blob: 4ff711883f76c443736f543fa6a01c20874f5c8b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/rnn_vad/spectral_features_internal.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <complex>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/rnn_vad/test_utils.h"
// TODO( Add when the issue is fixed.
// #include "test/fpe_observer.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace rnn_vad {
namespace test {
namespace {
// Generates the values for the array named |kOpusBandWeights24kHz20ms| in the
// anonymous namespace of the .cc file, which is the array of FFT coefficient
// weights for the Opus scale triangular filters.
std::vector<float> ComputeTriangularFiltersWeights() {
constexpr auto kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms = GetOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms();
const auto& v = kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms; // Alias.
const size_t num_weights = std::accumulate(
kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms.begin(), kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms.end(), 0);
std::vector<float> weights(num_weights);
size_t next_fft_coeff_index = 0;
for (size_t band = 0; band < v.size(); ++band) {
const size_t band_size = v[band];
for (size_t j = 0; j < band_size; ++j) {
weights[next_fft_coeff_index + j] = static_cast<float>(j) / band_size;
next_fft_coeff_index += band_size;
return weights;
} // namespace
// Checks that the values returned by GetOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms() match the
// Opus scale frequency boundaries.
TEST(RnnVadTest, TestOpusScaleBoundaries) {
constexpr int kBandFrequencyBoundariesHz[kNumBands - 1] = {
200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800,
3200, 4000, 4800, 5600, 6800, 8000, 9600, 12000, 15600, 20000};
constexpr auto kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms = GetOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms();
int prev = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms.size(); ++i) {
int boundary =
kBandFrequencyBoundariesHz[i] * kFrameSize20ms24kHz / kSampleRate24kHz;
EXPECT_EQ(kOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms[i], boundary - prev);
prev = boundary;
// Checks that the computed triangular filters weights for the Opus scale are
// monotonic withing each Opus band. This test should only be enabled when
// ComputeTriangularFiltersWeights() is changed and |kOpusBandWeights24kHz20ms|
// is updated accordingly.
TEST(RnnVadTest, DISABLED_TestOpusScaleWeights) {
auto weights = ComputeTriangularFiltersWeights();
size_t i = 0;
for (size_t band_size : GetOpusScaleNumBins24kHz20ms()) {
rtc::ArrayView<float> band_weights( + i, band_size);
float prev = -1.f;
for (float weight : band_weights) {
EXPECT_LT(prev, weight);
prev = weight;
i += band_size;
TEST(RnnVadTest, SpectralCorrelatorValidOutput) {
SpectralCorrelator e;
std::array<std::complex<float>, kFftSizeBy2Plus1> in;
std::array<float, kOpusBands24kHz> out;
in.fill({1.f, 1.f});
e.ComputeAutoCorrelation(in, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kOpusBands24kHz; ++i) {
EXPECT_GT(out[i], 0.f);
TEST(RnnVadTest, ComputeSmoothedLogMagnitudeSpectrumWithinTolerance) {
constexpr std::array<float, kNumBands> input = {
{86.060539245605f, 275.668334960938f, 43.406528472900f, 6.541896820068f,
17.964015960693f, 8.090919494629f, 1.261920094490f, 1.212702631950f,
1.619154453278f, 0.508935272694f, 0.346316039562f, 0.237035423517f,
0.172424271703f, 0.271657168865f, 0.126088857651f, 0.139967113733f,
0.207200810313f, 0.155893072486f, 0.091090843081f, 0.033391401172f,
0.013879744336f, 0.011973354965f}};
constexpr std::array<float, kNumBands> expected_output = {
{1.934854507446f, 2.440402746201f, 1.637655138969f, 0.816367030144f,
1.254645109177f, 0.908534288406f, 0.104459829628f, 0.087320849299f,
0.211962252855f, -0.284886807203f, -0.448164641857f, -0.607240796089f,
-0.738917350769f, -0.550279200077f, -0.866177439690f, -0.824003994465f,
-0.663138568401f, -0.780171751976f, -0.995288193226f, -1.362596273422f,
-1.621970295906f, -1.658103585243f}};
std::array<float, kNumBands> computed_output;
// TODO( Add when the issue is fixed.
// FloatingPointExceptionObserver fpe_observer;
ComputeSmoothedLogMagnitudeSpectrum(input, computed_output);
ExpectNearAbsolute(expected_output, computed_output, 1e-5f);
TEST(RnnVadTest, ComputeDctBitExactness) {
constexpr std::array<float, kNumBands> input = {
{0.232155621052f, 0.678957760334f, 0.220818966627f, -0.077363930643f,
-0.559227049351f, 0.432545185089f, 0.353900641203f, 0.398993015289f,
0.409774333239f, 0.454977899790f, 0.300520688295f, -0.010286616161f,
0.272525429726f, 0.098067551851f, 0.083649002016f, 0.046226885170f,
-0.033228103071f, 0.144773483276f, -0.117661058903f, -0.005628800020f,
-0.009547689930f, -0.045382082462f}};
constexpr std::array<float, kNumBands> expected_output = {
{0.697072803974f, 0.442710995674f, -0.293156713247f, -0.060711503029f,
0.292050391436f, 0.489301353693f, 0.402255415916f, 0.134404733777f,
-0.086305990815f, -0.199605688453f, -0.234511867166f, -0.413774639368f,
-0.388507157564f, -0.032798115164f, 0.044605545700f, 0.112466648221f,
-0.050096966326f, 0.045971218497f, -0.029815061018f, -0.410366982222f,
-0.209233760834f, -0.128037497401f}};
auto dct_table = ComputeDctTable();
std::array<float, kNumBands> computed_output;
// TODO( Add when the issue is fixed.
// FloatingPointExceptionObserver fpe_observer;
ComputeDct(input, dct_table, computed_output);
ExpectNearAbsolute(expected_output, computed_output, 1e-5f);
} // namespace test
} // namespace rnn_vad
} // namespace webrtc