blob: 094a8dcc8f1ffc937a436dc85890633c62d60760 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/p2ptransportchannel.h"
#include <set>
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/common.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/relayport.h" // For RELAY_PORT_TYPE.
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/stunport.h" // For STUN_PORT_TYPE.
#include "webrtc/base/common.h"
#include "webrtc/base/crc32.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/stringencode.h"
namespace {
// messages for queuing up work for ourselves
enum {
// When the socket is unwritable, we will use 10 Kbps (ignoring IP+UDP headers)
// for pinging. When the socket is writable, we will use only 1 Kbps because
// we don't want to degrade the quality on a modem. These numbers should work
// well on a 28.8K modem, which is the slowest connection on which the voice
// quality is reasonable at all.
static const uint32 PING_PACKET_SIZE = 60 * 8;
static const uint32 WRITABLE_DELAY = 1000 * PING_PACKET_SIZE / 1000; // 480ms
static const uint32 UNWRITABLE_DELAY = 1000 * PING_PACKET_SIZE / 10000; // 50ms
// If there is a current writable connection, then we will also try hard to
// make sure it is pinged at this rate.
static const uint32 MAX_CURRENT_WRITABLE_DELAY = 900; // 2*WRITABLE_DELAY - bit
static const int MIN_CHECK_RECEIVING_DELAY = 50; // ms
// The minimum improvement in RTT that justifies a switch.
static const double kMinImprovement = 10;
cricket::PortInterface::CandidateOrigin GetOrigin(cricket::PortInterface* port,
cricket::PortInterface* origin_port) {
if (!origin_port)
return cricket::PortInterface::ORIGIN_MESSAGE;
else if (port == origin_port)
return cricket::PortInterface::ORIGIN_THIS_PORT;
return cricket::PortInterface::ORIGIN_OTHER_PORT;
// Compares two connections based only on static information about them.
int CompareConnectionCandidates(cricket::Connection* a,
cricket::Connection* b) {
// Compare connection priority. Lower values get sorted last.
if (a->priority() > b->priority())
return 1;
if (a->priority() < b->priority())
return -1;
// If we're still tied at this point, prefer a younger generation.
return (a->remote_candidate().generation() + a->port()->generation()) -
(b->remote_candidate().generation() + b->port()->generation());
// Compare two connections based on their connected state, writability and
// static preferences.
int CompareConnections(cricket::Connection *a, cricket::Connection *b) {
// Sort based on write-state. Better states have lower values.
if (a->write_state() < b->write_state())
return 1;
if (a->write_state() > b->write_state())
return -1;
// WARNING: Some complexity here about TCP reconnecting.
// When a TCP connection fails because of a TCP socket disconnecting, the
// active side of the connection will attempt to reconnect for 5 seconds while
// pretending to be writable (the connection is not set to the unwritable
// state). On the passive side, the connection also remains writable even
// though it is disconnected, and a new connection is created when the active
// side connects. At that point, there are two TCP connections on the passive
// side: 1. the old, disconnected one that is pretending to be writable, and
// 2. the new, connected one that is maybe not yet writable. For purposes of
// pruning, pinging, and selecting the best connection, we want to treat the
// new connection as "better" than the old one. We could add a method called
// something like Connection::ImReallyBadEvenThoughImWritable, but that is
// equivalent to the existing Connection::connected(), which we already have.
// So, in code throughout this file, we'll check whether the connection is
// connected() or not, and if it is not, treat it as "worse" than a connected
// one, even though it's writable. In the code below, we're doing so to make
// sure we treat a new writable connection as better than an old disconnected
// connection.
// In the case where we reconnect TCP connections, the original best
// connection is disconnected without changing to WRITE_TIMEOUT. In this case,
// the new connection, when it becomes writable, should have higher priority.
if (a->write_state() == cricket::Connection::STATE_WRITABLE &&
b->write_state() == cricket::Connection::STATE_WRITABLE) {
if (a->connected() && !b->connected()) {
return 1;
if (!a->connected() && b->connected()) {
return -1;
// Compare the candidate information.
return CompareConnectionCandidates(a, b);
// Wraps the comparison connection into a less than operator that puts higher
// priority writable connections first.
class ConnectionCompare {
bool operator()(const cricket::Connection *ca,
const cricket::Connection *cb) {
cricket::Connection* a = const_cast<cricket::Connection*>(ca);
cricket::Connection* b = const_cast<cricket::Connection*>(cb);
// Compare first on writability and static preferences.
int cmp = CompareConnections(a, b);
if (cmp > 0)
return true;
if (cmp < 0)
return false;
// Otherwise, sort based on latency estimate.
return a->rtt() < b->rtt();
// Should we bother checking for the last connection that last received
// data? It would help rendezvous on the connection that is also receiving
// packets.
// TODO: Yes we should definitely do this. The TCP protocol gains
// efficiency by being used bidirectionally, as opposed to two separate
// unidirectional streams. This test should probably occur before
// comparison of local prefs (assuming combined prefs are the same). We
// need to be careful though, not to bounce back and forth with both sides
// trying to rendevous with the other.
// Determines whether we should switch between two connections, based first on
// static preferences and then (if those are equal) on latency estimates.
bool ShouldSwitch(cricket::Connection* a_conn, cricket::Connection* b_conn) {
if (a_conn == b_conn)
return false;
if (!a_conn || !b_conn) // don't think the latter should happen
return true;
int prefs_cmp = CompareConnections(a_conn, b_conn);
if (prefs_cmp < 0)
return true;
if (prefs_cmp > 0)
return false;
return b_conn->rtt() <= a_conn->rtt() + kMinImprovement;
} // unnamed namespace
namespace cricket {
P2PTransportChannel::P2PTransportChannel(const std::string& content_name,
int component,
P2PTransport* transport,
PortAllocator *allocator) :
TransportChannelImpl(content_name, component),
check_receiving_delay_(MIN_CHECK_RECEIVING_DELAY * 5),
receiving_timeout_(MIN_CHECK_RECEIVING_DELAY * 50) {
P2PTransportChannel::~P2PTransportChannel() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
for (uint32 i = 0; i < allocator_sessions_.size(); ++i)
delete allocator_sessions_[i];
// Add the allocator session to our list so that we know which sessions
// are still active.
void P2PTransportChannel::AddAllocatorSession(PortAllocatorSession* session) {
// We now only want to apply new candidates that we receive to the ports
// created by this new session because these are replacing those of the
// previous sessions.
session->SignalPortReady.connect(this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnPortReady);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnCandidatesReady);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnCandidatesAllocationDone);
void P2PTransportChannel::AddConnection(Connection* connection) {
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnReadPacket);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnReadyToSend);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionStateChange);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionDestroyed);
connection->SignalNominated.connect(this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnNominated);
void P2PTransportChannel::SetIceRole(IceRole ice_role) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (ice_role_ != ice_role) {
ice_role_ = ice_role;
for (std::vector<PortInterface *>::iterator it = ports_.begin();
it != ports_.end(); ++it) {
void P2PTransportChannel::SetIceTiebreaker(uint64 tiebreaker) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (!ports_.empty()) {
<< "Attempt to change tiebreaker after Port has been allocated.";
tiebreaker_ = tiebreaker;
// Currently a channel is considered ICE completed once there is no
// more than one connection per Network. This works for a single NIC
// with both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled. However, this condition won't
// happen when there are multiple NICs and all of them have
// connectivity.
// TODO(guoweis): Change Completion to be driven by a channel level
// timer.
TransportChannelState P2PTransportChannel::GetState() const {
std::set<rtc::Network*> networks;
if (connections_.size() == 0) {
return TransportChannelState::STATE_FAILED;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
rtc::Network* network = connections_[i]->port()->Network();
if (networks.find(network) == networks.end()) {
} else {
LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Ice not completed yet for this channel as "
<< network->ToString()
<< " has more than 1 connection.";
return TransportChannelState::STATE_CONNECTING;
LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Ice is completed for this channel.";
return TransportChannelState::STATE_COMPLETED;
void P2PTransportChannel::SetIceCredentials(const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
bool ice_restart = false;
if (!ice_ufrag_.empty() && !ice_pwd_.empty()) {
// Restart candidate allocation if there is any change in either
// ice ufrag or password.
ice_restart =
IceCredentialsChanged(ice_ufrag_, ice_pwd_, ice_ufrag, ice_pwd);
ice_ufrag_ = ice_ufrag;
ice_pwd_ = ice_pwd;
if (ice_restart) {
// Restart candidate gathering.
void P2PTransportChannel::SetRemoteIceCredentials(const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
bool ice_restart = false;
if (!remote_ice_ufrag_.empty() && !remote_ice_pwd_.empty()) {
ice_restart = (remote_ice_ufrag_ != ice_ufrag) ||
(remote_ice_pwd_!= ice_pwd);
remote_ice_ufrag_ = ice_ufrag;
remote_ice_pwd_ = ice_pwd;
// We need to update the credentials for any peer reflexive candidates.
std::vector<Connection*>::iterator it = connections_.begin();
for (; it != connections_.end(); ++it) {
(*it)->MaybeSetRemoteIceCredentials(ice_ufrag, ice_pwd);
if (ice_restart) {
// We need to keep track of the remote ice restart so newer
// connections are prioritized over the older.
void P2PTransportChannel::SetRemoteIceMode(IceMode mode) {
remote_ice_mode_ = mode;
void P2PTransportChannel::SetReceivingTimeout(int receiving_timeout_ms) {
if (receiving_timeout_ms < 0) {
receiving_timeout_ = receiving_timeout_ms;
check_receiving_delay_ =
std::max(MIN_CHECK_RECEIVING_DELAY, receiving_timeout_ / 10);
LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set ICE receiving timeout to " << receiving_timeout_
<< " milliseconds";
// Go into the state of processing candidates, and running in general
void P2PTransportChannel::Connect() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (ice_ufrag_.empty() || ice_pwd_.empty()) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "P2PTransportChannel::Connect: The ice_ufrag_ and the "
<< "ice_pwd_ are not set.";
// Kick off an allocator session
// Start pinging as the ports come in.
thread()->Post(this, MSG_PING);
check_receiving_delay_, this, MSG_CHECK_RECEIVING);
// A new port is available, attempt to make connections for it
void P2PTransportChannel::OnPortReady(PortAllocatorSession *session,
PortInterface* port) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Set in-effect options on the new port
for (OptionMap::const_iterator it = options_.begin();
it != options_.end();
++it) {
int val = port->SetOption(it->first, it->second);
if (val < 0) {
LOG_J(LS_WARNING, port) << "SetOption(" << it->first
<< ", " << it->second
<< ") failed: " << port->GetError();
// Remember the ports and candidates, and signal that candidates are ready.
// The session will handle this, and send an initiate/accept/modify message
// if one is pending.
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnUnknownAddress);
port->SignalDestroyed.connect(this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnPortDestroyed);
this, &P2PTransportChannel::OnRoleConflict);
// Attempt to create a connection from this new port to all of the remote
// candidates that we were given so far.
std::vector<RemoteCandidate>::iterator iter;
for (iter = remote_candidates_.begin(); iter != remote_candidates_.end();
++iter) {
CreateConnection(port, *iter, iter->origin_port(), false);
// A new candidate is available, let listeners know
void P2PTransportChannel::OnCandidatesReady(
PortAllocatorSession *session, const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
SignalCandidateReady(this, candidates[i]);
void P2PTransportChannel::OnCandidatesAllocationDone(
PortAllocatorSession* session) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Handle stun packets
void P2PTransportChannel::OnUnknownAddress(
PortInterface* port,
const rtc::SocketAddress& address, ProtocolType proto,
IceMessage* stun_msg, const std::string &remote_username,
bool port_muxed) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Port has received a valid stun packet from an address that no Connection
// is currently available for. See if we already have a candidate with the
// address. If it isn't we need to create new candidate for it.
// Determine if the remote candidates use shared ufrag.
bool ufrag_per_port = false;
std::vector<RemoteCandidate>::iterator it;
if (remote_candidates_.size() > 0) {
it = remote_candidates_.begin();
std::string username = it->username();
for (; it != remote_candidates_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->username() != username) {
ufrag_per_port = true;
const Candidate* candidate = NULL;
std::string remote_password;
for (it = remote_candidates_.begin(); it != remote_candidates_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->username() == remote_username) {
remote_password = it->password();
if (ufrag_per_port ||
(it->address() == address &&
it->protocol() == ProtoToString(proto))) {
candidate = &(*it);
// We don't want to break here because we may find a match of the address
// later.
// The STUN binding request may arrive after setRemoteDescription and before
// adding remote candidate, so we need to set the password to the shared
// password if the user name matches.
if (remote_password.empty() && remote_username == remote_ice_ufrag_) {
remote_password = remote_ice_pwd_;
Candidate remote_candidate;
bool remote_candidate_is_new = (candidate == nullptr);
if (!remote_candidate_is_new) {
remote_candidate = *candidate;
if (ufrag_per_port) {
} else {
// Create a new candidate with this address.
int remote_candidate_priority;
// The priority of the candidate is set to the PRIORITY attribute
// from the request.
const StunUInt32Attribute* priority_attr =
if (!priority_attr) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "P2PTransportChannel::OnUnknownAddress - "
<< "No STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY found in the "
<< "stun request message";
port->SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg, address,
remote_candidate_priority = priority_attr->value();
// RFC 5245
// If the source transport address of the request does not match any
// existing remote candidates, it represents a new peer reflexive remote
// candidate.
remote_candidate =
Candidate(component(), ProtoToString(proto), address, 0,
remote_username, remote_password, PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, 0U, "");
// From RFC 5245, section-
// The foundation of the candidate is set to an arbitrary value, different
// from the foundation for all other remote candidates.
// RFC5245, the agent constructs a pair whose local candidate is equal to
// the transport address on which the STUN request was received, and a
// remote candidate equal to the source transport address where the
// request came from.
// There shouldn't be an existing connection with this remote address.
// When ports are muxed, this channel might get multiple unknown address
// signals. In that case if the connection is already exists, we should
// simply ignore the signal otherwise send server error.
if (port->GetConnection(remote_candidate.address())) {
if (port_muxed) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Connection already exists for peer reflexive "
<< "candidate: " << remote_candidate.ToString();
} else {
port->SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg, address,
Connection* connection = port->CreateConnection(
remote_candidate, cricket::PortInterface::ORIGIN_THIS_PORT);
if (!connection) {
port->SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg, address,
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Adding connection from "
<< (remote_candidate_is_new ? "peer reflexive" : "resurrected")
<< " candidate: " << remote_candidate.ToString();
bool received_use_candidate =
stun_msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE) != nullptr;
if (received_use_candidate && ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED) {
// Update the list of connections since we just added another. We do this
// after sending the response since it could (in principle) delete the
// connection in question.
void P2PTransportChannel::OnRoleConflict(PortInterface* port) {
SignalRoleConflict(this); // STUN ping will be sent when SetRole is called
// from Transport.
// When the signalling channel is ready, we can really kick off the allocator
void P2PTransportChannel::OnSignalingReady() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (waiting_for_signaling_) {
waiting_for_signaling_ = false;
SessionId(), content_name(), component(), ice_ufrag_, ice_pwd_));
void P2PTransportChannel::OnNominated(Connection* conn) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (conn->write_state() == Connection::STATE_WRITABLE) {
if (best_connection_ != conn) {
pending_best_connection_ = NULL;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Switching best connection on controlled side: "
<< conn->ToString();
// Now we have selected the best connection, time to prune other existing
// connections and update the read/write state of the channel.
} else {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Not switching the best connection on controlled side yet,"
<< " because it's not writable: " << conn->ToString();
pending_best_connection_ = conn;
void P2PTransportChannel::OnCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
uint32 generation = candidate.generation();
// Network may not guarantee the order of the candidate delivery. If a
// remote candidate with an older generation arrives, drop it.
if (generation != 0 && generation < remote_candidate_generation_) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Dropping a remote candidate because its generation "
<< generation
<< " is lower than the current remote generation "
<< remote_candidate_generation_;
// Create connections to this remote candidate.
CreateConnections(candidate, NULL, false);
// Resort the connections list, which may have new elements.
// Creates connections from all of the ports that we care about to the given
// remote candidate. The return value is true if we created a connection from
// the origin port.
bool P2PTransportChannel::CreateConnections(const Candidate& remote_candidate,
PortInterface* origin_port,
bool readable) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
Candidate new_remote_candidate(remote_candidate);
// ICE candidates don't need to have username and password set, but
// the code below this (specifically, ConnectionRequest::Prepare in
// uses the remote candidates's username. So, we set it
// here.
if (remote_candidate.username().empty()) {
if (remote_candidate.password().empty()) {
// If we've already seen the new remote candidate (in the current candidate
// generation), then we shouldn't try creating connections for it.
// We either already have a connection for it, or we previously created one
// and then later pruned it. If we don't return, the channel will again
// re-create any connections that were previously pruned, which will then
// immediately be re-pruned, churning the network for no purpose.
// This only applies to candidates received over signaling (i.e. origin_port
// is NULL).
if (!origin_port && IsDuplicateRemoteCandidate(new_remote_candidate)) {
// return true to indicate success, without creating any new connections.
return true;
// Add a new connection for this candidate to every port that allows such a
// connection (i.e., if they have compatible protocols) and that does not
// already have a connection to an equivalent candidate. We must be careful
// to make sure that the origin port is included, even if it was pruned,
// since that may be the only port that can create this connection.
bool created = false;
std::vector<PortInterface *>::reverse_iterator it;
for (it = ports_.rbegin(); it != ports_.rend(); ++it) {
if (CreateConnection(*it, new_remote_candidate, origin_port, readable)) {
if (*it == origin_port)
created = true;
if ((origin_port != NULL) &&
std::find(ports_.begin(), ports_.end(), origin_port) == ports_.end()) {
if (CreateConnection(
origin_port, new_remote_candidate, origin_port, readable))
created = true;
// Remember this remote candidate so that we can add it to future ports.
RememberRemoteCandidate(new_remote_candidate, origin_port);
return created;
// Setup a connection object for the local and remote candidate combination.
// And then listen to connection object for changes.
bool P2PTransportChannel::CreateConnection(PortInterface* port,
const Candidate& remote_candidate,
PortInterface* origin_port,
bool readable) {
// Look for an existing connection with this remote address. If one is not
// found, then we can create a new connection for this address.
Connection* connection = port->GetConnection(remote_candidate.address());
if (connection != NULL) {
// It is not legal to try to change any of the parameters of an existing
// connection; however, the other side can send a duplicate candidate.
if (!remote_candidate.IsEquivalent(connection->remote_candidate())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Attempt to change a remote candidate."
<< " Existing remote candidate: "
<< connection->remote_candidate().ToString()
<< "New remote candidate: "
<< remote_candidate.ToString();
return false;
} else {
PortInterface::CandidateOrigin origin = GetOrigin(port, origin_port);
// Don't create connection if this is a candidate we received in a
// message and we are not allowed to make outgoing connections.
if (origin == cricket::PortInterface::ORIGIN_MESSAGE && incoming_only_)
return false;
connection = port->CreateConnection(remote_candidate, origin);
if (!connection)
return false;
LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Created connection with origin=" << origin << ", ("
<< connections_.size() << " total)";
// If we are readable, it is because we are creating this in response to a
// ping from the other side. This will cause the state to become readable.
if (readable)
return true;
bool P2PTransportChannel::FindConnection(
cricket::Connection* connection) const {
std::vector<Connection*>::const_iterator citer =
std::find(connections_.begin(), connections_.end(), connection);
return citer != connections_.end();
uint32 P2PTransportChannel::GetRemoteCandidateGeneration(
const Candidate& candidate) {
// We need to keep track of the remote ice restart so newer
// connections are prioritized over the older.
ASSERT(candidate.generation() == 0 ||
candidate.generation() == remote_candidate_generation_);
return remote_candidate_generation_;
// Check if remote candidate is already cached.
bool P2PTransportChannel::IsDuplicateRemoteCandidate(
const Candidate& candidate) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < remote_candidates_.size(); ++i) {
if (remote_candidates_[i].IsEquivalent(candidate)) {
return true;
return false;
// Maintain our remote candidate list, adding this new remote one.
void P2PTransportChannel::RememberRemoteCandidate(
const Candidate& remote_candidate, PortInterface* origin_port) {
// Remove any candidates whose generation is older than this one. The
// presence of a new generation indicates that the old ones are not useful.
uint32 i = 0;
while (i < remote_candidates_.size()) {
if (remote_candidates_[i].generation() < remote_candidate.generation()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Pruning candidate from old generation: "
<< remote_candidates_[i].address().ToSensitiveString();
remote_candidates_.erase(remote_candidates_.begin() + i);
} else {
i += 1;
// Make sure this candidate is not a duplicate.
if (IsDuplicateRemoteCandidate(remote_candidate)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Duplicate candidate: " << remote_candidate.ToString();
// Try this candidate for all future ports.
remote_candidates_.push_back(RemoteCandidate(remote_candidate, origin_port));
// Set options on ourselves is simply setting options on all of our available
// port objects.
int P2PTransportChannel::SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
OptionMap::iterator it = options_.find(opt);
if (it == options_.end()) {
options_.insert(std::make_pair(opt, value));
} else if (it->second == value) {
return 0;
} else {
it->second = value;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < ports_.size(); ++i) {
int val = ports_[i]->SetOption(opt, value);
if (val < 0) {
// Because this also occurs deferred, probably no point in reporting an
// error
LOG(WARNING) << "SetOption(" << opt << ", " << value << ") failed: "
<< ports_[i]->GetError();
return 0;
bool P2PTransportChannel::GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
const auto& found = options_.find(opt);
if (found == options_.end()) {
return false;
*value = found->second;
return true;
// Send data to the other side, using our best connection.
int P2PTransportChannel::SendPacket(const char *data, size_t len,
const rtc::PacketOptions& options,
int flags) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (flags != 0) {
error_ = EINVAL;
return -1;
if (best_connection_ == NULL) {
return -1;
int sent = best_connection_->Send(data, len, options);
if (sent <= 0) {
ASSERT(sent < 0);
error_ = best_connection_->GetError();
return sent;
bool P2PTransportChannel::GetStats(ConnectionInfos *infos) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Gather connection infos.
std::vector<Connection *>::const_iterator it;
for (it = connections_.begin(); it != connections_.end(); ++it) {
Connection *connection = *it;
ConnectionInfo info;
info.best_connection = (best_connection_ == connection);
info.readable =
(connection->read_state() == Connection::STATE_READABLE);
info.writable =
(connection->write_state() == Connection::STATE_WRITABLE);
info.timeout =
(connection->write_state() == Connection::STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
info.new_connection = !connection->reported();
info.rtt = connection->rtt();
info.sent_total_bytes = connection->sent_total_bytes();
info.sent_bytes_second = connection->sent_bytes_second();
info.sent_discarded_packets = connection->sent_discarded_packets();
info.sent_total_packets = connection->sent_total_packets();
info.recv_total_bytes = connection->recv_total_bytes();
info.recv_bytes_second = connection->recv_bytes_second();
info.local_candidate = connection->local_candidate();
info.remote_candidate = connection->remote_candidate();
info.key = connection;
return true;
rtc::DiffServCodePoint P2PTransportChannel::DefaultDscpValue() const {
OptionMap::const_iterator it = options_.find(rtc::Socket::OPT_DSCP);
if (it == options_.end()) {
return rtc::DSCP_NO_CHANGE;
return static_cast<rtc::DiffServCodePoint> (it->second);
// Begin allocate (or immediately re-allocate, if MSG_ALLOCATE pending)
void P2PTransportChannel::Allocate() {
// Time for a new allocator, lets make sure we have a signalling channel
// to communicate candidates through first.
waiting_for_signaling_ = true;
// Monitor connection states.
void P2PTransportChannel::UpdateConnectionStates() {
uint32 now = rtc::Time();
// We need to copy the list of connections since some may delete themselves
// when we call UpdateState.
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i)
// Prepare for best candidate sorting.
void P2PTransportChannel::RequestSort() {
if (!sort_dirty_) {
worker_thread_->Post(this, MSG_SORT);
sort_dirty_ = true;
// Sort the available connections to find the best one. We also monitor
// the number of available connections and the current state.
void P2PTransportChannel::SortConnections() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Make sure the connection states are up-to-date since this affects how they
// will be sorted.
// Any changes after this point will require a re-sort.
sort_dirty_ = false;
// Find the best alternative connection by sorting. It is important to note
// that amongst equal preference, writable connections, this will choose the
// one whose estimated latency is lowest. So it is the only one that we
// need to consider switching to.
ConnectionCompare cmp;
std::stable_sort(connections_.begin(), connections_.end(), cmp);
LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Sorting available connections:";
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << connections_[i]->ToString();
Connection* top_connection =
(connections_.size() > 0) ? connections_[0] : nullptr;
// If necessary, switch to the new choice.
// Note that |top_connection| doesn't have to be writable to become the best
// connection although it will have higher priority if it is writable.
// The controlled side can switch the best connection only if the current
// |best connection_| has not been nominated by the controlling side yet.
if ((ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING || !best_nominated_connection()) &&
ShouldSwitch(best_connection_, top_connection)) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Switching best connection: " << top_connection->ToString();
// Controlled side can prune only if the best connection has been nominated.
// because otherwise it may delete the connection that will be selected by
// the controlling side.
if (ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING || best_nominated_connection()) {
// Check if all connections are timedout.
bool all_connections_timedout = true;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
if (connections_[i]->write_state() != Connection::STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT) {
all_connections_timedout = false;
// Now update the writable state of the channel with the information we have
// so far.
if (best_connection_ && best_connection_->writable()) {
} else if (all_connections_timedout) {
} else {
// Update the state of this channel. This method is called whenever the
// state of any connection changes, so this is a good place to do this.
Connection* P2PTransportChannel::best_nominated_connection() const {
return (best_connection_ && best_connection_->nominated()) ? best_connection_
: nullptr;
void P2PTransportChannel::PruneConnections() {
// We can prune any connection for which there is a connected, writable
// connection on the same network with better or equal priority. We leave
// those with better priority just in case they become writable later (at
// which point, we would prune out the current best connection). We leave
// connections on other networks because they may not be using the same
// resources and they may represent very distinct paths over which we can
// switch. If the |primier| connection is not connected, we may be
// reconnecting a TCP connection and temporarily do not prune connections in
// this network. See the big comment in CompareConnections.
// Get a list of the networks that we are using.
std::set<rtc::Network*> networks;
for (const Connection* conn : connections_) {
for (rtc::Network* network : networks) {
Connection* primier = GetBestConnectionOnNetwork(network);
if (!(primier && primier->writable() && primier->connected())) {
for (Connection* conn : connections_) {
if ((conn != primier) && (conn->port()->Network() == network) &&
(CompareConnectionCandidates(primier, conn) >= 0)) {
// Track the best connection, and let listeners know
void P2PTransportChannel::SwitchBestConnectionTo(Connection* conn) {
// Note: if conn is NULL, the previous best_connection_ has been destroyed,
// so don't use it.
Connection* old_best_connection = best_connection_;
best_connection_ = conn;
if (best_connection_) {
if (old_best_connection) {
LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Previous best connection: "
<< old_best_connection->ToString();
LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "New best connection: "
<< best_connection_->ToString();
SignalRouteChange(this, best_connection_->remote_candidate());
// When it just switched to a best connection, set receiving to true.
} else {
LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "No best connection";
void P2PTransportChannel::UpdateChannelState() {
// The Handle* functions already set the writable state. We'll just double-
// check it here.
bool writable = ((best_connection_ != NULL) &&
(best_connection_->write_state() ==
ASSERT(writable == this->writable());
if (writable != this->writable())
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "UpdateChannelState: writable state mismatch";
bool readable = false;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
if (connections_[i]->read_state() == Connection::STATE_READABLE) {
readable = true;
// We checked the status of our connections and we had at least one that
// was writable, go into the writable state.
void P2PTransportChannel::HandleWritable() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (!writable()) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < allocator_sessions_.size(); ++i) {
if (allocator_sessions_[i]->IsGettingPorts()) {
was_writable_ = true;
// Notify upper layer about channel not writable state, if it was before.
void P2PTransportChannel::HandleNotWritable() {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
if (was_writable_) {
was_writable_ = false;
void P2PTransportChannel::HandleAllTimedOut() {
// Currently we are treating this as channel not writable.
// If we have a best connection, return it, otherwise return top one in the
// list (later we will mark it best).
Connection* P2PTransportChannel::GetBestConnectionOnNetwork(
rtc::Network* network) const {
// If the best connection is on this network, then it wins.
if (best_connection_ && (best_connection_->port()->Network() == network))
return best_connection_;
// Otherwise, we return the top-most in sorted order.
for (uint32 i = 0; i < connections_.size(); ++i) {
if (connections_[i]->port()->Network() == network)
return connections_[i];
return NULL;
// Handle any queued up requests
void P2PTransportChannel::OnMessage(rtc::Message *pmsg) {
switch (pmsg->message_id) {
case MSG_SORT:
case MSG_PING:
// Handle queued up sort request
void P2PTransportChannel::OnSort() {
// Resort the connections based on the new statistics.
// Handle queued up ping request
void P2PTransportChannel::OnPing() {
// Make sure the states of the connections are up-to-date (since this affects
// which ones are pingable).
// Find the oldest pingable connection and have it do a ping.
Connection* conn = FindNextPingableConnection();
if (conn)
// Post ourselves a message to perform the next ping.
uint32 delay = writable() ? WRITABLE_DELAY : UNWRITABLE_DELAY;
thread()->PostDelayed(delay, this, MSG_PING);
void P2PTransportChannel::OnCheckReceiving() {
// Check receiving only if the best connection has received data packets
// because we want to detect not receiving any packets only after the media
// have started flowing.
if (best_connection_ && best_connection_->recv_total_bytes() > 0) {
bool receiving = rtc::Time() <=
best_connection_->last_received() + receiving_timeout_;
thread()->PostDelayed(check_receiving_delay_, this, MSG_CHECK_RECEIVING);
// Is the connection in a state for us to even consider pinging the other side?
// We consider a connection pingable even if it's not connected because that's
// how a TCP connection is kicked into reconnecting on the active side.
bool P2PTransportChannel::IsPingable(Connection* conn) {
const Candidate& remote = conn->remote_candidate();
// We should never get this far with an empty remote ufrag.
if (remote.username().empty() || remote.password().empty()) {
// If we don't have an ICE ufrag and pwd, there's no way we can ping.
return false;
// An never connected connection cannot be written to at all, so pinging is
// out of the question. However, if it has become WRITABLE, it is in the
// reconnecting state so ping is needed.
if (!conn->connected() && conn->write_state() != Connection::STATE_WRITABLE) {
return false;
if (writable()) {
// If we are writable, then we only want to ping connections that could be
// better than this one, i.e., the ones that were not pruned.
return (conn->write_state() != Connection::STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
} else {
// If we are not writable, then we need to try everything that might work.
// This includes both connections that do not have write timeout as well as
// ones that do not have read timeout. A connection could be readable but
// be in write-timeout if we pruned it before. Since the other side is
// still pinging it, it very well might still work.
return (conn->write_state() != Connection::STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT) ||
(conn->read_state() != Connection::STATE_READ_TIMEOUT);
// Returns the next pingable connection to ping. This will be the oldest
// pingable connection unless we have a connected, writable connection that is
// past the maximum acceptable ping delay. When reconnecting a TCP connection,
// the best connection is disconnected, although still WRITABLE while
// reconnecting. The newly created connection should be selected as the ping
// target to become writable instead. See the big comment in CompareConnections.
Connection* P2PTransportChannel::FindNextPingableConnection() {
uint32 now = rtc::Time();
if (best_connection_ && best_connection_->connected() &&
(best_connection_->write_state() == Connection::STATE_WRITABLE) &&
(best_connection_->last_ping_sent() + MAX_CURRENT_WRITABLE_DELAY <=
now)) {
return best_connection_;
// First, find "triggered checks". We ping first those connections
// that have received a ping but have not sent a ping since receiving
// it (last_received_ping > last_sent_ping). But we shouldn't do
// triggered checks if the connection is already writable.
Connection* oldest_needing_triggered_check = nullptr;
Connection* oldest = nullptr;
for (Connection* conn : connections_) {
if (!IsPingable(conn)) {
bool needs_triggered_check =
(!conn->writable() &&
conn->last_ping_received() > conn->last_ping_sent());
if (needs_triggered_check &&
(!oldest_needing_triggered_check ||
(conn->last_ping_received() <
oldest_needing_triggered_check->last_ping_received()))) {
oldest_needing_triggered_check = conn;
if (!oldest || (conn->last_ping_sent() < oldest->last_ping_sent())) {
oldest = conn;
if (oldest_needing_triggered_check) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Selecting connection for triggered check: " <<
return oldest_needing_triggered_check;
return oldest;
// Apart from sending ping from |conn| this method also updates
// |use_candidate_attr| flag. The criteria to update this flag is
// explained below.
// Set USE-CANDIDATE if doing ICE AND this channel is in CONTROLLING AND
// a) Channel is in FULL ICE AND
// a.1) |conn| is the best connection OR
// a.2) there is no best connection OR
// a.3) the best connection is unwritable OR
// a.4) |conn| has higher priority than best_connection.
// b) we're doing LITE ICE AND
// b.1) |conn| is the best_connection AND
// b.2) |conn| is writable.
void P2PTransportChannel::PingConnection(Connection* conn) {
bool use_candidate = false;
if (remote_ice_mode_ == ICEMODE_FULL && ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING) {
use_candidate = (conn == best_connection_) ||
(best_connection_ == NULL) ||
(!best_connection_->writable()) ||
(conn->priority() > best_connection_->priority());
} else if (remote_ice_mode_ == ICEMODE_LITE && conn == best_connection_) {
use_candidate = best_connection_->writable();
// When a connection's state changes, we need to figure out who to use as
// the best connection again. It could have become usable, or become unusable.
void P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionStateChange(Connection* connection) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Update the best connection if the state change is from pending best
// connection and role is controlled.
if (ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED) {
if (connection == pending_best_connection_ && connection->writable()) {
pending_best_connection_ = NULL;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Switching best connection on controlled side"
<< " because it's now writable: " << connection->ToString();
// We have to unroll the stack before doing this because we may be changing
// the state of connections while sorting.
// When a connection is removed, edit it out, and then update our best
// connection.
void P2PTransportChannel::OnConnectionDestroyed(Connection* connection) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Note: the previous best_connection_ may be destroyed by now, so don't
// use it.
// Remove this connection from the list.
std::vector<Connection*>::iterator iter =
std::find(connections_.begin(), connections_.end(), connection);
ASSERT(iter != connections_.end());
LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Removed connection ("
<< static_cast<int>(connections_.size()) << " remaining)";
if (pending_best_connection_ == connection) {
pending_best_connection_ = NULL;
// If this is currently the best connection, then we need to pick a new one.
// The call to SortConnections will pick a new one. It looks at the current
// best connection in order to avoid switching between fairly similar ones.
// Since this connection is no longer an option, we can just set best to NULL
// and re-choose a best assuming that there was no best connection.
if (best_connection_ == connection) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Best connection destroyed. Will choose a new one.";
// When a port is destroyed remove it from our list of ports to use for
// connection attempts.
void P2PTransportChannel::OnPortDestroyed(PortInterface* port) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Remove this port from the list (if we didn't drop it already).
std::vector<PortInterface*>::iterator iter =
std::find(ports_.begin(), ports_.end(), port);
if (iter != ports_.end())
LOG(INFO) << "Removed port from p2p socket: "
<< static_cast<int>(ports_.size()) << " remaining";
// We data is available, let listeners know
void P2PTransportChannel::OnReadPacket(
Connection *connection, const char *data, size_t len,
const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
ASSERT(worker_thread_ == rtc::Thread::Current());
// Do not deliver, if packet doesn't belong to the correct transport channel.
if (!FindConnection(connection))
// Let the client know of an incoming packet
SignalReadPacket(this, data, len, packet_time, 0);
// May need to switch the sending connection based on the receiving media path
// if this is the controlled side.
if (ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED && !best_nominated_connection() &&
connection->writable() && best_connection_ != connection) {
void P2PTransportChannel::OnReadyToSend(Connection* connection) {
if (connection == best_connection_ && writable()) {
} // namespace cricket