blob: 9146e1698d39e077d697715f56608da27fcd062a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
if (is_ios) {
if (is_mac) {
group("sdk") {
public_deps = []
if (!build_with_chromium) {
if (is_android) {
public_deps += [ "android" ]
if (is_ios) {
public_deps += [ ":framework_objc" ]
rtc_library("media_constraints") {
sources = [
deps = [
absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
rtc_library("sdk_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
if (is_ios || is_mac) {
config("common_config_objc") {
include_dirs = [
# This is needed so that framework headers can include base headers
# without pathname (so it works from within the framework module).
# This is here for backward compatiblity reasons.
"objc/Framework/Headers", # TODO( Remove this.
cflags = [
if (use_clang_coverage) {
configs = [ "//build/config/coverage:default_coverage" ]
config("used_from_extension") {
if (is_ios && rtc_apprtcmobile_broadcast_extension) {
cflags = [ "-fapplication-extension" ]
# TODO( Remove this when unused. Targets should depend on base_objc
# or helpers_objc directly instead.
rtc_library("common_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [ "objc/helpers/" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("base_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
rtc_library("helpers_objc") {
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
rtc_library("callback_logger_objc") {
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [
rtc_library("file_logger_objc") {
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
if (is_ios) {
rtc_library("native_api_audio_device_module") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_source_set("audio_session_observer") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "objc/native/src/audio/audio_session_observer.h" ]
deps = [ "../rtc_base" ]
rtc_library("audio_device") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
deps = [
absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base:core_headers" ]
libs = [ "AudioToolbox.framework" ]
# This target exists to expose :audio_session_objc and
# :audio_session_delegate_adapter_objc for backward compatibility,
# and should be deprecated.
group("audio_objc") {
public_deps = [ # no-presubmit-check TODO(webrtc:11238)
rtc_library("audio_session_delegate_adapter_objc") {
sources = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("audio_session_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
libs = [ "AVFoundation.framework" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("videosource_objc") {
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [
rtc_library("videoframebuffer_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [
libs = [
rtc_library("video_objc") {
sources = [
libs = [ "CoreVideo.framework" ]
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
libs += [
} else if (is_mac) {
libs += [
deps = [
absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
configs += [
rtc_library("ui_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "audio_codecs" ] # TODO( Remove.
if (is_ios) {
sources = [
if (is_mac) {
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
deps = [
if (rtc_use_metal_rendering) {
rtc_library("metal_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [
"audio_codecs", # TODO( Remove.
sources = [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
libs = [
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
libs += [ "AppKit.framework" ]
deps = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
# TODO( Remove this target.
rtc_library("videocapturebase_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [ "objc/helpers/" ]
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("videocapture_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "audio_codecs" ] # TODO( Remove.
sources = [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
libs = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("videocodec_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
configs += [ "..:no_global_constructors" ]
sources = [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("default_codec_factory_objc") {
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_library("vpx_codec_constants") {
configs += [ "..:no_global_constructors" ]
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_library("vp8") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "software_video_codecs" ]
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_library("vp9") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "software_video_codecs" ]
sources = [
deps = [
# Build the PeerConnectionFactory without audio/video support.
# This target depends on the objc_peeerconnectionfactory_base which still
# includes some audio/video related objects such as RTCAudioSource because
# these objects are just thin wrappers of native C++ interfaces required
# when implementing webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface and
# webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface.
# The applications which only use WebRTC DataChannel can depend on this.
rtc_library("peerconnectionfactory_no_media_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [
"audio_codecs", # TODO( Remove.
defines = [ "HAVE_NO_MEDIA" ]
sources = [ "objc/helpers/" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("mediaconstraints_objc") {
configs += [ "..:no_global_constructors" ]
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
# TODO( Remove, targets should depend on base_objc.
rtc_library("videorenderer_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [ "objc/helpers/" ]
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [ ":base_objc" ]
rtc_library("videorendereradapter_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "audio_codecs" ] # TODO( Remove.
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("mediasource_objc") {
sources = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("base_native_additions_objc") {
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("peerconnectionfactory_base_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [
"audio_codecs", # TODO( Remove.
configs += [
sources = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
if (is_ios) {
deps += [ ":native_api_audio_device_module" ]
# TODO( Remove this target.
rtc_source_set("legacy_header_paths") {
sources = [
if (rtc_include_tests) {
if (is_ios) {
rtc_library("sdk_unittests_sources") {
testonly = true
include_dirs = [ "objc/" ]
sources = [
# TODO(peterhanspers): Reenable these tests on simulator.
# See
if (!use_ios_simulator) {
sources += [
deps = [
if (rtc_use_metal_rendering) {
sources += [ "objc/unittests/RTCMTLVideoView_xctest.m" ]
deps += [ ":metal_objc" ]
public_deps = [
bundle_data("sdk_unittests_bundle_data") {
sources = [
# Sample video taken from
outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# These tests use static linking.
rtc_ios_xctest_test("sdk_unittests") {
info_plist = "//test/ios/Info.plist"
sources = [ "objc/unittests/" ]
extra_substitutions = [ "GTEST_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX=generic-unit-test" ]
deps = [
ldflags = [ "-all_load" ]
# These tests link to the framework.
rtc_ios_xctest_test("sdk_framework_unittests") {
info_plist = "//test/ios/Info.plist"
sources = [
extra_substitutions = [ "GTEST_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX=generic-unit-test" ]
deps = [
# TODO(denicija): once all tests are migrated to xctest remove this source set.
rtc_library("rtc_unittests_objc") {
testonly = true
sources = [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [ "objc/unittests/" ]
# |-ObjC| flag needed to make sure category method implementations
# are included:
ldflags = [ "-ObjC" ]
deps = [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [ "objc/unittests/" ]
deps += [ ":audio_session_objc" ]
if (is_ios) {
ios_framework_bundle_with_umbrella_header("framework_objc") {
info_plist = "objc/Info.plist"
output_name = "WebRTC"
common_objc_headers = [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
common_objc_headers += [
sources = common_objc_headers
public_headers = common_objc_headers
ldflags = [
deps = [
if (rtc_use_metal_rendering) {
deps += [ ":metal_objc" ]
if (!build_with_chromium) {
deps += [
libs = [
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
bundle_data("ios_framework_bundle") {
deps = [ "../sdk:framework_objc" ]
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/WebRTC.framework" ]
outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/Frameworks/{{source_file_part}}" ]
if (is_mac) {
mac_framework_bundle_with_umbrella_header("mac_framework_objc") {
info_plist = "objc/Info.plist"
output_name = "WebRTC"
sources = [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
sources += [
deps = [
if (rtc_use_metal_rendering) {
deps += [ ":metal_objc" ]
if (!build_with_chromium) {
deps += [
libs = [
configs = [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
bundle_data("mac_framework_bundle") {
deps = [ "../sdk:mac_framework_objc" ]
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/WebRTC.framework" ]
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Frameworks/{{source_file_part}}" ]
rtc_library("wrapped_native_codec_objc") {
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
# The native API is currently experimental and may change without notice.
rtc_library("native_api") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "audio_codecs" ] # TODO( Remove.
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory" ]
rtc_library("native_video") {
sources = [
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
public_configs = [ ":common_config_objc" ]
deps = [
rtc_library("video_toolbox_cc") {
visibility = [
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_library("videotoolbox_objc") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
allow_poison = [ "audio_codecs" ] # TODO( Remove.
sources = [
configs += [
if (is_ios && rtc_apprtcmobile_broadcast_extension) {
deps = [
libs = [