blob: 8b0fb968f89d4d37531b22a5743bbb82d4fddd46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "webrtc/base/location.h"
#include "webrtc/base/task_queue.h"
#include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/include/module.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/utility/source/process_thread_impl.h"
#include "webrtc/test/gmock.h"
#include "webrtc/test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
// The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for an event to become signaled.
// Set to a fairly large value as there is quite a bit of variation on some
// Windows bots.
static const int kEventWaitTimeout = 500;
class MockModule : public Module {
MOCK_METHOD0(TimeUntilNextProcess, int64_t());
MOCK_METHOD0(Process, void());
MOCK_METHOD1(ProcessThreadAttached, void(ProcessThread*));
class RaiseEventTask : public rtc::QueuedTask {
RaiseEventTask(EventWrapper* event) : event_(event) {}
bool Run() override {
return true;
EventWrapper* event_;
ACTION_P(SetEvent, event) {
ACTION_P(Increment, counter) {
ACTION_P(SetTimestamp, ptr) {
*ptr = rtc::TimeMillis();
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, StartStop) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, MultipleStartStop) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// Verifies that we get at least call back to Process() on the worker thread.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, ProcessCall) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event(EventWrapper::Create());
MockModule module;
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetEvent(event.get()), Return()))
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, event->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
// Same as ProcessCall except the module is registered before the
// call to Start().
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, ProcessCall2) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event(EventWrapper::Create());
MockModule module;
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetEvent(event.get()), Return()))
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, event->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
// Tests setting up a module for callbacks and then unregister that module.
// After unregistration, we should not receive any further callbacks.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, Deregister) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event(EventWrapper::Create());
int process_count = 0;
MockModule module;
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
.WillRepeatedly(DoAll(Increment(&process_count), Return()));
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, event->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
EXPECT_GE(process_count, 1);
int count_after_deregister = process_count;
// We shouldn't get any more callbacks.
EXPECT_EQ(kEventTimeout, event->Wait(20));
EXPECT_EQ(count_after_deregister, process_count);
// Helper function for testing receiving a callback after a certain amount of
// time. There's some variance of timing built into it to reduce chance of
// flakiness on bots.
void ProcessCallAfterAFewMs(int64_t milliseconds) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event(EventWrapper::Create());
MockModule module;
int64_t start_time = 0;
int64_t called_time = 0;
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
// Add a buffer of 50ms due to slowness of some trybots
// (e.g. win_drmemory_light)
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, event->Wait(milliseconds + 50));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
ASSERT_GT(start_time, 0);
ASSERT_GT(called_time, 0);
// Use >= instead of > since due to rounding and timer accuracy (or lack
// thereof), can make the test run in "0"ms time.
EXPECT_GE(called_time, start_time);
// Check for an acceptable range.
uint32_t diff = called_time - start_time;
EXPECT_GE(diff, milliseconds - 15);
EXPECT_LT(diff, milliseconds + 15);
// DISABLED for now since the virtual build bots are too slow :(
// TODO(tommi): Fix.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, DISABLED_ProcessCallAfter5ms) {
// DISABLED for now since the virtual build bots are too slow :(
// TODO(tommi): Fix.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, DISABLED_ProcessCallAfter50ms) {
// DISABLED for now since the virtual build bots are too slow :(
// TODO(tommi): Fix.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, DISABLED_ProcessCallAfter200ms) {
// Runs callbacks with the goal of getting up to 50 callbacks within a second
// (on average 1 callback every 20ms). On real hardware, we're usually pretty
// close to that, but the test bots that run on virtual machines, will
// typically be in the range 30-40 callbacks.
// DISABLED for now since this can take up to 2 seconds to run on the slowest
// build bots.
// TODO(tommi): Fix.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, DISABLED_Process50Times) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> event(EventWrapper::Create());
MockModule module;
int callback_count = 0;
// Ask for a callback after 20ms.
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
EXPECT_EQ(kEventTimeout, event->Wait(1000));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
printf("Callback count: %i\n", callback_count);
// Check that we got called back up to 50 times.
// Some of the try bots run on slow virtual machines, so the lower bound
// is much more relaxed to avoid flakiness.
EXPECT_GE(callback_count, 25);
EXPECT_LE(callback_count, 50);
// Tests that we can wake up the worker thread to give us a callback right
// away when we know the thread is sleeping.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, WakeUp) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> started(EventWrapper::Create());
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> called(EventWrapper::Create());
MockModule module;
int64_t start_time;
int64_t called_time;
// Ask for a callback after 1000ms.
// TimeUntilNextProcess will be called twice.
// The first time we use it to get the thread into a waiting state.
// Then we wake the thread and there should not be another call made to
// TimeUntilNextProcess before Process() is called.
// The second time TimeUntilNextProcess is then called, is after Process
// has been called and we don't expect any more calls.
EXPECT_CALL(module, TimeUntilNextProcess())
EXPECT_CALL(module, Process())
DoAll(SetTimestamp(&called_time), SetEvent(called.get()), Return()))
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(&thread)).Times(1);
thread.RegisterModule(&module, RTC_FROM_HERE);
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, started->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, called->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
EXPECT_CALL(module, ProcessThreadAttached(nullptr)).Times(1);
EXPECT_GE(called_time, start_time);
uint32_t diff = called_time - start_time;
// We should have been called back much quicker than 1sec.
EXPECT_LE(diff, 100u);
// Tests that we can post a task that gets run straight away on the worker
// thread.
TEST(ProcessThreadImpl, PostTask) {
ProcessThreadImpl thread("ProcessThread");
std::unique_ptr<EventWrapper> task_ran(EventWrapper::Create());
std::unique_ptr<RaiseEventTask> task(new RaiseEventTask(task_ran.get()));
EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, task_ran->Wait(kEventWaitTimeout));
} // namespace webrtc