blob: 147a12add5043d034ae21688c53412c7526b6ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/base/common.h" // For ASSERT
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/media/base/videocommon.h"
namespace cricket {
class VideoFrame;
// VideoAdapter adapts an input video frame to an output frame based on the
// specified input and output formats. The adaptation includes dropping frames
// to reduce frame rate and scaling frames. VideoAdapter is thread safe.
class VideoAdapter {
virtual ~VideoAdapter();
virtual void SetInputFormat(const VideoFormat& format);
void SetOutputFormat(const VideoFormat& format);
// Constrain output resolution to this many pixels overall
void SetOutputNumPixels(int num_pixels);
int GetOutputNumPixels() const;
const VideoFormat& input_format();
// Returns true if the adapter will always return zero size from
// AdaptFrameResolution.
bool drops_all_frames() const;
const VideoFormat& output_format();
// Return the adapted resolution given the input resolution. The returned
// resolution will be 0x0 if the frame should be dropped.
VideoFormat AdaptFrameResolution(int in_width, int in_height);
void set_scale_third(bool enable);
bool scale_third() const { return scale_third_; }
int adaptation_changes() const { return adaption_changes_; }
float FindClosestScale(int width, int height, int target_num_pixels);
float FindClosestViewScale(int width, int height, int target_num_pixels);
float FindLowerScale(int width, int height, int target_num_pixels);
const float* GetViewScaleFactors() const;
float FindScale(const float* scale_factors,
const float upbias, int width, int height,
int target_num_pixels);
VideoFormat input_format_;
VideoFormat output_format_;
int output_num_pixels_;
bool scale_third_; // True if adapter allows scaling to 1/3 and 2/3.
int frames_in_; // Number of input frames.
int frames_out_; // Number of output frames.
int frames_scaled_; // Number of frames scaled.
int adaption_changes_; // Number of changes in scale factor.
size_t previous_width_; // Previous adapter output width.
size_t previous_height_; // Previous adapter output height.
int64_t interval_next_frame_;
// The critical section to protect the above variables.
rtc::CriticalSection critical_section_;
// CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapts the video input to the encoder by coordinating
// the format request from the server, the resolution request from the encoder,
// and the CPU load.
class CoordinatedVideoAdapter
: public VideoAdapter, public sigslot::has_slots<> {
enum AdaptRequest { UPGRADE, KEEP, DOWNGRADE };
enum AdaptReasonEnum {
typedef int AdaptReason;
virtual ~CoordinatedVideoAdapter() {}
virtual void SetInputFormat(const VideoFormat& format);
// Enable or disable video adaptation due to the change of the CPU load.
void set_cpu_adaptation(bool enable) { cpu_adaptation_ = enable; }
bool cpu_adaptation() const { return cpu_adaptation_; }
// Enable or disable smoothing when doing CPU adaptation. When smoothing is
// enabled, system CPU load is tracked using an exponential weighted
// average.
void set_cpu_smoothing(bool enable);
bool cpu_smoothing() const { return cpu_smoothing_; }
// Enable or disable video adaptation due to the change of the GD
void set_gd_adaptation(bool enable) { gd_adaptation_ = enable; }
bool gd_adaptation() const { return gd_adaptation_; }
// Enable or disable video adaptation due to the change of the View
void set_view_adaptation(bool enable) { view_adaptation_ = enable; }
bool view_adaptation() const { return view_adaptation_; }
// Enable or disable video adaptation to fast switch View
void set_view_switch(bool enable) { view_switch_ = enable; }
bool view_switch() const { return view_switch_; }
CoordinatedVideoAdapter::AdaptReason adapt_reason() const {
return adapt_reason_;
// When the video is decreased, set the waiting time for CPU adaptation to
// decrease video again.
void set_cpu_load_min_samples(int cpu_load_min_samples);
int cpu_load_min_samples() const { return cpu_load_min_samples_; }
// CPU system load high threshold for reducing resolution. e.g. 0.85f
void set_high_system_threshold(float high_system_threshold);
float high_system_threshold() const { return high_system_threshold_; }
// CPU system load low threshold for increasing resolution. e.g. 0.70f
void set_low_system_threshold(float low_system_threshold);
float low_system_threshold() const { return low_system_threshold_; }
// CPU process load threshold for reducing resolution. e.g. 0.10f
void set_process_threshold(float process_threshold);
float process_threshold() const { return process_threshold_; }
// Handle the format request from the server via Jingle update message.
void OnOutputFormatRequest(const VideoFormat& format);
// Handle the resolution request from the encoder due to bandwidth changes.
void OnEncoderResolutionRequest(int width, int height, AdaptRequest request);
// Handle the resolution request for CPU overuse.
void OnCpuResolutionRequest(AdaptRequest request);
// Handle the CPU load provided by a CPU monitor.
void OnCpuLoadUpdated(int current_cpus, int max_cpus,
float process_load, float system_load);
sigslot::signal0<> SignalCpuAdaptationUnable;
// Adapt to the minimum of the formats the server requests, the CPU wants, and
// the encoder wants. Returns true if resolution changed.
bool AdaptToMinimumFormat(int* new_width, int* new_height);
bool IsMinimumFormat(int pixels);
void StepPixelCount(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::AdaptRequest request,
int* num_pixels);
CoordinatedVideoAdapter::AdaptRequest FindCpuRequest(
int current_cpus, int max_cpus,
float process_load, float system_load);
bool cpu_adaptation_; // True if cpu adaptation is enabled.
bool cpu_smoothing_; // True if cpu smoothing is enabled (with adaptation).
bool gd_adaptation_; // True if gd adaptation is enabled.
bool view_adaptation_; // True if view adaptation is enabled.
bool view_switch_; // True if view switch is enabled.
int cpu_downgrade_count_;
int cpu_load_min_samples_;
int cpu_load_num_samples_;
// cpu system load thresholds relative to max cpus.
float high_system_threshold_;
float low_system_threshold_;
// cpu process load thresholds relative to current cpus.
float process_threshold_;
// Video formats that the server view requests, the CPU wants, and the encoder
// wants respectively. The adapted output format is the minimum of these.
int view_desired_num_pixels_;
int64_t view_desired_interval_;
int encoder_desired_num_pixels_;
int cpu_desired_num_pixels_;
CoordinatedVideoAdapter::AdaptReason adapt_reason_;
// The critical section to protect handling requests.
rtc::CriticalSection request_critical_section_;
// The weighted average of cpu load over time. It's always updated (if cpu
// adaptation is on), but only used if cpu_smoothing_ is set.
float system_load_average_;
} // namespace cricket