blob: dd07e94e19e09c4af8fa72a14b8b7f5be1be04e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#import "RTCRtpEncodingParameters+Private.h"
@implementation RTCRtpEncodingParameters
@synthesize isActive = _isActive;
@synthesize maxBitrateBps = _maxBitrateBps;
@synthesize minBitrateBps = _minBitrateBps;
@synthesize maxFramerate = _maxFramerate;
@synthesize numTemporalLayers = _numTemporalLayers;
@synthesize scaleResolutionDownBy = _scaleResolutionDownBy;
@synthesize ssrc = _ssrc;
- (instancetype)init {
return [super init];
- (instancetype)initWithNativeParameters:
(const webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters &)nativeParameters {
if (self = [self init]) {
_isActive =;
if (nativeParameters.max_bitrate_bps) {
_maxBitrateBps =
[NSNumber numberWithInt:*nativeParameters.max_bitrate_bps];
if (nativeParameters.min_bitrate_bps) {
_minBitrateBps =
[NSNumber numberWithInt:*nativeParameters.min_bitrate_bps];
if (nativeParameters.max_framerate) {
_maxFramerate = [NSNumber numberWithInt:*nativeParameters.max_framerate];
if (nativeParameters.num_temporal_layers) {
_numTemporalLayers = [NSNumber numberWithInt:*nativeParameters.num_temporal_layers];
if (nativeParameters.scale_resolution_down_by) {
_scaleResolutionDownBy =
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:*nativeParameters.scale_resolution_down_by];
if (nativeParameters.ssrc) {
_ssrc = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:*nativeParameters.ssrc];
return self;
- (webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters)nativeParameters {
webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters parameters; = _isActive;
if (_maxBitrateBps != nil) {
parameters.max_bitrate_bps = absl::optional<int>(_maxBitrateBps.intValue);
if (_minBitrateBps != nil) {
parameters.min_bitrate_bps = absl::optional<int>(_minBitrateBps.intValue);
if (_maxFramerate != nil) {
parameters.max_framerate = absl::optional<int>(_maxFramerate.intValue);
if (_numTemporalLayers != nil) {
parameters.num_temporal_layers = absl::optional<int>(_numTemporalLayers.intValue);
if (_scaleResolutionDownBy != nil) {
parameters.scale_resolution_down_by =
if (_ssrc != nil) {
parameters.ssrc = absl::optional<uint32_t>(_ssrc.unsignedLongValue);
return parameters;