blob: 8f4bc89cdac53d55814896826e20b9107eb6f258 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* Specifies the interface for the AEC core.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
extern "C" {
#include "webrtc/common_audio/ring_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/aec/aec_common.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/utility/block_mean_calculator.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
#define FRAME_LEN 80
#define PART_LEN 64 // Length of partition
#define PART_LEN1 (PART_LEN + 1) // Unique fft coefficients
#define PART_LEN2 (PART_LEN * 2) // Length of partition * 2
#define NUM_HIGH_BANDS_MAX 2 // Max number of high bands
class ApmDataDumper;
typedef float complex_t[2];
// For performance reasons, some arrays of complex numbers are replaced by twice
// as long arrays of float, all the real parts followed by all the imaginary
// ones (complex_t[SIZE] -> float[2][SIZE]). This allows SIMD optimizations and
// is better than two arrays (one for the real parts and one for the imaginary
// parts) as this other way would require two pointers instead of one and cause
// extra register spilling. This also allows the offsets to be calculated at
// compile time.
// Metrics
enum { kOffsetLevel = -100 };
typedef struct Stats {
float instant;
float average;
float min;
float max;
float sum;
float hisum;
float himean;
size_t counter;
size_t hicounter;
} Stats;
// Number of partitions for the extended filter mode. The first one is an enum
// to be used in array declarations, as it represents the maximum filter length.
enum { kExtendedNumPartitions = 32 };
static const int kNormalNumPartitions = 12;
// Delay estimator constants, used for logging and delay compensation if
// if reported delays are disabled.
enum { kLookaheadBlocks = 15 };
enum {
// 500 ms for 16 kHz which is equivalent with the limit of reported delays.
kHistorySizeBlocks = 125
typedef struct PowerLevel {
BlockMeanCalculator framelevel;
BlockMeanCalculator averagelevel;
float minlevel;
} PowerLevel;
class DivergentFilterFraction {
// Reset.
void Reset();
void AddObservation(const PowerLevel& nearlevel,
const PowerLevel& linoutlevel,
const PowerLevel& nlpoutlevel);
// Return the latest fraction.
float GetLatestFraction() const;
// Clear all values added.
void Clear();
size_t count_;
size_t occurrence_;
float fraction_;
typedef struct CoherenceState {
complex_t sde[PART_LEN1]; // cross-psd of nearend and error
complex_t sxd[PART_LEN1]; // cross-psd of farend and nearend
float sx[PART_LEN1], sd[PART_LEN1], se[PART_LEN1]; // far, near, error psd
} CoherenceState;
struct AecCore {
explicit AecCore(int instance_index);
std::unique_ptr<ApmDataDumper> data_dumper;
CoherenceState coherence_state;
int farBufWritePos, farBufReadPos;
int knownDelay;
int inSamples, outSamples;
int delayEstCtr;
// Nearend buffer used for changing from FRAME_LEN to PART_LEN sample block
// sizes. The buffer stores all the incoming bands and for each band a maximum
// of PART_LEN - (FRAME_LEN - PART_LEN) values need to be buffered in order to
// change the block size from FRAME_LEN to PART_LEN.
float nearend_buffer[NUM_HIGH_BANDS_MAX + 1]
int nearend_buffer_size;
RingBuffer* outFrBuf;
RingBuffer* outFrBufH[NUM_HIGH_BANDS_MAX];
float eBuf[PART_LEN2]; // error
float previous_nearend_block[NUM_HIGH_BANDS_MAX + 1][PART_LEN];
float xPow[PART_LEN1];
float dPow[PART_LEN1];
float dMinPow[PART_LEN1];
float dInitMinPow[PART_LEN1];
float* noisePow;
float xfBuf[2][kExtendedNumPartitions * PART_LEN1]; // farend fft buffer
float wfBuf[2][kExtendedNumPartitions * PART_LEN1]; // filter fft
// Farend windowed fft buffer.
complex_t xfwBuf[kExtendedNumPartitions * PART_LEN1];
float hNs[PART_LEN1];
float hNlFbMin, hNlFbLocalMin;
float hNlXdAvgMin;
int hNlNewMin, hNlMinCtr;
float overDrive;
float overdrive_scaling;
int nlp_mode;
float outBuf[PART_LEN];
int delayIdx;
short stNearState, echoState;
short divergeState;
int xfBufBlockPos;
RingBuffer* far_time_buf;
int system_delay; // Current system delay buffered in AEC.
int mult; // sampling frequency multiple
int sampFreq = 16000;
size_t num_bands;
uint32_t seed;
float filter_step_size; // stepsize
float error_threshold; // error threshold
int noiseEstCtr;
PowerLevel farlevel;
PowerLevel nearlevel;
PowerLevel linoutlevel;
PowerLevel nlpoutlevel;
int metricsMode;
int stateCounter;
Stats erl;
Stats erle;
Stats aNlp;
Stats rerl;
DivergentFilterFraction divergent_filter_fraction;
// Quantities to control H band scaling for SWB input
int freq_avg_ic; // initial bin for averaging nlp gain
int flag_Hband_cn; // for comfort noise
float cn_scale_Hband; // scale for comfort noise in H band
int delay_metrics_delivered;
int delay_histogram[kHistorySizeBlocks];
int num_delay_values;
int delay_median;
int delay_std;
float fraction_poor_delays;
int delay_logging_enabled;
void* delay_estimator_farend;
void* delay_estimator;
// Variables associated with delay correction through signal based delay
// estimation feedback.
int signal_delay_correction;
int previous_delay;
int delay_correction_count;
int shift_offset;
float delay_quality_threshold;
int frame_count;
// 0 = delay agnostic mode (signal based delay correction) disabled.
// Otherwise enabled.
int delay_agnostic_enabled;
// 1 = extended filter mode enabled, 0 = disabled.
int extended_filter_enabled;
// 1 = next generation aec mode enabled, 0 = disabled.
int aec3_enabled;
bool refined_adaptive_filter_enabled;
// Runtime selection of number of filter partitions.
int num_partitions;
// Flag that extreme filter divergence has been detected by the Echo
// Suppressor.
int extreme_filter_divergence;
AecCore* WebRtcAec_CreateAec(int instance_count); // Returns NULL on error.
void WebRtcAec_FreeAec(AecCore* aec);
int WebRtcAec_InitAec(AecCore* aec, int sampFreq);
void WebRtcAec_InitAec_SSE2(void);
#if defined(MIPS_FPU_LE)
void WebRtcAec_InitAec_mips(void);
#if defined(WEBRTC_HAS_NEON)
void WebRtcAec_InitAec_neon(void);
void WebRtcAec_BufferFarendPartition(AecCore* aec, const float* farend);
void WebRtcAec_ProcessFrames(AecCore* aec,
const float* const* nearend,
size_t num_bands,
size_t num_samples,
int knownDelay,
float* const* out);
// A helper function to call WebRtc_MoveReadPtr() for all far-end buffers.
// Returns the number of elements moved, and adjusts |system_delay| by the
// corresponding amount in ms.
int WebRtcAec_MoveFarReadPtr(AecCore* aec, int elements);
// Calculates the median, standard deviation and amount of poor values among the
// delay estimates aggregated up to the first call to the function. After that
// first call the metrics are aggregated and updated every second. With poor
// values we mean values that most likely will cause the AEC to perform poorly.
// TODO(bjornv): Consider changing tests and tools to handle constant
// constant aggregation window throughout the session instead.
int WebRtcAec_GetDelayMetricsCore(AecCore* self,
int* median,
int* std,
float* fraction_poor_delays);
// Returns the echo state (1: echo, 0: no echo).
int WebRtcAec_echo_state(AecCore* self);
// Gets statistics of the echo metrics ERL, ERLE, A_NLP.
void WebRtcAec_GetEchoStats(AecCore* self,
Stats* erl,
Stats* erle,
Stats* a_nlp,
float* divergent_filter_fraction);
// Sets local configuration modes.
void WebRtcAec_SetConfigCore(AecCore* self,
int nlp_mode,
int metrics_mode,
int delay_logging);
// Non-zero enables, zero disables.
void WebRtcAec_enable_delay_agnostic(AecCore* self, int enable);
// Returns non-zero if delay agnostic (i.e., signal based delay estimation) is
// enabled and zero if disabled.
int WebRtcAec_delay_agnostic_enabled(AecCore* self);
// Non-zero enables, zero disables.
void WebRtcAec_enable_aec3(AecCore* self, int enable);
// Returns 1 if the next generation aec is enabled and zero if disabled.
int WebRtcAec_aec3_enabled(AecCore* self);
// Turns on/off the refined adaptive filter feature.
void WebRtcAec_enable_refined_adaptive_filter(AecCore* self, bool enable);
// Returns whether the refined adaptive filter is enabled.
bool WebRtcAec_refined_adaptive_filter(const AecCore* self);
// Enables or disables extended filter mode. Non-zero enables, zero disables.
void WebRtcAec_enable_extended_filter(AecCore* self, int enable);
// Returns non-zero if extended filter mode is enabled and zero if disabled.
int WebRtcAec_extended_filter_enabled(AecCore* self);
// Returns the current |system_delay|, i.e., the buffered difference between
// far-end and near-end.
int WebRtcAec_system_delay(AecCore* self);
// Sets the |system_delay| to |value|. Note that if the value is changed
// improperly, there can be a performance regression. So it should be used with
// care.
void WebRtcAec_SetSystemDelay(AecCore* self, int delay);
} // namespace webrtc