blob: c69bd1a429da5b0eb3e867644d4eaf5b97706cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/probe_bitrate_estimator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
namespace {
// The minumum number of probes we need for a valid cluster.
constexpr int kMinNumProbesValidCluster = 4;
// The maximum (receive rate)/(send rate) ratio for a valid estimate.
constexpr float kValidRatio = 2.0f;
// The maximum time period over which the cluster history is retained.
// This is also the maximum time period beyond which a probing burst is not
// expected to last.
constexpr int kMaxClusterHistoryMs = 1000;
// The maximum time interval between first and the last probe on a cluster
// on the sender side as well as the receive side.
constexpr int kMaxProbeIntervalMs = 1000;
} // namespace
namespace webrtc {
ProbeBitrateEstimator::ProbeBitrateEstimator() {}
int ProbeBitrateEstimator::HandleProbeAndEstimateBitrate(
const PacketInfo& packet_info) {
RTC_DCHECK_NE(packet_info.probe_cluster_id, PacketInfo::kNotAProbe);
EraseOldClusters(packet_info.arrival_time_ms - kMaxClusterHistoryMs);
int payload_size_bits = packet_info.payload_size * 8;
AggregatedCluster* cluster = &clusters_[packet_info.probe_cluster_id];
if (packet_info.send_time_ms < cluster->first_send_ms) {
cluster->first_send_ms = packet_info.send_time_ms;
if (packet_info.send_time_ms > cluster->last_send_ms) {
cluster->last_send_ms = packet_info.send_time_ms;
cluster->size_last_send = payload_size_bits;
if (packet_info.arrival_time_ms < cluster->first_receive_ms) {
cluster->first_receive_ms = packet_info.arrival_time_ms;
cluster->size_first_receive = payload_size_bits;
if (packet_info.arrival_time_ms > cluster->last_receive_ms) {
cluster->last_receive_ms = packet_info.arrival_time_ms;
cluster->size_total += payload_size_bits;
cluster->num_probes += 1;
if (cluster->num_probes < kMinNumProbesValidCluster)
return -1;
float send_interval_ms = cluster->last_send_ms - cluster->first_send_ms;
float receive_interval_ms =
cluster->last_receive_ms - cluster->first_receive_ms;
if (send_interval_ms <= 0 || send_interval_ms > kMaxProbeIntervalMs ||
receive_interval_ms <= 0 || receive_interval_ms > kMaxProbeIntervalMs) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probing unsuccessful, invalid send/receive interval"
<< " [cluster id: " << packet_info.probe_cluster_id
<< "] [send interval: " << send_interval_ms << " ms]"
<< " [receive interval: " << receive_interval_ms << " ms]";
return -1;
// Since the |send_interval_ms| does not include the time it takes to actually
// send the last packet the size of the last sent packet should not be
// included when calculating the send bitrate.
RTC_DCHECK_GT(cluster->size_total, cluster->size_last_send);
float send_size = cluster->size_total - cluster->size_last_send;
float send_bps = send_size / send_interval_ms * 1000;
// Since the |receive_interval_ms| does not include the time it takes to
// actually receive the first packet the size of the first received packet
// should not be included when calculating the receive bitrate.
RTC_DCHECK_GT(cluster->size_total, cluster->size_first_receive);
float receive_size = cluster->size_total - cluster->size_first_receive;
float receive_bps = receive_size / receive_interval_ms * 1000;
float ratio = receive_bps / send_bps;
if (ratio > kValidRatio) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probing unsuccessful, receive/send ratio too high"
<< " [cluster id: " << packet_info.probe_cluster_id
<< "] [send: " << send_size << " bytes / " << send_interval_ms
<< " ms = " << send_bps / 1000 << " kb/s]"
<< " [receive: " << receive_size << " bytes / "
<< receive_interval_ms << " ms = " << receive_bps / 1000
<< " kb/s]"
<< " [ratio: " << receive_bps / 1000 << " / "
<< send_bps / 1000 << " = " << ratio << " > kValidRatio ("
<< kValidRatio << ")]";
return -1;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probing successful"
<< " [cluster id: " << packet_info.probe_cluster_id
<< "] [send: " << send_size << " bytes / " << send_interval_ms
<< " ms = " << send_bps / 1000 << " kb/s]"
<< " [receive: " << receive_size << " bytes / "
<< receive_interval_ms << " ms = " << receive_bps / 1000
<< " kb/s]";
return std::min(send_bps, receive_bps);
void ProbeBitrateEstimator::EraseOldClusters(int64_t timestamp_ms) {
for (auto it = clusters_.begin(); it != clusters_.end();) {
if (it->second.last_receive_ms < timestamp_ms) {
it = clusters_.erase(it);
} else {
} // namespace webrtc