Remove CheckCompile method from MetaBuildWrapper.

This method is unused and it is not present in Chromium's, since
part of it needs to be renamed as part of [1], this CL take the
opportunity to delete it.

[1] -

Bug: None
Change-Id: I9b231b2dd2ffbc61084cbfbf9bd8de95407f6b5f
Reviewed-by: Dirk Pranke <>
Commit-Queue: Mirko Bonadei <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32960}
diff --git a/tools_webrtc/mb/ b/tools_webrtc/mb/
index 6287ca2..67d25d0 100755
--- a/tools_webrtc/mb/
+++ b/tools_webrtc/mb/
@@ -1069,27 +1069,6 @@
       raise MBErr('Error %s writing to the output path "%s"' %
                  (e, path))
-  def CheckCompile(self, master, builder):
-    url_template = self.args.url_template + '/{builder}/builds/_all?as_text=1'
-    url = urllib2.quote(url_template.format(master=master, builder=builder),
-                        safe=':/()?=')
-    try:
-      builds = json.loads(self.Fetch(url))
-    except Exception as e:
-      return str(e)
-    successes = sorted(
-        [int(x) for x in builds.keys() if "text" in builds[x] and
-          cmp(builds[x]["text"][:2], ["build", "successful"]) == 0],
-        reverse=True)
-    if not successes:
-      return "no successful builds"
-    build = builds[str(successes[0])]
-    step_names = set([step["name"] for step in build["steps"]])
-    compile_indicators = set(["compile", "compile (with patch)", "analyze"])
-    if compile_indicators & step_names:
-      return "compiles"
-    return "does not compile"
   def PrintCmd(self, cmd, env):
     if self.platform == 'win32':
       env_prefix = 'set '