blob: dc4166a03d14c6e59faf430b405abd6eefe2a4de [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portallocator.h"
namespace cricket {
PortAllocatorSession::PortAllocatorSession(const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd,
uint32_t flags)
: flags_(flags),
ice_pwd_(ice_pwd) {
// Pooled sessions are allowed to be created with empty content name,
// component, ufrag and password.
RTC_DCHECK(ice_ufrag.empty() == ice_pwd.empty());
bool PortAllocator::SetConfiguration(
const ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
const std::vector<RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers,
int candidate_pool_size,
bool prune_turn_ports) {
bool ice_servers_changed =
(stun_servers != stun_servers_ || turn_servers != turn_servers_);
stun_servers_ = stun_servers;
turn_servers_ = turn_servers;
prune_turn_ports_ = prune_turn_ports;
bool candidate_pool_drain_began =
static_cast<int>(pooled_sessions_.size()) != candidate_pool_size_;
if (candidate_pool_drain_began &&
candidate_pool_size != candidate_pool_size_) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Trying to change candidate pool size after pool started "
"to be drained.";
return false;
if (candidate_pool_size < 0) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Can't set negative pool size.";
return false;
candidate_pool_size_ = candidate_pool_size;
// If sessions need to be recreated, only recreate as many as the current
// pool size if the pool has begun to be drained.
int sessions_needed = candidate_pool_drain_began
? static_cast<int>(pooled_sessions_.size())
: candidate_pool_size_;
// If ICE servers changed, throw away any existing pooled sessions and create
// new ones.
if (ice_servers_changed) {
// If |sessions_needed| is less than the number of pooled sessions, get rid
// of the extras.
while (sessions_needed < static_cast<int>(pooled_sessions_.size())) {
// If |sessions_needed| is greater than the number of pooled sessions,
// create new sessions.
while (static_cast<int>(pooled_sessions_.size()) < sessions_needed) {
PortAllocatorSession* pooled_session = CreateSessionInternal("", 0, "", "");
return true;
std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> PortAllocator::CreateSession(
const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd) {
auto session = std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession>(
CreateSessionInternal(content_name, component, ice_ufrag, ice_pwd));
return session;
std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> PortAllocator::TakePooledSession(
const std::string& content_name,
int component,
const std::string& ice_ufrag,
const std::string& ice_pwd) {
if (pooled_sessions_.empty()) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> ret =
ret->SetIceParameters(content_name, component, ice_ufrag, ice_pwd);
// According to JSEP, a pooled session should filter candidates only after
// it's taken out of the pool.
return ret;
const PortAllocatorSession* PortAllocator::GetPooledSession() const {
if (pooled_sessions_.empty()) {
return nullptr;
return pooled_sessions_.front().get();
} // namespace cricket