test_histogram_writer.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/perf_test_result_writer.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace test {
+namespace {
+std::string ToChromePerfDashboardUnit(Unit unit) {
+  switch (unit) {
+    case Unit::kTimeMs:
+      return "msBestFitFormat";
+    case Unit::kPercent:
+      return "n%";
+    case Unit::kSizeInBytes:
+      return "sizeInBytes";
+    case Unit::kKilobitsPerSecond:
+      // Chrome Perf Dashboard doesn't have kpbs units, so we change the unit
+      // and value accordingly.
+      return "bytesPerSecond";
+    case Unit::kHertz:
+      return "Hz";
+    case Unit::kUnitless:
+      return "unitless";
+    case Unit::kCount:
+      return "count";
+  }
+double ToChromePerfDashboardValue(double value, Unit unit) {
+  switch (unit) {
+    case Unit::kKilobitsPerSecond:
+      // Chrome Perf Dashboard doesn't have kpbs units, so we change the unit
+      // and value accordingly.
+      return value * 1000 / 8;
+    default:
+      return value;
+  }
+ImproveDirection ToChromePerfDashboardImproveDirection(
+    ImprovementDirection direction) {
+  switch (direction) {
+    case ImprovementDirection::kBiggerIsBetter:
+      return ImproveDirection::kBiggerIsBetter;
+    case ImprovementDirection::kNeitherIsBetter:
+      return ImproveDirection::kNone;
+    case ImprovementDirection::kSmallerIsBetter:
+      return ImproveDirection::kSmallerIsBetter;
+  }
+bool WriteMetricsToFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data) {
+  CreateDir(DirName(path));
+  FILE* output = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
+  if (output == NULL) {
+    printf("Failed to write to %s.\n", path.c_str());
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_t written = fwrite(data.c_str(), sizeof(char), data.size(), output);
+  fclose(output);
+  if (written != data.size()) {
+    size_t expected = data.size();
+    printf("Wrote %zu, tried to write %zu\n", written, expected);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool IsEmpty(const Metric::Stats& stats) {
+  return !stats.mean.has_value() && !stats.stddev.has_value() &&
+         !stats.min.has_value() && !stats.max.has_value();
+}  // namespace
+    absl::string_view export_file_path)
+    : export_file_path_(export_file_path) {}
+bool ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter::Export(
+    rtc::ArrayView<const Metric> metrics) {
+  std::unique_ptr<PerfTestResultWriter> writer =
+      absl::WrapUnique<PerfTestResultWriter>(CreateHistogramWriter());
+  for (const Metric& metric : metrics) {
+    std::vector<double> samples(metric.time_series.samples.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < metric.time_series.samples.size(); ++i) {
+      samples[i] = ToChromePerfDashboardValue(
+          metric.time_series.samples[i].value, metric.unit);
+    }
+    if (samples.empty() && IsEmpty(metric.stats)) {
+      // If there were no data collected for the metric it is expected that 0
+      // will be exported, so add 0 to the samples.
+      samples.push_back(ToChromePerfDashboardValue(0, metric.unit));
+    }
+    if (!samples.empty()) {
+      writer->LogResultList(
+, metric.test_case, samples,
+          ToChromePerfDashboardUnit(metric.unit),
+          /*important=*/false,
+          ToChromePerfDashboardImproveDirection(metric.improvement_direction));
+    } else {
+      writer->LogResultMeanAndError(
+, metric.test_case, *metric.stats.mean,
+          *metric.stats.stddev, ToChromePerfDashboardUnit(metric.unit),
+          /*important=*/false,
+          ToChromePerfDashboardImproveDirection(metric.improvement_direction));
+    }
+  }
+  return WriteMetricsToFile(export_file_path_, writer->Serialize());
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/api/test/metrics/chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h b/api/test/metrics/chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda17a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/test/metrics/chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "api/array_view.h"
+#include "api/test/metrics/metric.h"
+#include "api/test/metrics/metrics_exporter.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace test {
+// Exports all collected metrics in the Chrome Perf Dashboard proto format.
+class ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter : public MetricsExporter {
+ public:
+  // `export_file_path` - path where the proto file will be written.
+  explicit ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter(
+      absl::string_view export_file_path);
+  ~ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter() override = default;
+  bool Export(rtc::ArrayView<const Metric> metrics) override;
+ private:
+  const std::string export_file_path_;
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/api/test/metrics/ b/api/test/metrics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acaa4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/test/metrics/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "api/test/metrics/chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "api/test/metrics/metric.h"
+#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
+#include "test/gmock.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
+#include "third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/value/histogram.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace test {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::DoubleNear;
+using ::testing::Eq;
+using ::testing::Test;
+namespace proto = ::catapult::tracing::tracing::proto;
+std::map<std::string, std::string> DefaultMetadata() {
+  return std::map<std::string, std::string>{{"key", "value"}};
+Metric::TimeSeries::Sample Sample(double value) {
+  return Metric::TimeSeries::Sample{.timestamp = Timestamp::Seconds(1),
+                                    .value = value,
+                                    .sample_metadata = DefaultMetadata()};
+std::string ReadFileAsString(const std::string& filename) {
+  std::ifstream infile(filename, std::ios_base::binary);
+  auto buffer = std::vector<char>(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile),
+                                  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
+  return std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
+class ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporterTest : public Test {
+ protected:
+  ~ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporterTest() override = default;
+  void SetUp() override {
+    temp_filename_ = webrtc::test::TempFilename(
+        webrtc::test::OutputPath(),
+        "chrome_perf_dashboard_metrics_exporter_test");
+  }
+  void TearDown() override {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(webrtc::test::RemoveFile(temp_filename_));
+  }
+  std::string temp_filename_;
+TEST_F(ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporterTest, ExportMetricFormatCorrect) {
+  Metric metric1{
+      .name = "test_metric1",
+      .unit = Unit::kTimeMs,
+      .improvement_direction = ImprovementDirection::kBiggerIsBetter,
+      .test_case = "test_case_name1",
+      .metric_metadata = DefaultMetadata(),
+      .time_series =
+          Metric::TimeSeries{.samples = std::vector{Sample(10), Sample(20)}},
+      .stats =
+          Metric::Stats{.mean = 15.0, .stddev = 5.0, .min = 10.0, .max = 20.0}};
+  Metric metric2{
+      .name = "test_metric2",
+      .unit = Unit::kKilobitsPerSecond,
+      .improvement_direction = ImprovementDirection::kSmallerIsBetter,
+      .test_case = "test_case_name2",
+      .metric_metadata = DefaultMetadata(),
+      .time_series =
+          Metric::TimeSeries{.samples = std::vector{Sample(20), Sample(40)}},
+      .stats = Metric::Stats{
+          .mean = 30.0, .stddev = 10.0, .min = 20.0, .max = 40.0}};
+  ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter exporter(temp_filename_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(exporter.Export(std::vector<Metric>{metric1, metric2}));
+  proto::HistogramSet actual_histogram_set;
+  actual_histogram_set.ParseFromString(ReadFileAsString(temp_filename_));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms().size(), Eq(2));
+  // Validate output for `metric1`
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).name(), Eq("test_metric1"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).unit().unit(),
+              Eq(proto::Unit::MS_BEST_FIT_FORMAT));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).unit().improvement_direction(),
+              Eq(proto::ImprovementDirection::BIGGER_IS_BETTER));
+      actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).diagnostics().diagnostic_map().size(),
+      Eq(1lu));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0)
+                  .diagnostics()
+                  .diagnostic_map()
+                  .at("stories")
+                  .generic_set()
+                  .values(0),
+              Eq("\"test_case_name1\""));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values().size(), Eq(2));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values(0), Eq(10.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values(1), Eq(20.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().count(), Eq(2));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().max(), Eq(20));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().meanlogs(),
+              DoubleNear(2.64916, 0.1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().mean(), Eq(15));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().min(), Eq(10));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().sum(), Eq(30));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().variance(), Eq(50));
+  // Validate output for `metric2`
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).name(), Eq("test_metric2"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).unit().unit(),
+              Eq(proto::Unit::BYTES_PER_SECOND));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).unit().improvement_direction(),
+              Eq(proto::ImprovementDirection::SMALLER_IS_BETTER));
+      actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).diagnostics().diagnostic_map().size(),
+      Eq(1lu));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1)
+                  .diagnostics()
+                  .diagnostic_map()
+                  .at("stories")
+                  .generic_set()
+                  .values(0),
+              Eq("\"test_case_name2\""));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).sample_values().size(), Eq(2));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).sample_values(0), Eq(2500.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).sample_values(1), Eq(5000.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().count(), Eq(2));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().max(), Eq(5000));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().meanlogs(),
+              DoubleNear(8.17062, 0.1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().mean(), Eq(3750));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().min(), Eq(2500));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().sum(), Eq(7500));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(1).running().variance(),
+              Eq(3125000));
+       ExportEmptyMetricExportsZeroValue) {
+  Metric metric{.name = "test_metric",
+                .unit = Unit::kTimeMs,
+                .improvement_direction = ImprovementDirection::kBiggerIsBetter,
+                .test_case = "test_case_name",
+                .metric_metadata = DefaultMetadata(),
+                .time_series = Metric::TimeSeries{.samples = {}},
+                .stats = Metric::Stats{}};
+  ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter exporter(temp_filename_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(exporter.Export(std::vector<Metric>{metric}));
+  proto::HistogramSet actual_histogram_set;
+  actual_histogram_set.ParseFromString(ReadFileAsString(temp_filename_));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms().size(), Eq(1));
+  // Validate values for `metric`
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values().size(), Eq(1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values(0), Eq(0.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().count(), Eq(1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().max(),
+              DoubleNear(0, 1e-6));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().meanlogs(), Eq(0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().mean(), Eq(0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().min(), Eq(0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().sum(), Eq(0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().variance(), Eq(0));
+       ExportMetricWithOnlyStatsExportsMeanValues) {
+  Metric metric{.name = "test_metric",
+                .unit = Unit::kTimeMs,
+                .improvement_direction = ImprovementDirection::kBiggerIsBetter,
+                .test_case = "test_case_name",
+                .metric_metadata = DefaultMetadata(),
+                .time_series = Metric::TimeSeries{.samples = {}},
+                .stats = Metric::Stats{
+                    .mean = 15.0, .stddev = 5.0, .min = 10.0, .max = 20.0}};
+  ChromePerfDashboardMetricsExporter exporter(temp_filename_);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(exporter.Export(std::vector<Metric>{metric}));
+  proto::HistogramSet actual_histogram_set;
+  actual_histogram_set.ParseFromString(ReadFileAsString(temp_filename_));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms().size(), Eq(1));
+  // Validate values for `metric`
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values().size(), Eq(1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).sample_values(0), Eq(15.0));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().count(), Eq(1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().max(), Eq(15));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().meanlogs(),
+              DoubleNear(2.70805, 0.1));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().mean(), Eq(15));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().min(), Eq(15));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().sum(), Eq(15));
+  EXPECT_THAT(actual_histogram_set.histograms(0).running().variance(), Eq(0));
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace test
+}  // namespace webrtc