blob: 9b3e75c2d6898794dd89ce5e2c2785e1c1dd0f45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "api/async_resolver_factory.h"
#include "api/call/call_factory_interface.h"
#include "api/fec_controller.h"
#include "api/media_transport_interface.h"
#include "api/peer_connection_interface.h"
#include "api/test/simulated_network.h"
#include "api/transport/network_control.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_decoder_factory.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder_factory.h"
#include "logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log_factory_interface.h"
#include "rtc_base/network.h"
#include "rtc_base/rtc_certificate_generator.h"
#include "rtc_base/ssl_certificate.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/api/audio_quality_analyzer_interface.h"
#include "test/pc/e2e/api/video_quality_analyzer_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
// TODO(titovartem) move to API when it will be stabilized.
class PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture {
struct PeerConnectionFactoryComponents {
std::unique_ptr<CallFactoryInterface> call_factory;
std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogFactoryInterface> event_log_factory;
std::unique_ptr<FecControllerFactoryInterface> fec_controller_factory;
std::unique_ptr<MediaTransportFactory> media_transport_factory;
// Will be passed to MediaEngineInterface, that will be used in
// PeerConnectionFactory.
std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoderFactory> video_encoder_factory;
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoderFactory> video_decoder_factory;
struct PeerConnectionComponents {
std::unique_ptr<rtc::NetworkManager> network_manager;
std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncResolverFactory> async_resolver_factory;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificateVerifier> tls_cert_verifier;
struct InjectableComponents {
explicit InjectableComponents(rtc::Thread* network_thread)
: network_thread(network_thread) {}
rtc::Thread* network_thread;
std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionFactoryComponents> pcf_dependencies;
std::unique_ptr<PeerConnectionComponents> pc_dependencies;
struct ScreenShareConfig {
// If true, slides will be generated programmatically.
bool generate_slides;
int32_t slide_change_interval;
// If equal to 0, no scrolling will be applied.
int32_t scroll_duration;
// If empty, default set of slides will be used.
std::vector<std::string> slides_yuv_file_names;
struct VideoConfig {
size_t width;
size_t height;
int32_t fps;
// Have to be unique among all specified configs for all peers in the call.
absl::optional<std::string> stream_label;
// Only single from 3 next fields can be specified.
// If specified generator with this name will be used as input.
absl::optional<std::string> generator_name;
// If specified this file will be used as input.
absl::optional<std::string> input_file_name;
// If specified screen share video stream will be created as input.
absl::optional<ScreenShareConfig> screen_share_config;
// If specified the input stream will be also copied to specified file.
absl::optional<std::string> input_dump_file_name;
// If specified this file will be used as output on the receiver side for
// this stream. If multiple streams will be produced by input stream,
// output files will be appended with indexes.
absl::optional<std::string> output_file_name;
struct AudioConfig {
enum Mode {
Mode mode;
// Have to be specified only if mode = kFile
absl::optional<std::string> input_file_name;
// If specified the input stream will be also copied to specified file.
absl::optional<std::string> input_dump_file_name;
// If specified the output stream will be copied to specified file.
absl::optional<std::string> output_file_name;
// Audio options to use.
cricket::AudioOptions audio_options;
struct Params {
// If |video_configs| is empty - no video should be added to the test call.
std::vector<VideoConfig> video_configs;
// If |audio_config| is presented audio stream will be configured
absl::optional<AudioConfig> audio_config;
PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration rtc_configuration;
struct Analyzers {
std::unique_ptr<AudioQualityAnalyzerInterface> audio_quality_analyzer;
std::unique_ptr<VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface> video_quality_analyzer;
virtual void Run() = 0;
virtual ~PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture() = default;
} // namespace webrtc