| /* |
| * Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| // NOTICE: androidmediaencoder_jni.h must be included before |
| // androidmediacodeccommon.h to avoid build errors. |
| #include "webrtc/api/android/jni/androidmediaencoder_jni.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <list> |
| |
| #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert.h" |
| #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert_from.h" |
| #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/video_common.h" |
| #include "webrtc/api/android/jni/androidmediacodeccommon.h" |
| #include "webrtc/api/android/jni/classreferenceholder.h" |
| #include "webrtc/api/android/jni/native_handle_impl.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/bind.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/checks.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/thread.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/thread_checker.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h" |
| #include "webrtc/common_types.h" |
| #include "webrtc/common_video/h264/h264_bitstream_parser.h" |
| #include "webrtc/media/engine/internalencoderfactory.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/utility/quality_scaler.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/utility/vp8_header_parser.h" |
| #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h" |
| #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/logcat_trace_context.h" |
| |
| using rtc::Bind; |
| using rtc::Thread; |
| using rtc::ThreadManager; |
| |
| using webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo; |
| using webrtc::EncodedImage; |
| using webrtc::VideoFrame; |
| using webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader; |
| using webrtc::VideoCodec; |
| using webrtc::VideoCodecType; |
| using webrtc::kVideoCodecH264; |
| using webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8; |
| using webrtc::kVideoCodecVP9; |
| using webrtc::QualityScaler; |
| |
| namespace webrtc_jni { |
| |
| // H.264 start code length. |
| #define H264_SC_LENGTH 4 |
| // Maximum allowed NALUs in one output frame. |
| #define MAX_NALUS_PERFRAME 32 |
| // Maximum supported HW video encoder fps. |
| #define MAX_VIDEO_FPS 30 |
| // Maximum allowed fps value in SetRates() call. |
| #define MAX_ALLOWED_VIDEO_FPS 60 |
| // Maximum allowed frames in encoder input queue. |
| #define MAX_ENCODER_Q_SIZE 2 |
| // Maximum amount of dropped frames caused by full encoder queue - exceeding |
| // this threshold means that encoder probably got stuck and need to be reset. |
| |
| // Logging macros. |
| #define TAG_ENCODER "MediaCodecVideoEncoder" |
| #define ALOGV(...) |
| __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, TAG_ENCODER, __VA_ARGS__) |
| #else |
| #define ALOGV(...) |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace { |
| // Maximum time limit between incoming frames before requesting a key frame. |
| const size_t kFrameDiffThresholdMs = 350; |
| const int kMinKeyFrameInterval = 6; |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // MediaCodecVideoEncoder is a webrtc::VideoEncoder implementation that uses |
| // Android's MediaCodec SDK API behind the scenes to implement (hopefully) |
| // HW-backed video encode. This C++ class is implemented as a very thin shim, |
| // delegating all of the interesting work to org.webrtc.MediaCodecVideoEncoder. |
| // MediaCodecVideoEncoder is created, operated, and destroyed on a single |
| // thread, currently the libjingle Worker thread. |
| class MediaCodecVideoEncoder : public webrtc::VideoEncoder, |
| public rtc::MessageHandler { |
| public: |
| virtual ~MediaCodecVideoEncoder(); |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoder(JNIEnv* jni, |
| const cricket::VideoCodec& codec, |
| jobject egl_context); |
| |
| // webrtc::VideoEncoder implementation. Everything trampolines to |
| // |codec_thread_| for execution. |
| int32_t InitEncode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* codec_settings, |
| int32_t /* number_of_cores */, |
| size_t /* max_payload_size */) override; |
| int32_t Encode(const webrtc::VideoFrame& input_image, |
| const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* /* codec_specific_info */, |
| const std::vector<webrtc::FrameType>* frame_types) override; |
| int32_t RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback( |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback) override; |
| int32_t Release() override; |
| int32_t SetChannelParameters(uint32_t /* packet_loss */, |
| int64_t /* rtt */) override; |
| int32_t SetRateAllocation(const webrtc::BitrateAllocation& rate_allocation, |
| uint32_t frame_rate) override; |
| |
| // rtc::MessageHandler implementation. |
| void OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) override; |
| |
| void OnDroppedFrame() override; |
| |
| bool SupportsNativeHandle() const override { return egl_context_ != nullptr; } |
| const char* ImplementationName() const override; |
| |
| private: |
| // ResetCodecOnCodecThread() calls ReleaseOnCodecThread() and |
| // InitEncodeOnCodecThread() in an attempt to restore the codec to an |
| // operable state. Necessary after all manner of OMX-layer errors. |
| // Returns true if the codec was reset successfully. |
| bool ResetCodecOnCodecThread(); |
| |
| // Fallback to a software encoder if one is supported else try to reset the |
| // encoder. Called with |reset_if_fallback_unavailable| equal to false from |
| // init/release encoder so that we don't go into infinite recursion. |
| // Returns true if the codec was reset successfully. |
| bool ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(bool reset_if_fallback_unavailable); |
| |
| // Calls ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true). Returns |
| // WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_FALLBACK_SOFTWARE if sw_fallback_required_ was set or |
| // WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR otherwise. |
| int32_t ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| |
| // Implementation of webrtc::VideoEncoder methods above, all running on the |
| // codec thread exclusively. |
| // |
| // If width==0 then this is assumed to be a re-initialization and the |
| // previously-current values are reused instead of the passed parameters |
| // (makes it easier to reason about thread-safety). |
| int32_t InitEncodeOnCodecThread(int width, int height, int kbps, int fps, |
| bool use_surface); |
| // Reconfigure to match |frame| in width, height. Also reconfigures the |
| // encoder if |frame| is a texture/byte buffer and the encoder is initialized |
| // for byte buffer/texture. Returns false if reconfiguring fails. |
| bool MaybeReconfigureEncoderOnCodecThread(const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame); |
| int32_t EncodeOnCodecThread( |
| const webrtc::VideoFrame& input_image, |
| const std::vector<webrtc::FrameType>* frame_types, |
| const int64_t frame_input_time_ms); |
| bool EncodeByteBufferOnCodecThread(JNIEnv* jni, |
| bool key_frame, const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame, int input_buffer_index); |
| bool EncodeTextureOnCodecThread(JNIEnv* jni, |
| bool key_frame, const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame); |
| |
| int32_t RegisterEncodeCompleteCallbackOnCodecThread( |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback); |
| int32_t ReleaseOnCodecThread(); |
| int32_t SetRatesOnCodecThread(uint32_t new_bit_rate, uint32_t frame_rate); |
| void OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread(); |
| |
| // Helper accessors for MediaCodecVideoEncoder$OutputBufferInfo members. |
| int GetOutputBufferInfoIndex(JNIEnv* jni, jobject j_output_buffer_info); |
| jobject GetOutputBufferInfoBuffer(JNIEnv* jni, jobject j_output_buffer_info); |
| bool GetOutputBufferInfoIsKeyFrame(JNIEnv* jni, jobject j_output_buffer_info); |
| jlong GetOutputBufferInfoPresentationTimestampUs( |
| JNIEnv* jni, jobject j_output_buffer_info); |
| |
| // Deliver any outputs pending in the MediaCodec to our |callback_| and return |
| // true on success. |
| bool DeliverPendingOutputs(JNIEnv* jni); |
| |
| // Search for H.264 start codes. |
| int32_t NextNaluPosition(uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size); |
| |
| // Displays encoder statistics. |
| void LogStatistics(bool force_log); |
| |
| // Type of video codec. |
| const cricket::VideoCodec codec_; |
| |
| // Valid all the time since RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback() Invoke()s to |
| // |codec_thread_| synchronously. |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback_; |
| |
| // State that is constant for the lifetime of this object once the ctor |
| // returns. |
| std::unique_ptr<Thread> |
| codec_thread_; // Thread on which to operate MediaCodec. |
| rtc::ThreadChecker codec_thread_checker_; |
| ScopedGlobalRef<jclass> j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_; |
| ScopedGlobalRef<jobject> j_media_codec_video_encoder_; |
| jmethodID j_init_encode_method_; |
| jmethodID j_get_input_buffers_method_; |
| jmethodID j_dequeue_input_buffer_method_; |
| jmethodID j_encode_buffer_method_; |
| jmethodID j_encode_texture_method_; |
| jmethodID j_release_method_; |
| jmethodID j_set_rates_method_; |
| jmethodID j_dequeue_output_buffer_method_; |
| jmethodID j_release_output_buffer_method_; |
| jfieldID j_color_format_field_; |
| jfieldID j_info_index_field_; |
| jfieldID j_info_buffer_field_; |
| jfieldID j_info_is_key_frame_field_; |
| jfieldID j_info_presentation_timestamp_us_field_; |
| |
| // State that is valid only between InitEncode() and the next Release(). |
| // Touched only on codec_thread_ so no explicit synchronization necessary. |
| int width_; // Frame width in pixels. |
| int height_; // Frame height in pixels. |
| bool inited_; |
| bool use_surface_; |
| uint16_t picture_id_; |
| enum libyuv::FourCC encoder_fourcc_; // Encoder color space format. |
| int last_set_bitrate_kbps_; // Last-requested bitrate in kbps. |
| int last_set_fps_; // Last-requested frame rate. |
| int64_t current_timestamp_us_; // Current frame timestamps in us. |
| int frames_received_; // Number of frames received by encoder. |
| int frames_encoded_; // Number of frames encoded by encoder. |
| int frames_dropped_media_encoder_; // Number of frames dropped by encoder. |
| // Number of dropped frames caused by full queue. |
| int consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_; |
| int64_t stat_start_time_ms_; // Start time for statistics. |
| int current_frames_; // Number of frames in the current statistics interval. |
| int current_bytes_; // Encoded bytes in the current statistics interval. |
| int current_acc_qp_; // Accumulated QP in the current statistics interval. |
| int current_encoding_time_ms_; // Overall encoding time in the current second |
| int64_t last_input_timestamp_ms_; // Timestamp of last received yuv frame. |
| int64_t last_output_timestamp_ms_; // Timestamp of last encoded frame. |
| |
| struct InputFrameInfo { |
| InputFrameInfo(int64_t encode_start_time, |
| int32_t frame_timestamp, |
| int64_t frame_render_time_ms, |
| webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) |
| : encode_start_time(encode_start_time), |
| frame_timestamp(frame_timestamp), |
| frame_render_time_ms(frame_render_time_ms), |
| rotation(rotation) {} |
| // Time when video frame is sent to encoder input. |
| const int64_t encode_start_time; |
| |
| // Input frame information. |
| const int32_t frame_timestamp; |
| const int64_t frame_render_time_ms; |
| const webrtc::VideoRotation rotation; |
| }; |
| std::list<InputFrameInfo> input_frame_infos_; |
| int32_t output_timestamp_; // Last output frame timestamp from |
| // |input_frame_infos_|. |
| int64_t output_render_time_ms_; // Last output frame render time from |
| // |input_frame_infos_|. |
| webrtc::VideoRotation output_rotation_; // Last output frame rotation from |
| // |input_frame_infos_|. |
| // Frame size in bytes fed to MediaCodec. |
| int yuv_size_; |
| // True only when between a callback_->OnEncodedImage() call return a positive |
| // value and the next Encode() call being ignored. |
| bool drop_next_input_frame_; |
| // Global references; must be deleted in Release(). |
| std::vector<jobject> input_buffers_; |
| QualityScaler quality_scaler_; |
| // Dynamic resolution change, off by default. |
| bool scale_; |
| |
| // H264 bitstream parser, used to extract QP from encoded bitstreams. |
| webrtc::H264BitstreamParser h264_bitstream_parser_; |
| |
| // VP9 variables to populate codec specific structure. |
| webrtc::GofInfoVP9 gof_; // Contains each frame's temporal information for |
| // non-flexible VP9 mode. |
| uint8_t tl0_pic_idx_; |
| size_t gof_idx_; |
| |
| // EGL context - owned by factory, should not be allocated/destroyed |
| // by MediaCodecVideoEncoder. |
| jobject egl_context_; |
| |
| // Temporary fix for VP8. |
| // Sends a key frame if frames are largely spaced apart (possibly |
| // corresponding to a large image change). |
| int64_t last_frame_received_ms_; |
| int frames_received_since_last_key_; |
| webrtc::VideoCodecMode codec_mode_; |
| |
| bool sw_fallback_required_; |
| }; |
| |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoder::~MediaCodecVideoEncoder() { |
| // Call Release() to ensure no more callbacks to us after we are deleted. |
| Release(); |
| } |
| |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoder::MediaCodecVideoEncoder(JNIEnv* jni, |
| const cricket::VideoCodec& codec, |
| jobject egl_context) |
| : codec_(codec), |
| callback_(NULL), |
| codec_thread_(new Thread()), |
| j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_( |
| jni, |
| FindClass(jni, "org/webrtc/MediaCodecVideoEncoder")), |
| j_media_codec_video_encoder_( |
| jni, |
| jni->NewObject(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, |
| GetMethodID(jni, |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, |
| "<init>", |
| "()V"))), |
| inited_(false), |
| use_surface_(false), |
| picture_id_(0), |
| egl_context_(egl_context), |
| sw_fallback_required_(false) { |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| // It would be nice to avoid spinning up a new thread per MediaCodec, and |
| // instead re-use e.g. the PeerConnectionFactory's |worker_thread_|, but bug |
| // 2732 means that deadlocks abound. This class synchronously trampolines |
| // to |codec_thread_|, so if anything else can be coming to _us_ from |
| // |codec_thread_|, or from any thread holding the |_sendCritSect| described |
| // in the bug, we have a problem. For now work around that with a dedicated |
| // thread. |
| codec_thread_->SetName("MediaCodecVideoEncoder", NULL); |
| RTC_CHECK(codec_thread_->Start()) << "Failed to start MediaCodecVideoEncoder"; |
| codec_thread_checker_.DetachFromThread(); |
| jclass j_output_buffer_info_class = |
| FindClass(jni, "org/webrtc/MediaCodecVideoEncoder$OutputBufferInfo"); |
| j_init_encode_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, |
| "initEncode", |
| "(Lorg/webrtc/MediaCodecVideoEncoder$VideoCodecType;" |
| "IIIILorg/webrtc/EglBase14$Context;)Z"); |
| j_get_input_buffers_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, |
| "getInputBuffers", |
| "()[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"); |
| j_dequeue_input_buffer_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "dequeueInputBuffer", "()I"); |
| j_encode_buffer_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "encodeBuffer", "(ZIIJ)Z"); |
| j_encode_texture_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "encodeTexture", |
| "(ZI[FJ)Z"); |
| j_release_method_ = |
| GetMethodID(jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "release", "()V"); |
| j_set_rates_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "setRates", "(II)Z"); |
| j_dequeue_output_buffer_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, |
| "dequeueOutputBuffer", |
| "()Lorg/webrtc/MediaCodecVideoEncoder$OutputBufferInfo;"); |
| j_release_output_buffer_method_ = GetMethodID( |
| jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "releaseOutputBuffer", "(I)Z"); |
| |
| j_color_format_field_ = |
| GetFieldID(jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_class_, "colorFormat", "I"); |
| j_info_index_field_ = |
| GetFieldID(jni, j_output_buffer_info_class, "index", "I"); |
| j_info_buffer_field_ = GetFieldID( |
| jni, j_output_buffer_info_class, "buffer", "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"); |
| j_info_is_key_frame_field_ = |
| GetFieldID(jni, j_output_buffer_info_class, "isKeyFrame", "Z"); |
| j_info_presentation_timestamp_us_field_ = GetFieldID( |
| jni, j_output_buffer_info_class, "presentationTimestampUs", "J"); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGW << "MediaCodecVideoEncoder ctor failed."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| srand(time(NULL)); |
| AllowBlockingCalls(); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::InitEncode( |
| const webrtc::VideoCodec* codec_settings, |
| int32_t /* number_of_cores */, |
| size_t /* max_payload_size */) { |
| if (codec_settings == NULL) { |
| ALOGE << "NULL VideoCodec instance"; |
| } |
| // Factory should guard against other codecs being used with us. |
| const VideoCodecType codec_type = cricket::CodecTypeFromName(codec_.name); |
| RTC_CHECK(codec_settings->codecType == codec_type) |
| << "Unsupported codec " << codec_settings->codecType << " for " |
| << codec_type; |
| if (sw_fallback_required_) { |
| } |
| codec_mode_ = codec_settings->mode; |
| int init_width = codec_settings->width; |
| int init_height = codec_settings->height; |
| // Scaling is disabled for VP9, but optionally enabled for VP8. |
| // TODO(pbos): Extract automaticResizeOn out of VP8 settings. |
| scale_ = false; |
| if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP8) { |
| scale_ = codec_settings->VP8().automaticResizeOn; |
| } else if (codec_type != kVideoCodecVP9) { |
| scale_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| ALOGD << "InitEncode request: " << init_width << " x " << init_height; |
| ALOGD << "Encoder automatic resize " << (scale_ ? "enabled" : "disabled"); |
| |
| if (scale_) { |
| if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP8 || codec_type == kVideoCodecH264) { |
| quality_scaler_.Init(codec_type, codec_settings->startBitrate, |
| codec_settings->width, codec_settings->height, |
| codec_settings->maxFramerate); |
| } else { |
| // When adding codec support to additional hardware codecs, also configure |
| // their QP thresholds for scaling. |
| RTC_NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported codec without configured QP thresholds."; |
| scale_ = false; |
| } |
| QualityScaler::Resolution res = quality_scaler_.GetScaledResolution(); |
| init_width = res.width; |
| init_height = res.height; |
| ALOGD << "Scaled resolution: " << init_width << " x " << init_height; |
| } |
| |
| return codec_thread_->Invoke<int32_t>( |
| Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::InitEncodeOnCodecThread, this, init_width, |
| init_height, codec_settings->startBitrate, |
| codec_settings->maxFramerate, |
| codec_settings->expect_encode_from_texture)); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::Encode( |
| const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame, |
| const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* /* codec_specific_info */, |
| const std::vector<webrtc::FrameType>* frame_types) { |
| return codec_thread_->Invoke<int32_t>( |
| RTC_FROM_HERE, Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::EncodeOnCodecThread, this, |
| frame, frame_types, rtc::TimeMillis())); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback( |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback) { |
| return codec_thread_->Invoke<int32_t>( |
| Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallbackOnCodecThread, |
| this, callback)); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::Release() { |
| ALOGD << "EncoderRelease request"; |
| return codec_thread_->Invoke<int32_t>( |
| RTC_FROM_HERE, Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ReleaseOnCodecThread, this)); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::SetChannelParameters(uint32_t /* packet_loss */, |
| int64_t /* rtt */) { |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::SetRateAllocation( |
| const webrtc::BitrateAllocation& rate_allocation, |
| uint32_t frame_rate) { |
| return codec_thread_->Invoke<int32_t>( |
| RTC_FROM_HERE, Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::SetRatesOnCodecThread, this, |
| rate_allocation.get_sum_kbps(), frame_rate)); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoder::OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| |
| // We only ever send one message to |this| directly (not through a Bind()'d |
| // functor), so expect no ID/data. |
| RTC_CHECK(!msg->message_id) << "Unexpected message!"; |
| RTC_CHECK(!msg->pdata) << "Unexpected message!"; |
| if (!inited_) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // It would be nice to recover from a failure here if one happened, but it's |
| // unclear how to signal such a failure to the app, so instead we stay silent |
| // about it and let the next app-called API method reveal the borkedness. |
| DeliverPendingOutputs(jni); |
| |
| // If there aren't more frames to deliver, we can start polling at lower rate. |
| if (input_frame_infos_.empty()) { |
| codec_thread_->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, kMediaCodecPollNoFramesMs, this); |
| } else { |
| codec_thread_->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, kMediaCodecPollMs, this); |
| } |
| |
| // Call log statistics here so it's called even if no frames are being |
| // delivered. |
| LogStatistics(false); |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ResetCodecOnCodecThread() { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| ALOGE << "ResetOnCodecThread"; |
| if (ReleaseOnCodecThread() != WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK) { |
| ALOGE << "Releasing codec failed during reset."; |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (InitEncodeOnCodecThread(width_, height_, 0, 0, false) != |
| ALOGE << "Initializing encoder failed during reset."; |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread( |
| bool reset_if_fallback_unavailable) { |
| ALOGE << "ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread"; |
| if (FindMatchingCodec( |
| cricket::InternalEncoderFactory::GetInstance().supported_codecs(), |
| codec_)) { |
| ALOGE << "Fallback to SW encoder."; |
| sw_fallback_required_ = true; |
| return false; |
| } else if (reset_if_fallback_unavailable) { |
| ALOGE << "Reset encoder."; |
| return ResetCodecOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread() { |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return sw_fallback_required_ ? WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_FALLBACK_SOFTWARE |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::InitEncodeOnCodecThread( |
| int width, int height, int kbps, int fps, bool use_surface) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| if (sw_fallback_required_) { |
| } |
| RTC_CHECK(!use_surface || egl_context_ != nullptr) << "EGL context not set."; |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| |
| const VideoCodecType codec_type = cricket::CodecTypeFromName(codec_.name); |
| ALOGD << "InitEncodeOnCodecThread Type: " << (int)codec_type << ", " << width |
| << " x " << height << ". Bitrate: " << kbps << " kbps. Fps: " << fps; |
| if (kbps == 0) { |
| kbps = last_set_bitrate_kbps_; |
| } |
| if (fps == 0) { |
| fps = MAX_VIDEO_FPS; |
| } |
| |
| width_ = width; |
| height_ = height; |
| last_set_bitrate_kbps_ = kbps; |
| last_set_fps_ = (fps < MAX_VIDEO_FPS) ? fps : MAX_VIDEO_FPS; |
| yuv_size_ = width_ * height_ * 3 / 2; |
| frames_received_ = 0; |
| frames_encoded_ = 0; |
| frames_dropped_media_encoder_ = 0; |
| consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_ = 0; |
| current_timestamp_us_ = 0; |
| stat_start_time_ms_ = rtc::TimeMillis(); |
| current_frames_ = 0; |
| current_bytes_ = 0; |
| current_acc_qp_ = 0; |
| current_encoding_time_ms_ = 0; |
| last_input_timestamp_ms_ = -1; |
| last_output_timestamp_ms_ = -1; |
| output_timestamp_ = 0; |
| output_render_time_ms_ = 0; |
| input_frame_infos_.clear(); |
| drop_next_input_frame_ = false; |
| use_surface_ = use_surface; |
| picture_id_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(rand()) & 0x7FFF; |
| gof_.SetGofInfoVP9(webrtc::TemporalStructureMode::kTemporalStructureMode1); |
| tl0_pic_idx_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand()); |
| gof_idx_ = 0; |
| last_frame_received_ms_ = -1; |
| frames_received_since_last_key_ = kMinKeyFrameInterval; |
| |
| // We enforce no extra stride/padding in the format creation step. |
| jobject j_video_codec_enum = JavaEnumFromIndexAndClassName( |
| jni, "MediaCodecVideoEncoder$VideoCodecType", codec_type); |
| const bool encode_status = jni->CallBooleanMethod( |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_, j_init_encode_method_, |
| j_video_codec_enum, width, height, kbps, fps, |
| (use_surface ? egl_context_ : nullptr)); |
| if (!encode_status) { |
| ALOGE << "Failed to configure encoder."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in init encode."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| |
| if (!use_surface) { |
| jobjectArray input_buffers = reinterpret_cast<jobjectArray>( |
| jni->CallObjectMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_get_input_buffers_method_)); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in get input buffers."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| |
| if (IsNull(jni, input_buffers)) { |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| |
| switch (GetIntField(jni, *j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_color_format_field_)) { |
| case COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: |
| encoder_fourcc_ = libyuv::FOURCC_YU12; |
| break; |
| case COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: |
| case COLOR_QCOM_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: |
| case COLOR_QCOM_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m: |
| encoder_fourcc_ = libyuv::FOURCC_NV12; |
| break; |
| default: |
| LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Wrong color format."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| size_t num_input_buffers = jni->GetArrayLength(input_buffers); |
| RTC_CHECK(input_buffers_.empty()) |
| << "Unexpected double InitEncode without Release"; |
| input_buffers_.resize(num_input_buffers); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < num_input_buffers; ++i) { |
| input_buffers_[i] = |
| jni->NewGlobalRef(jni->GetObjectArrayElement(input_buffers, i)); |
| int64_t yuv_buffer_capacity = |
| jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(input_buffers_[i]); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in get direct buffer capacity."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| RTC_CHECK(yuv_buffer_capacity >= yuv_size_) << "Insufficient capacity"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| inited_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::EncodeOnCodecThread( |
| const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame, |
| const std::vector<webrtc::FrameType>* frame_types, |
| const int64_t frame_input_time_ms) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| if (sw_fallback_required_) |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| |
| if (!inited_) { |
| } |
| |
| bool send_key_frame = false; |
| if (codec_mode_ == webrtc::kRealtimeVideo) { |
| ++frames_received_since_last_key_; |
| int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis(); |
| if (last_frame_received_ms_ != -1 && |
| (now_ms - last_frame_received_ms_) > kFrameDiffThresholdMs) { |
| // Add limit to prevent triggering a key for every frame for very low |
| // framerates (e.g. if frame diff > kFrameDiffThresholdMs). |
| if (frames_received_since_last_key_ > kMinKeyFrameInterval) { |
| ALOGD << "Send key, frame diff: " << (now_ms - last_frame_received_ms_); |
| send_key_frame = true; |
| } |
| frames_received_since_last_key_ = 0; |
| } |
| last_frame_received_ms_ = now_ms; |
| } |
| |
| frames_received_++; |
| if (!DeliverPendingOutputs(jni)) { |
| if (!ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread( |
| true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */)) { |
| return sw_fallback_required_ ? WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_FALLBACK_SOFTWARE |
| } |
| } |
| if (frames_encoded_ < kMaxEncodedLogFrames) { |
| ALOGD << "Encoder frame in # " << (frames_received_ - 1) |
| << ". TS: " << (int)(current_timestamp_us_ / 1000) |
| << ". Q: " << input_frame_infos_.size() << ". Fps: " << last_set_fps_ |
| << ". Kbps: " << last_set_bitrate_kbps_; |
| } |
| |
| if (drop_next_input_frame_) { |
| ALOGW << "Encoder drop frame - failed callback."; |
| drop_next_input_frame_ = false; |
| current_timestamp_us_ += rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / last_set_fps_; |
| frames_dropped_media_encoder_++; |
| OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| |
| RTC_CHECK(frame_types->size() == 1) << "Unexpected stream count"; |
| |
| // Check if we accumulated too many frames in encoder input buffers and drop |
| // frame if so. |
| if (input_frame_infos_.size() > MAX_ENCODER_Q_SIZE) { |
| ALOGD << "Already " << input_frame_infos_.size() |
| << " frames in the queue, dropping" |
| << ". TS: " << (int)(current_timestamp_us_ / 1000) |
| << ". Fps: " << last_set_fps_ |
| << ". Consecutive drops: " << consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_; |
| current_timestamp_us_ += rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / last_set_fps_; |
| consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_++; |
| if (consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_ >= |
| ALOGE << "Encoder got stuck."; |
| return ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| frames_dropped_media_encoder_++; |
| OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| consecutive_full_queue_frame_drops_ = 0; |
| |
| rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer> input_buffer( |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()); |
| if (scale_) { |
| // Check framerate before spatial resolution change. |
| quality_scaler_.OnEncodeFrame(frame.width(), frame.height()); |
| const webrtc::QualityScaler::Resolution scaled_resolution = |
| quality_scaler_.GetScaledResolution(); |
| if (scaled_resolution.width != frame.width() || |
| scaled_resolution.height != frame.height()) { |
| if (input_buffer->native_handle() != nullptr) { |
| input_buffer = static_cast<AndroidTextureBuffer*>(input_buffer.get()) |
| ->CropScaleAndRotate(frame.width(), frame.height(), |
| 0, 0, |
| scaled_resolution.width, |
| scaled_resolution.height, |
| webrtc::kVideoRotation_0); |
| } else { |
| input_buffer = quality_scaler_.GetScaledBuffer(input_buffer); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| VideoFrame input_frame(input_buffer, frame.timestamp(), |
| frame.render_time_ms(), frame.rotation()); |
| |
| if (!MaybeReconfigureEncoderOnCodecThread(input_frame)) { |
| ALOGE << "Failed to reconfigure encoder."; |
| } |
| |
| const bool key_frame = |
| frame_types->front() != webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta || send_key_frame; |
| bool encode_status = true; |
| if (!input_frame.video_frame_buffer()->native_handle()) { |
| int j_input_buffer_index = jni->CallIntMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_dequeue_input_buffer_method_); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in dequeu input buffer."; |
| return ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| if (j_input_buffer_index == -1) { |
| // Video codec falls behind - no input buffer available. |
| ALOGW << "Encoder drop frame - no input buffers available"; |
| if (frames_received_ > 1) { |
| current_timestamp_us_ += rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / last_set_fps_; |
| frames_dropped_media_encoder_++; |
| OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread(); |
| } else { |
| // Input buffers are not ready after codec initialization, HW is still |
| // allocating thme - this is expected and should not result in drop |
| // frame report. |
| frames_received_ = 0; |
| } |
| return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; // TODO(fischman): see webrtc bug 2887. |
| } else if (j_input_buffer_index == -2) { |
| return ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| encode_status = EncodeByteBufferOnCodecThread(jni, key_frame, input_frame, |
| j_input_buffer_index); |
| } else { |
| encode_status = EncodeTextureOnCodecThread(jni, key_frame, input_frame); |
| } |
| |
| if (!encode_status) { |
| ALOGE << "Failed encode frame with timestamp: " << input_frame.timestamp(); |
| return ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| |
| // Save input image timestamps for later output. |
| input_frame_infos_.emplace_back( |
| frame_input_time_ms, input_frame.timestamp(), |
| input_frame.render_time_ms(), input_frame.rotation()); |
| |
| last_input_timestamp_ms_ = |
| current_timestamp_us_ / rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerMillisec; |
| |
| current_timestamp_us_ += rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / last_set_fps_; |
| |
| codec_thread_->Clear(this); |
| codec_thread_->PostDelayed(RTC_FROM_HERE, kMediaCodecPollMs, this); |
| |
| if (!DeliverPendingOutputs(jni)) { |
| return ProcessHWErrorOnEncodeOnCodecThread(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::MaybeReconfigureEncoderOnCodecThread( |
| const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| |
| const bool is_texture_frame = |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->native_handle() != nullptr; |
| const bool reconfigure_due_to_format = is_texture_frame != use_surface_; |
| const bool reconfigure_due_to_size = |
| frame.width() != width_ || frame.height() != height_; |
| |
| if (reconfigure_due_to_format) { |
| ALOGD << "Reconfigure encoder due to format change. " |
| << (use_surface_ ? |
| "Reconfiguring to encode from byte buffer." : |
| "Reconfiguring to encode from texture."); |
| LogStatistics(true); |
| } |
| if (reconfigure_due_to_size) { |
| ALOGW << "Reconfigure encoder due to frame resolution change from " |
| << width_ << " x " << height_ << " to " << frame.width() << " x " |
| << frame.height(); |
| LogStatistics(true); |
| width_ = frame.width(); |
| height_ = frame.height(); |
| } |
| |
| if (!reconfigure_due_to_format && !reconfigure_due_to_size) |
| return true; |
| |
| ReleaseOnCodecThread(); |
| |
| return InitEncodeOnCodecThread(width_, height_, 0, 0 , is_texture_frame) == |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::EncodeByteBufferOnCodecThread(JNIEnv* jni, |
| bool key_frame, const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame, int input_buffer_index) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| RTC_CHECK(!use_surface_); |
| |
| jobject j_input_buffer = input_buffers_[input_buffer_index]; |
| uint8_t* yuv_buffer = |
| reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(jni->GetDirectBufferAddress(j_input_buffer)); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in get direct buffer address."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| RTC_CHECK(yuv_buffer) << "Indirect buffer??"; |
| RTC_CHECK(!libyuv::ConvertFromI420( |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->DataY(), |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->StrideY(), |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->DataU(), |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->StrideU(), |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->DataV(), |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->StrideV(), |
| yuv_buffer, width_, width_, height_, encoder_fourcc_)) |
| << "ConvertFromI420 failed"; |
| |
| bool encode_status = jni->CallBooleanMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_encode_buffer_method_, |
| key_frame, |
| input_buffer_index, |
| yuv_size_, |
| current_timestamp_us_); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in encode buffer."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return encode_status; |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::EncodeTextureOnCodecThread(JNIEnv* jni, |
| bool key_frame, const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| RTC_CHECK(use_surface_); |
| NativeHandleImpl* handle = static_cast<NativeHandleImpl*>( |
| frame.video_frame_buffer()->native_handle()); |
| jfloatArray sampling_matrix = handle->sampling_matrix.ToJava(jni); |
| bool encode_status = jni->CallBooleanMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_encode_texture_method_, |
| key_frame, |
| handle->oes_texture_id, |
| sampling_matrix, |
| current_timestamp_us_); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in encode texture."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return encode_status; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallbackOnCodecThread( |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| callback_ = callback; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ReleaseOnCodecThread() { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| if (!inited_) { |
| } |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ALOGD << "EncoderReleaseOnCodecThread: Frames received: " << |
| frames_received_ << ". Encoded: " << frames_encoded_ << |
| ". Dropped: " << frames_dropped_media_encoder_; |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < input_buffers_.size(); ++i) |
| jni->DeleteGlobalRef(input_buffers_[i]); |
| input_buffers_.clear(); |
| jni->CallVoidMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, j_release_method_); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in release."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(false /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| rtc::MessageQueueManager::Clear(this); |
| inited_ = false; |
| use_surface_ = false; |
| ALOGD << "EncoderReleaseOnCodecThread done."; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::SetRatesOnCodecThread(uint32_t new_bit_rate, |
| uint32_t frame_rate) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| if (sw_fallback_required_) |
| frame_rate = (frame_rate < MAX_ALLOWED_VIDEO_FPS) ? |
| frame_rate : MAX_ALLOWED_VIDEO_FPS; |
| if (last_set_bitrate_kbps_ == new_bit_rate && |
| last_set_fps_ == frame_rate) { |
| } |
| if (scale_) { |
| quality_scaler_.ReportFramerate(frame_rate); |
| } |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| if (new_bit_rate > 0) { |
| last_set_bitrate_kbps_ = new_bit_rate; |
| } |
| if (frame_rate > 0) { |
| last_set_fps_ = frame_rate; |
| } |
| bool ret = jni->CallBooleanMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_set_rates_method_, |
| last_set_bitrate_kbps_, |
| last_set_fps_); |
| if (CheckException(jni) || !ret) { |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return sw_fallback_required_ ? WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int MediaCodecVideoEncoder::GetOutputBufferInfoIndex( |
| JNIEnv* jni, |
| jobject j_output_buffer_info) { |
| return GetIntField(jni, j_output_buffer_info, j_info_index_field_); |
| } |
| |
| jobject MediaCodecVideoEncoder::GetOutputBufferInfoBuffer( |
| JNIEnv* jni, |
| jobject j_output_buffer_info) { |
| return GetObjectField(jni, j_output_buffer_info, j_info_buffer_field_); |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::GetOutputBufferInfoIsKeyFrame( |
| JNIEnv* jni, |
| jobject j_output_buffer_info) { |
| return GetBooleanField(jni, j_output_buffer_info, j_info_is_key_frame_field_); |
| } |
| |
| jlong MediaCodecVideoEncoder::GetOutputBufferInfoPresentationTimestampUs( |
| JNIEnv* jni, |
| jobject j_output_buffer_info) { |
| return GetLongField( |
| jni, j_output_buffer_info, j_info_presentation_timestamp_us_field_); |
| } |
| |
| bool MediaCodecVideoEncoder::DeliverPendingOutputs(JNIEnv* jni) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| |
| while (true) { |
| jobject j_output_buffer_info = jni->CallObjectMethod( |
| *j_media_codec_video_encoder_, j_dequeue_output_buffer_method_); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in set dequeue output buffer."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| if (IsNull(jni, j_output_buffer_info)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| int output_buffer_index = |
| GetOutputBufferInfoIndex(jni, j_output_buffer_info); |
| if (output_buffer_index == -1) { |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Get key and config frame flags. |
| jobject j_output_buffer = |
| GetOutputBufferInfoBuffer(jni, j_output_buffer_info); |
| bool key_frame = GetOutputBufferInfoIsKeyFrame(jni, j_output_buffer_info); |
| |
| // Get frame timestamps from a queue - for non config frames only. |
| int64_t encoding_start_time_ms = 0; |
| int64_t frame_encoding_time_ms = 0; |
| last_output_timestamp_ms_ = |
| GetOutputBufferInfoPresentationTimestampUs(jni, j_output_buffer_info) / |
| rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerMillisec; |
| if (!input_frame_infos_.empty()) { |
| const InputFrameInfo& frame_info = input_frame_infos_.front(); |
| output_timestamp_ = frame_info.frame_timestamp; |
| output_render_time_ms_ = frame_info.frame_render_time_ms; |
| output_rotation_ = frame_info.rotation; |
| encoding_start_time_ms = frame_info.encode_start_time; |
| input_frame_infos_.pop_front(); |
| } |
| |
| // Extract payload. |
| size_t payload_size = jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(j_output_buffer); |
| uint8_t* payload = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( |
| jni->GetDirectBufferAddress(j_output_buffer)); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "Exception in get direct buffer address."; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| } |
| |
| // Callback - return encoded frame. |
| const VideoCodecType codec_type = cricket::CodecTypeFromName(codec_.name); |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback::Result callback_result( |
| webrtc::EncodedImageCallback::Result::OK); |
| if (callback_) { |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::EncodedImage> image( |
| new webrtc::EncodedImage(payload, payload_size, payload_size)); |
| image->_encodedWidth = width_; |
| image->_encodedHeight = height_; |
| image->_timeStamp = output_timestamp_; |
| image->capture_time_ms_ = output_render_time_ms_; |
| image->rotation_ = output_rotation_; |
| image->_frameType = |
| (key_frame ? webrtc::kVideoFrameKey : webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta); |
| image->_completeFrame = true; |
| image->adapt_reason_.quality_resolution_downscales = |
| scale_ ? quality_scaler_.downscale_shift() : -1; |
| |
| webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo info; |
| memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); |
| info.codecType = codec_type; |
| if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP8) { |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.pictureId = picture_id_; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.nonReference = false; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.simulcastIdx = 0; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.temporalIdx = webrtc::kNoTemporalIdx; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.layerSync = false; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.tl0PicIdx = webrtc::kNoTl0PicIdx; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP8.keyIdx = webrtc::kNoKeyIdx; |
| } else if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP9) { |
| if (key_frame) { |
| gof_idx_ = 0; |
| } |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.picture_id = picture_id_; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.inter_pic_predicted = key_frame ? false : true; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.flexible_mode = false; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.ss_data_available = key_frame ? true : false; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.tl0_pic_idx = tl0_pic_idx_++; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.temporal_idx = webrtc::kNoTemporalIdx; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.spatial_idx = webrtc::kNoSpatialIdx; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.temporal_up_switch = true; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.inter_layer_predicted = false; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.gof_idx = |
| static_cast<uint8_t>(gof_idx_++ % gof_.num_frames_in_gof); |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.num_spatial_layers = 1; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.spatial_layer_resolution_present = false; |
| if (info.codecSpecific.VP9.ss_data_available) { |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.spatial_layer_resolution_present = true; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.width[0] = width_; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.height[0] = height_; |
| info.codecSpecific.VP9.gof.CopyGofInfoVP9(gof_); |
| } |
| } |
| picture_id_ = (picture_id_ + 1) & 0x7FFF; |
| |
| // Generate a header describing a single fragment. |
| webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader header; |
| memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); |
| if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP8 || codec_type == kVideoCodecVP9) { |
| header.VerifyAndAllocateFragmentationHeader(1); |
| header.fragmentationOffset[0] = 0; |
| header.fragmentationLength[0] = image->_length; |
| header.fragmentationPlType[0] = 0; |
| header.fragmentationTimeDiff[0] = 0; |
| if (codec_type == kVideoCodecVP8 && scale_) { |
| int qp; |
| if (webrtc::vp8::GetQp(payload, payload_size, &qp)) { |
| current_acc_qp_ += qp; |
| quality_scaler_.ReportQP(qp); |
| image->qp_ = qp; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (codec_type == kVideoCodecH264) { |
| if (scale_) { |
| h264_bitstream_parser_.ParseBitstream(payload, payload_size); |
| int qp; |
| if (h264_bitstream_parser_.GetLastSliceQp(&qp)) { |
| current_acc_qp_ += qp; |
| quality_scaler_.ReportQP(qp); |
| } |
| } |
| // For H.264 search for start codes. |
| int32_t scPositions[MAX_NALUS_PERFRAME + 1] = {}; |
| int32_t scPositionsLength = 0; |
| int32_t scPosition = 0; |
| while (scPositionsLength < MAX_NALUS_PERFRAME) { |
| int32_t naluPosition = NextNaluPosition( |
| payload + scPosition, payload_size - scPosition); |
| if (naluPosition < 0) { |
| break; |
| } |
| scPosition += naluPosition; |
| scPositions[scPositionsLength++] = scPosition; |
| scPosition += H264_SC_LENGTH; |
| } |
| if (scPositionsLength == 0) { |
| ALOGE << "Start code is not found!"; |
| ALOGE << "Data:" << image->_buffer[0] << " " << image->_buffer[1] |
| << " " << image->_buffer[2] << " " << image->_buffer[3] |
| << " " << image->_buffer[4] << " " << image->_buffer[5]; |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| scPositions[scPositionsLength] = payload_size; |
| header.VerifyAndAllocateFragmentationHeader(scPositionsLength); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < scPositionsLength; i++) { |
| header.fragmentationOffset[i] = scPositions[i] + H264_SC_LENGTH; |
| header.fragmentationLength[i] = |
| scPositions[i + 1] - header.fragmentationOffset[i]; |
| header.fragmentationPlType[i] = 0; |
| header.fragmentationTimeDiff[i] = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| callback_result = callback_->OnEncodedImage(*image, &info, &header); |
| } |
| |
| // Return output buffer back to the encoder. |
| bool success = jni->CallBooleanMethod(*j_media_codec_video_encoder_, |
| j_release_output_buffer_method_, |
| output_buffer_index); |
| if (CheckException(jni) || !success) { |
| ProcessHWErrorOnCodecThread(true /* reset_if_fallback_unavailable */); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Print per frame statistics. |
| if (encoding_start_time_ms > 0) { |
| frame_encoding_time_ms = rtc::TimeMillis() - encoding_start_time_ms; |
| } |
| if (frames_encoded_ < kMaxEncodedLogFrames) { |
| int current_latency = |
| (int)(last_input_timestamp_ms_ - last_output_timestamp_ms_); |
| ALOGD << "Encoder frame out # " << frames_encoded_ << |
| ". Key: " << key_frame << |
| ". Size: " << payload_size << |
| ". TS: " << (int)last_output_timestamp_ms_ << |
| ". Latency: " << current_latency << |
| ". EncTime: " << frame_encoding_time_ms; |
| } |
| |
| // Calculate and print encoding statistics - every 3 seconds. |
| frames_encoded_++; |
| current_frames_++; |
| current_bytes_ += payload_size; |
| current_encoding_time_ms_ += frame_encoding_time_ms; |
| LogStatistics(false); |
| |
| // Errors in callback_result are currently ignored. |
| if (callback_result.drop_next_frame) |
| drop_next_input_frame_ = true; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoder::LogStatistics(bool force_log) { |
| int statistic_time_ms = rtc::TimeMillis() - stat_start_time_ms_; |
| if ((statistic_time_ms >= kMediaCodecStatisticsIntervalMs || force_log) |
| && statistic_time_ms > 0) { |
| // Prevent division by zero. |
| int current_frames_divider = current_frames_ != 0 ? current_frames_ : 1; |
| |
| int current_bitrate = current_bytes_ * 8 / statistic_time_ms; |
| int current_fps = |
| (current_frames_ * 1000 + statistic_time_ms / 2) / statistic_time_ms; |
| ALOGD << "Encoded frames: " << frames_encoded_ << |
| ". Bitrate: " << current_bitrate << |
| ", target: " << last_set_bitrate_kbps_ << " kbps" << |
| ", fps: " << current_fps << |
| ", encTime: " << (current_encoding_time_ms_ / current_frames_divider) << |
| ". QP: " << (current_acc_qp_ / current_frames_divider) << |
| " for last " << statistic_time_ms << " ms."; |
| stat_start_time_ms_ = rtc::TimeMillis(); |
| current_frames_ = 0; |
| current_bytes_ = 0; |
| current_acc_qp_ = 0; |
| current_encoding_time_ms_ = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int32_t MediaCodecVideoEncoder::NextNaluPosition( |
| uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { |
| if (buffer_size < H264_SC_LENGTH) { |
| return -1; |
| } |
| uint8_t *head = buffer; |
| // Set end buffer pointer to 4 bytes before actual buffer end so we can |
| // access head[1], head[2] and head[3] in a loop without buffer overrun. |
| uint8_t *end = buffer + buffer_size - H264_SC_LENGTH; |
| |
| while (head < end) { |
| if (head[0]) { |
| head++; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (head[1]) { // got 00xx |
| head += 2; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (head[2]) { // got 0000xx |
| head += 3; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (head[3] != 0x01) { // got 000000xx |
| head++; // xx != 1, continue searching. |
| continue; |
| } |
| return (int32_t)(head - buffer); |
| } |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoder::OnDroppedFrame() { |
| // Methods running on the codec thread should call OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread |
| // directly. |
| RTC_DCHECK(!codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| codec_thread_->Invoke<void>( |
| Bind(&MediaCodecVideoEncoder::OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread, this)); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoder::OnDroppedFrameOnCodecThread() { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); |
| // Report dropped frame to quality_scaler_. |
| if (scale_) |
| quality_scaler_.ReportDroppedFrame(); |
| } |
| |
| const char* MediaCodecVideoEncoder::ImplementationName() const { |
| return "MediaCodec"; |
| } |
| |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory() |
| : egl_context_(nullptr) { |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| ScopedLocalRefFrame local_ref_frame(jni); |
| jclass j_encoder_class = FindClass(jni, "org/webrtc/MediaCodecVideoEncoder"); |
| supported_codecs_.clear(); |
| |
| bool is_vp8_hw_supported = jni->CallStaticBooleanMethod( |
| j_encoder_class, |
| GetStaticMethodID(jni, j_encoder_class, "isVp8HwSupported", "()Z")); |
| if (is_vp8_hw_supported) { |
| ALOGD << "VP8 HW Encoder supported."; |
| supported_codecs_.push_back(cricket::VideoCodec("VP8")); |
| } |
| |
| bool is_vp9_hw_supported = jni->CallStaticBooleanMethod( |
| j_encoder_class, |
| GetStaticMethodID(jni, j_encoder_class, "isVp9HwSupported", "()Z")); |
| if (is_vp9_hw_supported) { |
| ALOGD << "VP9 HW Encoder supported."; |
| supported_codecs_.push_back(cricket::VideoCodec("VP9")); |
| } |
| |
| bool is_h264_hw_supported = jni->CallStaticBooleanMethod( |
| j_encoder_class, |
| GetStaticMethodID(jni, j_encoder_class, "isH264HwSupported", "()Z")); |
| if (is_h264_hw_supported) { |
| ALOGD << "H.264 HW Encoder supported."; |
| supported_codecs_.push_back(cricket::VideoCodec("H264")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::~MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory() { |
| ALOGD << "MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory dtor"; |
| if (egl_context_) { |
| JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); |
| jni->DeleteGlobalRef(egl_context_); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::SetEGLContext( |
| JNIEnv* jni, jobject egl_context) { |
| ALOGD << "MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::SetEGLContext"; |
| if (egl_context_) { |
| jni->DeleteGlobalRef(egl_context_); |
| egl_context_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| egl_context_ = jni->NewGlobalRef(egl_context); |
| if (CheckException(jni)) { |
| ALOGE << "error calling NewGlobalRef for EGL Context."; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| webrtc::VideoEncoder* MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::CreateVideoEncoder( |
| const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { |
| if (supported_codecs_.empty()) { |
| ALOGW << "No HW video encoder for codec " << codec.name; |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| if (FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs_, codec)) { |
| ALOGD << "Create HW video encoder for " << codec.name; |
| return new MediaCodecVideoEncoder(AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(), codec, |
| egl_context_); |
| } |
| ALOGW << "Can not find HW video encoder for type " << codec.name; |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| const std::vector<cricket::VideoCodec>& |
| MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::supported_codecs() const { |
| return supported_codecs_; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaCodecVideoEncoderFactory::DestroyVideoEncoder( |
| webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder) { |
| ALOGD << "Destroy video encoder."; |
| delete encoder; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace webrtc_jni |