blob: ed2c1328a05c190f822239027d6079727bdd5ffe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/metric_recorder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/packet_sender.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
namespace bwe {
namespace {
// Holder mean, Manhattan distance for p=1, EuclidianNorm/sqrt(n) for p=2.
template <typename T>
double NormLp(T sum, size_t size, double p) {
return pow(sum / size, 1.0 / p);
const double kP = 1.0; // Used for Norm Lp.
LinkShare::LinkShare(ChokeFilter* choke_filter)
: choke_filter_(choke_filter), running_flows_(choke_filter->flow_ids()) {
void LinkShare::PauseFlow(int flow_id) {
void LinkShare::ResumeFlow(int flow_id) {
uint32_t LinkShare::TotalAvailableKbps() {
return choke_filter_->capacity_kbps();
uint32_t LinkShare::AvailablePerFlowKbps(int flow_id) {
uint32_t available_capacity_per_flow_kbps = 0;
if (running_flows_.find(flow_id) != running_flows_.end()) {
available_capacity_per_flow_kbps =
TotalAvailableKbps() / static_cast<uint32_t>(running_flows_.size());
return available_capacity_per_flow_kbps;
MetricRecorder::MetricRecorder(const std::string algorithm_name,
int flow_id,
PacketSender* packet_sender,
LinkShare* link_share)
: algorithm_name_(algorithm_name),
num_packets_received_(0) {
std::fill_n(sum_lp_weighted_estimate_error_, 2, 0);
if (packet_sender != nullptr)
void MetricRecorder::SetPlotInformation(
const std::vector<std::string>& prefixes,
bool plot_delay,
bool plot_loss) {
assert(prefixes.size() == kNumMetrics);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumMetrics; ++i) {
plot_information_[i].prefix = prefixes[i];
plot_information_[kThroughput].plot_interval_ms = 100;
plot_information_[kSendingEstimate].plot_interval_ms = 100;
plot_information_[kDelay].plot_interval_ms = 100;
plot_information_[kLoss].plot_interval_ms = 500;
plot_information_[kObjective].plot_interval_ms = 1000;
plot_information_[kTotalAvailable].plot_interval_ms = 1000;
plot_information_[kAvailablePerFlow].plot_interval_ms = 1000;
for (int i = kThroughput; i < kNumMetrics; ++i) {
plot_information_[i].last_plot_ms = 0;
switch (i) {
case kSendingEstimate:
case kObjective:
case kAvailablePerFlow:
plot_information_[i].plot = false;
case kLoss:
plot_information_[i].plot = plot_loss;
case kDelay:
plot_information_[i].plot = plot_delay;
plot_information_[i].plot = true;
void MetricRecorder::PlotAllDynamics() {
for (int i = kThroughput; i < kNumMetrics; ++i) {
if (plot_information_[i].plot &&
now_ms_ - plot_information_[i].last_plot_ms >=
plot_information_[i].plot_interval_ms) {
void MetricRecorder::PlotDynamics(int metric) {
if (metric == kTotalAvailable) {
0, plot_information_[kTotalAvailable].prefix, now_ms_,
GetTotalAvailableKbps(), flow_id_, "Available");
} else if (metric == kAvailablePerFlow) {
0, plot_information_[kAvailablePerFlow].prefix, now_ms_,
GetAvailablePerFlowKbps(), flow_id_, "Available_per_flow");
} else {
PlotLine(metric, plot_information_[metric].prefix,
plot_information_[metric].last_plot_ms = now_ms_;
template <typename T>
void MetricRecorder::PlotLine(int windows_id,
const std::string& prefix,
int64_t time_ms,
T y) {
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT_WITH_NAME_AND_SSRC(windows_id, prefix, time_ms,
static_cast<double>(y), flow_id_,
void MetricRecorder::UpdateTimeMs(int64_t time_ms) {
now_ms_ = std::max(now_ms_, time_ms);
void MetricRecorder::UpdateThroughput(int64_t bitrate_kbps,
size_t payload_size) {
// Total throughput should be computed before updating the time.
PushThroughputBytes(payload_size, now_ms_);
plot_information_[kThroughput].Update(now_ms_, bitrate_kbps);
void MetricRecorder::UpdateSendingEstimateKbps(int64_t bitrate_kbps) {
plot_information_[kSendingEstimate].Update(now_ms_, bitrate_kbps);
void MetricRecorder::UpdateDelayMs(int64_t delay_ms) {
PushDelayMs(delay_ms, now_ms_);
plot_information_[kDelay].Update(now_ms_, delay_ms);
void MetricRecorder::UpdateLoss(float loss_ratio) {
plot_information_[kLoss].Update(now_ms_, loss_ratio);
void MetricRecorder::UpdateObjective() {
plot_information_[kObjective].Update(now_ms_, ObjectiveFunction());
uint32_t MetricRecorder::GetTotalAvailableKbps() {
if (link_share_ == nullptr)
return 0;
return link_share_->TotalAvailableKbps();
uint32_t MetricRecorder::GetAvailablePerFlowKbps() {
if (link_share_ == nullptr)
return 0;
return link_share_->AvailablePerFlowKbps(flow_id_);
uint32_t MetricRecorder::GetSendingEstimateKbps() {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(plot_information_[kSendingEstimate].value);
void MetricRecorder::PushDelayMs(int64_t delay_ms, int64_t arrival_time_ms) {
if (ShouldRecord(arrival_time_ms)) {
sum_delays_ms_ += delay_ms;
sum_delays_square_ms2_ += delay_ms * delay_ms;
if (delay_histogram_ms_.find(delay_ms) == delay_histogram_ms_.end()) {
delay_histogram_ms_[delay_ms] = 0;
void MetricRecorder::UpdateEstimateError(int64_t new_value) {
int64_t lp_value = pow(static_cast<double>(std::abs(new_value)), kP);
if (new_value < 0) {
sum_lp_weighted_estimate_error_[0] += lp_value;
} else {
sum_lp_weighted_estimate_error_[1] += lp_value;
void MetricRecorder::PushThroughputBytes(size_t payload_size,
int64_t arrival_time_ms) {
if (ShouldRecord(arrival_time_ms)) {
sum_throughput_bytes_ += payload_size;
int64_t current_available_per_flow_kbps =
int64_t current_bitrate_diff_kbps =
static_cast<int64_t>(GetSendingEstimateKbps()) -
int64_t weighted_estimate_error =
(((current_bitrate_diff_kbps + last_unweighted_estimate_error_) *
(arrival_time_ms - plot_information_[kThroughput].time_ms)) /
optimal_throughput_bits_ +=
((current_available_per_flow_kbps +
last_available_bitrate_per_flow_kbps_) *
(arrival_time_ms - plot_information_[kThroughput].time_ms)) /
last_available_bitrate_per_flow_kbps_ = current_available_per_flow_kbps;
bool MetricRecorder::ShouldRecord(int64_t arrival_time_ms) {
if (arrival_time_ms >= start_computing_metrics_ms_) {
if (!started_computing_metrics_) {
start_computing_metrics_ms_ = arrival_time_ms;
now_ms_ = arrival_time_ms;
started_computing_metrics_ = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void MetricRecorder::PlotThroughputHistogram(
const std::string& title,
const std::string& bwe_name,
size_t num_flows,
int64_t extra_offset_ms,
const std::string optimum_id) const {
double optimal_bitrate_per_flow_kbps = static_cast<double>(
optimal_throughput_bits_ / RunDurationMs(extra_offset_ms));
double neg_error = Renormalize(
NormLp(sum_lp_weighted_estimate_error_[0], num_packets_received_, kP));
double pos_error = Renormalize(
NormLp(sum_lp_weighted_estimate_error_[1], num_packets_received_, kP));
double average_bitrate_kbps = AverageBitrateKbps(extra_offset_ms);
// Prevent the error to be too close to zero (plotting issue).
double extra_error = average_bitrate_kbps / 500;
std::string optimum_title =
optimum_id.empty() ? "optimal_bitrate" : "optimal_bitrates#" + optimum_id;
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LABEL(4, title, "average_bitrate_(kbps)", num_flows);
4, bwe_name, average_bitrate_kbps,
average_bitrate_kbps - neg_error - extra_error,
average_bitrate_kbps + pos_error + extra_error, "estimate_error",
optimal_bitrate_per_flow_kbps, optimum_title, flow_id_);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("RESULTS >>> " + bwe_name + " Channel utilization : ",
"%lf %%",
100.0 * static_cast<double>(average_bitrate_kbps) /
void MetricRecorder::PlotThroughputHistogram(const std::string& title,
const std::string& bwe_name,
size_t num_flows,
int64_t extra_offset_ms) const {
PlotThroughputHistogram(title, bwe_name, num_flows, extra_offset_ms, "");
void MetricRecorder::PlotDelayHistogram(const std::string& title,
const std::string& bwe_name,
size_t num_flows,
int64_t one_way_path_delay_ms) const {
double average_delay_ms =
static_cast<double>(sum_delays_ms_) / num_packets_received_;
// Prevent the error to be too close to zero (plotting issue).
double extra_error = average_delay_ms / 500;
double tenth_sigma_ms = DelayStdDev() / 10.0 + extra_error;
int64_t percentile_5_ms = NthDelayPercentile(5);
int64_t percentile_95_ms = NthDelayPercentile(95);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LABEL(5, title, "average_delay_(ms)", num_flows);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ERRORBAR(5, bwe_name, average_delay_ms, percentile_5_ms,
percentile_95_ms, "5th and 95th percentiles",
// Log added latency, disregard baseline path delay.
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("RESULTS >>> " + bwe_name + " Delay average : ",
"%lf ms", average_delay_ms - one_way_path_delay_ms);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("RESULTS >>> " + bwe_name + " Delay 5th percentile : ",
"%ld ms", percentile_5_ms - one_way_path_delay_ms);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("RESULTS >>> " + bwe_name + " Delay 95th percentile : ",
"%ld ms", percentile_95_ms - one_way_path_delay_ms);
void MetricRecorder::PlotLossHistogram(const std::string& title,
const std::string& bwe_name,
size_t num_flows,
float global_loss_ratio) const {
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LABEL(6, title, "packet_loss_ratio_(%)", num_flows);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_BAR(6, bwe_name, 100.0f * global_loss_ratio, flow_id_);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("RESULTS >>> " + bwe_name + " Loss Ratio : ", "%f %%",
100.0f * global_loss_ratio);
void MetricRecorder::PlotObjectiveHistogram(const std::string& title,
const std::string& bwe_name,
size_t num_flows) const {
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LABEL(7, title, "objective_function", num_flows);
BWE_TEST_LOGGING_BAR(7, bwe_name, ObjectiveFunction(), flow_id_);
void MetricRecorder::PlotZero() {
for (int i = kThroughput; i <= kLoss; ++i) {
if (plot_information_[i].plot) {
std::stringstream prefix;
// TODO(terelius): Since this does not use the BWE_TEST_LOGGING macros,
// it hasn't been kept up to date with the plot format. Remove or fix?
prefix << "Receiver_" << flow_id_ << "_" + plot_information_[i].prefix;
PlotLine(i, prefix.str(), now_ms_, 0);
plot_information_[i].last_plot_ms = now_ms_;
void MetricRecorder::PauseFlow() {
void MetricRecorder::ResumeFlow(int64_t paused_time_ms) {
UpdateTimeMs(now_ms_ + paused_time_ms);
double MetricRecorder::AverageBitrateKbps(int64_t extra_offset_ms) const {
int64_t duration_ms = RunDurationMs(extra_offset_ms);
if (duration_ms == 0)
return 0.0;
return static_cast<double>(8 * sum_throughput_bytes_ / duration_ms);
int64_t MetricRecorder::RunDurationMs(int64_t extra_offset_ms) const {
return now_ms_ - start_computing_metrics_ms_ - extra_offset_ms;
double MetricRecorder::DelayStdDev() const {
if (num_packets_received_ == 0) {
return 0.0;
double mean = static_cast<double>(sum_delays_ms_) / num_packets_received_;
double mean2 =
static_cast<double>(sum_delays_square_ms2_) / num_packets_received_;
return sqrt(mean2 - pow(mean, 2.0));
// Since delay values are bounded in a subset of [0, 5000] ms,
// this function's execution time is O(1), independend of num_packets_received_.
int64_t MetricRecorder::NthDelayPercentile(int n) const {
if (num_packets_received_ == 0) {
return 0;
size_t num_packets_remaining = (n * num_packets_received_) / 100;
for (auto hist : delay_histogram_ms_) {
if (num_packets_remaining <= hist.second)
return static_cast<int64_t>(hist.first);
num_packets_remaining -= hist.second;
return -1;
// The weighted_estimate_error_ was weighted based on time windows.
// This function scales back the result before plotting.
double MetricRecorder::Renormalize(double x) const {
return (x * num_packets_received_) / now_ms_;
inline double U(int64_t x, double alpha) {
if (alpha == 1.0) {
return log(static_cast<double>(x));
return pow(static_cast<double>(x), 1.0 - alpha) / (1.0 - alpha);
inline double U(size_t x, double alpha) {
return U(static_cast<int64_t>(x), alpha);
// TODO(magalhaesc): Update ObjectiveFunction.
double MetricRecorder::ObjectiveFunction() const {
const double kDelta = 0.15; // Delay penalty factor.
const double kAlpha = 1.0;
const double kBeta = 1.0;
double throughput_metric = U(sum_throughput_bytes_, kAlpha);
double delay_penalty = kDelta * U(sum_delays_ms_, kBeta);
return throughput_metric - delay_penalty;
} // namespace bwe
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc