blob: 45963e681f00470cdaa73587c17e03dd1eb3299a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/base/messagequeue.h"
#include "webrtc/base/optional.h"
#include "webrtc/base/rtccertificate.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sslstreamadapter.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/candidate.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/p2pconstants.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/sessiondescription.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transportinfo.h"
namespace cricket {
class DtlsTransportInternal;
enum class IceCandidatePairState;
typedef std::vector<Candidate> Candidates;
// TODO(deadbeef): Move all of these enums, POD types and utility methods to
// another header file.
// TODO(deadbeef): Unify with PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState
// once /talk/ and /webrtc/ are combined, and also switch to ENUM_NAME naming
// style.
enum IceConnectionState {
kIceConnectionConnecting = 0,
kIceConnectionConnected, // Writable, but still checking one or more
// connections
enum DtlsTransportState {
// Haven't started negotiating.
// Have started negotiating.
// Negotiated, and has a secure connection.
// Transport is closed.
// Failed due to some error in the handshake process.
// TODO(deadbeef): Unify with PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState
// once /talk/ and /webrtc/ are combined, and also switch to ENUM_NAME naming
// style.
enum IceGatheringState {
kIceGatheringNew = 0,
enum ContinualGatheringPolicy {
// All port allocator sessions will stop after a writable connection is found.
// The most recent port allocator session will keep on running.
// The most recent port allocator session will keep on running, and it will
// try to recover connectivity if the channel becomes disconnected.
// Stats that we can return about the connections for a transport channel.
// TODO(hta): Rename to ConnectionStats
struct ConnectionInfo {
bool best_connection; // Is this the best connection we have?
bool writable; // Has this connection received a STUN response?
bool receiving; // Has this connection received anything?
bool timeout; // Has this connection timed out?
bool new_connection; // Is this a newly created connection?
size_t rtt; // The STUN RTT for this connection.
size_t sent_total_bytes; // Total bytes sent on this connection.
size_t sent_bytes_second; // Bps over the last measurement interval.
size_t sent_discarded_packets; // Number of outgoing packets discarded due to
// socket errors.
size_t sent_total_packets; // Number of total outgoing packets attempted for
// sending.
size_t sent_ping_requests_total; // Number of STUN ping request sent.
size_t sent_ping_requests_before_first_response; // Number of STUN ping
// sent before receiving the first response.
size_t sent_ping_responses; // Number of STUN ping response sent.
size_t recv_total_bytes; // Total bytes received on this connection.
size_t recv_bytes_second; // Bps over the last measurement interval.
size_t recv_ping_requests; // Number of STUN ping request received.
size_t recv_ping_responses; // Number of STUN ping response received.
Candidate local_candidate; // The local candidate for this connection.
Candidate remote_candidate; // The remote candidate for this connection.
void* key; // A static value that identifies this conn.
IceCandidatePairState state;
uint64_t priority;
// Information about all the connections of a channel.
typedef std::vector<ConnectionInfo> ConnectionInfos;
// Information about a specific channel
struct TransportChannelStats {
int component = 0;
ConnectionInfos connection_infos;
int srtp_crypto_suite = rtc::SRTP_INVALID_CRYPTO_SUITE;
int ssl_cipher_suite = rtc::TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL;
DtlsTransportState dtls_state = DTLS_TRANSPORT_NEW;
// Information about all the channels of a transport.
// TODO(hta): Consider if a simple vector is as good as a map.
typedef std::vector<TransportChannelStats> TransportChannelStatsList;
// Information about the stats of a transport.
struct TransportStats {
std::string transport_name;
TransportChannelStatsList channel_stats;
// ICE Nomination mode.
enum class NominationMode {
REGULAR, // Nominate once per ICE restart (Not implemented yet).
AGGRESSIVE, // Nominate every connection except that it will behave as if
// REGULAR when the remote is an ICE-LITE endpoint.
SEMI_AGGRESSIVE // Our current implementation of the nomination algorithm.
// The details are described in P2PTransportChannel.
// Information about ICE configuration.
// TODO(deadbeef): Use rtc::Optional to represent unset values, instead of
// -1.
struct IceConfig {
// The ICE connection receiving timeout value in milliseconds.
int receiving_timeout = -1;
// Time interval in milliseconds to ping a backup connection when the ICE
// channel is strongly connected.
int backup_connection_ping_interval = -1;
ContinualGatheringPolicy continual_gathering_policy = GATHER_ONCE;
bool gather_continually() const {
return continual_gathering_policy == GATHER_CONTINUALLY ||
continual_gathering_policy == GATHER_CONTINUALLY_AND_RECOVER;
// Whether we should prioritize Relay/Relay candidate when nothing
// is writable yet.
bool prioritize_most_likely_candidate_pairs = false;
// Writable connections are pinged at a slower rate once stablized.
int stable_writable_connection_ping_interval = -1;
// If set to true, this means the ICE transport should presume TURN-to-TURN
// candidate pairs will succeed, even before a binding response is received.
bool presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = false;
// Interval to check on all networks and to perform ICE regathering on any
// active network having no connection on it.
rtc::Optional<int> regather_on_failed_networks_interval;
// The time period in which we will not switch the selected connection
// when a new connection becomes receiving but the selected connection is not
// in case that the selected connection may become receiving soon.
rtc::Optional<int> receiving_switching_delay;
// TODO(honghaiz): Change the default to regular nomination.
// Default nomination mode if the remote does not support renomination.
NominationMode default_nomination_mode = NominationMode::SEMI_AGGRESSIVE;
// ICE checks (STUN pings) will not be sent at higher rate (lower interval)
// than this, no matter what other settings there are.
// Measure in milliseconds.
rtc::Optional<int> ice_check_min_interval;
IceConfig() {}
IceConfig(int receiving_timeout_ms,
int backup_connection_ping_interval,
ContinualGatheringPolicy gathering_policy,
bool prioritize_most_likely_candidate_pairs,
int stable_writable_connection_ping_interval_ms,
bool presume_writable_when_fully_relayed,
int regather_on_failed_networks_interval_ms,
int receiving_switching_delay_ms)
: receiving_timeout(receiving_timeout_ms),
receiving_switching_delay(receiving_switching_delay_ms) {}
bool BadTransportDescription(const std::string& desc, std::string* err_desc);
bool IceCredentialsChanged(const std::string& old_ufrag,
const std::string& old_pwd,
const std::string& new_ufrag,
const std::string& new_pwd);
// If a candidate is not acceptable, returns false and sets error.
bool VerifyCandidate(const Candidate& candidate, std::string* error);
bool VerifyCandidates(const Candidates& candidates, std::string* error);
// Helper class used by TransportController that processes
// TransportDescriptions. A TransportDescription represents the
// transport-specific properties of an SDP m= section, processed according to
// JSEP. Each transport consists of DTLS and ICE transport channels for RTP
// (and possibly RTCP, if rtcp-mux isn't used).
// On Threading: Transport performs work solely on the network thread, and so
// its methods should only be called on the network thread.
// TODO(deadbeef): Move this into /pc/ and out of /p2p/base/, since it's
// PeerConnection-specific.
class JsepTransport : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
// |mid| is just used for log statements in order to identify the Transport.
// Note that |certificate| is allowed to be null since a remote description
// may be set before a local certificate is generated.
JsepTransport(const std::string& mid,
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate);
// Returns the MID of this transport.
const std::string& mid() const { return mid_; }
// Add or remove channel that is affected when a local/remote transport
// description is set on this transport. Need to add all channels before
// setting a transport description.
bool AddChannel(DtlsTransportInternal* dtls, int component);
bool RemoveChannel(int component);
bool HasChannels() const;
bool ready_for_remote_candidates() const {
return local_description_set_ && remote_description_set_;
// Must be called before applying local session description.
// Needed in order to verify the local fingerprint.
void SetLocalCertificate(
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate);
// Get a copy of the local certificate provided by SetLocalCertificate.
bool GetLocalCertificate(
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate) const;
// Set the local TransportDescription to be used by DTLS and ICE channels
// that are part of this Transport.
bool SetLocalTransportDescription(const TransportDescription& description,
ContentAction action,
std::string* error_desc);
// Set the remote TransportDescription to be used by DTLS and ICE channels
// that are part of this Transport.
bool SetRemoteTransportDescription(const TransportDescription& description,
ContentAction action,
std::string* error_desc);
// Set the "needs-ice-restart" flag as described in JSEP. After the flag is
// set, offers should generate new ufrags/passwords until an ICE restart
// occurs.
// This and the below method can be called safely from any thread as long as
// SetXTransportDescription is not in progress.
void SetNeedsIceRestartFlag();
// Returns true if the ICE restart flag above was set, and no ICE restart has
// occurred yet for this transport (by applying a local description with
// changed ufrag/password).
bool NeedsIceRestart() const;
void GetSslRole(rtc::SSLRole* ssl_role) const;
// TODO(deadbeef): Make this const. See comment in transportcontroller.h.
bool GetStats(TransportStats* stats);
// The current local transport description, possibly used
// by the transport controller.
const TransportDescription* local_description() const {
return local_description_.get();
// The current remote transport description, possibly used
// by the transport controller.
const TransportDescription* remote_description() const {
return remote_description_.get();
// TODO(deadbeef): The methods below are only public for testing. Should make
// them utility functions or objects so they can be tested independently from
// this class.
// Returns false if the certificate's identity does not match the fingerprint,
// or either is NULL.
bool VerifyCertificateFingerprint(const rtc::RTCCertificate* certificate,
const rtc::SSLFingerprint* fingerprint,
std::string* error_desc) const;
// Negotiates the SSL role based off the offer and answer as specified by
// RFC 4145, section-4.1. Returns false if the SSL role cannot be determined
// from the local description and remote description.
bool NegotiateRole(ContentAction local_role,
rtc::SSLRole* ssl_role,
std::string* error_desc) const;
// Negotiates the transport parameters based on the current local and remote
// transport description, such as the ICE role to use, and whether DTLS
// should be activated.
// Called when an answer TransportDescription is applied.
bool NegotiateTransportDescription(ContentAction local_role,
std::string* error_desc);
// Pushes down the transport parameters from the local description, such
// as the ICE ufrag and pwd.
bool ApplyLocalTransportDescription(DtlsTransportInternal* dtls_transport,
std::string* error_desc);
// Pushes down the transport parameters from the remote description to the
// transport channel.
bool ApplyRemoteTransportDescription(DtlsTransportInternal* dtls_transport,
std::string* error_desc);
// Pushes down the transport parameters obtained via negotiation.
bool ApplyNegotiatedTransportDescription(
DtlsTransportInternal* dtls_transport,
std::string* error_desc);
const std::string mid_;
// needs-ice-restart bit as described in JSEP.
bool needs_ice_restart_ = false;
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> certificate_;
rtc::SSLRole secure_role_ = rtc::SSL_CLIENT;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLFingerprint> remote_fingerprint_;
std::unique_ptr<TransportDescription> local_description_;
std::unique_ptr<TransportDescription> remote_description_;
bool local_description_set_ = false;
bool remote_description_set_ = false;
// Candidate component => DTLS channel
std::map<int, DtlsTransportInternal*> channels_;
} // namespace cricket