blob: 6b12035d2fe243e1de31593d919f9a983d99dd9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/asyncsocket.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/sslstreamadapter.h"
namespace rtc {
class SSLAdapter;
// Class for creating SSL adapters with shared state, e.g., a session cache,
// which allows clients to resume SSL sessions to previously-contacted hosts.
// Clients should create the factory using Create(), set up the factory as
// needed using SetMode, and then call CreateAdapter to create adapters when
// needed.
class SSLAdapterFactory {
virtual ~SSLAdapterFactory() {}
// Specifies whether TLS or DTLS is to be used for the SSL adapters.
virtual void SetMode(SSLMode mode) = 0;
// Creates a new SSL adapter, but from a shared context.
virtual SSLAdapter* CreateAdapter(AsyncSocket* socket) = 0;
static SSLAdapterFactory* Create();
// Class that abstracts a client-to-server SSL session. It can be created
// standalone, via SSLAdapter::Create, or through a factory as described above,
// in which case it will share state with other SSLAdapters created from the
// same factory.
// After creation, call StartSSL to initiate the SSL handshake to the server.
class SSLAdapter : public AsyncSocketAdapter {
explicit SSLAdapter(AsyncSocket* socket) : AsyncSocketAdapter(socket) {}
// Methods that control server certificate verification, used in unit tests.
// Do not call these methods in production code.
// TODO(juberti): Remove the opportunistic encryption mechanism in
// BasicPacketSocketFactory that uses this function.
bool ignore_bad_cert() const { return ignore_bad_cert_; }
void set_ignore_bad_cert(bool ignore) { ignore_bad_cert_ = ignore; }
// Do DTLS or TLS (default is TLS, if unspecified)
virtual void SetMode(SSLMode mode) = 0;
// StartSSL returns 0 if successful.
// If StartSSL is called while the socket is closed or connecting, the SSL
// negotiation will begin as soon as the socket connects.
// TODO(juberti): Remove |restartable|.
virtual int StartSSL(const char* hostname, bool restartable = false) = 0;
// When an SSLAdapterFactory is used, an SSLAdapter may be used to resume
// a previous SSL session, which results in an abbreviated handshake.
// This method, if called after SSL has been established for this adapter,
// indicates whether the current session is a resumption of a previous
// session.
virtual bool IsResumedSession() = 0;
// Create the default SSL adapter for this platform. On failure, returns null
// and deletes |socket|. Otherwise, the returned SSLAdapter takes ownership
// of |socket|.
static SSLAdapter* Create(AsyncSocket* socket);
// If true, the server certificate need not match the configured hostname.
bool ignore_bad_cert_ = false;
typedef bool (*VerificationCallback)(void* cert);
// Call this on the main thread, before using SSL.
// Call CleanupSSLThread when finished with SSL.
bool InitializeSSL(VerificationCallback callback = nullptr);
// Call to initialize additional threads.
bool InitializeSSLThread();
// Call to cleanup additional threads, and also the main thread.
bool CleanupSSL();
} // namespace rtc