blob: fa6dc4fb5599de3959bb48d432abc8a6318ce28f [file] [log] [blame]
# Schema for this config file: ProjectConfig in:
bug_filing_threshold {
presubmit_runs_failed {
# clusters blocking developers should have bugs filed.
one_day: 3
test_runs_failed {
# clusters that aren't blocking developers but are failing a significant
# amount of tasks should have bugs filed to look into optimizing machine
# resource usage.
one_day: 500
# TODO(beining): WIP. This is going to replace bug_filling_threshold.
bug_filing_thresholds {
metric_id: "human-cls-failed-presubmit"
threshold {
# clusters blocking developers should have bugs filed.
one_day: 3
bug_filing_thresholds {
metric_id: "test-runs-failed"
threshold {
# clusters that aren't blocking developers but are failing a significant
# amount of tasks should have bugs filed to look into optimizing machine
# resource usage.
one_day: 500
clustering {
test_name_rules {
name: "Google Test (Type-parameterized)"
pattern: "^ninja:(?P<target>[\\w/]+:\\w+)/(\\w+/)?(?P<suite>\\w+)/\\w+\\.(?P<case>\\w+)$"
like_template: "ninja:${target}/%${suite}/%.${case}"
test_name_rules {
name: "Google Test (Value-parameterized)"
pattern: "^ninja:(?P<target>[\\w/]+:\\w+)/(\\w+/)?(?P<suite>\\w+)\\.(?P<case>\\w+)/[\\w.]+$"
like_template: "ninja:${target}/%${suite}.${case}%"
monorail {
project: "webrtc"
default_field_values {
# Type field.
field_id: 38
value: "Bug"
priority_field_id: 36
priorities {
priority: "0"
threshold {
presubmit_runs_failed {
one_day: 20
# TODO(beining): WIP. This is going to replace threshold.
thresholds {
metric_id: "human-cls-failed-presubmit"
threshold {
one_day: 20
priorities {
priority: "1"
threshold {
presubmit_runs_failed {
one_day: 10
# TODO(beining): WIP. This is going to replace threshold.
thresholds {
metric_id: "human-cls-failed-presubmit"
threshold {
one_day: 10
priorities {
priority: "2"
threshold {
presubmit_runs_failed {
one_day: 2
# TODO(beining): WIP. This is going to replace threshold.
thresholds {
metric_id: "human-cls-failed-presubmit"
threshold {
one_day: 2
priorities {
priority: "3"
threshold {
# Clusters which fail to meet this threshold will be closed.
test_runs_failed {
one_day: 2
presubmit_runs_failed {
one_day: 1
seven_day: 1
# TODO(beining): WIP. This is going to replace threshold.
# Clusters which fail to meet this threshold will be closed.
thresholds {
metric_id: "test-runs-failed"
threshold {
one_day: 2
thresholds {
metric_id: "human-cls-failed-presubmit"
threshold {
one_day: 1
seven_day: 1
priority_hysteresis_percent: 50
monorail_hostname: ""
display_prefix: ""
realms {
name: "ci"
test_variant_analysis {
update_test_variant_task {
update_test_variant_task_interval {
seconds: 3600 # 1 hour
test_variant_status_update_duration {
seconds: 86400 # 24 hours
bq_exports {
table {
cloud_project: "webrtc-ci"
dataset: "weetbix"
table: "ci_flaky_test_variants"
predicate {
status: FLAKY
realms {
name: "try"
test_variant_analysis {
update_test_variant_task {
update_test_variant_task_interval {
seconds: 3600 # 1 hour
test_variant_status_update_duration {
seconds: 86400 # 24 hours
bq_exports {
table {
cloud_project: "webrtc-ci"
dataset: "weetbix"
table: "try_flaky_test_variants"
predicate {
status: FLAKY