blob: f3b5556a9744a5d6dafba216cfdb6645dca8cbb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* This file includes unit tests for the RTPPacketHistory.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_packet_history.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
class RtpPacketHistoryTest : public ::testing::Test {
: fake_clock_(123456),
hist_(new RTPPacketHistory(&fake_clock_)) {
~RtpPacketHistoryTest() {
delete hist_;
SimulatedClock fake_clock_;
RTPPacketHistory* hist_;
enum {kPayload = 127};
enum {kSsrc = 12345678};
enum {kSeqNum = 88};
enum {kTimestamp = 127};
enum {kMaxPacketLength = 1500};
uint8_t packet_[kMaxPacketLength];
uint8_t packet_out_[kMaxPacketLength];
void CreateRtpPacket(uint16_t seq_num, uint32_t ssrc, uint8_t payload,
uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t* array, size_t* cur_pos) {
array[(*cur_pos)++] = 0x80;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = payload;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = seq_num >> 8;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = seq_num;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = timestamp >> 24;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = timestamp >> 16;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = timestamp >> 8;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = timestamp;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = ssrc >> 24;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = ssrc >> 16;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = ssrc >> 8;
array[(*cur_pos)++] = ssrc;
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, SetStoreStatus) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(false, 0);
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, NoStoreStatus) {
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
// Packet should not be stored.
len = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_FALSE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 0, false, packet_, &len,
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, DontStore) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms, kDontStore));
// Packet should not be stored.
len = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_FALSE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 0, false, packet_, &len,
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, PutRtpPacket_TooLargePacketLength) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
EXPECT_EQ(-1, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, kMaxPacketLength + 1,
capture_time_ms, kAllowRetransmission));
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, GetRtpPacket_NotStored) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_FALSE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(0, 0, false, packet_, &len,
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, PutRtpPacket) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, GetRtpPacket) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = 1;
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
size_t len_out = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 0, false, packet_out_,
&len_out, &time));
EXPECT_EQ(len, len_out);
EXPECT_EQ(capture_time_ms, time);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(packet_[i], packet_out_[i]);
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, NoCaptureTime) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, -1, kAllowRetransmission));
size_t len_out = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 0, false, packet_out_,
&len_out, &time));
EXPECT_EQ(len, len_out);
EXPECT_EQ(capture_time_ms, time);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(packet_[i], packet_out_[i]);
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, DontRetransmit) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms, kDontRetransmit));
size_t len_out = kMaxPacketLength;
int64_t time;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 0, false, packet_out_,
&len_out, &time));
EXPECT_EQ(len, len_out);
EXPECT_EQ(capture_time_ms, time);
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, MinResendTime) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len = 0;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
int64_t time;
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 100, false, packet_, &len,
// Time has elapsed.
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 100, false, packet_, &len,
EXPECT_GT(len, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(capture_time_ms, time);
// Time has not elapsed. Packet should be found, but no bytes copied.
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_FALSE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum, 101, false, packet_,
&len, &time));
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, DynamicExpansion) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, 10);
size_t len;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
int64_t time;
// Add 4 packets, and then send them.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
len = 0;
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum + i, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum + i, 100, false, packet_,
&len, &time));
capture_time_ms += 33;
// Add 16 packets, and then send them. History should expand to make this
// work.
for (int i = 4; i < 20; ++i) {
len = 0;
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum + i, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
for (int i = 4; i < 20; ++i) {
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum + i, 100, false, packet_,
&len, &time));
// Retransmit last 16 packets.
for (int i = 4; i < 20; ++i) {
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum + i, 100, false, packet_,
&len, &time));
TEST_F(RtpPacketHistoryTest, FullExpansion) {
hist_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, kSendSidePacketHistorySize);
size_t len;
int64_t capture_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
int64_t time;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxHistoryCapacity + 1; ++i) {
len = 0;
CreateRtpPacket(kSeqNum + i, kSsrc, kPayload, kTimestamp, packet_, &len);
EXPECT_EQ(0, hist_->PutRTPPacket(packet_, len, capture_time_ms,
// Retransmit all packets currently in buffer.
for (size_t i = 1; i < kMaxHistoryCapacity + 1; ++i) {
len = kMaxPacketLength;
EXPECT_TRUE(hist_->GetPacketAndSetSendTime(kSeqNum + i, 100, false, packet_,
&len, &time));
} // namespace webrtc