| # This is supposed to be a complete list of top-level directories, |
| # excepting only api/ itself. |
| include_rules = [ |
| "-audio", |
| "-base", |
| "-build", |
| "-buildtools", |
| "-build_overrides", |
| "-call", |
| "-common_audio", |
| "-common_video", |
| "-data", |
| "-examples", |
| "-ios", |
| "-infra", |
| "-logging", |
| "-media", |
| "-modules", |
| "-out", |
| "-p2p", |
| "-pc", |
| "-resources", |
| "-rtc_base", |
| "-rtc_tools", |
| "-sdk", |
| "-stats", |
| "-style-guide", |
| "-system_wrappers", |
| "-test", |
| "-testing", |
| "-third_party", |
| "-tools", |
| "-tools_webrtc", |
| "-video", |
| "-external/webrtc/webrtc", # Android platform build. |
| "-libyuv", |
| "-common_types.h", |
| "-WebRTC", |
| ] |
| |
| specific_include_rules = { |
| # Some internal headers are allowed even in API headers: |
| ".*\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/checks.h", |
| "+rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "array_view\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/type_traits.h", |
| ], |
| |
| # Needed because AudioEncoderOpus is in the wrong place for |
| # backwards compatibilty reasons. See |
| # https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=7847 |
| "audio_encoder_opus\.h": [ |
| "+modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "asyncresolverfactory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/asyncresolverinterface.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "candidate\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/network_constants.h", |
| "+rtc_base/socketaddress.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "datachannelinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/copyonwritebuffer.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "dtmfsenderinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "fec_controller\.h": [ |
| "+modules/include/module_fec_types.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "jsep\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "jsepicecandidate\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "jsepsessiondescription\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "mediastreaminterface\.h": [ |
| "+modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing_statistics.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "media_transport_interface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/copyonwritebuffer.h", # As used by datachannelinterface.h |
| ], |
| |
| "peerconnectionfactoryproxy\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/bind.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "refcountedbase\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcounter.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtcerror\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/logging.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtpreceiverinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtpsenderinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtptransceiverinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "setremotedescriptionobserverinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "statstypes\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| "+rtc_base/stringencode.h", |
| "+rtc_base/thread_checker.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "umametrics\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_frame\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_mixer\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_decoder\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/buffer.h", |
| "+rtc_base/constructormagic.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_decoder_factory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_decoder_factory_template\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcountedobject.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_encoder\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/buffer.h", |
| "+rtc_base/deprecation.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_encoder_factory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audio_encoder_factory_template\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcountedobject.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "builtin_audio_decoder_factory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "builtin_audio_encoder_factory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "framedecryptorinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "frameencryptorinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "ortcfactoryinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/network.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| "+rtc_base/thread.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "udptransportinterface\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/socketaddress.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtcstatscollectorcallback\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "rtcstatsreport\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/refcountedobject.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "audioproc_float\.h": [ |
| "+modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "fake_frame_decryptor\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcountedobject.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "fake_frame_encryptor\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcountedobject.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "fakeconstraints\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/stringencode.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "mock.*\.h": [ |
| "+test/gmock.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "simulated_network\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/criticalsection.h", |
| "+rtc_base/random.h", |
| "+rtc_base/thread_annotations.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "test_dependency_factory\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/thread_checker.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "videocodec_test_fixture\.h": [ |
| "+modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h" |
| ], |
| |
| "data_rate\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "data_size\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "time_delta\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "timestamp\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "i010_buffer\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/memory/aligned_malloc.h" |
| ], |
| |
| "i420_buffer\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/memory/aligned_malloc.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "video_frame_buffer\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "video_timing\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h", |
| ], |
| |
| "video_encoder_config\.h": [ |
| "+rtc_base/refcount.h", |
| "+rtc_base/scoped_ref_ptr.h", |
| ], |
| |
| # .cc files in api/ should not be restricted in what they can #include, |
| # so we re-add all the top-level directories here. (That's because .h |
| # files leak their #includes to whoever's #including them, but .cc files |
| # do not since no one #includes them.) |
| ".*\.cc": [ |
| "+audio", |
| "+call", |
| "+common_audio", |
| "+common_video", |
| "+examples", |
| "+logging", |
| "+media", |
| "+modules", |
| "+p2p", |
| "+pc", |
| "+rtc_base", |
| "+rtc_tools", |
| "+sdk", |
| "+stats", |
| "+system_wrappers", |
| "+test", |
| "+tools", |
| "+tools_webrtc", |
| "+video", |
| "+third_party", |
| ], |
| } |