blob: 1363c3529899ce471b1958bb92e9d6f0afd75369 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <iostream> // NOLINT
#include "common_types.h" // NOLINT
#include "video_engine/include/vie_base.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_capture.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_codec.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_network.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_render.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_rtp_rtcp.h"
#include "video_engine/test/auto_test/interface/vie_autotest.h"
#include "video_engine/test/auto_test/interface/vie_autotest_defines.h"
#include "video_engine/test/libvietest/include/tb_external_transport.h"
#include "voice_engine/include/voe_base.h"
enum RelayMode {
kRelayOneStream = 1,
kRelayAllStreams = 2
const int kNumStreams = 3;
void InitialSingleStreamSettings(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec) {
video_codec->numberOfSimulcastStreams = 0;
video_codec->width = 1200;
video_codec->height = 800;
void SetSimulcastSettings(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec) {
video_codec->width = 1280;
video_codec->height = 720;
// Simulcast settings.
video_codec->numberOfSimulcastStreams = kNumStreams;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].width = 320;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].height = 180;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].maxBitrate = 100;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].targetBitrate = 100;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].minBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].qpMax = video_codec->qpMax;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].width = 640;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].height = 360;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].maxBitrate = 500;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].targetBitrate = 500;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].minBitrate = 200;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].qpMax = video_codec->qpMax;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].width = 1280;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].height = 720;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].numberOfTemporalLayers = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].maxBitrate = 1200;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].targetBitrate = 1200;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].minBitrate = 900;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].qpMax = video_codec->qpMax;
void RuntimeSingleStreamSettings(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec) {
video_codec->width = 1200;
video_codec->height = 800;
video_codec->numberOfSimulcastStreams = kNumStreams;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].maxBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].targetBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[0].minBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].maxBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].targetBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[1].minBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].maxBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].targetBitrate = 0;
video_codec->simulcastStream[2].minBitrate = 0;
int VideoEngineSimulcastTest(void* window1, void* window2) {
// *******************************************************
// Begin create/initialize Video Engine for testing
// *******************************************************
int error = 0;
int receive_channels[kNumStreams];
// Create a VideoEngine instance.
webrtc::VideoEngine* video_engine = NULL;
video_engine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create();
if (video_engine == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in VideoEngine::Create\n");
return -1;
error = video_engine->SetTraceFilter(webrtc::kTraceAll);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in VideoEngine::SetTraceLevel\n");
return -1;
std::string trace_file =
ViETest::GetResultOutputPath() + "ViESimulcast_trace.txt";
error = video_engine->SetTraceFile(trace_file.c_str());
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in VideoEngine::SetTraceFile\n");
return -1;
// Init VideoEngine and create a channel.
webrtc::ViEBase* vie_base = webrtc::ViEBase::GetInterface(video_engine);
if (vie_base == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
error = vie_base->Init();
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::Init\n");
return -1;
RelayMode relay_mode = kRelayOneStream;
printf("Select relay mode:\n");
printf("\t1. Relay one stream\n");
printf("\t2. Relay all streams\n");
if (scanf("%d", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&relay_mode)) != 1) {
printf("Error in scanf()\n");
return -1;
webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* vie_rtp_rtcp =
if (vie_rtp_rtcp == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
int video_channel = -1;
error = vie_base->CreateChannel(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::CreateChannel\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
receive_channels[i] = -1;
error = vie_base->CreateReceiveChannel(receive_channels[i], video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::CreateChannel\n");
return -1;
// List available capture devices, allocate and connect.
webrtc::ViECapture* vie_capture =
if (vie_base == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
const unsigned int KMaxDeviceNameLength = 128;
const unsigned int KMaxUniqueIdLength = 256;
char device_name[KMaxDeviceNameLength];
memset(device_name, 0, KMaxDeviceNameLength);
char unique_id[KMaxUniqueIdLength];
memset(unique_id, 0, KMaxUniqueIdLength);
printf("Available capture devices:\n");
int capture_idx = 0;
for (capture_idx = 0; capture_idx < vie_capture->NumberOfCaptureDevices();
capture_idx++) {
memset(device_name, 0, KMaxDeviceNameLength);
memset(unique_id, 0, KMaxUniqueIdLength);
error = vie_capture->GetCaptureDevice(capture_idx, device_name,
KMaxDeviceNameLength, unique_id,
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::GetCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
printf("\t %d. %s\n", capture_idx + 1, device_name);
printf("\nChoose capture device: ");
capture_idx = 0;
if (scanf("%d", &capture_idx) != 1) {
printf("Error in scanf()\n");
return -1;
// Compensate for idx start at 1.
capture_idx = capture_idx - 1;
error = vie_capture->GetCaptureDevice(capture_idx, device_name,
KMaxDeviceNameLength, unique_id,
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::GetCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
int capture_id = 0;
error = vie_capture->AllocateCaptureDevice(unique_id, KMaxUniqueIdLength,
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::AllocateCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
error = vie_capture->ConnectCaptureDevice(capture_id, video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::ConnectCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
error = vie_capture->StartCapture(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::StartCapture\n");
return -1;
// RTP/RTCP settings.
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(video_channel,
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetRTCPStatus\n");
return -1;
vie_rtp_rtcp->SetRembStatus(video_channel, true, false);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetRTCPStatus\n");
return -1;
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
video_channel, webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetKeyFrameRequestMethod\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(receive_channels[i],
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetRTCPStatus\n");
return -1;
vie_rtp_rtcp->SetRembStatus(receive_channels[i], false, true);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetRTCPStatus\n");
return -1;
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
receive_channels[i], webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetKeyFrameRequestMethod\n");
return -1;
// Set up rendering.
webrtc::ViERender* vie_render = webrtc::ViERender::GetInterface(video_engine);
if (vie_render == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->AddRenderer(capture_id, window1, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::AddRenderer\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->StartRender(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::StartRender\n");
return -1;
// Only rendering the thumbnail.
int channel_to_render = video_channel;
if (relay_mode == kRelayAllStreams) {
channel_to_render = receive_channels[0];
error = vie_render->AddRenderer(channel_to_render, window2, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::AddRenderer\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->StartRender(channel_to_render);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::StartRender\n");
return -1;
// Setup codecs.
webrtc::ViECodec* vie_codec = webrtc::ViECodec::GetInterface(video_engine);
if (vie_codec == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
// Check available codecs and prepare receive codecs.
printf("\nAvailable codecs:\n");
webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec;
memset(&video_codec, 0, sizeof(webrtc::VideoCodec));
int codec_idx = 0;
for (codec_idx = 0; codec_idx < vie_codec->NumberOfCodecs(); codec_idx++) {
error = vie_codec->GetCodec(codec_idx, video_codec);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::GetCodec\n");
return -1;
// Try to keep the test frame size small when I420.
if (video_codec.codecType != webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8) {
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_codec->SetReceiveCodec(receive_channels[i], video_codec);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::SetReceiveCodec\n");
return -1;
if (video_codec.codecType != webrtc::kVideoCodecRED &&
video_codec.codecType != webrtc::kVideoCodecULPFEC) {
printf("\t %d. %s\n", codec_idx + 1, video_codec.plName);
error = vie_codec->GetCodec(codec_idx, video_codec);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::GetCodec\n");
return -1;
bool simulcast_mode = true;
int num_streams = 1;
// Set spatial resolution option.
if (simulcast_mode) {
num_streams = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams;
} else {
num_streams = 1;
// Set start bit rate.
std::string str;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Choose start rate (in kbps). Press enter for default: ";
std::getline(std::cin, str);
int start_rate = atoi(str.c_str());
if (start_rate != 0) {
video_codec.startBitrate = start_rate;
error = vie_codec->SetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::SetSendCodec\n");
return -1;
// Address settings.
webrtc::ViENetwork* vie_network =
if (vie_network == NULL) {
printf("ERROR in ViENetwork::GetInterface\n");
return -1;
TbExternalTransport::SsrcChannelMap ssrc_channel_map;
for (int idx = 0; idx < num_streams; idx++) {
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetLocalSSRC(video_channel, idx + 1, // SSRC
webrtc::kViEStreamTypeNormal, idx);
ssrc_channel_map[idx + 1] = receive_channels[idx];
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetLocalSSRC(idx:%d)\n",
return -1;
TbExternalTransport::SsrcChannelMap* channel_map = &ssrc_channel_map;
if (relay_mode == kRelayOneStream) {
channel_map = NULL;
// Setting External transport.
TbExternalTransport ext_transport(*vie_network, video_channel, channel_map);
error = vie_network->RegisterSendTransport(video_channel, ext_transport);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::RegisterSendTransport \n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_network->RegisterSendTransport(receive_channels[i],
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECodec::RegisterSendTransport \n");
return -1;
// Set network one-way delay value.
// 10 ms one-way delay.
NetworkParameters network;
network.loss_model = kUniformLoss;
network.mean_one_way_delay = 10;
if (relay_mode == kRelayOneStream) {
error = vie_base->StartSend(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViENetwork::StartSend\n");
return -1;
error = vie_base->StartReceive(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViENetwork::StartReceive\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_base->StartReceive(receive_channels[i]);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViENetwork::StartReceive\n");
return -1;
// Create a receive channel to verify that it doesn't mess up toggling
// between single stream and simulcast.
int video_channel2 = -1;
error = vie_base->CreateReceiveChannel(video_channel2, video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::CreateReceiveChannel\n");
return -1;
// *******************************************************
// Engine started
// *******************************************************
printf("\nSimulcast call started\n\n");
do {
printf("Enter new SSRC filter 1,2 or 3\n");
printf("... or 0 to switch between simulcast and a single stream\n");
printf("Press enter to stop...");
std::getline(std::cin, str);
if (!str.empty()) {
int ssrc = atoi(str.c_str());
if (ssrc == 0) {
// Toggle between simulcast and a single stream with different
// resolution.
if (simulcast_mode) {
num_streams = 1;
printf("Disabling simulcast\n");
} else {
num_streams = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams;
printf("Enabling simulcast\n");
simulcast_mode = !simulcast_mode;
if (vie_codec->SetSendCodec(video_channel, video_codec) != 0) {
printf("ERROR switching between simulcast and single stream\n");
return -1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < num_streams; idx++) {
error = vie_rtp_rtcp->SetLocalSSRC(video_channel, idx + 1, // SSRC
webrtc::kViEStreamTypeNormal, idx);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERTP_RTCP::SetLocalSSRC(idx:%d)\n", idx);
return -1;
if (relay_mode == kRelayOneStream) {
} else if (ssrc > 0 && ssrc < 4) {
if (relay_mode == kRelayOneStream) {
} else {
printf("Invalid SSRC\n");
} else {
} while (true);
// *******************************************************
// Testing finished. Tear down Video Engine
// *******************************************************
error = vie_base->DeleteChannel(video_channel2);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::DeleteChannel\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_base->StopReceive(receive_channels[i]);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::StopReceive\n");
return -1;
error = vie_base->StopReceive(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::StopReceive\n");
return -1;
error = vie_base->StopSend(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::StopSend\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->StopRender(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::StopRender\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->RemoveRenderer(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::RemoveRenderer\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->StopRender(channel_to_render);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::StopRender\n");
return -1;
error = vie_render->RemoveRenderer(channel_to_render);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViERender::RemoveRenderer\n");
return -1;
error = vie_capture->StopCapture(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::StopCapture\n");
return -1;
error = vie_capture->DisconnectCaptureDevice(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::DisconnectCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
error = vie_capture->ReleaseCaptureDevice(capture_id);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViECapture::ReleaseCaptureDevice\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumStreams; ++i) {
error = vie_base->DeleteChannel(receive_channels[i]);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::DeleteChannel\n");
return -1;
error = vie_base->DeleteChannel(video_channel);
if (error == -1) {
printf("ERROR in ViEBase::DeleteChannel\n");
return -1;
int remaining_interfaces = 0;
remaining_interfaces = vie_codec->Release();
remaining_interfaces += vie_capture->Release();
remaining_interfaces += vie_rtp_rtcp->Release();
remaining_interfaces += vie_render->Release();
remaining_interfaces += vie_network->Release();
remaining_interfaces += vie_base->Release();
if (remaining_interfaces > 0) {
printf("ERROR: Could not release all interfaces\n");
return -1;
bool deleted = webrtc::VideoEngine::Delete(video_engine);
if (deleted == false) {
printf("ERROR in VideoEngine::Delete\n");
return -1;
return 0;
int ViEAutoTest::ViESimulcastCall() {
ViETest::Log(" ");
ViETest::Log(" ViE Autotest Simulcast Call\n");
if (VideoEngineSimulcastTest(_window1, _window2) == 0) {
ViETest::Log(" ");
ViETest::Log(" ViE Autotest Simulcast Call Done");
ViETest::Log(" ");
return 0;
ViETest::Log(" ");
ViETest::Log(" ViE Autotest Simulcast Call Failed");
ViETest::Log(" ");
return 1;