blob: 49eb1ccb3d3a99d97edfcaca3b2187f172eb2726 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// Test to verify correct operation when using the decoder-internal PLC.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/pcm16b/audio_encoder_pcm16b.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/audio_checksum.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/audio_sink.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/encode_neteq_input.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/fake_decode_from_file.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/input_audio_file.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_test.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "rtc_base/ref_counted_object.h"
#include "test/audio_decoder_proxy_factory.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
#include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
namespace {
// This class implements a fake decoder. The decoder will read audio from a file
// and present as output, both for regular decoding and for PLC.
class AudioDecoderPlc : public AudioDecoder {
AudioDecoderPlc(std::unique_ptr<InputAudioFile> input, int sample_rate_hz)
: input_(std::move(input)), sample_rate_hz_(sample_rate_hz) {}
void Reset() override {}
int SampleRateHz() const override { return sample_rate_hz_; }
size_t Channels() const override { return 1; }
int DecodeInternal(const uint8_t* /*encoded*/,
size_t encoded_len,
int sample_rate_hz,
int16_t* decoded,
SpeechType* speech_type) override {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(encoded_len / 2, 20 * sample_rate_hz_ / 1000);
RTC_CHECK_EQ(sample_rate_hz, sample_rate_hz_);
RTC_CHECK(input_->Read(encoded_len / 2, decoded));
*speech_type = kSpeech;
last_was_plc_ = false;
return encoded_len / 2;
void GeneratePlc(size_t requested_samples_per_channel,
rtc::BufferT<int16_t>* concealment_audio) override {
// Must keep a local copy of this since DecodeInternal sets it to false.
const bool last_was_plc = last_was_plc_;
SpeechType speech_type;
std::vector<int16_t> decoded(5760);
int dec_len = DecodeInternal(nullptr, 2 * 20 * sample_rate_hz_ / 1000,
sample_rate_hz_,, &speech_type);
// This fake decoder can only generate 20 ms of PLC data each time. Make
// sure the caller didn't ask for more.
RTC_CHECK_GE(dec_len, requested_samples_per_channel);
concealment_audio->AppendData(, dec_len);
concealed_samples_ += rtc::checked_cast<size_t>(dec_len);
if (!last_was_plc) {
last_was_plc_ = true;
size_t concealed_samples() { return concealed_samples_; }
size_t concealment_events() { return concealment_events_; }
const std::unique_ptr<InputAudioFile> input_;
const int sample_rate_hz_;
size_t concealed_samples_ = 0;
size_t concealment_events_ = 0;
bool last_was_plc_ = false;
// An input sample generator which generates only zero-samples.
class ZeroSampleGenerator : public EncodeNetEqInput::Generator {
rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> Generate(size_t num_samples) override {
vec.resize(num_samples, 0);
rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> view(vec);
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(view.size(), num_samples);
return view;
std::vector<int16_t> vec;
// A NetEqInput which connects to another NetEqInput, but drops a number of
// packets on the way.
class LossyInput : public NetEqInput {
LossyInput(int loss_cadence, std::unique_ptr<NetEqInput> input)
: loss_cadence_(loss_cadence), input_(std::move(input)) {}
absl::optional<int64_t> NextPacketTime() const override {
return input_->NextPacketTime();
absl::optional<int64_t> NextOutputEventTime() const override {
return input_->NextOutputEventTime();
std::unique_ptr<PacketData> PopPacket() override {
if (loss_cadence_ != 0 && (++count_ % loss_cadence_) == 0) {
// Pop one extra packet to create the loss.
return input_->PopPacket();
void AdvanceOutputEvent() override { return input_->AdvanceOutputEvent(); }
bool ended() const override { return input_->ended(); }
absl::optional<RTPHeader> NextHeader() const override {
return input_->NextHeader();
const int loss_cadence_;
int count_ = 0;
const std::unique_ptr<NetEqInput> input_;
class AudioChecksumWithOutput : public AudioChecksum {
explicit AudioChecksumWithOutput(std::string* output_str)
: output_str_(*output_str) {}
~AudioChecksumWithOutput() { output_str_ = Finish(); }
std::string& output_str_;
NetEqNetworkStatistics RunTest(int loss_cadence, std::string* checksum) {
NetEq::Config config;
config.for_test_no_time_stretching = true;
// The input is mostly useless. It sends zero-samples to a PCM16b encoder,
// but the actual encoded samples will never be used by the decoder in the
// test. See below about the decoder.
auto generator = std::make_unique<ZeroSampleGenerator>();
constexpr int kSampleRateHz = 32000;
constexpr int kPayloadType = 100;
AudioEncoderPcm16B::Config encoder_config;
encoder_config.sample_rate_hz = kSampleRateHz;
encoder_config.payload_type = kPayloadType;
auto encoder = std::make_unique<AudioEncoderPcm16B>(encoder_config);
constexpr int kRunTimeMs = 10000;
auto input = std::make_unique<EncodeNetEqInput>(
std::move(generator), std::move(encoder), kRunTimeMs);
// Wrap the input in a loss function.
auto lossy_input =
std::make_unique<LossyInput>(loss_cadence, std::move(input));
// Settinng up decoders.
NetEqTest::DecoderMap decoders;
// Using a fake decoder which simply reads the output audio from a file.
auto input_file = std::make_unique<InputAudioFile>(
webrtc::test::ResourcePath("audio_coding/testfile32kHz", "pcm"));
AudioDecoderPlc dec(std::move(input_file), kSampleRateHz);
// Masquerading as a PCM16b decoder.
decoders.emplace(kPayloadType, SdpAudioFormat("l16", 32000, 1));
// Output is simply a checksum calculator.
auto output = std::make_unique<AudioChecksumWithOutput>(checksum);
// No callback objects.
NetEqTest::Callbacks callbacks;
NetEqTest neteq_test(
config, new rtc::RefCountedObject<test::AudioDecoderProxyFactory>(&dec),
decoders, nullptr, std::move(lossy_input), std::move(output), callbacks);
EXPECT_LE(kRunTimeMs, neteq_test.Run());
auto lifetime_stats = neteq_test.LifetimeStats();
EXPECT_EQ(dec.concealed_samples(), lifetime_stats.concealed_samples);
EXPECT_EQ(dec.concealment_events(), lifetime_stats.concealment_events);
return neteq_test.SimulationStats();
} // namespace
TEST(NetEqDecoderPlc, Test) {
std::string checksum;
auto stats = RunTest(10, &checksum);
std::string checksum_no_loss;
auto stats_no_loss = RunTest(0, &checksum_no_loss);
EXPECT_EQ(checksum, checksum_no_loss);
EXPECT_EQ(stats.preemptive_rate, stats_no_loss.preemptive_rate);
EXPECT_EQ(stats.accelerate_rate, stats_no_loss.accelerate_rate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, stats_no_loss.expand_rate);
EXPECT_GT(stats.expand_rate, 0);
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc