blob: ac2cfa76b6f93c8cd54d496fa977903568e4ea35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/refcount.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction_internal.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Performs codec-independent forward error correction (FEC), based on RFC 5109.
// Option exists to enable unequal protection (UEP) across packets.
// This is not to be confused with protection within packets
// (referred to as uneven level protection (ULP) in RFC 5109).
class ForwardErrorCorrection {
// Maximum number of media packets we can protect
static constexpr size_t kMaxMediaPackets = 48u;
// TODO(holmer): As a next step all these struct-like packet classes should be
// refactored into proper classes, and their members should be made private.
// This will require parts of the functionality in
// and to be refactored into the packet classes.
class Packet {
Packet() : length(0), data(), ref_count_(0) {}
virtual ~Packet() {}
// Add a reference.
virtual int32_t AddRef();
// Release a reference. Will delete the object if the reference count
// reaches zero.
virtual int32_t Release();
size_t length; // Length of packet in bytes.
uint8_t data[IP_PACKET_SIZE]; // Packet data.
int32_t ref_count_; // Counts the number of references to a packet.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class SortablePacket {
// Functor which returns true if the sequence number of |first|
// is < the sequence number of |second|.
struct LessThan {
template <typename S, typename T>
bool operator() (const S& first, const T& second);
uint16_t seq_num;
// The received list parameter of DecodeFec() references structs of this type.
// The ssrc member is needed to ensure that we can restore the SSRC field of
// recovered packets. In most situations this could be retrieved from other
// media packets, but in the case of an FEC packet protecting a single
// missing media packet, we have no other means of obtaining it.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class ReceivedPacket : public SortablePacket {
uint32_t ssrc; // SSRC of the current frame. Must be set for FEC
// packets, but not required for media packets.
bool is_fec; // Set to true if this is an FEC packet and false
// otherwise.
rtc::scoped_refptr<Packet> pkt; // Pointer to the packet storage.
// The recovered list parameter of #DecodeFec() references structs of
// this type.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class RecoveredPacket : public SortablePacket {
bool was_recovered; // Will be true if this packet was recovered by
// the FEC. Otherwise it was a media packet passed in
// through the received packet list.
bool returned; // True when the packet already has been returned to the
// caller through the callback.
uint8_t length_recovery[2]; // Two bytes used for recovering the packet
// length with XOR operations.
rtc::scoped_refptr<Packet> pkt; // Pointer to the packet storage.
using PacketList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<Packet>>;
using ReceivedPacketList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<ReceivedPacket>>;
using RecoveredPacketList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<RecoveredPacket>>;
virtual ~ForwardErrorCorrection();
// Generates a list of FEC packets from supplied media packets.
// Input: media_packets List of media packets to protect, of type
// Packet. All packets must belong to the
// same frame and the list must not be empty.
// Input: protection_factor FEC protection overhead in the [0, 255]
// domain. To obtain 100% overhead, or an
// equal number of FEC packets as
// media packets, use 255.
// Input: num_important_packets The number of "important" packets in the
// frame. These packets may receive greater
// protection than the remaining packets.
// The important packets must be located at the
// start of the media packet list. For codecs
// with data partitioning, the important
// packets may correspond to first partition
// packets.
// Input: use_unequal_protection Parameter to enable/disable unequal
// protection (UEP) across packets. Enabling
// UEP will allocate more protection to the
// num_important_packets from the start of the
// media_packets.
// Input: fec_mask_type The type of packet mask used in the FEC.
// Random or bursty type may be selected. The
// bursty type is only defined up to 12 media
// packets. If the number of media packets is
// above 12, the packet masks from the random
// table will be selected.
// Output: fec_packets List of pointers to generated FEC packets,
// of type Packet. Must be empty on entry.
// The memory available through the list will
// be valid until the next call to
// GenerateFec().
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int GenerateFec(const PacketList& media_packets,
uint8_t protection_factor, int num_important_packets,
bool use_unequal_protection, FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
std::list<Packet*>* fec_packets);
// Decodes a list of received media and FEC packets. It will parse the
// |received_packets|, storing FEC packets internally, and move
// media packets to |recovered_packets|. The recovered list will be
// sorted by ascending sequence number and have duplicates removed.
// The function should be called as new packets arrive, and
// |recovered_packets| will be progressively assembled with each call.
// When the function returns, |received_packets| will be empty.
// The caller will allocate packets submitted through |received_packets|.
// The function will handle allocation of recovered packets.
// Input: received_packets List of new received packets, of type
// ReceivedPacket, belonging to a single
// frame. At output the list will be empty,
// with packets either stored internally,
// or accessible through the recovered list.
// Output: recovered_packets List of recovered media packets, of type
// RecoveredPacket, belonging to a single
// frame. The memory available through the
// list will be valid until the next call to
// DecodeFec().
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int DecodeFec(ReceivedPacketList* received_packets,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Get the number of generated FEC packets, given the number of media packets
// and the protection factor.
int GetNumberOfFecPackets(int num_media_packets, int protection_factor);
// Gets the size in bytes of the FEC/ULP headers, which must be accounted for
// as packet overhead. Returns the packet overhead in bytes.
static size_t PacketOverhead();
// Reset internal states from last frame and clear |recovered_packets|.
// Frees all memory allocated by this class.
void ResetState(RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Used to link media packets to their protecting FEC packets.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class ProtectedPacket : public ForwardErrorCorrection::SortablePacket {
rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet> pkt;
using ProtectedPacketList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<ProtectedPacket>>;
// Used for internal storage of received FEC packets in a list.
// TODO(holmer): Refactor into a proper class.
class ReceivedFecPacket : public ForwardErrorCorrection::SortablePacket {
ProtectedPacketList protected_packets;
uint32_t ssrc; // SSRC of the current frame.
rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet> pkt;
using ReceivedFecPacketList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<ReceivedFecPacket>>;
// Analyzes |media_packets| for holes in the sequence and inserts zero columns
// into the |packet_mask| where those holes are found. Zero columns means that
// those packets will have no protection.
// Returns the number of bits used for one row of the new packet mask.
// Requires that |packet_mask| has at least 6 * |num_fec_packets| bytes
// allocated.
int InsertZerosInBitMasks(const PacketList& media_packets,
uint8_t* packet_mask, int num_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets);
void GenerateFecUlpHeaders(const PacketList& media_packets,
uint8_t* packet_mask, int num_fec_packets,
bool l_bit);
void GenerateFecBitStrings(const PacketList& media_packets,
uint8_t* packet_mask, int num_fec_packets,
bool l_bit);
// Inserts the |received_packets| into the internal received FEC packet list
// or into |recovered_packets|.
void InsertPackets(ReceivedPacketList* received_packets,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Inserts the |received_packet| into |recovered_packets|. Deletes duplicates.
void InsertMediaPacket(ReceivedPacket* received_packet,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Assigns pointers to the recovered packet from all FEC packets which cover
// it.
// Note: This reduces the complexity when we want to try to recover a packet
// since we don't have to find the intersection between recovered packets and
// packets covered by the FEC packet.
void UpdateCoveringFecPackets(RecoveredPacket* packet);
// Insert |received_packet| into internal FEC list. Deletes duplicates.
void InsertFecPacket(ReceivedPacket* received_packet,
const RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Assigns pointers to already recovered packets covered by |fec_packet|.
static void AssignRecoveredPackets(
ReceivedFecPacket* fec_packet,
const RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Insert |rec_packet_to_insert| into |recovered_packets| in correct position.
void InsertRecoveredPacket(RecoveredPacket* rec_packet_to_insert,
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Attempt to recover missing packets, using the internally stored
// received FEC packets.
void AttemptRecover(RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
// Initializes packet recovery using the received |fec_packet|.
static bool StartPacketRecovery(const ReceivedFecPacket* fec_packet,
RecoveredPacket* recovered_packet);
// Performs XOR between |src| and |dst| and stores the result in |dst|.
static void XorPackets(const Packet* src, RecoveredPacket* dst);
// Finish up the recovery of a packet.
static bool FinishPacketRecovery(RecoveredPacket* recovered_packet);
// Recover a missing packet.
bool RecoverPacket(const ReceivedFecPacket* fec_packet,
RecoveredPacket* rec_packet_to_insert);
// Get the number of missing media packets which are covered by |fec_packet|.
// An FEC packet can recover at most one packet, and if zero packets are
// missing the FEC packet can be discarded. This function returns 2 when two
// or more packets are missing.
static int NumCoveredPacketsMissing(const ReceivedFecPacket* fec_packet);
// Discards old packets in |recovered_packets|, which are no longer relevant
// for recovering lost packets.
static void DiscardOldRecoveredPackets(
RecoveredPacketList* recovered_packets);
static uint16_t ParseSequenceNumber(uint8_t* packet);
std::vector<Packet> generated_fec_packets_;
ReceivedFecPacketList received_fec_packets_;
// Arrays used to avoid dynamically allocating memory when generating
// the packet masks in the ULPFEC headers.
// (There are never more than |kMaxMediaPackets| FEC packets generated.)
uint8_t packet_mask_[kMaxMediaPackets * kMaskSizeLBitSet];
uint8_t tmp_packet_mask_[kMaxMediaPackets * kMaskSizeLBitSet];
} // namespace webrtc