blob: 6c5ac51fe7c70801a2e88e7298c534b691ae2b04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "test/frame_generator.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "api/video/i010_buffer.h"
#include "api/video/i420_buffer.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame_buffer.h"
#include "api/video/video_rotation.h"
#include "common_video/include/video_frame_buffer.h"
#include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
#include "rtc_base/bind.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/keep_ref_until_done.h"
#include "rtc_base/random.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "test/frame_utils.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
namespace {
// Helper method for keeping a reference to passed pointers.
void KeepBufferRefs(rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer>,
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer>) {}
// SquareGenerator is a FrameGenerator that draws a given amount of randomly
// sized and colored squares. Between each new generated frame, the squares
// are moved slightly towards the lower right corner.
class SquareGenerator : public FrameGenerator {
SquareGenerator(int width, int height, OutputType type, int num_squares)
: type_(type) {
ChangeResolution(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < num_squares; ++i) {
squares_.emplace_back(new Square(width, height, i + 1));
void ChangeResolution(size_t width, size_t height) override {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
width_ = static_cast<int>(width);
height_ = static_cast<int>(height);
RTC_CHECK(width_ > 0);
RTC_CHECK(height_ > 0);
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> CreateI420Buffer(int width, int height) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> buffer(I420Buffer::Create(width, height));
memset(buffer->MutableDataY(), 127, height * buffer->StrideY());
memset(buffer->MutableDataU(), 127,
buffer->ChromaHeight() * buffer->StrideU());
memset(buffer->MutableDataV(), 127,
buffer->ChromaHeight() * buffer->StrideV());
return buffer;
VideoFrameData NextFrame() override {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer> buffer = nullptr;
switch (type_) {
case OutputType::kI420:
case OutputType::kI010: {
buffer = CreateI420Buffer(width_, height_);
case OutputType::kI420A: {
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> yuv_buffer =
CreateI420Buffer(width_, height_);
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> axx_buffer =
CreateI420Buffer(width_, height_);
buffer = WrapI420ABuffer(
yuv_buffer->width(), yuv_buffer->height(), yuv_buffer->DataY(),
yuv_buffer->StrideY(), yuv_buffer->DataU(), yuv_buffer->StrideU(),
yuv_buffer->DataV(), yuv_buffer->StrideV(), axx_buffer->DataY(),
rtc::Bind(&KeepBufferRefs, yuv_buffer, axx_buffer));
RTC_NOTREACHED() << "The given output format is not supported.";
for (const auto& square : squares_)
if (type_ == OutputType::kI010) {
buffer = I010Buffer::Copy(*buffer->ToI420());
return VideoFrameData(buffer, absl::nullopt);
class Square {
Square(int width, int height, int seed)
: random_generator_(seed),
x_(random_generator_.Rand(0, width)),
y_(random_generator_.Rand(0, height)),
length_(random_generator_.Rand(1, width > 4 ? width / 4 : 1)),
yuv_y_(random_generator_.Rand(0, 255)),
yuv_u_(random_generator_.Rand(0, 255)),
yuv_v_(random_generator_.Rand(0, 255)),
yuv_a_(random_generator_.Rand(0, 255)) {}
void Draw(const rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer>& frame_buffer) {
RTC_DCHECK(frame_buffer->type() == VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI420 ||
frame_buffer->type() == VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI420A);
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> buffer = frame_buffer->ToI420();
x_ = (x_ + random_generator_.Rand(0, 4)) % (buffer->width() - length_);
y_ = (y_ + random_generator_.Rand(0, 4)) % (buffer->height() - length_);
for (int y = y_; y < y_ + length_; ++y) {
uint8_t* pos_y = (const_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer->DataY()) + x_ +
y * buffer->StrideY());
memset(pos_y, yuv_y_, length_);
for (int y = y_; y < y_ + length_; y = y + 2) {
uint8_t* pos_u = (const_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer->DataU()) + x_ / 2 +
y / 2 * buffer->StrideU());
memset(pos_u, yuv_u_, length_ / 2);
uint8_t* pos_v = (const_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer->DataV()) + x_ / 2 +
y / 2 * buffer->StrideV());
memset(pos_v, yuv_v_, length_ / 2);
if (frame_buffer->type() == VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI420)
// Optionally draw on alpha plane if given.
const webrtc::I420ABufferInterface* yuva_buffer =
for (int y = y_; y < y_ + length_; ++y) {
uint8_t* pos_y = (const_cast<uint8_t*>(yuva_buffer->DataA()) + x_ +
y * yuva_buffer->StrideA());
memset(pos_y, yuv_a_, length_);
Random random_generator_;
int x_;
int y_;
const int length_;
const uint8_t yuv_y_;
const uint8_t yuv_u_;
const uint8_t yuv_v_;
const uint8_t yuv_a_;
rtc::CriticalSection crit_;
const OutputType type_;
int width_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&crit_);
int height_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&crit_);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Square>> squares_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&crit_);
class YuvFileGenerator : public FrameGenerator {
YuvFileGenerator(std::vector<FILE*> files,
size_t width,
size_t height,
int frame_repeat_count)
: file_index_(0),
frame_buffer_(new uint8_t[frame_size_]),
current_display_count_(0) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(width, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(height, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(frame_repeat_count, 0);
~YuvFileGenerator() override {
for (FILE* file : files_)
VideoFrameData NextFrame() override {
// Empty update by default.
VideoFrame::UpdateRect update_rect{0, 0, 0, 0};
if (current_display_count_ == 0) {
const bool got_new_frame = ReadNextFrame();
// Full update on a new frame from file.
if (got_new_frame) {
update_rect = VideoFrame::UpdateRect{0, 0, static_cast<int>(width_),
if (++current_display_count_ >= frame_display_count_)
current_display_count_ = 0;
return VideoFrameData(last_read_buffer_, update_rect);
// Returns true if the new frame was loaded.
// False only in case of a single file with a single frame in it.
bool ReadNextFrame() {
size_t prev_frame_index = frame_index_;
size_t prev_file_index = file_index_;
last_read_buffer_ =
static_cast<int>(height_), files_[file_index_]);
if (!last_read_buffer_) {
// No more frames to read in this file, rewind and move to next file.
frame_index_ = 0;
file_index_ = (file_index_ + 1) % files_.size();
last_read_buffer_ =
static_cast<int>(height_), files_[file_index_]);
return frame_index_ != prev_frame_index || file_index_ != prev_file_index;
size_t file_index_;
size_t frame_index_;
const std::vector<FILE*> files_;
const size_t width_;
const size_t height_;
const size_t frame_size_;
const std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> frame_buffer_;
const int frame_display_count_;
int current_display_count_;
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> last_read_buffer_;
// SlideGenerator works similarly to YuvFileGenerator but it fills the frames
// with randomly sized and colored squares instead of reading their content
// from files.
class SlideGenerator : public FrameGenerator {
SlideGenerator(int width, int height, int frame_repeat_count)
: width_(width),
random_generator_(1234) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(width, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(height, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(frame_repeat_count, 0);
VideoFrameData NextFrame() override {
if (current_display_count_ == 0)
if (++current_display_count_ >= frame_display_count_)
current_display_count_ = 0;
return VideoFrameData(buffer_, absl::nullopt);
// Generates some randomly sized and colored squares scattered
// over the frame.
void GenerateNewFrame() {
// The squares should have a varying order of magnitude in order
// to simulate variation in the slides' complexity.
const int kSquareNum = 1 << (4 + (random_generator_.Rand(0, 3) * 2));
buffer_ = I420Buffer::Create(width_, height_);
memset(buffer_->MutableDataY(), 127, height_ * buffer_->StrideY());
memset(buffer_->MutableDataU(), 127,
buffer_->ChromaHeight() * buffer_->StrideU());
memset(buffer_->MutableDataV(), 127,
buffer_->ChromaHeight() * buffer_->StrideV());
for (int i = 0; i < kSquareNum; ++i) {
int length = random_generator_.Rand(1, width_ > 4 ? width_ / 4 : 1);
// Limit the length of later squares so that they don't overwrite the
// previous ones too much.
length = (length * (kSquareNum - i)) / kSquareNum;
int x = random_generator_.Rand(0, width_ - length);
int y = random_generator_.Rand(0, height_ - length);
uint8_t yuv_y = random_generator_.Rand(0, 255);
uint8_t yuv_u = random_generator_.Rand(0, 255);
uint8_t yuv_v = random_generator_.Rand(0, 255);
for (int yy = y; yy < y + length; ++yy) {
uint8_t* pos_y =
(buffer_->MutableDataY() + x + yy * buffer_->StrideY());
memset(pos_y, yuv_y, length);
for (int yy = y; yy < y + length; yy += 2) {
uint8_t* pos_u =
(buffer_->MutableDataU() + x / 2 + yy / 2 * buffer_->StrideU());
memset(pos_u, yuv_u, length / 2);
uint8_t* pos_v =
(buffer_->MutableDataV() + x / 2 + yy / 2 * buffer_->StrideV());
memset(pos_v, yuv_v, length / 2);
const int width_;
const int height_;
const int frame_display_count_;
int current_display_count_;
Random random_generator_;
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420Buffer> buffer_;
class ScrollingImageFrameGenerator : public FrameGenerator {
ScrollingImageFrameGenerator(Clock* clock,
const std::vector<FILE*>& files,
size_t source_width,
size_t source_height,
size_t target_width,
size_t target_height,
int64_t scroll_time_ms,
int64_t pause_time_ms)
: clock_(clock),
current_frame_num_(num_frames_ - 1),
current_source_frame_(nullptr, absl::nullopt),
current_frame_(nullptr, absl::nullopt),
file_generator_(files, source_width, source_height, 1) {
RTC_DCHECK(clock_ != nullptr);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_frames_, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(source_height, target_height);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(source_width, target_width);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(scroll_time_ms, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(pause_time_ms, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(scroll_time_ms + pause_time_ms, 0);
~ScrollingImageFrameGenerator() override {}
VideoFrameData NextFrame() override {
const int64_t kFrameDisplayTime = scroll_time_ + pause_time_;
const int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
int64_t ms_since_start = now - start_time_;
size_t frame_num = (ms_since_start / kFrameDisplayTime) % num_frames_;
bool cur_frame_not_scrolled;
double scroll_factor;
int64_t time_into_frame = ms_since_start % kFrameDisplayTime;
if (time_into_frame < scroll_time_) {
scroll_factor = static_cast<double>(time_into_frame) / scroll_time_;
cur_frame_not_scrolled = false;
} else {
scroll_factor = 1.0;
cur_frame_not_scrolled = true;
bool same_scroll_position =
prev_frame_not_scrolled_ && cur_frame_not_scrolled;
if (!same_scroll_position) {
// If scrolling is not finished yet, force full frame update.
current_frame_.update_rect =
VideoFrame::UpdateRect{0, 0, target_width_, target_height_};
prev_frame_not_scrolled_ = cur_frame_not_scrolled;
return current_frame_;
void UpdateSourceFrame(size_t frame_num) {
VideoFrame::UpdateRect acc_update{0, 0, 0, 0};
while (current_frame_num_ != frame_num) {
current_source_frame_ = file_generator_.NextFrame();
if (current_source_frame_.update_rect) {
current_frame_num_ = (current_frame_num_ + 1) % num_frames_;
current_source_frame_.update_rect = acc_update;
void CropSourceToScrolledImage(double scroll_factor) {
int scroll_margin_x = current_source_frame_.buffer->width() - target_width_;
int pixels_scrolled_x =
static_cast<int>(scroll_margin_x * scroll_factor + 0.5);
int scroll_margin_y =
current_source_frame_.buffer->height() - target_height_;
int pixels_scrolled_y =
static_cast<int>(scroll_margin_y * scroll_factor + 0.5);
rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> i420_buffer =
int offset_y =
(i420_buffer->StrideY() * pixels_scrolled_y) + pixels_scrolled_x;
int offset_u = (i420_buffer->StrideU() * (pixels_scrolled_y / 2)) +
(pixels_scrolled_x / 2);
int offset_v = (i420_buffer->StrideV() * (pixels_scrolled_y / 2)) +
(pixels_scrolled_x / 2);
VideoFrame::UpdateRect update_rect =
? VideoFrame::UpdateRect{0, 0, 0, 0}
: VideoFrame::UpdateRect{0, 0, target_width_, target_height_};
current_frame_ = VideoFrameData(
WrapI420Buffer(target_width_, target_height_,
&i420_buffer->DataY()[offset_y], i420_buffer->StrideY(),
&i420_buffer->DataU()[offset_u], i420_buffer->StrideU(),
&i420_buffer->DataV()[offset_v], i420_buffer->StrideV(),
Clock* const clock_;
const int64_t start_time_;
const int64_t scroll_time_;
const int64_t pause_time_;
const size_t num_frames_;
const int target_width_;
const int target_height_;
size_t current_frame_num_;
bool prev_frame_not_scrolled_;
VideoFrameData current_source_frame_;
VideoFrameData current_frame_;
YuvFileGenerator file_generator_;
} // namespace
FrameForwarder::FrameForwarder() : sink_(nullptr) {}
FrameForwarder::~FrameForwarder() {}
void FrameForwarder::IncomingCapturedFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
if (sink_)
void FrameForwarder::AddOrUpdateSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink,
const rtc::VideoSinkWants& wants) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
RTC_DCHECK(!sink_ || sink_ == sink);
sink_ = sink;
sink_wants_ = wants;
void FrameForwarder::RemoveSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(sink, sink_);
sink_ = nullptr;
rtc::VideoSinkWants FrameForwarder::sink_wants() const {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
return sink_wants_;
bool FrameForwarder::has_sinks() const {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
return sink_ != nullptr;
void FrameGenerator::ChangeResolution(size_t width, size_t height) {
std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator> FrameGenerator::CreateSquareGenerator(
int width,
int height,
absl::optional<OutputType> type,
absl::optional<int> num_squares) {
return std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator>(
new SquareGenerator(width, height, type.value_or(OutputType::kI420),
std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator> FrameGenerator::CreateSlideGenerator(
int width,
int height,
int frame_repeat_count) {
return std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator>(
new SlideGenerator(width, height, frame_repeat_count));
std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator> FrameGenerator::CreateFromYuvFile(
std::vector<std::string> filenames,
size_t width,
size_t height,
int frame_repeat_count) {
std::vector<FILE*> files;
for (const std::string& filename : filenames) {
FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
RTC_DCHECK(file != nullptr) << "Failed to open: '" << filename << "'\n";
return std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator>(
new YuvFileGenerator(files, width, height, frame_repeat_count));
Clock* clock,
std::vector<std::string> filenames,
size_t source_width,
size_t source_height,
size_t target_width,
size_t target_height,
int64_t scroll_time_ms,
int64_t pause_time_ms) {
std::vector<FILE*> files;
for (const std::string& filename : filenames) {
FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
RTC_DCHECK(file != nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<FrameGenerator>(new ScrollingImageFrameGenerator(
clock, files, source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height,
scroll_time_ms, pause_time_ms));
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc