blob: 06058674e9611f772c311e08ef31d90db34b5332 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/decision_logic.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Implementation of the DecisionLogic class for playout modes kPlayoutOn and
// kPlayoutStreaming.
class DecisionLogicNormal : public DecisionLogic {
// Constructor.
DecisionLogicNormal(int fs_hz,
size_t output_size_samples,
NetEqPlayoutMode playout_mode,
DecoderDatabase* decoder_database,
const PacketBuffer& packet_buffer,
DelayManager* delay_manager,
BufferLevelFilter* buffer_level_filter,
const TickTimer* tick_timer)
: DecisionLogic(fs_hz,
tick_timer) {}
static const int kReinitAfterExpands = 100;
static const int kMaxWaitForPacket = 10;
Operations GetDecisionSpecialized(const SyncBuffer& sync_buffer,
const Expand& expand,
size_t decoder_frame_length,
const Packet* next_packet,
Modes prev_mode,
bool play_dtmf,
bool* reset_decoder,
size_t generated_noise_samples) override;
// Returns the operation to do given that the expected packet is not
// available, but a packet further into the future is at hand.
virtual Operations FuturePacketAvailable(
const SyncBuffer& sync_buffer,
const Expand& expand,
size_t decoder_frame_length,
Modes prev_mode,
uint32_t target_timestamp,
uint32_t available_timestamp,
bool play_dtmf,
size_t generated_noise_samples);
// Returns the operation to do given that the expected packet is available.
virtual Operations ExpectedPacketAvailable(Modes prev_mode, bool play_dtmf);
// Returns the operation given that no packets are available (except maybe
// a DTMF event, flagged by setting |play_dtmf| true).
virtual Operations NoPacket(bool play_dtmf);
// Returns the operation given that the next available packet is a comfort
// noise payload (RFC 3389 only, not codec-internal).
Operations CngOperation(Modes prev_mode,
uint32_t target_timestamp,
uint32_t available_timestamp,
size_t generated_noise_samples);
// Checks if enough time has elapsed since the last successful timescale
// operation was done (i.e., accelerate or preemptive expand).
bool TimescaleAllowed() const {
return !timescale_countdown_ || timescale_countdown_->Finished();
// Checks if the current (filtered) buffer level is under the target level.
bool UnderTargetLevel() const;
// Checks if |timestamp_leap| is so long into the future that a reset due
// to exceeding kReinitAfterExpands will be done.
bool ReinitAfterExpands(uint32_t timestamp_leap) const;
// Checks if we still have not done enough expands to cover the distance from
// the last decoded packet to the next available packet, the distance beeing
// conveyed in |timestamp_leap|.
bool PacketTooEarly(uint32_t timestamp_leap) const;
// Checks if num_consecutive_expands_ >= kMaxWaitForPacket.
bool MaxWaitForPacket() const;
} // namespace webrtc