blob: 796444e78bbfd3339e44948264164710b7821a7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_codec_database.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/interface/neteq.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
// forward declarations
struct CodecInst;
struct WebRtcRTPHeader;
class AudioFrame;
class RTPFragmentationHeader;
#define WEBRTC_10MS_PCM_AUDIO 960 // 16 bits super wideband 48 kHz
// Callback class used for sending data ready to be packetized
class AudioPacketizationCallback {
virtual ~AudioPacketizationCallback() {}
virtual int32_t SendData(FrameType frame_type,
uint8_t payload_type,
uint32_t timestamp,
const uint8_t* payload_data,
size_t payload_len_bytes,
const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) = 0;
// Callback class used for inband Dtmf detection
class AudioCodingFeedback {
virtual ~AudioCodingFeedback() {}
virtual int32_t IncomingDtmf(const uint8_t digit_dtmf,
const bool end) = 0;
// Callback class used for reporting VAD decision
class ACMVADCallback {
virtual ~ACMVADCallback() {}
virtual int32_t InFrameType(FrameType frame_type) = 0;
// Callback class used for reporting receiver statistics
class ACMVQMonCallback {
virtual ~ACMVQMonCallback() {}
virtual int32_t NetEqStatistics(
const int32_t id, // current ACM id
const uint16_t MIUsValid, // valid voice duration in ms
const uint16_t MIUsReplaced, // concealed voice duration in ms
const uint8_t eventFlags, // concealed voice flags
const uint16_t delayMS) = 0; // average delay in ms
class AudioCodingModule {
AudioCodingModule() {}
struct Config {
: id(0),
clock(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()) {}
int id;
NetEq::Config neteq_config;
Clock* clock;
// Creation and destruction of a ACM.
// The second method is used for testing where a simulated clock can be
// injected into ACM. ACM will take the ownership of the object clock and
// delete it when destroyed.
static AudioCodingModule* Create(int id);
static AudioCodingModule* Create(int id, Clock* clock);
virtual ~AudioCodingModule() {};
// Utility functions
// uint8_t NumberOfCodecs()
// Returns number of supported codecs.
// Return value:
// number of supported codecs.
static int NumberOfCodecs();
// int32_t Codec()
// Get supported codec with list number.
// Input:
// -list_id : list number.
// Output:
// -codec : a structure where the parameters of the codec,
// given by list number is written to.
// Return value:
// -1 if the list number (list_id) is invalid.
// 0 if succeeded.
static int Codec(int list_id, CodecInst* codec);
// int32_t Codec()
// Get supported codec with the given codec name, sampling frequency, and
// a given number of channels.
// Input:
// -payload_name : name of the codec.
// -sampling_freq_hz : sampling frequency of the codec. Note! for RED
// a sampling frequency of -1 is a valid input.
// -channels : number of channels ( 1 - mono, 2 - stereo).
// Output:
// -codec : a structure where the function returns the
// default parameters of the codec.
// Return value:
// -1 if no codec matches the given parameters.
// 0 if succeeded.
static int Codec(const char* payload_name, CodecInst* codec,
int sampling_freq_hz, int channels);
// int32_t Codec()
// Returns the list number of the given codec name, sampling frequency, and
// a given number of channels.
// Input:
// -payload_name : name of the codec.
// -sampling_freq_hz : sampling frequency of the codec. Note! for RED
// a sampling frequency of -1 is a valid input.
// -channels : number of channels ( 1 - mono, 2 - stereo).
// Return value:
// if the codec is found, the index of the codec in the list,
// -1 if the codec is not found.
static int Codec(const char* payload_name, int sampling_freq_hz,
int channels);
// bool IsCodecValid()
// Checks the validity of the parameters of the given codec.
// Input:
// -codec : the structure which keeps the parameters of the
// codec.
// Return value:
// true if the parameters are valid,
// false if any parameter is not valid.
static bool IsCodecValid(const CodecInst& codec);
// Sender
// int32_t ResetEncoder()
// This API resets the states of encoder. All the encoder settings, such as
// send-codec or VAD/DTX, will be preserved.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to initialize,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t ResetEncoder() = 0;
// int32_t RegisterSendCodec()
// Registers a codec, specified by |send_codec|, as sending codec.
// This API can be called multiple of times to register Codec. The last codec
// registered overwrites the previous ones.
// The API can also be used to change payload type for CNG and RED, which are
// registered by default to default payload types.
// Note that registering CNG and RED won't overwrite speech codecs.
// This API can be called to set/change the send payload-type, frame-size
// or encoding rate (if applicable for the codec).
// Note: If a stereo codec is registered as send codec, VAD/DTX will
// automatically be turned off, since it is not supported for stereo sending.
// Note: If a secondary encoder is already registered, and the new send-codec
// has a sampling rate that does not match the secondary encoder, the
// secondary encoder will be unregistered.
// Input:
// -send_codec : Parameters of the codec to be registered, c.f.
// common_types.h for the definition of
// CodecInst.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to initialize,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t RegisterSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) = 0;
// int32_t SendCodec()
// Get parameters for the codec currently registered as send codec.
// Output:
// -current_send_codec : parameters of the send codec.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to get send codec,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t SendCodec(CodecInst* current_send_codec) const = 0;
// int32_t SendFrequency()
// Get the sampling frequency of the current encoder in Hertz.
// Return value:
// positive; sampling frequency [Hz] of the current encoder.
// -1 if an error has happened.
virtual int32_t SendFrequency() const = 0;
// int32_t Bitrate()
// Get encoding bit-rate in bits per second.
// Return value:
// positive; encoding rate in bits/sec,
// -1 if an error is happened.
virtual int32_t SendBitrate() const = 0;
// int32_t SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth()
// Set available bandwidth [bits/sec] of the up-link channel.
// This information is used for traffic shaping, and is currently only
// supported if iSAC is the send codec.
// Input:
// -bw : bandwidth in bits/sec estimated for
// up-link.
// Return value
// -1 if error occurred in setting the bandwidth,
// 0 bandwidth is set successfully.
// TODO(henrik.lundin) Unused. Remove?
virtual int32_t SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth(
const int32_t bw) = 0;
// int32_t RegisterTransportCallback()
// Register a transport callback which will be called to deliver
// the encoded buffers whenever Process() is called and a
// bit-stream is ready.
// Input:
// -transport : pointer to the callback class
// transport->SendData() is called whenever
// Process() is called and bit-stream is ready
// to deliver.
// Return value:
// -1 if the transport callback could not be registered
// 0 if registration is successful.
virtual int32_t RegisterTransportCallback(
AudioPacketizationCallback* transport) = 0;
// int32_t Add10MsData()
// Add 10MS of raw (PCM) audio data and encode it. If the sampling
// frequency of the audio does not match the sampling frequency of the
// current encoder ACM will resample the audio. If an encoded packet was
// produced, it will be delivered via the callback object registered using
// RegisterTransportCallback, and the return value from this function will
// be the number of bytes encoded.
// Input:
// -audio_frame : the input audio frame, containing raw audio
// sampling frequency etc.,
// c.f. module_common_types.h for definition of
// AudioFrame.
// Return value:
// >= 0 number of bytes encoded.
// -1 some error occurred.
virtual int32_t Add10MsData(const AudioFrame& audio_frame) = 0;
// (RED) Redundant Coding
// int32_t SetREDStatus()
// configure RED status i.e. on/off.
// RFC 2198 describes a solution which has a single payload type which
// signifies a packet with redundancy. That packet then becomes a container,
// encapsulating multiple payloads into a single RTP packet.
// Such a scheme is flexible, since any amount of redundancy may be
// encapsulated within a single packet. There is, however, a small overhead
// since each encapsulated payload must be preceded by a header indicating
// the type of data enclosed.
// Input:
// -enable_red : if true RED is enabled, otherwise RED is
// disabled.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set RED status,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t SetREDStatus(bool enable_red) = 0;
// bool REDStatus()
// Get RED status
// Return value:
// true if RED is enabled,
// false if RED is disabled.
virtual bool REDStatus() const = 0;
// (FEC) Forward Error Correction (codec internal)
// int32_t SetCodecFEC()
// Configures codec internal FEC status i.e. on/off. No effects on codecs that
// do not provide internal FEC.
// Input:
// -enable_fec : if true FEC will be enabled otherwise the FEC is
// disabled.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed, or the codec does not support FEC
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int SetCodecFEC(bool enable_codec_fec) = 0;
// bool CodecFEC()
// Gets status of codec internal FEC.
// Return value:
// true if FEC is enabled,
// false if FEC is disabled.
virtual bool CodecFEC() const = 0;
// int SetPacketLossRate()
// Sets expected packet loss rate for encoding. Some encoders provide packet
// loss gnostic encoding to make stream less sensitive to packet losses,
// through e.g., FEC. No effects on codecs that do not provide such encoding.
// Input:
// -packet_loss_rate : expected packet loss rate (0 -- 100 inclusive).
// Return value
// -1 if failed to set packet loss rate,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int SetPacketLossRate(int packet_loss_rate) = 0;
// (VAD) Voice Activity Detection
// int32_t SetVAD()
// If DTX is enabled & the codec does not have internal DTX/VAD
// WebRtc VAD will be automatically enabled and |enable_vad| is ignored.
// If DTX is disabled but VAD is enabled no DTX packets are send,
// regardless of whether the codec has internal DTX/VAD or not. In this
// case, WebRtc VAD is running to label frames as active/in-active.
// NOTE! VAD/DTX is not supported when sending stereo.
// Inputs:
// -enable_dtx : if true DTX is enabled,
// otherwise DTX is disabled.
// -enable_vad : if true VAD is enabled,
// otherwise VAD is disabled.
// -vad_mode : determines the aggressiveness of VAD. A more
// aggressive mode results in more frames labeled
// as in-active, c.f. definition of
// ACMVADMode in audio_coding_module_typedefs.h
// for valid values.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set up VAD/DTX,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t SetVAD(const bool enable_dtx = true,
const bool enable_vad = false,
const ACMVADMode vad_mode = VADNormal) = 0;
// int32_t VAD()
// Get VAD status.
// Outputs:
// -dtx_enabled : is set to true if DTX is enabled, otherwise
// is set to false.
// -vad_enabled : is set to true if VAD is enabled, otherwise
// is set to false.
// -vad_mode : is set to the current aggressiveness of VAD.
// Return value:
// -1 if fails to retrieve the setting of DTX/VAD,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t VAD(bool* dtx_enabled, bool* vad_enabled,
ACMVADMode* vad_mode) const = 0;
// int32_t ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc()
// Used to replace codec internal DTX scheme with WebRtc.
// Input:
// -use_webrtc_dtx : if false (default) the codec built-in DTX/VAD
// scheme is used, otherwise the internal DTX is
// replaced with WebRtc DTX/VAD.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to replace codec internal DTX with WebRtc,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc(
const bool use_webrtc_dtx = false) = 0;
// int32_t IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc()
// Get status if the codec internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc DTX.
// This should always be true if codec does not have an internal DTX.
// Output:
// -uses_webrtc_dtx : is set to true if the codec internal DTX is
// replaced with WebRtc DTX/VAD, otherwise it is set
// to false.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to determine if codec internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc(
bool* uses_webrtc_dtx) = 0;
// int32_t RegisterVADCallback()
// Call this method to register a callback function which is called
// any time that ACM encounters an empty frame. That is a frame which is
// recognized inactive. Depending on the codec WebRtc VAD or internal codec
// VAD is employed to identify a frame as active/inactive.
// Input:
// -vad_callback : pointer to a callback function.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to register the callback function.
// 0 if the callback function is registered successfully.
virtual int32_t RegisterVADCallback(ACMVADCallback* vad_callback) = 0;
// Receiver
// int32_t InitializeReceiver()
// Any decoder-related state of ACM will be initialized to the
// same state when ACM is created. This will not interrupt or
// effect encoding functionality of ACM. ACM would lose all the
// decoding-related settings by calling this function.
// For instance, all registered codecs are deleted and have to be
// registered again.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to initialize,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t InitializeReceiver() = 0;
// int32_t ResetDecoder()
// This API resets the states of decoders. ACM will not lose any
// decoder-related settings, such as registered codecs.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to initialize,
// 0 if succeeded.
virtual int32_t ResetDecoder() = 0;
// int32_t ReceiveFrequency()
// Get sampling frequency of the last received payload.
// Return value:
// non-negative the sampling frequency in Hertz.
// -1 if an error has occurred.
virtual int32_t ReceiveFrequency() const = 0;
// int32_t PlayoutFrequency()
// Get sampling frequency of audio played out.
// Return value:
// the sampling frequency in Hertz.
virtual int32_t PlayoutFrequency() const = 0;
// int32_t RegisterReceiveCodec()
// Register possible decoders, can be called multiple times for
// codecs, CNG-NB, CNG-WB, CNG-SWB, AVT and RED.
// Input:
// -receive_codec : parameters of the codec to be registered, c.f.
// common_types.h for the definition of
// CodecInst.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to register the codec
// 0 if the codec registered successfully.
virtual int32_t RegisterReceiveCodec(
const CodecInst& receive_codec) = 0;
// int32_t UnregisterReceiveCodec()
// Unregister the codec currently registered with a specific payload type
// from the list of possible receive codecs.
// Input:
// -payload_type : The number representing the payload type to
// unregister.
// Output:
// -1 if fails to unregister.
// 0 if the given codec is successfully unregistered.
virtual int UnregisterReceiveCodec(
uint8_t payload_type) = 0;
// int32_t ReceiveCodec()
// Get the codec associated with last received payload.
// Output:
// -curr_receive_codec : parameters of the codec associated with the last
// received payload, c.f. common_types.h for
// the definition of CodecInst.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to retrieve the codec,
// 0 if the codec is successfully retrieved.
virtual int32_t ReceiveCodec(CodecInst* curr_receive_codec) const = 0;
// int32_t IncomingPacket()
// Call this function to insert a parsed RTP packet into ACM.
// Inputs:
// -incoming_payload : received payload.
// -payload_len_bytes : the length of payload in bytes.
// -rtp_info : the relevant information retrieved from RTP
// header.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to push in the payload
// 0 if payload is successfully pushed in.
virtual int32_t IncomingPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
const size_t payload_len_bytes,
const WebRtcRTPHeader& rtp_info) = 0;
// int32_t IncomingPayload()
// Call this API to push incoming payloads when there is no rtp-info.
// The rtp-info will be created in ACM. One usage for this API is when
// pre-encoded files are pushed in ACM
// Inputs:
// -incoming_payload : received payload.
// -payload_len_byte : the length, in bytes, of the received payload.
// -payload_type : the payload-type. This specifies which codec has
// to be used to decode the payload.
// -timestamp : send timestamp of the payload. ACM starts with
// a random value and increment it by the
// packet-size, which is given when the codec in
// question is registered by RegisterReceiveCodec().
// Therefore, it is essential to have the timestamp
// if the frame-size differ from the registered
// value or if the incoming payload contains DTX
// packets.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to push in the payload
// 0 if payload is successfully pushed in.
virtual int32_t IncomingPayload(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
const size_t payload_len_byte,
const uint8_t payload_type,
const uint32_t timestamp = 0) = 0;
// int SetMinimumPlayoutDelay()
// Set a minimum for the playout delay, used for lip-sync. NetEq maintains
// such a delay unless channel condition yields to a higher delay.
// Input:
// -time_ms : minimum delay in milliseconds.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the delay,
// 0 if the minimum delay is set.
virtual int SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(int time_ms) = 0;
// int SetMaximumPlayoutDelay()
// Set a maximum for the playout delay
// Input:
// -time_ms : maximum delay in milliseconds.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the delay,
// 0 if the maximum delay is set.
virtual int SetMaximumPlayoutDelay(int time_ms) = 0;
// The shortest latency, in milliseconds, required by jitter buffer. This
// is computed based on inter-arrival times and playout mode of NetEq. The
// actual delay is the maximum of least-required-delay and the minimum-delay
// specified by SetMinumumPlayoutDelay() API.
virtual int LeastRequiredDelayMs() const = 0;
// int32_t SetDtmfPlayoutStatus()
// Configure DTMF playout, i.e. whether out-of-band
// DTMF tones are played or not.
// Input:
// -enable : if true to enable playout out-of-band DTMF tones,
// false to disable.
// Return value:
// -1 if the method fails, e.g. DTMF playout is not supported.
// 0 if the status is set successfully.
virtual int32_t SetDtmfPlayoutStatus(const bool enable) = 0;
// bool DtmfPlayoutStatus()
// Get Dtmf playout status.
// Return value:
// true if out-of-band Dtmf tones are played,
// false if playout of Dtmf tones is disabled.
virtual bool DtmfPlayoutStatus() const = 0;
// int32_t PlayoutTimestamp()
// The send timestamp of an RTP packet is associated with the decoded
// audio of the packet in question. This function returns the timestamp of
// the latest audio obtained by calling PlayoutData10ms().
// Input:
// -timestamp : a reference to a uint32_t to receive the
// timestamp.
// Return value:
// 0 if the output is a correct timestamp.
// -1 if failed to output the correct timestamp.
// TODO(tlegrand): Change function to return the timestamp.
virtual int32_t PlayoutTimestamp(uint32_t* timestamp) = 0;
// int32_t DecoderEstimatedBandwidth()
// Get the estimate of the Bandwidth, in bits/second, based on the incoming
// stream. This API is useful in one-way communication scenarios, where
// the bandwidth information is sent in an out-of-band fashion.
// Currently only supported if iSAC is registered as a receiver.
// Return value:
// >0 bandwidth in bits/second.
// -1 if failed to get a bandwidth estimate.
virtual int32_t DecoderEstimatedBandwidth() const = 0;
// int32_t SetPlayoutMode()
// Call this API to set the playout mode. Playout mode could be optimized
// for i) voice, ii) FAX or iii) streaming. In Voice mode, NetEQ is
// optimized to deliver highest audio quality while maintaining a minimum
// delay. In FAX mode, NetEQ is optimized to have few delay changes as
// possible and maintain a constant delay, perhaps large relative to voice
// mode, to avoid PLC. In streaming mode, we tolerate a little more delay
// to achieve better jitter robustness.
// Input:
// -mode : playout mode. Possible inputs are:
// "voice",
// "fax" and
// "streaming".
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the mode,
// 0 if succeeding.
virtual int32_t SetPlayoutMode(const AudioPlayoutMode mode) = 0;
// AudioPlayoutMode PlayoutMode()
// Get playout mode, i.e. whether it is speech, FAX or streaming. See
// audio_coding_module_typedefs.h for definition of AudioPlayoutMode.
// Return value:
// voice: is for voice output,
// fax: a mode that is optimized for receiving FAX signals.
// In this mode NetEq tries to maintain a constant high
// delay to avoid PLC if possible.
// streaming: a mode that is suitable for streaming. In this mode we
// accept longer delay to improve jitter robustness.
virtual AudioPlayoutMode PlayoutMode() const = 0;
// int32_t PlayoutData10Ms(
// Get 10 milliseconds of raw audio data for playout, at the given sampling
// frequency. ACM will perform a resampling if required.
// Input:
// -desired_freq_hz : the desired sampling frequency, in Hertz, of the
// output audio. If set to -1, the function returns
// the audio at the current sampling frequency.
// Output:
// -audio_frame : output audio frame which contains raw audio data
// and other relevant parameters, c.f.
// module_common_types.h for the definition of
// AudioFrame.
// Return value:
// -1 if the function fails,
// 0 if the function succeeds.
virtual int32_t PlayoutData10Ms(int32_t desired_freq_hz,
AudioFrame* audio_frame) = 0;
// Codec specific
// int32_t SetISACMaxRate()
// Set the maximum instantaneous rate of iSAC. For a payload of B bits
// with a frame-size of T sec the instantaneous rate is B/T bits per
// second. Therefore, (B/T < |max_rate_bps|) and
// (B < |max_payload_len_bytes| * 8) are always satisfied for iSAC payloads,
// c.f SetISACMaxPayloadSize().
// Input:
// -max_rate_bps : maximum instantaneous bit-rate given in bits/sec.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the maximum rate.
// 0 if the maximum rate is set successfully.
virtual int SetISACMaxRate(int max_rate_bps) = 0;
// int32_t SetISACMaxPayloadSize()
// Set the maximum payload size of iSAC packets. No iSAC payload,
// regardless of its frame-size, may exceed the given limit. For
// an iSAC payload of size B bits and frame-size T seconds we have;
// (B < |max_payload_len_bytes| * 8) and (B/T < |max_rate_bps|), c.f.
// SetISACMaxRate().
// Input:
// -max_payload_len_bytes : maximum payload size in bytes.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the maximum payload-size.
// 0 if the given length is set successfully.
virtual int SetISACMaxPayloadSize(int max_payload_len_bytes) = 0;
// int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator()
// Call this function to configure the bandwidth estimator of ISAC.
// During the adaptation of bit-rate, iSAC automatically adjusts the
// frame-size (either 30 or 60 ms) to save on RTP header. The initial
// frame-size can be specified by the first argument. The configuration also
// regards the initial estimate of bandwidths. The estimator starts from
// this point and converges to the actual bottleneck. This is given by the
// second parameter. Furthermore, it is also possible to control the
// adaptation of frame-size. This is specified by the last parameter.
// Input:
// -init_frame_size_ms : initial frame-size in milliseconds. For iSAC-wb
// 30 ms and 60 ms (default) are acceptable values,
// and for iSAC-swb 30 ms is the only acceptable
// value. Zero indicates default value.
// -init_rate_bps : initial estimate of the bandwidth. Values
// between 10000 and 58000 are acceptable.
// -enforce_srame_size : if true, the frame-size will not be adapted.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to configure the bandwidth estimator,
// 0 if the configuration was successfully applied.
virtual int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
int init_frame_size_ms,
int init_rate_bps,
bool enforce_frame_size = false) = 0;
// int SetOpusApplication(OpusApplicationMode application,
// bool disable_dtx_if_needed)
// Sets the intended application if current send codec is Opus. Opus uses this
// to optimize the encoding for applications like VOIP and music. Currently,
// two modes are supported: kVoip and kAudio. kAudio is only allowed when Opus
// DTX is switched off. If DTX is on, and |application| == kAudio, a failure
// will be triggered unless |disable_dtx_if_needed| == true, for which, the
// DTX will be forced off.
// Input:
// - application : intended application.
// - disable_dtx_if_needed : whether to force Opus DTX to stop.
// Return value:
// -1 if current send codec is not Opus or error occurred in setting the
// Opus application mode.
// 0 if the Opus application mode is successfully set.
virtual int SetOpusApplication(OpusApplicationMode application,
bool force_dtx) = 0;
// int SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate()
// If current send codec is Opus, informs it about maximum playback rate the
// receiver will render. Opus can use this information to optimize the bit
// rate and increase the computation efficiency.
// Input:
// -frequency_hz : maximum playback rate in Hz.
// Return value:
// -1 if current send codec is not Opus or
// error occurred in setting the maximum playback rate,
// 0 if maximum bandwidth is set successfully.
virtual int SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz) = 0;
// EnableOpusDtx(bool force_voip)
// Enable the DTX, if current send codec is Opus. Currently, DTX can only be
// enabled when the application mode is kVoip. If |force_voip| == true,
// the application mode will be forced to kVoip. Otherwise, a failure will be
// triggered if current application mode is kAudio.
// Input:
// - force_application : whether to force application mode to kVoip.
// Return value:
// -1 if current send codec is not Opus or error occurred in enabling the
// Opus DTX.
// 0 if Opus DTX is enabled successfully..
virtual int EnableOpusDtx(bool force_application) = 0;
// int DisableOpusDtx()
// If current send codec is Opus, disables its internal DTX.
// Return value:
// -1 if current send codec is not Opus or error occurred in disabling DTX.
// 0 if Opus DTX is disabled successfully.
virtual int DisableOpusDtx() = 0;
// statistics
// int32_t GetNetworkStatistics()
// Get network statistics. Note that the internal statistics of NetEq are
// reset by this call.
// Input:
// -network_statistics : a structure that contains network statistics.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the network statistics,
// 0 if statistics are set successfully.
virtual int32_t GetNetworkStatistics(
NetworkStatistics* network_statistics) = 0;
// Set an initial delay for playout.
// An initial delay yields ACM playout silence until equivalent of |delay_ms|
// audio payload is accumulated in NetEq jitter. Thereafter, ACM pulls audio
// from NetEq in its regular fashion, and the given delay is maintained
// through out the call, unless channel conditions yield to a higher jitter
// buffer delay.
// Input:
// -delay_ms : delay in milliseconds.
// Return values:
// -1 if failed to set the delay.
// 0 if delay is set successfully.
virtual int SetInitialPlayoutDelay(int delay_ms) = 0;
// Enable NACK and set the maximum size of the NACK list. If NACK is already
// enable then the maximum NACK list size is modified accordingly.
// If the sequence number of last received packet is N, the sequence numbers
// of NACK list are in the range of [N - |max_nack_list_size|, N).
// |max_nack_list_size| should be positive (none zero) and less than or
// equal to |Nack::kNackListSizeLimit|. Otherwise, No change is applied and -1
// is returned. 0 is returned at success.
virtual int EnableNack(size_t max_nack_list_size) = 0;
// Disable NACK.
virtual void DisableNack() = 0;
// Get a list of packets to be retransmitted. |round_trip_time_ms| is an
// estimate of the round-trip-time (in milliseconds). Missing packets which
// will be playout in a shorter time than the round-trip-time (with respect
// to the time this API is called) will not be included in the list.
// Negative |round_trip_time_ms| results is an error message and empty list
// is returned.
virtual std::vector<uint16_t> GetNackList(
int64_t round_trip_time_ms) const = 0;
virtual void GetDecodingCallStatistics(
AudioDecodingCallStats* call_stats) const = 0;
class AudioEncoder;
class ReceiverInfo;
class AudioCoding {
struct Config {
: neteq_config(),
playout_frequency_hz(32000) {}
AudioCodingModule::Config ToOldConfig() const {
AudioCodingModule::Config old_config; = 0;
old_config.neteq_config = neteq_config;
old_config.clock = clock;
return old_config;
NetEq::Config neteq_config;
Clock* clock;
AudioPacketizationCallback* transport;
ACMVADCallback* vad_callback;
bool play_dtmf;
int initial_playout_delay_ms;
int playout_channels;
int playout_frequency_hz;
static AudioCoding* Create(const Config& config);
virtual ~AudioCoding() {};
// Registers a codec, specified by |send_codec|, as sending codec.
// This API can be called multiple times. The last codec registered overwrites
// the previous ones. Returns true if successful, false if not.
// Note: If a stereo codec is registered as send codec, VAD/DTX will
// automatically be turned off, since it is not supported for stereo sending.
virtual bool RegisterSendCodec(AudioEncoder* send_codec) = 0;
// Temporary solution to be used during refactoring:
// |encoder_type| should be from the anonymous enum in acm2::ACMCodecDB.
virtual bool RegisterSendCodec(int encoder_type,
uint8_t payload_type,
int frame_size_samples = 0) = 0;
// Returns the encoder object currently in use. This is the same as the
// codec that was registered in the latest call to RegisterSendCodec().
virtual const AudioEncoder* GetSenderInfo() const = 0;
// Temporary solution to be used during refactoring.
virtual const CodecInst* GetSenderCodecInst() = 0;
// Adds 10 ms of raw (PCM) audio data to the encoder. If the sampling
// frequency of the audio does not match the sampling frequency of the
// current encoder, ACM will resample the audio.
// Return value:
// 0 successfully added the frame.
// -1 some error occurred and data is not added.
// < -1 to add the frame to the buffer n samples had to be
// overwritten, -n is the return value in this case.
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Make a better design for the return values. This one
// is just a copy of the old API.
virtual int Add10MsAudio(const AudioFrame& audio_frame) = 0;
// Returns a combined info about the currently used decoder(s).
virtual const ReceiverInfo* GetReceiverInfo() const = 0;
// Registers a codec, specified by |receive_codec|, as receiving codec.
// This API can be called multiple times. If registering with a payload type
// that was already registered in a previous call, the latest call will
// override previous calls. Returns true if successful, false if not.
virtual bool RegisterReceiveCodec(AudioDecoder* receive_codec) = 0;
// Temporary solution:
// |decoder_type| should be from the anonymous enum in acm2::ACMCodecDB.
virtual bool RegisterReceiveCodec(int decoder_type, uint8_t payload_type) = 0;
// The following two methods both inserts a new packet to the receiver.
// InsertPacket takes an RTP header input in |rtp_info|, while InsertPayload
// only requires a payload type and a timestamp. The latter assumes that the
// payloads come in the right order, and without any losses. In both cases,
// |incoming_payload| contains the RTP payload after the RTP header. Return
// true if successful, false if not.
virtual bool InsertPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
size_t payload_len_bytes,
const WebRtcRTPHeader& rtp_info) = 0;
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove this method?
virtual bool InsertPayload(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
size_t payload_len_byte,
uint8_t payload_type,
uint32_t timestamp) = 0;
// These two methods set a minimum and maximum jitter buffer delay in
// milliseconds. The pupose is mainly to adjust the delay to synchronize
// audio and video. The preferred jitter buffer size, computed by NetEq based
// on the current channel conditions, is clamped from below and above by these
// two methods. The given delay limits must be non-negative, less than
// 10000 ms, and the minimum must be strictly smaller than the maximum.
// Further, the maximum must be at lest one frame duration. If these
// conditions are not met, false is returned. Giving the value 0 effectively
// unsets the minimum or maximum delay limits.
// Note that calling these methods is optional. If not called, NetEq will
// determine the optimal buffer size based on the network conditions.
virtual bool SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(int time_ms) = 0;
virtual bool SetMaximumPlayoutDelay(int time_ms) = 0;
// Returns the current value of the jitter buffer's preferred latency. This
// is computed based on inter-arrival times and playout mode of NetEq. The
// actual target delay is this value clamped from below and above by the
// values specified through SetMinimumPlayoutDelay() and
// SetMaximumPlayoutDelay(), respectively, if provided.
// TODO(henrik.lundin) Rename to PreferredDelayMs?
virtual int LeastRequiredDelayMs() const = 0;
// The send timestamp of an RTP packet is associated with the decoded
// audio of the packet in question. This function returns the timestamp of
// the latest audio delivered by Get10MsAudio(). Returns false if no timestamp
// can be provided, true otherwise.
virtual bool PlayoutTimestamp(uint32_t* timestamp) = 0;
// Delivers 10 ms of audio in |audio_frame|. Returns true if successful,
// false otherwise.
virtual bool Get10MsAudio(AudioFrame* audio_frame) = 0;
// Returns the network statistics. Note that the internal statistics of NetEq
// are reset by this call. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetNetworkStatistics(NetworkStatistics* network_statistics) = 0;
// Enables NACK and sets the maximum size of the NACK list. If NACK is already
// enabled then the maximum NACK list size is modified accordingly. Returns
// true if successful, false otherwise.
// If the sequence number of last received packet is N, the sequence numbers
// of NACK list are in the range of [N - |max_nack_list_size|, N).
// |max_nack_list_size| should be positive and less than or equal to
// |Nack::kNackListSizeLimit|.
virtual bool EnableNack(size_t max_nack_list_size) = 0;
// Disables NACK.
virtual void DisableNack() = 0;
// Temporary solution to be used during refactoring.
// If DTX is enabled and the codec does not have internal DTX/VAD
// WebRtc VAD will be automatically enabled and |enable_vad| is ignored.
// If DTX is disabled but VAD is enabled no DTX packets are sent,
// regardless of whether the codec has internal DTX/VAD or not. In this
// case, WebRtc VAD is running to label frames as active/in-active.
// NOTE! VAD/DTX is not supported when sending stereo.
// Return true if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetVad(bool enable_dtx,
bool enable_vad,
ACMVADMode vad_mode) = 0;
// Returns a list of packets to request retransmission of.
// |round_trip_time_ms| is an estimate of the round-trip-time (in
// milliseconds). Missing packets which will be decoded sooner than the
// round-trip-time (with respect to the time this API is called) will not be
// included in the list.
// |round_trip_time_ms| must be non-negative.
virtual std::vector<uint16_t> GetNackList(int round_trip_time_ms) const = 0;
// Returns the timing statistics for calls to Get10MsAudio.
virtual void GetDecodingCallStatistics(
AudioDecodingCallStats* call_stats) const = 0;
} // namespace webrtc