Aligning time in audio jitter buffer plot to other plots in rtc event log visualizer.

Bug: webrtc:9147
Change-Id: I4ddb3e93ea04a11a68e097ecad731d6d9d6842a9
Reviewed-by: Björn Terelius <>
Reviewed-by: Henrik Lundin <>
Commit-Queue: Minyue Li <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#23712}
diff --git a/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/ b/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
index 2b21520..e5bd765 100644
--- a/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
+++ b/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
 namespace webrtc {
 namespace test {
 namespace {
+std::string kArrivalDelayX = "arrival_delay_x";
+std::string kArrivalDelayY = "arrival_delay_y";
+std::string kTargetDelayX = "target_delay_x";
+std::string kTargetDelayY = "target_delay_y";
+std::string kPlayoutDelayX = "playout_delay_x";
+std::string kPlayoutDelayY = "playout_delay_y";
 // Helper function for NetEqDelayAnalyzer::CreateGraphs. Returns the
 // interpolated value of a function at the point x. Vector x_vec contains the
 // sample points, and y_vec contains the function values at these points. The
@@ -54,6 +61,26 @@
   return y;
+void PrintDelays(const NetEqDelayAnalyzer::Delays& delays,
+                 int64_t ref_time_ms,
+                 const std::string& var_name_x,
+                 const std::string& var_name_y,
+                 std::ofstream& output,
+                 const std::string& terminator = "") {
+  output << var_name_x << " = [ ";
+  for (const std::pair<int64_t, float>& delay : delays) {
+    output << (delay.first - ref_time_ms) / 1000.f << ", ";
+  }
+  output << "]" << terminator << std::endl;
+  output << var_name_y << " = [ ";
+  for (const std::pair<int64_t, float>& delay : delays) {
+    output << delay.second << ", ";
+  }
+  output << "]" << terminator << std::endl;
 }  // namespace
 void NetEqDelayAnalyzer::AfterInsertPacket(
@@ -97,12 +124,10 @@
-void NetEqDelayAnalyzer::CreateGraphs(
-    std::vector<float>* send_time_s,
-    std::vector<float>* arrival_delay_ms,
-    std::vector<float>* corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
-    std::vector<absl::optional<float>>* playout_delay_ms,
-    std::vector<absl::optional<float>>* target_delay_ms) const {
+void NetEqDelayAnalyzer::CreateGraphs(Delays* arrival_delay_ms,
+                                      Delays* corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
+                                      Delays* playout_delay_ms,
+                                      Delays* target_delay_ms) const {
   if (get_audio_time_ms_.empty()) {
@@ -123,111 +148,76 @@
   // calculates the base offset.
   for (auto& d : data_) {
-        unwrapper.Unwrap(d.first) /
+        static_cast<double>(unwrapper.Unwrap(d.first)) /
         rtc::CheckedDivExact(last_sample_rate_hz_, 1000));
     offset =
         std::min(offset, d.second.arrival_time_ms - rtp_timestamps_ms.back());
-  // Calculate send times in seconds for each packet. This is the (unwrapped)
-  // RTP timestamp in ms divided by 1000.
-  send_time_s->resize(rtp_timestamps_ms.size());
-  std::transform(rtp_timestamps_ms.begin(), rtp_timestamps_ms.end(),
-                 send_time_s->begin(), [rtp_timestamps_ms](double x) {
-                   return (x - rtp_timestamps_ms[0]) / 1000.f;
-                 });
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_time_s->size(), rtp_timestamps_ms.size());
   // This loop traverses the data again and populates the graph vectors. The
   // reason to have two loops and traverse twice is that the offset cannot be
   // known until the first traversal is done. Meanwhile, the final offset must
   // be known already at the start of this second loop.
-  auto data_it = data_.cbegin();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < send_time_s->size(); ++i, ++data_it) {
-    RTC_DCHECK(data_it != data_.end());
-    const double offset_send_time_ms = rtp_timestamps_ms[i] + offset;
-    const auto& timing = data_it->second;
-    corrected_arrival_delay_ms->push_back(
+  size_t i = 0;
+  for (const auto& data : data_) {
+    const double offset_send_time_ms = rtp_timestamps_ms[i++] + offset;
+    const auto& timing = data.second;
+    corrected_arrival_delay_ms->push_back(std::make_pair(
+        timing.arrival_time_ms,
         LinearInterpolate(timing.arrival_time_ms, get_audio_time_ms_,
                           nominal_get_audio_time_ms) -
-        offset_send_time_ms);
-    arrival_delay_ms->push_back(timing.arrival_time_ms - offset_send_time_ms);
+            offset_send_time_ms));
+    arrival_delay_ms->push_back(std::make_pair(
+        timing.arrival_time_ms, timing.arrival_time_ms - offset_send_time_ms));
     if (timing.decode_get_audio_count) {
       // This packet was decoded.
-      const float playout_ms = *timing.decode_get_audio_count * 10 +
-                               get_audio_time_ms_[0] + *timing.sync_delay_ms -
-                               offset_send_time_ms;
-      playout_delay_ms->push_back(playout_ms);
+      const int64_t get_audio_time =
+          *timing.decode_get_audio_count * 10 + get_audio_time_ms_[0];
+      const float playout_ms =
+          get_audio_time + *timing.sync_delay_ms - offset_send_time_ms;
+      playout_delay_ms->push_back(std::make_pair(get_audio_time, playout_ms));
       const float target =
           playout_ms - *timing.current_delay_ms + *timing.target_delay_ms;
-      target_delay_ms->push_back(target);
-    } else {
-      // This packet was never decoded. Mark target and playout delays as empty.
-      playout_delay_ms->push_back(absl::nullopt);
-      target_delay_ms->push_back(absl::nullopt);
+      target_delay_ms->push_back(std::make_pair(get_audio_time, target));
-  RTC_DCHECK(data_it == data_.end());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_time_s->size(), corrected_arrival_delay_ms->size());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_time_s->size(), playout_delay_ms->size());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_time_s->size(), target_delay_ms->size());
 void NetEqDelayAnalyzer::CreateMatlabScript(
     const std::string& script_name) const {
-  std::vector<float> send_time_s;
-  std::vector<float> arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<float> corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> playout_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> target_delay_ms;
-  CreateGraphs(&send_time_s, &arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
+  Delays arrival_delay_ms;
+  Delays corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
+  Delays playout_delay_ms;
+  Delays target_delay_ms;
+  CreateGraphs(&arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
                &playout_delay_ms, &target_delay_ms);
+  // Maybe better to find the actually smallest timestamp, to surely avoid
+  // x-axis starting from negative.
+  const int64_t ref_time_ms = arrival_delay_ms.front().first;
   // Create an output file stream to Matlab script file.
   std::ofstream output(script_name);
-  // The iterator is used to batch-output comma-separated values from vectors.
-  std::ostream_iterator<float> output_iterator(output, ",");
-  output << "send_time_s = [ ";
-  std::copy(send_time_s.begin(), send_time_s.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "];" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(corrected_arrival_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kArrivalDelayX,
+              kArrivalDelayY, output, ";");
-  output << "arrival_delay_ms = [ ";
-  std::copy(arrival_delay_ms.begin(), arrival_delay_ms.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "];" << std::endl;
+  // PrintDelays(corrected_arrival_delay_x, kCorrectedArrivalDelayX,
+  // kCorrectedArrivalDelayY, output);
-  output << "corrected_arrival_delay_ms = [ ";
-  std::copy(corrected_arrival_delay_ms.begin(),
-            corrected_arrival_delay_ms.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "];" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(playout_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kPlayoutDelayX, kPlayoutDelayY,
+              output, ";");
-  output << "playout_delay_ms = [ ";
-  for (const auto& v : playout_delay_ms) {
-    if (!v) {
-      output << "nan, ";
-    } else {
-      output << *v << ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  output << "];" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(target_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kTargetDelayX, kTargetDelayY,
+              output, ";");
-  output << "target_delay_ms = [ ";
-  for (const auto& v : target_delay_ms) {
-    if (!v) {
-      output << "nan, ";
-    } else {
-      output << *v << ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  output << "];" << std::endl;
-  output << "h=plot(send_time_s, arrival_delay_ms, "
-         << "send_time_s, target_delay_ms, 'g.', "
-         << "send_time_s, playout_delay_ms);" << std::endl;
+  output << "h=plot(" << kArrivalDelayX << ", " << kArrivalDelayY << ", "
+         << kTargetDelayX << ", " << kTargetDelayY << ", 'g.', "
+         << kPlayoutDelayX << ", " << kPlayoutDelayY << ");" << std::endl;
   output << "set(h(1),'color',0.75*[1 1 1]);" << std::endl;
   output << "set(h(2),'markersize',6);" << std::endl;
   output << "set(h(3),'linew',1.5);" << std::endl;
@@ -235,7 +225,7 @@
   output << "axis tight" << std::endl;
   output << "ax2=axis;" << std::endl;
   output << "axis([ax2(1:3) ax1(4)])" << std::endl;
-  output << "xlabel('send time [s]');" << std::endl;
+  output << "xlabel('time [s]');" << std::endl;
   output << "ylabel('relative delay [ms]');" << std::endl;
   if (!ssrcs_.empty()) {
     auto ssrc_it = ssrcs_.cbegin();
@@ -255,65 +245,45 @@
 void NetEqDelayAnalyzer::CreatePythonScript(
     const std::string& script_name) const {
-  std::vector<float> send_time_s;
-  std::vector<float> arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<float> corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> playout_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> target_delay_ms;
-  CreateGraphs(&send_time_s, &arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
+  Delays arrival_delay_ms;
+  Delays corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
+  Delays playout_delay_ms;
+  Delays target_delay_ms;
+  CreateGraphs(&arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
                &playout_delay_ms, &target_delay_ms);
+  // Maybe better to find the actually smallest timestamp, to surely avoid
+  // x-axis starting from negative.
+  const int64_t ref_time_ms = arrival_delay_ms.front().first;
   // Create an output file stream to the python script file.
   std::ofstream output(script_name);
-  // The iterator is used to batch-output comma-separated values from vectors.
-  std::ostream_iterator<float> output_iterator(output, ",");
   // Necessary includes
   output << "import numpy as np" << std::endl;
   output << "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt" << std::endl;
-  output << "send_time_s = [";
-  std::copy(send_time_s.begin(), send_time_s.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "]" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(corrected_arrival_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kArrivalDelayX,
+              kArrivalDelayY, output);
-  output << "arrival_delay_ms = [";
-  std::copy(arrival_delay_ms.begin(), arrival_delay_ms.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "]" << std::endl;
+  // PrintDelays(corrected_arrival_delay_x, kCorrectedArrivalDelayX,
+  // kCorrectedArrivalDelayY, output);
-  output << "corrected_arrival_delay_ms = [";
-  std::copy(corrected_arrival_delay_ms.begin(),
-            corrected_arrival_delay_ms.end(), output_iterator);
-  output << "]" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(playout_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kPlayoutDelayX, kPlayoutDelayY,
+              output);
-  output << "playout_delay_ms = [";
-  for (const auto& v : playout_delay_ms) {
-    if (!v) {
-      output << "float('nan'), ";
-    } else {
-      output << *v << ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  output << "]" << std::endl;
-  output << "target_delay_ms = [";
-  for (const auto& v : target_delay_ms) {
-    if (!v) {
-      output << "float('nan'), ";
-    } else {
-      output << *v << ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  output << "]" << std::endl;
+  PrintDelays(target_delay_ms, ref_time_ms, kTargetDelayX, kTargetDelayY,
+              output);
   output << "if __name__ == '__main__':" << std::endl;
-  output << "  h=plt.plot(send_time_s, arrival_delay_ms, "
-         << "send_time_s, target_delay_ms, 'g.', "
-         << "send_time_s, playout_delay_ms)" << std::endl;
+  output << "  h=plt.plot(" << kArrivalDelayX << ", " << kArrivalDelayY << ", "
+         << kTargetDelayX << ", " << kTargetDelayY << ", 'g.', "
+         << kPlayoutDelayX << ", " << kPlayoutDelayY << ")" << std::endl;
   output << "  plt.setp(h[0],'color',[.75, .75, .75])" << std::endl;
   output << "  plt.setp(h[1],'markersize',6)" << std::endl;
   output << "  plt.setp(h[2],'linewidth',1.5)" << std::endl;
   output << "  plt.axis('tight')" << std::endl;
-  output << "  plt.xlabel('send time [s]')" << std::endl;
+  output << "  plt.xlabel('time [s]')" << std::endl;
   output << "  plt.ylabel('relative delay [ms]')" << std::endl;
   if (!ssrcs_.empty()) {
     auto ssrc_it = ssrcs_.cbegin();
diff --git a/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_delay_analyzer.h b/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_delay_analyzer.h
index b74ff77..5099e03 100644
--- a/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_delay_analyzer.h
+++ b/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_delay_analyzer.h
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
                      bool muted,
                      NetEq* neteq) override;
-  void CreateGraphs(std::vector<float>* send_times_s,
-                    std::vector<float>* arrival_delay_ms,
-                    std::vector<float>* corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
-                    std::vector<absl::optional<float>>* playout_delay_ms,
-                    std::vector<absl::optional<float>>* target_delay_ms) const;
+  using Delays = std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, float>>;
+  void CreateGraphs(Delays* arrival_delay_ms,
+                    Delays* corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
+                    Delays* playout_delay_ms,
+                    Delays* target_delay_ms) const;
   // Creates a matlab script with file name script_name. When executed in
   // Matlab, the script will generate graphs with the same timing information
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
   struct TimingData {
-    explicit TimingData(double at) : arrival_time_ms(at) {}
-    double arrival_time_ms;
+    explicit TimingData(int64_t at) : arrival_time_ms(at) {}
+    int64_t arrival_time_ms;
     absl::optional<int64_t> decode_get_audio_count;
     absl::optional<int64_t> sync_delay_ms;
     absl::optional<int> target_delay_ms;
diff --git a/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/ b/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
index f20d301..9e86eb0 100644
--- a/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
+++ b/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
@@ -1777,49 +1777,43 @@
 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAudioJitterBufferGraph(
     const NetEqStatsGetterMap& neteq_stats,
     Plot* plot) const {
-  if (neteq_stats.size() < 1)
-    return;
+  RTC_CHECK(!neteq_stats.empty());
   const uint32_t ssrc = neteq_stats.begin()->first;
-  std::vector<float> send_times_s;
-  std::vector<float> arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<float> corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> playout_delay_ms;
-  std::vector<absl::optional<float>> target_delay_ms;
+  test::NetEqDelayAnalyzer::Delays arrival_delay_ms;
+  test::NetEqDelayAnalyzer::Delays corrected_arrival_delay_ms;
+  test::NetEqDelayAnalyzer::Delays playout_delay_ms;
+  test::NetEqDelayAnalyzer::Delays target_delay_ms;
-      &send_times_s, &arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms,
-      &playout_delay_ms, &target_delay_ms);
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_times_s.size(), arrival_delay_ms.size());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_times_s.size(), corrected_arrival_delay_ms.size());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_times_s.size(), playout_delay_ms.size());
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(send_times_s.size(), target_delay_ms.size());
+      &arrival_delay_ms, &corrected_arrival_delay_ms, &playout_delay_ms,
+      &target_delay_ms);
   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series_packet_arrival;
   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series_relative_packet_arrival;
   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series_play_time;
   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series_target_time;
-  float min_y_axis = 0.f;
-  float max_y_axis = 0.f;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < send_times_s.size(); ++i) {
-    time_series_packet_arrival[ssrc].points.emplace_back(
-        TimeSeriesPoint(send_times_s[i], arrival_delay_ms[i]));
+  for (const auto& data : arrival_delay_ms) {
+    const float x = ToCallTimeSec(data.first * 1000);  // ms to us.
+    const float y = data.second;
+    time_series_packet_arrival[ssrc].points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
+  }
+  for (const auto& data : corrected_arrival_delay_ms) {
+    const float x = ToCallTimeSec(data.first * 1000);  // ms to us.
+    const float y = data.second;
-        TimeSeriesPoint(send_times_s[i], corrected_arrival_delay_ms[i]));
-    min_y_axis = std::min(min_y_axis, corrected_arrival_delay_ms[i]);
-    max_y_axis = std::max(max_y_axis, corrected_arrival_delay_ms[i]);
-    if (playout_delay_ms[i]) {
-      time_series_play_time[ssrc].points.emplace_back(
-          TimeSeriesPoint(send_times_s[i], *playout_delay_ms[i]));
-      min_y_axis = std::min(min_y_axis, *playout_delay_ms[i]);
-      max_y_axis = std::max(max_y_axis, *playout_delay_ms[i]);
-    }
-    if (target_delay_ms[i]) {
-      time_series_target_time[ssrc].points.emplace_back(
-          TimeSeriesPoint(send_times_s[i], *target_delay_ms[i]));
-      min_y_axis = std::min(min_y_axis, *target_delay_ms[i]);
-      max_y_axis = std::max(max_y_axis, *target_delay_ms[i]);
-    }
+        TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
+  }
+  for (const auto& data : playout_delay_ms) {
+    const float x = ToCallTimeSec(data.first * 1000);  // ms to us.
+    const float y = data.second;
+    time_series_play_time[ssrc].points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
+  }
+  for (const auto& data : target_delay_ms) {
+    const float x = ToCallTimeSec(data.first * 1000);  // ms to us.
+    const float y = data.second;
+    time_series_target_time[ssrc].points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
   // This code is adapted for a single stream. The creation of the streams above
@@ -1847,8 +1841,8 @@
   plot->SetXAxis(ToCallTimeSec(begin_time_), call_duration_s_, "Time (s)",
                  kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
-  plot->SetYAxis(min_y_axis, max_y_axis, "Relative delay (ms)", kBottomMargin,
-                 kTopMargin);
+  plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Relative delay (ms)", kBottomMargin,
+                          kTopMargin);
   plot->SetTitle("NetEq timing for " + GetStreamName(kIncomingPacket, ssrc));
@@ -1857,12 +1851,7 @@
     rtc::FunctionView<float(const NetEqNetworkStatistics&)> stats_extractor,
     const std::string& plot_name,
     Plot* plot) const {
-  if (neteq_stats.size() < 1)
-    return;
   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> time_series;
-  float min_y_axis = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-  float max_y_axis = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
   for (const auto& st : neteq_stats) {
     const uint32_t ssrc = st.first;
@@ -1872,8 +1861,6 @@
       const float time = ToCallTimeSec(stats[i].first * 1000);  // ms to us.
       const float value = stats_extractor(stats[i].second);
       time_series[ssrc].points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(time, value));
-      min_y_axis = std::min(min_y_axis, value);
-      max_y_axis = std::max(max_y_axis, value);
@@ -1885,7 +1872,7 @@
   plot->SetXAxis(ToCallTimeSec(begin_time_), call_duration_s_, "Time (s)",
                  kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
-  plot->SetYAxis(min_y_axis, max_y_axis, plot_name, kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
+  plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, plot_name, kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
diff --git a/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/ b/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
index c82295e..7d9d45e 100644
--- a/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
+++ b/rtc_tools/event_log_visualizer/
@@ -335,8 +335,12 @@
           "audio_processing/conversational_speech/EN_script2_F_sp2_B1", "wav");
     auto neteq_stats = analyzer.SimulateNetEq(wav_path, 48000);
-    analyzer.CreateAudioJitterBufferGraph(neteq_stats,
-                                          collection->AppendNewPlot());
+    if (!neteq_stats.empty()) {
+      analyzer.CreateAudioJitterBufferGraph(neteq_stats,
+                                            collection->AppendNewPlot());
+    }
         [](const webrtc::NetEqNetworkStatistics& stats) {