blob: 3f9f6de7bb15e06e97d1f791b60a81bf3ed21354 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* arith_routines.h
* Functions for arithmetic coding.
#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h"
int WebRtcIsac_EncLogisticMulti2(
Bitstr* streamdata, /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
int16_t* dataQ7, /* input: data vector */
const uint16_t*
env, /* input: side info vector defining the width of the pdf */
int N, /* input: data vector length */
int16_t isSWB12kHz); /* if the codec is working in 12kHz bandwidth */
/* returns the number of bytes in the stream */
int WebRtcIsac_EncTerminate(
Bitstr* streamdata); /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
/* returns the number of bytes in the stream so far */
int WebRtcIsac_DecLogisticMulti2(
int16_t* data, /* output: data vector */
Bitstr* streamdata, /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
const uint16_t*
env, /* input: side info vector defining the width of the pdf */
const int16_t* dither, /* input: dither vector */
int N, /* input: data vector length */
int16_t isSWB12kHz); /* if the codec is working in 12kHz bandwidth */
void WebRtcIsac_EncHistMulti(
Bitstr* streamdata, /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
const int* data, /* input: data vector */
const uint16_t* const* cdf, /* input: array of cdf arrays */
int N); /* input: data vector length */
int WebRtcIsac_DecHistBisectMulti(
int* data, /* output: data vector */
Bitstr* streamdata, /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
const uint16_t* const* cdf, /* input: array of cdf arrays */
const uint16_t*
cdf_size, /* input: array of cdf table sizes+1 (power of two: 2^k) */
int N); /* input: data vector length */
int WebRtcIsac_DecHistOneStepMulti(
int* data, /* output: data vector */
Bitstr* streamdata, /* in-/output struct containing bitstream */
const uint16_t* const* cdf, /* input: array of cdf arrays */
const uint16_t*
init_index, /* input: vector of initial cdf table search entries */
int N); /* input: data vector length */