blob: 3fe991adc788ef94aaced339f8468aa9c17250c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* Declaration of general callbacks that are used throughout VCM's offline tests
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/interface/video_coding.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/test/test_util.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
namespace webrtc
class RTPPayloadRegistry;
class RtpDump;
// Send Side - Packetization callback - send an encoded frame to the VCMReceiver
class VCMEncodeCompleteCallback: public VCMPacketizationCallback
// Constructor input: file in which encoded data will be written
VCMEncodeCompleteCallback(FILE* encodedFile);
virtual ~VCMEncodeCompleteCallback();
// Register transport callback
void RegisterTransportCallback(VCMPacketizationCallback* transport);
// Process encoded data received from the encoder, pass stream to the
// VCMReceiver module
virtual int32_t SendData(uint8_t payloadType,
const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
const RTPFragmentationHeader& fragmentationHeader,
const RTPVideoHeader* videoHdr) OVERRIDE;
// Register exisitng VCM. Currently - encode and decode under same module.
void RegisterReceiverVCM(VideoCodingModule *vcm) {_VCMReceiver = vcm;}
// Return size of last encoded frame data (all frames in the sequence)
// Good for only one call - after which will reset value
// (to allow detection of frame drop)
size_t EncodedBytes();
// Return encode complete (true/false)
bool EncodeComplete();
// Inform callback of codec used
void SetCodecType(RtpVideoCodecTypes codecType)
{_codecType = codecType;}
// Inform callback of frame dimensions
void SetFrameDimensions(int32_t width, int32_t height)
_width = width;
_height = height;
// Initialize callback data
void Initialize();
void ResetByteCount();
// Conversion function for payload type (needed for the callback function)
FILE* _encodedFile;
size_t _encodedBytes;
VideoCodingModule* _VCMReceiver;
FrameType _frameType;
uint16_t _seqNo;
bool _encodeComplete;
int32_t _width;
int32_t _height;
RtpVideoCodecTypes _codecType;
}; // end of VCMEncodeCompleteCallback
// Send Side - Packetization callback - packetize an encoded frame via the
// RTP module
class VCMRTPEncodeCompleteCallback: public VCMPacketizationCallback
VCMRTPEncodeCompleteCallback(RtpRtcp* rtp) :
_RTPModule(rtp) {}
virtual ~VCMRTPEncodeCompleteCallback() {}
// Process encoded data received from the encoder, pass stream to the
// RTP module
virtual int32_t SendData(uint8_t payloadType,
const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
const RTPFragmentationHeader& fragmentationHeader,
const RTPVideoHeader* videoHdr) OVERRIDE;
// Return size of last encoded frame. Value good for one call
// (resets to zero after call to inform test of frame drop)
size_t EncodedBytes();
// Return encode complete (true/false)
bool EncodeComplete();
// Inform callback of codec used
void SetCodecType(RtpVideoCodecTypes codecType)
{_codecType = codecType;}
// Inform callback of frame dimensions
void SetFrameDimensions(int16_t width, int16_t height)
_width = width;
_height = height;
size_t _encodedBytes;
FrameType _frameType;
bool _encodeComplete;
RtpRtcp* _RTPModule;
int16_t _width;
int16_t _height;
RtpVideoCodecTypes _codecType;
}; // end of VCMEncodeCompleteCallback
// Decode Complete callback
// Writes the decoded frames to a given file.
class VCMDecodeCompleteCallback: public VCMReceiveCallback
VCMDecodeCompleteCallback(FILE* decodedFile) :
_decodedFile(decodedFile), _decodedBytes(0) {}
virtual ~VCMDecodeCompleteCallback() {}
// Write decoded frame into file
virtual int32_t FrameToRender(webrtc::I420VideoFrame& videoFrame) OVERRIDE;
size_t DecodedBytes();
FILE* _decodedFile;
size_t _decodedBytes;
}; // end of VCMDecodeCompleCallback class
// Transport callback
// Called by the RTP Sender - simulates sending packets through a network to the
// RTP receiver. User can set network conditions as: RTT, packet loss,
// burst length and jitter.
class RTPSendCompleteCallback: public Transport
// Constructor input: (receive side) rtp module to send encoded data to
RTPSendCompleteCallback(Clock* clock,
const char* filename = NULL);
virtual ~RTPSendCompleteCallback();
void SetRtpModule(RtpRtcp* rtp_module) { _rtp = rtp_module; }
// Send Packet to receive side RTP module
virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, size_t len) OVERRIDE;
// Send RTCP Packet to receive side RTP module
virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel,
const void *data,
size_t len) OVERRIDE;
// Set percentage of channel loss in the network
void SetLossPct(double lossPct);
// Set average size of burst loss
void SetBurstLength(double burstLength);
// Set network delay in the network
void SetNetworkDelay(uint32_t networkDelayMs)
{_networkDelayMs = networkDelayMs;};
// Set Packet jitter delay
void SetJitterVar(uint32_t jitterVar)
{_jitterVar = jitterVar;};
// Return send count
int SendCount() {return _sendCount; }
// Return accumulated length in bytes of transmitted packets
size_t TotalSentLength() {return _totalSentLength;}
// Randomly decide whether to drop packets, based on the channel model
bool PacketLoss();
// Random uniform loss model
bool UnifomLoss(double lossPct);
Clock* _clock;
uint32_t _sendCount;
RTPPayloadRegistry* rtp_payload_registry_;
RtpReceiver* rtp_receiver_;
RtpRtcp* _rtp;
double _lossPct;
double _burstLength;
uint32_t _networkDelayMs;
double _jitterVar;
bool _prevLossState;
size_t _totalSentLength;
std::list<RtpPacket*> _rtpPackets;
RtpDump* _rtpDump;
// Request re-transmission of packets (NACK)
class PacketRequester: public VCMPacketRequestCallback
PacketRequester(RtpRtcp& rtp) :
_rtp(rtp) {}
virtual int32_t ResendPackets(const uint16_t* sequenceNumbers,
uint16_t length) OVERRIDE;
webrtc::RtpRtcp& _rtp;
// Key frame request
class KeyFrameReqTest: public VCMFrameTypeCallback
virtual int32_t RequestKeyFrame() OVERRIDE;
// VCM statistics
class SendStatsTest: public webrtc::VCMSendStatisticsCallback
SendStatsTest() : _framerate(15), _bitrate(500) {}
virtual int32_t SendStatistics(const uint32_t bitRate,
const uint32_t frameRate) OVERRIDE;
void set_framerate(uint32_t frameRate) {_framerate = frameRate;}
void set_bitrate(uint32_t bitrate) {_bitrate = bitrate;}
uint32_t _framerate;
uint32_t _bitrate;
// Protection callback - allows the VCM (media optimization) to inform the RTP
// module of the required protection(FEC rates/settings and NACK mode).
class VideoProtectionCallback: public VCMProtectionCallback
virtual ~VideoProtectionCallback();
void RegisterRtpModule(RtpRtcp* rtp) {_rtp = rtp;}
virtual int32_t ProtectionRequest(
const FecProtectionParams* delta_fec_params,
const FecProtectionParams* key_fec_params,
uint32_t* sent_video_rate_bps,
uint32_t* sent_nack_rate_bps,
uint32_t* sent_fec_rate_bps) OVERRIDE;
FecProtectionParams DeltaFecParameters() const;
FecProtectionParams KeyFecParameters() const;
RtpRtcp* _rtp;
FecProtectionParams delta_fec_params_;
FecProtectionParams key_fec_params_;
} // namespace webrtc