blob: 075e2adb06c676d71b9b45c0e018549a6426fd6a [file] [log] [blame]
'variables': {
'variables': {
'webrtc_root%': '<(DEPTH)/webrtc',
'webrtc_root%': '<(webrtc_root)',
'build_with_chromium': 0,
'conditions': [
['OS=="ios"', {
# Default to using BoringSSL on iOS.
'use_openssl%': 1,
# Set target_subarch for if not already set. This is needed because the
# Chromium iOS toolchain relies on target_subarch being set.
'conditions': [
['target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="ia32"', {
'target_subarch%': 'arm32',
['target_arch=="arm64" or target_arch=="x64"', {
'target_subarch%': 'arm64',
'target_defaults': {
'target_conditions': [
['_target_name=="sanitizer_options"', {
'conditions': [
['lsan==1', {
# Replace Chromium's LSan suppressions with our own for WebRTC.
'sources/': [
['exclude', ''],
'sources': [
['tsan==1', {
# Replace Chromium's TSan v2 suppressions with our own for WebRTC.
'sources/': [
['exclude', ''],
'sources': [